How to eat healthy with a calorie counting app for Android. Calorie counting programs: application features and best variations for Android and iOS What is the name of the program that counts calories

Our calculator is designed for those who adhere to a flexible diet, or just want to switch to this nutrition system.

The basic principle of a flexible diet is that you can eat almost anything, as long as the following conditions are met:

  • it is necessary to adhere to your individual level of daily calorie intake;
  • the correct ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates is maintained.

That is, you must provide your body with a stable supply of the correct amount of calories and the required ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates (BJU), but the sources of these elements and energy can be represented by an endless number of foods and dishes.

When using a flexible diet, you not only count the total number of calories you consume, but you also need to manage your ratio of calories.

For example, you can spend your entire calorie budget on a pancake breakfast, but remember that you need to provide the right amount of fat and protein. And don’t be surprised that by lunchtime you may feel tired - you’ve used up all the carbohydrates and now you have no energy left.

Use this calculator to calculate your daily caloric intake and optimal macronutrient ratios based on your age, height, weight, gender and physical activity level. Apply these results to flexible dieting to lose weight, keep it off, or gain muscle.

Physical activity level

High levels of physical activity are accompanied by higher calorie expenditure. To accurately control the calories burned (and therefore calculate the daily caloric intake required for consumption), you need to determine how many calories you burn during sports activities: for this, use our.

Too much physical activity coupled with low calorie intake can lead to muscle catabolism (the breakdown of muscle tissue), which in turn slows metabolism and weight loss. Typically your metabolism starts to slow down after 3 days on a reduced calorie diet.

Weight loss and loss of fat mass do not always mean the same thing: weight can be lost due to loss of muscle mass, while the amount of fat tissue remains the same. To prevent this from happening, it is important to calculate the optimal ratio of macroelements - BZHU.

Incorporating regular exercise into your new lifestyle helps maintain your muscle mass levels even when you are in a calorie deficit.

But remember:

  • The body spends 5-25% of total energy expenditure on physical activity, and this is not only special fitness classes, this also includes walking, doing our daily activities, etc.;
  • about 10% of energy is spent on digesting food;
  • about 60-80% of energy is spent on the basic functioning of the body.

Therefore, physical activity will definitely help in the process of losing weight, but still, the most important thing is limiting calorie intake.

Moreover, it should be taken into account that the body can spend a limited amount of calories per day; it cannot work endlessly, even if we constantly throw new energy into it. Therefore, if you spent a lot of calories on sports today, your body will optimize your daily calorie expenditure and will spend fewer calories on other processes. As a result, the total daily calorie expenditure of this day will not be much more than yesterday.

Physical activity is very important in itself, for both physical and psychological health, but with its help we can regulate a maximum of 5-25% of our daily energy expenditure.

What happens if there are too few calories? And is it possible to lose weight through diet alone?

With an extremely low calorie intake, muscle catabolism begins, muscles melt, and accordingly, the body begins to spend less energy on its basic life activities. That is, your basal metabolic rate decreases. This means that as soon as you return to your normal diet, you will not only regain your weight, but you will also gain more. Therefore it is very important:

When losing weight, be sure to introduce physical activity; this will help you not to lose muscle mass while reducing your calorie intake or even increase it, which means increasing your basal metabolism. This will help you lose weight much more effectively and prevent you from gaining weight when you return to your normal diet.

Macronutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates


Proteins are important for the growth of new tissue as well as the repair of damaged tissue - this is what happens when you exercise.

Protein should be your best friend if you want to gain or maintain muscle mass.

But protein isn't just about muscle, it's also about satiety, which will help you stick to your diet.

Protein sources: eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, meat, fish, nuts, beans, peas, lentils, soybeans and other legumes.


Fat is often wrongly demonized.

Fats can be very helpful in achieving your body shaping goals, they also affect hormones - too little fat can be harmful to the body.

25% of all calories provided by a flexible diet are allocated to fat. This can be adjusted later, but this is what the initial proportion looks like.

Sources of fat: olive oil, coconut oil, natural peanut butter and other nut oils, avocado, almonds, walnuts, cashews, red fish, mackerel, egg yolks.


Your body uses carbohydrates to make glucose, which is our body's preferred form of fuel or energy. They are the ones who give us the opportunity to stay active.

Fiber, which is important to watch if you want to stay healthy, is also a source of carbohydrates, but it contains no calories.

Sources of carbohydrates: To cereals and cereals, bread, cereals, pasta, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, flour products.

Carbohydrates are simple and complex.

Complex carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are digested more slowly, which means the energy released during their processing is distributed by the body evenly throughout its life activities, without turning into fat reserves. And what’s also important is that the energy from complex carbohydrates is evenly released over 3-4 hours, which means that all this time the body will have enough energy and will not require additional food.

Typically, foods containing complex carbohydrates are darker in color than simple ones.

Examplesoats, brown rice, starchy vegetables, whole grain bread.

Simple carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates are absorbed too quickly, the body does not have time to use them up and they go into fat reserves. In addition, the body receives energy in the form of a short burst, and then a breakdown occurs.

Exampleswhite rice, white bread, cookies and sweets.

Serving frequency and size

A large portion for one meal, even if you meet the daily calorie intake, can trigger fat deposition.

This happens according to a principle similar to the assimilation of simple carbohydrates: the body immediately receives a lot of calories, a lot of energy, the body may not have time to use it all and then some of the energy may be deposited as fat.

If the daily diet is divided into a larger number of small portions, then each meal will contain fewer calories, which the body is more likely to absorb. Also in this case, the load on the digestive organs - the stomach, pancreas, etc. - is reduced.

In addition, it is recommended to eat before any active activity (physical: for example, before a walk, or just before going to work, or even mental - with increased mental activity, the body also spends more energy). But you shouldn’t lie on the couch or sleep after eating.

Calories for reducing fat mass

There is a belief that a pound of fat equals 3,500 calories, so a daily deficit of 500 calories should help you lose a pound of fat per week.

In fact, everything is not quite like that.

In general, the body's energy expenditure gradually decreases as a person begins to lose weight. This means that you will inevitably find yourself at the plateau stage - stopping weight loss. The amount of food that previously led to weight loss will one day lead to weight maintenance. What follows from the warning:

Always try to aim for your daily caloric expenditure at the "Normal Weight Loss" level.

The “Extreme rate of weight loss” level is the most extreme and dangerous to health. Don't try to switch to it right away in hopes of a quick effect. Ultimately, the result may be the opposite of the desired one. This option provides the lowest level of calorie intake that can be considered. It should be seen as the exception rather than the rule. It is healthier to burn fat than to get rid of it through fasting.

Weight loss plateau - why weight stops falling when you reduce calorie intake

Over time, the body adapts to the reduced amount of calories consumed.

The body begins to use energy more efficiently - it slows down metabolism, so it burns less fat. This is why many people reach a weight loss plateau.

At this stage, the only option is to speed up your metabolism by:

  • increasing cardio loads, strength training,
  • eating “deceptive” food (i.e. periodically introducing high-calorie foods into the diet);
  • periodic changes in the number of calories (the so-called “zig-zag” diet - used in our calculator, in a detailed calculation of calorie consumption by day); Link
  • changes in the proportions of macroelements.


Only reducing the number of calories, in the absence of physical activity, will slow down your metabolism, and the moment you return to a “normal” diet, the weight will return again. Try to pay more attention to the exercises.

Learn to eat slowly - Research shows that people who eat quickly tend to be overweight.

Zig-zag diet

For more effective weight loss, it is recommended to follow a zig-zag diet, that is, it is necessary to alternate days according to the level of calorie consumption - sometimes less than the norm, sometimes more than the norm, leaving the calculated number of calories on average. This prevents the body from adapting to the reduced calorie intake and slows down the metabolism.

“Live healthy” - this phrase as a slogan is currently being promoted by many modern people, which is not at all surprising. Nowadays, the issue of a healthy lifestyle is in the first place, since, in comparison with previous years, the mortality rate among the population has begun to increase, and the age of known diseases of the cardiovascular category has decreased significantly: many diseases characteristic exclusively of people of retirement age are diagnosed in young people of people.

TOP applications for calorie counting.

The reason for this precedent is not only the environmental situation in the world, but also an unhealthy lifestyle, the factors of which include the fact that people pay insufficient attention to their physical fitness and nutrition, which results in varying degrees of obesity with all the ensuing consequences. Leading a “healthy” life helps to correct this situation, and an installed program on your phone can help you control the condition of your body. In this article, we will look at calorie counting applications that are relevant in 2018, as well as their functional features, and the specifics of choosing the best program for yourself.

Leading a healthy lifestyle, following a diet, choosing a set of exercises that are relevant for your body is a task that was previously difficult to solve; you had to go through a lot of specialists, re-read a decent amount of literature and manually record and monitor the results of your efforts. Modern gadgets modified with Android or iOS software are not only stylish and fashionable devices that can increase the owner’s self-esteem and status, but also multifunctional devices, the full use of which can make the user’s life much easier in many ways. To use the device to its full potential, you just need to download and install the “correct” and “necessary” applications on it.

If you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, adjust your diet and bring your physical shape into ideal condition, you need to select effective programs from the available range of programs on the World Wide Web that count calories and also perform additional useful functions. When choosing a program, you should consider the following points important for installation:

  1. Availability of individual calculation of the number of calories allowed to be consumed per day. The installation should automatically calculate this data based on the user’s starting indicators.
  2. The installation contains a calorie counter with an additional calculator for consumed fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
  3. Availability of a voluminous list of dishes and products. The larger the list, the more...
  4. The presence of a function to supplement physical activity, as well as a list of basic exercises with calculation of calorie consumption.
  5. Automated control of changes in weight and body volume parameters.
  6. Visual reporting format: not only in numbers, but also in graphs that will allow you to visually evaluate and analyze the dynamics.

When selecting a program, you should take into account its synchronization capabilities with the existing software on your mobile device. Let's look at the most popular calorie calculation programs designed for Android and iOS devices, as well as installations developed exclusively for one of the software versions of gadgets.

TOP 5 universal applications

The TOP 5 applications for calorie counting opens with the My FitnessPal installation, which occupies a leading position in almost all rating lists of programs of this class, having earned the trust of consumers thanks to an extensive product database numbering more than six thousand units and regularly updated. The installation synchronizes with both Android devices and iOS gadgets, and is characterized by the following functional advantages:

  1. The ability to create individual dishes in unlimited quantities.
  2. Recognition of products by product codes.
  3. Providing the consumer with statistical data on the nutritional components of food consumed, divided into main categories.
  4. The presence of standard class strength exercises in the installation and the ability to add personal training tasks.
  5. Providing reporting in the form of statistical information and diagrams for clarity.

Most of the options are presented to the consumer in a free version, which further increases the program’s rating and its popularity. The user has the opportunity to fill out the diary both from a computer, having installed the installation on it, and from a mobile device, while in order to open the list of products and program exercises, it is necessary to have Internet access.

The Fat Secret calorie counter program is considered one of the best free installations for a mobile device, which does not require subscriptions from the consumer, and is characterized by the absence of intrusive advertising. The program is characterized by a stylish, and at the same time informative and laconic design combined with rich functionality:

  1. Keeping a diary in auto-fill mode.
  2. Ability to synchronize with popular social networks.
  3. Recognition of a large number of products by product code, name and photo.
  4. Menu evaluation and analysis, reporting in the form of a graph.
  5. Control of physical activity.
  6. Current calculation of the nutritional value of consumed dishes with a report on calories burned.

The Lifesum program has earned the trust of users due to its brevity, a decent assortment of standard recipes and exercises that help lead a healthy lifestyle. Often this installation is chosen by busy people who do not have time to come up with healthy dishes and effective physical exercises, but want to always be in good shape and take care of their health. The installation automatically calculates the number of calories received and burned, is distinguished by the presence of hints for the consumer about selecting the current menu or exercise, if his daily diet and exercise do not correspond to the norm, and automatically reminds him of the need to weigh himself or measure volumes. The application is available to consumers both in a free version, with a standard optional set, and in a premium paid version with expanded functionality.

The Yasio app is one of the top five universal calorie counting programs. The application is presented to users in paid and free versions; as in the previous case, the paid version has wider functionality. In the free version, the program has a sufficient set of functions, allows you to calculate the calories and nutrients received, is equipped with a decent number of recognized products, monitors the dynamics of the user’s condition in the mode of dieting and performing recommended physical activities, selects relevant ones and or gains muscle mass depending on the entered starting data. Users cite the lack of the ability to add personal recipes as a disadvantage of the application, which provokes the need to introduce unknown dishes in a component format.

Dine4Fit is another calorie counting application that is quite popular among owners of mobile devices on both Android and iOS, although it is a relatively new program. The application differs from analogue ones in its rich functionality; it calculates not only calories, but also microelements, vitamins, trans fats, salt and cholesterol components in most well-known products. The highlight of the program is the presence of practical advice in it, including directions for storing and selecting products.

The installation is regularly updated online, and products are divided into categories, making them easier to find if you need to estimate their calorie content. In addition to rationalizing nutrition, the application has a section for adjusting physical activity with the presence of known and effective ones. Users cite the disadvantage of the variation as the lack of the ability to add personal recipes, as well as its resource consumption, which makes it possible to install the program only on devices with decent technical parameters. When installing it on low-power devices, the wait for lists to load will be longer, which is not always convenient for the owner.

Applications for Android devices

The above installations are perfectly synchronized with gadgets on any software, however, if the owner of the device was unable to choose an acceptable option from these programs, he will be able to choose an application, focusing on the best calorie counting applications developed specifically for Android. One of these installations that is extremely popular among consumers is the “Calorie Counter” application. The program is characterized by a convenient and minimalistic interface, the presence of all the basic functions required by a standard consumer, and the absence of the need for constant access to the Internet to operate the application in active mode. The program stands out for its presence of a decent list of products, the ability to add your own recipes and calorie counting with automatic distribution into categories.

For lovers of a bright and colorful interface, excellent visualization against a background of maximalism, the developers offer the Easy Fit calorie counter. The creative execution of the program attracts the user with bright and colorful pictures and graphs, while the application does not require high battery consumption and does not require regular charging, which allows its installation even on devices with minimal technical characteristics. Users cite the lack of some products that are familiar to Russian residents as a disadvantage of the installation, since the program was implemented by foreign developers, which provokes the need for their independent introduction in manual mode.

SIT 30, an application whose logo is a ladybug, attracts consumers with its sophisticated, but no-frills design, as well as functionality. The variation includes a decent assortment of products and dishes, statistics to normalize weight, and reminds you of the need to eat or exercise. The highlight of the program is the ability to add recipes taking into account the specifics of their preparation and heat treatment, which is reflected in the calorie content.

TOP 3 applications for iOS

The Calorie Calculator program is included in the TOP 3 of the most laconic, functional and optimized applications for busy people. The installation is distinguished by a minimalistic and rough interface that signals to the consumer, based on his initial data on weight, age and gender, the number of calories that he can consume or must burn to bring his body and body condition back to normal.

The program for counting calories, under the unambiguous title “Lose Weight Together” that determines the purpose of the installation, is recognized by experts as one of the best applications for the iPhone. The program allows you to select an optimized diet for different categories of people, taking into account their weight index and physical activity. In addition, the installation offers a lot of useful advice from leading nutritionists, a decent selection of exercises, and special programs for bodybuilders.

Another application that is popular among owners of Apple products is the DiaLife installation, which is characterized by detailed calorie counting and analysis of food consumed. The program is easy to use, all data is divided into categories, which allows you to quickly enter the necessary information and control the ratio of components received and burned by the body. The developers paid special attention to the activity section: the section has twelve categories that calculate calories burned not only when performing exercises, but also during everyday and work activities. Consumers call DiaLife the most scrupulous and accurate application for calculating calories.

Let's sum it up

Each of the calorie counters presented in the article is a worthy variation for people who want to improve their health by following the rules along with optimal activity. The programs allow you to select a diet and optimal exercise in an automated format, visually show the dynamics of a person’s health, and authorize the identification of circumstances that impede weight normalization.

All Android applications can be downloaded from the Play Market, while installations intended exclusively for iOS devices are presented in full assortment on the AppStore. Downloaded applications help to avoid wasting time calculating the calories of consumed foods, the necessary physical activity to eliminate them, and allows you to use the saved time for health benefits. We wish you good luck in achieving your ideal body!

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The race “Lose weight by the summer season” has already successfully started, and everyone has rushed to gyms, swimming pools, fitness centers, and so on. However, every self-respecting person who is losing weight knows that it is unlikely that you will be able to lose weight with physical activity alone. Unless you study 24 hours a day. First of all, you need to reconsider your diet.

Being a food lover, I know very well how difficult it is to limit yourself in food. It would seem, well, a piece of pie, a small ice cream, one pancake, and all this is immediately deposited in our sides. To somehow control the process, you need an assistant. And for me this was the Yazio application.

By the way, it is suitable for both those losing weight and those who want to gain or maintain weight. Essentially, this is a regular calorie calculator. We select the desired mode, in our case – “Loose weight”, enter information about yourself and stop eating. Kidding. Now you need to write down everything you eat every day. Depending on the selected mode, the program will calculate the required number of calories per day for you. Your task is not to exceed the norm.

Choosing products and dishes is quite simple and convenient, thanks to the extensive database. Don't forget that caloric intake is given for every 100 grams, that is, if you ate 300 grams, this should definitely be noted.

Then, day after day, you can monitor your successes or, as in my case, failures. So far I’m not very good at staying within the limits allotted to me, but I still hope that this is a matter of habit. By the way, you can also record physical activity. The application will calculate the approximate number of calories burned and subtract them from what you ate.

For more advanced users, the application offers a paid PRO version, which has an extended history, meal planning, the ability to track body measurements, and a more detailed analysis of changes.

From the outside it may seem like counting calories is crazy, but I used to think so myself. But after trying this method, I realized that this was actually a huge help, because without it I simply had no idea how many calories I was eating daily. YAZIO at least a little keeps me from eating an extra bun or candy.


  • Free download and registration
  • Individual plan for weight loss or muscle gain
  • Calorie table for over 2 million foods
  • Nutrition tracker and food diary for all meals
  • Track calories, carbs, proteins and fats
  • Create meals, add your favorite foods, or add new foods to your database
  • Easily copy diary entries from one day to another
  • Built-in barcode scanner for quick search
  • Track your sports activities and activity
  • Calorie calculator to track calories burned
  • Record your weight
  • Evaluate your diet and achievements
  • PRO is a useful extension for a free application
  • Together with PRO you will achieve your goal twice as fast
  • Low Carb, High Protein Meal Plans and More
  • Over 100 healthy and delicious recipes
  • Special food rating system
  • More nutrition data analyzes and body measurements
  • Track other nutrients such as sugar, fiber and salt
  • Find out which foods contain the most carbohydrates or fats
  • Progress over the last 2.5 years
  • Track your body fat percentage, blood pressure, blood sugar levels
  • Take measurements of your chest, waist and hips
  • Plan your meals and workouts several days in advance
  • No Ads (Who doesn't like that?)
  • Support regular YAZIO updates

Download the app for counting calories and tracking nutrition - YAZIO for Android you can follow the link below.

The main secret to losing weight is to consume more calories than you burn. And the best way to count calories eaten and burned is using mobile applications. We will tell you about the most convenient of them today.

All of these apps work pretty much the same way: you enter what you ate and how much, as well as what sports activities you did and how much. Some apps can create diets and suggest sports programs for the most effective weight loss.

Lifesum's slogan is strange - "Eat fat - lose weight." Don't let it confuse you, the application developers know what they are talking about. Lifesum helps you select food products for a specific goal (quick weight loss or gentle weight loss) and optimizes the supply of nutrients during physical activity. You don’t have to limit yourself in the variety of foods; portion size is important. The app is compatible with Google Fit, Google's fitness service for Android users.

The calorie meter also syncs with Google Fit, so you don’t have to enter your physical activity data - the app will automatically know how many kilometers you’ve walked or run and how many calories you’ve burned. You will have to enter information about the foods you eat manually, but you will clearly see on the graph whether you are losing weight or getting fat.

The FatSecret app is one of the most popular among Android users who are losing weight. It has everything you need: nutritional information, food barcode scanner, diet recipes, exercise diary, weight chart and progress history.

Calorie calculator is an application with the most brutal interface. It shows you how many calories you need to consume to start losing weight, based on your current weight, height, age and gender. There are no complex heaps in it, but there is almost no clarity either.

Calorie counter is an application for people leading a healthy lifestyle.


This Android application will provide invaluable assistance to those who, in addition to playing sports, also decided to adjust their diet. The calorie counter allows you to determine the daily calorie intake for a particular person, and then helps you monitor their consumption.

Calorie calculation

To understand what your norm is, you should fill out a profile - gender, date of birth, weight and height. Then you need to indicate your lifestyle - passive, with a minimum amount of physical activity, or active. After this, the program will show your daily requirement, converted into the total number of calories needed. You can also get acquainted with the details - how much protein, fat and carbohydrates should be consumed during the day.


Every day the user must enter records of his diet into the program. You need to fill out three blocks per day - breakfast, lunch and dinner. The application database contains a variety of products and ready-made dishes - all you have to do is select them and also indicate the volume of the portion eaten, after which the application will independently calculate the calories received and show the user detailed information about the remaining calories needed to maintain the daily requirement.
As the month passes, you will be able to see a graph of changes in your weight, which will allow you to track how your diet is reflected in your life. But to do this, of course, you should from time to time enter the numbers shown on the scales into a special column in the Calorie Counter.

Key Features

  • helps you stick to proper nutrition;
  • based on all the necessary data, calculates the daily calorie intake;
  • allows you to track changes in the user’s weight in the form of a graph;
  • has a built-in database of products and dishes, which greatly simplifies the process of counting calories;
  • personal records are required regularly;
  • there is a reminder function to remind you to drink water;
  • the application has a simple and intuitive interface;
  • Only works on new Android devices.