How to test your computer's performance to see what it can do. Checking system files for errors How to find out if your computer is working correctly

In any computer system it is almost the most important component, since all operations and calculations are entrusted to it. Therefore, you need to monitor its condition so that there is no overheating, physical damage or anything else. The question naturally arises about how to check the processor for functionality. To do this, you can use several generally accepted methods.

What are the risks of problems with the central processor?

First of all, speaking about possible failures of the processor chip, it should be noted that as a result of its damage, the entire computer system will stop working. In the best case, if the computer is partially damaged, it will behave, to put it mildly, inadequately (freezing for no reason, spontaneous rebooting, severe overheating, inability to launch programs, etc.).

Ultimately, the system will simply fail, not to mention the fact that a processor malfunction can lead to disruptions in the operation of other “hardware” components installed on the motherboard. To prevent this situation from occurring, you need to check the CPU at certain intervals. How to check the processor for performance will now be discussed.

Main symptoms of failures

Any computer has a special primary input/output system, which stores the basic parameters and settings of all devices installed in the system. We are talking about the BIOS structure and its new UEFI modification.

When you turn on your computer or laptop, all performance parameters are checked, and only then the operating system starts loading. Many people have probably noticed the characteristic abrupt signal from the system speaker immediately after turning it on. It indicates that all components are working properly. If any of them fails, a series of signals are issued.

Depending on the manufacturer, it is possible to recognize problems with the processor only by studying the technical documentation. There are also standard combinations. For example, BIOS AMI produces five short beeps. uses a combination of four signals. Then a pause, two more signals, a pause again, and four more signals (this sequence is also called the 4-2-4 combination).

As for startup, in addition to direct signs of problems with the processor, there may be an inability to boot the system (even with an indication present) or a start after which any application freezes.

Troubleshooting using physical methods

A test of Intel or AMD processors can begin with physical intervention. To do this, you need to remove the processor from the motherboard socket and check its functionality on another computer. If the problem appears there too, all that remains is to replace the processor. At best, you can try applying an additional layer of thermal paste to reduce CPU heating.

But without special knowledge, carrying out such procedures will be quite problematic. Therefore, it is better to use special applications. Any program for testing a processor can be classified into one of two varieties: either it is a general test, or it checks only strictly defined parameters (we are not talking about programs for controlling the load on the CPU now).

CPU check: general test

For general testing, common utilities such as CPU-Z or Hot CPU Tester are suitable. When the testing process starts, all indicators related to the central processor will be determined. But, if CPU-Z is more of an informative application, then Hot CPU Tester belongs to the class of testing utilities.

The Hot CPU Tester processor diagnostic program is very easy to use. After launching, just click the Run Test button in the main window. After some time, a report will be presented that can be printed. The only thing worth paying attention to is that before starting the test, it is recommended to close all currently active programs, since the test application may experience slowdowns. At the same time, the mere fact that in normal mode the verification process passed without failures may already indicate that everything is in order with the processor.

Temperature testing

If we talk about which program for testing the processor in terms of temperature indicators is preferable, it is especially worth noting such utilities as HWMonitor (section of the CPUID Hardware Monitor application), Core Temp, Open Hardware Monitor and others. The application interfaces are quite similar and do not cause any particular difficulties in use.

Some of these utilities are portable versions, so you will first need an archiver program to unpack the archive contents, after which the application can be launched without first installing it on your computer. The displayed parameters are also very similar, so it makes absolutely no difference which of these utilities will be used to perform the scan.

Program for diagnosing a processor in stress test mode

There is another testing technique called a stress test. Its essence is to diagnose possible problems in the operation of the central processor under critical (peak) loads. The best tool for this is a utility called CPU Stress Test, or CST for short.

Again, the application is a portable version that does not require installation, and in the best case, you will need an archiver program to unpack the downloaded archive. This application is very interesting in terms of functionality.

How to check the processor for performance using it? Very simple. You just need to activate the start of the diagnostic process, after which the application, using SSE commands, will immediately begin to increase the load on the processor to 100%, and even with an increase in temperature to critical values. As is already clear, all active programs must be closed during the scan.

In principle, you can also use the Prime95 utility, which, unlike the first, puts a load not only on the CPU, but on all components as a whole.

Performance test

Finally, let's look at how to check the processor's performance using performance indicators. To do this, it is best to use the unique Super PI application.

It is based on calculating the value of pi in the range from 16 thousand to 32 million decimal places. How to evaluate the result? Yes, just look at the time spent on the operation and compare it with the performance of similar processors, for example, on the program’s website or the processor manufacturer’s resource. In general, this utility is used by most overlockers who overclock processors, thus assessing the performance gain.


It remains to be said that it is not worth using any one program, because each of them can be designed for strictly defined tests. It is better to conduct a comprehensive check using several utilities. Even general testing applications or purely informative programs do not provide a complete picture of all possible problems with the processor.

It is quite difficult to advise which utility to use to perform a particular task due to the fact that today there are thousands of them on the Internet. Only some types of programs were considered here, so that any user would at least get an idea of ​​the general principles of checking processors and possible tests.

As for the fact that the test shows a negative result, you will either have to contact specialized centers, where specialists can take some steps to troubleshoot problems, or simply change the processor, because each CPU has its own average service life, after which there will be no physical intervention will not make it work as expected.

). In this case, some begin to worry and look for all sorts of reasons and ways to eliminate freezes.
I will not repeat myself and write why this happens, because... The article is not about this and I have already given a link to solving problems above.
I’d rather show you one interesting way that will help you check your system for errors.

Few people know, but in Windows OS there is one useful “little thing” that can search And correct errors in the system itself. Moreover, it will not touch third-party programs, but will only check its system files. This is useful and interesting because many do not think that the reason may be hidden in the system itself, but feverishly begin, and so on. All in all . Yes, this is useful and can lead to good results, but with all these actions it is good to remember what I will write about below.

I already wrote a little about this function in the article, which can also arise due to a failure in system files, which are often forgotten. But still, within the framework of this article, I will repeat...

So, let's run:

and enter it into sfc /scannow:

The system check will begin:

All you have to do is wait.

For those interested, here is a description of the command and keys.

/scannow – immediately scans all protected system files.
/scanonce – scans all protected system files once at the next system boot.
/scanboot – scans all protected system files at every boot
/REVERT – Sets the initial parameters to default.
/ENABLE – Enable normal operation of Windows file protection
/PURGECACHE – Clear file cache and check files immediately
/CACHESIZE=x – Sets the file cache size

In the command line (Start -> Run -> cmd) we write the command sfc / and the desired key.

After the check is completed, the system will report the results and ask you to reboot.

That's all I have. Thank you all for your attention.

If you are interested in such issues as checking the speed of your Internet connection, testing your monitor, or supporting stereo sound with the device's speakers, then our article will help you perform the necessary tests quickly and without installing any software!

Knowing everything about your computer is quite important. Firstly, this allows you to better understand the potential capabilities of your PC, and secondly, you can compare the results of your system with the results of other users.

In order to fully test your PC, you can use special complex utilities, like, and the like. You can find out something about the system in the computer properties, but there are a number of indicators that are easier, faster and more convenient to find out using special online services. These are the ones that will be discussed in this article.

What cannot be tested and why

No matter how powerful modern Internet resources are, the fact that they work only in a browser environment imposes a number of restrictions on them. Specifically, with their help we cannot get direct access to the system and its parameters. Accordingly, there are no online testing services for RAM or video cards, for example.

True, there are several portals that have found how to bypass this limitation. They suggest installing a special plug-in client that collects data about your PC, transfers it to the server, where it is processed and presented as a finished result in the browser window. This is not a pure online service, but still. Of similar Russian-language sites, I recommend

After clicking on the “Start analysis” button, the plugin loader should be automatically downloaded, which when installed takes up a little more than 11 megabytes (if the download has not started, you can download it manually on the “How do I remove the plugin?” page). If everything is already installed, testing will start, the result of which will be something like this summary table:

We will receive generalized information about almost all PC components. However, this is not all the data! To the right of each description module there is a “Plus” button, by clicking which you can select a number of additional characteristics in each category.

But that's not all :) As you might guess from the name, DriversCloud also allows for all the main components of your computer! To view the proposed list of updates, click the "Find drivers" button under the table of characteristics of your PC.

In short, the DriversCloud service is quite smart, but, alas, it is not completely independent of third-party software. Completely online using a regular browser, we can only test what concerns multimedia capabilities or network parameters:

  • operation of a microphone (requires) and speakers;
  • monitor settings (display dimensions, color parameters, brightness, contrast, etc.);
  • working with files;
  • network connection parameters (speed, browser used, IP address, etc.).

I offer you everything that I managed to find :).

Internet Speed ​​Test

Probably the first and most logical thing that needs to be checked is the speed of the Internet connection. Let's not break the logic :)

There are quite a few different services for testing Internet speed. Each of them can give different results, so to get more accurate data, I would advise you to double-check the readings on different sites and calculate the average value, which will be as accurate as possible.

Here is a list of the most successful Internet speed testing services:

The essence of all of them is the same: your computer connects to some server, downloads certain test files from there, and then sends them back. Based on how quickly data is received and uploaded, the server calculates the average speed of your Internet connection. The received data is displayed in the form of beautiful pictures or simple text.

From the above list, one of the most accurate and beautiful Internet speed testing services is

A characteristic feature of this service is that before starting testing, you can select any available server in any city on the map! If you don't do this, SpeedTest will choose the one that is closest to your current location, which is calculated by IP address.

To start testing, just click the “Start testing” button and wait until the data is downloaded and sent. By the way, the whole process is animated and you can see the progress of transferring test files. Upon completion of the test, the result will open, which will reflect the ping time, as well as the speed of receiving and transmitting data in megabits per second:

The most informative, in my opinion, is the Internet speed test from Yandex:

There are no decorations here, however, there are a couple of nuances that distinguish the Internetometer from other services. Firstly, the measurement results are displayed not only in bits, but also in bytes, which allows you to quickly assess the real useful speed of downloading data in the form we are familiar with. Secondly, if we scroll down the page, we will see a whole section with various technical and reference information!

The rest of the mentioned services work almost identically. It is worth paying attention to the fact that of them, the fastest is, allows you to see the dynamics of speed changes at different stages of testing, and has a number of useful and even entertaining services that you may like.

Monitor testing

When purchasing a monitor, many users do not even think that it can and should be adjusted. We usually evaluate the performance of a monitor based on the criterion: “it shows or it doesn’t show” :) So we’ve had it for years without calibration for colors, brightness, etc. And, by the way, it is recommended to check your monitor settings a couple of times a year!

As in the previous case, I offer you a number of services for testing and correcting the parameters of your display:

Each service allows us to determine:

  1. Uniform color rendering and absence of dead pixels.
  2. Screen refresh rate (especially important for CRT displays).
  3. Image sharpness.
  4. Display brightness and contrast.
  5. Correct geometric proportions of the screen.

Before moving on to considering the services themselves, let's define a little the algorithm of our actions. For cathode ray tube displays, you need to carry out all the tests one by one and correct each detected flaw along the way using the on-screen menu called up by buttons on the monitor.

However, LCD monitors generally require fewer tests because they are not as prone to misalignment as their CRT counterparts. First of all, you should pay attention to the uniformity of color rendering when filling the screen with one color. If you find one or more dots of a different color on a plain background, these are “broken” pixels...

Sometimes you can get rid of them by “warming up” the matrix with a dynamically changing image (for example, white noise) for a couple of hours. For targeted “treatment” of dead pixels, you can use the service.

The second common mistake in LCD monitor settings is incorrect brightness and contrast settings. To correct it, they usually use test pictures with gradations of gray up to its lightest tones, turning almost into white. If you see all the gradations, then everything is correct; if not, try changing the brightness and contrast parameters.

I think now it will be easier for you to understand why and how to use the proposed online monitor tests. Therefore, now let's talk a little about each of them. And first on the list is the service:

This is a Russian-language service that contains the entire set of classic monitor tests. It is better to run all tests in full screen mode by pressing the F11 button on the keyboard or a special button on the bottom toolbar. For CRT displays, it is advisable to perform all tests. And for LCD, you can selectively check color rendering and brightness/contrast parameters.

Those who like to do everything quickly, as well as cat lovers, will like another Russian-language service from the creators of the online CatLair:

There are not as many tests here as on the previous resource, but all tests contain images of cats on the button icons :). To hide cats and all hint panels you just need to click on the screen. Clicking again will return everything to its place. Naturally, it is better to conduct testing in full screen mode.

The last service on our list is English-language, however, it provides us with a number of very interesting and useful (especially for CRT monitors) tests:

All tests here are divided into three large subgroups: “Color range” (color rendition), “Trailing” (dynamism) and “Homogenuity” (uniformity). Of particular interest is the second section, which allows you to test the display’s ability to dynamically change the position of objects on the screen without distorting their shape. There are settings for background and object colors, as well as movement speed.

The only drawback of the service is that to work on your computer you must have a flash player of at least version 8 installed.

Sound check

It would seem that you can check in sound: it either exists or it doesn’t :) However, knowledgeable people who work with sound or just audiophiles can tell you that there are many tests that allow you to determine the frequency characteristics of sound-reproducing equipment, noise level and other parameters .

For the average user, this whole theory is not particularly important. However, there are also practical cases from real life. For example, you bought headphones, but there are no marks on them, where is the left and where is the right channel... The service will help you accurately determine the correct stereo online:

We just need to go to the website, connect the headphones to the computer and press the channel check button (for example, “Left” for left). If you hear sound in the left earphone, it means you have inserted them into your ears correctly, otherwise you will have to swap them :)

The service, alas, is English-language, but knowledgeable people can find many useful things on it. Here are collected tests to determine frequency characteristics, and to check the dynamic range, and even an online hearing test! A list of all tests can be found on the page

Virus check

The last thing we can check online on our computer is files. There are gigabytes of them on the hard drives of our PCs and some of them can be very unsafe! If you downloaded something from the Internet and it does not inspire confidence in you, check it using a recognized online anti-virus scanner

This service allows you to test any type of data up to 128 megabytes in size using more than 50 antivirus engines with the latest databases. All that is required of you is to select the file to be tested on your computer, transfer it for analysis and wait for the results. If your file has already been tested, the results can be almost instantaneous!

A number of other popular services work in a similar way, such as (up to 5 files no more than 50 MB at a time), (up to 20 files no more than 20 MB) or Metascan Online (1 file up to 140 MB). However, Virus Total is the most famous and authoritative. However, it must be said that no one can say 100% whether a file is dangerous. Virus scanners only suggest a threat, but it’s up to you to decide :)

If you want to scan the entire computer, and not just specific files, then there is such an opportunity. True, for this you will have to use Internet Explorer and a special extension for it. However, if this does not bother you, then I bring to your attention ESET Onlie Scanner:

This is a service from the developers of the popular NOD32 antivirus. It allows you to use the real ESET database to identify dangerous software on your computer using a special plugin for IE. All you need to do is open the service, click the “Launch ESET Onlie Scanner” button and confirm the installation of the add-on, and then launch it.

However, it is worth saying right away that, alas, you will not be able to cure detected viruses using the service. The scanner only detects their presence and offers to download and install a trial version of the ESET Smart Security antivirus package. However, you receive a List of unsafe files and nothing prevents you from manually deleting everything that you consider necessary!


Modern Internet services, as we can see, have reached almost the limit of their capabilities, which are limited only by the operating features of browsers. And some even try to “jump” the established restrictions by using their own online clients and plugins.

Of course, in some cases online services do not reach the level of full-fledged programs. However, for solving a certain range of problems they are even better than conventional software, since they practically do not depend on the power of your PC and can work on any device that has a browser!

P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

Humans tend to make mistakes. He doesn’t like to admit it publicly, but he is well aware of it. That is why humanity has created many technical devices, the task of which is to simplify, speed up and guarantee the accuracy of various popular processes. But what if machines start making mistakes? In theory, this is impossible, because the electronic “mind” is not subject to emotions, distractions and fatigue. But in practice, no, no, and doubts creep in about the reliability of the data obtained. Therefore, taking into account that there are no miracles in electronics, but only bad contacts, let's try to play it safe and learn how to check at least a calculator for accuracy.

Features of the device and operation of the calculator
An electronic computing device, or more simply put, a calculator, is very familiar to most modern schoolchildren starting in elementary school. Although their parents could only dream of such a convenient “cheat sheet” and performed all arithmetic operations in their heads or “in a column” on a sheet of paper. The life of schoolchildren and housewives keeping account of the family budget became easier at the very beginning of the 1970s, when relatively compact calculators (they could be held in one hand) went on sale.

Since then, specialized engineering (“scientific” ones, support the calculation of elementary functions, numeric and symbolic), accounting (with an increased number series and the ability to automatically calculate profits, take into account taxes, convert currencies), financial (can calculate the amounts of cash flows, discounts, payments) have appeared for loans in the banking sector) and even graphic (display pictures and graphs). The simplest arithmetic calculators have become very miniature and are built into mobile phones and wristwatches. But the typical design of a compact electronic calculator remains the same in essence.

The display and keyboard for data entry are located outside the form factors in different versions, while memory and processor chips of varying power are hidden inside. They encrypt numerical data that people understand and need in the form of machine binary coded decimal code and use it for arithmetic calculations. Typically, these mathematical problems are solved using one of three operational logic paths. These are standard algebraic logic, arithmetic logic and the so-called calculation logic with reverse Polish notation. But for most users it is enough to know in what sequence to enter the calculation conditions and how to get their result.

For example, to find out how much “30*5+45” will be, you will have to press the keyboard buttons in sequence: “3”, “0”, “×”, “5”, “+”, “4”, “5”, and then "=". According to the laws of arithmetic, after pressing the plus sign, the multiplication of 30 by 5 will be performed. At this moment, the display will display the intermediate result “150” for example, and only after pressing the button with the equal sign on the keyboard will the final result of the calculations be displayed: “195”. As for the reliability of this information, all that remains is to trust the electronic “brain” or check the serviceability of the calculator, thereby confirming or disproving the accuracy of its calculations.

Checking the calculator for accuracy
You can check the accuracy of the calculator at any time when you have such a desire or doubts about its serviceability. Because this will not require any additional devices from you and can be done exclusively by the unit being tested. Due to the demand and prevalence of calculators around the world, inventive users and manufacturing companies themselves have come up with several ways to verify the accuracy of electronic calculations:

  1. When squaring the number 111111111, the value 12345678987654321 should be displayed on the calculator screen. Such a numerical “palindrome” indicates the serviceability of the computer equipment.
  2. When you multiply the number 12345679 by 9, nine units appear on the display of an precision calculator: 111111111.
  3. When sequentially introducing the conditions of the example 100*10/2+16*4, the result of the calculations should be equal to 564. If your calculator coped with it without errors, then everything is in order with its algebraic logic.
But there are situations when such relatively simple calculations are not enough. For example, when it comes to certain scientific or technical processes. In these cases, what is needed is not an approximate and rounded calculation, but a calculation as close as possible to the true one. And practice shows that simple household calculators can produce an error from the true value of tens and even hundreds of times (in long sequences of fractional data). In this case, the conditions of the problem often stipulate the requirement of number accuracy up to n digits (in each individual case).

For this, there is a formula that is “too tough” for almost any of the currently existing calculators. But with its help you can find out exactly how wrong your technique is. Ask the calculator to calculate the result using this formula, but enter it not in parts, but as a whole array:

An answer equal to approximately minus one indicates that you can safely trust your calculator even with the most complex calculations that require high accuracy. But be prepared for the fact that even the most modern technical calculator will not perform well in such a test. In this case, we can advise you to use so-called emulators, or computer programs that imitate electronic technology, but differ from it in a large amount of memory, the complexity of computing processes and, accordingly, the accuracy of the results.

What else to look for when choosing a calculator
It is best to check the calculator for accuracy at the very beginning of its use, immediately before making a purchase, in order to immediately protect your work from possible errors. At the same time, pay attention to other characteristics of the device that affect the accuracy of calculations; even if it is smaller than the processor, it is still noticeable. The size, resolution and contrast of the display must correspond to the complexity of the tasks and accommodate a sufficient number of symbols, as well as display them clearly. The image on the keys, the quality of its application, resistance to abrasion, as well as the size and location of the buttons should be convenient, practical and intuitive. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting confused over and over again when entering data and starting this sometimes painstaking process all over again.

High-quality equipment must be supplied with branded packaging and must be accompanied by instructions for using the device. By the way, in these instructions, conscientious manufacturers always indicate a method for checking the accuracy of the calculator, one of the arithmetic ones that we discussed above. And, of course, check the availability and compliance with warranty conditions from both the manufacturer and the seller of the calculator. Because if a malfunction is detected and regular calculation errors occur, you should be able to return the failed device back. We wish you the right choice and accurate calculations.

Modern smartphones are equipped with a large number of sensors and technologies, and if one of them does not work as it should, the entire impression of the smartphone is spoiled. However, how can you know whether your Android smartphone is working properly or not?

For these purposes, there are several applications that allow users to find out what is wrong with their smartphone and help solve the problem. Even if you do not observe any problems with your Android smartphone, we advise you to check whether it is actually working properly.

1. Google Device Assist

To get started, you need to download the Google Device Assist app from the Google Play Store. If you have a Nexus or Moto smartphone, you will have to download the APK file and install it manually. Google Device Assist does much more than just check your smartphone for possible problems. If you are a beginner, the application will give tips and tricks on how to best use your Android smartphone.

2.Test Your Android

As the name suggests, the application checks your Android smartphone. Test Your Android has a colorful interface and tests almost all smartphone systems, from the touch screen to the on-board compass. You can also open the Information tab to get detailed information about your smartphone.

3. Phone Doctor Plus

The application is a real doctor for your Android smartphone. Phone Doctor Plus analyzes all system parameters to make sure that the smartphone is working correctly. You can check the status of your smartphone's hardware, such as the CPU or battery. The app also provides some good tips on how to properly use your smartphone to maximize battery life.

4. Z – Device Test

The application will provide very detailed information about all the smartphone's sensors, such as the accelerometer or GPS. The application marks with a green tick the sensor that is equipped in the smartphone, and with a red cross if the smartphone does not offer this feature.

5. Fix Dead Pixels

If you notice some pixel issues on your smartphone display, then Fix Dead Pixels app will help you solve them. The app provides different background colors to help you identify dead pixels. Fix Dead Pixels will also quickly check the entire screen and update problematic areas of the screen.

Update 04/20/2019

6. Phone Check

Another good application for checking the hardware parameters of your smartphone, as well as emerging problems. The application will test your wireless interfaces, display quality, adequacy of the touchscreen (touch screen), navigation module, sound system, quality and functionality of built-in cameras, all sensors, RAM, as well as built-in storage, check performance and problems with the processor and battery.

When is it useful to use the application?

  • If you have just purchased a smartphone, you will know everything about it, and not just what is written by the seller;
  • If you are going to give or sell a smartphone. In the second case, it’s better to know about the problems right away so that you don’t feel ashamed later;
  • If you picked up your smartphone from repair and want to make sure that the repair was carried out in full;
  • Just want to know more information about your smartphone.

It is very useful to identify problems in your smartphone as early as possible, before the warranty period expires, in order to fix them for free. From time to time, such tests must be carried out if the smartphone has been subjected to negative impacts, dropped, hit or exposed to rain. A problem identified in time can be easily eliminated and does not lead to breakdown of other interacting components.