How traffic arbitrage works. Traffic through banner networks

Greetings, my readers! Today we will have a very interesting topic– traffic arbitration. It's interesting because the right approach can create a good source of regular income, and maybe even.

Today, successful affiliate traders can earn up to a million rubles in just one day. The average income is 100-500 thousand rubles per month net. Agree, this kind of money allows every person to live the way he wants: to travel, spoil his family, help his family and friends.

In this article I want to tell you about all the basics of this matter so that you understand the big picture and know what to start from. Namely: what it is, where to start, how to develop, how to earn money, and so on. It is worth immediately noting that personal experience I have relatively little, so initially we will talk about the basics, and if you are interested, then I will share links to the most successful people in this case (arbitrators).

1. What is traffic arbitrage? Where to begin?

You can find a more or less accurate definition on the Internet. Here it is:

Buying and reselling traffic at a better price. Or buying traffic and redirecting it to affiliate programs.

To make it clearer, I’ll give a simple example with my affiliate program:

Let's say you decide to make money by selling my courses and receiving a percentage of their cost. But in order for someone to buy them, they need traffic. In other words, you need a flow of people who may become buyers. This stream can be obtained in two ways:

The first method is for those who have their own advertising platform, for example, more or less, a website, forum, promoted or developed.

You simply place advertising on your resource and wait for people to become interested and buy. Again, advertising can be placed different ways depending on the type of your resource and target audience. You can, for example, make a regular banner, write a laudatory article, or record a video with a positive review.

The second method is for those who do not have their own resource. This method is buying traffic for arbitrage. The point is that you are buying advertising on another resource. People go from there and possibly buy the product. In this case, you will have to spend money on buying advertising, as well as time and effort to find the source(s) of high-quality traffic. Moreover, you need to spend money in such a way that you can then earn even more.

2. Traffic arbitrage training – what to choose?

Now the answer to the second question - where to start? Of course with training. But about this in more detail.

There are a lot of ways to learn, but I’ll tell you straight away that you shouldn’t think that learning through various courses and trainings is the most effective way. Why? Yes, because if mitodics works, it is unlikely that the creator will tell everyone about it - this is the first argument.

In addition, in traffic arbitrage, everything is constantly changing. Methods that were effective a year ago, a month or even a week may not work today. This is another argument in favor of the fact that all courses are useless - they are a waste of money.

Although there is still something useful in practical courses. For example, look at examples of how it works, how people once made money, what they clicked, what indicators they looked at, etc... By the way, next I will share with you a link to a forum where you can find several free training methods on arbitration.

But let's return to the question - how do we learn? In fact, there are many other ways to learn traffic arbitrage - forums, blogs and groups of experienced arbitrage traders.

I personally have my doubts about groups and blogs; remember the first argument against taking courses. But I can’t say the same about forums. Because basically, such forums are partially or completely closed.

That is, you can register only by invite - an invitation from a moderator or an ordinary forum member. There is a second option - to register you must pass an exam - write an article so that the admins understand your level of knowledge in arbitration. There is a third way: spend a lot of money.

However, these methods are not suitable for beginners, unless, of course, you manage to persuade someone to send an invite, or you have a friend on a similar forum. In other cases, registration is impossible or too expensive.

But that’s not a problem either. After all, if you are a complete beginner and are just starting to learn the basics, then you do not have to register. Basic information is available to everyone. In closed sections or under the heads there are only secret chips that are shared among experienced people.

How to find? It’s very simple: Google “SEO forums” or “arbitration forums” or something like that. Should I teach you how to Google?

Much more cool information can be found in VKontakte groups, in which, as it seems to me, successful arbitrageurs share their experiences:

3. How to make money on traffic arbitrage?

There are several ways, I will now briefly tell you about them:

  • Earning money from affiliate programs. This is exactly the example I described at the beginning;
  • Selling your products. In principle, the same thing, only they buy your products, and you receive not a percentage, but the full cost;
  • Earning money from CPA affiliates. I'll talk about this in more detail later;
  • Provision of services. If you successfully engage in arbitration, then you have a good understanding of advertising and other things, which means you can drive traffic not only to affiliate programs and products, but also to other resources.

3.1. CPA traffic arbitrage

What exactly is the point? Everything is the same here. Same as in regular affiliate programs, only you are paid not for sales, but for certain actions, which may also include sales. For example: downloading a game, liking, reposting, registering, filling out a form, ordering, etc.

How it works? You choose an offer, send traffic to the right resource so that people do necessary actions and receive money only for completed actions - leads.

Arbitration is popular now mobile traffic. This is especially noticeable when you visit some abandoned site. You click something and you are redirected to Google Play to a page for the “newest super browser” or something similar.

Let me give you a simple example of free traffic collection:

You have chosen an offer that pays for filling out a questionnaire on the site. Let this be a job search site. Then you go to various bulletin boards, such as Avito, and in the work section you create a vacancy with a mandatory condition - filling out a questionnaire. People fill out forms, and you get paid. Here's a small case for you. I don’t know how it is now, but before it worked very well.

By the way, although I am not a master in this matter, who can earn a couple of millions in a week, I am already taking the first steps and I share them on my blog. Here is one such example: ““.

3.2. Traffic arbitrage on VKontakte and other social networks

I decided to talk about this in more detail, since many people are interested in the topic. Is it profitable to engage in social networks? Of course yes! Take, for example, the promoted famous bands and public pages with an audience of several hundred thousand and millions.

If you choose your topic well, you can make good money. Let me give you another simple example.

Let’s say that in a spa affiliate you have chosen an offer that pays for registration in some game. Then you go to gaming-themed public pages, for example, IGM is widely known on VK. So, there more than three millions of people who are interested in games. Most likely, if you buy advertising there, 1-2% will go to the site, and of these, another 1-2% will register, if, of course, the game is normal. Thus, by spending 20-30 thousand on advertising you can earn 10-20 times more.


To bookmarks

I'll start with an example. Suppose there is an offer (supply on the market) for the sale of winter woolen socks from Grandmother Galya costing 50 UAH per pair.

Question - how can an Arbitrator make money on socks?

1. You need to understand who will wear such socks.

2. Understand when it is profitable to sell woolen socks at all (it is clear that in the summer they are unlikely to sell normally)

3. Understand where on the Internet (mostly affiliate marketers work with the Internet) there are those same people (hereinafter the target audience is the target audience) who will want to buy these woolen socks from Baba Gali.

4. After the arbitrator has compared all this factual data and found a source of traffic for himself (that is, the habitat of the target audience), he needs to somehow present this product, and not just present it, but also make money from it!

5. There are several options for making money on this product:

Option 1.

Working directly with Grandma Galya. That is, you found such a grandmother and told her: “I can sell your socks on the Internet.” Create a Landing Page and set up traffic to this Landing Page.

Tell your grandmother: “Would it be normal for you to have 50 UAH from just socks?” She agrees. An entrepreneurial thought pulsates in her head: “If I sell 100 pairs, I will earn 5,000 UAH!!! Wow, that’s more than my pension!” And you, based on this cost, set a price of 299 UAH on the landing page.

As you can imagine, the math here is simple:

a) Payment to grandmother = 50 UAH/pair

This must be a person who has the knowledge of an analyst, marketer, psychologist, mathematician, creative worker, time manager of his own time, etc.

In a word, he is a Superhero who is able to earn money from his knowledge.

c) Creation of a landing page.

If you know how to create landing pages yourself, great! This will take on average from several hours to 1 day.

If you don’t know how, then order, prices are also different - from 500 to 50,000 UAH.

d) Traffic optimization.

There's a lot about this on this moment I will not write, since this is a whole philosophy and synergy of the knowledge described above.

To summarize briefly:

Your income = price on the landing page – payment to grandma – advertising costs – costs of creating the landing page.

Option 2. Working through intermediaries, that is, with an affiliate program (hereinafter referred to as PP)

An affiliate program consists of people who hired a group of such grandmothers to work for them and created landing pages for their products. They are looking for arbitrators in order to agree on cooperation with them.

That is, they pay you money for the goods sold, and at the same time take a commission for themselves for intermediation.


Grandma sells her goods for 50 UAH. The PP agrees with the grandmother that she will sell for 30 UAH, but at the same time the PP takes on the responsibility of giving the grandmother many orders, for example 10 per day.

For grandma, this is “wow!” how much.

Also, the PP takes responsibility for creating the landing page. And only then does he agree with the arbitrator on the remuneration that he can receive for the goods sold; V in this case- these are socks.

For example, it’s 100 UAH for a pair of socks sold, and on the landing page the price is 299 UAH. But the arbitrator receives a fixed price for a sold pair - 100 UAH.

Here the form of earnings is a little different: Your income = 100 – advertising expense

With the proper knowledge and constant practice, reselling the flow of visitors may well become a regular source of income from the difference between the purchase price and the price of selling it to a potential advertiser’s website.

The essence of arbitration The point is that we buy traffic in one place and then resell it in another, and the difference goes into our pocket.


What we have as a result:

Bought traffic at a price of 2000/250=8 rubles/click

Sold traffic at a price of 5000/250=20 rubles/click

We made a profit.

What are the types of earnings in arbitration?

  • CPT (Cost Per Time) - a fixed time of placement on the site is purchased.
  • CPM (Cost per mille) - payment is made per thousand impressions.
  • CPC (Cost Per Click) - advertising is paid for clicks.
  • CPA (Cost per Action), CPI (Cost per Install) or CPI (Cost per lead) - payment is made for leads, actions or installations

Main sources of Internet traffic:

· Redirect visitors from your own site

· Traffic from video clips on Youtube and other video aggregators

How to find a CPA network and start earning money?

Sites that carry out intermediary activities between a company that needs to sell a product and an arbitrageur are called CPA networks. CPA (cost per action)

Quite often you can find that CPA networks are called affiliate networks. The thing is that these sites present a lot of affiliate programs, which are actually developed to involve arbitrage traders. These sites have collected a large number of offers.

We call an offer in arbitration the product, service, service, game, or subscription that we are going to advertise, redirecting our traffic to the selected offer.

Typically, an affiliate offer includes:

· promotional materials provided by the company advertiser

· description of the terms of cooperation.

For beginners, I recommend proven commercial PPs: If you have any questions with these Affiliates, write to https://t. me/arbitraj_chat with a note and we can figure it out together

What services should I use for my work?

1. To search for creatives:

2. Working with texts:

I learned about traffic arbitrage quite recently and initially this type of earning money on the Internet seemed very easy to me. But when I studied the issue a little, I realized that everything is not so simple, and not always arbitrage can bring profit. Therefore, in this blog I will share with you my knowledge about possible earnings on the Internet using traffic arbitrage...

I learned about traffic arbitrage quite recently and initially this type of earning money on the Internet seemed very easy to me. But when I studied the issue a little, I realized that everything is not so simple, and not always arbitrage can bring profit.

Therefore, in this blog I will share with you my knowledge about the possibility of making money on the Internet using traffic arbitrage, I will give some recommendations regarding places where you can buy traffic and how to find it, as well as some affiliate programs that you can send traffic to in order to make a profit .

General information about traffic arbitrage

Traffic arbitrage – a type online business, the essence of which is the purchase and subsequent resale of previously purchased traffic for more favorable conditions. The essence arbitration traffic very simple: we buy where it’s cheaper and dump it where they pay more; the difference is our profit from arbitrage.

For example: you bought 1,000 referrals to your website for $10, out of these thousand people, 800 people went through referral links from your website to the affiliate program website and 6 of them sent an SMS to order some product offered by the affiliate program, for which you received interest income - $60. Then your earnings from arbitrage will be 60-10 = $50.

In theory, everything is very simple, but in practice you have to sweat. The process itself is not complicated, but quite painstaking, there is a lot of daily routine in it, which bears fruit with the right approach.

There are 3 main types of arbitration:

  1. direct arbitrage (when purchased traffic is directly transferred to);
  2. using Landing page (traffic is purchased on a specially created lining - Landing page, from which the visitor goes to the affiliate page via a referral link);
  3. using Landing page+email registration (that is, when you go to your Landing page for further actions the visitor must register on the site. A significant advantage of this is that you receive a database of email addresses that you can use to send letters in the future running of your business).

“3 elephants” on which arbitrage rests: Where to buy? How to control? Where to drain?

Considering the arbitration process, I would like to highlight the following 3 main components:

  • Traffic source, purchasing process.
  • Traffic tracking in the middle.
  • Conversion on some offer that you found.

So, let's look at each of these stages in more detail.

1. Where to buy traffic?

First, let's try to understand the types of traffic sources and where it is better to buy traffic in order to achieve maximum conversion.

Free traffic – first of all, these are thematic forums and boards free ads. It should be noted that searching forums, posting unique articles, topic administration is painstaking and tedious work, but when serious attitude gives good results. Moreover, if you are new to arbitrage and have a small budget, you should not disdain this type of traffic.

Sometimes such affiliate programs combine payment for action and a percentage of sales, such as, for example, some gaming offers from actionpay.

2) SMS affiliates have recently lost their relevance, as they are highly dependent on the rules of mobile operators. After passing a simple test, a person who has entered the paysite is asked to enter a mobile phone number or send an SMS to a short number. The two largest SMS paysites are and

3) Sales affiliates (% of paid purchases made) – at the moment they are becoming more and more popular, since, unlike SMS payers, most users receive a real product that costs a relatively adequate amount the property paid for it. Example – CPA aggregator Myragon (offers you 5% of purchases on the affiliate website).

A little warning: never pour all your traffic into one affiliate program! Each affiliate program has paid subscribers in different topics, but not all of them are equally good. One affiliate program may have a good payer for entertainment topics, another for business. Therefore, there is no need to put all your eggs in one basket, distribute them!

The main rule of an arbitrageur is testing

Remember! At each stage of traffic arbitration it is necessary to test:

  • different traffic sources;
  • offers;
  • pictures for teasers and banners, ad texts;
  • different landing page designs;
  • time to buy traffic (day or night, every other day), etc.

But don't expect the results of your tests to be immediate. To get stable traffic you will need at least a couple of weeks.

How much?

The first question that arises for a novice arbitrageur is: how much money do you need to invest first? There is no exact answer to this question. Some advise to start with having 200-300 dollars in your pocket to purchase traffic, others say that 100 dollars is enough.

The problem is that you will need to buy traffic every day, and you will be able to withdraw the money you earned (if any) only after 2 weeks (this is the principle of any affiliate program: at the end of the week you can withdraw money for the previous week). Therefore, you need to have a reserve so that there are no failures in your work.

The only thing I would like to note on this issue is: don’t take too many risks! To begin with, allocate as much money for experiments as you don’t mind losing. Because in 99% of cases, initially doing arbitrage is nothing but losses until you get the hang of it. Therefore, allocate not a large amount, but one that is not critical for you to lose.

Every experienced arbitrageur has more than once lost hundreds of dollars to nowhere, but then always recovered this money. The main thing is to find your niche!

The knowledge required before starting arbitration

Finally, I would like to formulate a small reminder for beginners in this Internet business about what everyone needs to know.

  • general knowledge about website construction (buying a domain, renting hosting, uploading an engine, etc.);
  • ability to work with Google Analytics service;
  • knowledge of HTML will not be superfluous;
  • the ability to accept risks and be aware of them;
  • familiarization with the rules of working with the selected traffic source and the selected affiliate program;
  • the ability to write selling texts (on this issue I advise you to read the book by Sergei Bernadsky “Selling Texts. How to turn a reader into a buyer”).


Today, traffic arbitrage is a very promising area in terms of earnings. Those who can comprehend its subtleties will be able to earn decent money.

This is a risky business, because without a competent approach to business, without analyzing the market situation and without monitoring statistics, you can waste all your money. But if you learn to make money through arbitrage, then big money awaits you.

Remember: The arbitrage opportunities are endless. Income is also unlimited. So I wish everyone good luck making money on the Internet!)

Traffic arbitrage is one of the largest sections of money making on the network, which does not require special knowledge, large budgets, a multi-year website and other resources from the webmaster. In this article we will try to explain in detail what exactly an arbitrator does, what CPA affiliate programs are, offers, and so on. Go!

How to make money from traffic arbitrage

If we translate the phrase “traffic arbitrage” into Russian, then this expression can be described as “mediation”.

- this is a seller who needs to sell a product, issue a loan, get a new client for his bookmaker, etc.

Arbitrator– this is you: the person who promotes offers and receives a commission from sales, deposits, registrations, etc.

CPA-net- this is the platform through which all work is carried out, such platforms are also called affiliate programs. They provide customized links, complete conversion and sales statistics, support and other information.

Earning money is quite simple:

  1. You register in the CPA network;
  2. Choose an offer (loans, sports betting, online games, Appliances And so on);
  3. Read the terms of the offer and affiliate program;
  4. Choose advertising tools ( ready-made landing pages, links, banners – whatever);
  5. Promote your offer;
  6. The client clicks on your advertisement and buys the product;
  7. The offer pays you a percentage of the transaction.

As we can see, everything is quite transparent. Of course, there are many nuances to this topic. For example, some offers prohibit the use of a certain promotion method, some set restrictions on targeting (for example, only girls or people over 25), some oblige you to advertise a product by agreement, etc. However, for the most part, early stage traffic arbitrage is quite simple circuit earnings for development.

How much can you earn from traffic arbitrage?

Income in traffic arbitrage is very difficult to predict and depends on dozens of factors. Of course, the main thing that affects how much you earn is experience! Experienced arbitrageurs earn tens of thousands of dollars a day, and some even hundreds. Yes, there is no mistake here, some arbitrageurs earn more than $100,000 per day! Of course, there are only a few of these, and this is not a stable income, but only when there is a working combination of an offer and a traffic source, tested and working. Sometimes, to find such a combination, you have to spend thousands of dollars and months on tests. But on average, everything is not so categorical; in most cases, earnings are lower, and the costs of finding a working connection and tests are also lower.

To understand the level of earnings, you can look at the cases:

An example of earnings from arbitration in 1.5 months. See expenses in

To better understand what traffic arbitrage is and where the money comes from, let's look at an example.

Let’s take absolutely any offer, let’s say we decided to make money by selling watches.

Example of an offer for the sale of goods (watches)

This offer offers us from 0.5% to 8% of the completed transaction. Let's say that a customer clicks from your ad and buys a Skagen Leather watch, the cost of which is 9390 rubles. In this case, the seller offers you a CPS of 5% .

You get from one sale 469,5 rubles

Amounts may vary as they depend on:

  • topics;
  • audience;
  • the final offer;
  • product categories, etc.

The main thing you need to understand is that arbitrage is a fairly flexible thing that you need to master with small sales. Get your first experience, get your first hundred bucks, and then play big.

And our first task is to choose a suitable CPA network.

Selecting an affiliate program

Quite a large CPA network with a large Russian-speaking audience (the VK group numbers about 100 thousand people). "Partnerka" offers us:

  • more than 800 offers;
  • high deductions (20-100 rubles higher than others);
  • consultations in VK or Telegram messenger;
  • promotional materials for any offer and much more.

A very simple system that has been running online for more than 5 years. For starters, this is quite a suitable option.



Ad1 is: a large number of “commodity” offers, no delays in payments, personal connection to exclusive programs, good technical support and much more.

For the most part, Ad1 is a platform for goods and online games; there are not many other areas.

Each offer is checked manually, which means no one is deceiving you. New items and exclusives are often published. Plus, daily statistics are kept, thanks to which you can track the most popular offers and tools for working with clients.

Admitad is largest network"partner". At first it seems somewhat complicated due to the multi-component interface, but over time you realize that working here is quite convenient.

Since this network is global and large-scale, you can immerse yourself in the world of traffic arbitrage. Every day you will receive messages about profitable offers by email, news is updated daily on the site, full statistics are available to your eyes - in general, there is a lot of material to familiarize yourself with.

The advantages of Admitad are that here you can find both unknown brands (of which there are a lot in Ad1) and popular companies such as Megafon, M.Video and others.

Offer selection

Where is the best place to start? In principle, all sites are quite similar. If you just want to try, then start with simple options. M1-Shop or Ad1 will do just fine. If you are focused on long-term work, want to try out all the tools and see all the programs, then go straight to Admitad.

In general, it is advisable to consider all CPA networks, since they are conditionally divided into “spheres of influence”:

  • goods;
  • finance;
  • trips;
  • games and programs;
  • services, etc.

That is, if you want to attract people to Forex or binary options, then look for an appropriate offer - for example, Amarkets. If you want to start selling goods, choose one of the top product offers; the list is usually available on home page affiliates

Registration in each network is simple and similar: login, password, adding a site. Register in each system and determine the most optimal network for yourself.

How to choose a traffic source

There are two main ways to generate traffic: 1) free, but long; 2) fast, but not free.

In the first case you must have a site with a certain traffic (viewers, site visitors, etc.). You can write a post (or record a video) where you say: “I tried this miracle cream, it helped me, buy it!” Your subscriber will follow the link, buy it, and you will receive a percentage of sales.

But you can start from scratch and create platforms specifically for traffic arbitrage and certain offers. It’s not necessary to create thematic channels on YouTube, even with your own videos. Create websites for visitors from search engines, use different free ways promotion on social networks, for example.

Second option, the most popular, is buying traffic and redirecting traffic to the promoted offer.

Something like this happens:

  1. The arbitrator (you) buys advertising;
  2. The advertisement writes a beautiful headline;
  3. People click on an advertisement and end up, for example, on a landing page from an offer;
  4. Make a purchase;
  5. A percentage of sales is credited to your account.

But it's not that simple. How to guess what kind of traffic is best to buy? Let's look at all the options from where we can get paid traffic.

Search traffic

This is a very complex and difficult method for arbitration. Here we will need some kind of resource that we must promote.

Let's say you have an informational website about refrigerator repairs. You often add new articles on this topic, you already have an audience, traffic from search engines - in general, the site is working.

In this case we do the following:

  1. We are writing a post about how refrigerators from company “X” last longer.
  2. We put a link to specific model(offers often offer many options).
  3. We are promoting this post through advertising on other platforms.
  4. People come from the search network to your article.
  5. You expect a percentage of the sale.

In this case, you get the purest, quality traffic. However, under the term " search traffic” comes another connotation associated with contextual advertising.

Here, working with traffic arbitration is greatly simplified, because:

  • We don't need an authority site;
  • We can direct traffic directly to advertising page or even to the offer’s website.
  1. The user writes a query to the search engine.
  2. The search engine gives him an advertising link on his topic.
  3. The user goes to the site and makes a purchase.

The arbitrator receives money.

What could be the problem here?

Firstly, not every offer allows this source of traffic, since many advertisers use it themselves and do not want competition out of nowhere.

Secondly When you drive traffic through contextual advertising, you can lose a lot of money. Still, such advertising is quite expensive, and the conversion rate from it is not necessarily high.

However, many affiliate marketers are creative, create good funnel sites and earn a lot of money from sales. You can’t guess here, it all depends on luck and your creativity in selling goods or services.

Targeted advertising on social networks

Or, also targeted, that is, configured to be shown only to a specific audience.

Example of a promotional post on Facebook

That is, here the social network user sees those advertising offers that are completely suitable for his location, age and interests. For example, in the first screenshot we see an advertisement for dresses. It is clear that the ad was placed based on the following parameters:

  • women's page;
  • age from 18 years;
  • subscription to thematic public pages, etc.

Plus, very often advertising coincides with search queries that the user entered not so long ago. For example, if you were looking for distance education online, then when you log into your favorite VK, you will receive a suitable ad in the block on the left.

The disadvantages are the same: high price and low conversion, so be creative in creating your ads. However, on social networks there are other tools for advertising advertising for arbitration.

Advertising in public pages on VKontakte and other social networks

If you are a fairly frequent user of social networks, you have probably seen similar posts in your feed. They are posted by public and group administrators themselves for money. What is important for affiliate marketers is that administrators give a discount for bulk purchases of posts.

What is its advantage? Is that here you can tie advertisement to the topic or name of the public page, which will increase conversion. In this case, the work flow looks like this:

  1. You find a thematic public (humor, fashion, cars, etc.).
  2. Agree with the owner about advertising placement.
  3. Make up your own advertising post, based on the preferences of the public audience.
  4. You receive clicks on the link.
  5. You expect a percentage of the sale.

The problem is that beginners cannot competently create interesting advertisements. Very often we see advertising that is completely inappropriate for the topic of the public and its audience.

As a result, in a community where each post gets 3000-5000 likes, an advertisement gets only 100-150.

Teaser traffic

The pros are that this advertising is very cheap compared to previous options. Plus, she really attracts attention. The disadvantages are that people categorically do not trust such advertising: even after the visitor goes to the advertising page, he is unlikely to make a purchase there.

To get started, you can try experimenting with teaser networks: create a couple of ads and see how things go.

Teaser networks for arbitrage:


We can place the banner on a suitable resource. For example, agree with the owner of a sports website to place a banner advertising an online sports nutrition store.

Secondly, you can create truly high-quality promotional offer, which will be shown to the audience.

The disadvantages, as we understand it, are a continuation of the advantages. First of all, we must create a high-quality banner, and for this you need to be able to draw or you will have to hire a freelancer.

Banners are not well suited for arbitrage, because this is a tool aimed at brand recognition, and not just at attracting traffic. In addition, placing a banner on large sites is quite expensive:

The exchange is presented as an example.

Advertising summary

There is no ideal advertising tool; it all depends on the arbitrator. A professional will be able to earn millions of rubles a month with the help of teaser networks, while an incompetent webmaster, even with a high-quality source, will go into the red. So you shouldn’t hope for a “miracle”. Traffic arbitrage is a complex area of ​​money making that needs to be studied, and with experience you will definitely be able to achieve some reasonable result.

Launch and analysis of an advertising company

The launch of any company, regardless of the advertising platform, occurs according to the following algorithm:

  1. Determining the target audience. After registering in the CPA network and choosing an offer, you must clearly define the target audience that you will target when creating your advertisement.
  2. Determining the active part of the audience. For example, both adults and children play online games. Your task is to determine that part of the audio audience that will actually make purchases in this game. As you understand, adults buy virtual things more often, so we advertise for them.
  3. We create beautiful advertising text. If you have problems with this, contact a copywriting exchange or a freelance exchange. There are a lot of specialists there who will create a beautiful ad: make a bright headline, add a description, etc.
  4. We launch advertising. We take sequential steps. If you have a 50,000 ruble advertising budget, do not spend all the money on one ad. Gradually test the waters and find the most successful options.

We track advertising. To avoid wasting your entire advertising budget, you need to constantly monitor your results. Make 5-10 ads and see which ones produce the most effective results. We immediately merge ineffective options and create new ones.

  • Traffic arbitrage is not passive income, you need to constantly work with this same traffic;
  • You will not find success in the very first days of work;
  • Try to work through as many options as possible (this applies to both offer proposals and advertising tools);
  • Always create unique ads that will be different from competitors' ads;
  • Track “live” projects with a loyal audience - these are the main advertising platforms for you;
  • Choose offers that are interesting to you based on the topic (this way you will better understand what people want).


At first, you might think that there is nothing complicated about traffic arbitrage. However, now you understand that this is a whole universe in online earnings that requires detailed study. If you don’t want to spend all your money on empty traffic, then dive into this topic headlong. Start with small actions: place an advertising post on your VK page, make a blog on Tumblr, sell products through YouTube - all this will help you understand how best to sell through affiliate networks. And only then you will be able to reach an “industrial” volume and buy traffic for its subsequent monetization.

Traffic arbitrage has appeared as a type of earnings recently and is the redirection of received traffic (usually purchased) to other resources in order to obtain financial benefits. There are many articles and debates about the effectiveness and harm of traffic arbitrage. Expert opinions often differ.

To start working with traffic arbitrage, it is worth finding the answer to the question “what is it?”
Traffic arbitrage is the profitable resale of traffic purchased at a low price. This traffic may represent user activity on various internet platforms. Previously, traffic arbitrage was considered a risky means of promoting Internet projects and good remedy earnings for webmasters. The second statement remains true today.

The development of the Internet space, the emergence of competition among webmasters and the emergence of many competing Internet sites give rise to strong competition, displacing weak or unscrupulous resources from this market. The risk is reduced for both traffic sellers and potential buyers. Traffic Sellers guaranteed to receive payments for the services provided, and buyers receive the necessary planned benefit for your resource.
Traffic arbitrage requires a clear plan from both the webmaster and the customer. The customer must initially analyze the goals of the upcoming traffic arbitrage, draw up a plan and calculate the benefits. A WEB master must have a large traffic base to perform the assigned tasks efficiently. Otherwise you can get low conversion your resource.

You should order traffic arbitrage only on trusted sites and from sellers with good reviews. Otherwise, you may end up with low quality traffic, which may include bots that don't perform the required actions. Such acquisitions are a waste of money.

Where to buy traffic for arbitrage?

A WEB master, having received a specific task, begins to search for profitable and high-quality sources of acquiring traffic for its subsequent profitable resale. The effectiveness of such advertising and the future conversion of the promoted resource depend on the different sources and methods used.

Buying and selecting traffic - the main task WEB-master, on whom the result of all further actions will depend. There are many resource methods for buying traffic. Let's look at some of them:

Teaser advertising

Teaser advertising - pictures ranging in size from 80x60 to 250x250 pixels with a brief text description. This is the source itself low quality traffic, however, even from it you can benefit. By using teaser advertising, you can successfully achieve high conversion entertainment projects. This is due to the low cost of a unique click on a link and human psychology, which delays users on interesting entertainment projects, forcing them to navigate the site, purchasing, if possible, the services offered.

contextual advertising

Contextual advertising - text string with a description of the advertising object. This type advertisements are provided by search engines Google services and Yandex, as well as various third-party projects. Purchasing this traffic is much more expensive. This decision suitable for monetization narrowly thematic projects on business, construction, medicine...
Usage contextual advertising in order to buy traffic for arbitration, it requires the WEB master to have a clear plan for its further use. Achieving conversion of such advertising is the most difficult.

Advertising on social networks

Advertising on social networks is the youngest and most effective type of advertising, allowing you to effectively buy traffic for a variety of broad and narrow thematic projects. Using the VKontakte service as an example, you can sort the list of necessary people by gender, place of residence, age, language, education, etc. Wide possibilities and low cost of display allow you to achieve good results in further arbitration.

Banner networks

Banner networks - old way acquisition of traffic, losing its popularity due to growing competition from other types of advertising. This is due to the high cost of displaying banners on large and popular projects. However, banner networks are one of the best options For good conversion major projects . Working with banner networks requires studying the resources used for advertising.
There are many other methods of acquiring traffic for further arbitrage. The above methods are the most profitable, relevant and competitive solutions that allow you to get greatest financial benefit from traffic resale. The success of traffic arbitrage and the conversion of a certain resource depends entirely on the individual approach of the WEB master.

How much do you earn from traffic arbitrage?

Earning money from traffic arbitrage entirely depends on the experience of the WEB master, the sources of traffic used and the ability to use this traffic as efficiently as possible to complete the task set by the customer. Earnings can reach 10-200% of the invested funds for the acquisition of traffic.

To obtain the greatest financial benefit, analyze the task at hand, the advertising market and the resources from which you purchase traffic. Protect yourself and the customer from boosting views and clicks by bots and inactive users. The ability to obtain maximum profit from traffic arbitrage comes with experience WEB masters and developed base to purchase traffic.

Traffic arbitration example

Traffic arbitrage - the new kind traffic monetization, in demand both among novice WEB masters and large projects. The use of traffic arbitrage is equally beneficial for both the customer and the contractor. High-quality completion of the task guarantees a good mutual profit. You can verify this by looking at a few real examples successful traffic arbitrage:

Using traffic arbitrage and an affiliate program with the sale of souvenirs*

*Souvenirs can mean absolutely any product.

For example, we will take a themed gift shop that pays 10% of the goods sold by attracting your traffic. Let's say you use advertising in social network VKontakte and place an advertising post with information about the sale of souvenirs. 300 people follow your links and 25 of them order a product with an average cost of 500 rubles. You receive 10% from the affiliate program, which is 1250 rubles. Ordering advertising on VKontakte will cost you ~500 rubles. Total net profit is 750 rubles, which is 150% pays off invested amount. And this is just an example of the easy to use traffic arbitration.

Working with private clients, large resources and developing your own traffic arbitration system brings big profits. It all depends on the ingenuity, experience and demand of a particular WEB master. All in your hands!