How to work in joomla. Detailed instructions for installing Joomla on a local computer

Hello! In this post, I want to touch on the topic of joomla again, namely how to make a multilingual site on joomla. Multilingualism is one of the advantages that joomla looked to me. A multilingual site is created in such a way that the user needs to add the same material in different languages. Those. translation is not carried out by any automatic translator robot, but simply by switching from one language to another. All articles in different languages ​​are written by a person, as they say, with feeling, with sense, with arrangement. Personally, for me, this approach is more serious than using any Google translator.

In this article, we will step by step analyze what needs to be done to make our site available in different languages. I will create two more additional languages ​​​​on an exemplary site - English and German, i.e. My website will be in three languages: Russian, English and German. Let's start.

Article structure

Multilingual site on Joomla

First, we need to install the localization files for the required languages. Well, it is assumed that you already have the Russian localization files installed. After all, you installed the Russian language with? If you didn’t install it and you have an admin panel and a website in English, then install it. We will analyze how to install German localization, other languages ​​are installed in the same way. English is set by default.

Language manager

So let's go to "Extensions" -> "Language Manager". I have two languages ​​installed, Russian is the default. It should be the same for you.

Pay attention to the left column. You must clearly understand what each item means:

Site language packs— translation of the frontal (visible) part of the site is set;

Control Panel Language Packs— set the translation of the site control panel;

Content languages— content languages ​​are necessary for us to organize a multilingual site (with which we will work);

Redefining Constants- I already wrote about it, you can read more.

Let's install one more language, in my case it's German. To do this, click the button "Set language". Next, in the list of languages, check the box for the language we need. I marked German, i.e. Deutsch. If you do not know how your language will be in English, then you can use google translator.

The language is set. We return to the language manager and make sure that we have one more language for the site and control panel.

Language code for URL- here we enter the suffix for the address of the site of the given language ( only in latin), for example, it will be something like this -;

Image prefix- in the drop-down list, select the prefix of the language we need. If we choose correctly, the flag of this language should be highlighted next to it. You need to know what the flag looks like for the added language. If you do not know which prefix to choose, then do the following - go to the root directory of the site and open the folder - /media/mod_languages/images. We find our flag and look at the file name. To view the flags, you can use the standard windows window. If you have a hosted site and there is no way to visually view media files, you can download all the flag files to your computer. They are lightweight and won't take long.

State- publish naturally

Access- to all guests - Public

Description You can enter any description.

Please note that all fields marked with an asterisk are required.

In the tab "Name of the site" You can enter the general name of the site in your native language. In some cases, this option may be useful.

Language switching module

After we have created all the content languages, we need to create and publish the language switching module. This module will allow our users to switch to the desired language of the site. For this we go to "Extensions" -> "Module Manager" and click on the button "Create". Select the module type from the list that opens. "Language Switching".

We publish the module in the appropriate position of your template. I leave all settings as default. You can walk through them and explore using the hints when you hover over the options.

System plugin

The next thing we need to do is enable language filter plugin. For this we go to "Extensions" -> "Plugin Manager" -> "System - Language Filter".

Let's not just turn it on, but go in and sort out some settings. In general, I recommend leaving the default settings, but suddenly something will not suit someone.

Here I will not analyze all the settings, but will dwell on only a few. If you hover over the title, a hint will appear, you can read it if something is not clear.

Language selection for new visitors- here you choose how the default language of the site will be determined: from the browser settings, or the default language set in the language manager will be set (we have Russian by default). That is, here you choose the most suitable option for you. I will leave the default language set in the language manager.

The next option I wanted to draw your attention to is " Remove default language prefix". What does it mean? Surely, on many sites where there are several languages, you have seen that addresses look like, for example, or, i.e. the language suffix is ​​added to the site address. So this option is needed in order to remove the suffix from the address for the default site language. I think this is logical. By default, this option is disabled, but I usually enable it and recommend it to you.

That's it, publish the plugin and save. Leave the rest of the options as they are.

We have made the preliminary settings. Now we need to create the structure of our site: I will create two categories in three languages, two articles for each category in three languages, a login form module in three languages, and a menu in three languages ​​+ a default menu for all languages.

And now about everything in order.


Let's go to "Materials" -> "Category Manager" and create a category. In the category settings, assign the language of the category. Note that when choosing a language, all three languages ​​\u200b\u200bcreated by us are available to us.

We duplicate this category and create it similarly in other languages. Category content: title and description are replaceable according to the language. Similarly, I will create another category. I will have two of them: articles and news.

In the future, we will need to link categories and articles with similar ones in another language. Those. expose as many links as you have languages. But we will consider the links between categories and materials a little lower.


I have created content. Now I will create a module also in three languages. This will be the login form module. Here, as well as for articles, we create a module in three languages ​​and assign the desired language in the module settings.


Now let's move on to the menu. We need to do the following: we duplicate the main menu as many times as we have languages, i.e. a menu is created for each language and items are duplicated. We leave one common menu with one single item - Home. In my case, I will have four menus: one general menu with one item "Home" and three menus with items in English, Russian and German.

Let's take a look at the default menu. Go to the "Home" item and set the value of the main page to the position - "Yes" and the meaning of the language - "Everybody". By assigning a status to an item "Home Page" we make it the main menu (it will be marked with a house icon) and the menu becomes the main menu by default.

We create menu items in the rest of our menus, we give titles in our native language. Do not forget that each item should be assigned the appropriate language.

You can see the same language icons in other menus as well. Pay attention to the column "Connections". If you go to another menu and there are such icons in the list, then we did everything right.

Now let's link our categories and articles in the same way. First, let's go to the categories and open the category in any language for editing. We find the "Links" tab and also link the category similar to it in another language.

2. What should I do if the required language is not available in Joomla?

You need to create it. How? In short, then take any language, download it to your computer and translate it into your language by analogy. Install next. In general, this is a topic for a separate article. I will definitely write it, but for now here is a link to joomlaforum -

3. How to change the display order of languages ​​in the language switcher?

Try changing the order in the "Content Languages" admin panel.

Dmitry Dementy

Site owners choose this content management system due to the following advantages:

  • The ease of use of Joomla! only slightly inferior to WordPress. With this CMS, you can work without knowledge in the field of programming and website design.
  • Joomla has enough functionality to create websites of any size and purpose. On this engine, you can create resources of various types: from a business card site or blog to a large online store or information portal.
  • The ability to adapt the site to the needs of the audience using paid and free templates and extensions.
  • Convenient menu management and navigation. Thanks to this, Joomla is considered one of the best engines for online stores. On Joomla! you can quickly create sites with a complex architecture: a large number of categories and subcategories, as well as organize page hierarchies.
  • Adaptation to the requirements of search engines. Joomla engine! considered SEO friendly by default. And with the help of SEO extensions, you can quickly solve all the technical aspects of optimization.

Still don't trust free engines or think that search engines don't like them? Nonsense. Search engines do not like low-quality and template sites, and the functionality of Joomla! allows you to make the resource non-standard and useful to the audience. Perhaps you will be convinced by examples of Joomla sites, among which there are large reputable organizations.

Step #1: Getting Started with Joomla!

After registering a domain and purchasing a hosting with an installed CMS or installing Joomla on your own, you got access to the site's administrative panel.

Step #2: How to install the Joomla!

You can order an exclusive template for Joomla or use a ready-made paid or free solution. When choosing a template, follow these guidelines:

  • If you do not have a mobile version of the site, choose a template with adaptive layout. Thanks to this, owners of smartphones and tablets will be able to use your site.
  • Pay attention to the appearance and functionality of the template. For example, if you are creating an online store or a corporate website, themes for blogs or business card sites will not work in this case.
  • If you choose a ready-made template, use foreign sites. To do this, enter the query joomla templates in Google. So there will be more chances to find a good topic that colleagues and competitors in Runet do not use.

If you have no time to use search engines, look for templates here:

After choosing a template, download the distribution kit to your computer's hard drive. In the administrative panel, select the "Install Extensions" menu.

Download and install the template.

After successful installation, go to the template manager.

Check the box next to the selected template and click the "Default" button in the upper left corner of the screen.

Make sure to activate the selected template.

Using the template manager, you can change the appearance of the control panel. To do this, in the "Select system area" drop-down menu, select the "Control Panel" value, and in the "Template Selection" menu, select the appropriate template. Check the box next to the selected template and click the "Default" button.

Now move on to setting up the CMS.

Step #3: How to set up the CMS Joomla!

In this section, you will learn about the general settings of the engine, about creating and managing menus. Start with the general Joomla! CMS settings, which can be changed in the corresponding section.

Specify general site settings

From the General Settings menu, select the Site tab. Specify the name of the resource, make sure it is enabled. Write a notification about the unavailability of the site and, if necessary, select an image. From the Default Access Level menu, select the Public option.

Specify site meta-data: description and keywords. Choose a value for the robots tag. If you do not need to limit the indexing of a resource by search engines, the Index, Follow option will do. Enter copyright information in the "Copyright" field.

In the "SEO Settings" section, enable CNC and add a suffix to the URL. To enable URL redirection, you need to rename the htaccess.txt file, which is located in the root directory of the resource. To access it, use any FTP client, such as Filezilla. Find the specified file and rename it to .htaccess.

Check the "None" box next to the "Aliases in Unicode" field. If you want to include the site name in the page title, check the appropriate box.

On the "System" tab, check "None" next to the "System Debug" and "Language Debugging" fields. Enable standard caching. In the "Session settings" section, set the duration of sessions for authorized users. For example, if you specify a value of 120 minutes, the system will require the user to re-enter their login and password after two hours of inactivity.

On the Server tab, enable gzip compression of pages. This will speed up the loading of the site in the browsers of visitors. If you want to provide users with a secure connection with the site, purchase an SSL certificate and enable the appropriate option in the Joomla control panel. Choose a time zone that suits your resource's audience. Leave built-in FTP access and proxy turned off. In the "Mail Setup" section, specify the email address and the sender of the letter.

On the "Permissions" tab, you can configure access rights for different groups of visitors. The site owner belongs to the group of superusers who have access to all rights. An unregistered user can only view resource pages. Customize access rights according to the needs of the audience and administrators. The illustration shows the settings for the author, who has the ability to register and enter the site, publish and edit their own materials.

If you are working on the site yourself, do not change the settings on the Text Filters tab. If other users can add posts, filter out unwanted HTML tags. For example, you can use filters to prevent a group of users from embedding YouTube videos in posts. To do this, next to the corresponding group, specify the type of filter "Black List", which by default includes tags