How to calculate percentages in a word table. How to calculate the amount in Word? How to recalculate calculation results

Hello, friends! After reading today's Cheat Sheet, you will be convinced that calculations in WORD tables are a fairly simple matter. We will learn how to perform all arithmetic operations with digital data from Word tables, find the average, and calculate percentages. We won’t deal with higher mathematics (I promise): and we’ll send those who need integrals, derivatives, or (forgive me, lords) extrema of functions straight to Excel.

But before we proceed directly to the calculations, let's remember how it is customary to set cell addresses in tables. In Fig. Figure 1 shows a table with numbered rows and labeled columns.

(pictures are clickable)

To make it clear, I quote the addresses of the numbers in it:

  • A5 - 12;
  • B2 - 34;
  • C3 - 47;
  • D6 - 61.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to put letter designations for columns or number rows directly in the table itself: such addressing is implied by default. Now you can proceed directly to the calculations. And we will start with the most common case.

How to add numbers of a column or row in a Word table

We perform all mathematical operations with numbers in Word tables from the panel "Working with tables", which opens by left-clicking in the table field or on the movement marker (cross in the upper left). Next, go to the tab "Layout", chapter "Data", button "formula"(see Fig. 2).

In order to add the numbers of one line, you need to place the cursor in its last cell intended for the sum and click in the drop-down dialog box "Formula" by button "OK". So it's simple? In this case, yes. The fact is that by default the text editor offers to calculate exactly the sum, and the location of the cursor in the last cell will explain to the smart program that all the numbers in this line need to be added (Fig. 3).

Of course, if you need to add not all the numbers in a row, but only from several columns, then this problem can be solved. Then simply place the cursor in the column after the numbers to be summed. Please, friends, pay attention to the entry in the top line of the window "Formula": = SUM(LEFT)- this inscription just means: the sum of the numbers to the left of the cursor. In the same way, the program can calculate for us the sum of the numbers to the right of the cursor - = SUM(RIGHT).

I would like to draw your attention, dear readers, that despite his fairly developed intellect, Word does not tolerate emptiness, that is, he perceives an unfilled cell as an error. This means that all empty cells will need to be filled with zeros.

In a similar way, you can sum the numbers in a row by placing the cursor in its lower cell. In this case, the entry in the line "formula" the window of the same name will look like this: = SUM(ABOVE)(see Fig. 3), which means the sum of the numbers in the cells located above. Accordingly, if you need to add numbers from the cells below the cursor, enter: = SUM(BELOW).

Words - LEFT(left), RIGHT(on right), ABOVE(above), BELOW(sub) - called positional arguments. They are convenient to use for operations in rows and columns, and Word does not take into account the numbers in the heading line.

So, friends, we have discussed with you the simplest and most frequently used version of calculations in Word tables, when the program runs “automatically”. In all other cases, you will have to select a formula and enter the initial data for each pair of cells. Now I will explain to you how this is done.

How to multiply, divide or subtract numbers in a WORD table

To perform these actions, the easiest way is to use arithmetic operators: * - multiplication; / - division; - - subtraction. Here are examples of entries that can be entered in a line "formula":

  • addition - =A1+B2;
  • multiplication - =A5*B5;
  • division - =B4/B1;
  • subtraction - =A6-B6.

Please note that every formula begins with an equal sign (=). And then, without any spaces, enter the cell addresses and arithmetic signs.

For multiplication, the program provides another option - PRODUCT. This is a multiplication function, just like SUM- addition. In this case, the cell addresses must be entered in parentheses separated by a semicolon (see Fig. 4). If we are talking about finding the product of a column or row, then you can not list all the cells, but specify them using an interval separated by a colon, for example: = PRODUCT(A1:A8).

And now, friends, a little about the sad. You must have already realized that tables in Word are suitable only for simple calculations; the range of possible operations is small. Moreover, in the above examples of arithmetic operations, changing one or both arguments (values ​​in cells) will not automatically change the result. To get a new value, you will need to select the old one and press the key F9 or by right-clicking on the highlighted number and selecting the line in the pop-up window "update field".

Among other mathematical functions for calculations in tables in Word, the following are available:

  • arithmetic average in the range: = AVERAGE();
  • Determining the maximum and minimum values ​​in the specified cells: = MAX/MIN();
  • remainder of the division: =MOD();
  • selecting the integer part of a number: = INT();
  • rounding to the indicated digit: = ROUND().

We will not discuss the remaining functions - statistical and logical - within the scope of this article. What we have left of what was promised is interest and the arithmetic average. So let's take care of them.

How to calculate the arithmetic mean in a WORD table and calculate percentages

  1. To calculate the arithmetic mean in a row or column, place the cursor in their last cell and open the window "Formula" ("Working with tables"- tab "Layout"- chapter "Data"- button "Formula"). In the top line of the window, enter the required formula: = AVERAGE(A1:A7) and in the last (eighth) cell of the first column we get the result (see Fig. 5).

  1. To calculate percentages in a window "Formula" we will have to write: =[address of the cell with the number from which we will calculate the percentage]/100*[percentage]. Let's say we want to take 3% of 300. Enter: =A3/100*3 or even simpler: =A3*0.03. The result, of course, is 9. But I deliberately took prime numbers, the result of the operation with which is easy to check in my head. You, friends, having grasped the principle of this procedure, can now operate with any values.

To repeat and consolidate the material covered, I suggest watching a short video.

I hope that after watching the video, calculations in WORD tables no longer pose any difficulties for you.

Goodbye friends. Your guide to WORD 2016 copywriter GALANT.

Haven't you read these articles yet? In vain... This is also about tables:

Formulas in a Word table allow you to perform only some mathematical and logical operations, and are not at all comparable in functionality to formulas in Excel. Formulas in a Word table are a type of field codes and are applicable only within one table. To use data from other tables in a document, it is possible to substitute values ​​for which a bookmark has been created. In addition, calculation results are updated only when the document is opened or when updated manually. To do this, select the formula and press the key "F9".

Calculations in tables in Word are performed immediately after creating the formula. To obtain reliable data when using empty cells in calculations, empty cells should be filled with zeros. When composing formulas in Word, positional arguments are used to simplify some entries. LEFT, RIGHT, ABOVE, BELOW , but their use is only possible in the following functions AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN, PRODUCT, SUM . Note that when using positional arguments, the values ​​in the header row are not taken into account.

Each cell in the table has its own serial number, and there are two options for recording the positioning of a cell in a Word table. For example, you can write a cell reference in the format RnCn, where Rn corresponds to the nth row and Cn corresponds to the nth column.

The second method of writing the addresses of table cells is more familiar, since similar addressing is used in Excel. In this option, the letter corresponds to the column and the number to the row of the cell.

There are not many functions available for calculations in a Word table.

Now let's try to create a formula in a Word table and, for example, calculate the sum of numbers in two cells located in different tables. Before you start creating a formula, you need to place the cursor in the table cell in which the result of the calculation should ultimately be located. After that, go to the bookmark "Layout" tabs "Working with tables" and select from the menu "Formula". Next, in the list of functions, select the required function and indicate the required table cells. We have created a bookmark for the value in the second table, and to substitute this value into our formula, just select the bookmark name in the list of bookmarks. If desired, you can also set the number format.

Quite often the task arises of finding the sum of a particular column in tabular data typed in the Word text editor. If there are few indicators in a column, then it is easier and faster to use a calculator for this purpose. If there are dozens of lines, and even the numbers are not integers, then using a calculator can be very difficult and is associated with the risk of errors in calculations. In this case, the program’s built-in tools for auto-summarizing data come to the rescue.

How to calculate the amount in Word 2007, 2010
You can calculate the amount in a table column in the Word text editor as follows.
As a result, the word processor will sum the data located above the specified cell, which corresponds to the conditional expression ABOVE (from English above).

Another way is to use the special amount button in the quick access panel located in the upper left part of the program window. But by default, this button is missing and you need to add it by following the steps below.
Now, to calculate the sum of values ​​in a column in the Word editor, just place the cursor in the last cell of the table column and click on the sum button added to the panel.

Calculations and logical comparisons can be performed using formulas. Team Formula is in the section Working with tables on the tab Layout in Group Data.

In Word, formulas update automatically when you open a document that contains them. Formula results can also be updated manually. See section for more information.

Note: Formulas contained in Word and Outlook tables are a type of field code. For more information about field codes, see the See Also section.

In this article

Inserting a formula into a table cell

    In chapter Working with tables on the tab Layout in Group Data click the button Formula.

    Using the dialog box Formula create a formula. You can enter a formula in the field Formula, select the number format in the field Number format, and also insert functions and bookmarks using lists Insert function And Insert bookmark.

Updating Calculation Results

In Word, the result of a formula is calculated when it is inserted and also when the document containing it is opened. In Outlook, the result of a formula is calculated only when you paste it, and the recipient of the message will not be able to change it.

In addition, manual updating of the following items is supported:

    results of individual formulas;

    the results of all formulas in a separate table;

    all field codes in the document, including formulas.

Updating individual formula results

    Select the formulas that need to be updated. To select multiple formulas, hold down the CTRL key.

    Do one of the following:

    • Right-click the formula and select Command Update field.

      Press F9.

Update the results of all formulas in a table

    Select the table containing the results of the formulas you want to update and press F9.

Update all formulas in a document

Important: As a result of this procedure, not only the formulas will be updated, but all field codes in the document.

    Press CTRL+A.

    Press F9.

Examples: Adding numbers in a table using positional arguments

Positional arguments (LEFT, RIGHT, ABOVE, BELOW) can be used for the following functions:

As an example, consider the procedure for adding numbers using the SUM function and positional arguments.

Important: To avoid an error when finding a sum in a table using positional arguments, enter a zero (0) in the empty cells included in the calculation.

    Select the table cell in which the result should appear. If the cell is not empty, delete its contents.

    In chapter Working with tables on the tab Layout in Group Data click the button Formula.

    In the dialog box Formula Do one of the following:

    Click OK.

Available features

Note: Formulas that use positional arguments (such as LEFT) do not take into account the values ​​in the header row.

You can use the following functions in formulas inside Word and Outlook tables.


Return value

Determines the absolute value of a number in parentheses

Determines whether all arguments inside parentheses are true.


1 if the sum of the values ​​to the left of the formula (in the same row) is less than 10 And the sum of the values ​​above the formula (in the same column, excluding header cells) is greater than or equal to 5; otherwise - 0.

Finds the arithmetic mean of the elements specified in parentheses.

The arithmetic mean of all values ​​to the right of the formula cell (in the same row).

Determines the number of elements specified in parentheses.

The number of values ​​to the left of the formula cell (in the same row).

Sets whether the argument is defined inside the parentheses. Returns 1 if the argument is defined and evaluates without errors, or 0 if the argument is not defined or returns an error.


1, if the element "gross_income" is defined and calculated without errors; otherwise - 0.

Has no arguments. Always returns 0.

Evaluates the first argument. If the first argument is true, returns the second argument; if false - third.

Note: All three arguments must be specified.


10 if the sum of the values ​​to the left of the formula is greater than or equal to 10; otherwise - 0.

Rounds the value in parentheses to the nearest integer (smaller).

Returns the largest value among the elements specified in parentheses.

The largest of the values ​​in the cells above the formula (excluding header row cells).

Returns the smallest value among the elements specified in parentheses.

The smallest of the values ​​found in the cells above the formula (excluding header row cells).

Has two arguments (numbers or expressions whose results are numbers). Returns the remainder when the first argument is divided by the second. If the remainder is zero (0), returns 0.0.

Has one argument. Determines the truth of the argument. If the argument is true, returns 0; if false - 1. Mainly used in the IF function.

Has two arguments. If at least one of them is true, returns 1. If both arguments are false, returns 0. Mainly used in IF function.

Calculates the product of the elements specified in parentheses.

The product of all the values ​​in the cells to the left of the formula.

Has two arguments (the first argument must be a number or an expression that results in a number, the second must be an integer or an expression that results in an integer). Rounds the first argument to the number of decimal places specified by the second argument. If the second argument is greater than zero (0), the first argument is rounded down to the specified number of decimal places. If the second argument is zero (0), the first argument is rounded down to the nearest integer. If the second argument is less than zero, the first argument is rounded to the left of the decimal point (down).

ROUND(123,456; 2)

ROUND(123,456; 0)

ROUND(123,456, -2)

Has one argument, which must be a number or an expression that results in a number. Compares the element specified in parentheses with zero (0). If this element is greater than zero, returns 1; if equal to zero - 0; if less than zero - -1.

Calculates the sum of the elements specified in parentheses.

The sum of the values ​​in the cells to the right of the formula.

Has one argument. Determines the truth of the argument. Returns 1 if the argument is true, 0 if false. Mainly used in the IF function.

Using bookmarks and cell references in a formula

You can insert a reference to a cell for which a bookmark has been created into a formula, using the name of the bookmark. For example, if a cell that contains a number or an expression that results in a number has a bookmark named gross income, formula =ROUND( gross income,0) will round the value of this cell down to the nearest whole number.

Note: Cells containing formulas are not included in calculations that use references. If the cell is part of a link, it is ignored.

RnCn format links

You can use the RnCn format to record a reference to a row, column, or table cell in a formula. Here Rn corresponds to the nth row, and Cn to the nth column. For example, reference R1C2 points to the cell in the first row and second column. The table below contains examples of writing links in this format.

A1 size links

You can use A1 format to record a reference to a cell, set, or range of cells. Here the letter corresponds to the column and the number to the row of the cell. The first column of the table is designated by the letter "A", and the first row by the number "1". The table below contains examples of writing links in this format.

In Microsoft Word, when working with text, you may need to use quotation marks. There are several varieties. As an example, we can give simple quotes (single, double) or herringbone quotes “”. Next, we will consider methods by which it will be possible to put the quotation marks that the user needs.

Using the keyboard

The first step is to enable English in the layout. To insert single quotes, you need to press (in the standard layout) the letter E; if the user needs a double quote, then hold down Shift and press the E key.

You can put Christmas tree quotes by switching to the Russian layout. After this, using the keyboard combination Shift+2 (two in the top panel), the corresponding quotes will appear on the screen. As a note, it should be noted that the newly created quotes can be turned into double straight lines by pressing the key combination Ctrl+z

As a note, it should be noted that the newly created quotes can be turned into double straight lines by pressing the key combination Ctrl+z

Using codes

First of all, you need to enable the "Num Lock" mode. Next, press the Alt key and enter the numbers corresponding to the symbol in the corresponding panel with numbers on the right. After this, the Alt key must be released. The result of this will be the appearance of the necessary quotes on the screen. After pressing Alt, the entry of four digits begins, below are shown combinations in which when entering the first four digits, an opening quote will appear, with the Alt combination, and when entering the second four, a closing quote will appear in front of the user.

Combinations for entering the corresponding quotes:

Alt, 0145 and 0146 – ‘ ’.
Alt 0147 and 0148 – “”.
Alt 0171 and 0187 – "".

Using symbols in the appropriate Word window

First you need to go to the "Insert" tab, which is located in the main panel. After that, click the “Symbol” button and go to the “Other symbols” section.

Next, a new window will appear. It has a special field called “Font”, here you need to set the “plain text” setting, and in the special “Type” field select “Punctuation marks”. After the settings have been made, the user can select the type of quotes he needs and insert it into the text.