How to call an internal number from a cell phone. How to dial landline numbers

Landline telephone remains a proven and reliable means of communication. You can call it both from other city numbers and from cell phones. The main thing is to dial the number correctly.


  • To call from one landline phone to another, after picking up the handset, wait for the dial tone, dial the number 8, and after it another dial tone will be heard. Dial the area code, then the subscriber number. Wait for a response. In small cities, to make a call within the same code, you often do not need to dial either 8 or the code - just the number. In large cities, you need to dial both even when calling within the same code, and there can be more than one code for one city. If your phone code is the same, and the called party is different, but the call takes place within the same city, the cost of a minute of conversation usually corresponds to the intracity price.
  • To call from mobile phone On a landline dial all the numbers together: 8, area code, number of the called subscriber. The number 8 can be replaced with +7, and the method of dialing plus depends on the phone model. Usually, to do this, you need to hold down the zero key for a long time or, on other devices, quickly press the asterisk twice. Please note that the cost of a call depends not only on what city you are calling, but also on where you are: home region(that is, the one where you purchased the SIM card) or another.
  • If you are calling from a machine connected to office PBX, first dial the combination of numbers corresponding to access to the city line. It depends on the model and settings of the office PBX. Then dial the number 8 (sometimes this is not required), the area code and the subscriber number. The need to wait for a dial tone after dialing any numbers also depends on PBX settings. Long-distance access may be blocked, and if not, then obtain prior permission from the organization's administration before making any such calls.
  • Some mobile operators provide the opportunity for unlimited (or limited to a certain number of minutes per day) calls to landline numbers for significantly more favorable conditions than full unlimited tariffs. Check with your operator's support service to see if they provide this service.
  • Currently, almost every enterprise organizes coordinated work by introducing extension numbers. An extension number is a numeric identifier that is assigned to a specific line of an enterprise or its department. It consists of 2 parts: the 1st part is the main phone number, the 2nd is an extension that will connect you with the desired department or person.

    What is an extension number?

    To understand how to call additional number , you need to understand what it is. This is a forwarding point in a virtual automatic telephone exchange to which 1 of the external telephone numbers employee (city, mobile, sip or skype account, etc.). The extension number has a four-digit format - from 0001 to 9999, which is limited by the maximum number capacity of forwarding points on the 1st virtual number.

    The first 2 digits of the extension number mean serial number forwarding list, and, as a rule, belong to the 1st department of the company. The second 2 digits are the serial number of the department employee.

    What are extension numbers for?

    Unified telecommunications space virtual number V cloud PBX erases real physical boundaries and shortens distances. Its capabilities make it possible to build the activities of various commercial and public structures without additional costs for renting premises, office equipment and other expenses.

    Modern companies are a room divided by bulkheads into separate sections. These sections house employees who perform their work. Each workplace equipped with a computer and telephone. To contact specific person, you need to call the company's main number. When the connection occurs, you dial the extension number, after which the required contact is established.

    The use of extension numbers is increasing because they are convenient, fast and easy to use without the need to spend money on optional equipment. Taking into account the obvious fact that all employees have their own cell phones and, many still have home phones, a virtual exchange allows you to transfer a call to any of them. The transfer can be made not only to the phone, but also to Skyp or voicemail.

    How to dial an extension number from a mobile phone?

    First, you need to study the company's phone number. How to call a megaphone operator - the first part of the number is the main number of the organization, and the second, which is in brackets, is the extension. Dial the organization's main number on your mobile phone and call. An answering machine should answer you. Listen to him completely, otherwise, a failure may occur and you will have to dial the number again. At the end of the message, you will hear a list of the main extension numbers and a proposal to dial the required one after a characteristic signal. Dial the extension number and wait for an answer.

    Unlike landline phone, mobile phones do not need to be switched to tone mode, they do it automatically.

    In some cases, automatic telephone exchange(PBX) may connect you incorrectly. If this happens, there is no need to disconnect and re-do the dialing operation. You should contact the person who answered and ask him to independently switch you to the department or specialist that is needed. Usually, company employees are loyal to such a situation. If you come across a person who does not want to transfer you, you will have to dial the extension number again.

    How to dial an extension number using tone mode?

    Most modern wired phones There are special switches labeled “Pulse-Tone”. If you are connected to a modern electronic PBX that supports tone mode, keep this switch in the “Tone” position at all times. If you only need the tone mode when making calls to information centers or similar services, using such a switch is not very convenient. It wears out faster, and some devices generally respond to changes in this position only after the handset is put on and taken off again.

    IN cordless phones switch to tone mode carried out through the menu. It’s just not very convenient to use this method when calling help desks. If your PBX does not support tone mode, temporary switching is carried out as follows: call the help desk in pulse mode, press the “star” button. After that, all further key presses will cause a series of tones. When you hang up, the phone will automatically switch to pulse mode.,

    When making calls to extension numbers from mobile phones, there is no need to switch to tone mode. Even if you do not hear, they are still transmitted to the subscriber. If you find that there is no response to key presses, find an item in the phone menu that allows you to enable DTMF signaling and activate it.

    Sometimes it becomes necessary to transmit tones from wired phones, where there is no tone mode at all. This device can be either push-button or disk-based. In this case, set your phone to a mode so that keypress tones are heard directly from the speaker.

    In our time, cellular communications have long and firmly entered into daily life. It seems strange that just 20 years ago a cell phone was a luxury.

    However, not everyone knows how to use it. For example, older people cannot always master this miracle of modern technology. Grandparents live well with a stationary device. It’s just that their children and grandchildren are worried about them. Therefore, we came to a compromise: let a loved one call their relatives from a landline phone to their mobile phones.

    What to do if grandma doesn’t understand how to call from home to mobile? Let's teach her using this instructional article.

    Where it all begins

    How to dial a mobile number for a call within Russia?

    First of all, we need to know the phone number we want to call. Don't laugh at this reminder. When we're talking about about an elderly person, there is very little chance that he will remember several long telephone numbers.

    A little tip: write in large numbers the numbers that your elderly parent will have to call. And hang it near the place where the phone is installed. Or put the list next to the device.

    And now we will find out how to call from home to mobile in Russia.

    Calls within Russia

    So, let's learn how to dial a number correctly:

      First they dial the number 8. And you must wait for the dial tone. The fact is that if you start dialing a number immediately after dialing eight, the call will not reach the subscriber. And the caller will hear short beeps, which indicate that the number of the person being called is busy.

      Did you hear a long beep after eight? Dial the operator code. What is this code? The first three digits of the mobile number after the eight. For example, 916, 906, 926.

      And only after the above numbers are dialed, it comes to the seven-digit mobile number.

    Calling from home to mobile, as we see, is not so difficult. The main thing is to do everything correctly when dialing a number. We emphasize the need to wait for the beep after eight.

    Calls abroad

    The family moved to live abroad, but the grandmother remained in Russia. We agreed that she would call them every day. They just didn’t warn me how to dial the number. Let's figure out how to correctly call from home to mobile of a person who is abroad.

    The scheme of action is not very different from the one described above:

      First dial the number 8.

      Then immediately dial the number 10.

      Wait for a long beep, as in the previous option.

      As soon as they hear the dial tone, they dial the country code.

      And only after all the manipulations have been carried out, the subscriber’s number is dialed.

    It's probably not very clear. Let's look at a specific example.

    You need to make a call to mobile person, living in Israel. How to call from home to mobile in this country? It will look like this:

    • 8-10-972-2-subscriber number.

    Here 972 is the country code, 2 is the Jerusalem city code. If the person you need to call lives in Jerusalem, the action plan will be exactly like this.

    Therefore, to make calls abroad, you need to know the country code and city code in which the subscriber is located.

    If the call doesn't go through

    It happens that you dial with home phone someone's mobile number, but there is silence on the phone. No beeps, no mechanical female voice, indicating that the subscriber is out of network coverage.

    What to do in this case? Call back again, dialing the number more carefully.


    We talked about how calls are made from home to mobile. There are no particular difficulties in this manipulation. If a person calls within Russia, he only needs to dial the code of the mobile operator.

    The technique of calling foreign countries is somewhat more complicated. How to call from home to Togo's mobile who live abroad is described above.

    Today, almost every large enterprise organizes correct and coordinated work through the introduction of so-called extension numbers. An extension number is a numeric identifier assigned to a specific line of an enterprise, for example, a specific department. So, you may notice that the telephone number of the company you need to call consists of two parts. The first will mean the main telephone number of the company, while the second (usually indicated in parentheses) will be the same extension number that will connect you with the desired department or person. Not everyone has encountered this or not everyone can do it, so we’ll tell you how to dial an extension number correctly.

    Extension number: dialing rules

    To begin, dial your main phone number. Usually this is followed by the words of an answering machine, which lists all available extension numbers so that a person can select what he needs and get through. You must listen to the answering machine to the end!

    Next, you need to switch the phone (if it is not switched) to tone mode. Tone mode is a dialing mode when you hear beeps of a certain tone (different for different numbers) when you press the phone buttons. Another mode - pulse - is when when typing you hear clicks of a certain length (the larger the number, the longer the clicks). There are two ways to connect the tone mode. The first one is on the device itself special button(maybe from the back) "Pulse-Tone". We need it to be Tone. Second method: after listening to the answering machine, press the asterisk “*” button on the device (among the numbers, usually at the bottom). You will hear a characteristic switching sound, give the phone time to switch.

    After switching to tone mode, start entering the extension number on your phone (no need to reset, just dial the number right away). You will hear a beep (tone) for each button press, this will mean that you are doing everything correctly.

    Sometimes the PBX fails and you may be connected incorrectly. It's okay, just ask the person you've met to dial the extension number and transfer you to where you need to go. As a rule, company employees are concerned about the reputation of the organization and will treat your situation with understanding.

    If you need to call using this scheme, it is better to use regular phone, since dialing an extension number from a mobile phone is not always possible. Plus, the money for the call will be read from the very beginning of the connection with the answering machine.


    Make sure your mobile phone number is in front of your eyes. Otherwise, if you take long pauses while typing numbers, remembering this or that digit, this can be interpreted by the telephone exchange as entering an area code. Thus, you risk making a call to another phone number of a subscriber you do not know.

    Keep in mind that the main feature of calling from is dialing the first digit numbers. IN in this case Instead of "+7" dial "8". The prefix "+7" is the telephone code for Russia. The city PBX, which routes all telephone calls that are made from , assumes by default that calls are made within local subscribers. 8 is a number indicating that you need access to long distance communication. Besides, this symbol used if you need to make a number.

    Dial eight and wait for the dial tone. Next, dial the remaining numbers in the same way as you would dial them on a mobile phone. First enter the operator code (Megafon, Beeline, MTS, etc.), consisting of three digits (928, 903, 918, etc.), then the remaining seven digits numbers called subscriber.

    In case you need to make a call to a mobile number, operator-owned another country, proceed as follows. Dial the number “8”, then dial “10” - for what you are doing. Then indicate the country code to which you are calling (you can find it on the relevant Internet resources or in the service). Further, exactly the same as within home network, dial the operator code and phone number. For example, in order to call Ukraine, you need to dial “8” (beep) “10” (designation long distance call) “380” (Ukrainian code) *** (operator code) ******* (subscriber phone number).

    Video on the topic


    Forwarding calls from your home (or work) landline phone to your mobile phone. It is often necessary that calls received on a home device be forwarded to a mobile phone. It’s not uncommon that you can’t sit at work, and you don’t want to miss landline phone calls. This problem is solved by a “redirector device”. Now they will “get” you everywhere!

    Helpful advice

    Call via Callback access number from a landline phone. The callback service allows you to significantly save on outgoing calls. The mechanism of this technology is that outgoing call the subscriber is reset, and an incoming one arrives instead, which, as you know, is either much cheaper or is not charged at all in most networks in the world. make calls to mobile, landline numbers, as well as to subscribers of Skype, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo!, Gtalk,


    • Telephone codes of countries around the world
    • landline phone call

    Sometimes it happens that, while vacationing abroad or on a business trip abroad, we want to call our family and friends, we habitually dial “eight”, the city code, telephone number and understand that it is impossible to get through, since this algorithm does not work for international communications.


    After this you need to dial telephone code countries. For Russia it is “7” (seven). This is followed by the area code and the number of the called subscriber (they must total 10 digits). Please note that the domestic long-distance access code (“8”), which is often written when specifying the city code, does not need to be dialed.

    Thus, in order, for example, to call from the USA to Moscow from a landline telephone (area code 495 or 499), the following dialing procedure is required: 011-7-495- (seven-digit subscriber number). When dialing from a mobile phone, the sequence will be simplified: + 7 -495- (seven-digit subscriber number). When calling a mobile phone, the dialing sequence will essentially remain the same as in Russia: + 7 – three-digit operator code cellular communications– seven-digit subscriber number.


    • dialing to Russia

    Tip 3: How to dial international format phone numbers

    International recruitment numbers is somewhat different from the usual calls within the city or country. To reach a subscriber abroad, you will need to perform several simple operations.


    Decide from the beginning that you will call from numbers mobile operator or numbers fixed line, since various codes can be used to enter the telecommunications space. To call to any country in the world, regardless of the telecommunications company you use, you need to know the country code, city or region code, and subscriber number.

    When calling from Russia to reach international communications using fixed line numbers, use code 8-10. For example: 8-10-(country code) (city code)(number) of the subscriber. CIS countries have a standard international format dialing: Russia, Kazakhstan: +7 (yyy) xxx xx xx (11 digits) . Ukraine: + 38 (yyy) xxx xx xx (12 digits), for calls to Belarus: + 375 (yy) XXX XX XX (12 digits). Number of digits in set numbers phone depends on the country code.

    In accordance with these format Ami, dial 8-10, then the country code, then the subscriber number. Please note that when typing in format e 8-10 (for fixed-line communications), the “+” sign of the country code is not dialed. Depending on the service provider, code 8-10 may vary. In this form, it is used when calling through Rostelecom. When calling through the Arktel telecom operator, dial the following combination: 8-26- (country code) (area code in the country) (city code in the area) (number phone subscriber). If you are calling through International Transit Telecom you should dial: 8-58- (country code) (area code in the country) (city code in the area) (number phone subscriber).

    For recruitment numbers from mobile phone, it is necessary to apply the above international format, which must begin with a “+” sign. For example, to call to Ukraine, dial: +380 (xxx) yyy-yy-yy. To make calls to countries not listed earlier, use the algorithms presented above.


    • dialing an international number

    Many probably have relatives or friends living in other cities. The need to contact them, as a rule, arises at least once a year. If calls to a landline phone cost you less, you are forced to remember the area code, enter it and wait for the other side to pick up the phone. With such a long-distance connection, the most problems arise not because of the quality of communication, but precisely when searching and dialing the desired number.

    You will need

    • landline or mobile phone


    To call another city, you must complete the following sequence of actions. Remove telephone handset and after a continuous signal appears in it, dial the number “8” - the index through which you access the long-distance service.

    Then dial the area code you intend to call. The number of the called party is dialed last. As an example, consider a call to the city of Novosibirsk. To call a subscriber you will need to dial the following long-distance number: 8-383-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ.

    Often, when making a call, along with the communication index, city code and subscriber number, you also need to enter the telephone operator code long distance communication, which you have chosen to connect. In this case, they say that the number was dialed in “hot-choice” mode or, in other words, in operator selection mode long distance communication.

    Currently, intercity services telephone communication There are 7 operators in our country. These are Equant LLC, Rostelecom OJSC, MTT OJSC (Interregional Transit Telecom OJSC), SCS Sovintel OJSC, Arktel CJSC, Synterra CJSC and TransTeleCom Company CJSC.

    If a long-distance call is made through the long-distance operator MTT OJSC, the called number will look like this (an example is still a call to Novosibirsk): 8-53-383-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ.
    If OJSC Rostelecom is selected, then 8-55-383-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ.
    If you call using SCS Sovintel OJSC, the long-distance number will look like 8-51-383-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ.
    Equant LLC: 8-54-383-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ.
    CJSC TransTeleCom Company: 8-52-383-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ.
    ZAO Synterra: 8-22-383-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ.
    Arktel CJSC: 8-21-383-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ.
    It should be noted that in addition to long-distance calls, the above-mentioned long-distance operators make international calls.

    Landline phones are gradually losing their importance in life. modern people. For many, it is simply out of habit, because it was inherited from their parents. Some people use it to save money, for long-distance or international calls, and some enterprising people use it to slightly increase the cost of their telephone-connected home. Performing the functions of a stationary phone today took over mobile, while significantly expanding them. The parallel existence of two types of telephone communication gave rise to the question of how to call from a landline phone to a cell phone.


    If you don't call this number often cell phone, then before calling, make sure that you have it at hand (written down on paper, displayed on the display mobile device etc.). If you search too long the numbers you need When dialing, the call will be dropped by the automatic telephone exchange and you will have to start dialing again.

    To call a federal - ten-digit - cell phone number, start dialing with eight. Then wait for the continuous tone and enter all ten digits of the mobile number. If you are given a number of twelve characters, simply discard the Russian code (+7) at the beginning; you do not need to dial it.

    A call to a city cell phone number follows the same rules as to a landline landline phone. It consists of seven or smaller number numbers and dialing within one city has no special features. For calls to such a cell phone from another city, the usual dialing rules apply - first enter eight, then, after waiting for a long beep, the area code and phone number.

    If you need to call from a landline phone to a cell phone in another country, you should also start dialing with eight. After a long beep appears, enter the international connection code. Usually this number is 10, but it may be different for some telecom operators. If ten does not work, check the value in help desk or in information section your operator's website. After the international connection code, dial the international code of the country to which you are calling. This number does not depend on the telecom operator and is the same not only within one country, but throughout the planet. For example, the international code for Greece is 30 everywhere, and the code for Germany is 49. After the country code, enter the ten digits of your cell phone number. note that mobile numbers in some countries - for example, in China - they are made up of eleven digits.

    Video on the topic


    Many Russians, especially those who lived in the Soviet Union, still do not perceive former republics as separate states. This is one of the reasons why typing Ukrainian numbers sometimes causes difficulties. In this case, you must follow the same algorithm as when calling any foreign subscriber.

    You will need

    • - mobile or landline phone;
    • - tables of state and city codes.


    When calling any locality Ukraine from a landline phone located in Russia, you must first connect to a long-distance line. Pick up the phone. You probably know whether your PBX is digital or not. In the second case, wait until a long beep appears. Dial “8” in the same way as you do when calling to another Russian city.

