How to acquire hacking skills. How to acquire hacking skills What you need to know to become a hacker

A large number of Internet users ask themselves the question: how can one become a hacker, and where should one start? As a rule, connoisseurs of this hobby are boys aged 16 to 20 years. Don't think that this is impossible. If you know some information, then everything can definitely work out.

Profession hacker

Hacker is a high-level programmer who works with ready-made software, and with the help of various programming languages ​​he tries to turn his own imagination into reality. For many people, this job is the whole meaning of their life. Such inclinations often begin to develop in early childhood. This mainly applies to professional hackers. You can find out how you can become such a hacker by reading our article.

Try to understand the basic programming languages ​​first. This experience will help you achieve your desired goal. According to many professionals, you can study this database yourself, while at home and devoting a lot of time to studying these materials, computer equipment and programming languages. And the basic basics of programming contain similar principles and structure. You will need to memorize several of them. These include Java, PHP, MySQL, etc. Apart from programming languages, you will also need to learn different operating systems, which may seem very simple to you at first glance. In this case, we are talking about Linux platforms. And UNIX. Professional hackers do not work with Windows firmware. They try to work on the Internet correctly.

If you really decide to become a real pro in this matter, then you will need to gain as much knowledge as possible. And with this, only the Internet can help you. Try to learn how the World Wide Web works, and try to understand why clients transfer HTTP servers, how the system's browser interacts with the server, etc. Without this knowledge in your head, you will not be able to count on excellent results in the future. Try to choose the package of necessary programs for yourself. Let us immediately warn you that choosing the right programs is not so easy. But still, your strong desire and perseverance can greatly simplify this task. First, try to find a few assemblers and compilers. The latest solutions translate program texts into an equivalent program. As for the very first option, this is the so-called software, which converts programs into machine-type commands. You will also need a good text editor to work with, one that can edit and create text files, print and view, and search text information. You will also need a special editor that allows you to create and change the initial program data. This solution may well be a separate program, or part of the development environment. So WTO, now you could get a little idea of ​​how you can become a hacker. If you decide to build a career on this job, then it will not be superfluous for you to learn 2-3 foreign languages. Many experts in this field advise choosing English to study, since it is the most commonly used language on the Internet.

Video instructions.

To summarize, it should be noted that work and perseverance, together with an understanding of the need for goals, and the ability to correctly implement your ideas in life, will help you become a very successful hacker. But it is worth noting that you will have to carry out this work only within the framework of the current law, since malicious hacking is punishable by criminal law.

How to become a hacker from scratch

The job of a professional hacker is very exciting. Theft of important information, website hacking, theft of funds, disclosure of secrets and penetration. Yes, it is worth noting that a hacker has many options. As for his real name, it is, of course, carefully hidden. As a rule, young people are interested in active activities related to theft of information and hacking of websites.

But, unfortunately, they do not understand that they will have to answer before the law for these offenses. This activity is not always associated with illegal work. If you want to work in the computer field, then large organizations will usually use your services. And this should not be surprising, since the hacker is an excellent IT specialist. In practice, the largest banks and corporations want a professional hacker on their staff. Companies try to protect important information using all kinds of computer technologies, and a professional hacker can find various loopholes in this protection and thus prevent the theft of important information.

Only self-development will help you obtain this profession. We will share some tips in this article, and with their help you can bring your dream closer, and maybe even realize it.

Step-by-step action plan Basic skills

Firstly, you need to get to know the Internet as closely as possible, try to find out the meaning of all kinds of headings, study many main concepts and try to understand the interaction of browsers with servers.

Programming languages.

Much attention should also be paid to thoroughly studying programming languages. Using tutorials that can be found on the Internet, you can learn how to write the simplest programs. If you put a little effort into this work, you can easily master basic programming skills. And in the future you will be able to improve them. If you want to work as a hacker, then your main attention should be paid to learning hypertext markup language. It is called HTML.

English language.

You should also study English. This language is used in all world services. Based on this, you need to master it perfectly. After you have completed the tasks, you will need to start studying all sorts of intricacies of hacking and professional issues. It is worth noting that the Internet is simply overflowing with information that relates to our topic today. You should pay attention to the tips that we will share with you. They can help you gain discipline, professionalism, diligence and perseverance. Try to value your personal time and your colleagues. You should share your new achievements with them and respect the code. Yes, it is worth noting that hackers have their own code. It prohibits taking or giving in return. If you were able to hack someone else's program, you should inform its owner so that he can consider options for protecting his own brainchild. Thought patterns should also be eliminated. A hacker should not think in stereotypes. He must have the ability to find answers instantly. you should not be shy about asking for advice. If you don’t understand something, then don’t be shy to ask for advice on various thematic forums.

If you were able to solve the task without anyone’s help, then you need to tell your colleagues about it. In the future they will do the same. It is necessary to monitor the equipment. A computer is a living organism. He is also a very close friend of the IN specialist. Based on this, laptops, computer equipment, and various stationary systems always require care. You can achieve your goal quite quickly if your team of colleagues is replenished with free time and perseverance. You will need to learn a lot of new information every day. This in turn can bring you a lot of experience and knowledge. You should forget about computer games forever. You will need to spend your personal time gaining new knowledge that will definitely be useful to you in the future. You should also study the criminal code in order to avoid various unpleasant moments. Continuing our topic today, we will try to consider the main stages of training, so that we can learn in more detail where to start in order to become a professional hacker. In many feature films, hackers are involved in hacking various payment systems, websites of large corporations, government agencies and industrial facilities. The main goal of these hacks is very important information or money. In reality, everything is not so easy. A hacker is an ordinary programmer who can simply hack a program code. In this case, he has completely different goals. Hackers do not want to take possession of important information and sell it for huge amounts of money in order to later sell it on the black market. At the moment of hacking a program, the hacker learns the basic principles of its operation, tries to study the code in order to be able to find various loopholes and create a similar program. Most people believe that hackers are criminals who hack software. Based on this, there are many specialists who are by no means hackers, but still lead a similar lifestyle. Even a novice hacker can harm any website or computer if he uses malicious scripts that can masquerade as a regular program and are placed on websites. In reality, it is very difficult to find a real specialist in this field. A professional hacker will never share with others exactly what he does. He carries out his work alone, because he knows that his type of activity is punishable. You should have as much patience as possible. You also need to realize that learning different information and mastering skills will take you years. Try to pay special attention to the study of applied mathematics. Without acquiring this knowledge, you will not be able to become a real hacker. It is also necessary to buy books that are devoted to the operation of software platforms, programs, and security systems. Try to learn how to write code, and also create all kinds of encrypted systems without outside help. You won't be able to work without these skills. Try to read more different thematic magazines, visit all kinds of forums and sites that are dedicated to hacker activities. All these sources of information can greatly help you in self-development.

Also try to keep a journal daily. Record statistics of your new achievements and successes in it. Over time, you will be able to notice that your skills have become more advanced. You should also be prepared for the fact that self-study will be quite long and will require a lot of effort and work from you. Only in this way can you achieve significant results and break stereotypes. You should also always remember that you need to work within the framework of the current law.


If you decided to learn how to become a hacker from scratch in 15 minutes, then this publication was able to explain to you that this matter is not simple. Every person who decides to become a hacker must remember that many difficulties await him. And this is all because you will have to study serious information. But don't be afraid of this. Remember, you must act within the law. We sincerely hope that our article can help you. And you, in turn, having studied this material, will be able to achieve success in a short period of time. But remember that changing or creating programs that lead to the destruction of important information is a punishable crime in our country. For carrying out these transactions, you may be imprisoned for three years and fined a large amount. If your actions lead to very serious consequences, then a very severe attack awaits you. Based on all of the above, remember, before you start work, think carefully about whether you can avoid various temptations in this activity and not break the law. We wish you good luck!

Watch the video

It’s unlikely that you sat quietly in your room for 20 years, studied well, obeyed your parents in everything, never deceived anyone, never took anything from anyone else in your life, and then, bam, you wanted to become a cyber hacker. Most likely, this already lives in you: you are easily carried away by the search for an original solution, you absorb computer knowledge like a sponge, you can’t stand manuals, you trust only your own trial and error method, and professional literature is only one of the assistants. And now a grain of truth has begun to sprout in your head, a desire to stand on the other side of the law. Not for the sake of money, purely out of curiosity. Where to begin?

Learn a language

Since you have decided to become a hacker, then you probably know English perfectly. If not, then any of your further tasks will become twice as complicated - first, with a dictionary, you will look for what exactly you are hacking, and only then look for ways - again with a dictionary. In addition, if your career takes off, then it’s a good idea to know the basic part of some other languages ​​- Spanish, German, French. It will be useful in life, and it won’t hurt in work. Developers also sometimes come across as ignorant.

Choose a specialization

As with any other hobby, it is important to decide on a specialization as soon as possible. No, of course, you first need to start by studying the shell of applied hardware - applications and operating systems, then move on to a larger level. The main thing to remember is that there are dozens of types of attacks and hacking techniques: it will take years to master everything at a decent level. Therefore, if you are ambitious and want to not just try, but achieve serious success, decide on your area of ​​work and develop skills in this direction. With due persistence, within six months you will have your first significant scalp on your account.

Read the literature

Although a good hacker is distinguished by the fact that all his knowledge is gained empirically, it would be foolish to try to surpass many years of security experience without using the experience of others. Here's where to start your literary excursion: "The Art of Deception", "Hacking: the Art of Exploitation", "The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing: Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing","Metasploit: The Penetration Tester's Guide". After mastering them, at least you will no longer have stupid questions like “where to go” and “what to do.”

Don't listen to anyone

The whole essence of a hacker's activity lies in research rather than sabotage. Therefore, if you have your own head on your shoulders, never take other people’s criticism seriously, do not believe in the existence of a “right” path and do not succumb to provocations. If hackers don't do what they like, then who will?

Keep the rhythm

No matter how excitingly you get caught up in a new hobby, don’t rush to get involved in serious projects. Gradually study your chosen business, learn not only to destroy, but also to create. And of course, try to immediately kill the desire to hack something big and famous. This is fraught not only with the possibility of running into an insurmountable wall, but also with receiving a very real sentence.


At the same time, do not rush to rest on the laurels of your first successes. While people on the other side are working to create more and more ideal protection, your task is to keep up with the times and look for flaws and patterns in it. No one calls for immediately winning the jackpot at the competition Pwnium, but it is necessary to think seriously about this, and most importantly, to strive for this.

Find a suitable job

To catch a criminal, you need to think like him. To bypass the built defense, you need to get into the team that creates it. This will greatly help accelerate professional growth, partially monetize your passion, and in general, it may make you think about the correctness of your chosen side.

However, there is an alternative universal option - just change your occupation. On the one hand, this way you will approach your favorite business with great enthusiasm and a fresh mind, on the other hand, you will not fall out of society. After all, even the most malicious hackers must have a personal life.

Stop being afraid

And in general, it’s enough to spend at least 10 seconds in any search engine to realize that there are a huge number of ways in the world (competitions, competitions, work) that allow you to thoroughly stretch your brain and at the same time make money. Today, information protection is, literally, an international problem, connected, among other things, with the main threat to humanity - terrorism. Therefore, if your inquisitive mind wants, and most importantly can, hack something, but is critically afraid of getting punished for it, a huge number of IT companies will be ready to cooperate with you.

Initially, hackers were highly qualified specialists with extensive knowledge and skills in programming and information technology. However, since then, the reputation of hackers has been considerably tarnished by images of hacker villains from Hollywood films. In fact, many companies still hire hackers today to investigate system security and discover vulnerabilities. Such hackers clearly define for themselves the boundaries of what is permitted, receiving a good salary and the respect of their colleagues as a reward. If you want to take a closer look at the subject and perhaps learn the art of hacking yourself, then this article is for you!


Part 1

Before you start

Part 2

Hacking the system

    Use *nix terminal to enter commands. Cygwin will help you access the terminal if you are using Windows. If we talk in particular about Nmap, then it runs on Windows without installing Cygwin; it requires WinPCap to function. However, its performance on Windows is significantly reduced due to the lack of raw (low-level) sockets. In general, it is better to use Linux or BSD systems as they are more flexible, reliable and secure.

    • Alternatively, if you have Windows 10 with the Fall Creators Update or later, search for *nix terminal in the Windows app store. Thanks to WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux - a compatibility layer for running Linux applications) on Windows, you can emulate Linux commands in a *nix terminal.
  1. First, take care of the security of your system. To do this, you should study all currently known protection methods. Start with the basics - but keep in mind that you must have permission to hack: hack your own resources, either ask for written permission to hack, or create your own lab with virtual machines. Hacking a system, regardless of its content, is illegal and will DEFINITELY get you in trouble.

    Test the target. Check server availability. The ping utility test included in all major operating systems is suitable for this purpose. However, you should not trust this test one hundred percent - it operates through the ICMP protocol, which can sometimes be disabled by an overly cautious system administrator.

    Determine the operating system (OS). Run a port scanner, such as nmap, and point it at the system being attacked. In the scan results, you will see a list of the target's open ports, information about the installed OS and, possibly, the firewall or router used. This information is needed to begin planning next steps. To determine the OS, run a scan in nmap by setting the –O option.

    Find open ports on the system. Frequently used ports, such as FTP(21) and HTTP(80), are often highly secure and are not susceptible to currently known exploits.

    • Look among other TCP and UDP ports that were inadvertently left open by the local system administrator. For example, Telnet port (23) or UDP ports used for network games.
    • An open TCP port 22 in most cases means that the SSH (Secure Shell) service is running on it, which you can try to crack with a brute force (brute force search of possible passwords).
  2. Hack the password. There are several ways to gain access to the password, including brute force. Brute force method brute force- brute force) consists of trying all possible password options.

    • Recently, the practice of using more complex passwords has been adopted, which significantly complicates the brute-force procedure. Although the technology of the Brute itself does not stand still.
    • Most hashing algorithms have vulnerabilities that you can exploit to significantly increase your cracking speed.
    • Recently, the computing power of video cards has been used for hacking, which gives a very significant increase in speed (up to thousands of times).
    • To speed up the hacking procedure, you can use so-called rainbow tables. Please note that you should only start cracking a password if you have its hash.
    • But trying to try passwords, trying to log into the system with each of them is far from the best idea. Such activity is quickly detected, leaves many traces in system logs and requires a huge amount of time to successfully complete.
    • Remember that hacking a password is not the only way to gain access to the system.
    • Achieve superuser rights. To do this, you need to have root access on UNIX-like OSes or administrator rights on Windows.
  3. Obtain superuser (administrator) rights. In most cases, the information you want to access will be protected from outsiders, and you will need certain rights to bypass this barrier. To gain access to all files and processes without exception, you need superuser rights, an account that has the same privileges as root in Linux and BSD.

    • Routers will require an administrator account with the default username "admin" or "administrator".
    • For Windows systems, you will also need access to an account with administrator rights.
    • In other words, simply connecting to the system does not give you access to all local files and processes - for this you will need superuser rights (root or administrator).
  4. Use different tricks. There are many methods for gaining access to superuser rights. One of the popular ways is buffer overflow, in which it becomes possible to write code with commands onto the memory stack of the executing process, which in turn will be executed with the rights of the user who launched the process.

    • On UNIX-like operating systems, the vulnerable process must be started with the suid bit set.
    • Remember that to use this method, you need to find a running process with a vulnerability on the attacked system or write such a program yourself and then somehow get it executed from a superuser account.
  5. Create a backdoor. If you were able to gain access to the system, make sure that you do not have to do everything all over again to gain access next time. To do this, you need to install a backdoor (cracking program) in one of the system services, for example, on an SSH server. Remember that such a backdoor may be removed during the next system update. Virtuoso hackers in such cases add code to the compiler, which allows them to automatically create backdoors and vulnerabilities in any compiled program.

    Cover your tracks. Try to do everything so that the administrator of the attacked system does not have any suspicions. Do not change the content of the website (if you are attacking the website), and do not create unnecessary files. Also, do not create any additional accounts. Perform all actions as quickly as possible. If you have patched your SSH server, make sure your password is hardcoded. That is, if this password is used by outsiders to log into the system, the server should not give out any important and/or compromising information.

  • Remember that in order to become the best, you must try to attack only the most secure systems. You should also not suffer from inflated self-esteem, considering yourself the greatest professional. Just make it a goal to improve every day. If you haven’t learned anything new today or haven’t sharpened the skills you’ve already acquired, consider your day wasted. All in your hands. The main thing is to devote yourself completely to your work, without any half-measures or concessions.
  • Not all hackers are the same. There are those who are only interested in profit, while others are guided by something completely different: a thirst for information and knowledge, but, unfortunately, even they sometimes break the law.
  • As a beginner, do not try to hack the systems of large corporations or government agencies using your method. Keep in mind that the people responsible for the security of such systems most likely understand the subject much better than you. By the way, in some cases, even after detecting an intrusion into the system, they will not react immediately, but will wait until the hacker has enough evidence to catch him. That is, when a hacker feels secure after hacking and continues to explore the system for examples of other vulnerabilities, in the meantime he can be lured into a trap.
  • Read books on computer networks and TCP/IP.
  • Remember that in order to become a hacker, you need to set yourself the goal of becoming the best of the best. Other, more mundane goals, like hacking a system, developing and selling exploits on the black market, or getting a good job and helping companies with information security, will not make you a hacker.
  • Hackers created the Internet, developed Linux, and continue to work on open source software. It is obvious that in order to become a professional hacker, extensive knowledge and special skills honed to perfection are required.
  • While there are plenty of legal ways to hone your skills, you will never be a great professional without experience attacking real systems, and the better protected they are, the more likely you are to learn something. Therefore, you must always remember that even if you have no evil intentions and you are breaking systems for the purpose of self-education, you are unlikely to be able to prove it when you are caught.
  • Practice - try hacking your own computer first.


  • If you do not want to lose credibility in hacker communities or even be kicked out of them, do not help anyone patch programs and systems, as this is not encouraged. Also, you should not make publicly available exploits created by other hackers, otherwise you risk making dangerous enemies for yourself.
  • When clearing traces, do not delete the logs completely - this will definitely arouse suspicion. It would be better if you simply clear the log only from records of your activities in the system. Another question: what to do if there are backup copies of logs somewhere? Indeed, in this case, it will only be enough to compare them with the originals to detect traces of the attack. Therefore, always consider all options for covering your tracks; perhaps the best solution would be to delete random entries along with those that remained after your intrusion.
  • Hacking into someone else's system is often illegal. Therefore, it should only be done if you have the owner’s permission, or if you consider yourself a super hacker and are one hundred percent confident in yourself
  • Any information presented in this article should be used for educational purposes only and does not contain any calls to violate the law. Failure to comply with this recommendation may subject you to criminal or administrative liability.
  • You shouldn’t relax if you managed to hack the system too easily or if you found some kind of “childish” vulnerability. It is quite possible that this is a trap from the administrator, the so-called .
  • Remember that hacking systems is not entertainment or a way to have fun. This is a serious undertaking that should be approached with all responsibility.
  • If you have even the slightest doubt about your abilities, refrain from attempting to hack the systems of large corporations or government and military structures. Even if the security systems installed on them are not very effective, they will no doubt do their best to catch any hacker if they succeed.

Are you a beginner pentester or are you looking for tips on where to start or how to become a hacker from scratch? We encourage you to explore and get started with this list of scanning programs to study your target and network. We looked everywhere for a beginner's guide, but couldn't find anything that was all in one, so we decided to create this article for beginners. Everything will be presented briefly. Here are our recommendations for the most popular and effective hacking and scanning programs. If you know the programs better, please leave your opinion in the comments.

1. – There is both a free and paid version. This tool has many purposes, but the most important one is Indicators for SQL Penetration and Cross Site Scripting.

It also has a built-in script parser. This security tool generates detailed reports that identify vulnerabilities in the system. Many developers use it to identify vulnerabilities in their programs and systems. A very useful tool for both hacking and identifying vulnerabilities.

2. Aircrack-ng is a complete set of network security tools, which includes:
  • (used for attacks on WEP and WPA)
  • (used to decrypt WEP and WPA captured packets)
  • (puts network cards in monitor mode)
  • (Package injector)
  • (represents a packet sniffer)
  • (used for virtual tunnel interfaces)
  • (stores and manages ESSID and password lists)
  • packetforge-ng (creates encrypted injection packets)
  • airdriver-ng (includes methods to attack clients)
  • (removes WEP cloaking)
  • airdriver-ng (for managing wireless drivers),
  • (manages the ESSID and can calculate the master key)
  • (gives access to the wireless card from other computers)
  • easside-ng (allows the user to run programs on a remote computer)
  • easside-ng (means of communication to the access point, without a WEP key)
  • tkiptun-ng (for WPA/TKIP attack)
  • wesside-ng (for WEP key recovery).

3. Cain & Abel or simply Cain. A cool tool for those who are starting to write scripts. It is more used as a password recovery tool. This tool allows the tester to recover various types of passwords by listening to network traffic, and cracking encrypted passwords using either a dictionary or Brute Force attack. The tool can also record VoIP conversations and has the ability to decode encrypted passwords, detect WiFi network keys and cached passwords. When used properly, the tester can also analyze routing protocols. The security tool by its nature does not exploit any software vulnerabilities or holes but simply identifies security flaws in standard protocols. IT security students use this tool to learn APR (Arp Poison Routing) Man-in-the-Middle attacks (). New versions of this program allow you to crack the most used and popular encryption algorithms.
4. – there’s no need for many words here. I think to this day this is the coolest thing for a MITM attack. It uses ARP poisoning to attack. Allows you to see everything that is happening on the network you are on.
5.John The Ripper– perhaps the coolest name for this kind of instrument. A very popular security tool, often abbreviated simply "John" used to crack passwords. Originally created for the UNIX operating system, it currently runs on all major operating systems. Until now, this tool is one of the most popular for testing passwords and cracking programs that provide security. The tool combines various password crackers into one compressed package, which can then identify types of password hashes through its own custom cracking algorithm.
6. – is a security project that provides information about vulnerabilities and helps test and detect intrusions. The open source project - known as , is used by security professionals to execute code on a remote target computer - for penetration testing, of course! But Hackers love it very much; it allows you to work wonders.
7. Nessus is another giant for vulnerability scanning. Nessus scans for different types of vulnerabilities. Those that check for holes that hackers can exploit to gain control or access to a computer system or network. The tools also scan for default and general passwords, which can be used and executed through Hydra (an external tool) and launch a dictionary attack. Other vulnerability scans include attacks against the TCP/IP stack.
8. is another massive giant security tool that has been around forever, and probably the most famous. Nmap has been featured in many movies, including The Matrix - just Google it and you'll see what we mean. Written in C, C++, Lua Gordon Lione (Fedor) Since 1997, Nmap (Network Mapper) is the de facto and best security scanner that is used to locate hosts across a computer network. To discover hosts on a network, Nmap sends specially crafted packets to the target host and then parses the responses. The program is very complex because unlike other port scanners. It sends packets based on network conditions taking into account fluctuations, congestion and more.
9. Kismet is a wireless network detector, analyzer, and an excellent intrusion detection security tool. With Kismet you can monitor and listen to 802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g and 802.11n traffic. There are many Sniffers out there, but what makes Kismet different and very popular is the fact that it works passively - meaning that the program does not send any packets, yet is able to monitor wireless access points and wireless clients. It is open source and widely used.
10. – has been around us for centuries and is extremely popular. Wireshark allows a penetration tester to put a network interface in promiscuous mode and therefore see all traffic. This tool has many features such as the ability to collect data from a live network connection or read from a saved file of already captured packets. Wireshark is capable of reading data from a wide range of networks, from Ethernet, IEEE 802.11, PPP, and even loopbacks. Like most of the tools on our security list, captured network data can be monitored and managed using a GUI - which also allows plugins to be inserted and used. Wireshark can also capture VoIP packets (like Cain) and raw USB traffic can also be captured.

If you are a Professional Penetration Tester or a Hacker, then you already know how to use these wonderful Programs. Hacking and pentesting tools are easy, neat, and fun to learn. The people who created them were brilliant programmers and made everything very convenient to use.

This article was created for those readers who know that hacking activity (in the usual negative sense of the word) is illegal and entails a number of negative consequences both for the hacker himself and for society as a whole. For comparison, let's imagine an apartment burglar - he acts illegally, committing and sometimes stealing it. In this sense, a hacker is no different from this type of person: both are found, tried and imprisoned.

Therefore, the first rule in mastering this business is: before becoming a hacker, read the legislation and think about responsibility.

The hacking case became popular almost immediately after. Today you can often hear: “I want to become a hacker, a cracker,” and questions about how to break a site filled the Internet, even taking into account the fact that recently there have been a lot of examples of show trials in the case about information pests of the network space.


Before you become a hacker, you need to understand what it is. There are several myths in society regarding this computer craft, and all of them are only partially true.

Firstly, it is believed that a hacker is a programmer who is very knowledgeable in this field and hacks programs, databases, security systems, etc. Part of this statement is true, namely that these people are highly qualified. The rest is not true: initially, program hackers used workarounds, solving a lot of complex problems. Those who crack programs for destructive purposes are called "crackers" and are not particularly respected among programmers.

The word “hacker” itself is sometimes used when talking about a first-class specialist who knows the slightest subtleties of his craft and knows how to solve professional problems in an unconventional way.

But now, most people understand hackers as attackers who steal information that is not intended for publication or falling into the wrong hands (for example, passwords, secret government documents, personal user information, etc.).

Also, the understanding of hacking in society is so blurred that those who create and distribute viruses and illegally gain access to money accounts are also included in their ranks.

We can say that a large group of people consider them to be pests.

We will adhere to the concept of a hacker as a capable and intelligent programmer whose activities are not aimed at destruction and theft.

How to become a hacker: creativity

To be a hacker, you need to become a creative person, because the basis of this activity is finding atypical solutions.

The peculiarity of hacker activity is diversity, so it is necessary to solve new problems that require a non-standard approach. This is how skill develops, which is the main sign of a hacker.

knowledge and languages

To become one, you need to have a high level of intelligence, specific knowledge and practice.

The most important thing is to learn to program. To do this, choose a language, study it and practice it. For a true master, it is not enough to know one language perfectly, so you need to understand the very principle, the method of any language in order to be able to learn any other in a couple of days, correlating some differences with those already known.

How to become a hacker: practice

Books and lessons can only give a general theoretical idea of ​​this matter, so if you have no desire to teach languages, but want real practice, then the most effective method is to read other people's codes and write your own.