How to unblock channels on the receiver. How to decode tricolor TV channels yourself

There are three options for viewing scrambled channels. First, pay honestly. Then you can watch everything fearlessly and for sure. But not everyone has the desire to pay monthly subscription fee. Therefore, there are two more viewing options: through an emulator and sharing. As for NTV+, the sale of pirated cards flourished for more than 2 years thanks to the sloppiness of NTV+ (according to rumors, the management, knowing about the change of owner, received money not so much from subscribers, but from large sellers satellite equipment). As a result, NTV people chose the most effective method wrestling - technical. So for a very long time oh free viewing you can forget. The problem, however, is not just pirates. The point is in the behavior of NTV people themselves. If in France the monthly fee is $60, then this is normal. But in Russia? So, in reality, the pirates were raised and nurtured by the short-sightedness and monopolism of the NTV+ management. They could have more than one million subscribers if the monthly fee were two or three times less. Then no one would want to turn to pirates, since it would be a waste of time and money.

What is a card for viewing encrypted channels? Official cards and unofficial Gold Wafer (gold wafer), Pic2, Fun, Opus, Cerebro, etc. similar to our telephone cards. There are also slightly different Pic cards (peak cards) and FUN cards. The card houses the processor and memory. We mainly use cards like telephone cards, since they are Lately have become quite cheaper (if you use a receiver like Humax or Samsung). A program for working with the tuner is loaded into the processor from a computer using a programmer, and firmware with codes for foreign providers is inserted into the memory. Each foreign provider (service provider) launches its own packages, consisting of a certain number of channels and opened with one or more codes. A maximum of 16 providers can be loaded into a Pic card. In a Fun card - up to 40. If the code is changed, the card stops opening these channels. This means that you need to reflash the card again. You can also embed several encodings onto the Fun card (if the tuner supports it). But now this is a thing of the past, since all new brands of receivers come with emulators.

Updating Fun cards for 5 in 1 or 6 in 1 tuners is a thankless task. Everyone changes codes as they want and as they can. Therefore, if you want to look at a lot of encodings, buy a programmer, learn how to use it and find codes or ready-made firmware on the Internet.

But there are commercial cards whose manufacturers themselves are engaged in hacking official cards. Otherwise, why take 100 USD? for a card? Naturally, the card data is well protected. And, as a rule, they come with several packages that no one else has simple cards, nor with emulators. Then the next “super card” appears, and so on. Therefore, the costs of such viewing are not small at all, and they are not widespread. By the way, you also need to buy a programmer for them (about 50 USD). Sharing is much simpler and cheaper.

Recently, there has been a process of replacing conventional tuners with tuners with the so-called emulator. That is, with a built-in map. It is clear that the capabilities of the receiver far exceed the capabilities of any card. Accordingly, on these tuners it is possible to automatic update keys for Nagravision encoding, and entering keys for all hacked encodings directly from the remote control. Neither a card nor a programmer is needed for this. But it is also very difficult to protect information in the receiver. More difficult than in the map. Therefore, if it appears on one, it will appear on the other. So there is almost no commercial hacking on the part of receiver manufacturers. In fact, receivers with emulators can already be characterized as a past stage.

Let's face it. The further you go, the fewer channels you can watch without a subscription fee. At one time, watching a large number of channels was caused primarily by a war between the owners of coding systems, who leaked information to everyone. Now hacking is commercial and pirates are releasing their own cards like Cerebro, Opus, etc. They are a lot to look at, but not cheap. The card costs about 100 plus the programmer about 50. Then the information can pop up for everyone, but there is very little time left for viewing. Therefore, emulators themselves are simply not promising.

Currently, channel viewing via sharing is gaining increasing momentum. What is sharing? This is a package viewed by many receivers using one official card. In this case, both the Internet and simply home network. At the same time, the cost of the monthly fee will be small, since it is divided among all subscribers, and there can be a LOT of them. And for of this viewing any package available. What is needed for this? Appropriate equipment and the desire to learn new things, since many questions also arise in technically implementation of connecting the receiver to the server. It is possible for providers to fight this, but it is difficult.

By installing satellite television, we count on hundreds interesting channels to view. But it turns out that many of them are broadcast in encrypted form. To access them, you must subscribe to an operator who has the right to a specific software package. But there are other ways.

First, let's figure out how satellite TV works. We install an antenna tuned to one or more satellites, a cable is laid into the apartment and connected to the receiver in which the channels are scanned. After this, all channels become available for viewing, except for commercial ones, for which you will have to pay for access. Legal or illegal. Illegal methods will be discussed below. But it should be remembered that these methods of viewing closed TV channels are pirated, violate copyright and are punishable by law.


It is possible to open most encrypted channels, but you will have to pay in any case. True, significantly less than when applying for an official access card. If you have satellite dish, Internet and decoder, you can watch any closed channels in perfect quality using cardsharing. To do this, you need to connect to its server with an official access card, register and receive DW keys for a nominal fee. The setup process is extremely simple, and decoding occurs immediately after connecting and necessary adjustment of the equipment. A number of advantages that cardsharing has:

  1. a large selection of channels for an affordable subscription fee;
  2. high-quality broadcast;
  3. low Internet traffic consumption;
  4. independent selection of channels;
  5. stable technical support and consulting;
  6. convenient payment methods;
  7. free testing.

Heavenly Sharing

What about those people who do not have access to the Internet? Craftsmen have found a solution to this problem by offering sharing using a satellite. To do this, you will need to install an additional plate or convector and other equipment. The entire list of necessary items, detailed diagrams and settings can be easily found on specialized websites or you can order installation from specialists.

The main advantage of sky sharing is the absence of Internet fees, and indeed its availability in general. The signal quality is quite high.

What about other methods?

Many users believe in the myth about the existence of certain famous limited quantity people keys that allow you to hack closed channels absolutely free. Alas! Some encodings are opened by the emulator, but for a short time, and the protection of channels is becoming more sophisticated. So it's easier to pay and enjoy watching with a clear conscience.

How to decode satellite channels.

Short description

Viaccess 2.3.

Channels encoded in the Viaccess 2.3 encoding system

The coding system has long been hacked, the codes are posted on the Internet. In this encoding, the Eurosport channel with a Russian soundtrack and many other channels are closed.
But don't rush to rejoice. The cunning French, namely they who came up with the “Viaccess” coding system, found an opportunity to improve the old coding. Another one is applied to the existing encoding system - “TPS-Crypt” (Mask). This “disgrace” works in this way - a bunch of identifiers are thrown into the stream along with the signal, and the receiver cannot decide which of them is real.
Long "AEC" keys help to calculate the real channel ID and it opens.
"AEC" keys are also posted on the Internet. Even the sequence of their use is known, but they are replaced too often.
Currently, anyone who has a receiver with an emulator and wants to watch the "TPS" (Multivision) channel package must enter new codes every 20 minutes.

Viaccess 2.4

Channels encoded in the Viaccess 2.4 encoding system

The coding system has been hacked, the codes are posted on the Internet. There are not many channels left using this encoding. Of greatest interest are Perviy Baltijskyi kanal Estonia and RTR Planeta.

Viaccess 2.5

Channels encoded in the Viaccess 2.5 encoding system

A lot of interesting channels are closed in this coding system, including the RTV channel package (Our Cinema, etc.), the NTV-Mir channel and many others.
The most interesting thing is that there are persistent rumors that this coding system has been hacked. It seems that they are now looking for a buyer for the results of the hack, and maybe this year an illegal card or module that opens channels encoded in this encoding will appear.
This will be a sensation, a big victory for TV pirates and a barrel of balm for the tormented souls of the “freeloaders”

Viaccess 2.6

Channels encoded in the Viaccess 2.6 encoding system

As far as I know, with this coding system everything is still “deaf.” Probably all channels will be “sprayed” on this encoding when they smell something fried on “VIA-2.5”

Viaccess 3.0New version of encoding. Everything is quiet with her so far.


Channels encoded in the Betacrypt encoding system

This encoding system has long been hacked and currently people illegally watch the channels remaining in this encoding, for example, the Austrian channel package ORF Digital.
If you look at the general list of channels closed by this system, then “the soul rejoices.” But don't be fooled. Illegal viewing of most of these channels is not possible. The so-called “tunnel” coding system has been introduced.
In order for “ancient” receivers like “D-box1” to recognize a card with a new encoding, the outer shell of the encoding remained from “Betacrypt”, and the insides were stuffed with the “Nagravision” encoding system.

This monster was called "Nagravision 2"

Nagravision 2

Channels encoded in the Nagravision 2 encoding system

Lately there has been a lot of noise about “hacking the Nagravision 2 encoding system.” But this is not entirely true. By “hacking” we must understand that the encoding algorithm is known and the provider has almost no ability to fight it.
In this case, the situation is different. It would be more correct to talk about “hacking” one of the versions of the official map.
A group of Spanish hackers found an opportunity to read information from one of the modifications of official cards. Such cards were used for both the Spanish version of "Nagravision 2" (Armageddon) and the German version of this encoding system "Aladin". Even some of the official maps on Polsat were made based on such maps.
This information was sold to manufacturers of illegal cards, and they quickly started producing all sorts of “serebryanki”, “felt boots”, etc.
Brief viewing of many channels on some receivers with emulators was possible because the manufacturers of illegal cards squabbled over the market. One of the parties, to spite its competitors, threw the keys onto the Internet for all three large packages of channels encoded in "Nagravision 2".
The providers responded quickly, the exposed keys were replaced and the exchange of old official cards began. It is especially difficult for the German Premiere - they only need to replace 3.5 million official cards at the first stage.
Now the manufacturers of the Diablo CAM module also have the necessary information. With this thing, as with illegal cards, illegal viewing of closed German channels is also possible. A funny situation - “a thief stole something stolen from a thief.” They say that the “devils” stole from their competitors the information recorded on their illegal cards.
According to unverified information, hackers have found a way to get close to the latest modifications of official cards (ROM-122).
This is a disaster for the developers of the "Nagravision 2" encoding system and the providers using this encoding. Illegal viewing of these channels will be possible for a long time, and 17 million official cards are subject to exchange.

Nagravision 1

Channels encoded in the Nagravision 1 encoding system

The coding system has been hacked, the codes are posted on the Internet. Spanish channels from the Hispasat 1C/1D satellite encoded in this system are of some interest.

Channels encoded in the Cryptoworks encoding system

It looks like this coding system has indeed been hacked. True, keys did not appear on the Internet for all channel packages. Maybe there are some modifications to this coding system, or this is due to some economic considerations of hackers. Two porn channels, Hustler TV Europe (PG) and Blue Hustler Europe (PB), are of particular interest.
With a Russian soundtrack there is the channel "Romantica 2", with its endless series, and Jetix Central & Eastern with children's cartoons.
It is now possible to view the Austrian package of "ORF" channels encoded not only in "Betacrypt", but also in "Cryptoworks".

Videoguard Channels encoded in the Videoguard encoding system

There are rumors that illegal cards may soon appear that open channels for Viasat and Sky Italia packages
A package of Russian-language channels "Viasat" would be especially interesting.
The “case” is probably not simple; even the original card for this package only works with the receiver on which it was activated.

Irdeto 2

Channels encoded in the Irdeto 2 encoding system

Maybe wishful thinking is being passed off as reality, but there is information that the coding system has been hacked and currently looking for people willing to buy the results of hacking. Card and module manufacturers usually show interest in such matters.
A powerful incentive for “tinkering” with this coding system will be the transition to “Irdeto 2” of the Stargate channel package.

Mediaguard 1 (Seca)

Channels encoded in the Mediaguard 1 (Seca) encoding system

Some channels closed in this coding system have codes on the Internet. The Super 1 Music channel is of some interest. Until 11 pm it is a music channel, and from 11 pm to 4 am it is a porn channel.

Channels encoded in the BISS encoding system

This is the "hardware" version of encoding. A small software installed in the receiver or module, if there are keys, provides channel decoding. The length of the keys is not long; it is possible to calculate them by simply enumerating the options. On one of the Russian forums there is a group of enthusiasts who click these codes like nuts.
There are codes on the Internet, with some receivers that have an emulator, it is possible to watch channels such as Megasport, 1+1 International, M1 International, Stolicnoe TV, Rossiya, etc.


The Russian encryption system "Rosscrypt" has not been hacked. It was developed back in the 70s in the USSR in one of the secret “research institutes” of the State Security Committee, and is only being put into operation at the present time.
The size of the key block is 64 bits, which means that an attempt to select codes by simple brute force is a “dead number”.
Of the encrypted channels, the most interesting for us is Perviy kanal, broadcast from the Express AM1 satellite. To officially view this channel in Russia, the sale of the corresponding CAM module is organized.

Z-Crypt aka DRE-Crypr

Encoding used by the TricolorTV project (). The decoding module is built directly into the DRE-4000 receiver. No subscription card required. This is the only receiver for watching 3TV.

According to a number of reports, the encoding with the code name Z-Crypt was developed here in Zelenograd, according to a number of others - by Digi Raum Elctronics (DRE), a manufacturer of receivers.

The encoding has not been cracked, and if it has been cracked, then no one shouts about it widely - everyone wants to live [without problems]...

CryptoWorks is a system for protecting against unauthorized access.

This system has been in use for over 10 years. The system is based on the principle of protecting banking systems, satellite and cable communications. The company also has 45 years of experience in using similar systems for military purposes.

CryptoWorks is currently used in DTH live broadcast systems.
The system, for example, provides control of such a delicate function,
as PPV (Pay-Per-View) - pay-per-view.

There were real cases of hacking, but now there are no keys for it. Some porn channels are also encoded into it....

Neotion SHL, Dreamcrypt, KeyFly, Firecrypt

These encodings usually use porn channels so that the user can open them using conditional access modules (CAM) or special receivers, for example NEOTION BOX, which automatically has a built-in subscription to the porn channel SEX VIEW XXX

The most powerful and complex encoding. It was invented in the USA, mainly used for military or for cable networks. For her, the receiver costs more than $1000. It’s even more difficult here than even in Videoguard. For example, the AFN package with HOT BIRD is broadcast in this encoding; this package is specially made for military personnel from the United States who arrive outside the country. The only one open channel in this package it’s Pentagon TV, the American propaganda channel, but it’s funny, you can watch it for fun.

Taken from: How to decode satellite channels. Brief description - SAT - KEYS, ENCODINGS, Emulators - SATELLITE TV - Forum about satellite TV and the Internet: keys, firmware, encodings, channel sharing, tincture.

Probably every user satellite television At least once, while going through channels, I came across the inscription “Coded channel”. Naturally, access to broadcasting on this frequency is limited. And here a logical question arises: how to decode Tricolor TV channels and provide yourself with access to viewing? Let's try to understand this situation.

Why might a channel be scrambled?

In order to solve the problem that has arisen, it is necessary to first understand the reasons for its occurrence. The coded channel message may appear in the following cases:

  • the subscriber has not paid for access to the service;
  • the encrypted channel belongs to a package that is not connected to the subscriber;
  • the activation keys have been lost on the receiver;
  • the receiver has been left unused for too long;
  • The equipment's expiration date has expired.

The procedure will be different in each case. In the first two situations, you just need to make a payment or activate the desired service. In all other options, you will have to make additional settings.

When are federal channels encrypted?

Like any company that provides access to television services, Tricolor has a set of channels that should always be available. The list of these channels is defined by law, although each company tries to reduce it within its capabilities. It includes at least First, Russia1, Culture and a dozen more frequencies.

Important! Full list federal channels You can check on the official Tricolor website.

If a message about encoding appears on one of these channels, there is some kind of failure that occurred with the operator. In this case, you should contact. Number contact center– 8-800-500-01-23 – available around the clock, and calls to it are not charged by telecom operators.

Instructions for decoding the receiver

Most often, the coded channel message appears as a result of activation codes failure. This can happen by various reasons. Sometimes the operator himself is to blame for lost activation keys. In some cases, the problem is caused by some kind of hardware error.

Reset keys can also occur if the set-top box has been left turned off and unused for too long (a week or more). Activation commands are updated from the satellite automatically during operation of the receiver. When the equipment is idle for some time, no update occurs, therefore, the set-top box cannot gain access to broadcasting after that. In any case, the decoding of Tricolor TV channels here will be re-receipt activation codes.

How to update activation commands?

The easiest way to update activation codes is to turn on the equipment and leave it for 3-8 hours on one of the encrypted channels. Most often it is recommended to switch to the Kinopokaz channel, but this is not important. As soon as the satellite moves to the subscriber’s region of residence, activation codes will be automatically sent to the receiver and broadcasting will be restored. This typically takes about 3 hours, but the operator states that the procedure may take longer. Therefore, there is no need to panic earlier than 8 hours later.

What to do if there is no automatic update

If the previous option did not help, and the activation commands in automatic mode were not sent, you should request them yourself. To do this, you need to go to the subscriber’s personal account on the Tricolor website. In your account menu there is a “My Services” tab. By clicking on it, the subscriber will see data about the status of their subscriptions, and below them a red button “Request activation commands.” You must click on this button and then repeat all the steps described in the paragraph above.

Important! If for some reason the subscriber does not have access to personal account, he can from the operator technical support Tricolor TV.

Another decoding instruction

In some cases, receiving activation commands does not help access encrypted channels. Here you can try to perform more serious operations.

Important! It makes sense to use the methods described in the article if the encoding message is issued by a channel that was previously available. The methods given here are not suitable for viewing channels and packages that are not connected to the subscriber.

Changing settings

So, if simply updating the activation codes did not help decode the equipment, you can try the following steps:

  • re-set all operating parameters;
  • reboot the receiver by disconnecting it from the network for 5-10 minutes;
  • re-request activation codes;
  • Leave the set-top box turned on on a coded channel for 3-8 hours.

For each of these stages we have already written detailed instructions. They can be found on our website in case of difficulty with any operation.

Rolling back settings usually allows you to restore access to TV broadcasting within 1-3 hours. But the operator’s website states a longer period, in order to avoid any kind of failures on the satellite. Therefore, you should wait at least 8 hours before contacting technical support for help.

Important! If the described methods do not help, there is only one way out - contacting the Tricolor operator itself or the dealer from whom the equipment was purchased.

Outdated receiver

Since 2016, the operator Tricolor has changed the broadcast format from MPEG2 to MPEG4. In this regard, large-scale campaigns began to replace client equipment with new equipment that allows receiving video in an updated format. The list of receiver models to be replaced is published on the official Tricolor website.

The operator disconnects outdated equipment from broadcasting independently. As a result of this, a message about channel encoding appears. If the subscriber is aware that his set-top box was purchased more than three years ago, it is worth checking whether it was included in the “black list” of outdated models. If necessary, it can be exchanged for a current one by taking advantage of some operator promotion - with a small surcharge or completely free of charge. It is impossible to decode channels on Tricolor TV if the equipment was turned off by the company due to loss of relevance using the methods described above.

Is it worth reflashing the console?

Some subscribers, trying to save money on connection paid channels or time to replace equipment, turn to the services of specialists who promise. And those who are a little familiar with programming sometimes try to carry out such operations on their own by downloading pirated software from the Internet. The network is full of sites that provide firmware that supposedly gives unlimited access to satellite TV.

How useful is such software and can the promises be trusted? It's difficult to say for sure. Perhaps some programs can really help you watch all channels for free. However, you will also have to spend money on purchasing such firmware. And their installation will be regarded as a violation of the contract with satellite operator, that is, as an illegal action.

Today, many of us have special kits that make it possible to take a wide range of satellite broadcasting. Sometimes, when you turn on your favorite program, you see the inscription: “Scrambled channel” or “No data.” This means that the channel you were watching was a paid one. Sometimes these closed paid channels are made open for a while. Usually, paid channels are “opened” to attract new users; if a person likes them, he is offered to connect them; he will no longer be able to use the channels for free; he will have to pay a subscription fee. This is how most companies providing paid broadcasting operate, and Tricolor is no exception. But there are ways to decode Tricolor channels; if you don’t watch them absolutely free, you can pay several times less.

Signal encryption, viewing using cardsharing

Used to encrypt TV signals a large number of encodings, some of them are hacked, hacked channels are your opportunity to view paid ones, if not for free, then much cheaper than if you subscribed officially. Simple encodings were among the first to be cracked, these are widely used frame encoding systems, they long time work on the same key, for this reason many people know how to decode these channels. In fact, this is an algorithm that has not changed for a long time, the operating principle of which is the same; it is easily decoded by a regular tuner emulator, for example, the BISS system.

Most tuners used today support the BISS system, in order to start viewing this pay TV Just enter the key using a regular remote control. However, the most exciting channels have more complex algorithms that are not so easy to decode. In them, the key changes every 15 seconds, and even if you manage to select the keys every 15 seconds, you still won’t be able to view them without having them in your hands special card. As soon as official cards appeared, pirated ones appeared, the fake ones worked exactly the same as the official card, but were much cheaper. But this way of viewing lost its popularity with the advent of cardsharing.

Decoding Tricolor TV

It was cardsharing that completely solved the encoding problem; after the advent of this method, the question of how to decode channels on Tricolor TV for free lost its relevance. This decoding method became very popular as soon as the Internet appeared. The essence of the method is as follows: one of the clients (car rental provider) buys official map and gets the opportunity to connect to paid channels. Using a server and special equipment with a continuous connection to the network, it automatically distributes the received key to an unlimited number of users. Of course, you will have to pay for this, but such a service will cost an order of magnitude less than paying a “subscriber” directly for Tricolor TV.

In order to use this service and decode encrypted channels, just contact the cardsharing provider, connect your tuner and set up the connection. As a result, the keys will be transmitted via the Internet, and the signal will be received through an antenna. This is how we decode Tricolor TV ourselves without any special equipment and special knowledge and skills. Today, this decoding method is the most optimal, although it is not completely free, but it allows you to reduce the cost of paid broadcasting to a minimum.