How to unblock someone else's VK page. How to restore access to a VKontakte page - analysis with detailed instructions

For a variety of reasons, pages of almost all social networks can be blocked. The most famous social network “VKontakte” is no exception. Due to the large number of attackers, the pages of this social network are blocked using viruses, despite the fact that this resource is reliably protected. And the question immediately arises: “How are our pages blocked if your system is protected?” The answer is simple: “Attackers simply take advantage of the naivety of inexperienced users who do not have antiviruses.” For general information, there are a huge number of viruses on the Internet that block social networks, and in return they demand money, supposedly for restoration. That is why we decided to write an article on how to unblock a page in a contact.

Types of locks and ways to unlock them

Most often, pages are blocked due to viruses. Remember once and for all - if you are offered to download some useful software, ICQ or Skype, it is best to refuse, as these are spam or viruses. There are cases that the antivirus intercepts them, but again, not all. There is one note: when creating a new page on VKontakte, it is best to indicate your phone number - then it will be much easier to restore your page.
What is this virus? This virus is just a few lines in a text file. Typically, this virus is located on the system drive: Drive “C” – folder “Windows” – folder “System32” – folder “Drivers” – folder “etc” – the file itself is called “hosts”. After you open this file using notepad, you will need to remove all the inscriptions other than “ localhost”. After which you just need to save the file and restart your computer - after that you will not have any problems with your page (everything is completely free).

It happens that your page is simply frozen by the site administration - in this case, you just need to enter the phone number to which your page is linked and simply enter the received code.

As a result, we can conclude: never try paid methods for restoring pages on social networks, since it’s all a scam. Absolutely all free social networks have free methods for restoring pages.

If this article helped you or you liked it, don't forget give your like, this will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you most in order to prepare and write even more interesting and useful articles! Best regards, Vyacheslav.

Restoring a VKontakte page

Just yesterday my VKontakte page was blocked forever, but today it is already in a different status! Now it says: “For security reasons, this time the page has been frozen until 08/07/2013″!!! This means that my requests are in those. VK's support was not in vain! Moreover, the moderator’s comment about the reasons for blocking has also been changed! Cheating has been removed from the reasons!!! I don’t know how to understand this. But the fact remains that a forever blocked VKontakte page can be returned and unbanned! Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow the moderator's comment changes again or they change their mind about unblocking me. But I still hope that everything will be as it is written now.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch my videos - in them I will talk about working on the Internet, some life hacks and secrets of business on the Internet. Comment, like - I will be very grateful!

P.S.: Peace to everyone! See you in VK on August 7, 2013. While in the open spaces of contact, you can write to me in my public page DIARY OF A BUSINESSMAN.


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SMM → Reasons for blocking VKontakte accounts

VKontakte user pages are blocked (banned) for two reasons:

1. Violation of site rules. 2. Suspicion of hacking of the page.

In this case, the page can either be frozen for a certain time or blocked forever.

1. Account is permanently blocked

If the VKontakte administration decides that you deliberately violated the site’s rules, the page will be blocked forever without the possibility of unblocking.

The main reasons for such blocking are:

  • sending spam;
  • mass mailing of invitations to the group;
  • mass adding as friends;
  • deceiving users (fraud, programs for hacking pages, adding votes, etc.);
  • other violations of the rules.

Example of a message when a VKontakte page is blocked:

Unfortunately, we have detected abuse associated with your page and it has been permanently blocked.

Usually blocking is done manually by moderators. In this case, it is not possible to restore access to your account without contacting support.

2. The page is frozen for a certain time

For some intentional, but not very serious violations, the page is blocked for a certain period. In this case, when you try to enter the page, you will see the date the page was unlocked.

Very often, pages are frozen when hacking is suspected. If a user sends spam and the account registration data has not been changed, the user’s page is blocked until the user’s first login or for some time. To each block before the first entry, starting from the second, +1 day of ban is added.

Recently, we were forced to freeze your page several times. For security reasons, this time the page has been frozen until (date)

If the account registration data has been changed, the user's page is blocked forever. In this case, the owner can regain access to his account only by using the page access recovery form.

Example of messages when a page is frozen:

  • “This page has been frozen for sending such personal messages on your behalf.”
  • “This page was frozen for sending out invitations to the group on your behalf”
  • “This page has been frozen for posting such photographs/videos on your behalf.”
  • “This page has been frozen for suspiciously joining the group on your behalf.”

You can usually unblock a frozen page by simply sending an SMS to the phone number specified during registration. If the freeze is massive, the procedure will have to be repeated for all accounts.

A user is permanently blocked if he:

1. Deliberately violates the rules; 2. During hacking, registration data was changed.

In other cases, the user is blocked before the first login if it is hacked and the registration data has not been changed. The user is blocked for a certain period if the violation is not serious. An additional ban day is added to each block before the first entry, starting from the second.

Now a little about the mechanisms themselves...

Account blocking, in most cases, occurs through:

1. Robot spam filter 2. Complain about the user (“Report page”)

3. The message/invitation is marked as spam by the recipient

How to unblock a VKontakte page

When a VKontakte user encounters the problem of temporary freezing of his account, it is always unpleasant. Do not despair. It is quite possible to improve the situation.

Causes and solutions

Account blocking can be temporary, or it can be frozen forever, that is, sent to a lifelong ban. The main reasons for such removal are:

  • violation of rules;
  • creating groups or adding more than 20 people a day as friends;
  • sending spam;
  • deception of users.

If a page is permanently blocked, the reason will be indicated below. This means that spam or unwanted advertising was sent from it.

The review is carried out by moderators, so you must contact the support service in person.

Temporary account freeze

If the violations are not so great, then the blocking is carried out for the period indicated on the page, with the reason for the ban explained. Most often, blocking occurs when a profile is suspected of being hacked or sites with cheats are indicated on the wall. It will not be possible to defrost before the appointed time. You must wait for the specified time and follow the written instructions.

You can unblock a VKontakte page through the mobile phone number linked to it. To do this, indicate your country at the bottom of your account and confirm your number. Then check your phone and enter the code to unfreeze your account in the special field.

Then the VK administration will offer to take a test and unfreeze the profile. The test consists of 4 questions that must be answered carefully. After access is restored, you must read the instructions.

If after the expiration of the period you have not unblocked the page, it will remain frozen, since you must perform all the actions yourself.

How to protect yourself from bans

The VK administration always monitors order on the site. Do not use bots for cheating, as the service has a thorough check. As we already know, in such cases the account can be deleted forever. Therefore, you need to be careful when following links or using various programs for cheating.

Several ways to avoid blocking:

  • registering accounts from 2-3 IP addresses;
  • complete profile filling;
  • the number of friends must exceed 20;
  • pay attention to the registration date;
  • avoiding the same type of actions;
  • when sending messages, change their content;
  • alternating links to domains;
  • avoiding daily limits on messages, invitations to groups, comments;
  • observe delays between sending messages.

You should always monitor your account on social networks, because attackers can use your account to send spam or cheat pages.

You should not leave your data on sites that actively distribute advertising or follow suspicious links. If VKontakte requires you to send a message to a short number, ignore it, as in most cases this indicates the presence of viruses.

If the computer is scanned, but this window also appears, then you should clean the host file. Its standard location is on drive C.

Open host using notepad and delete data up to

After completing the steps, save and close the file. All you have to do is refresh the browser page and the site will work as before. Clicking on links can harm both your account and your computer as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary to change your password at least once every 3 months for your own security.

It is possible to restore the page via email. Such an issue may be pending for about 2 days. If the result is positive, you will be able to extract the link and follow it.


VKontakte administrators are always loyal to their users. If the page was hacked and spam was sent through no fault of yours, the administration will stop the violators, but you will have to restore access to your account. Linking your mobile phone will make it possible to quickly unblock your profile if it is temporarily frozen.

Unlocking is always free. If you are required to enter a certain amount of money, then you are dealing with scammers. Do not follow the instructions and do not enter your phone number, as money will be taken from your account illegally.

I bought a SIM card with a new mobile phone number, wanted to link my VKontakte page to it, entered the number, but the error “Unfortunately, this phone number is blocked” or “Invalid mobile number” appears. The mobile application displays “Error. Sorry, you cannot use this number" or "Invalid phone number". How to unblock, how to unlink my new number from someone else’s page?

If the number is blocked by a mobile operator, and you need to restore the page, see another instruction: How to restore access to VKontakte if there is no number

The error may also look like this: “You cannot use this phone number because it is linked to a blocked page.”

Here below is the solution to the problem. Let's first understand why this happened.

Reason No. 1. Your page is blocked

The number is linked to your page, which has been blocked (frozen). You cannot use this number for another page. You'll have to unblock the page. Maybe you didn't know there was such an opportunity? Then you won’t need to register a new one if you tried to do so now.

And if the page is blocked forever, then say goodbye to this number; you will no longer be able to use it on VK.

Why is this done? If the number could be used for another page, then violators of VK rules would create one page after another, for the same number. But such happiness will never come for them.

Reason No. 2. Blocked page of the previous owner of the number

This happens both when linking a number to an existing page, and when registering a new page. The fact is that mobile phone numbers that are not used for a long time (about 6 months) go on sale again and end up in the hands of other people. In this case, to you. Some VKontakte page was previously registered to this number, which was blocked for violating the rules - usually this happens after hacking, when spam is sent from the page. Perhaps the page was even blocked forever. Along with the page, the phone number is also blocked, and it becomes impossible to link it to another page or use it for a new registration.

— My number works, it’s not blocked! Why does VK write that it is blocked?

— Because the word “blocked” in this case does not mean what you think. You think that a number can only be blocked by a cellular operator. For example, when there is no money in the account. And here he is blocked on VK. That is, VK itself prohibited the use of this number at home. This does not in any way affect the fact that you can use the number for other purposes - talk, write and receive SMS, use the Internet, and the like. Read below for the solution to the problem.


You need to contact support (READ MORE, DON'T STOP, BELOW WILL BE A LINK TO CREATE A REQUEST) with a request to unblock the number, since you purchased it in good faith and have no relation to the previous owner. Prepare as evidence photo or scan of an agreement with a mobile operator or other document confirming this fact. It is advisable that your name, surname and telephone number in question be indicated there. If you take a photo, do it in good lighting and try to keep the text legible (in focus) in the photo. Possible on several sheets.

If there is no agreement with the operator, what can be provided instead?

How to restore a page in contact? The topic is quite extensive, so we will try to answer it step by step.

If you have previously deleted access to your page, then the system gives you up to 7 months to think about getting your own account back.

Otherwise, it will be permanently deleted and you will have to create a new one.

It is also worth noting that restoration is a free process.

Therefore, do not be fooled by any kind of SMS to a short number, paid transactions, etc. phishing manipulations with the goal of getting as much cash out of you as possible.

Access Process

In order to begin the process of returning access, go to the site by entering your username and password. The first one can be either an email address or a phone number.

Both options are interchangeable, so they work equally well.

You will see the famous “dead dog”, above which the end date for the possible restoration of your account will be written.

The “restore page” field is highlighted as a link, click on it.

A page will open where you will need to once again confirm your good intentions.

Restoring a blocked page

What to do if your page was actually blocked by the administration or you finally and I completely forgot my login password?

To begin with, don’t panic and don’t make unnecessary movements – it’s not all that scary.

  • blocking;
  • spam on “your” behalf;
  • breaking into;
  • Forgot your password.

Take advantage of the free restoration of control located at the link

Based on the information in the screenshot, you must enter either your login, phone number, or email address to which you registered.

Then we move on to the next step.

The system now asks you to enter your last name. Remember that the moderator may reject various “Crazy”, “Star”, “Beauty” and other non-surnames, so be prepared for this.

The system will offer you a page found that most likely meets your requirements.

You are only required to confirm or refute this information.

The final stage of the procedure is an SMS message to the number associated with the page.

Remember that the procedure will not require any monetary “charitable” contributions from you from the VK service.

If you do not have the required SIM card, or the code does not want to be received, click on the appropriate link below.

If for some reason you cannot access the old page, you will most likely have to create a new one, no matter how much you want it.

But if you need an old nosebleed, try complaining directly to support at

You will see a window similar to this.

Ask the operator your question, describing as meticulously as possible all the actions that you have already performed and what results they gave.

At the same time, do not forget to write all the information about the page that you remember. In theory, this should help both you and them.

Now all that remains is to wait until those “on the other side” resolve the conflict and figure out what’s wrong with your page.

Remember that they may not consider a profile without a photo, since it becomes unclear who exactly the page belongs to.

They simply won’t take on fake accounts.

Alternative login problems

Let’s say you didn’t delete access, remember your own login and password verbatim, didn’t cross anyone’s path and didn’t engage in spam.

At one fine moment when login to VKontakte you receive information something like this: “your page is blocked, enter your phone number, or send an SMS to such and such a short number.”

I would like to say right away that in this case you need to do one simple thing, namely, check whether the page is accessed from another PC or phone.

If there are no problems on other devices, then your machine infected with a virus, i.e. malware.

If your software cannot cope, or stubbornly refuses to find the pest, we recommend downloading Dr.Web CureIt – a free utility with powerful functionality. She will help in the search.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the recovery process.

A huge advantage will be reliable information about the page, the presence of a true last name and a photograph proving your identity.

All controversial situations can be resolved with the help of the support service.

The main thing is to clearly and correctly formulate the question, but in no case give in to emotions and do not decorate the message with a scattering of question marks and exclamation marks.

Otherwise, no one will even consider your application. Good luck.

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Hello, dear readers of the blog site. As usual, you may need to restore for several reasons. The most common case is loss of access to it(forgot your password, lost your phone number to which the page was linked during registration and now you can’t log into VK). There are also possible options when the page was for one reason or another blocked.

  • Your page could have been hacked, that’s why it’s impossible to log into Contact (the burglar might have managed to change the password). In this case, you will need to try to restore access to this page as described just above, i.e. use recovery tools:
    1.— if the account was linked to a phone number.
    2.— if the page was not linked to a phone number or you no longer own this number.
  • How to restore a page previously deleted from VK?

    If you deleted your page yourself, and then changed your mind, or when it was deleted for you by someone who gained unauthorized access to your account, then it can still be restored within 7 months. To do this, you just need to go to the VKontakte website using your username and password, and then in the window that opens, click on the “restore your page” link:

    However, if 7 months have already passed since the date of deletion, then you will have to contact technical support Contact(or write a letter to Email [email protected]) with a request to restore the page, and it is not a fact that they will be able to help you, although the chances of success still remain. You may have to prove your rights to this page and wait some time for it to be retrieved from the archives and finally restored.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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