How to extend the life of AA batteries. Reviving dead batteries

AA batteries are an indispensable item in household appliances. Autonomous power supplies are used everywhere - in a variety of players, watches, remote controls remote control and so on. Like cheap zinc (mangan) or as they are popularly called, galvanic batteries fail very quickly. Although they also have a big plus - low (compared to batteries) self-discharge. There are some types of batteries that have a very long service life, some of the well-known ones include Duracell and Energizer.

These branded batteries have long secured their place in the market, for high quality and a very long service life, the current of such batteries is several times higher than the current of ordinary galvanic batteries. But the time comes when they too<умирают>and they need to be thrown away.

However, there is no need to rush into this; they can still serve you faithfully for a long time. Now we will consider the question of how to use such a battery. For a long time I tried to find ways to charge such batteries on the Internet, but only after wasting my time I decided to develop my own method. Reviews on various forums about charging alkaline batteries were disappointing - everyone confidently insisted that the battery would explode when charging, you need to charge it with a low current, and even then it won’t hold a charge for long. In a word, they cannot be restored and you just need to throw them away. And then it was decided: why charge them? better restore! As you know, any battery or battery must contain electrolyte, and the reason for the unsuitability of batteries is a banal loss of capacity, but how to return this capacity? There is an answer!

Take the battery and use a sharp object to remove it back. There you will find a metal rod (usually copper or brass). The batteries are called alkaline batteries because the electrolyte is an alkaline solution (lye). Using a syringe, drop a few drops of alkaline acid into the battery and immediately insert the rod.

After this, the battery needs to be warmed up for a minute. Then it needs to be cooled sharply by keeping it in the freezer for about an hour. Then we take it out from there and hold it in our hand in order to warm it up a little again (you can put it on a low stove). The photographs show the result of battery reanimation. At first, the battery voltage was almost zero. Afterwards we get a full-fledged battery, but with a voltage of 1.2-1.3 volts (the voltage of nickel batteries).

At the same time, the battery has enough higher current- up to 1 ampere! The reanimated battery can be used anywhere. The battery is like new and note that you don’t need to charge it! This recovery process can be repeated 5-7 times, and after that you can safely throw away the battery, since it has already given all it can! This concludes our conversation,

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As always, “at the most interesting place,” the light goes out, the water stops flowing, or, as most often happens, the battery “runs out.” And you bought it not so long ago. What to do when the batteries run out?

Battery life.

There are two types of galvanic autonomous direct current sources:

  • rechargeable battery (accumulator).
  • disposable battery.

Any of these energy sources has its own service life, which is primarily associated with the inevitable loss of charge by the battery electrolyte. Also, the service life of the battery is influenced by such factors as the material from which it is made, correct operation, temperature regime storage and battery capacity.
There are no popular types of batteries single term services, they hold a charge for different times:

  • The service life of a salt battery is no more than two years. If you store a battery at low temperatures, the battery's charge will disappear before you start using it. Long periods of inactivity normal temperatures reduces the charge by almost half. Considering this feature salt batteries, they should be used in the technique that is required minimum quantity electricity. Therefore, such energy sources are most often used in clocks and alarms.
  • The alkaline (alkaline) battery is the most common because it is designed to hold a charge for five years. This power source is actively used in energy-intensive equipment (flashlights, players, toys). This power source is minimally affected by low temperatures and periods of inactivity. Self-discharge is observed in one case out of a hundred.
  • lithium battery is different high density energy, able to cope maximum loads, which are required by such equipment as musical equipment, photo flashes, etc. The service life is ten years (as stated by the manufacturers), but in fact it can last longer. Self-discharge is practically eliminated. Batteries are completely indifferent to low temperatures.
  • The battery is inferior in terms of charge retention time to a disposable battery, but compensates for this with the ability to recharge. Therefore, battery life is measured in cycles from charge to discharge. The service life is also influenced by the material, storage time and operating conditions. Battery mobile phone have warranty period– one year, and automobile ones – from two to four years.

For more information about the types of batteries, see the Wikipedia article.

Battery release date.

When buying a battery, do not chase after the manufacturer, but focus on the “freshness” of the product. The so-called “date of birth” of the power source can be found on the packaging or the battery itself. Most often, manufacturers encrypt the release date. It’s easy to make out symbols that are incomprehensible at first glance. First, the code indicates the year the battery was released (the last digit of the year), then the letter indicating the month, and at the end the date itself.

If there is no release date on the packaging or battery, then do not purchase such a power source so as not to harm your equipment.

The battery is dead. What to do?

So, at the most inopportune time, your battery runs out. What to do? The battery needs to be charged. Is it possible to charge regular batteries?
We answer: regular battery– a disposable product. The disposable galvanic power supply is marked “Do not recharge”, warning that recharging is not possible. Batteries that are marked “rechargeable” can be charged. Charging salt, alkaline (alkaline) batteries simply will not work. No, of course, on the Internet you can find life hacks for “resurrecting” AA batteries, which (as convincingly proven) can be charged. But all these attempts can lead to either a five-minute charge or an explosion of equipment. It's not worth the risk.
We will not try to recharge a disposable battery like a rechargeable one. However, it is possible to extend the life of the power source, even after it has run out.

  • take out the shrunk one galvanic cell from the device and make several dents on it. These simple manipulations can be done using pliers, but in such a way as not to damage the body.
  • The second option to “save the battery” is even simpler. You can restore contact in the battery by tapping it on a hard surface. And then return it to its original location.

Where to dispose of used batteries.

If these simple manipulations do not lead to anything, then the batteries must be recycled. Where? Many supermarkets and large retail chain stores have containers for recycling batteries. Used batteries should be placed in such containers. When going to the store, do not consider it difficult, take one or two failed power sources in your pocket and throw them in a special container.
The dead batteries collected in this way are taken to a battery recycling plant.

Rules for the use and storage of batteries.

You can delay the moment the battery fails if you follow the following rules:

  • When purchasing, check the release date of the battery. If the release date of the battery was more than a year ago, it is better to refuse the purchase.

It is better to purchase batteries in stores with a large turnover. The higher the turnover, the higher the likelihood that the galvanic power supply is newly manufactured.

  • Also, when purchasing, pay attention to the integrity of the battery case.
  • Do not take batteries in reserve. Batteries should be replenished only as needed.
  • The battery must be replaced taking into account the polarity (+ and -) of the poles, without damaging the contacts of the device.
  • Periodically, the contacts of the device should be cleaned with an eraser or a piece of cloth.
  • equipment or device that you do not plan to use in the near future (more than a month) should be without batteries.
  • Until required, batteries should be stored in a dry place at natural room temperature.
  • Avoid sudden temperature changes in battery storage areas.
  • batteries temporarily stored should be wrapped in a plastic bag and kept as far as possible from metal objects. Contact of the battery with metal reduces the power of the batteries.
  • If you use a device that operates both from the network and from batteries, then when connecting to the network, the batteries must be removed.

To extend the battery life, do not use a new and an old battery in the device slot at the same time.

  • If one of the batteries in a device slot with four batteries runs out, then all four should be replaced.
  • When transporting, make sure that there are no small metal objects or loose change near the batteries.
  • try to ensure that the galvanic autonomous DC source does not come into contact with water (rain, snow).
  • do not place a disposable battery in charger for batteries.

All these tips will help you prevent premature battery failure and extend its life.

Did the battery from your camera, flashlight, children's toy or other necessary device suddenly run out? Such an eventuality cannot be foreseen. Unless you use special batteries with indicators. Or be careful not to carry a replacement with you. How to charge batteries at home? We will share with you useful instructions and recommendations.

What batteries can be charged?

Not every AA battery can be filled with energy using a homemade method. What batteries can be charged? Only finger alkaline (alkaline). But under no circumstances should you eat salt! The possibility of leakage or explosion of the product cannot be ruled out.

Method 1: Charger

We figured out whether the battery can be charged. If you constantly use such AA batteries, then the easiest way for you is to buy a special charger for them. Such a device will help to “breathe life” into the battery without unnecessary hassle.

However, the method also has significant shortcomings. Each charge reduces battery life by one third. In addition, the procedure may cause leakage of its composition.

Method 2: Power Supply

Let's look at how to charge batteries at home. For this method, you will need a power supply and wires to connect to it. Is everything in place? Here are the instructions for action:

When receiving a rechargeable AA battery using this method, pay attention to these recommendations:

  • The process will not work if you reverse the polarity when connecting the wires. Moreover, in this way you will destroy the remaining charge in the element.
  • Using the described method, the battery can be charged 1-2 times.
  • The method is only suitable for finger-type alkaline cells!
  • The procedure can be performed in any conditions environment(except for the freezer stage).

Method 3: Heating

You can also restore the battery charge by regular heating. But be careful - this method can cause the product to explode!

The simplest thing is this:

Method 4: Volume reduction

The method is quite incomprehensible and exotic at first glance. We need to reduce the size of the battery so that the charge in it is restored on its own.

What should you do for this? Mechanically reduce and make the body volume thinner. To do this, the battery is hit against something hard - asphalt, wall, stone, brick, etc. Or they simply trample on it with thick shoes. You can try to flatten it with a handy tool - for example, pliers.

This method will charge all AA batteries. It must be said that such a “barbaric” method helps restore the charge in some cases even to 100%!

Method 5: exposure to solutions

We continue to look at how to charge batteries at home. Within this method, two methods can be distinguished.

Instructions for the first:

How to charge batteries at home in another way:

  1. Use an awl or similar tool to make holes in the battery caps next to the carbon rod. The depth of each should be within 3/4 of the height of the entire battery.
  2. Pour liquid into the hole. You can take not ordinary water, but a solution of double vinegar or hydrochloric acid (no more than 8-10%).
  3. To sufficiently saturate the base, you need to repeat the pouring procedure several times, maintaining time intervals so that the composition has time to be absorbed.
  4. Finally, be sure to seal the holes. For these purposes, it is best to use resin or plasticine.
  5. Now you can use the battery - its charge should be restored to 70-80%.

Now you know how to charge a AA alkaline battery. Choose any method convenient for you. And, most importantly, be extremely careful! Careless actions may cause the battery to explode!

Imagine what happened: you started an electrochemical experiment, assembled a circuit - and the battery suddenly died, and there is no spare battery. What should I do? But that's not so bad. It’s much worse when a flashlight goes out on a dark evening, especially in the forest. And what a shame if the batteries of a transistor radio fail just at the moment when your favorite song is broadcast on the radio, or during a broadcast of a football match. But what can you do about it...

In the meantime, something can be done. If you don’t have a spare battery, don’t rush to throw away the old one, but try to “revive” it.

Many modern batteries - Krona, Mars, Saturn, KBS and others - consist of elements of the manganese-zinc system. During operation, the negative electrode of these batteries - the zinc cup - gradually, but very slowly, dissolves, and the positive electrode - manganese dioxide MnO 2, is reduced to trivalent manganese hydroxide (its formula can be represented as MnOOH). It gradually covers the oxide grains, penetrates deep into the grains and blocks access to the electrolyte. Even half of the manganese oxide has not been used, and the element has already stopped working; By that time, even more zinc remains, up to four-fifths! In short, an almost usable battery has to be thrown away.

But if you remove the “shell” of MnOOH, the electrolyte will again be able to flow to the grains and the battery will come to life. But how to remove it? The easiest way is to tap the battery firmly with a hammer or stone. Then the grains inside the cells will split, and the electrolyte will again be able to penetrate them. This method is not so good, but in the forest, perhaps, you won’t find a better one...

If the battery fails at home, then manganese dioxide can be activated much more effectively. Punch a hole in the zinc battery cup with a nail and lower the battery into water. The electrolyte in the cell is not liquid (that would be inconvenient), but thickened. It soaks in water, liquefies, and makes it easier for it to penetrate the manganese dioxide grains. This simple trick allows you to increase the battery life by almost a third. But it can be simplified even more.

There is no need to fill the battery with water. All you have to do is punch a hole in the zinc cup. Manganese oxide in the element is mixed with graphite powder - this is necessary in order to increase electrical conductivity. As soon as air begins to flow inside, graphite will absorb oxygen, and along with manganese dioxide, another positive electrode will appear - the so-called air electrode, on which oxygen is reduced. In short, a simple nail transforms a manganese-zinc element into an air-zinc element!

To be fair, let’s say that after such a procedure the battery will be discharged with a low current - such are the properties of a homemade zinc air element. But it will serve for a very long time.

And the last thing: we will make the old battery almost exactly like a new one. To do this, the battery must be charged electric shock, i.e. treat it the same way as a battery. The reaction taking place in the battery is reversible, and MnOOH can again turn into MnO 2.

Please note that not all batteries can be recharged, but only those in which the paste has not dried out and the case is not damaged. And you don’t have to charge it normally DC how batteries are charged. In this case, zinc will begin to deposit on the battery body in the form of branched filaments-dendrites, and very soon this will lead to what will happen short circuit and the battery will fail. It must be charged using the so-called asymmetric current. To get it, you have to straighten it AC not completely, for example: include a rectifier diode in the circuit and a resistance (about 50 Ohms) in parallel with it. The source voltage should be about 12 V, so you cannot use current directly from the network; you need a step-down transformer.

Manganese-zinc cells can be charged up to three times, while their capacity drops very slightly. And small, so-called button cells (they use a mercury-zinc system) can be recharged up to ten times. But there is no point in punching them with a nail or hitting them with a hammer - there are practically no active substances left in these elements after the discharge.

O. Holguin. "Experiments without explosions"
M., "Chemistry", 1986

Life modern man is very closely connected with a variety of electrical things: be it a portable radio, telephone, flashlight, navigator, camera, and much more! The main thing they all have in common is that they require power sources to function: various batteries and accumulators.

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Let's talk about some ways to revive dead batteries!

They naturally often sit down, which in turn can deprive us of the chance to use them. And not just in ordinary and calm situations, when we can solve the problem by charging from the network or purchasing new battery, but also when you are, for example, on a hike or find yourself in a situation where your life is in danger!

Revitalization of AA batteries.

1 wayprobably known to many, it involves impacting the battery (throw it against the wall, gently tap it with a hammer!) This can return some charge, because in this way the oxides that have formed in the battery are destroyed and it will last for some time. From childhood experience, we can note a more radical effect, crushing the battery (with a multi-tool, if any) in its different parts (someone even uses their teeth and simply bites the battery, which of course we do not recommend).

2 . Battery puncturing in various ways in different places, so that the puncture sites do not touch the inner rod. You can pierce randomly, you can make a couple of punctures along the rod at some distance from it, or pierce across the plus and minus, this will have its own effect, air will be connected to the internal processes in the battery and forms an additional electrode.

3. You can also boil our batteries in boiling water (several minutes).

4. There is also another option: make holes and fill them with water, from a syringe or something else, so that the water does not leak out; cover the holes with electrical tape or whatever is at hand.

Revitalizing coin cell batteries

1. Recharging from a AA battery, we will need two wires and a working AA battery, we will connect (with wires) the plus to the plus, and the minus to the minus of our batteries, and keep them like this for some time.