How to create a group VK. Creating your own group in contact

From this article, you will learn how to create a group in VK in 2020 and set it up correctly. In particular, choose the type of community, the name of the group, set up the main sections, fill in the description, put a memorable community avatar, upload a beautiful cover, and so on. If you are a beginner and just starting to figure out how to work VKontakte, this step-by-step manual will be especially useful for you.

Advantages and opportunities of the VKontakte group:

  1. Rapid creation. After reading the article to the end, you will understand that creating a group takes 10-15 minutes.
  2. Is free. You can create a VKontakte group absolutely free of charge, and with proper promotion, it can be compared with a landing page or a website in terms of efficiency.
  3. Easily use. Most of the actions related to promoting a business in VK are intuitive and simple.
  4. A lot of information. There are many articles and videos on the Internet about the work of VKontakte: promotion, monetization, and more.
  5. The biggest an audience of a Russian-speaking audience of all ages - among them, for sure, there are your customers.

How to create a group in VK: step by step

Step 1:

Building a Community

So, we already have a personal page and we need to create a group in VK so that we can place all advertising materials there and not spam our account. On the left menu, click on the "Groups" tab. We will open a page that shows which groups we belong to. Click "Create Community" at the top.

Step 2:

Choose the type of community

As you can see, VKontakte itself explains for what purposes this or that type of group is suitable. Choose what suits you. And do not be afraid, if necessary, the community type can be changed at any time in the settings.

Step 3:

Next, another pop-up window appears, where, depending on the type of community chosen, we will need to write a name, indicate a category or topic, whether it will be an open community or a closed one, add a link to the site and a physical address ( if any).

In field group name enter the name of the group. What is the name of the VKontakte group?

  • Use the name of the company or brand.
  • First or last name for a personal blog.
  • A keyword that potential customers can search for you.

For example, if you are engaged in repairs in Moscow, then it is better to name the group [ Repair in Moscow] followed by a dash or vertical slash to write the name of the company or brand. At the end, click on the "Create Community" button and go to the page of the new group.

This is what the newly created group looks like. It remains to configure it and fill it.

How to set up a group in VK

Step 4:


The avatar of the VKontakte group is an icon that is shown next to the group's posts in the news feed. To install it, in the upper right corner, click "Upload photo".

Recommended avatar size 200x200 pixels. Try to make the picture chosen as an avatar bright, concise and memorable. This will help followers to distinguish your group's posts from others. After loading, VKontakte will first offer to crop the main picture, and then adjust the thumbnail.

Step 5:

To continue setting up the group, click on "Manage" right below the newly installed avatar.

Next, fill in the basic information about the group, this is what users who get to your page will see. In the description of the community, we write what this group is about, for companies we list the list of services or goods, we write unique selling proposition(your benefits).

Here we can make the group private or public ( better to open), put a beautiful page address and upload a community cover.

Step 6:

Since recently, VKontakte groups can add beautiful covers, with basic information about the group and additional pointers. For example, as in our group :

To add such a cover, you need to go to the community settings, click "Upload", select a pre-prepared image on your PC (1590 by 400 pixels in JPG, GIF or PNG format) and click "Save".

In order for the cover to display correctly on tablets and mobile devices, it is best to place text and other important elements in the center.

Step 7:

At this point in the settings of your new VKontakte group, you need to enable or disable certain sections. We recommend disabling partitions that you do not intend to use.

You can also set the access level for all sections: open or restricted. This affects who can add content to these sections. Open- everyone can add limited- Community admins and editors only.

Here you can turn on the goods, set the main and secondary block. This is what will be shown first when visiting the group, by default the description of the group is shown at the top or pinned post .

These are the basic settings that you need to make after creating a group. At your discretion, you can set up a comment filter, add links, enable messages, connect additional applications, and more.

How to fill a newly created group

To add the first entry on behalf of the group, click in the empty field, where the inscription "Add Entry" looms temptingly. If next to the entry field, the avatar of your personal page is on, then click on the arrow at the bottom right and select "On behalf of the community" so that those who are subscribed to the group can see the entry.

How to create a group discussion

Create discussions where users can leave feedback, discuss topical issues, share their vision, opinion, and more.

In order to create a new discussion, you must first enable them. Go to the group settings and go to the "Sections" tab. Choose one of the options:

  • open- everyone can create and delete discussions;
  • limited- only community administrators can create new discussions.

After that, return to the main page of your group and click "Add a discussion" under the main photos.

Band album and photos

Turn on the "Photos" section in the settings and create a group album. Post only real photos! This will help build trust. Click "Add photos" in the lower right menu of the group and upload them from your device.

The photos you add will be uploaded to the group's main album.

Also on the right you can find the "Photo Albums" tab and add a new photo album by calling it, for example, "Renovation of one-room apartments." Thus, you will break all the photos into separate categories for the convenience of users.

How to add products to a group

Another plus of VK is the ability to create and develop an online store based on social networks. networks. To do this, again go to the "Section" tab in the settings and enable "Products".

Settings will open where you need to specify:

  • city in which your store operates;
  • enable or disable product comments;
  • choose the monetary unit in which the cost of goods will be measured (ruble, tenge, euro, dollar or Belarusian ruble);
  • configure where purchase requests will be received: in community messages or in private messages to administrators;
  • store description.

Then on the main page of the community, you can add product cards.

You need to fill out the product card as follows:

  • category- choose the category to which the product belongs or if there are no suitable ones, put "Other";
  • product name and description- write the name of the product, a short description and its characteristics;
  • Photo goods - you can upload different color options, as well as photos from different angles;
  • price- the price of the goods or services sold.

If the product is out of stock, it is not necessary to remove it from the storefront and then add it again, just check the box “Product not available”.

How to make a group interesting?

To make your group interesting, you need to make an effort and follow a few simple rules.

  1. Create quality content. Do not constantly publish posts with the content "Buy, order, call" and so on. Selling posts should be, but in moderation.
  2. The time when you could post cats and demotivators is long gone. Therefore, first, think carefully about what your target audience might be interested in.
  3. Be consistent. Do not abandon the group and publish 1-2 posts a day.
  4. Do polls on the topic of what content your subscribers would like to see.
  5. Publish real photos office, shop, warehouse, your workplace and yourself.

Conclusion. Well, here we are with you and figured out how to create a group in VK, set it up correctly, add photos and the first entry.

Write in the comments the address of the group that you created following our guide! Let's see who did better

Dimensions of the main elements for decoration

The VK platform for business is developing and is constantly releasing add-ons for groups. If earlier it took a few minutes to create a group - came up with a name, entered a description, put a link to the site and uploaded a couple of pictures, now everything is much more complicated. The design of the entire community as a whole needs to be very carefully designed in order for it to fulfill its main goal. In particular, for business, this is sales, for thematic publics, it is the interest of advertisers.

  • community name- any text in any language, no longer than 48 characters, you can use emoji;
  • group description- no more than 4000 characters (when ranking a group in search engines, it is taken into account as a description);
  • avatar- the minimum size is 200x200 pixels, the maximum size is no more than 7000 pixels on each side. JPG, GIF, or PNG images can be used;
  • cover- the minimum size is 200 pixels in height and 795 in width. The recommended image size is 400×1590 pixels. Formats - JPG, GIF or PNG;
  • live community cover(for mobile) - videos or pictures with a resolution of 1080 × 1920. Duration no more than 30 seconds, file size up to 30 MB.
  • group menu;
  • action button;
  • Contact Information;
  • pinned message - any post with a video, photo, poll, gif, etc.;
  • other sections and elements as desired;
  • apps and widgets.

Community Description

The description is the text that users see immediately when they visit the group. Its purpose is to interest. It is necessary to correctly and interestingly describe what the group is. In the design of the text, you need to pay special attention to the facts about the group, how it is useful for a person. To enhance the effect, it is better to separate information using emoji.

How to add or change a description

In the side menu of the group, go to the "Management" section.

Fill in the "Community Description" section. If later you need to edit the description, follow the same algorithm.


Avatar- picture, group photo. This is the first thing that catches your eye. Ava is seen by people on the top left of the post in the feed and when visiting the community page. It is better to make an avatar in such a way that even in a reduced form it is distinguishable and recognizable. Like Colonel Sanders, for example.

Now there are many online services and applications that can create a beautiful group avatar for you.

  • AvaMaster - upload a photo (or company logo), choose from the options presented.
  • Vk Profi - allows you to create all the basic graphic elements for the design of communities and public pages.

How to set or change an avatar

To put or replace a group photo, you need to go to the community page, hover over the current avatar and select "Update photo" in the menu that appears.

A window will open in which you need to click "Choose File" and upload the desired image from your computer.

Cover for the VKontakte group

Cover a relatively young element in the design of communities. It allows you to replace the usual avatars, gives you the opportunity to dream up with the design. The group becomes brighter and more attractive.

To put a cover, go to the community management and click "Add" next to the corresponding item and upload a picture.

It might look like this, for example:

Try to center the most important information so that when viewing a group from different devices, the information on the cover is not cut off. Also, you can add additional text hints: "Join the group" or "Go to the site."

Live Community Cover

Also, you can make a cover that will be visible only to group visitors from mobile devices and users of the mobile application. This cover is called "Live cover of the community" or dynamic.

To make a live cover, you need in the same section where we set up a regular cover, scroll down a little and add vertical images or videos.

Such a cover will allow you to work more effectively with an audience that prefers to watch social networks from smartphones.

pinned post

Secrets of registration of selling communities in VK

As a bonus, we share the secrets of the design of the VK group and our experience, which will allow you to make the design at an advanced level. For example, you can set up a beautiful block of various applications that will increase engagement.

Free apps. Go to community management and go to Applications to edit your settings.

Here you can choose to add an application that will complement the functionality of the group. For example, as in our group, there is a “Support the Community” button, by clicking which you can donate any amount from 100 rubles for the benefit of the community. It can also be a product store, a questionnaire, tests, an online chat, a newsletter subscription, and so on.

Other useful widgets and applications:

  • questionnaires;
  • tests;
  • registration for services;
  • sending messages;
  • goods store;
  • and so on.

. In the group settings, set up an action button, this will help motivate users to take the desired action. Using this button, you can direct visitors to the site, to the application and to a quick call to the phone or via VK. You can configure it in the first window, after going to the community management.

Additional design elements that can be used:


If you want to successfully promote a group in VK, then be sure to take the time to properly and beautifully design it. The more thoroughly you approach this issue and think through all the scenarios of user behavior after going to the group page, the higher the conversion to a subscription, and later to a purchase, will be.

VKontakte is a Russian-language social network with the largest user audience. This is the first most popular site in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet. As of the beginning of 2019, the daily number of visitors is 70 thousand people. How to create a group on VKontakte is a topical issue for many active visitors to this social media. Thematic communities help to promote your product, company or service for free, or even simply gather a club of users of interest where like-minded people can meet each other.

How to create your own group on VKontakte

Only registered users can create their own communities in the open spaces of VK. Before you start creating a group, you need to carefully consider the subject, goal. A truly successful competitive popular community with an impressive number of subscribers can only become one that is not another clone of numerous groups, publics, which is ready to offer users unique interesting content. To do this, you need to regularly replenish the community with valuable information and work on its promotion.

If you are ready to work on community support, let's move on to the instructions on how to create a VKontakte group.

    We go to our VKontakte page and find the "My groups" tab.

    Click on the "Create Community" button.

    After that, you have to choose between a group, a public page, and an event (event, meeting). We are interested in the first point.

    Enter the name of the group (later, if necessary, you can change it.

Community setup is the next step. It is recommended to change the address given by default (, where 000000 is the club number) to a more recognizable one, for example, of your organization, service, etc. (necessarily in English letters). The user can choose to make the wall open (while all participants can leave messages on it), or hide it, leaving it read-only (make it available only to the administration). The same goes for photos, documents, and other content.

After the community is created, the ability to invite members will become available. Users are more willing to join groups with an attractive profile picture; beautiful, convenient, combined menu design; regular surveys, discussions, voting; thematic hashtags; music, video and other entertainment. Filling the group with content is not such a difficult task, there are no special secrets and you do not need to be an SMM (Social Media Marketing) guru to promote your group.

Online advertising using social networks is highly effective when integrated with other services. It will be useful to have accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks. This will provide a wide audience coverage, and sales will naturally grow. When creating your own community or public, specify the contacts of the administrator to whom the user can write a message if any questions arise.

How to create a page in VK

To make your own VK community, you need a registration procedure that is simple and does not require advanced skills:

    We go to

    You will see a login form asking you to enter your first and last name. According to the rules of the site, this must be real data, but you can enter fictitious ones.

    After entering the first and last name, click the "Register" button. A window will appear. It is necessary to fill in the field with a real phone number, which will receive an SMS confirming the registration procedure.

After confirmation, the system will prompt you to enter data about yourself - date of birth, educational institutions, etc. If you purposefully create a page and a community to promote your business, you must specify contact details on the page - address, work phone number, Skype login, links to accounts of other social networks. It is better to make the official logo of the organization the main photo of the community - this will ensure the recognition of the group and will inspire users with a certain authority and confidence that they are not dealing with a fake.

What group can be made

When you have figured out how to create your own group on VKontakte, it will not be superfluous to find out what types of communities are provided for in this social network. Users are offered grouping by the following topics:

    Automobile (motorcycles are included in it).

    Tourism and outdoor activities in all manifestations.

    Security questions.

    Business segment.

    Graphics and design.

    Family (home, children, relationships and much more).

    Cats, dogs, hamsters and other pets.

    Health and disease treatment, prevention.

    Communication (dating, spending time together, marriage).

    Ai-ti and all kinds of games.

    Movies and everything about cinema (festivals, clubs, etc.).

    Fashion trends, beauty.

    Recipes, products and cooking in general.

    Art, cultural phenomena, interest groups in this direction and much more.

You can see the full list of topics in the "Community Topics" pop-up menu. It is not recommended to ignore this setting. Thanks to this feature, representatives of the target audience will be able to more easily find your group and become members of it. Recently, groups, public pages of VKontakte have access to the new tool "Products", with the help of which, with the help of the community, it is really possible to open an online store. Thanks to this feature, you will be able to sell your products directly through the social network.

Menu in a group

The factor that attracts users to the community, providing its convenience, is the design of the menu. For it, you need to create a special technical photo album, which will contain pictures that serve as navigation elements. They need to be prepared in advance - these can be buttons that refer to community materials. It is necessary, using the editing mode, to rename the “Latest News” item to “Menu”, insert links in the form of pictures to community sections. If everything is done correctly, when you click on the “Menu” inscription, a graphic block will pop up.


The main page photo or profile picture is another important design element. By choosing the appropriate image, installing it is not at all difficult. The following procedure must be followed:

    to the right of the main menu is the button "Upload photo", click on it;

    in the window that appears, click the "Select File" button;

    upload the selected image from the computer;

    select the borders of the image;

    set thumbnail borders;

How to create a theme

Topics or discussions are a great way to keep your audience engaged. To create a discussion, follow these steps:

    click on the "Add discussion" button;

    in the line "Title" indicate its subject;

    fill in the "Text" field, revealing the topic in more detail;

    if necessary, attach certain materials using the "Attach" button;

    Click the "Create Theme" button.

How to move a group to public

According to the latest trends in SMM management, not communities, but publics use more traffic. It is very easy to convert your group to the form of a public page. For this you need:

    log in using administrator rights;

    in the right menu, select the item "Translate to page";

    in the window that appears, select one of the page types - "Place or small company", "Company, organization or website", "Famous person or team" or "Work or product".

Social networks have gained true popularity. Because of this, many users have a question about how to create a community in Vkontakte for free. Programmers have simplified the process as much as possible, ensuring its implementation without professional knowledge. Simple registration and quick registration makes it possible to gather like-minded people who are interested in various issues.

Creating a public will seem difficult, but after a closer look, a person, even from a phone, can easily cope with the task.

Specialists have provided ample opportunities that are necessary for the rapid dissemination of information on the network and the formation of new user groups.

Although such a public page is also perfect for a commercial organization selling goods or providing services. Because of what you need to sort out the details and give some important tips.

Creating a public or group will not take much time. Specialists have optimized the shell of the social network by adding various useful options to it. When wondering how to create your own community in Vkontakte, a person should try his hand. How to do it?

  1. First, in the menu on the left, open the "Groups" section;
  2. In the upper right part of the screen, press the big plus;
  3. We choose what to do.

The process takes a few minutes, so the user will not encounter difficulties. He does not have to learn html code or try to draw an extraordinary design on his own. In practice, a beautiful public page is created from the phone, which easily attracts a mass audience.

How to register your own group on a computer is another question that interests users. If they want to get as much information about it as possible, they should follow the same steps. The only difference is that there is no plus in the full version. Instead, the "Create Community" button opens the same menu.

What kind of community can be created on Vkontakte?

What kind of community can be created? This is another question of interest to users. They are well aware that their own "brainchild" is able to unite people, but now there is a certain difference that needs to be taken into account. What options does the social network offer?

  • Group;
  • Public page;
  • Event.

Three types are enough to provide the necessary resources. It doesn't matter if you create a community from your phone or computer. The main thing is to make the right choice in order to subsequently get the necessary settings in the management.


How to create a public for free, ordinary users usually think. In this case, they should choose a group, as it is focused on people united by a common idea or interests. First of all, it is based on discussions and discussion of important events.

No fundamental news or information is provided, so this option is not used by commercial organizations.

The group is the simplest option, more suitable for manual creativity and narrowly thematic discussions. If the question arose of how to open your community, the easiest way is to use a similar approach. It takes a minimum of time, but gives various options in the settings. This makes management simple and accessible, while still allowing polls and open comments to be opened.

Public page

Large commercial organizations definitely need to learn how to register a community in Vkontakte. It instantly turns into a great way to introduce a new product or service and at the same time maintain constant interest from potential customers. Practice shows that in the modern world it is impossible to do without representation in a social network.

If a person is interested in how to get a group for free, he is looking for direct communication with potential clients. To do this, he will need a public page where you can attach feedback through the site or otherwise.

Through additional functions, it will be possible to ensure easy communication and wide audience coverage.


The question of how to open a community may arise before any event. In this case, you should not waste time on a group or public, just select a separate view. It is suitable even for a one-time dissemination of information about a party or corporate event.

Why is it difficult to register a group? To do this, you do not have to study complex instructions, because programmers have created the necessary options on each user page. It is more difficult to choose the optimal type, so that later it is easy to communicate with participants and transfer useful information to them.

The social network "Vkontakte" is the most popular service, which is visited daily by up to 50 million people. Activity is largely formed due to popular groups and official pages where news, music, films, photos and other entertaining and educational content are published. Services for automatic publication and programs for promotion allow you to minimize your participation in this process and spend a minimum of time administering your own resource.

The purpose of the group:

1. Promotion of goods and services of commercial organizations.
2. Search for like-minded people and the formation of associations of interest.
3. Creation of a corporate community of an educational institution, company, sports club.
4. Popularization of political parties and public associations.
5. Formation of feedback from state bodies and society.
6. Making profit by promoting the page and publishing advertisements.
7. Promotion of music, literature and other types of creativity.

Group creation process:

1. Click on the "My Groups" tab and click on "Create Community".

2. Select a community type and name. "Event" is suitable for advertising a one-time event (concert, graduation party, trip), "Public Page" - for the presentation of a person, company, brand, "Group" - for other purposes.

3. In the future, depending on the chosen position, you need to answer additional questions.

4. It is the “Group” class that gives the creator the widest opportunities, so it’s worth stopping at it. You can create an original design, use other useful services.

5. Specify important parameters: name, subject, enter a description of the future group. Choose a short address that will make the page unique and make it easier to find it if the user for some reason cannot find the page. Do not use special characters in the name, as this will complicate the search for the community in the future.

6. Activate the necessary modules (wall type - open or closed, photos, video and audio recordings, etc.). If necessary, include the website and location of the group (this is very important for promoting commercial products and advertising events).

8. The group is ready. Now you can publish any news in the feed, add audio and video recordings, create a virtual directory by inserting new photo albums, assign leaders, invite new users to the group.

Group promotion

You can promote your community in several ways:

1. Invite friends. Previously, the administrator had access to such an option as sending invitations to random people. It is now banned due to numerous abuses and spam. However, there is a way out - to find new friends and advertise the community among them.

2. Buying ads. You need to select the "Advertise community" tab, fund your account using the "Budget" section, and then start creating an ad. It can be tied to a specific region (country, city), which is ideal for commercial groups.

You can also use other promotion methods: viral marketing, SEO optimization (at the moment, groups with unique content are well promoted in search engines), publishing video materials with a link to your page.

Create your own group menu

The unique design of the Vkontakte community makes it stand out from the competition and makes it easier to navigate the group's content. However, this task requires a little more time, as well as installing the program - Photoshop.

1. Log in to the group management and make adding content restricted (only administrators will be able to perform this action).

2. Now you need to create a picture with future navigation and save it in the required format (GIF, JPEG).

3. Cut the navigation image into separate segments, each of which will become a hyperlink, using the "nesting" tool, and then save the template as a GIF.

4. If you are too lazy to use Photoshop or you do not want to install it on your computer, download ready-made templates, which are plentiful on the Internet.

5. For example, let's take a universal template made using wiki markup. Its loading is even easier and faster.

6. Click "breaking news" and select "Wiki Markup Mode", and then paste the ready-made code taken from the template design there.

7. To include photos in the code, you need to upload them to the album, and then paste the link in the right place.

Thus, a group in contact can be created in just a few hours of work, while spending money on someone else's work is not at all necessary. You have access not only to the basic options, but also to your own design, which will make the community unique and inimitable. Answers to any questions can be found on the Internet and on the Vkontakte social network: very convenient and simple.