How to change the password on an access point. What should the password be?

Today, most providers use dynamic IP addresses that do not require configuration, so when connected to the network, a new router will work right out of the box. There is no need to configure anything. Many users do not think about changing the administrator password on their router and use it with default settings. This does not affect the operation of the device in any way, but from the point of view of security policy it is completely wrong. In this article we will talk about why you should change the password on your router, how to do it, and how to restore access to the device if you have forgotten or lost the password.

Why change your password?

All routers use a login and password to access the web interface. This is necessary in order to protect the device from unauthorized access.

However, budget router models from all manufacturers without exception use standard access passwords. Knowing the model of the router (and, if you have not changed the network settings, the default network name will be the router model), you can easily find out what access parameters are used on it and get access to the web interface. This way, an outsider can change the settings of your device and gain access to your data. For this reason, it is recommended to change the default login and password pair when setting up the device for the first time.

Change Password

The web interface of different router models may differ visually, but the general principles of managing settings operate similarly on all devices. If you have configured your router at least once, then this procedure will not cause you any difficulties in the future.

Connecting to a router

The password is changed through the router's web interface. To log in, connect to the router using a cable or wireless network. In this case, the connection method does not matter.

You can use any browser to make settings. To do this, it is enough to know the login parameters.

How to connect

Access to the web interface is carried out using standard IP addresses. For most manufacturers they are the same, but there may be nuances. Typically this is or Sometimes a letter address is used, for example, This information is located on a label at the bottom of the device. If the router has not been configured before and these parameters have not been changed, then there should not be any difficulties at this stage.

In the settings of your computer’s network card, check the box “Obtain an IP address automatically” and connect to the router via cable or Wi-Fi. To access the web interface, you need to enter this address in the address bar of your browser and press Enter. A window for entering your login and password will appear.

Where is the password written?

In addition to the IP address of the web interface, you need to know the login and password to log into the router. This pair is standard for many devices and is indicated there, on the bottom of the router, next to the address. If the password has not been changed before, you should use this pair.

In the example below, the password on the router sticker is 1234, and admin should be used as the login.

Standard passwords

Typically, router manufacturers use a standard login/password pair - admin/admin. If the sticker with information for accessing the web interface on your router is missing or damaged, you can try this combination. Sometimes it is enough to enter only the admin login and leave the password field blank. This situation often occurs on D-Link routers. Some models may use a different default password. For example, 1234. You can look at the description of your router on the Internet and find out these parameters.

change Password

If you have successfully logged into the web interface, it’s time to begin the actual password change procedure. It is simple and intuitive.

In the router menu you need to find the password change item. The menu may look different for models from different manufacturers. Let's look at the most common options.

In order to change the login and password for the Tp-Link router login, you need to go to the menu item “System Settings” - “Password” or System Tools - Password, if you have an English interface. In the window that opens, you will first need to enter the old login/password pair, and then the new login and the new password twice. Then click the “Save” button. After this, reboot your device, if it did not happen automatically, and log into the web interface with a new password.

It is recommended to change not only the password, but also the login. This applies to all router models. Manufacturers use the default login admin. However, knowing the login, using special programs, attackers can also guess the password. Therefore, it is also recommended to change your login.

The procedure for changing the D-Link router password is similar. You need to go to the menu item “System” - “Administrator Password”. Here you just need to enter the new password twice and save the changes. You cannot change your login in the settings of your D-Link router.

On Asus routers you need to go to the “Administration” menu item. The login and password are changed in the topmost window, which is called “Changing router password”. After you have entered the new data, click the “Apply” button at the bottom of the page.

On Zyxel routers, everything works almost the same, with the difference that there can be multiple users on these devices. Go to the menu and select “System”, find the “Users” tab there. If you purchased a new router and are setting it up for the first time, there will only be one user - admin. Click on it with your mouse. In the window that opens, enter a new username and password or just a password and click the “Save” button. The same applies to settings for other users if you have them or if you decide to create them in the future.

If you become the owner of a router from another manufacturer, do not despair. Most likely, changing the password is done in a similar way. Look for items with similar names in your web interface or see the instructions for your device on the manufacturer's website.

Change via phone

If you don't use a computer or laptop, you can change the password on your router using a mobile device, such as a phone.

The procedure is the same. In order to change the password on the router from your phone, log into the web interface. If your device is already connected to the router via Wi-Fi, enter the address in the browser and the username and password in the window that opens. Then everything is the same as on PC.

If you have not yet connected to the router, turn on Wi-Fi on your phone, find your router in the list of available networks and connect. The parameters for connecting to the router via Wi-Fi are also indicated by the manufacturer on a sticker at the bottom of the router..

If you forgot your password

We looked at options for changing the standard password on the router via the web interface. However, it may happen that you changed the password but forgot to write it down. And now you don’t remember how to enter the settings. The situation is difficult, but fixable. Now let's look at what to do if you forgot the password and login for the router settings. There are several ways to restore access to your device.

View password in browser

If you have already logged into the web interface from your computer, the password may be saved in the browser. If, of course, you have this option enabled.

To find out the login and password for your router via a computer if you have forgotten them, launch the browser through which you previously logged in. Enter the router address. If the password has been saved, you will be able to log into the web interface. After that you can change it.

You can also view the password and username among the saved passwords in the browser.

For example, in order to view passwords in the Google Chrome browser, you need to click on the three dots in the upper right corner. Select settings from the drop-down list. Scroll down and click on “Advanced”. Scroll down and you will see “Passwords and Forms”. There we select password settings.

To view your password, click on the eye icon. Enter your Windows username and password. You can then view previously saved passwords in your browser. Here we see that for the site - and this is the IP address of the router, the password admin was saved for the admin user.

Hard reset

The most reliable and universal way to restore access to your router is. This option will always work. Even if you received a used router that was previously configured, but its parameters are unknown to you. At the same time, the Internet does not work on the router and it is impossible to log into the web interface.

All routers have a reset button. It is called RESET and is located on the back panel of the device. There may be variations, but most often this is what happens. It may look like a regular button or like a hole in the case. In the latter case, you should press it with the help of some thin object, for example, the end of a straightened paper clip.

To reset the settings to factory defaults, you need to hold down the RESET button and hold it for 10 seconds or longer.. The router lights should go out or blink. The device will reboot, after which you can log into the web interface using the default settings. They, as noted above, are indicated on the router label.

You should keep in mind that a hard reset will return all settings of your device to factory settings. That is, Internet access, wireless network and other parameters will have to be configured again.

Password recovery utilities

What should you do if you have a complex network configuration with many parameters and restoring factory settings is extremely undesirable? Then there is another way out - use utilities to restore access to the router. Let us note right away that this method requires the presence of at least part of the information necessary to access the web interface or a saved configuration file. Unfortunately, it is not universal and does not always help solve the problem.

Router Password Kracker

This small program will allow you to restore access to the device’s web interface without resetting the settings to factory settings. It is intended for selecting passwords for the HTTP protocol, that is, including for the problem being solved here. The principle of its operation is to select a password using a dictionary. However, you need to know your login and connect to the router via cable or Wi-Fi. It is also advisable to remember at least part of the password, otherwise the selection may take a very long time.

The program does not require complex setup. In the main window, you need to specify the IP address of your router, login and path to the dictionary file. Next, click the “Start” button and wait for the result.

The program is portable, packaged in one file and does not require installation on your computer.

A dictionary for selecting passwords is already included in the program, but it can be supplemented or additional dictionaries can be downloaded from the Internet.

In this way, you can recover a forgotten password from your router without changing the hardware configuration and without having to reconfigure the network.


Finding a password is a long process and may not be successful if you used a very complex password that the cracking utility would find too difficult to handle.

Most routers have the ability to save their settings to a file on your computer. This menu item may have different names. For example, in D-Link routers you need to select the menu item “System” - “Configuration” and click the “Save” button, then indicate where on your computer the settings file should be saved. On models from other manufacturers, the menu items may differ, but the principle is the same.

Not everyone uses this option, but it is recommended. Especially if your network settings have many settings, manually restoring them can take a long time. In case of failure, you can restore all settings in a few clicks. Also, if you have a saved configuration file, you can use it to recover a forgotten router password.

Passwords in the file are stored in encrypted form, so you can’t just watch them. A special utility is needed. It's called RouterPassView.

The program is free and can be downloaded from the developer’s website. It does not support all router models, so before using, check if your device is in the list. If it is not there, you can try to recover your password using this utility, but the likelihood of success is greatly reduced.

The operation of the program is simple. We launch the program, click the “Open file” icon and use “Browse” to specify the configuration file for your router settings. Or simply drag it with the mouse into the program window. The utility analyzes its contents and searches for all logins and passwords. The result is displayed on the screen. The result is not 100% guaranteed, but the likelihood that the required password will be found is quite high.

This password recovery method will also help you avoid hard reset and setting up your router from scratch.

These methods will not work if you are unable to establish a connection to your device. Then, alas, you cannot do without a hardware reset.

After purchasing a new wireless router, you may notice that the password for the Wi-Fi network is not set or it is too difficult to remember. No need to worry, you can set any password. We will tell you in detail how to change the access password on a Wi-Fi router, and also provide informative instructions for devices from various manufacturers.

Login to the router web interface

All router settings are made in its service menu (the so-called web interface). You need three things to get into this menu:

  • physically connect the computer and modem via a LAN cable;
  • any browser (both standard Edge with Explorer and third-party ones, for example, Firefox and Google Chrome are suitable);
  • login and password.

There are no problems with the physical connection of devices, but many users do not know where to find the login data for the interface. The information is indicated on a label glued to the modem itself. Find the username and password fields on the sticker. As a rule, from the factory these variables are set the same way - admin. Pay attention to Default IP. It is required to enter settings.

Once you have the information you need, follow these simple instructions:

Only after this is the user able to change the standard password on the router.

The procedure for changing the Wi-Fi password for various models

There are many network equipment manufacturers on the market. Typically, the procedure for changing the password is the same for all routers. Only the names of the menu items in which this function is located are different in the router. Next, we will describe how to change the Wi-Fi password in various models of routers on a computer.


The brand presents a wide selection of Wi-Fi routers (including home ones). You can change the password on the modem in 2 minutes. To change the factory Wi-Fi password, follow the steps below:

Try connecting to the access point through your mobile gadget, making sure to change the password.


No less popular are products from TP-Link. The interface of such routers is made in a style similar to D-Link. The user should perform the following actions in the menu:

In the same section, you can select the type of protection and other parameters. The following instructions will help you change the router password on new blue firmware:

The settings window allows you to change the SSID of the network (its name) and even make it hidden. You can also turn off signal broadcasting on certain frequencies.


A domestic company offers its own routers when connecting to the Internet. In them you can also easily change the password for a Wi-Fi access point. To do this, follow a number of simple steps:

It is worth noting that all menu items are completely Russified thanks to Rostelecom specialists. You can change the key an unlimited number of times.


Among well-known manufacturers there are many more modest ones, of which this company is one. If you need to change the Wi-Fi password for a router of this brand, use the following instructions:

  1. Login to the interface.
  2. The main menu items are located horizontally at the top. Click on Interface setup.
  3. Open the Wireless tab.
  4. Change the SSID item (if you want a new name), and then the Pre-Shared Key line to set a new password.

Huawei routers

Devices from Huawei are gaining increasing popularity in the domestic market. The brand produces cheap and relatively reliable devices, thanks to which more and more people are buying products from China. Below are images with notes for changing your password.

Everything here is presented in English, but you should always navigate according to the words WLAN, Wireless, Security, Password and Key.

How to create a password correctly

The security of your data depends not only on the type of encryption, but also on the password itself. Some combinations don't take much effort to crack. This list includes:

  • a set of identical numbers, for example, all zeros or ones;
  • a sequence of numbers from 1 to 8 or similar;
  • a set of consecutive letters (the code “qwerty”, beloved by many);
  • mobile phone numbers, apartment or house numbers;
  • such standard words for the sphere as admin, master, login and so on.

Remember that a specialized search engine can find a simple code in just a few hours. In extreme cases, this process will take a couple of days. Of course, no one will spend such resources on hacking your router, but there is no harm in being on the safe side.

For the most secure password, you should write a combination of 8+ characters. It will be more difficult to remember, but security increases with each symbol. It is not recommended to use only numbers or only letters when composing the code. Combine them. Be sure to change the case, as this complicates the selection. You can insert not only a space between words, but also an underscore or other special characters.


Typically, questions related to changing the Wi-Fi password (or setting it, which is basically done in the same way) arise quite often, given that Wi-Fi routers have recently become very popular. Probably, many people at home, where there are several computers, TVs, and other devices, have a router installed.

The initial setup of the router is usually carried out when you connect to the Internet, and sometimes they are configured “just as quickly as possible,” without even setting a password for the Wi-Fi connection. And then you have to deal with some of the nuances yourself...

In this article, I wanted to talk in detail about changing the password on a Wi-Fi router (for example, I’ll take several popular manufacturers D-Link, TP-Link, ASUS, TRENDnet, etc.) and dwell on some of the subtleties. So…

Do I need to change my Wi-Fi password? Possible problems with the law...

What does a Wi-Fi password do and why change it?

The Wi-Fi password gives one trick - only those to whom you tell this password can connect to the network and use it (i.e. you control the network).

Many users are sometimes perplexed: “why are these passwords needed at all, because I don’t have any documents or valuable files on my computer, and who would hack it…”.

In fact, this is true, there is no point in hacking 99% of users, and no one will do it. But there are a couple of reasons why you should still set a password:

  1. if there is no password, then all neighbors will be able to connect to your network and use it for free. Everything would be fine, but they will occupy your channel and the access speed will be lower (in addition, all sorts of “lags” will appear, especially those users who like to play online games will immediately notice this);
  2. Anyone connected to your network can (potentially) do something bad online (for example, distribute some prohibited information) from your IP address, which means that questions may arise for you ( It can really get on your nerves...).

Therefore, my advice: Set a password unambiguously, preferably one that cannot be found by brute force or random dialing.

By the way, did you know that an 8-character password consisting of lowercase and uppercase letters, as well as numbers, can be cracked in 4 minutes using modern high-performance equipment? The following platform will help you create a password and check its strength online:

How to choose a password or the most common mistakes...

Despite the fact that it is unlikely that anyone will break you on purpose, setting a password of 2-3 digits is highly undesirable. Any brute-force programs will break such protection in a matter of minutes, which means they will allow any unkind neighbor who is even more or less familiar with computers to play a dirty trick on you...

What is better not to use in passwords:

  1. your names or the names of your closest relatives;
  2. dates of birth, wedding, some other significant dates;
  3. It is extremely undesirable to use passwords made of numbers, the length of which is less than 8 characters (especially to use passwords where numbers are repeated, for example: “11111115”, “1111117”, etc.);
  4. In my opinion, it’s also better not to use various password generators (of which there are quite a lot).

Interesting way: come up with a phrase of 2-3 words (at least 10 characters long) that you won’t forget. Then just write some of the letters from this phrase in capitals, add a few numbers to the end. Only a select few will be able to crack such a password, who are unlikely to waste their time and effort on you...

Changing the password in Wi-Fi routers from different manufacturers

1) Security settings that are needed when setting up any router

Selecting a WEP, WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK certificate

Here I will not go into technical details and explanations of different certificates, especially since this is unnecessary for the average user.

If your router supports the option WPA2-PSK- choose him. This certificate provides the best wireless network security available today.

Remarque: on inexpensive models of routers (for example TRENDnet) I encountered such a strange behavior: when the protocol was turned on WPA2-PSK- the network began to break off every 5-10 minutes. (especially if the network access speed was not limited). When choosing a different certificate and limiting the access speed, the router started working quite normally...

Encryption type TKIP or AES

These are two alternative types of encryption that are used in the WPA and WPA2 security modes (in WPA2 - AES). In routers you can also find a mixed TKIP+AES encryption mode.

I recommend using the AES encryption type (it is more modern and provides greater security). If this is not possible (for example, the connection starts to break down or it is impossible to establish a connection at all), choose TKIP.

2) Changing the password on D-Link routers (relevant for DIR-300, DIR-320, DIR-615, DIR-620, DIR-651, DIR-815)

1. To access the router setup page, open any modern browser and enter in the address bar:

3. If you did everything correctly, the browser should load the settings page (Fig. 1). To set up a wireless network, you need to go to the section Setup menu Wireless Setup(also shown in Fig. 1)

Rice. 1. DIR-300 - Wi-Fi settings

4. Next, at the very bottom of the page there will be a line Network key (this is the password for accessing the Wi-Fi network. Change it to the password that you need. After the change, do not forget to click the “Save settings" button.

Note: The Network Key line may not always be active. To see it, select the " Enable Wpa/Wpa2 Wireless Security (enhanced)» as in fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Setting a Wi-Fi password on the D-Link DIR-300 router

Other models of D-Link routers may have slightly different firmware, which means the settings page will be slightly different from the one above. But changing the password itself occurs in a similar way.

3) TP-LINK routers: TL-WR740xx, TL-WR741xx, TL-WR841xx, TL-WR1043ND(45ND)

1. To enter the settings of the TP-link router, type into the address bar of your browser:

2. For both password and login, enter the word: “ admin "(without quotes).

3. To configure a wireless network, select (Left) section Wireless, item Wireless Security (as in Fig. 3).

Note: lately, Russian firmware on TP-Link routers has become increasingly common, which means setting it up is even easier (for those who do not understand English well).

Next, select the “WPA/WPA2 - Perconal” mode and in the line PSK Password enter your new password (see Figure 4). After this, save the settings (the router will usually reboot and you will need to reconfigure the connection on your devices that previously used the old password).

4) Setting up Wi-Fi on ASUS routers

Most often there are two firmwares, I will give a photo of each of them.

4.1) Routers ASUS RT-N10P, RT-N11P, RT-N12, RT-N15U (recommended browsers: IE, Chrome, Firefox, Opera)

2. Login and password to access settings: admin

  • in the SSID field, enter the desired network name in Latin letters (for example, “My Wi-Fi”);
  • Authentication method: select WPA2-Personal;
  • WPA encryption - select AES;
  • WPA Shared Key: Enter the Wi-Fi network key (8 to 63 characters). This is the password to access the Wi-Fi network .

The wireless connection setup is complete. Click the “Apply” button (see Figure 5). Then you need to wait until the router reboots.

Rice. 5. Wireless network, settings in routers: ASUS RT-N10P, RT-N11P, RT-N12, RT-N15U

4.2) Routers ASUS RT-N10E, RT-N10LX, RT-N12E, RT-N12LX

1. Address to enter settings:

2. Login and password to enter settings: admin

3. To change the Wi-Fi password, select the “ Wireless network"(left, see Fig. 6).

  • In the SSID field, enter the desired network name (enter in Latin letters);
  • Authentication method: Select WPA2-Personal;
  • In the WPA encryption list: select AES;
  • WPA Preshared Key: Enter the Wi-Fi network key (8 to 63 characters);

The wireless connection setup is complete - all you have to do is click the “Apply” button and wait for the router to reboot.

5) Setting up a Wi-Fi network in TRENDnet routers

1. Address for entering router settings (default):

2. Login and password to access settings (default): admin

3. To set a password, you need to open the “Wireless" section of the Basic and Security tabs. The vast majority of TRENDnet routers have 2 firmwares: black (Fig. 8 and 9) and blue (Fig. 7). The settings in them are identical: to change the password, you need to indicate your new password next to the KEY or PASSHRASE line and save the settings (examples of settings are shown in the photo below).

Rice. 7. TRENDnet (“blue” firmware). Router TRENDnet TEW-652BRP.

Rice. 8. TRENDnet (black firmware). Setting up a wireless network.

6) ZyXEL routers - setting up Wi-Fi on ZyXEL Keenetic

1. Address to enter the router settings: (Chrome, Opera, Firefox browsers are recommended).

2. Login for access: admin

3. Password for access: 1234

4. To set the Wi-Fi wireless network settings, you need to go to the “Wi-Fi network” section, “Connection” tab.

  • Enable wireless access point- we agree;
  • Network name (SSID)- here you need to indicate the name of the network to which we will connect;
  • Hide SSID- it’s better not to turn it on, it doesn’t provide any security;
  • Standard- 802.11g/n;
  • Speed- Auto selection;
  • Channel- Auto selection;
  • Click the “Apply” button « .

In the same “Wi-Fi Network” section, you need to open the “Security” tab. Next, set the following settings:

  • Authentication - WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK;
  • Type of protection - TKIP/AES;
  • Network key format - ASCII;
  • Network key (ASCII) - indicate our password (or change it to another).
  • Click the “Apply” button and wait for the router to reboot.

7) Router from Rostelecom

1. Address to enter the router settings: (recommended browsers: Opera, Firefox, Chrome).

2. Login and password for access: admin

If you cannot enter the router settings, I recommend reading the following article:

Connecting devices to a Wi-Fi network after changing the password

Attention! If you changed the router settings from a device connected via Wi-Fi, your network should disappear. For example, on my laptop, the gray icon is lit and says “ not connected: there are connections available"(see Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. Windows 8 - Wi-Fi network is not connected, there are connections available.

Let's fix this error now...

Connecting to a Wi-Fi network after changing the password - Windows 7, 8, 10

(Relevant for Windows 7, 8, 10)

In all devices connecting via Wi-Fi, you need to reconfigure the network connection, since they will not work with the old settings.

Here we will touch on how to configure Windows OS when changing the password on a Wi-Fi network.

1) Right-click this gray icon and select from the drop-down menu " network and sharing center"(see Fig. 14).

The security of a Wi-Fi network depends on a securely chosen password. You’ll say “what’s the difference, unlimited Internet, the speed is enough, there’s no point in fiddling around to figure out how to change the password on a wifi router.”

Today, home networks play an important role in the lives of modern people. With their help, users combine computers into groups, which allows them to exchange information and also play joint games. But, do not forget about the security of such groups, because the radius of the access point is quite large, and anyone can connect to the router, including attackers. Therefore, it is recommended to install a complex key.

If friends and neighbors simply use the Internet, and at a time when Internet access is not needed, this is not so scary. But people think about the option “how to change the password on a wifi router” after unpleasant situations. Starting from the need to quickly download an array of files during peak hours, when the ping exceeds 10 milliseconds, and ending with the banal “they got into the wrong settings and ruined it.” In addition, keep in mind that the owner, not the attacker who connected to the router, will be punished for illegal actions using a personal IP address.

To prevent this from happening, take the time to find out how to change the password on your WiFi router and do it.

Strong password – reliable network

A password is essential protection. You will have to choose a combination of 8 characters (minimum), which may include numbers and letters of the Latin layout. In this case, special characters cannot be used, and it is better to take care of the uniqueness of the keygen. Here, as on the Internet, the same rules of security and selection of a reliable key apply. There are many tips and programs on the Internet that generate hack-proof passwords. But when using services of this kind, don’t be too lazy to change 1-2 characters in the result. For reliability. How to remember to write it down. Believe me, a notepad for logins and passwords often helps out. If you save the data for the device for yourself, then the procedure you just looked at will no longer have to be performed.

On most routers, the word admin is selected as the default preset for the login and password. But, nevertheless, it will not be possible to use the same password for a new login; the system will request a length of at least eight characters.

Changing the password: basic rules

Let's start with, perhaps, the most difficult option: the router was given to someone, without a box or password. This is really the question of how to change the Wi-Fi password. First, turn the router upside down and carefully copy the data from the factory sticker. Usually it says 192 168 1 1 wi fi; people most often request to change the password at this address.

The “Reset” button on the router case resets all device settings to factory settings, which is often why access to it is structurally limited, it is covered with a panel that cannot be removed, or it is recessed into the device case so that it can only be pressed using a thin and long object. This is another security measure against inexperienced users.

You have done everything, the lights slowly went out and everything else came on, after which only the network, wi-fi signal and connected devices indicators remained on and flickering. Now all that remains is to go to the browser and enter 192 168 1 1 or in the address bar, then the router will require the factory data - those that you prudently copied from the case. Remember to pay attention to your keyboard layout and case, this will allow you to enter data accurately on the first try.

Afterwards you will automatically go to the settings menu. Most manufacturers try to make it intuitive for users so that they do not get confused about where to enter what and what.

Among the large number of tabs and subpages, you are interested in what will be called “wireless network” or, alternatively, “wireless connection”. In the subsection entitled “basic” or “general” settings, you can change the name of the router, which is important if one of your neighbors has the same model. The name can be anything; there are no restrictions on what you can choose.

If you personally still have a standard login and password on your router, or you know the ones that are used, then you can change them by going into the settings.

You do everything the same as when you roll back to factory settings, skipping the “reset” button on the router. Log in to your browser using links 192 168 1 1 or, open the settings window, select the tab responsible for managing the security of the router.

Enter the old access keys in the required fields, and the new ones below.

Specific models and examples

Let's look at basic and common router models and program interfaces that will help you change your Wi-Fi password.

Routers produced under the Tp-Link brand are distinguished by ease of management and a clear interface, not to mention the fact that the popularity of this brand has made it recognizable, and also influenced the Russification of the brand. So, by switching tabs, you can easily find what you need and figure out how to change the password on your Tp-Link router.

After entering the router management, open the section in the list of tabs on the left “System Tools” (usually the penultimate field), select the tab from the drop-down submenu "Password" . Enter your previous personal login and password in the specified fields (red rectangle in the photo). In the area highlighted in blue, enter new access codes. The password will have to be entered in two fields to confirm. Then click the button "Save".

Since each router has a unique interface, the names of some sections may differ. However, they all work on the same principle and have almost the same functions. Let's look at how to change the password for a Wi-Fi network using the D-LinkDir-615 router as an example.

D-Link routers are not so common, so there is a high probability that if you buy an older model, the interface will be in English. But the manufacturer took care of the clarity of access control, so there shouldn’t be any problems.

After entering the router management interface, select the tab in the left list "Control" , then go to the password change window. You will have to confirm your Wi-Fi password and then click the save settings button. The changes made will either be activated immediately or will take effect after restarting the PC, depending on the computer OS.

Now you know how to change the Wi-Fi security password through the router settings menu.

How to change the password for a virtual network

We figured out the router, and as you can see, everything is extremely simple. But sometimes it happens that a router is not used to implement a home network. The role of an access point is played by a laptop that is connected to the Internet and distributes it via WiFi. Such groups are called virtual. Is it possible to change the Wi-Fi password in this case? Yes it is possible. Only depending on how the group was created, the procedure for changing the key differs.

If you created a connection using the management console (computer-to-computer connection), then everything is very simple. You need to open the Network Control Center. To do this, right-click on the connection icon in the tray. In the window that appears, select “Wireless Network Management” . Now you need to find the required connection, right-click on it and select "Properties" .

The window that appears is divided into two tabs. We are interested in the second one – security. Here we put a tick opposite “Display entered characters” and we see the current key. To change the password on your WiFi router, simply enter different values ​​and click "OK" .

If you created a group using the command line, then there is a special command to change the code. Run the command line (as administrator) and write the following: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=My_virtual_WiFi key=12345678 keyUsage=persistent. Instead of the numbers 12345678, enter the new password that you want to set. Then you start the network again and connect to it, but enter a new identifier.

Now you know how you can change the password on a WiFi router. Moreover, regardless of how it was organized.

Pay attention to details that are important for connection

Changing the wi-fi password requires you to reconnect to the network from all devices used without exception. If you want to check who is connected to the network, this information is present in the computer settings. Open "My computer" and in the rubricator on the left find the subsection “Networks” . It displays users and devices connected to the personal network during a defined period of time

You will have to look for the list of available networks and their settings in the tab "Control Panel" . Therefore, it was said above about the need for an original name for the router - it is difficult to choose a personal one from five identical ones.

At the stages of working to change the Wi-Fi password, difficulties arise, but they are not difficult to solve. Let's move on to the main problems:

  1. The router does not have a factory sticker with installation data. By searching the photo on the Internet, determine the device model, and on the manufacturer’s website or specialized forums you will find the necessary, accurate and detailed information.
  2. It is impossible to log into the specified address 192 168 1 1 or to change the settings. Open menu "Start" , find the line “Find programs and files” and enter cmd. Press Enter and the Command Prompt or Registry prompt will open. Enter the ipconfig code in the line, confirm the command again with the Enter key. In the window that appears, find the line that will be signed as "Main gate" . The combination of characters after it is the address for going to the router settings.

The illustration highlights the points necessary for configuration: codes for accessing the registry and the address line of the basic gateway. Remember that periods and spaces are considered characters and enter the address without errors, or use the “copy/paste” commands.

The article discusses the basic options for changing the password of a Wi-Fi router, and what is connected with it. Good luck, and don't forget to keep your network secure.

Hello! Every day more and more people are abandoning the old proven method of accessing the Internet by pulling a cable. Now, most users of the World Wide Web have a router in their apartment, hence, sooner or later, the question arises, how to change the Wi-Fi password in the router?

I want to say right away that depending on the model of your router, the sequence of actions will be slightly different, but the meaning and principle are the same in all such cases. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that, often, each of these installation/configuration wizard windows may not contain the Russian language. Therefore, in order not to dig a hole for yourself, do everything according to the instructions that I will give below.

So, let's go!

How to change the Wi-Fi password

The first thing you need to do is go to the settings menu of your router, which is a network signal transmitter. If you do not know the name of the network, you will need to connect via wired connection. To do this, we will have to connect the wire into a free connector without disconnecting the device. It is also worth noting that if there is only one connector, you will need to disconnect it and connect yours. Stretch the other end of the wire to the computer and insert it from the back into the socket that is intended for the wire cable. Thus, we get the following picture: one end of the wire comes from the router, and the other is connected to a computer or laptop.

Naturally, the scheme described above may be different for you. For example, in the picture above there is also a cable from the provider (the company that provides Internet services), which can “come” from the entrance. But as you understand, the meaning remains the same.

How to log into the router

Now we will learn how to log directly into the router itself. To do this, we will have to manually enter its local IP address in the address bar of any browser. If you don’t know it, then you can correct this defect in several ways. Either you call your provider, provide personal identification information, as well as the router model (if this device is not located at your home), or we find out the desired address manually.

To do this, find four bars in the lower right corner of the screen, indicating that your computer is connected to Wi-Fi. Click on the icon with the left mouse button, select the currently active connection and right-click on it. In the drop-down menu, select the item: “Status”.

We look for an item in the list called: “Default gateway IPv4”.

We write down the value of this line; it will be presented as four numbers separated by dots. This is the same local IP address that we need now.

If you are going to change the password on wi-fi and were not connected to it, then you can do the same operations on another computer that is currently connected to this router. It doesn't matter whether it's Wi-Fi or a wired connection.

You can also see the IP address under the router or behind it.

Advice. If you don’t know the router’s IP address, you can try to find it. For example,,,

In general, no matter what method you choose, after the address has been successfully typed into the address bar of the browser, press “Enter”. A window will appear in front of you where you need to enter your username and password to access the router settings.

If you don’t know the password, you can look again on the device itself. In the image above, under IP, this data is usually indicated. If they are not there, then try entering the login admin or administrator; the password may be the same as the login or not at all.

Changing the password

Then the settings open and your eyes naturally run in all directions. I cannot write specific instructions on what exactly needs to be done next, since everything depends only on the manufacturer of your router. However, I will still explain the basic principles that guide developers who create such settings.

Firstly, you will have a small menu in any case. Either at the top of the window or on the left. They usually don't do it any other way. In it you need to find an item called “Interface Setup” or “Basic”, i.e. the name of the item in English may be called something else, but it is very similar to these options that I gave as an example.

When I can't immediately determine where the wireless settings are, I just go through the entire menu and look for what I need. For example, the word "Wireless". So in any case, you will definitely find this tab.

This section will contain many input fields and settings selections. For example, “SSID”, in which you can set a name for the Wi-Fi point. Above I gave instructions on how to go into the router settings; if you don’t know the SSID, now you can give it a name that suits you.

But still, how to change the Wi-Fi password? We are also looking for the field in which the parameter responsible for the type of protection is set. There should be WPA2-PSK. In the “Pre-Shared Key” field, enter the combination of Latin characters we need - this is your Wi-Fi password.

After that, click on the button to save, for example, “OK”, “Save” or “Submit”. By the way, there are articles on the blog that can help you with other questions about Wi-Fi:

Now you can disconnect the cable, if it was connected, and put it on the far shelf;). Some routers sometimes malfunction, if you do not see your SSID through the laptop, wait 2-3 minutes or reboot it - turn it off and on again. Then connect to Wi-Fi with a new password.

Thank you for your attention, I sincerely hope that this article helped you understand all the difficulties associated with the WiFi password.

To consolidate the material, watch the video on setting up D-link: