How to check request frequency. Monitor refresh rate How to find out what monitor refresh rate

- Faster, even faster, please speed up, at least a little, otherwise I’ll be…

– I can’t, dear Gamer, because I’ve reached my maximum clock frequency.

The dialogue of a Gamer, for whom every fraction of a second counts, could look something like this.

The clock speed of random access memory (RAM) is the second most important parameter after volume. The higher it is, the faster the data exchange between the processor and RAM occurs, the faster the computer works. RAM with low clock rates can become a bottleneck in resource-intensive games and programs. And if you don’t want to ask the capricious piece of hardware to speed up a little every time, always pay attention to this characteristic when purchasing. Today we’ll talk about how to find out the frequency of RAM based on the description in store catalogs, as well as the one installed on your PC.

How to understand what kind of “beast” a store offers

In the description of RAM modules on online store websites, sometimes not all of them are indicated, but only certain speed characteristics. For example:
  • DDR3, 12800 Mb/s.
  • DDR3, PC12800.
  • DDR3, 800 MHz (1600 MHz).
  • DDR3, 1600 MHz.

Some might think that in this example we are talking about four different planks. In fact, this can be used to describe the same RAM module with an effective frequency of 1600 MHz! And all these numbers indirectly or directly point to it.

To avoid any further confusion, let’s figure out what they mean:

  • 12800 Mb/s is the memory bandwidth, an indicator obtained by multiplying the effective frequency (1600 MHz) by the bus width of one channel (64 bits or 8 bytes). Bandwidth describes the maximum amount of information that a RAM module is capable of transmitting in one clock cycle. I think it’s clear how to determine the effective frequency from it: you need to divide 12800 by 8.
  • PC12800 or PC3-12800– another designation for the throughput of a RAM module. By the way, a set of two strips intended for use in dual-channel mode has 2 times higher bandwidth, so its label may indicate PC25600 or PC3-25600.
  • 800 MHz (1600 MHz)– two values, the first of which indicates the frequency of the memory bus itself, and the second - 2 times larger - its effective frequency. How are the indicators different? Computers, as you know, use DDR type RAM - with double the data transfer rate without increasing the number of bus cycles, that is, in 1 clock cycle not one, but two conventional pieces of information are transmitted through it. Therefore, the main indicator is considered to be the effective clock frequency (in this example, 1600 MHz).

The screenshot below shows a description of the speed characteristics of the RAM from the catalogs of three computer stores. As you can see, all sellers designate them differently.

Different RAM modules within the same generation - DDR, DDR2, DDR3 or DDR4 - have different frequency characteristics. Thus, the most common DDR3 RAM in 2017 is available with frequencies of 800, 1066, 1333, 1600, 1866, 2133 and 2400 MHz. Sometimes it is designated as such: DDR3-1333, DDR3-1866, etc. And this is convenient.

Not only the RAM has its own effective frequency, but also the device that controls it - the memory controller. In modern computer systems, starting with the Sandy Bridge generation, it is part of the processor. In older ones - as part of the north bridge components of the motherboard.

Almost all RAM can operate at lower clock speeds than specified in the specifications. RAM modules with different frequencies, provided that other parameters are similar, are compatible with each other, but can only function in single-channel mode.

If the computer has several RAM sticks with different frequency characteristics, the memory subsystem will exchange data at the speed of the slowest link (with the exception of devices). So, if the controller frequency is 1333 MHz, one of the strips is 1066 MHz, and the other is 1600 MHz, the transmission will proceed at a speed of 1066 MHz.

How to find out the frequency of RAM on a computer

Before learning how to determine the frequency indicators of RAM on a PC, let’s figure out how the computer itself recognizes them. It reads the information recorded in the SPD chip, which is equipped with each individual RAM stick. What this microcircuit looks like is shown in the photo below.

SPD data can also be read by programs, for example, the well-known utility, one of the sections of which is called “ SPD" In the screenshot below we see the already familiar characteristics of the speed of the RAM strip (field “ MaxBandwidth") - PC3-12800 (800 MHz). To find out its effective frequency, just divide 12800 by 8 or multiply 800 by 2. In my example, this figure is 1600 MHz.

However, in CPU-Z there is another section - “ Memory", and in it - the parameter " DRAMFrequency", equal to 665.1 MHz. This, as you probably guessed, is actual data, that is, the frequency mode in which the RAM actually operates. If we multiply 665.1 by 2, we get 1330.2 MHz - a value close to 1333 - the frequency at which the memory controller of this laptop operates.

In addition to CPU-Z, similar data is shown by other applications used to recognize and monitor PC hardware. Below are screenshots of the free utility

When choosing a computer monitor, users most often encounter a parameter called screen refresh rate. Let's take a closer look at it and see how it affects the quality of the displayed image.

Refresh rate - what is it?

This term refers to the number of pictures (frames) that change in 1 second, measured in hertz (Hz). Naturally, the larger this value, the more often the image is updated.

To change the monitor refresh rate in Windows 10, do the following:

Acceptable refresh rate

To be completely honest, the refresh rate does not have such a significant impact on the picture quality of modern LCD monitors as it did on outdated CRT screens. For normal office tasks, a monitor with a minimum supported frequency of 60 Hz is quite suitable. If you sometimes spend time playing games, you should think about one that supports up to 240 Hz. A regular monitor may simply “not have time” to correctly display all the details of the displayed image, which will lead to the appearance of various “artifacts” on the image. A gaming monitor that supports a high refresh rate will provide smooth textures in games, and the transition from scene to scene in the game will be displayed smoothly, without jerking.

Please note: Selecting a high resolution for viewing media will automatically switch the monitor to a lower frame rate. For example, a 4K video will be played back at a frequency of no higher than 60 Hz, which may not be enough for fans of high-quality video without compression. Accordingly, 2K video can be viewed at a frequency of 120 Hz, and FullHD – 240 Hz.

Instead of an afterword

We looked at one of the main characteristics of a monitor – the screen refresh rate. Now you know what this parameter means, how it affects image quality, and you can change it if necessary.

It would seem that the ancient CRT monitors with their frame scanning and its coveted hertz have long ago sunk into oblivion. And one of the main parameters of the LCD is now the matrix response time, but the “Screen refresh rate” item in the display settings menu remains in place. True, the values ​​available for selection have become somewhat strange - 59, 60, 75 Hz.

This innovation is associated with the peculiarities of image formation on LCD matrices and affects not only the frequency of image changes, but also other related functions.
This article will reveal the intricacies of image output technologies and tell you how many hertz is best for a modern user’s monitor built using liquid crystal technology.

What is "screen refresh rate" and how does it affect display?

So, let's figure out what the characteristic means "Screen refresh rate" in modern devices.
A little history... Previously, when monitors were large, heavy and their screen was a cathode ray tube, this frequency showed how many times the image blinks in a certain time period, or the number of frames per second provided by the device. It was considered righteous to have a monitor with a scan rate of 85 fps and higher - the principle of more/better was used in full force and was justified one hundred percent. After all, the higher this number was, the less tired the eyes were during work and the load on the nervous system was significantly reduced. The most advanced models offered users frequencies above 120 Hz, and computer video cards proudly declared support for 240 Hz monitors.

Let us explain why this approach was relevant:

  1. The pixels of CRT devices were dots of phosphor (a substance that glows when exposed to ionizing radiation).
  2. A beam of electrons (that same ionizing radiation), fired from an electron gun in the back of the CRT) with a diameter of several micrometers, ran across these pixels using frame and line scanning.
  3. The path of the beam began in the upper left corner, went to the upper right corner, shifted one line down and, jumping to the left side of the screen, repeated the movement to the right. These jumps ended on the very bottom line - this is how the frame was formed.
  4. Each point of the phosphor has a so-called afterglow time - a residual glow without electronic influence after the cessation of irradiation.
  5. The more often the pixel was pumped with a flow of electrons from the beam, the more uniform its glow was - and the less noticeable the brightness pulsations were to the eye.

In short, the whole point of the advantage of a high frame rate is more stable pulsation of pixel glow, that is, smoothness of the picture.

Attentive readers here may well have a logical question - why then do modern high-tech monitors have such a low frequency, if “more is better”?
To solve this issue, you will have to delve into the principles of operation of the image output system.
Nowadays, "vertical scan" is very closely related to the concept of "vertical synchronization" and therefore the available values ​​"float" around the number 60 hertz.
Why 60Hz? But because there is Kotelnikov’s theorem, which states that in order to sample an analog signal into a digital one, without losses noticeable to the senses, the sampling frequency must be at least twice as high as the maximum perceptible frequency of the spectrum of the converted signal.
It seems complicated, but let’s explain in simpler terms:

  1. Image. Everyone knows that the image frequency, for a sense of continuity, should be 25 Hz according to the TV standard, and 30 Hz according to MPEG. Multiplying these numbers by two (according to the theorem) we get 50 and 60 hertz, respectively.
  2. Sound. On average, the human ear hears sound with a frequency of up to 22,000 Hz inclusive. For digital audio, this would be 44 kHz sampling.

Are the numbers familiar?
Also, the video path has noise immunity against distorting interference through the power supply network. In Europe, the frequency of the household AC network is 60 Hz, in the CIS countries - 50. In order to achieve a compromise between different mains voltage quality standards in terms of noise immunity, monitors support 59 Hz - like “neither yours nor ours”. It’s like a golden mean that meets the requirements of various standards and technological solutions.

What is the best screen refresh rate for multimedia devices?

In order to answer this question, it’s worth again making a short excursion into the technical jungle of modern video technologies and understanding what vertical synchronization is.
Simply put, this is the monitor’s ability to maintain the frame rate of the picture at a given value. Let's show how this looks in reality using an example:

  • There is a video card that renders a computer game with a certain FPS. And depending on the complexity of the scene and the computing power of the PC, the FPS will vary widely - for example, from 25 to 140 FPS.
  • There is a monitor with the “Refresh Rate” set to 60 Hz.
  • As already written earlier, 60 is the most comfortable frequency for the eyes.

There will be two options for further development of the situation:
1) The video card gives less than 60 frames. The monitor will show a torn picture and “artifacts” will appear on the screen due to the fact that the video card buffer does not have a sufficient supply of frames for output - in this case, it is better to disable vertical synchronization.
2) The adapter produces more than 60 frames. The monitor processor will send commands to the graphics subsystem and the computer's CPU to reduce performance in order to save energy resources. Why do we need 100500 FPS in the browser?
It follows that synchronization is needed to ensure the stability of picture parameters at the set level. After all, it is much better for vision to adapt to one meaning than to constantly adapt to a changing situation. An example of this is sudden transitions from a strongly lit room to a much darker one, and back - there is little pleasure in such jumps. Either nothing is visible and everything is dark, then the brightness hurts the eyes. It's better to have something in between.

In most cases, a monitor with 60 hertz is enough for the eyes.

However, why then do there exist models with 120 Hz, and what does this give to the end consumer? Or is this just a marketing ploy?
Such devices are actually on sale, and 120 Hz is needed to form a stereo image when watching 3D video. The 3D screen simultaneously displays two different images, each with its own frequency of 60, and together they give the same 120. It seems that the manufacturers are not lying, but it seems that rarely does anyone use stereo in everyday work at a computer. But, if you are a fan of 3D realistic videos, then this solution is definitely suitable for you.

How to find out how many hertz a monitor supports?

How to see how many hertz is on a Windows 7 monitor?

On the desktop, in a place free from program shortcuts, you need to right-click and, in the context menu that appears, left-click the “Screen resolution” line.

An OS dialog box will appear, in which there are several lines, one of which will be “Advanced settings”. If you left-click on this highlighted inscription, another window will open with several tabs, among which you need to select the “Monitor” tab.

Clicking the Screen Refresh Rate drop-down list will reveal all the values ​​supported by the monitor. Windows receives this information from a special chip in the device and its driver.

2) How to see how many hertz the Windows 10 monitor is? In Win 10, the procedure is a little complicated, for which we should “thank” its developers. The easiest way to get to the screen settings is to invoke the Control Panel applet using a text command. To do this, on the keyboard you need to press the combination of the “Win” keys (the button with the image of the Windows icon in the form of a flag divided into four parts) and the English letter “R”. This combination will bring up the Run dialog box, in which you should type “desk.cpl” without quotes and press Enter.

A window will appear, almost similar to that in Win7. Further manipulations are also similar. This method works equally well for other versions of Microsoft operating systems, except for very ancient releases.
The screen settings window can also be called up by browsing through the “Control Panel” section, which is accessible from the main “Start” menu, but the described methods will be much faster.
Another option is to use the built-in search system, which is usually also available through the Start menu. Just in case, we’ll tell you about this opportunity. By left-clicking on the start menu icon, you need to select the “Search” section (for Win7) in which you simply write the word “Monitor” without quotes. Smart Search will prompt you to select the one you want from the available matching options, and you need to select “Anti-screen flicker (adjust refresh rate).” When you select this option, the operating system help window will open, in which you need to select the recommendations in step 1. In the tenth version of Windows, the search launcher is not located in the main menu, but next to the “Start” button.

  • The current mode can be viewed using the built-in DirectX diagnostic utility, which is called via the Win+R combination with the “DxDiag” command (case is not important, do not write quotes). By going to the “Screen” tab, you need to pay attention to the “Screen mode” line, where the resolution and current frequency will be written.

3) Typically, graphics adapter manufacturers complete their driver sets with auxiliary utilities for accessing display settings. Most often, these hang in RAM and are indicated by a corresponding icon in the taskbar near the clock. Since each developer strives to make the driver interface different from competitors, and even changes the location of settings from version to version, we will not consider them in detail - this “zoo” is still impossible to cover. Let's just say that the interface of the control utility from the manufacturer will definitely have a tab with the ability to change the frequency range.

4) How to check how many hertz are on the monitor using specialized diagnostic programs. One of the most convenient is Aida64. You need to download any version, preferably from the official website to avoid damaging your computer with viruses, and install it on your system. After everything is installed, you need to launch it and click on the “Display” section in the menu. A sub-level of the Aida menu will open, in which there will be a line “Desktop”. By selecting it we will see the current regeneration frequency. And the “Video Modes” tab will show all possible combinations of frequency/resolution/color depth.


For the vast majority of everyday tasks, it does not matter at all how many hertz are in the LCD monitor and the standard of 60Hz is sufficient. This characteristic is much more important in games, and don’t forget about the response time of the matrix. After all, no frequency or driver can go higher than the physical characteristics of the switching speed of a liquid crystal.

  • If it seems that the frame rate is not enough, then try disabling or vice versa - enabling vertical sync. Not all drivers, even from the same manufacturer, work correctly with VSync. They may just need to be updated to the latest version.
  • If the image stutters in even simple applications, try setting a different frequency. It may be due to interference from the AC power supply through the computer/monitor power adapter.
  • When connecting a monitor to a video adapter using a digital interface DVI or HDMI, noise protection also fades into the shadows - digital channels are much more noise-resistant than analogue ones like VGA or D-SUB. So you can not pay attention to the regeneration frequency at all. It's also worth mentioning that 144Hz can only be achieved by connecting through the output, HDMI only supports 120Hz.

Let's look at how to find out the hertz of a Windows 10 monitor. With the advent of liquid crystal displays, this parameter is automatically selected as optimal and does not need adjustment, except when you want to watch a movie in 3D, you have to raise this parameter to the maximum to get an acceptable picture. And only if the display supports the appropriate technology.

In old screens with a cathode ray tube, a frequency of 50-60 hertz Hz (there are no mega and gigahertz here, which many beginners might expect; the operating frequency of the monitor is orders of magnitude lower than the processor and memory) was insufficient for normal perception of information by the eye. From the standard value, this parameter in Windows XP had to be manually increased to the maximum, or at least 85 Hz, so that the eyes would not get tired so quickly. In LCD displays, even at 50 Hz there is no such drawback.

How to find out how many hertz are in the monitor? This is done by following the simplest instructions.

1. Open the desktop context menu in Windows 10.

2. Click on the “Screen Options” item.

3. In the first tab, scroll down the list of options and open the advanced screen options.

4. Call up “Graphics adapter properties” by clicking on the link of the same name at the bottom of the window.

5. Click on the “Monitor” tab and in its parameters look at how often your screen flickers.

Typically the value is 60 Hz, and it is not recommended to change it unless necessary. The device manufacturer and the Windows 10 developer did everything for the user.

Another option to find out your monitor's screen refresh rate is third-party software such as HWInfo.

Download a program suitable for the bit depth of the operating system you are using from the site

It is very important to make sure that the queries you are planning to promote are actually searched by anyone. If you type “semantic core”, where all the keys will have zero frequency, then your site will be zero. Therefore, let's not bend the ox, but let's get started.

What is Keyword Frequency

Obviously, different queries have different popularity among search engine users. The number of times a specific query is entered into a search engine is taken as one month. Thus, Keyword frequency is the number of queries entered per month.

It is quite possible that even here there are dummy requests

To promote your website, you need to create original content. For example, if you write articles, the uniqueness of your text should generally be above 90%. In theory, unique content brings a high rate of traffic, consisting largely of transitions from Yandex and Google. However, in real ranking conditions, writing a unique article is only half the success.

Search engines pay attention not only to the uniqueness of the text, but also to the content of key queries that correspond to the topic of the article or any other text content. The correct distribution of keywords in an article is called text optimization. A unique, but not optimized article containing vague queries may not attract visitors to the site at all. This situation will mean wasted time and resources on content creation.

For optimizers, frequency is a criterion for choosing a particular query for use in the text. Depending on the frequency, high-frequency (HF), mid-frequency (MF) and low-frequency (LF) requests. When optimizing an article, first of all, pay attention to HF and MF queries. However, every year the promotion of new sites becomes more and more difficult, and optimization becomes more subtle. It is now believed that the use of low-frequency keys can also bring some amount of traffic.

How to check request frequency

The frequency of keywords can be found out using the appropriate search engine services, as well as special programs for compiling a semantic core. Search engines provide their services based on the selection of queries for contextual advertising.

Wordstat (Yandex)

Wordstat is a Yandex service for determining statistics of key queries. Wordstat uses most optimizers not only to create commercial queries for advertising, but also to extract keywords as part of regular text optimization. Wordstat distinguishes three types of frequencies:

  1. WS frequency is the base frequency of a query in Wordstat.
  2. Frequency "" WS - frequency based on exact query input. For example, statistics for the query ["car"] will match the query [car] without adding any other words.
  3. Frequency "!" WS — frequency based on the exact input of each word in the query, excluding declensions, etc. The request [!Chinese] means that statistics will be returned for the word [Chinese] without possible inflections (Chinese, Chinese).

The search for [car] currently has more than ten million impressions. However, the basic metric involves adding all kinds of words to the keyword that the article will rank for.

If you enclose the query in quotation marks, the statistics will be reduced from ten million to 28 thousand. The optimizer may find it useful to have a right column with similar queries that complement the semantic collection.

The “By Words” tab means that statistics are provided based on the total amount of impressions of the entered query. The “by region” tab displays impression statistics in different regions of the country. And on the “Query History” you can graphically track changes in the frequency of queries over the course of a month or week, as well as statistics on queries via PC or mobile devices.


The Google AdWords service itself is more tailored for contextual advertising than Wordstat. In the “Tools” section you can select the necessary keys for the desired request. In the “Targeting” column, set the desired display region and language. You can also specify negative keywords.

Unlike Wordstat, where monthly statistics are indicated, in AdWords you can select a monthly range of impressions in the “Date Range” column. The disadvantage is the average number of results. The statistics themselves are divided into two blocks:

  • Keywords are an analogue of Wordstat frequency;
  • Keywords (by relevance) are an analogue of the base frequency and similar WS queries.

The advantages are the presence of a level of competition, as well as the ability to download selected words to a CSV file or to Google Drive.

In addition to AdWords, Google has another query analysis tool called Google Trends. This service evaluates the popularity of the entered query for a certain period of time and presents statistics in the form of a graph. You can compare several key queries with each other. Statistics by region are also displayed.

For the graph, not exact numbers are used, but relative ones, based, among other things, on relevant queries. also has a search query statistics tool in its service for webmasters. In addition to general impressions, the table shows the distribution of queries by gender and age of users.

It is no secret that Mail cooperates with Yandex, since the search engine places Yandex advertisements.


Rambler is losing its popularity every year, but their Wordstat can be very useful. The fact is that query statistics in Yandex and Google cannot always reflect the real state of affairs. Many companies may enter “idle” commercial queries in order to spy on competitors, i.e. for analysis of TOP, titles, etc.

Due to the low popularity of Rambler, their Wordstat statistics are less spammy and can provide some clarity for optimizers. In general, it is quite suitable as an additional tool.

How to check the frequency of queries en masse

Most optimizers choose programs such as Key Collector or Slovoeb to collect and analyze the semantic core. There are also online services for determining frequencies.

Key Collector

You can obtain the necessary keys for the semantic core and check their frequency en masse using the desktop program Key Collector. Open Wordstat, enter the main keys in the field from a new line for your topic and click “Start collecting”.

In the settings, you can set the required region for collection, as well as stop words. After the keys are collected, we determine the frequencies via Direct.

As a result, you will have a table with keys and frequency of impressions. We immediately delete all keys that have the exact frequency “!” equal to zero. To do this, we do filtering in the “Frequency!” column. Click on the blue icon. A filter window will appear. Select “greater than or equal to” > “1” and click “Apply”.

To get a larger list of keys, you can collect search tips from Yandex. Making a new group (window on the right). Also make sure that the “Collect only the TOP hints without brute force…” checkbox is enabled. Now click on the created group - a new empty tab will open. Click the icon for collecting search tips.
After collecting phrases, we do the same as when parsing Wordstat: we remove frequencies, remove phrases that are inappropriate in meaning and phrases where the frequency is “!” equal to zero.

Similarly, using Key Collector you can collect keys and frequencies from Google.

Rush Analytics

Rush Analytics is an online alternative to Key Collector. The advantage of the key collection tool is that there is no need to use a proxy, anti-captcha, etc.

To collect frequency from Wordstat, you need to go to the “Frequency collection” tab and check the box next to !keyword, that is, the exact frequency. Next we enter the keywords. After the service calculates the costs, click “Create a new project.”

The results can be saved to an Excel file.