How to attract customers using social networks. Working with content on different social networks: what, how and when to post to attract customers


SMM promotion is an excellent tool to attract customers through social media. But it’s one thing when you use a social network for personal purposes, and another thing when you use a social network to promote a company. For example, a photo of your cat will get 100 likes in a day, but a post will take much longer to reach such an audience.

Organic reach is the foundation of your social media marketing:

    • Good organic reach can be further increased by paying for promotion. Moreover, the costs will be less than when promoting from scratch.
    • Interest real people your content is excellent, which can be measured in numbers (number of subscribers, likes and reposts).
  • Your followers' friends become your potential followers, because they see that their loved ones trust you.

Engaging real people requires being smart. In this article, we share with you methods to increase organic reach. Organic reach is free impressions of your content. You don’t pay for promotion - people themselves like and share your posts, which will help you find new clients on social networks.

1. Use emojis in your posts

To create your own memes, use the generator. When creating a meme, consider the audience you are making it for. Memes are like small-town jokes that people “out of the loop” won’t understand.

A meme is any idea, symbol, manner or pattern of action transmitted from person to person through pictures, animation, video, writing or speech.

5. Post quotes as images

A picture speaks a thousand words. To increase the engagement effect, try combining a picture and text - post an image with a quote.

When you post a famous quote, you automatically gain some of the trust that people place in the author of the quote. So use quotes from celebrities that your audience loves and respects.

You can make cool pictures with quotes in Pablo.

6. Encourage visitors to tag their friends in the comments

You may have come across posts in which you recognized yourself or someone you know. For example, in a post about how to force yourself to eat healthy, you recognized your situation. Or remember how your friend complained about his strict diet.

Posts in which your customers recognize themselves get more views and shares. Here you can go further - encourage people to tag friends with a similar situation in the comments, which will help attract new audiences.

Try three methods that are used in SMM promotion:

    • Let people tag friends in a positive way:"Tag a friend you can't live without."
    • Let them challenge their friends:“Tag three friends who you challenge to 100 push-ups.”
  • Let them prank their friends:“Tag a friend who snores loudly.”

7. Hold competitions

Contests work great for attracting new customers through social networks because you can win something in a contest without much effort. The more valuable the prize, the more people will come for him.

To increase your chance of winning, you need to share the competition with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.

8. Create quizzes, polls and more
interactive content

Interactive content on social page- call to action.

Can be used standard means to create surveys (for example, polls on VKontakte), but it is better to use special services. For example, Playbuzz.

An example of a Halloween quiz created using Playbuzz.

9. Entertain visitors with GIF animation

Gif animation is something between a picture and a video. There should be GIFs short and funny.

You can get GIF animation in different ways:

    • Use ready-made gifs from the web or create your own. For example, using GIPHY

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  • Our fellow citizens occupy 1st place in the world in terms of the amount of time spent on social networks.
  • Women are the fastest growing segment of social media users (take note those whose potential clients are the female half of the country’s population)
  • More than 50% of companies worldwide use social networks to promote their brand.

Now let's talk about you. While you habitually go to the newspaper to advertise your services, your potential client looks for information in the place where he is used to spending most of his time - on a social network.

Promotion on a social network, or SMM(from the English social media marketing) is a new and popular method of Internet marketing. With SMM, you get the opportunity to work on the site where your target audience is located and influence it essentially for free.

Promotion methods on social networks are distinguished by openness - getting likes and bots in subscribers is no longer fashionable. We are interested in real people who really enjoy reading our posts and who can turn from subscribers into clients.

Step 2: Define tasks. What are you aiming for by taking up SMM? What is important to you – increased website traffic, increased sales, Information support customers or reputation management?

Step 3: Develop a strategy. What content will you publish? Who will it be addressed to and what problems should it solve?

Step 4: Think through your work. How will you deliver content, in what form and how often?

Stage 5. Communication with clients. How will you keep in touch with your subscribers? How will you attract new subscribers? Will you thank and reward active participants?

Stage 6. Hire an SMM specialist. Can you handle such serious work yourself? Will you find time to write texts and select content? Think and decide what is more profitable for you - working alone or trusting professionals.

Stage 7, the most important. Get ready for work. Don't expect instant results. Don’t give up if you don’t see clear results in the first month - this is not a reason to refuse promotion on social networks and new clients.

We tried to talk about the first steps you need to take to start an SMM campaign. What to do with this information is, of course, up to you, but in the end we will give you some advice.

  • Don't make it out of your group advertising page. Nobody is interested in template slogans and calls to buy. Create a page that people will be interested in visiting again and again, and you will gain the attention and respect of your audience.
  • Manage your business's reputation. Communicate with group members - conduct surveys, respond to comments, give gifts to the most active ones - all this will attract attention and subscribers to you, who will then become your grateful clients.
  • Work with professionals. If you don’t know what to do or where to start, seek advice from specialists - they will tell you where to start and how to develop.

Have you created a group, developed its corporate style, post interesting content there and wait for orders from new clients to pour in? In most cases, this expectation does not work. The client needs to be directed, pushed to action, and sometimes just given a clear tool for communicating with you. This article contains some tips on how to maximize increase conversion from social networks.

1. Indicate as clearly as possible to the client how to contact the manager

Today, up to 70% of VKontakte users log into the social network With mobile phones . In this case, it is simply inconvenient for the client to follow third-party links: you need to give him the opportunity to ask his questions or place an order directly from VK.

Open group messages , and in the “Contacts” block put not the abstract “Sales Department” with a phone number and email, but a link to manager's page , who will always be in touch. And here’s a little “life hack”: in the signature under the manager’s name, write “I accept orders”, or “to order, write to me”, and instead of the phone number - simply “online”. In this case, requests will arrive much more often.

2. Follow the comments under posts

For this the wall must be open. Are you afraid of spam and violation of the “aesthetic appearance” of the community? Then why did you even come to social networks? If you are looking for sales, open the wall!

We will not exaggerate if we say that 100% of users, as soon as they join your group, begin to scroll down the news feed. And if they are interested in any of your posts or products, they will choose the simplest option to ask about it - they will leave a message on the wall. At the same time, you can answer the question in private messages, because it’s always easier in person establish a dialogue .

3. Follow requests under photos in albums

Filling out albums photographs of your products - be kind enough to carefully follow the comments on the photos. While looking through the albums, the client will leave a question under the photo that interests him. All you have to do is advise the potential buyer correctly, and this is much easier to do if you already know what he likes.

Tip: add a direct link to the manager page under the product photo with a clear call to action : “You can order right now via the link - …”

4. Make a clear group menu

It is enough to design it concisely and pleasantly. wiki menu, in which there will be buttons “How to order?”, “More details about the new product” or “Select from the catalogue”, and pin it to the top of the group.

5. Create a convenient discussion thread

There is no need to come up with a thousand discussion topics. Enough one or two branches with the headings “Question-answer” and “Leave a request”. Believe me, with their help you will understand what really interests your customers.

6. Track applications under advertising posts in other communities

If you advertise in other communities with your target audience, That follow the responses for these posts. Returning to the topic of laziness - many simply will not want to follow links from advertisement on your group, staying where they are comfortable. And the easiest way for them will be to leave a comment directly under the advertising post.

7. Organize a mailing list for the latest participants

99% of group owners neglect this method, when it can bring order 20% of all sales through the group. Many community members are not ready to buy your product right now, but are considering purchasing in the future.

Greet new subscribers with a personal message, offer help in choosing a product, and perhaps they will place an order much earlier.

8. Monitor competitor groups

Your competitors are just as actively promoting their services on social networks and ordering advertising. However, often the quality of service in their groups can suffer: requests from clients are ignored, they are answered after a few days, and so on. Use these mistakes to your advantage.

9. Use a call back app directly from social networks

As we already wrote, clients are quite lazy, and if you want increase sales , then offer them an instant consultation, which can be ordered directly from social networks.

We have developed a special Newton application "In contact with", which will connect the manager with the client in 30 seconds. The client will be able to order directly from the Vkontakte group return or delayed call , or talk to the manager at chat .

The application is also available in mobile version VC.

We told you exactly how to install the application in our .

In November, 35 million people in Russia made at least one publication on the Internet. This is slightly less than the population of Canada. In total, 698 million messages were published, and 70% of them were on social networks.

Brand Analytics counted only “talking” users. How many more unaccounted for silent ones?

Marketers teach us to interact with our target audience where this audience is comfortable. The numbers above are the best proof of how important it is for a business to have a competent SMM policy.

To reach your target audience as much as possible, you will have to maintain accounts on all platforms at once. But we must not forget that many people are registered in not one, but several social networks. So when you're trying to reach your customers, keep in mind that audiences may overlap.

There is another pitfall: if you post the same thing, then a person simply does not need to read you everywhere. He will choose one site that is most convenient for him, and you will be left without a man-unit for all the others.

Therefore, the ideal option would be different content for different social networks.

We have analyzed the most popular platforms and will give recommendations on which content is most effective.

What to Post on Facebook

In the Russian segment of Facebook there are 1 million active authors, 50 million messages were published in last month. This is not the best, but quite a significant indicator to think about what users of this social network need.

Features of the social network audience

According to analytics, the online population is 42% men and 58% women.

Facebook has the most professionally advanced audience. Users often include public figures, entrepreneurs and top managers of large companies. There are also many IT specialists, creative people, designers, architects, and advertisers here.

Social status is above average. Age category – from 25 to 50 years.

What content to use

Most users prefer to receive here actual news. However, the content requirements are quite strict. You must always be aware of what is happening and instantly respond to news feeds.

The platform itself supports the idea of ​​exchange interesting content. Users read, comment on posts and share them on their profiles.

It is interesting to note that despite all its seriousness, many users are happy to take part in various tests and flash games. With their help you can also gain popularity.

On this moment the most popular users are:

And at the top of the official pages:

If you look at what users are discussing, then at the time of writing this article is in the top most commented fast Martha Ketro, where the female audience speaks about the inadmissibility of age discrimination.

What to post on Instagram

There are 4.6 million active creators on Instagram, with 78 million posts published in November. The social network is one of the most dynamically developing. Take, for example, the number of updates that were carried out during Last year. Facebook doesn't just buy sites.

Features of the social network audience

The bulk Instagram users- women. There are 79% of them here, and 21% of men.

They are very active image life, adhere to a healthy diet, and are aimed at equal development in the family and career.

Instagram ranks second in the number of users creating content. Nowadays it is quite easy to take a photo, apply a filter, post it online and wait for social strokes - likes.

Therefore, users like to record everyday life in their account, where they log in several times a day.

What content to use

Users not only watch, but also read texts, and also actively comment on posts. They're talking about it Latest updates– liking comments, moderating them.

Topics that concern the audience are health, motherhood, handicrafts, beauty, show business.

Currently the most popular accounts are:

The most comments received as of the date of writing this article were: post TNT with voting “Choose the winner of the Battle of Psychics”, test-riddle from Video Funny and survey LOOKBOOK Fashion"What to wear?" with variable choice.

Total: The female audience on the Internet loves the same thing as in real life: to look at beautiful pictures, read about others, express your opinion.

This means that we need content that will give users the opportunity to speak out. However, it is worth using not sharply political topics, as on Facebook, but raising everyday questions– about beauty, fashion, healthy image life, children, personal success, creativity.

When to post

There is an ongoing debate about the effective time to post. If recently someone could say with confidence that the attention of the audience can be attracted at strictly certain hours, now all three networks have introduced “ smart tapes”, which generate content each according to its own algorithm. Now, even if you posted at the “right” time, it may not be seen due to low ER.

But, one way or another, in order for there to be someone to like your posts, the audience must be in touch.

Using the Popsters service, we analyzed the top pages in each social network. The graph shows the effectiveness of publications depending on the time of day and days of the week over the past month. All calculations have been made -1 hour Moscow time


Total: The most active days are Sunday and Monday.

This can be explained by the fact that on Friday-Saturday people spent time actively, and on Sunday they spent passive rest before work.

Monday is a day of procrastination, when it is difficult to immediately get involved in the work process.

Here we are tied to weekdays, because, as you remember, the audience is professional.

Time - peak from 9-00 to 13-00 Moscow time, the rest of the time - a relatively even distribution. Peaks occur during the commute to work and the first working hours of procrastination.

In contact with

Total: During the week, activity is distributed relatively evenly across days. Increase on Monday, but not significant.

In terms of time - an even distribution from 8 am to 24-00 Moscow time.

This is explained by the fact that the audience is young, always with gadgets, constantly scrolling through the feed.


Total: The sources most often have dips on Wednesday and Thursday, and peaks at different times.

In terms of time - relatively exactly from 9 am to 24-00 Moscow time.

To find out what time your audience is active, use analytics services. For example, connect a business account for free, which provides this opportunity.

How to post

Your content is a unique opportunity to constantly remind customers of your existence. Therefore, you need to create activity on your page on social networks every day.

Therefore, it is worth using deferred posting services. For example, SMMplanner. With its help, you can post posts to all popular social networks - Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram, as well as Twitter and Odnoklassniki.

You just need to select content once a month, create a schedule of posts and schedule publications in SMMplanner so you don’t have to come back to it again.

In addition to the main functionality, the service has a number of nice bonuses. With it you can:

  • simultaneously publish posts on several social networks;
  • there is a breakdown by project - you can add the necessary networks in each of your projects;
  • not only publish, but also delete the post in certain time;
  • edit images using 28 filters;
  • there is a hashtag counter for Instagram;
  • monthly bonus posts;
  • you can automatically add your logo to the photo (watermark), as well as change its position and size;
  • There is a convenient way to add text to an image and work with its background;
  • The program itself will adjust the size of the photo to the required size of the social network.

And the most important thing is convenient video instructions for work and friendly technical support, which is always in touch. It’s not scary to write there, because the guys understand perfectly well that not only professionals use the service.

The project was initially created to facilitate the work of SMM specialists and administrators who manage several public pages.

Now a whole community of professionals has formed around this service. You can join it and always be up to date with news from the world of marketing.

What's the result?

Based on data analysis, we have prepared for you a mind map with content and good posting times for each social network. We hope that now it will be easier for you to create your content plan.

Any business needs promotion and increased sales. One of the most effective methods attracting new clients for many business sectors remains SMM promotion on social networks.

The more customers who know you and trust your company, the more products or services you can sell. Effective marketing is difficult to imagine without obtaining customer contact information. Using a website and a group on a social network, many companies ask users to leave a phone number or email address. Often databases are simply purchased. But both methods do not apply effective ways promotion on social media networks, because do not set up a constructive dialogue with your target audience.

How to find real clients

YouDo website professionals are masters in the field of business promotion on social networks. They are ready to inexpensively and efficiently perform lead generation through SMM, which will allow you to obtain contact information (also called leads) of visitors to your resource.

Results of working with YouDo website specialists:

  • Promoting your business
  • Sales growth
  • Increasing target audience loyalty
  • Formation of a positive image of the company

Lead generation on social networks is attracting new customers

When using generation through SMM, you only receive contacts of interested people who are ready to buy your product or service. In addition, you will be able to create a portrait of your customers, find out their interests and needs.

The work of the YouDo site masters is aimed at ensuring that visitors to your public page or group want to leave their contact information. In return, users receive special offer or interesting content.

Before starting work, all specialists professionally research your market segment, search for competitors, and determine the target audience. If necessary, you can order the creation and development of a promotional group on social media. turnkey networks and filling with selling content.

The range of services for attracting clients from social networks includes:

  • Lead generation system
  • Service for automated processing of incoming applications
  • Structuring and optimization of business processes
  • Working with traffic channels
  • Improving the selling qualities of your website

What does lead generation give?

You will be able to meet your target audience, find new clients and establish long-term relationships with them, find out contact information potential buyers: email, telephone, etc.

After completing all the work to attract clients, all customers can check how well and professionally the task was completed and what is the effectiveness of lead generation. Used for analysis special systems and services that allow you to obtain accurate statistical data.

Your advantages when ordering lead generation through the YouDo website:

  • Working only with the target audience
  • Affordable prices
  • You only pay for attracting target customers

Check out the prices on the YouDo website, set the cost of the service, or invite the contractor to voice his price. By choosing craftsmen registered on the YouDo platform, you will save time and money: specialists will complete all the work inexpensively and quickly.