How to make letters big. Word make capital letters

As with any other program, text editor Word can easily make mistakes during your workflow. I think I won’t be wrong if I say that the most common mistake users make is that they forget to turn on or, conversely, turn off the magic button.

For example, it happens that you are typing text, and then it turns out that it should be done exclusively in capital letters. Don't retype everything again! Of course not, the thoughtful developers made sure that you can perform this action in a matter of minutes! So, let's talk about how to make capital letters in Word.

Method one

Getting to know Word capabilities, you probably noticed that almost all actions in it can be performed in several ways. And this is very convenient, because all people are different, and what one is used to doing in his own way may not suit another at all. You can also make all the letters of the text capital in several ways, which I will introduce you to.

Let's start with the first method, in my opinion, the simplest and most accessible:

  1. On your keyboard, hold down the key combination Ctrl+A, then .
  2. After that, press Shift+F3, and all the words that were highlighted will become large. Very simple, isn't it?

Method two

If you are not looking for easy ways, I suggest using another method, the essence of which is this: select all the text with the combination Ctrl + A. Now right-click on any selected area, and select the “Font” line from the drop-down menu. Next, a window will open, and in the “Modification” block you need to check the box next to the “All capitals” item. After you click "OK", all small letters will turn into large letters. In the same window you can.

By the way, if you don't have the text yet, but want to type it using only capital letters, just turn on the button before starting the process. Once you've printed the material you want, press it again to turn it off.

Method three

And finally, another simple way that will help you make letters in Word large. Again, highlight the text in your document as suggested above. Now open the "Home" tab, "Font" category. On the bottom right side there is a small button labeled "Aa". After clicking on it, a small menu will appear; select “All capitals” from the listed items. Now, as ordered, all your text is written in capital letters.

With Word and Publisher, you can print poster letters and resize them from 1 to 1638.
For beginners, the difficulty is that it is not clear how to make the letters larger if the standard sizes are limited to font size 72.
This article discusses the issue of increasing standard size font, as well as the question of how to create a WordArt title.

How to print capital letters

1. Set the scale smaller because we need to see the sheets and the letters on them in order to edit the inscription.
1.1. In Word 2010, in the status bar we find the scale tool.
Use the slider or click the minus button to reduce the sheet size.

tool - scale

(Picture 1)

1.2. In Word 2003, the scale can be set in two ways - by selecting the desired one in the toolbar.

(Figure 2)

The second way is to click "View" / "Scale"

(Figure 3)

(Figure 4)
After we have chosen the scale, we can see several sheets at once and how the inscription will look.

2. Change the size of the letters.

If you don't know how to increase the letter size (more than 72pt), then it's quite simple.
We erase what is written in the “Font Size” window:
— place the cursor inside the “Font Size” window;
— delete the number indicating the old size using the backspace or delete key;
— print the new font size, remembering that the upper limit is the number 1938 and if you type 1939, the program will report an error.
2.1. In word 2010, go to the “Home” tab, erase the old font size and type 72, and then press Enter.

(Figure 5)

2.2. In word 3003 you also need to erase the font.

(Figure 6)

Here's what I got.

(Figure 7)

Working with WordArt

This feature is not available in Word 2010, but is present in Publisher, where the inscription can be printed and copied into Word.

3. To make WordArt text, turn on the drawing panel in Word 2003; to do this, click “View” / “Toolbar” / “Drawing”. Now click on the letter A in the WordArt panel and select a font for the ad text.

(Figure 8)

And now you can write the text in full or in parts...

(Figure 9)

4. After we have received part of the text, we need to move it, move it, but it won’t work that easily - we will have to change the settings of the WordArt object. To do this, select the text, right-click on the selected object and select “Format WordArt Object” in the window that appears.

(Figure 10)

5. Then in the window that appears, we must go to the “Position” tab and select “By contour”, now we can freely move and enlarge our object.

Go to the Position tab and select Along contour

(Figure 11)


If you are going to print an inscription for a poster in Word, then this can be done using regular text enlarged in size and WordArt text.
And not always new program has better opportunities And outdated program word can print exactly the same, you just need to know the location of the tools.
Good luck with your poster.

Do you know when you're typing in a document and then look at the screen and realize you forgot to turn off CapsLock? All letters in the text are capitalized (large), they have to be deleted and then retyped.

We have already written about how to solve this problem. However, sometimes there is a need to perform a radically opposite action in Word - make all the letters capital. This is exactly what we will talk about below.

1. Select the text that should be printed in capital letters.

2. In a group "Font" located in the tab "Home", press the button "Register".

3. Select required type register. In our case, this is “ALL CAPITAL”.

4. All letters in the selected text fragment will change to capital letters.

You can also make capital letters in Word using hotkeys.

1. Select the text or fragment of text that should be written in capital letters.

2. Press twice “SHIFT+F3”.

3. All small letters will become capital letters.

This is how easy it is to do it in Word capital letters from the small ones. We wish you success in further exploring the functions and capabilities of this program.

Modern computers have become for us indispensable assistants in almost any activity. With the help of them we can spend our leisure time, make purchases, and most importantly, do work with documents.

Indispensable assistants in working with text

Depending on the type of activity, you can choose a specific software package. If you use Windows, Office applications immediately come to mind: Word, Excel, PowerPoint and others. It doesn't take a genius to master the basics of using these little programs. The developers tried to arrange all the tools as rationally and structuredly as possible.

For example, Word is one of the most popular. It is most often used for office work, but it is also perfect for home use. The editor is good because it is suitable for both professional activity, and for sketches of the most simple documents. It is used everywhere by schoolchildren, students, journalists, copywriters, and bloggers. Thanks to its simplicity and clear interface, the editor is even used for quick sketches at home, for example, making a shopping list or writing down recipes.

At the same time, the capabilities of Word allow you to create complex graphics and diagrams, edit images and font styles, and much more. Today we will take a closer look at this editor and learn about small tricks in its use, for example, how to do everything in Word.

MS Word

The first version of Word was created back in 1983 by Richard Brody. Since then, more than one update has been released for this small program. The editor uses simple shapes table-matrix algorithm. Today the program is one of the most practical and used in the world. And this is far from an accident.

Advantages of Word

Word integrates perfectly with other formats. So, version 2007 allows you to save the file in PDF format. The editor facilitates fairly fast and pleasant formatting of documents. The functionality is configured so that you can instantly change the document design style, insert a picture or media file.

MS Word provides wide choose SmartArt objects, which are implemented in 3D format. Even a child can work with the editor, and if questions arise along the way, you can use the built-in assistant, which will explain step by step how to complete a particular task. You can also vary the file size and recover damaged documents. Automatic use built-in formulas and hyperlinks, table creation wizard, quick check spelling, preview before printing - all this and much more can be found in this text editor.

All these functions “lie on the surface,” but what happens if you “dig” deeper? For example, how to make capital letters Let's get acquainted with the little secrets of Word that will help make text editing much faster and easier.

How to make all letters capitalize in Word?

Many inexperienced users, having created text, do not know how to make certain adjustments to it. For example, how to make all letters capitalize in Word. So, they rewrite sentences again, wasting a lot of precious time. In order to solve this problem, there are several ways.

The first one is the CapsLook button on the keyboard. When you press it, you will immediately type in capital letters. This is very useful for designing headings or highlighting certain parts of text.

But it happens that you need to format the already entered text in the same way. How can I change letters to capital letters in Word if they are already typed? Not many people know that there are a number of hotkeys or their combinations for fast execution specific function in a text editor. Select the text you are going to change with your mouse. Then press Shift+F3. Ready! Now the letters have become capitalized. By the way, to select all the text, you can press Ctrl+A. There are other ways.

How to change letters to capital letters in Word using the mouse?

To do this, select the desired text, hover your mouse over it and click right button. You will see context menu, and in it - "Font". A small additional text editor will open. You need to pay attention to the “Modification” item. In the third column, select "All caps", click "OK", and the letters will become capitalized.

The third way to make text in capital letters in Word is as follows. You should be in the "Home" tab. It is installed by default when opening a new document. Select again the right piece text. In the "Font" panel (where text is bolded, italicized, underlined, etc.) you will see a small icon with two letters "Aa" and a small down arrow. Click on it and select "ALL CAPITAL", this will change the letters immediately.

Now you know how to make text in capital letters in Word. But what about other little tricks?

Besides this interesting function, like changing case, there are a number of secrets in our text editor. For example, using the combination Alt+7+6+9 you can add an accent. This is very convenient when writing literary text and legal documents. You can also put a password on the document to protect personal information. This manipulation is available in the "File" menu. You can undo using Ctrl+Z last action. If you need to select a large piece of text (for example, more than one page), you can place the cursor at the beginning point and hold down the Shift button, then simply move to the end of the passage.

Now you know how to make all letters capitalize in Word. Create and edit text quickly and easily!

Good day to all!

Quite often I see many people typing text and accidentally forgetting to turn it off Caps Lock, and all their letters are printed in capitals. As a result, they erase them and start printing again. It’s okay if the text was small (you’ll lose a couple of minutes of time - no big deal ☺), but if you typed it by mistake long text with the wrong letters?

In this article I want to show how you can quickly change the case of letters (all to capitals or vice versa) in a couple of mouse clicks (or 1-2 keystrokes). I think that such a seemingly trifle will come in handy more than once or twice in everyday work with text information...

Changing uppercase to lowercase / and vice versa

In MS Word

Probably the most common option (since many people work with text in Word). And so, as an example, I took the beginning of this article and typed it in capital letters (all letters are uppercase). To avoid retyping anything, I simply did the following:

Word document - change everything to lowercase letters


If you cannot find in the "Home" section this tool“Aa” (I have Word 2016, perhaps in Word 2007 and older - this is not the case) - then select the desired text and press the button combination Shift+F3.

Many people complain that This combination does not work on laptops. The fact is that on some laptops, the F3 button by default decreases/increases the volume or brightness of the screen, and for its direct purpose you need to press an additional button Fn.

Therefore, on laptops - try pressing Fn+Shift+F3.

In a text notepad

On some PCs/laptops, valid various reasons Word cannot be installed. And the MS Office package itself weighs more than 3 GB, which slow internet It takes quite a long time to load, while a small notepad program can handle such a task... It's about about Notepad++.


Free and very feature rich text notepad. Works in all Windows versions, supports Russian language. Allows you to open more than 100 different text formats! In addition, it highlights the syntax of most programming languages. For example, you can easily adjust the PHP code, edit HTML tags etc.

In addition, this notebook has a bunch of different necessary options: working with encodings (and Chinese characters into normal text, working with letter cases, searching and replacing certain characters in text, etc.).

And so, I omit installing and launching the program (they are standard and do not cause any difficulties). Next you need to open your text file(or simply copy the desired text) into the Notepad++ notepad. Then select the line you want (or even the entire text).

  • Ctrl+U - all selected text will be converted to lowercase letters;
  • Alt+U - all selected text will be written in capital letters;
  • Ctrl+Shift+U - all letters will be capitalized, etc.

In my example, I converted the selected text to lowercase. An illustrative screenshot is below. Fast, easy, convenient!

How to protect yourself from random dial wrong characters

BUT! The program also monitors the case, and if you accidentally type in capitals, it will easily correct it. In addition, on the fly the “lungs” are adjusted and the most common mistakes(missing letter somewhere, or 2 capital letters in a word, etc.). Overall, I highly recommend it!

Punto Switcher

Enough powerful utility For automatic change layouts (determines the layout itself depending on the text you type). Also, if you already have the text typed in the wrong layout, you can quickly change it with one click english letters Russian people...

A simple example. Let's say you were typing and typing, and you saw that you typed something completely wrong (in the wrong layout)... After installation Punto utilities Switcher, just select the text and press the Shift+Pause buttons - the text will instantly become Russian (see indicative screenshots below).

In general, you quickly get used to the utility, and then you have no idea how to type text without its help ☺. It helps a lot in working with texts (saving time on your face).

That's all I wanted to say on this topic.

For additions - a separate merci!