How to number pages on the side in Word. How to number pages in Word

Most of the documents we create in Word can, and in most cases, consist of several pages or even several dozen pages. Such documents include abstracts, reports, projects, coursework, contracts, business plans, some reports, and other documents. According to generally accepted design standards, the pages of such documents must be numbered.

Some documents must be numbered from the first page to the last, while others, for example, are numbered starting from the second or third page or some other.

Today we will talk about the simplest and most commonly used page numbering, which we can use for most documents created. In the examples, I use my working sketches for one of the articles about Power Point.

The necessary options with which we number the pages of a document and format (edit), in general, change the numbering itself, are located in the “Insert” and “Page Layout” tabs of the top menu:

I would call the numbering options in the “Insert” tab “start”, since with the help of them we begin page numbering. Let's open the "Insert" tab and direct all our attention to its "Header and Footers" section, with the "Page Number" functionality located in it:

Let's click this main button “Page Number” to see the list of options:

The first three options (counting from top to bottom) contain numbering patterns, that is, options for the arrangement of numbers on the page. The option called “Current position” (4th in a row) also contains numbering templates, but working with these templates is somewhat different from working with the numbering of the first three options. Numbering using the third option is also unique and also differs from page numbering using the first two options.

But with the first two options “Top of the page” and “Bottom of the page” we can probably number pages most often. Let's talk about them first and foremost today.

Since page numbering using these options is almost identical and the only difference is the location on the page (at the top and bottom of the page) and the forms of the numbering itself, in the examples we use the “Top of the page” option.

Let's select it with a mouse click:

and a list of numbering format templates will open before our eyes:

The patterns that our eyes see are only part of all the numbering patterns. In order to see other templates and make a choice at our discretion, we need to move the slider on the right side of the window, or click the up/down arrow buttons:

When choosing a template, we need to take into account the nature of the document we are working on. The “playful” numbering format is not suitable for business documents.

As soon as we select one of the templates by clicking the mouse, all pages of the document are automatically numbered (I specifically chose a template with clearly visible numbering):

Since the main button “Page Number” is located in the “Header and Footer” section, page numbering occurs in the mode of working with headers and footers while simultaneously activating the new “Design” tab:

That's why we see all these dotted lines and inscriptions. After the pages are numbered, you need to exit the mode of working with headers and footers. To do this, click the button to close the window for working with headers and footers:

After clicking this button, all dotted lines disappear, but the page numbering we need remains:

We can apply numbering as soon as we start creating a document, as well as “in the midst of work” or when editing the text is completely finished and page numbering is the final action in working on the document.

The numbering applied once to document pages is retained. If we applied numbering at the very beginning, that is, at the moment when we just started working on the document, then we don’t need to worry about numbering the following pages. In this case, each new (next) page will be numbered automatically:

In the case when we work as a team on a project, we can only work with a certain part of the document. For example, we got the final part. The rest of the team members each numbered their part of the document, and the page numbering of our part of the document should begin with number 65.

In order for the page numbering to begin with the number 65, we need to use the “Page Numbering Format” option by selecting it in the already familiar list of page numbering options:

Let's select this option with a regular mouse click, and a window for setting its parameters will open in front of us. In this window we can change the format of the numbering itself:

and also set the initial page number from which page numbering should begin:

In our example, the numbering should begin with number 65. We need to write this number (select using the arrow buttons) in the “Start with...” input line. Let's do just that - write it:

Well, the final action is to click the “Ok” button.

So what do we see? We see the same picture. The pages of our document, as they were without numbering, remained just as clean.

But the thing is that we have completed only one part of the settings. Now we need to perform another part of the settings, that is, select the desired template from the list of numbering templates. In other words, determine the location of the numbering on the pages.

Let’s select the “Top of the page” option (it serves as an example for us) and a list of numbering patterns in which the number 65 appears will open before our eyes:

By clicking the mouse, select the desired template and the pages will be numbered:

And finally, let’s close the window for working with headers and footers:

and all the dotted lines will disappear:

We can first select a numbering template - let the pages be numbered, and only then enter the desired number of the first page in the “Page Number Format” box (we had number 65). The original numbering will automatically change, and the first page will begin with number 65 (the number from the example).

We already know how to number pages. And if we need to change the numbering format or it turns out that it is not needed in some document, then we will use the “Remove page numbers” option. We saw this option in the page numbering options window.

Word 2003 is still a popular version, so let's start with that:

Microsoft 2007, 2010, 2013

More modern versions have appeared a long time ago. They set up the page count in the same way:

How to number sheets in a document

Sometimes, for example, when writing independent works, it is necessary not to take into account the title page, 2 or even 3 pages. This can also be done quite quickly using built-in functions.

Without title page

To cancel a number on the home page:

Interesting! This method will help to remove the number not only on the title page, but also on the first page of any section.

From page 2

If necessary, start numbering from the second page, do the following:

From page 3

It also happens that a document contains content in addition to the title page. Therefore, you have to set the numbering from page 3.

This can be done in the same way as in the above case:

  1. Create sections.
  2. Remove the “Same as in the previous section” function from the first two sheets.
  3. Enable numbering on the desired page.
  4. Select the “Start from 1” format.

Except some

The editor also allows you to disable numbering on certain sheets. Everything is done as standard:

  1. Activate the “Page Number” function.
  2. The file is divided into sections.
  3. Find the required page.
  4. Go to the designer and uncheck “Same as in the previous section.”
  5. We erase the number manually and close the constructor. On this and subsequent sheets the numbering will disappear.
  6. Select a sheet below. Repeat step 3. Then click on “Page Number”. Continue with the desired number using the “Start with...” format.

The result is the following:

How to set automatic numbering in the editor

Word has an interesting feature. The inserted numbering continues automatically. The numbers don't get confused even if you remove any sheet. This is quite convenient, since you don’t have to re-install them.

How to change the format

Word also allows you to change the appearance of numbers to Roman, Arabic and even letters. This can be done in a few steps:

Good to know! The “Number Format” window can also be opened by manually selecting the page number in the designer and right-clicking.

How to remove page numbers in Word

In order to remove numbers from all pages, you need to use a simple function. It is still located in the same context menu “Page numbers”.

How to format content

In addition to numbered pages, one useful navigation method is a table of contents. To issue it you need:

Students and people who work a lot with text often have to create large documents. In order not to get lost in the contents and not to mix up the printed pages, they must be numbered.

Fortunately, this process takes little time and does not require any special skills. In addition, the algorithm for numbering pages does not depend on the version of the office program installed on your computer: in Office 2007, 2010, and 2016, the numbering process consists of the same steps.

We'll show you how to number pages in Word and talk about the different numbering options. All examples in this article were made in Microsoft Word 2010.

How to number pages in Word

Create a document in Word or open a ready-made one. In the top menu, go to the "Insert" tab. In the “Header and Footer” section, click on the “Page Number” line.

In the drop-down list, you will see four options for placing the page number: at the top, at the bottom, in the margins, or in the current position - where the cursor is currently located. The design of many official documents, such as dissertations, is regulated by GOST, so choosing the position of page numbers should not confuse you. As a rule, the page number is placed in the footer.

After you select the position of the number, the program will number all pages starting from the first, and the “Working with Headers and Footers” tab will open in the top menu.

To customize the appearance of the number, go to the “Page Number” - “Page Number Format” section.

In this window, you can select an alphabetic or numeric format for the number, and also set the page from which the document numbering will begin. For example, if you put the number 2 in the “start with” field, then the first page of the document will receive the second number.

If your document has numbered sections, you can include the chapter number in the page numbering. If you select an em dash as the separator, the format of the number will be “X - Y”, where X is the chapter number and Y is the page number.

How to avoid numbering the first page in Word

The first page is usually occupied by a title page, which cannot be numbered. To avoid putting the number on the first page, do the following:

  • Double-click on the footer where the page number is located. The “Working with Headers and Footers” panel will appear in the top menu.
  • In the “Options” tab, check the box next to the “Special footer for the first page” function. Now the cover page will not be numbered.

By the way, we told you how to start numbering from any page of the document.

The main problem when preparing an essay, coursework or dissertation is numbering. Pupils and students spend a huge amount of nerves and time to number pages in Word. Yes, no one argues that it is not so simple, but spending hours on end is also not an option. In order to figure it out and finally understand how page numbering is done, you need to be patient and reserve 10 minutes. We present to your attention an article with the help of which you will forget about the upcoming problem. And let’s hope that from now on, at least one solution will be remembered in the future.

Automatic page numbering

To number the entire document, without exception, follow these steps: Open a Microsoft Word document, go to the “Insert” tab.

It is in this section in a text editor that you can insert anything, let it be: a drawing, shapes, a diagram, date and time, all kinds of inscriptions and entire formulas. In our case, we need the “Header and Footer” subsection. It is he who is responsible for arranging the numbering of the document.

Having selected all the necessary sections, you need to click on the “Page number” item. From the drop-down list of possible numbering design, you should select a more suitable arrangement of numbers on the page.

Of the 4 types of numbering presented, indicate, for example, “Top of the page.”

Next, from the pop-up window, click on the desired option: “Left”, “Center” or “Right”.

After selecting the numbering option, the document will automatically be numbered from 1 to the corresponding last page of the file, for example, 65.

Numbering in Roman numerals or letters

The user does not always resort to the standard method of formatting numbering using ordinary numbers. But it’s not easy to find a functionality that will allow you to add numbering in Roman numerals, and sometimes you don’t even remember its location, since you don’t need this option every day. After all, manually arranging page numbers using “Symbols” is very tedious and time-consuming, and it’s unlikely that anyone will do this.

This method is also considered end-to-end. When, regardless of which part the page belongs to: introduction, conclusion, conclusion, footnote, theoretical or practical part. The entire document is numbered from the first to the last sheet inclusive. Thanks to the advanced functions of the Microsoft Word text editor, you can easily and quickly create page numbers depending on the user's requirements.

The following steps will help you correctly number in letters or Roman numerals.

Hello, friends! In this Cheat Sheet we will find out how to enable page numbering in Word. We will talk, as before, about the latest version of the program - 2016. In this article you will get answers to the questions:

How to make continuous page numbering in Word

The easiest way to insert page numbering in Word is end-to-end, when the pages are “recounted” from the first to the last in order. We do this one-two-three times (Fig. 1):

  • Go to the tab "Insert".
  • Finding the section "Header and footer", and in it the line "Page number".

All pages of a Word document are numbered automatically. To consolidate the operations performed in the document, simply close the header and footer window (green arrow in Fig. 1) or, even simpler, double-click with the left mouse button on any piece of text outside the header and footer.

How to insert numbering in Word, starting from the second page

Quite often it becomes necessary to start numbering pages from the second, leaving the first under the title page. Depending on the design standards or the wishes of the author, the numbering may begin with the number 1 or 2. Let's look at both of these cases.

To perform this operation, go to the footer control panel "Constructor", click on the section "Page number", in the menu that opens, select "Page Number Format" and in the line "begin with…" put zero. Close this window, select the numbering position (top/bottom), and design style. After this, a zero number will appear on our title page, the next one after it will be marked with a number "1"(Fig. 2).

To get rid of the completely unnecessary zero, go to the section "Options" all the same panel "Constructor" and put a mark "Special footer for the first page". After this, remove the zero with the key « Backspace» or « Delete» . On the second page we will have the number 1 , and all subsequent ones will be numbered in order.

If the system of starting from the number is selected for document execution "2", then at the third step in "Page Number Format" in the line "begin with" put one. Next, we repeat all the steps already described. As a result, the numbering of your document will start from the second page and number "two". The first number will indicate the title.

How to set numbering in Word from the third or any other pages

Except on the title, in abstracts, term papers, reports or e-books, it is not customary to put the number in the table of contents. Then it becomes necessary to start numbering pages from the third, fourth or further pages. To perform this operation, you will need to separate pages that do not need to be numbered into a separate section and follow 8 steps in succession.

So, let's say we are not going to put numbers on the first page - the title and the second - the table of contents. But at the same time we want to take them into account in the general numbering, that is, start the listing from the number "3". Our actions in this case will be as follows:

  1. On the tab "Home" turn on "Hidden formatting marks"(for ease of use). The same action can be performed using hotkeys : Ctrl+ Shift+8
  2. Place the cursor at the beginning of the third page (or the one from which you are going to start numbering).
  3. On the tab "Layout" In chapter "Page settings" select a team "Break", and in the window that opens - the line "Next page".
  4. On the page after the break (in this example it is the third), make two clicks on the header and footer area (free field above or below the text) - a panel will open "Constructor".
  5. In chapter "Transitions" disable the button "Like the previous one" alternately for header and footer. The link to be broken corresponds to the active (unshaded) footer button.
  6. In chapter "Header and footer" in the opening window "Page Number Format" in the line "begin with…" put a number "3" and click “OK”.
  7. In line "Current position" select the page numbering style.
  8. To consolidate all completed actions, you must either close the tab "Constructor", or simply double-click on any part of the main text.

I will not present to your attention a lot of screenshots. If this multi-move seems a little difficult for you to understand, then just watch the short video instruction.

How to set page numbers in Word in the “X from Y” format

This method is used when you need to display the page number against the background of their total number in the document. This task is solved quite simply, since the collection of numbering styles contains a ready-made template of a similar format. So, here is the chain of necessary actions:

  • open a tab "Insert";
  • In chapter "Header and footer" click on the button "Page number";
  • in the drop-down menu, select the upper or lower numbering position, but not "On the fields";
  • in the style collection we find the format "pageX fromY» ;
  • consolidate the actions and move on to the main text by closing the panel "Header and footer" or double-click the left mouse button on the text (Fig. 3).

As you can see, this method is simple and easy, but I want to immediately warn my reader that it has one drawback. When numbering pages in this way, it will no longer be possible to insert any other information into the headers and footers. If there is such a need, then you need to add page numbers like “X from Y” using another method - using field codes. We will not discuss the topic of codes within the framework of this material, since it is quite extensive. One of the future articles will be devoted to it.

We also haven’t figured out everything about numbering yet. In the next “Crib Sheet” we will look at all the remaining questions and close this topic.

Goodbye friends! Your guide to WORD 2016 GALANT.