How to count messages on VK. How to find out the statistics of personal messages on VKontakte

In older versions of the VKontakte website, users were able to see the total number of messages within each dialogue. With the interface update and the integration of various chat-related features, access to statistics was limited. Until recently, the mobile version of VK made it possible to manually count the number of messages in a dialogue, but this method is no longer relevant. For now Social network members no longer have standard tools for viewing chat statistics- this was confirmed by the support service.

However, you can check the number of messages in a dialogue using an auxiliary service, which will be discussed below.

VK Developers service

VK Developers is a platform for application developers based on the VKontakte API. It contains many useful tools, one of which allows you to find out the total number of messages in a specified dialogue.

How to useVKDevelopers to view chat statistics:

  • Click “Messages” on your VK page and open the dialogue you are interested in.

  • Copy the number after the text in your browser's address bar ?sel=, using the Ctrl + C command on the keyboard. For example, in the link highlight 59777362 mouse and press Ctrl + C.

  • Go to the website - Scroll down the page to the “Example request” block. Paste the previously copied number into the “user_id” field by pressing Ctrl + V. In the “count” field, enter the value “0”. Leave the remaining fields blank.

  • Click on the "Run" button.

  • A special code will be displayed on the right side of the window. The number of messages in the selected dialogue is indicated after the colon in the line "count".

The service shows the volume of your saved correspondence. If you deleted messages in the dialogue, you will see only the number remaining at the time of checking. Additionally, the tool does not work with group chats.

Let's sum it up

To count the number of messages in a dialogue, you must use a special tool from the VK Developers platform. On the VKontakte website itself it is no longer possible to view correspondence statistics. It is highly recommended not to use third-party programs and unofficial web resources, as through them attackers can steal your personal data.

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I think you don’t need to remind and talk about what the social network VKontakte is and why it is needed in general - everyone already knows that. Very often, people communicate with each other without deleting messages after the next conversation. So, one fine day you will want to know: how to view the statistics of VK messages? Several questions arise here: What is this? Why is this? And how to use it? In this article we will answer all pressing questions regarding this topic. In addition, on the Internet you can find many old and long-forgotten programs and scripts that probably no longer work; we strongly recommend using those that we will tell you about below.

What is VKontakte message statistics?

VK message statistics is a special script that performs the functions of counting VKontakte messages. Using this program, you will certainly be able to count the exact number of messages with your interlocutor. This script will provide the following information: for each user with whom you communicated, a certain analysis will be carried out, by means of which the number of messages sent and received will be identified; a list will be built, a kind of TOP by the number of messages sent or received. Also, this statistics of messages in contact will create a beautiful graph and show many more interesting things, which will be discussed further.

Why do you need message statistics in a contact?

It is very interesting to find out which of your friends you communicated with the most, to remember old acquaintances with whom you stopped communicating, but have a history of several thousand messages. View charts and graphs, for example, in which year were you more active in contact, etc.

How does message statistics work?

The developers of these statistics did the right thing; they created plugins for all popular browsers. As a result, it became very convenient to install and view the results; previously, this activity could take a lot of time; you had to look for a script, run it in the browser and hope that you did everything correctly. Also, now you don’t have to worry about the security of your page; browser plugins are checked when added to the store, so you don’t have to worry or be afraid of picking up viruses!

Installing the plugin in Google Chrome

Now, using Google Chrome as an example, I will show how easy it is to install and configure message statistics.

But that’s not all, as you remember, I promised you more charts and graphs, for this you need to install a second extension, they have the same developer, but they decided to separate the functionality. We repeat all the installation steps, follow the link below, install, launch, allow access to the data and wait for the data to load; it took me again 2 minutes.

If in the first case we could see a regular table with data, now there is an option to build a chart or graph using our data.

And also, in the upper right corner you can turn on the visualization mode of your activity, and in this mode you will clearly see in which year and with whom you communicated the most, a very beautiful sight when messages that you sent to them will fly between the avatars of your friends. It looks strange in the screenshot, but I will definitely make a video to make it clearer for you.

Installing a plugin for Opera and Firefox

If you don’t have Google Chrome, don’t worry, there are similar plugins for Opera and Firefox, installation and configuration are also no different. Links to them are given below.

Today we will reveal one simple secret of counting the number of messages in a single VKontakte dialogue. Despite the fact that many will twist their heads, noting: “Why do I need these extra numbers?!” — the question “how to find out the number of messages in a VK dialogue” interests many :). There are several ways to count messages. Let's figure it out.

Method 1: via mobile version

In order to calculate the exact number of messages you will have to stock up on a calculator, but if in your head you think no worse, then go for it with your bare hands :). It should be immediately noted that in the regular version of VK it will not be possible to do the calculation. For an accurate calculation, you need to go to the mobile version of VK. You can do this using this link - mob. VK version.

  1. Select the conversation in which you will count the number of messages;
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the dialog and click on the button » ;
  3. You will be taken to the beginning of the chat and the total number of pages will be displayed at the bottom.
  4. Take the penultimate one and multiply by 20 (the number of messages on one page), add to this number the number of SMS on the last page.

So for my dialogue I got the following figure: 1644*20+13=32893.

There is also another method of counting through the built-in VK script. To do this, follow the link - VK script for counting. Fill in the fields in the “Example request” block:

  • Enter your ID in the “user_id” line;
  • In the “chat_id” line, enter the number of the chat you need;
  • Click on the “Run” button.

To be honest, the method is not particularly clear to me and I personally was not able to calculate it :(.

Method 2: Vnutter service

If the first method does not suit you, then you can use the Vnutter service. This service provides general statistics on the number of messages in each chat (rating of the largest dialogues, when the first and last letter was sent and other data). Working with it is very simple - to do this you need to go to their official website -

We choose the Web version; if you want to check on an Android device, download the application from Google Play. Next, you enter your login and password from VK and click “Start processing” (a total of 1 free processing is given, but this, I think, will be enough for you). So I got the following picture through this service:

As you can see, the number calculated through Vnutter was: 32895 . If we compare it with the first method (32893), then the difference was 2 SMS, which is not so significant.

The only disadvantage of this method is that we essentially give our data to the left side (the service). Therefore, it is advisable to change your VK password immediately. That's all, I hope you have figured out how to find out how many messages are in your VKontakte dialogue.

First of all, any social network, and in this case VKontakte, is a tool for communication, and only then a multimedia library, a portal for entertainment, advertising, etc. Initially, this resource was created to ensure that people were always in touch, regardless of their territorial location.

Often, a user who communicates with someone important and necessary does not delete the correspondence history for quite a long time. Therefore, it is quite natural to show interest in how many messages have accumulated in correspondence with a particular user. If this kind of curiosity has also awakened in you, I will tell you how to find out how many messages are in a VKontakte dialogue. But if you deleted messages, then problems will arise.

Via mobile version

I’ll start, perhaps, with a fairly simple method of counting the number of messages, which is carried out using mobile devices, for example, a smartphone or tablet. Please note that you first need to open the mobile version of the site (where there is an “m” prefix); if you go to the site without this prefix, you will not be able to use this method. So, after logging in, do the following:

  • Open a conversation in which you need to count.
  • Now scroll to the very bottom, there you will see the number of pages that all your correspondence with a specific, individually selected user occupies.
  • Next, you need to make some simple calculations: multiply the number of the penultimate page by 20 (the number of messages on one page) and add the number of messages from the last page. The final figure will mean the sum of all messages in the correspondence. In this simple way you can count the number of all SMS messages in a dialogue with any user.

Through the Vnutter service

As you know, developers have created many services for VKontakte that should make life easier for users. To count messages in a dialogue, there is also a program called “Inner”. You can use it both on a computer and on a mobile device; to do this, simply download the program on the official website or on Google Play, respectively.

The only downside is that you can only run the application once for free; then you’ll have to pay. However, in most cases, once is more than enough. In order for Vnutter to start working, you are required to, and then click “Start processing”. As a result, you will see statistics on all currently available dialogues.

By the way, you can also find out message statistics using various scripts, but these methods, in my opinion, are much simpler!

Whatever they say, the main purpose of the social network VKontakte and others is communication between people. If a person is sociable, then entire conversations are formed from messages. Often the need for statistics arises when selling personal pages. After all, the cost of the account will depend on the user’s activity.

Statistics of dialogues in VK

There are many ways to calculate statistics. For some, you will need a calculator and knowledge of mathematics, for others, the ability to install additional browser extensions. You can view vkstat in different ways.

It is more convenient to open dialogues for counting in the mobile version of VK, but this can also be done from a computer. Go to the page where the main link will have the letter m in front of it. To view the conversation you are interested in, simply move the scroll bar down and find the counter button there. Scroll down the new open window and scroll down the page again. The numbers below indicate page numbers. Standard posting of messages is twenty pieces each.

To manually calculate vkontakte stat, you will have to use an arithmetic operation - multiplication. Multiply the last number by 20. For a more accurate result, you can take not the last, but the penultimate number, and the conversation from the last page will be taken into account manually.

There is another way to manually count messages. To do this, you are asked to enter the user ID in the User_id line, you can also use the chat_id line, then just click on the “Run” button. The number of messages can be seen in the line that is located after the word count. VKontakte message statistics - how to find out how many messages are in a dialogue, counter and analysis of the conversation? For example, a script is available in VK itself.

Messages opens a counter from a private conversation and also does a conversation count.

Counting VKontakte messages

You can check the number of messages on VK using an additionally installed browser plugin. The functionality of the application has been tested in the following browsers:

  1. Google Chrome.
  2. Mozilla.
  3. Yandex browser.

There are many similar extensions; consider one of the popular ones, called VK Stats. Activating it will probably take as much time as manually calculating statistics. The installation process for the Chrome browser is intuitive and straightforward.

After the installation process is completed, an additional button (icon) will appear in the right corner of the browser.

The extension is activated by clicking on this icon. The correspondence is constantly updated, although not automatically, but after clicking the “Let’s go” button.

In addition, the installed add-on will require access to personal account data.

If you confirm access, statistics on personal messages will be available for all active conversations. It will be displayed on the page automatically. In this case, deleted messages in the contact will not be taken into account.

There are plenty of useful applications for VK within the popular social network. Using add-ons, you can improve the convenience of working with many data. For example, if you are an administrator of a community, you may be interested in learning how to view the number of VK messages in a community. Communiti Stats makes available user ratings by number of comments, likes, and other easily customizable data.

VK message counter - VK scan collects statistical information on communities, comments, subscribers.

If you need to get statistics quickly without lengthy calculations, as well as installing applications and add-ons, it may be useful to use the online service “Vnutter”. Wnutter is an online resource where you can quickly get statistics on messages on VK. Data becomes available in just a couple of steps.

Information about the number of messages for a simple user is to satisfy their own curiosity. Calculating data is useful for those who promote groups, selling pages, etc.