How to use Keepass. Login to your account

1Password is an advanced password keeper; I wrote about this application four years ago. But the program has changed a lot since then. For the better. It has several competitors... Even Apple did not stand aside and added Keychain to iOS. But nevertheless, 1Password has remained the standard in information security... Millions of people around the world trust this utility from AgileBits to store confidential information. What is the reason for such popularity?

Features of 1Password

1Password has recently been distributed free of charge. The functionality of the free part is reduced to approximately the same as that provided by Apple’s Keychain Access, that is, storage of passwords, credit cards and a password generator. Through a single in-app purchase (329 rubles) you can unlock all functions (additional fields, catalogs and sorting, several safes, etc.).

I should immediately note that most of the time I use the purchased 1Password for OS X on a MacBook. On the iPad and iPhone, the free version of the program is enough for me. The application is multi-platform (iOS, Android, OS X and Windows), so this is an overview not only of the iPad version of the application, but of the entire 1Password system...

If you unlock the full version, then in terms of capabilities the iOS version will be almost similar to the computer version

So, 1Password stores logins, passwords, credit card information, secret notes, etc. in a special safe file, which is protected by a master password. This master password is the only thing you need to remember! Do not forget it under any circumstances - it will be impossible to restore it. Even support won't help. The safe file is encrypted using PBKDF2 technology, which is recommended for protecting new programs and data.

Unfortunately, due to the closed nature of iOS, the version for OS X and Windows seems more convenient to me (I don’t know about Android). On your computer, logins and passwords are entered into the program database automatically when you enter them on any website. To do this, I just installed the official browser extension. In 1Password for iOS, such a trick with the ears is impossible. Logins, passwords, etc. can only be entered into the database manually.

But having entered the data into the safe once, you can use it by going to the browser built into the program. This browser can automatically fill out forms based on data from the safe. Therefore, I only use the free features of the application on iOS: it’s still more convenient to enter data on a MacBook. I have the iOS version on hand.

The browser in the application is very simple. In iOS 8, it became possible to enable the 1Password extension in 2 steps.

Step 1.

Step 2.

The value of 1Password has increased exponentially for me.

1Password has a great password generator. For the most demanding paranoid.

A multi-platform application must have synchronization. The most popular and logical cloud options are available: iCloud and Dropbox; as well as synchronization via Wi-Fi. All options work clearly.

Tips for using 1Password for iOS

Be sure to use synchronization with either Dropbox or the computer version. Or manually somehow backup the “safe”. Still, losing your password database is one of those events that you definitely won’t be happy about.

If you opened the application for the first time, I recommend practicing on a demo safe, which you can create without any problems from the settings.

The master password should be long and complex. Yes, you need to remember it thoroughly! Do not share this password with anyone. And do not use the PIN code from the settings. It's much easier to crack a four-digit code. As a last resort, use Touch ID if your device has one.

Be sure to set the “Clear clipboard” option in the program settings to 1-3 minutes. Otherwise, an accidentally saved password on the clipboard may also accidentally end up in the wrong hands.


  • A time-tested program that has gone through a lot of updates. Developers quickly fix bugs and add new features;
  • Rich functionality in the paid version. Based on my almost daily use of 1Password for OS X.
  • Security should satisfy even the most paranoid. The application was not noticed in scandals related to data leaks, mass hacks, etc.


  • For full use on each platform, you will have to fork out separately.
  • The iOS version is a little less convenient due to operating system limitations. No autosaving of passwords.

Conclusion: 1Password is one of the most useful computer applications for me. The iOS version is a necessary addition that will reveal its full potential if Apple suddenly adds the ability to save logins not only in the keychain, but also automatically in 1Password from Safari. I recommend!

One of the key issues for user security on the Internet is the creation of strong passwords. Almost all of us are registered on social networks, and, as a rule, in several at once. We have email, Skype, we use various services (for example, cloud data storage such as , etc.), we use electronic money to pay for purchases on the Internet, and we are registered on forums. A special category is the owners of websites and blogs. A password to your own website is the first precaution on which not only access to the administration of your resource depends, but also the safety of its visitors. I'm sure that when you find out how to use KeePass, your site will receive another reliable outpost against potential attackers.

It’s clear that manually creating strong passwords for each site or service you use is a rather labor-intensive and complex process. However, if you entrust this task to a program, you can not only make your life easier, but also significantly increase the security of your virtual (and sometimes even real) space. And now I want to teach you how to create a strong password in the program KeepPass Password Safe.

Download the KeePass Password Safe program

We will download the latest version of the program from the official website so that there are no misunderstandings in such a sensitive issue as creating passwords. So, go to the KeePass Password Safe download page (the link will open in a new tab), and in the right column with the title Professional Edition click on the first link - KeePass 2.20.1 (Installer EXE for Windows)(Please note that version 2.20.1 is only current at the time of writing this article - most likely when you download the program, the version will be different). After clicking on the download link, we are transferred to a reliable software storage service and after a 5-second wait a dialog box will appear to save the program installer. Click Save and select a location on your computer to save.

Don’t be afraid of the native English language for KeePass - just below you will learn how to teach the program to the Great and Mighty :)

Downloaded, great. Now run the downloaded file KeePass-X.XX.X-Setup.exe and let's start installation.

Installing KeePass Password Safe

There are no features in the KeePass installation that are worth focusing on. Let me just clarify that at the stage called Select additional tasks check that the option is checked Link KeePass to files with the extension .kdbx(this is the database format in which KeePass stores passwords), and also check Create an icon on the desktop to quickly launch the program in the future by double-clicking on the icon.

At the last stage, when you press the button Complete we will finish the installation, and the program will automatically launch (unless, of course, you unchecked the corresponding option at this stage).

Russification of KeePass Password Safe

After launching the program, we are presented with an empty window, and not every user will easily understand what to do with it next. The picture is further clouded by the English-language interface, which for many will also be the cornerstone for starting to use KeePass to store passwords. In fact, this is not such a serious problem, and now we will wean the program from bourgeois habits and instill in it a love for the Great and Mighty.

First you need to download KeePass crack from the program website. To do this, go to and scroll down to Russian flag icon with an inscription Russian and click on the link in this line on the right:

Russification file KeePass Password Safe

After this, we will be transferred to the already familiar Sourceforge and after 5 seconds the browser will prompt you to save the archive to our computer. For convenience, I saved it to Desktop.

Now we need to copy the crack contained in the archive to the folder where you installed KeePass (if you did not change the installation path during the installation process, it will look like this: C:\Program Files\KeePass Password Safe 2).

Open this folder, and also double-click the newly downloaded archive ( and drag the file from it with the mouse Russian.lngx V KeepPass folder:

Copy the Russification file to the program folder

Copied? Great, now all we have to do is tell KeePass the language in which it should communicate with the user. For this purpose in KeepPass Password Safe window on the menu View select an item Change Language and in the window that appears, click on the line Russian. After clicking, another window will appear asking you (in English) to restart the program to activate the Russian-language interface. Click Yes:

Activation of the Russian-language interface in KeePass

After the reboot, the program will be happy to communicate with us in Russian. Congratulations, you did great!

Creating a password database in KeePass Password Safe

Now we need to create a database in which we will securely store our passwords. To do this, in the KeePass window, in the File menu, select New. A dialog box appears in front of us in which we need to select the location to save the password database file and its name.

I advise you not to name the database with the phrase “My passwords” or something like that. Of course, we will encrypt the database with a special master password, but in any case, you should not openly tell a potential spherical attacker in a vacuum that it is in this file that you store the keys to everything that his unclean little hands and evil thoughts would not mind touching. Make an additional contribution to your computer security policy in the form of implicit name of the password database.

Creating a KeePass password database

After pressing the button Save a window will appear in front of us in which we need to set Primary password for our base. Manually (this is important) enter it in the field Primary password and then, again, manually, re-enter the field Repeat password.

There are also a couple of recommendations here: the main password should be quite complex, but at the same time you should remember it by heart. I advise you to do this: come up with and write down a password in your main notepad (paper) or diary, to which unauthorized people do not have access, and then set it as the Main Password for the KeePass database. And take some time to memorize this password - this is important.

Setting the main password for the database

After pressing the button OK Another window appears in front of us with the ability to change settings for the future database. Basically, you can click on the tabs and change something if you are sure of what you are doing, and I will click the button again OK- the default settings are usually optimal for most users and there is no need to change anything.

Now a password database template has finally appeared in the KeePass window. It already has several groups and even a couple of entries with passwords for example. Some you can remove, but some may be useful on the farm.

What are groups for in KeePass?

As you probably already guessed, groups are needed to sort multiple passwords into sections. You can, for example, separate passwords used on the Internet from passwords for encrypted archives and protected files on your local computer.

You can create custom password groups. To do this, in the left column, right-click on the name of the database and select the item in the context menu Add a group. Enter a name and press a key Enter:

Adding a new password group to KeePass

Likewise, you can add subgroups to groups to further differentiate between different types of passwords. For example, so that in a group Internet create subgroups Social media And Forums, right-click on it and select To create a group.

Creating passwords in KeePass Password Safe

The need to create a new password arises, for example, during registration in any online service. To explore KeePass further, let's. If you've already studied mine and registered an account with this cloud file storage service, you can simply take the following instructions as an example for using KeePass to manage passwords for other services.

So, let's go to . Let's see what we need in order to register:

Fields to fill out when registering with Dropbox

So, there are four main fields:

  • Surname
  • Email
  • Password

To log into our account in the future, we will need to fill out two fields: Email And Password. So let's open our password database and create a new one record for Dropbox with email address as login and password.

So, in the group Internet I created a subgroup Storage(you already know how this is done, right?). Now click on this subgroup to select it and create a new entry using the button Adding an entry:

Adding a New Entry to KeePass

So, a window for creating a new record appears in front of us, where we need to fill in several fields. Fields Password And Repeat already filled with an automatically generated password. If you wish, you can view it by clicking on the button marked in the picture below with a green rectangle, and in the meantime I will fill in the missing fields:

Entering data for a new entry

  • Name: I called any that is understandable to you by the name of the service.
  • Name: your login on the resource. In this case, I entered my email address here because it acts as a login on Dropbox.
  • Password: by default it is already generated and duplicated. However, you can delete it by clicking on the button with three dots to the right of the field and enter your own. Just make sure that the password is secure.
  • Repeat password: If you chose to enter your own password in the previous field, you will have to repeat the entry here.
  • Quality: Password strength indicator. Ideally, the bar should end in green; the stronger the password, the more the field is filled.
  • Link: additional field for inserting the resource address. It is not necessary to fill out.
  • Comments: here you can write at least a short novel)) But it is better to write down any data related to the account. In this example, I wrote down the field values First Name And Last Name, which must be filled out when registering for Dropbox (maybe it will be useful in the future). It is not necessary to fill out.

Also a few points about the automatically generated password. By default, a password is created that is 20 characters long and contains uppercase and lowercase letters of the Latin alphabet, as well as numbers. This is already a very serious level of password security, but the trouble is that not all services allow you to set a password of this length.

So let's create a special profile to generate a password, say 12 characters long. To do this, click on button with key opposite the field Repeat and select the item from the drop-down list Open password generator(see picture above).

Now in the dialog box that opens, set the length in 12 characters, press the button Save current settings as profile, set a name for the profile in the pop-up window (I called it “12 characters”) and press the button OK. Then press the button again OK in the window Password generator:

Now when creating a new record we only need select the desired password profile. Let's set a 12-character password for the entry we're creating now with just a few clicks.

So, after saving the new password profile, we are left with a window for editing the entry (if this is not the case, open it again by double-clicking the mouse). And all we need now to set a 12-character password is to click on the button again Password generation(opposite the field Repeat), but this time select the item Generate using profile and in the drop-down list click on the profile we just created:

Create a password using your profile

Ready! Now you can make profiles for different occasions - with different lengths of characters, with additional characters to strengthen the strength of the password. Just remember that it is important to first make sure that the service or program for which you are creating a password supports it in all respects.

How to use KeePass - Copying login and password manually

The login and password prepared in this way can be copied automatically, but first, let’s figure out how to do this manually (this is also sometimes necessary). So, after creating the entry, we can see it in the list in the group Storage:

Ready entry with login and password

Pay attention to the buttons highlighted with a red rectangle. The first one is a button Copy name to clipboard. As its name suggests, when you click on it, the login from the selected entry in the list will be copied to the clipboard. In this example, the email address will be copied, since that is what I set as the login. The second button is called Copy password to clipboard. I don't think it's worth explaining what she does.

When using these buttons the data is copied to the clipboard for a few seconds(default is 12). After this time, the clipboard will be cleared. This way, you don't have to worry that if you copy your password and walk away from your computer, you'll allow someone else to paste the contents of your clipboard into, say, Notepad while you're away, and find out your password.

So using this method, let's finally create an account on Dropbox. Fields First Name And Last Nam e I filled in manually, for Email- copied the login using the method described above and pasted it into the field, for the field Password- copied and pasted the password. By the way, notice how happy Dropbox is with the password: the strength indicator under the password field in the registration form has turned completely green - this is another confirmation that KeePass produces excellent passwords!

To complete registration, all you have to do is check the box I agree to Dropbox Terms and click the big blue button Sign Up:

Completed Dropbox registration form

By the way, immediately after this we will be redirected to the Dropbox application download page for installation on your computer. Decide for yourself, but I’ve been using it for a long time

How to use KeePass - Automatic insertion of login and password

One of the most amazing features for a KeePass user is automatic filling authorization forms. More precisely, semi-automatic - we only need to select the desired entry and press the key combination. To demonstrate this example, I suggest sign out of Dropbox for a while. To do this, in the upper right corner of the page, click on link with your first and last name and select the item from the drop-down list Sign Out:

Sign out of Dropbox

Automatic form filling using KeePass

Thus, KeePass safely authorized us to Dropbox. A little advice: before you give instructions to fill out the form, make sure that all the necessary checkboxes under it are checked. In the example above the option Remember me(“remember me”) is checked by default, but this is not the case on all sites - in this case, check the necessary options in advance.

And finally...

Of course, use KeepPass Password Safe for authorization on sites - not the most convenient way, although there is nothing complicated about it. It's much easier to use browsers' built-in tools to automatically fill out forms. However, to create strong passwords, you will have to either use online generators, or practice creating complex passwords using active massage of the convolutions)) And if the browser loses the password generated on a third-party resource, and you do not write it down anywhere, then you will have unnecessary problems with credential recovery.

Having learned to use such a wonderful password manager, How KeepPass, you have at your disposal a reliable guard and security assistant. And if until now you have used a regular text file and Windows Notepad for this purpose, stop this most dangerous practice as soon as possible! With the penetration of the Internet into many areas of our lives you endanger not only yourself, but also other users.

If you have questions or something remains unclear, write about it in the comments, I will try to answer as quickly as possible. I would also be glad to know what tools you use to organize your passwords.

Password Safe is an excellent password manager for the Windows platform. It can effectively save time, effort and privacy of your data.

As you can see, the increasing complexity and diversity of our digital lives and the growing threat from malware (viruses, Trojans, spyware) are creating real problems associated with the need to use complex passwords, which in most cases are difficult to remember in large quantities, without writing them down on scraps of paper, into text files and so on.

Using some kind of password organization and management tool is the only suitable solution to the problem. A good password manager, and Password Safe is just that, copes with the problem of remembering hundreds of strong passwords in no time, and allows you to conveniently and safely store all passwords in one safe place for all our pages with authorization on various sites (social networks, mail, games, Internet -shops, etc.).

Password Safe was created by Bruce Schneier and Counterpane Labs for Windows users. This program is free, and I’m especially pleased that it has a Russian-language interface. To download it, click on the link:

Password Safe allows you to conveniently manage your passwords by easily and quickly creating, saving, organizing, autofilling passwords into authorization forms using a password policy. Creating and saving your usernames and passwords is just a few clicks away.

Program installation

The installation process for the program is simple, and most users do not need to select custom configuration options during installation. You may wish to change the "Installation Type" during installation, and in some cases the user may wish to use the "Portable" option, which allows the use of a separate USB Flash device to store passwords, rather than using the Windows Registry. In most cases, you can get by with the standard installation option.

When you open Password Safe, the Password for container window appears with fields that can be used to access previously created passwords. If the program is opened for the first time, then there is no password database yet; you need to create it. To start this process you need to click on the button:

New container

You will be presented with a dialog box asking you to choose a name for the new password database.

I recommend changing the path where this password database will be saved. By default, this is drive C, it is advisable to specify a non-system drive, let it be drive D, F or G, as in my case. After entering the name and specifying the new location, click on the button:

The Set Container Password dialog box appears. Create a strong password that will consist of letters, numbers and other symbols. In other words, the more complex the password, the more secure your password database will be.

Where to save this one password for all other passwords? You need to decide this yourself. If you want, hide it in a text file under an inconspicuous name, or write it down on a piece of paper and put it away in the desk. The main thing is not to lose it, otherwise access to your passwords will be irretrievably lost.

After entering your password, click on the button:

If, when entering a password, the Password Safe program warns you that you are entering a simple password, then you should heed the advice and set something more complex.

After entering the password for the password database, a window will open with a row of buttons located at the top and an empty white area that represents the password database itself, which is currently empty. Active program menu buttons are bright, inactive ones are gray. To get a hint about what commands a particular button performs, hover your mouse cursor over it.

After the Password Safe password manager has been installed, a password database has been created (it is still empty) and a password has been assigned to it, all that remains is to enter all the passwords into it, organize them into categories and learn how to use this manager effectively.

Entering and organizing passwords in Password Safe

Click on the button that looks like a sheet with a green circle in the lower right corner:

Add element

Before creating your first password in your first database, you must set a password generation policy. To do this, click on:

Password Policy

By default, random password data generation is simplified and does not generate strong passwords. Considering that the whole point of using a password manager is to create strong passwords and to save the user the headache of remembering them and entering them into the authorization form, it is advisable to change the default settings for reliability.

By default, Password Safe generates an eight-character password, which is extremely insufficient for solving security problems. To correct this flaw, you need to take three simple steps:

  1. Select Override Policy;
  2. Set the password length to at least 20;
  3. Turn on the Symbols flag.

Now go back to the tab:


In it you can create a new password according to the newly configured policy.

Password Safe is convenient because it organizes passwords according to a simple hierarchical principle, which allows the user to classify them into name groups, for example, passwords for mail, online stores, social networks, game servers, etc.

To set up a group, enter the group name in the field:


Set the title in the field:


It allows you to determine what the password refers to. It is advisable to use a term that will be easily recognizable in relation to what the password belongs to, for example, “Mail” if this element will store the password to your email account.

Username and Password


Insert into this field a link to the authorization page for this resource, for example, the authorization form on the website is on the main page, so you can specify a link to the main page This allows you to go to this resource in a couple of clicks and automate the process of entering data into the form. How to organize this will be described below.

Email and Notes

These fields are not required. You can add additional information to your notes, for example, the answer to a security question, etc.

In general, it’s a good idea to use the automatic password generation button, thanks to the previously overridden password creation policy, the output is a good, crypto-resistant password, which will take a lot of time to crack.

Unfortunately, many authorization systems do not check the level of password strength, which leads to the fact that users are limited to the simplest combinations, familiar and easy to enter. And this is evil. In another couple of years, password requirements will increase and become mandatory. Passwords made from letters and numbers will forever go out of use, and 20-character passwords will become commonplace, and password managers will become a necessity.

After all the required fields have been filled in, all you have to do is click on the button:

The first element for logging into the mail service has been created. In the same way, you can set elements with strong passwords for Yandex Mail, Gmail, etc. Create groups and place elements in them for authorization to any web resources.

Automation of the process of entering login and password into the form

It remains to automate the process of entering data (login and password) stored in the Password Safe manager. To do this, open the tab:


And select the tab:


In the autodial section, you need to correct the autodial string, which is set by default:

Where u is the Login or Name field, t is the tab character that moves the cursor to the next field, p is the password field and n is carriage return to a new line (enter button). With this standard layout, autofill does not work on most forms. Something needs to be added, namely another tab character t, the resulting line will be like this:

Autofill is now available for most forms.

In order to use it, go to the authorization page; to do this, in the Password Safe program, click on the Follow the link button, which looks like a globe. The program will open the link that is specified in this element, in my case it is:

place the mouse cursor in the Name (login) field on the authorization page that opens and in the main window of the Password Safe program select the element:


After which the login and password will be automatically entered into the form fields. You don't have to do anything, Password Safe will do everything for you. Isn't this happiness!

There is another more interesting way to open a page and enter login data into it on autopilot. To do this, in the main window of the Password Safe program, select an element and call:

context menu

right-click, in the window that opens, select the command:

If you do not use autodialer, you can simply click on an element in the Password Safe program and the password will automatically be placed on the clipboard. Now all that remains is to paste it into the Password field in the authorization form.

If you want to change the password or set other parameters for an element, then select the command in the context menu:

The program will open a window that is already familiar to you.

To summarize the above, I would like to say that the use of such programs significantly saves time on routine actions that millions of people do every day in front of their monitor screens.

Password Safe is a convenient tool that is easy to use, as reliable as a Bastion safe, smart as a professor, has a Russian interface and is free.

We've covered the most commonly used commands that you need to know to work with this program, but if you want to know more, then check out the Password Safe help for more information.

Keepass is a free password manager. It will be useful primarily for those users who are forced to create separate passwords for each service. At the same time, it is worth understanding that storing passwords and logins in the browser’s memory or somewhere on a sheet is unreliable, since they can be accidentally lost and/or stolen by attackers.

Using Keepass to Store Passwords

The program interface is in English by default, but it can be translated into Russian by downloading and installing the Russian language. The program also has several convenient tools for working with passwords. Let's look at the process of interacting with it in more detail.

Download and installation

It is recommended to download the program from the official website of the developer, since the manager is open source, therefore, a version with built-in spy code may be distributed on resources with a bad reputation.

On the website you can find three versions of the program:

  • Classic Edition is a standard version of the program that has reduced requirements for hardware and software components of the computer. For example, it is not necessary to have the Microsoft.NET package installed for it to work;
  • Professional Edition - it weighs more than the previous version, and also requires the Microsoft.NET package to be installed. At the same time, the user has access to some improved tools and capabilities;
  • Portable – portable version, downloadable in a ZIP archive. It can even be launched from a flash drive. The main advantage is that it does not leave any records of its work on the computer, so you don’t have to worry about the safety of your personal information.

The installation process for the first two versions is almost the same. You check or uncheck certain items, accept the license agreement, wait for the installation to complete and use it.

In the case of the portable version, instead of installing, you only need to unpack the ZIP archive wherever it is convenient for you. You can install this version of the program on a flash drive or even a virtual disk and store your passwords there. Also, the portable version works fine on other operating systems, such as Android, Linux Ubuntu, etc.

In terms of working with programs, there are practically no differences.

Translation of the interface into Russian

If you are not satisfied with the English-language interface of the program, then you can change it by adding a special file to the main directory of the program and selecting Russian in the settings. The Russifier file has the following name - "Russian.Ingx". On the official website, it is advisable to select a file that is compatible with your current version.

To download and install the Russian language for your version of Keepass, do the following:

Creating a Password Database

In Keepass, you can create several files that will serve as password databases. This is convenient in cases where several people use the computer and everyone needs their passwords to be saved, but not in one common file to which all users will have access. The created file can be protected from unauthorized access and saved on any medium. However, in the case of the Classic Edition and Professional Edition there may be some restrictions.

The process of creating a password database file might look like this:

Working with the database

Once the creation of the database file is complete, it will be opened in the main program window. By default, it will already contain some information for informational purposes. You can change or delete them.

To create your own posts, use these instructions:

Login to your account

After creating a record with a password and login in the database, try logging into your account on a particular site. To do this, open the login form, place the cursor in one of the fields and press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+A. If everything is configured correctly, you should be able to log into your account. It is worth understanding that depending on the settings set above, the login process may take some time.

Keepass is an excellent program for saving passwords and logins, but those who are not well versed in computers may have a question about how to use this program. An example of using the program, as well as its main functionality, was reviewed.