How google adsense works. What reduces earnings in Google? So, the secrets of google adsense

Now, probably, you won’t surprise anyone with the fact that you can earn money on the Internet using any social network. It is understandable, because all kinds of services for such earnings are found at every step. But the important thing is not what you can earn, but where and how much you can earn in this way.

Therefore, in order to help you not become deceived and not fall into the hands of scammers, today I will present a number of services that will help you make money on Google+. As an example of a social network for making money, Google+ will be taken, and earnings on it will be considered today.

Surely you wondered why your friends or acquaintances create 5-10 accounts for themselves in one social network, because one is enough? To communicate with friends, of course, one account will be enough, but for making money, or rather, if you want to earn more, one will not be enough. With one account, as they say, you will not go far. I'll explain with an example what it can be connected with:

If, for example, you can earn 30 rubles a day from one account, then having 10 accounts, the amount will increase to 300 rubles and this is not the limit. And every day the amount of earnings from one account can vary from 10 to 50 rubles. Because it will depend to a greater extent on the number of tasks available for execution on that day.

I hope now you understand how to increase your income from any social network. Well, then let's look at where you can best make money on your Google + account.

How to make money on Google+?

Even if for many this social network is not interesting as a service for communication, it is very good as a platform for making money. That is the only reason why it is worth getting a couple of accounts in it. Some of the services that I will talk about today will let you understand how to make money on Google+. But some of them, or rather tasks for them, will require a certain number of friends from your accounts. In google plus, they are called followers/circles. Their extraction is facilitated with the help of services.

After you have at least one account, you can start choosing a service for earning, which you will see below:

Each of the above services is good in its own way, and will give you the opportunity to make money on Google +. I myself use Forumcom and QComment more. The prices for assignments there are very good and high. Therefore, it will not be difficult to achieve those amounts per day that I wrote at the beginning of the article.

Hello friends! In this article, I want to tell you about how you can make money thanks to all known and popular service google adsense. The article is dedicated to beginners, people who do not boom boom at all, but want to know what google adsense is and what it is eaten with! I will write everything in detail and only specifics!

Before reading the article further, I DEFINITELY recommend that you sign up for a live online webinar, which we will hold with my colleague Ruslan Bely and tell you what ways to make money today generally exist and which are relevant for you on this moment regardless of your age, gender and status.

At the webinar, we will tell you how you can normally earn from 30-50 tr. in 9-12 months. per month thanks to your website or blog. We will explain everything to you on the fingers, ONE, TWO, THREE ... Even a teapot will understand ... Do not miss this chance to attend such an event ...

We only do this once a year...

What is google adsense anyway?

What is google adsense? Google adsense is a service contextual advertising from google, thanks to which any person who has his own website, forum or blog on the Internet can earn money, moreover, real money, not virtual money, but later I will tell you how this money is withdrawn from the Internet!

So! Principle google work adsense is like that. I will explain on simple example. Let's say company X, which sells bicycles on earth, decided to make its own online store and sell its bicycles also via the Internet, so that people can go to their website, choose a bike to their liking and place an order.

This is understandable, through the Internet now you can sell and buy anything you want. So, how do people who are looking on the Internet for an opportunity to order a bicycle via the Internet find out about the existence of the company "X" and that it sells bicycles? No way!

The Google Adwords service comes to the aid of company X (do not confuse it, it is Google Adwords and not Adsense). Company "X" tells the Adwords service, "Guys, we want people who want to buy a bike via the Internet to know about our online store."

Company "X" accepts the terms of service google adwords and composes an advertisement that contains text and a link to the page of their online store. A person who sees this ad will click on it and get into the same online store and maybe buy a bike...

To the google adsense service, as well as to people on whose websites an advertisement of the company "X" is shown. Money is paid for clicks on an advertisement, the price per click is chosen by the company "X" itself, or is it 2p. per click, or 50r. Accordingly, the higher the cost per click, the more effective advertising.

Here you go! I think you got it right here! Now back to Google Adsense advertising. How can a person who has his own website start earning thanks to this service?

Everything is very easy and simple. And again specific example And again about bicycles. Let's say I have my blog on the topic "Bicycles and everything related to them", I write about bicycles, about cycling, etc., that is, people who are interested in this topic come to my blog! How can I make money from this blog?

Elementary! I can go to the Google Adsense service and tell him, “Guys, I want to make money on a blog, what do I need for this?”.

The Google Adsense service will offer me to place blocks of advertisements on my blog and pay me for clicks on these ads. That is, when a visitor to my blog clicks on an advertisement, I will be charged money for this. Where to charge?

To your personal account in the google adsense system that you will have after registering on the service, and from there you will already be withdrawing money, again more on that later.

I’m sure many immediately have a question, “how much does google adsense pay per click and how much can you earn on adsense?” Differently. When they can pay 0.5 cents per click, and when even as much as $3-5. I'll tell you a secret, there are clicks with a price of $60-80. “Stunned, almost 2500r. per click???

It can't be, you say. Maybe friends, maybe! It all depends on the subject of your site, on its attendance, on the TIC and PR (beginners do not delve into this yet and do not be afraid), on the location of ads, etc.

Imagine that you have a blog with a traffic of 1000-2000 people a day! How many of them will click on your advertisements? According to statistics, at correct location ads people 100-130! I think on so many clicks you can earn $30-50 per day, and if the traffic is higher, the profit is higher, respectively. Not bad right? friends!

OK! Understood, now let's tell you the scheme of earning on google ads adsense what you need to do to start making profit in just a few days! Website or blog, as I understand it, you already have a network, if not, do it!

The scheme of earning in google adsense is simple:

1. Register on the Google Adsense service.
2. Customize ads for the design of your site or blog and get its code.
3. Post the code on your website or blog.
4. Look at how money comes to your account.

And now it's all in the details:

1. To get started Sign up for Google Adsense. I registered a very long time ago, so the scheme for registering and activating an account may have changed. It seems that after you register on the service, after some time you should receive an envelope with a pin code, which you will need to enter in your account on google service adsense and confirm that you are exactly who you say you are, live at the address you specified during registration, and really want to make money on google adsense.

2. After you sign up for google adsense and activate your account, you will need to do the following:

a) Go to the item - "Adsense Settings" - "Allowed sites" and select the item "Allow ads to appear only on the following sites". In the form, enter the address of your site or blog where you will post ads.

b) Go to the tab "Adsense Settings" - "Channels" - «+ Add new client channels” and enter the address of your website or blog (the website in my case) in the column.

Go to the tab "Adsense Settings" - "Get ads" and select the item - "Adsense for context"

After the ad is created, click "next" and add the same channel we created in the tab "channels"! This is necessary in order for google to track the effectiveness of this ad unit! Click "Next" - "Send and receive code" and copy the code that google adsense gives us.

Ready! Ad created!

3. We place this code in the place we need on our website or blog, where we want the ad to be shown! I think there is no need to comment on anything!

4. We look at how we are dripping money from advertising!

Excellent! We figured out the registration, setup, creation and placement of ads! Now let's talk a little about withdrawing money from Google systems Adsense.

To date, this service has become so popular in Russia that now it is possible to receive earned money not only with Google checks, which are very difficult to cash out, but also through various payment systems Yandex Money, Webmoney, Rapida...

Google adsense pays out when you have at least $100 in your account.

I personally withdraw money to webmoney through Rapida. . In order for you to receive money earned in google adsense through the Rapida system, you will need to go to your account in the "My account" menu and select the same Rapida system in the "Purpose of payment" section.

As I said, Google automatically sends money when $ 100 has accumulated on the account, in order not to receive money often and little, you can go the other way, you can receive money less often, but a lot. =) To do this, simply in the "My Account" section and in the "Payment Delay" section, select the item - "Delay my monthly payments."

Let the money accumulate, $ 500-1000 will run up, then it will be possible to withdraw!

So, well, let's now give you some tips on how to make money on google adsense advertising correctly, so that you, as beginners, do not commit blunders at the initial stage, as well as began to get the maximum result!

Well, basically, that's all! I wish you success in your endeavors and great earnings! Earnings on adsense is SUPER!!! I advise!!!

Sincerely, Alexander Borisov

Owners of sites, blogs, forums and other Internet projects can earn on Google AdSense. The income itself consists in placing on the pages of your site special code, through which advertisements will be displayed. With each click on such an ad, the owner of the Internet project on which it was placed receives a monetary reward. That is, the more clicks users make on advertisements, the more money will get the site owner.

If the site owner receives a reward for each click, then the question arises - where does the money come from? Who pays the cash reward? Let's figure it out. Advertisers create and pay for advertisements, as a rule, these are the owners of online stores who are interested in selling their goods. Also, various intermediaries advertising other people's goods in their own way can act as advertisers. affiliate links, site owners on the Internet who are interested in attracting additional visitors.

There are a lot of people who want to advertise or sell their product using the Internet. Creation of a paid advertising campaign in the contextual network from Google Adsense is one of the ways to attract interested buyers on the Internet. Google is just an intermediary between advertisers who are willing to pay for advertising their product or service, and site owners who are not averse to making money on their Internet project by placing Google AdSense contextual advertising blocks there.

How much does one click cost

This question is of particular concern to novice webmasters on the Internet who want to know how much they can earn by placing ads from Google Adsense. However, there is no answer to this question, and here's why. The cost per click is set by the advertiser, based on their financial capabilities and needs. When placing an advertisement, indicate maximum amount, which he is willing to pay for one attracted visitor.

However, the cost of clicking on one and the same advertisement may be different, as it depends on other advertisements active at the moment in the advertisement. Google networks. The cost of a particular transition is determined by the auction and can be significantly less maximum bid specified by the advertiser.

Also, the cost per click varies greatly from niche to niche. This is due to the fact that in different topics on the Internet a different number of advertisers. The more competitive the niche, the more advertisers it has, the higher the price per click. Therefore, when thinking about creating your project on the Internet and planning to make money on it with the help of Adsense contextual advertising, you should take into account the theme of your future site. It greatly depends on how much one click costs and the total income that you can get from this site.

How to start making money with google adsense

If you have your own website or blog on the Internet, it contains at least 20-30 articles and at least 50 people visit it from search engines a day, then you can already start making money on contextual advertising. In order to make money on Google AdSense, there are no strict requirements for traffic, but it should be understood that earnings from contextual advertising directly depend on the traffic of the resource. Without visitors, it is impossible to make money on contextual advertising. To start earning you need to register in Google Adsense by this link.

How to earn money in Google Adsense

  • necessary
  • add your website url to personal account
  • choose the size of the future ad block
  • customize the ad: you need to choose the size and color of the font
  • copy the special code
  • place the code in your website template

How to sign up for Google Adsense

How to add your site to Google Adsense

How to set up a contextual ad in Google Adsense

The code must be inserted in the place where you want contextual advertising blocks to be displayed. AT this example we discussed the block for the sidebar. In order to insert such a block on WordPress, you need to go to the admin panel of your site, add a text widget, paste the received code there and save the specified widget. In a few minutes Refresh your site and you will see what is in place where you put it google code AdSense ads started showing up.

How much can you earn on google adsense

This is perhaps the most exciting question that novice webmasters who want to make money on contextual advertising ask themselves. Earnings on contextual advertising is not limited by anything and depends entirely on you and your site. You can get the exact answer to this question by placing the code from the Google advertising network on your website. You will receive real statistics for the first day. And then you will definitely find out how much you can earn specifically on your site. However, here are some tips on how to increase your income with Google AdSense:

  1. work on your site;
  2. increase its attendance;
  3. post interesting and high-quality articles on your blog;
  4. leave comments on articles open and regularly respond to them, this will help increase traffic and popularity of your resource;
  5. Never click on Google ads on your own site or ask your family and friends to do so. For this, you can get a ban on your account;
  6. if the average cost per click on your site is low, then you can start another site in a different niche and develop it in parallel, thereby increasing the overall earnings on the context.

how to get money from google adsense

By logging into your personal account on Google, you can watch the growth of your balance every day. Minimum amount, which can be withdrawn from Google is 100 dollars. Google AdSense transfers this money to automatic mode. It is most convenient to receive money using the Rapida system. To do this, you can register on the Rapid website, confirm your personal data there (read more about this on the Rapid website) and get an electronic wallet number. Specify the number of this e-wallet in your personal google office AdSense and you will regularly receive payments there from Google.

Google Adsense: how much can you earn? Short review systems + 10 ad server advantages + necessary components for working with the program + 7 variables that affect the amount of income + 10 tips for maximizing profits.

The vast majority of website developers who are looking for ways to monetize them use the services of Google Adsense. The popularity of this phenomenon is due to the fact that Adsense is the most famous and largest advertising network in the world.

A unique system based on ease of use, provides all bloggers and web resource owners (publishers) with the opportunity to receive passive income. The service is reliable, has a spotless reputation, which encourages many to interact with it.

Also, Google Adsense is characterized by work on well-thought-out algorithms that prevent cyber attacks on the accounts of its customers. The system broadcasts advertisements of an advertising nature in different countries of the world, thereby allowing you to earn on traffic from abroad.

These and other advantages make cooperation with Google Adsense not only pleasant, but also profitable. For this reason, the number of users of the service is growing at an unprecedented rate. Now it reaches 2 million people.

They are concerned about the following questions: How much can you earn with Google Adsense?”, “How to maximize income?” etc.

Probably more than half of Internet users know about Google Adsense, but in order to enlighten the newcomers to the ranks of site owners, we will general review systems and step by step we will analyze everything key points.

A Brief Tour of Google Adsense

The service, owned by the American company Google, is designed to work with contextual advertising. Advertisers use it to promote their services and products through marketing communications and websites.

Owners of web resources need to cooperate with Google Adsense so that they can. Moreover, they join the program participants absolutely free of charge.

Adsense is one of the main sources of income for Google.
In 2016, the system accounted for around 23% of total revenue, generating $15 million in revenue for the company.

Google Adsense is reliable advertising platform, which makes it possible to generate the greatest income compared to similar systems P.P.C. This happens at the expense of advertisers who pay money to the system for interacting with the ads of their products.

The service selects these ads individually for each client and sets the advertising code that publishers place on the web pages of their sites.

The process of selecting ads to be broadcast is based on the principle of an auction. It is carried out for each advertisement that matches the search query.

Based on the results of the auction, it becomes clear whether the ad will be shown and what position it will occupy. Of the ads that meet the criteria of the search query, those that have a high ranking are broadcast.

The rating is assigned based on the quality of advertising, the size of the rate, the level of competition. When visitors to web resources click on ads, Google Adsense keeps 32% of the amount accrued by advertisers, and 68% is given to site owners.

To start earning with Google Adsense, you just need to register in the program:

There you will receive all necessary information about how to work with the system, what you can and cannot do (we will also talk about this in more detail later in this article).

However, after learning this Google Adsense data, how much you can earn remains an open question, and you will not get an exact answer. Why? The fact is that certain factors affect the amount of income, which we will discuss in detail later.

For the best understanding Google Adsense and how much you can earn on it, you need to get acquainted with the fundamental terms:

Why choose Google Adsense to make money?

Based on your traffic, knowing the cost per click, you can find out the approximate income. If you take the RPM and multiply it by the expected number of clicks, you will get the approximate amount of earnings.

Those. the calculation is made according to the same formula as when calculating the cost per 1000 impressions.

Let's take the lowest click-through rate - 1%.

With a hundred impressions of a web page, you can earn $1. 100 * 1% = 1. So, with 1000 impressions, this figure will be $10.

The level of competition and pay per click.

These 2 parameters are highly interrelated. When the system installs ads from advertisers whose products are in a non-competitive niche, CPCs will be low.

The higher the competition, the more you can earn.

Moreover, you have the opportunity to turn off unprofitable ads.

For this in Google Dashboards Adsense has a "Block and Allow" tab where you can prevent blocks from advertisers from being shown by URL, general categories and other options.

However, blocking by URL has its drawback - the method is radical.

Where you place your ad will determine your click through rate and how much you can ultimately earn.

You will earn more if you place ads closer to the content. It's where most people pay attention.

Making an ad and mobile devices.

Mobile traffic is 50% on most sites, so you need to take this into account and set up ad formats that are designed for portable devices.

When installing ads for standard PCs, you must also use the sizes recommended by Google Adsense.

Popular are 336x280, 728x90, including 300x60, 300x250.

Google Adsense highlights large banners due to readability. But don't forget that with all the recommendations, the size of the ad should match the design and interface of your site, so as not to scare off visitors.

The correct solution would be to install one large block and 2 medium ones located next to each other.

Other sizes are not so in demand among advertisers, so you won’t be able to make good money on them. Also, don't forget about ad settings that allow you to display images and keywords.

It depends on what subject your web platform is, how much you can earn.

Also of great importance. It should be unique, targeted and preferably practical if you want to earn a decent amount on Google Adsense.

Focus not on videos or images, but on textual content. Popular niches are: finance, insurance, loans, mortgages, legal services, donation/donations, hosting, compensation/debt collection.

In addition, you can safely try the following topics: software, courses and training, medicine / treatment, construction, marketing, etc.

Do not create web resources in the following areas:

  • movies;
  • entertainment;
  • art;
  • celebrities;
  • news portal;
  • recipes;
  • photo galleries.

Number of products used.

You can make money with Adsense different ways:

  • by displaying banners,
  • installation on home page search engines from Google.

The second way allows your audience to receive relevant and fast results by search query. You can earn by showing ads and clicking on them.

Connect more products from Google, and you will have the opportunity to earn a decent amount of money.

demographic indicator.

If you know a foreign language or can apply for a similar service to a person who has mastered it, optimize your content for foreign users.

A publisher can earn many times more with publications on English language. This is due to the fact that the very idea of ​​​​creating a service focused on American citizens.

And only a few years later, access to the program was opened in other developed countries of the world.

Which country traffic comes from affects the amount of income. Clicks from America, UAE, Great Britain, Switzerland and other countries of Eastern Europe are estimated much higher than from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia.

Do you want to make money with Google Adsense?

Follow the tips from our article!

You will find a number of nuances in this video:

Can't predict how much can i earn on google adsense. the best way find out the amount of income personal experience and practice. Start showing ads and analyze using the tools provided by the service.

Everyone has the right to earn good money, but not everyone knows how to earn it. The secrets of making money lie on the surface. How to make money on Google Adsense? With the help of a program developed Google, it is possible to receive a solid remuneration on a monthly basis. This type Earnings involves having your own website or blog.

Critically important point: Your site must have more than 5,000 visitors a day!

What is the program

If there is a site with traffic, using this affiliate product Anyone can make money.

This is one of the types of passive income, which can be obtained in the following ways:

  • From contextual advertising when placing a block visible to visitors. A contextual ad should resonate with the information on the site. Search system itself determines which ad to place based on the analysis keywords and frequency of their use. Advertising design can be done at your discretion: color, size. Advertising should be in harmony with the site and not strain, so its creation must be approached with all seriousness.
  • You can also place on your page search blocks Google. Profit is accrued for the number of clicks. For one click on an advertising blog, income is charged from 3 cents to 5-7 dollars.
  • Earnings on games and placement of video materials with InStream advertising.

How it works

In the Google Adsense system, you will be referred to as a "publisher". The technology is as follows: the owner of an online watch store, for example, places ads on your resource for a fee - through the Google Adsense system. A visitor to your resource, if he is interested in this product, can click on an advertisement, and then he will be taken to the advertised online store.

For one click, the advertiser sets a certain price, which is distributed between the owner of the site on which the block is placed, and the Google service. A click is essentially one visit by a person to the advertiser's website. The higher the cost per click, the higher your earnings as a publisher and the higher the effectiveness of advertising.

Benefits of making money with Adsense

  1. Obtaining passive income, sitting at the computer in the office or at home. At the first stage, you will have to devote a couple of hours a day to the site, then money will be earned automatically, and there will be no need to spend time on it. It's just money for lazy or very busy people!
  2. It is easy to earn from 1000–3000 USD without applying great effort.
  3. The possibility of combining with the main work.
  4. If you are a webmaster - a minimum investment in the creation, promotion and optimization of the site for Adsense. Earnings around 3,000. e. you can get it even on a simple site, without the bells and whistles. You just need to fill it with content correctly. If there is no web programming experience, you can use the systems free creation site.
  5. The secrets of this activity are widely stated on the Internet.

For receipt real money it is worth hoping if you correctly think over and optimize your site so that there are more visits, profit directly depends on their number.


  1. Registration for Adsense. To register in the system you need mailbox on google. We go to, to register you need to click "Sign up", select your account and the Russian language. Next, fill in the data fields: you must specify valid data. Within a week, confirmation will be sent to your email. Now you can start working.
  2. Customize ads according to website design. To do this, go to the Adsense settings and in the "allowed sites" select the item "Allow ads to appear only on the following sites." This action is necessary to place ads exclusively on your own site. List your website or blog.
  3. Then create ad types (size, type, design) in the Adsense for context section. The code will be automatically generated, which must be placed on your resource.

The procedure has been completed, and it remains only to wait for daily receipts.

  • In order to avoid a ban from the Google system, before starting work, it is better to familiarize yourself with the rules of the Adsense program. Breaking the rules results in loss this service.
  • Don't overload your site with ads. From such a site, visitors usually want to leave immediately, because with such an abundance of advertising it just dazzles the eyes and it is difficult to focus on the main thing.
  • You need to place ads in a place that catches the eye of the site visitor. Good decision is the use of large square advertising texts at the end of the article on each page. You can also place ads in the article itself.
  • Image ads are more eye-catching and get clicked on more frequently.
  • The advertising code of the ad cannot be changed!
  • In no case should you independently wind up views, that is, click on advertisements yourself, since the robot tracks the ip-address.
  • A newly created resource does not need to be immediately overloaded with ads, let people first get used to the site, and its attendance will reach three hundred people.
  • Ads should not be placed on a site that is intended for sales, because buyers can go to a competitor and buy a product or service from him by clicking on the ad.

The amount of income and withdrawal of money

Receiving a reward depends on many factors, including the content of the site or blog, the number of visits and the placement of advertising. For getting large sums you still need to promote your site so that it is among the first in the search results for search queries. But that is another topic.

How much advanced bloggers earn - at least 30,000 rubles a month. For practically passive income, this is quite good money, especially for residents of the regions.

Earned funds can be withdrawn through WebMoney, Yandex Money, through payment system Rapida. The minimum withdrawal amount is $100. Adsense automatically pays out money once a month, when the amount for the previous month exceeded this figure. If you want to receive a large amount immediately, but later, you can choose a payment delay in the system.

Topics that generate more income:

  • insurance,
  • hotels,
  • movies,
  • cars,
  • education,
  • credit,
  • banks,
  • travels.

These are the most popular positions in descending order.

As you know, any entrepreneurial activity is taxed in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Not so long ago, the tax office was not too interested in doing business on the Internet, but since many entrepreneurs are switching to doing business on the Internet, the tax office is showing increased interest in them.

If the income is small, you can not worry much. But in case of receiving large incomes, it is worth issuing an IP. Usually, the tax office does not audit newly created enterprises that are not yet 3 years old from the date of registration.

As you can see, the Google Adsense program pays well for those who take into account all the recommendations. What is most interesting, you can earn income in any country doing this business.