How to check why your computer turns off. The computer turns off by itself

There is often a situation when simple user, after long period During normal operation, the computer suddenly begins to shut down on its own. Quite often the reason for this can be easily eliminated on your own. Let's try to figure out why this is happening and how to fix the problems that have arisen.

Reasons for PC shutdown and their solutions

A computer can turn off due to many different reasons, including both software and hardware. In general, you can roughly determine what the reason is by behavior. So, if the operating system does not have time to start loading, then there is a high probability of hardware problems.

Otherwise, there may be problems of any nature, including software ones, most often due to various types of malware. However, first of all, you need to find out why this happens.


There are a great many different types of programs that create many troubles for users, and spread independently. There are also those that turn off the PC after loading.

Photo: computer turns off for no reason

Let's figure out what to do to either eliminate this option or eliminate the problem.

First of all, you need to create boot disk, or a flash drive with antivirus software. On the websites of antivirus software manufacturers, these types of images are offered for free, with complete instructions for creating bootable disks. Although this will require a “healthy” computer with Internet access.

Photo: Multiboot USB flash drive

Having created such a drive, you should:

Note. A full check can occur long time, up to several days - depends on the amount and nature of the recorded information, as well as on the overall performance of the system.

If, after checking, the system similarly turns off during operation, or does not have time to boot at all, then the problem is clearly of a hardware nature.

Low power or faulty power supply

When the PC does not even have time to start booting, or the previous option clearly indicated a hardware problem, then the secondary power supply in the computer itself is often the culprit of the problem. Or, alternatively, the network voltage is simply too low alternating current 220V.

Photo: multimeter shows low power

First of all, you need to check the AC voltage. Either a “familiar electrician” or a universal device – a multimeter – can help with this. Ideally, the network voltage should be 220 Volts, but deviations of 10% are allowed. Those. at 240 or 200 V the power supply should work fine.

If the voltage deviates beyond acceptable limits, it is necessary to either solve the problem by contacting electricians, or install a voltage stabilizer, of which there are a sufficient number on sale.

In the power supply itself, if the problem is not in the outlet, there may be malfunctions of the following nature (when the computer periodically turns off):

  • emergency shutdown as a result of overheating - the cooling fan may have failed, or the inside of the power supply has become very dirty;
  • physical degradation of circuit components (usually capacitors) - usually after “warming up” it begins to work normally;
  • excessive load on the components of the system unit - emergency shutdown as a result of overload;
  • an emergency signal from the motherboard - a malfunction of the built-in converters or others (although this is no longer the power supply itself).

What needs to be done to correct the situation:

By and large, if cleaning the dust solved the problem, then good. In other cases (except for the option when the system does not work with a known-good power supply), it is best to replace the secondary power source. But in the case of system inoperability when it is known working unit The nutritional problem lies in other components.

Overheating of the processor or video card

After long-term use, or if some components are initially defective, it is possible that the computer turns off due to overheating of important components. For example, central or central cooling radiators GPU can become “overgrown” with dust and stop performing their functions.

If the computer turns off by itself after 5 minutes of operation, then first of all it is necessary to check the cooling system.

The nature of the PC’s behavior will tell you what to initially pay attention to:

When to use software there is no way to determine the elevated temperature, and the BIOS displays quite adequate values ​​(after all, there is no load in this mode), then you should simply carry out visual inspection and prevention of cooling systems.

First of all, you need to make sure that the cooling systems are securely fixed in place, and that the fans on them (if any) rotate without extraneous sounds and effort. When the fan makes a lot of noise or is difficult to rotate, it should be replaced.

Prevention of CO is carried out as follows (quite simply):

However, there may be cases when prevention does not help (or the computer is completely new). In this case, it is possible that the cooling system simply cannot cope with the task, because it lacks performance. This could be either an incorrect calculation during production or a loss of efficiency due to wear and tear.

Therefore, a more subtle approach is needed, which is also useful in case of one-time problems that have not yet “escalated” into a serious problem. In addition, such control will help prevent problems from arising.

Video: Computer shuts down

The temperature is too high, we find out the values ​​​​in AIDA

All major PC systems are equipped with built-in monitoring and self-diagnosis components. Yes and CPU, video card and chipset, are equipped with temperature sensors. Their readings can be seen in the BIOS, or you can use special programs in the OS environment.

One of the most common programs of this kind (and also has many others) useful features) is AIDA. That's why we'll use it. It does not require installation - just download it and you can start it right away. The program must be downloaded according to the appropriate version. If you have a 64-bit version of the OS (nowadays the majority of them do), then the program also needs AIDA64.

The launch itself is carried out double click by the program's executive file (aida64.exe or aida.exe, respectively for the 64-bit and 32-bit versions). After launch, on the left side of the program window (titled “Menu”) you need to select the “Sensors” item, after which the readings of all temperature sensors available in the system will be displayed on the right. It is useful to check the temperature readings when running resource-intensive applications, because... under load they increase.

The temperature should (ideally) not exceed 70 degrees Celsius. However, many powerful solutions allow the crystal to heat up to 100 degrees. However, the lower the temperature, the better. When it approaches a critical point, the conclusion is clear: the cooling system of the corresponding component cannot cope.

Why does my computer turn off spontaneously?

Listed above are only the main, most common problems. However, everything can be much simpler. For example, the power button on the system unit can easily become stuck. With a little experience, you can easily determine such a defect by touch, but it is not possible to exclude this option using more accurate methods.

For example, you can simply disconnect it from the motherboard by starting the PC manually by closing the corresponding contacts. If the computer stops turning off, then the reason has been determined. All that remains is to eliminate the defect.

In many cases it is necessary to start checking from this position. But if the reason is not in the button, then move on to checking others possible options described above.

It turns off after a while, what should I do...

Let’s look at what algorithm to use to determine a malfunction of this kind:

In order to carry out all the operations described above, you must have at least minimal knowledge of the structure of a PC. If the problem cannot be resolved (which is unlikely), then you should contact a specialist. Although you can replace the entire PC, which is also a solution.

As a result, the main part of the problems arising with spontaneous shutdown was considered, according to statistical data. In 99% of cases, the problems are exactly the same, relatively simple reasons. Eliminating them is also not difficult.

However, other types of malfunctions are also possible, with similar symptoms, for example - unstable work current converter on the motherboard (this is also true for the video card). In this case, you can either replace the main component or contact service center.

Any PC breakdown is an unpleasant incident, and if failures occur regularly, we begin to wonder why the computer turns off by itself and what to do about it.

Possible reasons and their solution

#1 Problems with the system unit

If the computer turns off by itself after a while, Windows 7 or 10 does not matter - the reason may lie in the system unit, which has accumulated dust and dirt. Remove the side cover and check. If the components are covered with an unpleasant layer, take a vacuum cleaner and use it on low power to treat the inside of the PC. Use a paint brush and a cotton swab for hard-to-reach areas.

#2 High hardware temperature

If overheating occurs, the emergency shutdown system is activated. There are many programs to check the current status, such as CPUID HWMonitor. What to do if the computer turns off by itself for Windows 7 - instructions:

  • Download the program from
  • Install and open. In the “Temperature” section you will see the necessary indicators.

  • If the temperature of the motherboard or video card is higher established norm, you should change the location of the PC itself and clean the fans.

Attention, if you have a laptop, purchase a stand and do not place it on soft surfaces.

Contact a specialist to change the thermal paste on your processor. Too large a layer is just as harmful as a dry layer, so it is not recommended for a beginner to do this on his own.

#3 Malware

When the computer turns off by itself - what is the reason - the most logical question. In Windows 7, we look for the answer in the antivirus program. Launch it and go through full check. If you use pirated versions games or frequently download from the Internet, your computer is probably infected.

Same thing with a common question, which comes to us, sounds like this: “If the computer (PC) turns off by itself - what could be the reason on Windows 10 and what to do about it?” The very first advice we give to such requests: your protection is reduced, activate Windows Defender. This is a built-in antivirus, which also copes with its task quite well.

#4 Nutrition

When purchasing components (video cards, etc.), few people pay attention to the power of the power supply. But it is from this that the hardware receives electricity. When assembling a new PC, check how much all components consume. You can obtain this information from the device documents.
If they are not saved, look in the task manager correct name equipment and search for information online.

To find the reason when the computer turns itself off, in Windows 7, call the manager from the Control Panel (Start button). Write down the names associated with the word “Chipset” in the system section and rewrite the name of the video card from the block "Video adapters". Further check on the manufacturer's website.

The same sequence of steps must be followed to find out why the computer turns off by itself after a while for Windows 10. In it, the manager is called by right-clicking on the main button.

#5 Bad RAM

When the computer turns off by itself after a while, the reasons may lie in bad sectors of RAM or a malfunction of the dies themselves. You can run the test yourself. To do this, hold the +[R] buttons together and enter the sequence mdsched.

Reboot your computer as prompted by the system and wait about 20 minutes for the verification process to complete. If there are too many errors, it is better to replace the RAM. A specialist will help you understand in detail.

#6 Problems with the motherboard

When figuring out why the computer suddenly turns off by itself, you cannot ignore the motherboard. Due to voltage surges, a capacitor on it may swell or a transistor may be damaged.

The first problem is immediately visible, the second can be identified by a professional in radio engineering. He will change it. It is better to contact a service center.

#7 Bad contact

When the computer begins to turn off on its own during operation, remember whether the system unit was hit or whether you disassembled it. Any contact could have come loose, from the power supply or motherboard. Disassemble the system unit and check all the plugs - they should fit tightly into the connectors.

#8 Upgrade

Before purchasing new components, check their compatibility - whether there is enough power from the unit. We wrote above how to do this. Another way is to enter all the parameters on the website and click the count button. As a result, you will get the desired values.

It turned out that they brought me a computer for repair, which turns off after a while. At the same time, a friend had the same problem with his brainchild.
Having wandered through the vast expanses, I found many forums with smart people and a lot of text with smart words. But there were no simple instructions. So for yourself and your favorite piece of hardware. Simple actions to revive the system unit.
I decided to shoot a herd of hares with one blow

Let me remind you that everything needs to be done very carefully. Step left, step right - and you are a father.

Brief instructions for reviving your computer.

So. If your computer turns off after a while, as if it had been suddenly deprived of power:

Iron. Localization of the defect.
Computer turns off. The computer restarts,
Or Computer won't turn on. The actions are almost the same.

Your task is to localize the defect to the block, if you are not a repairman, but know how to handle the device.
Part of yours further actions— localization, part — prevention. One without the other makes no sense.

1. Cleaning your computer from dust.

Open the system unit and use a vacuum cleaner and a soft brush to clean the insides of dust. Special attention Pay attention to the processor radiator and coolers.
This is roughly what a computer cooling system SHOULD look like. And you will see for yourself what it really looks like.

If the radiator fins are clogged to death not with dust but with felt - normal operation don't wait for a computer. At the same time, pay attention to the cooler, whether everything is spinning. If necessary, either disassemble and lubricate, or replace, which is of course preferable.

2.Visual inspection.

Carefully inspect the motherboard for swollen capacitors and dark
(overheated) places. In particular under field effect transistors and microcircuits.
Presence of cracks, chips and other mechanical damage on the motherboard.
Sometimes it is useful when cleaning dust to turn the system unit over and shake it a couple of times. There are frequent cases of foreign objects getting on the motherboard. Boltov, etc.


3. Old thermal paste between the processor and the heatsink is one of the reasons for the processor to overheat and the computer to suddenly shut down.

It is washed off with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol, and a fresh one is applied. The paste is used to fill uneven surfaces of the processor and radiator, so you shouldn’t spread it a lot.
If the paste has dried out and there is no new one, then it’s better without it. Metal conducts heat better than a piece of chalk
By the way, I use the regular one KPT-8 white. The main thing is to find a quality one.

A crookedly installed radiator will give the same effect of overheating and shutting down, only the radiator will remain slightly warm when the processor underneath is hot.

If you have any doubts whether overheating is to blame, secure it to the chassis additional cooler, preferably a large one, and direct it to the area of ​​suspected overheating. Usually this is a processor, chipset and video card.
You only need the cooler for a while, and you can secure it with either wire or glue from a gun.

And since there is nothing more permanent than temporary, it is still worth fastening carefully

4. One of common reasons turning off or not starting the computer - dirty contacts of memory sticks. Note that many of the computer's contacts are gold-plated for better contact, which means you shouldn’t handle them with bare hands. Oxide on one of the contacts or a piece of a seal sticker or any other debris will not add reliability to your system unit. All this is cleaned with a student's eraser and abrasive.

5. Measuring basic computer voltages.

Changing any of these voltages affects the operation of the computer as a whole.
With the cord completely unplugged, the voltage on the BIOS battery is measured.

There should be at least +3 volts.
Plug the plug into the outlet and measure the +5 volt standby voltage on the lilac wire of the large connector.

Press the power button and measure +5 and +12 volts on one of the small connectors.

The power supply is the basis of everything. A sag in one of the power supplies or poor filtering of the RF component can cause absolutely any glitch in the operation of your system.
If you feed a person all sorts of rubbish, then not only will he run poorly, but he will also begin to fall when walking

6. Even if all the voltages are normal, since you’ve climbed into the system unit, it wouldn’t hurt to look into power unit. Cleaning and inspection, everything is the same as on the motherboard. Check cooler. Search blown capacitors.

Sometimes, because of one small electrolyte, the power supply burns the motherboard. So don’t be lazy, you’re trying for yourself.
Ideally, you need to throw in a new one or known working power supply. This will save you a lot of time. In the absence of it, we perform the steps described above.

7. One of the reasons why your computer overheats and turns off is overclocking.. Recently I came across a motherboard on socket AM2, which, without overclocking, suddenly started working at an increased frequency. In such cases, it won't hurt to reset the BIOS.

This can be done with a jumper,

Can i remove the battery and close the contacts to which she was connected.

After this you will need to set at least the basic settings bios or just set everything to default.

8. Abrupt periodic shutdown may be due to hard drive or poor contact of the power connector.

In older units, coated brass, spring-loaded contacts were used inside the connectors. In modern inexpensive ones, apparently from Chinese tin cans. Temporary treatment by bending the contacts.

This is especially true for IDE disks, but also SATA The connectors are no better. The Chinese save on everything. Not only the power connector can fail, but also the IDE or SATA interface connector.
When choosing a SATA cable, preference should be given to a connector with a latch. Although this will not protect you from tiny wires inside, the contact will be more reliable.

8a. HDTune

Good to check state of hard disc using HDTune
Download, unzip, run.
On the tab Benchmark check the bitrate. If it does not throw an error and there are no strong dips in the chart, move on to other tabs.

On the tab Health There should be no red marks. And on a working HDD in the column Health Status written OK in green

Then run the check on the tab Error Scan. Bad sectors will be red.

In case of any damage to the hard drive, it is impossible to predict the behavior of the computer. Therefore, you will need to start with repairing or replacing the HDD.

9. Short circuit in USB sockets. Sometimes these sockets become so wet that the contacts periodically short-circuit to the housing, thereby triggering the power supply protection. Look through and if you find a crime, eliminate it.

10. If, despite all the above steps, the computer continues to go out from time to time, you can try to pull the motherboard out of the case and start it on the table. Happened in some boxes sometimes happened
short circuit to body excessively long coil leads in the power supply circuits of the processor core.

11. If your computer does not turn off abruptly, but shuts down on its own, it’s possible the button is acting up on the system unit.

12. If the unit does not turn off on its own in the duty room, but crashes into blue window of death, then this will make finding the defect a little easier. But that's another conversation.

We went through the computer hardware, but it still continues to slow down? Not with iron alone...
Look at startup, clean temporary folders, remove unnecessary programs.
Methods for software revitalization of a computer described by me here:

That's all in a nutshell. If you didn't find a solution to your question here, don't worry. It's just general recommendations to eliminate the defect. Write to us and we will try to help you. At least give me a push in the right direction.

One of the most common problems when working with a computer is sudden shutdown. The computer turns off by itself, without any user intervention. This may happen during increased load on a computer or at all, without any visible reasons. This behavior of the computer creates a lot of inconvenience, even if shutdowns occur infrequently.

Precisely for those who are faced with similar problem and this article was written. Here you can find out the most probable reasons sudden computer shutdowns and find out what needs to be done to keep your computer working properly.

Overheating of the processor or other computer components.

If your computer turns off by itself, then the first thing you need to check is the rest of the computer components. Usually it is the overheating of the processor that causes sudden shutdowns, but in some cases the problem may be overheating of other components. To check the temperature, you can use the HWmonitor program or any other program to monitor the current computer parameters.

Problems with the power supply.

Problems with the power supply are the second most common reason that can cause your computer to shut down on its own. There are two main problems with a power supply: insufficient power or a malfunction. If your computer starts to shut down after installing new components, then most likely your power supply does not have enough power. Most often this happens after installation new video card. In this case it is necessary. If new components were not installed, then your power supply may be faulty. In this case, you just need to purchase new block power supply with the same power.

Viruses or damage operating system.

If your computer is infected with viruses, then you can forget about stable operation. The computer will slow down, glitch and turn off. If you suspect viruses, you need to install it urgently good antivirus. It's best to choose the trial version paid antivirus. Trial version will be more than enough to scan your computer and remove viruses. If your computer is seriously infected, you will most likely have to perform reinstalling Windows. Because the system files may be damaged, which means that problems with turning off the computer may continue even after removing all the viruses. In addition, some programs can damage the operating system. For example, such undesirable consequences can result from the use various programs to optimize Windows.

Power outages.

Another reason for computer shutdowns is power outages. Even minor power surges in the network can cause the computer to shut down. Even though the rest of the electronics in the house can work normally. You can solve electrical problems using.

Problems with drivers and antiviruses.

If the computer starts to turn off by itself after installing drivers or antiviruses, then this may be the problem software. Uninstall the software you installed and test your computer. Perhaps this will be enough to return your computer stable work. If your computer shuts down before you can remove these programs, try booting your computer into Safe Mode.

Problems with new components.

It is not uncommon that after installing new components, the computer begins to behave unstable. It may turn off or not start at all. In this case, you need to return the computer to the configuration that was used previously. And test new components on another computer.

Serious hardware problem

If you have ruled out all of the above problems, then most likely you have a serious hardware problem. One of your components has broken and is preventing your computer from working normally. It could be HDD, motherboard or RAM. If you have little experience in computer maintenance, you are unlikely to be able to check all these options yourself. Therefore, if you have suspicions that “something has burned out,” it is better to contact a service center or an experienced computer technician for help.

In this article we will look at the main reasons why a computer may turn off by itself. Have you been working on a program or playing a game, and then, out of the blue, your computer just turns off? And even if this is not the first time this happens, don’t be alarmed. Let's deal with the problem that has arisen.

Poor cooling of parts

The first reason why this can happen spontaneous shutdown computer - this is poor cooling of parts. In order for them to work stably and not overheat too much during operation, active or passive cooling is installed for them.

Make sure that the system unit is not covered on all sides: by furniture, cabinet partitions, etc. It should stand where there is free access to air. Otherwise, it can often overheat, because the warm air simply has nowhere to go.

Next, remove the side cover of the system unit and turn on the computer. See if all the fans are in working order: for the video card, processor, on the case. If the fan on the case does not work, then better cooling parts, you can simply leave the side cover of the system unit open. If the fan does not work, for some reason individual element, then it is better to replace it with a new one.

Also, pay attention to the dust inside the system unit. If a considerable amount of it has accumulated there, then it is better to clean the parts. After all, dust interferes with the dissipation of heat when heating the elements, which causes them to overheat and cause the computer to spontaneously shut down.

With the system unit turned off and de-energized, turn all the fans with your finger. They should not spin with difficulty or make strange sounds. Otherwise, lubricate them with sewing machine oil.

Look also at the state of the thermal paste - it is a viscous substance and is also involved in the process of heat transfer. If it is already dry, it needs to be replaced.

To prevent your computer from shutting down due to overheating again in the future, install the program to monitor the processor temperature CrystalDiskInfo. In this case, the temperature will be displayed in the tray.

Voltage drops

The second reason why a computer can turn off on its own is voltage fluctuations in the network. Moreover, you may not even know about it. For example, you are working or playing at the computer, at this time, one of your relatives turned on the electric kettle in the kitchen, or the refrigerator started working. As a result, a power surge occurs and the computer shuts down safely.

If everything is exactly like this for you - the computer turns off if any other electrical appliance is connected to the network, then it would not be a bad idea to purchase and connect an uninterruptible power supply.

Swollen capacitors

The third reason is swollen capacitors. Open the system unit and look at all the capacitors installed there. Their top should be smooth. If the cap of the capacitor is swollen, or there are streaks on it, then it may cause the computer to turn off spontaneously.

In this case, you need to buy suitable capacitors and resolder them. If you are not strong in electronics, then it is better to find knowledgeable person or take the system unit to a service center.

Weak power supply

The fourth reason is a weak power supply. If you run any game or program that requires large computational costs, then the computer may simply not have enough power from the power supply, as a result, it will turn off.

Problems with the video card

It is responsible for all graphics on the computer, that is, displaying images, videos, and games on the monitor. And if it fails, the computer may also turn off.

Very often, users are interested in the question: why does the computer turn off during the game. The reason may be a power supply that cannot withstand the load, or a video card that cannot handle graphics. Elements in the system unit may also overheat.

Failed hard drive

It is with hard computer reads all the information necessary for work. If you hear a strange sound while working at your computer, then it is better to think about purchasing a new hard drive. Over time, they appear on the media bad sectors, and when the read head hits them, the computer may turn off spontaneously.

To check your hard drive for bad sectors, you can use special programs, for example, Victoria.

Driver conflicts

The seventh problem is conflict installed drivers. Drivers connect the hardware and software of a computer. And if they are poorly compatible, this can lead to the computer shutting down. Try reinstalling the conflicting drivers: and using special programs: , and others.


And the last reason I want to describe is viruses. The fact is that they, like programs and games, can greatly overload the system, as a result, the computer will simply turn off. The simplest solution is to check your computer using antivirus program, then delete any infected files found. If it helps, then great, if not, move on.

Try doing a last known known configuration. To do this, restart your computer, and while the operating system is loading, press F8 frequently. In the window that appears, use the arrows to select the item "Loading the latest successful configuration» . If the problem does not go away, move on.

If you cannot use your computer for 5 minutes, then it turns off, we will try to remove viruses in safe mode. Press F8 again when rebooting, then select « Safe mode» . If the computer boots and works normally, great. Run an antivirus program and remove all viruses found. The best option for this is the AVP Tool.

There are enough ways to help you. Follow the link and read a detailed article about this.

I hope now you can figure out the problem: why the computer turns off by itself. If you know any other reasons, or have any questions, write in the comments.

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