How to properly charge a new iPhone 7. Non-original charger

Owners of a fashionable gadget know that they need to charge their iPhone every day. This becomes a habit - I put it on exercise in the evening, in the morning full battery. And some people believe that you can charge your iPhone only after it is completely discharged. Whose opinion is correct?

According to experts, lithium ion batteries needs to be charged every day. This also applies to charging iPhones. If you want your battery to last a long time, you don't need to charge it to capacity.

How to properly charge an iPhone

Experts have the following opinions on this matter:

  • You need to charge your phone often. That is, if the charge level has not yet reached 100%, then there is no need to wait for this. And there is also no point in allowing the battery to completely discharge every day until the device is turned off. This mode is detrimental to the phone, so it is better to charge the iPhone several times a day a little at a time rather than from 0 to 100%.
  • The charge level must be kept above the average level. That is, these numbers can range from 40% to 80, and you can connect even when the battery shows a 50% charge. But it’s best to turn off charging when the battery is not yet fully charged. A 90% charge is sufficient.
  • Full discharge and 100% charging – once a month. Battery drained to complete shutdown devices can be charged to the maximum level - 100%.
  • Many Apple product users find it convenient to charge their phone at night. In the morning the battery shows full charge. But in this way you can quickly drain the battery, because it does not charge throughout the night, and then remains in standby mode, but on recharge. This way the battery deteriorates faster.

How to charge an iPhone correctly - tricks or how to extend battery life

To ensure your battery lasts longer, consider the following:

  • if you constantly charge the battery to 100%, then such a device will last for a maximum of 500 cycles, while when the battery is charged only 70%, the battery life increases and then the battery will last for 2000 charging cycles;
  • Do not expose the device to hypothermia or overheating. The extreme temperature range is: from +15 degrees to +40 degrees. If there is a record high outside in the summer, the iPhone battery may lose 35% of its capacity;
  • The battery tolerates overheating worse than hypothermia. Therefore, it is better to refuse a wireless charger or use it in case of emergency, when it is not possible to connect to the network. All wireless charging creates excess heat and wears out the battery life;
  • You can extend the life of your iPhone battery in this way: lower the screen brightness, turn off those applications that use GPS navigation. If the signal is bad and the phone is in standby mode, then it is better to turn on the “Airplane” mode;
  • turn on the “Energy Saving” mode. To do this, go to “Settings” - “Battery”, make the appropriate mark “On”.

A battery that loses its capacity is main reason irritation and dissatisfaction with your own gadget. The smartphone can turn off at any time. There was only 50 percent charge, and after a minute his screen went dark and the device turned off, since the battery was fully charged. Or, you left home with a fully charged battery, and in the middle of the day it already shows 30% charge... How is that possible??

And this may apply to both mobile devices with small batteries up to 2000 mAh, and phablets with 5000 mAh. The reason for this “memory effect” in batteries is most often incorrect charging. Often, we are simply not aware or do not pay attention to the rules for charging the batteries of our devices. It's time to learn some theory. We will share with you some of these rules, compiled by us based on the Battery University resource guide.

Five rules for long battery life

Rule 1. Do not leave your smartphone charging from night to morning

Many of us are accustomed to putting our mobile phone to exercise for the next working day before going to bed. As a result, the battery is charged from night to morning, although it only takes 2-3 hours to reach a full charge. The rest of the time, the fully charged battery will be under voltage. It's like if you're full, they keep pushing food into your mouth, and you refuse by closing your mouth. The condition is, to put it mildly, stressful. So for the battery, recharging is stressful. After all, after working out in the gym, we relax our muscles, otherwise they will hurt and the body will be overloaded. It is definitely important to disconnect smartphones from the charging power supply when the battery reaches 100 percent charge.

If you regularly leave your phone charging from night to morning, then after a year the charge holding time will drop significantly. (And the specialists of our service center fully confirm this fact)

P Rule 2. Recharge several times a day

The times when we were advised to keep the battery charge to a minimum and only then charge the phone are long gone. This was useful for the older generation of nickel-cadmium (Ni─Cd) batteries. Modern lithium-ion (Li-ion) and lithium-polymer (Li-pol) batteries, on the contrary, require regular recharge. This will cause her to experience less “stress.” Therefore, get used to having a cable everywhere and Charger: at home, in a car “under the cigarette lighter”, in the office. There are statistics if lithium ion battery constantly discharge to zero and charge to 100 percent, then it will endure no more than 500 cycles, after which it can be scrapped. A short-term recharge to half the charge will extend the battery life by three times.

It will be perfect support charge level from 40 to 80 percent. This condition will provide you with the longest battery life.

Rule 3. Full discharge calibration once a month

Constantly bringing the battery to zero charge is harmful - we have already said this. However, it will be useful to carry out such a procedure once a month. It will allow your mobile device to calibrate the control units responsible for displaying battery charge indicators on the screen. Otherwise, over time you will be shown false charge data.

Rule 4. Don't wait for 100 percent charge

It turns out that the lithium-ion battery does not tolerate a full charge - 100 percent. Such exposure to full load will lead to a sharp reduction in service life. It is better to disconnect the smartphone from the charger when the charge reaches 85-90 percent.

Rule 5. Providing a microclimate for the mobile device

Probably many people are familiar with cases when, in severe frost or under the sun on the beach, the smartphone turned off for unknown reasons. But they are quite known to specialists. A significant change in temperature from the usual 20 degrees Celsius has a detrimental effect on batteries. They begin to sharply lose charge due to a decrease in capacity. A couple of times of such extreme discomfort, and the battery will lose 20-25% of its capacity, and in worst cases, it can be thrown away.

We recommend in summer keep in hot weather mobile devices in cool places, near an air conditioner or under the towel on the beach. in winter It’s better to carry a smartphone in internal coat or jacket pocket.

Unpleasant but true

Today, manufacturers are guided by the following rule: the consumer must replace his smartphone with a new device every two years. Therefore, the service life of the batteries is set to the same period. If you have been using your mobile phone for more than two years, you should not expect that the battery in it will have the same capacity as a new one. However, following these five rules will extend the life of the battery by 1-2 years, so the next step is your choice!

If you need a battery replacement for your iPhone or iPad, please contact our service center. We will install original battery or proven a high-quality copy (if you want to save money wisely). This procedure usually takes no more than 30 minutes for iPhones and slightly longer for iPads! You can find out the prices for battery replacement by following the link: " ".

Choose the service center that is most convenient for you:

It is with great enthusiasm that I invite you to discuss these rules. If anyone has confirmation or refutation, speak up, it will be interesting.

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7 comments to the article "How to properly charge your iPhone or iPad?"

    I was very interested in this article and here’s why: I’m the one who charges my iPhone once a day and tries to drain my iPhone’s battery to 10% and leave it to charge overnight. Over the course of 10 months, my iPhone battery lost 20% of its capacity. (I checked this with the program - Battery Care from App Store). About the same time ago, I gave my wife an iPhone and she charges it as needed. I very rarely charge it overnight. I often swore at this, saying that because of this the battery dies and we will have to install a new one... but here’s what I noticed over time - my 1% iPhone lives for a few minutes and turns off, but my wife’s 1% can work until an hour. From the article, I understood that either my wife charged her iPhone more correctly, or her system went wrong and now needs calibration... Interesting. In any case, I stopped being a slave to charging, thank you =)

    Oh, there was such a situation. I bought myself an iPhone, it worked and wasn’t stupid. Then, after a month, I began to notice that my iPhone began to drain quickly. At first I didn’t understand why, I decided to send it in for repairs under warranty, but there was an immediate refusal, they said that everything was working as it should. I came as a lady and I think how the battery is draining quickly. Then I realized how best to do it. To prevent the battery from dying out, you must always charge it at 30% and charge it not to the maximum, but to 90%, then the battery lasts longer.

    It is difficult to disagree that it is beneficial for the manufacturer that our equipment breaks down faster, otherwise their production will suffer losses. For a long time, I also didn’t understand why my smartphone didn’t become completely infected when I connected it to the network at night. And during the day, it really only takes a couple of hours to fully recharge. Thank you for the instructive article, I think it will be useful to many.

    • Thank you, Tatyana, for your comment. A very pleasant feeling arises inside when you receive gratitude. When you see that what you do is necessary and helps, you feel the usefulness that you bring to society.
      Thank you! Have a nice day!

Ideal scheme does not exist, but still adhere to the generally accepted rules and recommendations of the manufacturer.

iPhone is an expensive device that, as a rule, we buy for at least 2 years. At the same time, we have hopes that after the planned service life it will still work properly and we will be able to sell it for “good” money.

One of the first questions buyers ask is about the state of the device’s power supply, for example: “How long does the battery last?” This means it makes sense to take care of the proper operation of the iPhone battery now.

As a power source in iPhones, iPads and other portable equipment, Apple company(other manufacturers too) uses lithium-ion batteries that:

  1. Charges faster.
  2. They work longer.
  3. They have a high specific capacity.
  4. Not subject to memory effect.

Under the memory effect battery refers to the reversible loss of capacity that occurs in some types of electric batteries when the recommended charging mode is violated, in particular, when recharging an incompletely discharged battery.

As an experienced iPhone and iPad owner (since 2008), I declare with full responsibility that Apple uses high-quality power supplies in its products.

1. Do not operate or charge the device in extreme temperatures (-40°C and +50°C).

Apple considers the ideal temperature range to be between 16 and 22°C and does not recommend "using your device in temperatures above 35°C as this may permanently reduce battery capacity." Overheating is critical!

From personal experience: I don’t look at the thermometer when I pick up my iPhone 5s, which I don’t advise you to do either. It is enough that:

  1. The device has not been exposed to direct sunlight.
  2. Do not leave it in the car in hot weather.
  3. Do not charge under your pillow.

3. To charge your iPhone, use an original charger and at least a certified USB cable.

For example, if you increase the charge voltage of a lithium-ion battery by just 4%, it will lose capacity twice as fast from cycle to cycle. To prevent this, special PMIC controllers are built into the original network adapter and directly into the iPhone (in batteries this is the Battery Management System), which ensure that the conditions for recharging the device do not go beyond the permissible limits: temperature, current and voltage.

IN network adapters Without a clan and tribe, the so-called “nonames,” such a controller may not exist. Consequently, the voltage at the output of such an adapter may exceed valid values and can burn out the iPhone's power controller and then damage the battery.

From personal experience: Charge your iPhone using original chargers certified cable and forget about battery problems.

4. Do not completely discharge your iPhone (to 0%).

The lifespan of a lithium-ion battery is usually expressed in terms of the number of full discharge cycles when you use up 100% of the battery's capacity. For high-quality power supplies this is 400-600 cycles. Apple states that the resource iPhone battery is 500 cycles, and iPad, Apple Watch and MacBook - 1000 cycles.

Whenever you completely drain your device, its lifespan shortens. This is due to the depth of the discharge.

It turns out that the more you discharge a lithium-ion battery, the faster it “dies”. To increase battery life, avoid deep discharging.

For clarity, I will give the dependence of the number of battery discharge cycles on the depth of discharge.

Not many people know that Apple batteries are charged in 2 stages:

  1. Up to 80% - in fast mode.
  2. From 80 to 100% - compensation charging.

This charging system allows, firstly, to quickly charge the device, and, secondly, to extend its service life.

Remember, completely discharging a lithium-ion battery will shorten its life and reduce its capacity.

From personal experience: Connect iPhone and iPad to a power source at 10-20% charge and disconnect after 80%.

5. Don't charge your iPhone to 100%.

Fully charging a lithium-ion battery is not as scary as deep discharge, but still undesirable. Of course, the controller will not allow your device’s battery to overheat and overcharge, but, as practice shows, constantly plugging in a 100% charged iPhone reduces its battery life. battery life.

From personal experience: Leave your iPhone charging overnight. For some time, a 100% charged device will be connected to the network, but nothing will happen to it - not enough storage time to worry about it. With this charge, your iPhone will last for more than two years.

It is difficult to control the chemical processes occurring in the battery. And since the dependence of the output voltage on the battery capacity is nonlinear and the lithium-ion battery is subject to natural aging, accompanied by a decrease in capacity, and also because we charge devices haphazardly, over time, the iPhone’s power controller cannot accurately determine the battery charge level. Diagnosis: iPhone turns off even when charged more than 1%.

In order to calibrate the controller and bring the charge level indicator to life, the iPhone needs to be completely discharged. Apple advises doing this no more than once a month.


In conclusion, I would like to note that each of us charges our devices in our own way. Even if there is an ideal scheme, it cannot satisfy everyone, since we live in different rhythms and in different conditions. Remember, your iPhone battery will age even if you do not use the device. Follow the rules described above (you don’t have to follow them strictly) and even if your iPhone battery fails, it can always be replaced.

Last week, a story became popular on the Internet, the heroes of which were an unknown Internet user and Apple's senior vice president of software, Craig Federighi. The first sent a letter to the head of the corporation, Tim Cook, in which he asked whether tasks should be removed from the list running applications to save battery power. “No and no again,” Federighi answered for his boss on his own Twitter.

Soon after this, foreign and domestic media began publishing a link to a special section on the Apple website, which talks about how to increase the operating time of an iOS device without recharging and extend the overall life of the built-in battery.

On the page that has gained new popularity, it is noted that the term “lifetime” in relation to a battery means exactly the period that elapses between two charges, and the definition of “lifespan” implies the time after which the battery needs to be replaced with a new one. Exactly how to extend both - translated by RG Digital.

1. Apple advises updating promptly software, since updates often include new energy-saving technologies.

2. You should avoid too high and too low temperatures when using gadgets - this applies to tablets, smartphones, and laptops. The range of comfortable temperatures is from 16 to 22 degrees Celsius, the upper limit is 35 degrees Celsius. Charging at higher temperatures may cause permanent battery damage. Use in cold conditions may reduce battery life, but this is temporary.

3. Remove cases from devices while charging. This will help them avoid overheating as charging can cause excess heat.

4. Keep gadgets half charged if you leave them for a long time. A completely discharged battery may completely lose the ability to charge in the future. In turn, a battery charged at 100 percent for a long time may lose some of its capacity. It is recommended to store devices at a temperature not exceeding 32 degrees.

5. Available for iPhone and iPad additional ways increase battery life. The first one is to install automatic brightness, in which the device adapts to lighting conditions. The second is to keep Wi-Fi on all the time, since this access method consumes less energy.

6. iOS 9 introduced a power saving mode that warns the user when the battery is low and also reduces power consumption by disabling iCloud synchronization and AirDrop data transfer. At the same time, the ability to make calls, send SMS and access the Internet will remain. When the device is charged, the saving mode is automatically turned off.

7. According to Apple, iOS 9 has become the most energy efficient operating system, since it now offers the ability to find out which applications are the most draining of battery power. If desired, the user can limit the background activity of the most "gluttonous" programs.

Every iPhone owner asks the question: how to properly charge the device and at the same time ensure long battery life. In this article, we have collected tips and tricks that will help you learn more about this.

Due to improper use of the smartphone, the user may unknowingly shorten the battery life. This happens every day, and in order to correct the situation, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the unspoken rules for extending battery life. Let's consider what negatively affects its work.

Extreme temperatures

Any gadget, be it a phone, tablet or computer, is sensitive to both too low and too low high temperatures. This is justified by the absence of a heating or cooling function for the device in the internal configuration. Consequently, the “filling” of the iPhone may simply freeze or heat up and fail, or in the worst case, catch fire.

  • the screen was not exposed to direct sunlight;
  • the smartphone was not in a closed, stuffy or hot room (for example, in a car in the heat);
  • did not charge in places where there is no ventilation, no access to air, because The device will not cool down.

Rule #1: Do not use or charge your device in extreme temperatures.

Non-original charger

The standard iPhone power adapter has a voltage of 5 volts (V) and a current of 1 amp (A). Complete with a certified cable, the phone charges in an hour and a half. If the equipment turns out to be non-original, both the battery and the phone may suffer.

It's all about the manufacturers - some provide quality products, others may give the user incorrect information about the characteristics, i.e. indicate the standard 5V and 1A, and sell the product with values ​​that will be greater or less than those indicated.

Even with a slight increase in voltage, for example, by 4%, the battery capacity will decrease twice as fast from cycle to cycle. Typically, the differences are regulated by the built-in PCIM controller, which is responsible for supplying current.

Counterfeits may not have such a controller, which can result in high output voltage. This can damage both the charge controller in the iPhone and the battery itself. It is better to protect yourself from problems and use the equipment provided by the manufacturer.

Rule #2: Use the original adapter.

Chinese charging cable

Business with Lightning cables things are more complicated. Many iPhone owners have heard that such cables break easily and are not cheap. Its plug is equipped with a special chip with which the iPhone recognizes its original wire. Finding such an analogue is quite difficult.

However, the Chinese were able to clone this chip, selling similar cables for pennies, which is how they lure users. It is worth assuring that such a product may work, but for a very short time. We recommend using cables that have passed Apple certification - this way you will avoid additional damage to the device.

Rule #3: Buy only certified cables.

Full discharge

The smartphone uses a lithium-ion battery, and it is very sensitive to the charge dropping to zero. This can cause significant damage, resulting in a reduced service life. This is all due to the depth of discharge - the ratio of the discharged capacity to the nominal one.

For example, if you use up 100% of the charge and do this constantly, the battery in this state can withstand about 500 cycles. If the phone is only half discharged, the number of cycles instantly increases to 1500. It turns out that the more you discharge the battery, the less it will last you.

Rule #4: Don't completely drain your iPhone.

Charge up to 100%

When the device's charge reaches maximum, the battery is in high load. This is due to the fact that each cell of a lithium-ion battery is charged to the required voltage, therefore, the higher the charge, the shorter the lifespan of one battery cell.

Of course, this does not cause as much harm as completely discharging it, but it is better to charge the iPhone in small portions - at every opportunity, even by 10-20%, but often and painlessly. The optimal charge level is considered to be 40-80%, so you can charge the phone starting from 50% and ending with no more than 90%.

Rule #5: Charge your device more often.

No battery calibration

When using the phone for a long time, the charge indicator inevitably goes down. This is due to improper use, frequent discharge, improper operation of the smartphone itself (sudden shutdowns, damage internal components, etc.), or charging the battery at random. A complete discharge is appropriate if the iPhone displays an incorrect charge indicator. Then it’s worth bringing the phone first to 100%, and then to zero, or vice versa.

This process is called "calibration". Sometimes you have to do it in order to bring the battery back to life. For prevention, it is best to do this procedure no more than once a month.

Rule #6: Periodically discharge your iPhone.

Is it possible to leave an iPhone on charge all night?

Many people are debating whether it is safe to charge an Apple smartphone overnight. Therefore, we conducted our own investigation. In fact, long-term charging at a constant value of 100% does not cause much harm to the battery. When your iPhone is fully charged and connected to a charger, it runs on AC power. At this time, the smartphone is not charging or discharging, and the battery is in a “feeding” state.

If the charge drops by 2% during overnight charging, current begins to flow through the cable. This does not cause much harm to the battery, because this happens infrequently - about once a week. In other cases, the current is kept at a stable level, therefore, the device does not “fry” at night.

Is it possible to charge an iPhone using an iPad charger?

It’s worth answering right away: yes, you can. This is possible thanks to the built-in iPhone special branded charge controller. With it, the charging speed is deliberately reduced after 80% in order to control the optimal current supply. He is also responsible for “working from the network” and constantly monitors the health of the battery. For this reason, when charging from an adapter iPad battery does not load, despite the fact that it has a voltage of 5 volts and a current of 2.1 amperes.

Total power iPad charging is twice as much as the iPhone adapter. It is logical to assume that in this case the smartphone will charge faster, but this is not true. IN old iPhones, regardless of the current supply level, the built-in controller does not allow you to receive more charge than what is written in it. In new models, starting from the sixth generation, the manufacturer was able to speed up the process a little, but only slightly.

Long term storage

During long-term storage, the device may wear out considerably - some functions will become worse, the battery will lose its capacity, etc. To prevent this from happening, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Charge your iPhone up to 50%;
  • turn off the device completely;
  • store in a dry place where the temperature does not reach +32 degrees;
  • Bring your iPhone's charge to 50% every six months.

The device should be charged with half the battery capacity, because a full charge can significantly reduce the service life. The same applies to his absence. At 100% the primary capacity is lost, at 0% the phone goes into deep discharge, and this harms the battery.

The company has prepared relevant recommendations especially for its customers, which are especially worth listening to:

  • You should not charge your iPhone together with the case, because... this may cause the phone to heat up;
  • the same can be said about using a smartphone in cold weather;
  • should only be used certified accessories marked MFI (Made for iPhone) on the supplied box or on the product itself;
  • Before long-term storage, charge the phone halfway and turn it off.

It is worth noting that Apple only recommends, and does not tell users how to handle the company’s devices. According to iPhone owners, it is not necessary to strictly follow all the rules for using the battery. The manufacturer has created special built-in controllers so that the owner does not damage the battery through his actions. However, the tips described above will somehow help extend its life for many years.

Video instruction

You can see detailed video instructions about how to properly charge your iPhone. The created video will help users better understand the implementation of all the provided actions.


Usually we don’t monitor how we use the battery and don’t notice how much harm we cause it. However, you shouldn’t worry too much about this and constantly worry when the gadget turns off on its own initiative or due to the user’s inattention. Apple carefully monitors the quality of its products.

Therefore, even with normal use, the battery will function as before for the standard three to four years. There is no perfect plan for how to increase battery life. Just don't overuse the capacity, always keep an eye on the charge and beware of extreme temperatures.