How to install an earlier version of iOS. How to return the old version of iOS

After updating to a new version of iOS, you may notice that you do not like the firmware. In this case, there is an excellent solution - roll back the software to the optimal version, in your opinion. That is, if you updated to, for example, IOS 10, then you can easily install it on your iOS device 8 using the instructions below.

When is it necessary to rollback iOS?

Reasons to install an older version operating system The following circumstances may occur:

  • With new firmware versions, the design changes, and not all users may like the new design.
  • The most common reason is the appearance of freezes and glitches. Happen similar problems for two reasons: either the new version of the firmware became available to users in a too crude form, with errors in the code and shortcomings, or the device that was updated was already outdated for the loads created by the new version of IOS.

Please note that it is not possible to roll back any device for any version, detailed information You can view which device to which firmware version can be rolled back to on the following website - All data is located in table format.

How to roll back iOS to a specific version on an Apple device

Before starting the process, you need to prepare the following things:

  • iTunes installed on your computer and updated to the latest version.
  • Your chosen version downloaded to an easily accessible folder software, having the IPSW format. You can download it from trusted Internet sites that distribute free of charge iOS firmware, for example, at the following link - Download the firmware strictly for your device model, otherwise problems will arise during installation.
  • A USB adapter that will connect your device to your computer.

If you have met all the above conditions, then the next step is to prepare the device itself for the rollback process.

Saving important data

Please note that when you roll back your device, all data, applications and media files from it are permanently erased, so it’s worth taking care of them. There is an option that allows you to delete files from the device, it will be discussed later in the article, but it is no less stable. You can save everything you need using a backup copy created as follows:

Disable password

Another important point is to disable the password and Touch ID, if it is supported and enabled on your device.

Deactivating Find My iPhone

Before any actions with the device’s firmware, you must disable the “Find iPhone” function, since, otherwise, iTunes simply will not allow you to perform any actions:

Firmware rollback

If all previous preparatory work have been carried out, then you can begin the rollback itself. It doesn't matter which device you're downgrading from, or from which version of iOS you're downgrading to.

  1. Connect the device to the computer using a USB adapter.
  2. Log in to the system.
  3. Go to your device's settings by clicking on the icon that looks like a phone or tablet.
  4. Hold down the Shift button on your keyboard if you're using Windows, or the Option button if you're using Mac OS. Without releasing the key, click on the “Restore” button.
  5. A window with folders will open; you need to specify the path to the firmware that you downloaded earlier.
  6. Wait while iTunes extracts the software from the firmware and installs it. The process can last from five minutes to half an hour, do not disconnect the device from the computer or interrupt the process with any actions, otherwise the device may enter endless recovery mode.

Rollback without data loss

This rollback option also exists; it allows you to rollback without losing the data on the device. To do this, in point 4 of the “Rolling Back Firmware” section, you need to click on the “Restore” button and the “Update” button. All other steps are completely the same. The only thing worth considering is that the execution full recovery, that is, resetting the system and installing it from scratch is safer, since the chance that any elements will remain from the previous version is much lower.

Video tutorial: How to downgrade iOS version

Third party rollback programs

If for some reason the iTunes method does not suit you, then you can use the third-party program RedSnow. It is distributed free of charge for both Windows and Mac OS on the official website of the developer -

  1. After downloading and opening the program, select the Extras section.
  2. Click on the Even More button.
  3. In the menu that opens, go to the Restore block.
  4. Click the IPSW button to specify the path to the previously downloaded firmware.
  5. The notification that appears will ask you whether to cancel the modem upgrade or not. Click on the “Yes” option.
  6. A window will open in which you will be warned that the device will now need to be put into recovery mode, close it.
  7. Connect the device to the computer using a USB adapter and enter it into DFU Mode. How to do this is described step by step in the program itself.
  8. If you have not previously performed such rollback operations with this program, then click on the Remote button so that it will automatically find the necessary hashes on its servers.
  9. Done, now all you have to do is wait for the process to complete. The device will automatically update to the version you downloaded and turn on, after which you will have to go through the initial setup process.

Is it possible to roll back individual applications?

If the purpose of your system rollback is to install older versions of applications, then you should not carry it out, since there is a better option - use a special App program Admin. You can download it directly from App Store for free. Thanks to this application, you can view all available versions of applications installed on your phone and roll back to them. To use the program, just select the applications to rollback and enter unique number version to which you want to drop the selected application.

So, installing an older version of the software is possible on all devices from Apple, but you can’t roll back to any version, but only to those that have the SHSH signature. The process can be done via official application iTunes and via third party programs. The main thing is to download correct version firmware and do not interrupt the update process until it is fully completed.

Sooner or later, every user of Apple mobile devices is faced with the idea that it might be worth returning old version iOS. There may be many factors for this - a new unusual interface that came with the next update, errors in the new version associated with defects or poor compatibility with a specific device.

The company itself has never welcomed the return of previous versions of software to the device and, strictly speaking, neither the iPhone nor the iPad support the installation of older versions of iOS. However, after the release of the latest iteration of the operating system, users have a couple of weeks to properly study new version, make a choice and, if desired, do the so-called firmware rollback to the previous version.

With the release of iOS 9, this issue has again become relevant for some users, and therefore we want to remind you in these instructions how to return the old version of iOS.

Necessary preparation

First of all, we recommend that you make a complete backup your device both in iTunes on your computer and in cloud storage iCloud. The procedure for returning a previous firmware version itself involves completely erasing information from your device and restoring absolutely clean software. Accordingly, you should have a backup copy from where you can restore all your personal information and files.

It is advisable to do the copying using both of these methods at once, since on some versions of iOS it was impossible to restore data from a backup made on a more recent firmware.

After this, in your device, be sure to follow the path Settings > iCloud > Find iPhone or iPad and disable this feature. This is done temporarily in order to remove protection from the software of your device and after restoring the firmware, the function will be enabled again automatically.

How to return the old version of iOS

To start restoring the previous version, you need to download the firmware file itself, and to carry out the procedure for installing it on an iPhone or iPad, you will need a computer, the most latest version iTunes programs and a USB cable.

  • Go to
  • In the field YOUR DEVICE select one mobile gadget Apple on which you are going to restore the old version of the software.
  • In the field THE MODEL indicate the model of your device.
  • In the field iOS VERSION select the iOS version you want to restore. Keep in mind that Apple only supports going back one firmware version and only for a few weeks after the new version is released.
  • Click the button DOWNLOAD and wait full load firmware file.

Now you can proceed to the recovery process itself:

  • Open iTunes. For any operations with firmware, it is advisable to use only the latest iTunes version, so before starting the procedure, check for updates and install them if necessary.
  • Connect your device to your computer with a cable and wait until iTunes recognizes your device.
  • Open your device's management page in iTunes.
  • Hold down the Shift button on your keyboard (or Alt if you're using Mac computer), click the Update button in the device management window.
  • In the Explorer window that opens (or Finder if you are using a Mac computer), select the firmware file you downloaded in the previous step.
  • Confirm your intention to install an older version of the operating system iOS systems.
  • After this, the firmware recovery process will start. You can monitor its progress at the top of the iTunes window.

While installing the firmware into the device, it must not be disconnected from the computer and it is advisable not to press anything until white screen with a welcome inscription. It will mean that the process has been completed successfully and the device can be activated.

Every year after the presentation new iPhones, Apple is releasing a new mobile system iOS. For developers, for the stability of their applications in new system, you also have to make changes and release new updates to your products in the App Store. Over time, older versions of iOS cease to be supported by both Apple and application developers. And if you are the owner iPhone models and iPads that do not run on the latest versions of iOS, you will easily encounter problems installing some applications and games.

Each developer in the App Store sets minimum requirements for their application (device and operating system version), and if you want to install the application, and your iOS version is lower than the minimum, then you will see this message:

"For of this content(app) requires iOS 8 (any iOS version can be specified here) or later"

What you need to download an application from the App Store for iOS devices that are not supported (iPhone and iPad with an older version of iOS)

If you receive such a warning, do not be upset, there is a way out! Unfortunately, install the most latest version You won’t be able to use the application, but you can download the previous one that is compatible with your iOS.

To do this you will need:

  • a computer with macOS or Windows with Internet access;
  • installed iTunes software no higher than 12.6.5;
  • accounting Apple entry ID, which is used on the device with activated iCloud feature(it can be included in iPhone settings or iPad).

IMPORTANT! With the release of iOS 11 and iTunes update up to version 12.7, Apple removed the App Store from the media combine and now applications can only be downloaded on an iOS device - iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch. Therefore, you need to install the latest version of the program from the App Store - iTunes 12.6.5. Read the following article to learn how to remove iTunes. To check the version you have installed:

  • for macOS- in the menu bar, click “iTunes” → “About iTunes”
  • for Windows- Select Help → About iTunes

Step 1 Launch on your Mac or Windows computer iTunes program

Step 2 Login with your Apple account ID

Step 3 Go to “Programs” → AppStore and find the application you need or use the search

Step 4 Click the Download button

Step 5 After this you won't need your computer anymore, now take your iPhone or iPad and open it on it app Store

Step 6 Go to the Updates tab and select Purchases

In iOS 11 and higher, you need to click on the icon of your account, it is located in the upper right corner in all sections except “Search”

Step 7 Select the application you just downloaded on your computer and click (cloud icon with a down arrow)

Step 8 You will see a message with minimum requirements. To install the latest compatible version iOS system will ask: "Download previous version this application?" Click Download. After this, the download and installation of the application will begin

Unfortunately, not all applications can be installed this way. For example, if you have a gadget with iOS 7, and the minimum available version download is designed for iOS 10, then most likely you will not succeed. In this case, you need to use the following instructions.

After downloading the application on your computer, the file can be deleted from the iTunes Library; it is still the version that will not suit you.

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Let's figure out how to properly roll back iOS on an iPhone to a previous version of the operating system. In the article we will look at specific example versions, but this is also true for more new iOS.

This article is suitable for all iPhone Xs/Xr/X/8/7/6/5 and Plus models running iOS 12. Older versions may have different or missing menu items and hardware support listed in the article.

Reasons for iOS rollback

Users have reasons to roll back to more later version iOS systems can be completely different. Some may be unhappy with the visual changes in interface design Apple gadgets, which change in some details with each update.

Others want the same stability in the device after the update. Problems began to be noticed by users who updated their iPhone to iOS 12. Even in iOS 12, there are new system items in the menu that users find unnecessary and are not aesthetically woven into the smartphone interface itself.

There are also users who roll back the iOS version after release in order to check the overall performance of this function using official Apple packages. For example, we have already managed to find out that you can rollback iOS 12 only to version iOS 11.4, which is in the series iOS update 11 was the last one.

Other versions of iOS are not covered by the company's subscription package. This was stated on the official Apple blog.

Important nuances

  • During the rollback process, the device must be reset and then restored from a copy. This will take some time, depending on your Internet connection and the amount of data you have.
  • You should start the rollback when you have a backup copy of your gadget in iTunes or iCloud.
  • A standard copy of iTunes or iCloud will be based on iOS 12, so after rolling back to iOS 11 it may not function properly. Use better copy, which is saved until someone installed iOS 12.

Rollback from iOS 12 to iOS 11.4.1 without losing information

This method is risky, but with its help you can roll back to iOS 11.4.1 from iOS 12 without losing data. The process is also faster than the second method, which we will look at later.

To roll back to iOS 11.4.1 from iOS 12, follow the instructions:

You can use alternative way if this one didn't work. It requires you to have a saved backup copy gadget, which is even before iOS installations 12 was created.

Rollback from iOS 12 to iOS 11.4.1 using recovery method

  • Download the firmware file for your device
  • Launch iTunes on the computer.
  • We connect a gadget with iOS 12 to the computer.
  • Now you need to enter the device into DFU mode(recovery). On different models this process different.
  • In the iTunes window that appears, click on “OK”.
  • Hold down the “Alt/Option” button on a Mac or “Shift” on a Windows computer, then select “Restore…” your gadget.
  • Choose iOS file 11.4.1 ipsw.
  • Click “Restore” to continue.
  • The user will be shown information about version 11.4.1. Click “Next”, then “Accept”.
  • iTunes will install the new version on your device. The entire process lasts approximately 10 minutes.
  • When the process is completed successfully, the device will display the usual power-on screen. The device can be restored using a saved backup copy.

If any errors occur during the rollback, then most likely the firmware downloaded was not for your model.

Almost every user of the legendary Apple company's products has at least once in their life been faced with the question of how to roll back iOS on their mobile device. The process of returning an old operating system on an Apple device is usually not difficult. In order to find out how to roll back iOS, it is enough to strictly follow the instructions below and then you can not only install old version iOS, but also save all your data on the device.

Before installing the old version of iOS, we recommend that you carry out a few simple preparatory steps:

  • – if somehow an error occurs during an iOS rollback, then you risk losing all data on your mobile phone or tablet. To avoid such troubles, you need to back up your data.
  • Selecting the operating system version - before you learn how to roll back the iOS version, you need to select the operating system version. You should take into account the fact that iOS developers have stopped supporting older versions of the operating system.

So, when considering the question of how to install a previous version of iOS on your mobile device, you should follow simple instructions. First, you need to download the version of iOS you need:

  1. Go to the resource;
  2. After that, find the field that says YOUR DEVICE and indicate which mobile device you are using.
  3. Now you should see a field in which you should indicate the model of your gadget.
  4. In the new iOS VERSION window, you must indicate which iOS OS you want to install on your device. Only after this, as you indicate the desired version of iOS, the rollback can be successfully performed.

Now we can look at how to return old iOS on your mobile device:

  1. Connect your mobile device to your PC. Please note that the latest version must be installed on your PC special program iTunes. Otherwise, before installing an older version of iOS, you must download and install this program.
  2. Launch the application on your personal computer to start the return old firmware on the device.
  3. After this, you need to select the type of your mobile device. To do this, you can press the corresponding key in the interface or use the key combination CTRL+S.
  4. Next, in the window that appears, you need to click the “Browse” button and select “Update” in the new window.
  5. If Windows is installed on your PC, then hold down the Shift button and simultaneously click on the “Update” button. If you have a Mac, then instead of Shift, hold down Alt.
  6. After this, you will see a form where you should select the previously downloaded file to roll back iOS.
  7. Congratulations! The process of installing the old version of the OS has begun. In most cases, the process of installing a previous version of iOS goes quite quickly.

So, let's look at another option on how to install the previous version of iOS on your gadget. For this we need the RedShow program. This program can be installed on both Windows and Mac. By the way, before you begin rolling back iOS, you should carry out the preparatory steps described above to ensure the safety of your data on your mobile device. It should be said in advance that this method somewhat more complicated than the previous one, but sometimes there is a need to use it for advanced PC users.