How to use the VLOOKUP function in Excel. VLOOKUP in Excel: function examples

The VLOOKUP function in Excel allows you to rearrange data from one table into the corresponding cells of the second. Its English name is VLOOKUP.

Very convenient and often used. Because Manually matching ranges with tens of thousands of items is problematic.

How to use the VLOOKUP function in Excel

Let’s say that a certain quantity of materials has arrived at the warehouse of a container and packaging production company.

The cost of materials is in the price list. This is a separate table.

It is necessary to find out the cost of materials received at the warehouse. To do this, you need to substitute the price from the second table into the first. And through ordinary multiplication we will find what we are looking for.

Algorithm of actions:

Click OK. And then we “multiply” the function throughout the entire column: grab the lower right corner with the mouse and drag it down. We get the required result.

Now it’s not difficult to find the cost of materials: quantity * price.

The VLOOKUP function linked two tables. If the price changes, then the cost of materials received at the warehouse (arrived today) will also change. To avoid this, use Paste Special.

  1. Select the column with inserted prices.
  2. Right mouse button – “Copy”.
  3. Without removing the selection, right button mouse – “Paste Special”.
  4. Check the box next to “Values”. OK.

The formula in the cells will disappear. Only the values ​​will remain.

Quickly compare two tables using VLOOKUP

The function helps to compare values ​​in huge tables. Let's say the price has changed. We need to compare the old prices with the new prices.

Data presented in this way can be compared. Find numerical and percentage differences.

VLOOKUP function in Excel with multiple conditions

Until now, we have offered only one condition for analysis - the name of the material. In practice, it is often necessary to compare several ranges with data and select a value based on the 2nd, 3rd, etc. criteria.

Example table:

Suppose we need to find the price at which corrugated cardboard was brought from Vostok OJSC. You need to set two search conditions by material name and by supplier.

The matter is complicated by the fact that several items come from one supplier.

Let's look at the formula in detail:

  1. What are we looking for?
  2. Where are we looking?
  3. What data do we take?

VLOOKUP function and dropdown list

Let's say we have some data in the form of a drop-down list. In our example – “Materials”. It is necessary to configure the function so that when you select a name, the price appears.

First we'll make a dropdown list:

Now you need to make sure that when you select a certain material, the corresponding figure appears in the price column. Place the cursor in cell E9 (where the price should appear).

  1. Open the “Function Wizard” and select VLOOKUP.
  2. The first argument is “Search Value” - a cell with a drop-down list. Table – range with names of materials and prices. Column, respectively, 2. The function takes the following form: .
  3. Press ENTER and enjoy the result.

We change the material - the price changes:

This is how a drop-down list works in Excel with the VLOOKUP function. Everything happens automatically. Within a few seconds. Everything works quickly and efficiently. You just need to understand this function.

VLOOKUP is an Excel function that allows you to search a specific column using data in another column. The VLOOKUP function in Excel is also used to transfer data from one table to another. There are three conditions:

  1. The tables must be located in the same Excel workbook.
  2. You can only search among static data (not formulas).
  3. The search term must be in the first column of the data used.

VLOOKUP formula in Excel

The VLOOKUP syntax in Russified Excel is:

VLOOKUP (search criterion; data range; column number with result; search condition)

The arguments required to search for the final result are indicated in parentheses.

Search criteria

Cell address Excel sheet, which specifies the data to search in the table.

Data range

All addresses among which the search is carried out. The first column should be the one in which the search criterion is located.

Column number for total value

The column number from which the value will be taken if a match is found.

Search condition

A Boolean value (true/1 or false/0) that specifies whether to look for an approximate match (1) or an exact match (0).

VLOOKUP in Excel: function examples

The principle of operation of the function is simple. The first argument contains the search criteria. Once a match is found in the table (second argument), then from desired column(third argument) of the found string, information is taken and substituted into the cell with the formula.
A simple use of VLOOKUP is to look up values ​​in an Excel table. It matters in large volumes data.

Let's find the number of products actually released by the name of the month.
The result will be displayed to the right of the table. In the cell with address H3 we will enter the desired value. In the example, the name of the month will be indicated here.
In cell H4 we enter the function itself. This can be done manually, or you can use a wizard. To call, place the pointer on cell H4 and click the Fx icon next to the formula bar.

The Excel Function Wizard window opens. You need to find a VLOOKUP in it. Select “Full Alphabetical List” from the drop-down list and start typing VLOOKUP. Highlight the found function and click OK.

The VLOOKUP window for the Excel table appears.

To specify the first argument (criteria), place the cursor in the first row and click on cell H3. Her address will appear in the line. To select a range, place the cursor in the second line and start selecting with the mouse. The window will be minimized to a line. This is done so that the window does not interfere with your ability to see the entire range and does not interfere with your actions.

Once you have finished selecting and release left button mouse, the window will return to its normal condition, and the address of the range will appear in the second line. It is calculated from the top left cell to the bottom right cell. Their addresses are separated by the operator “:” - all addresses between the first and last are taken.

Move the cursor to the third line and read from which column the data will be taken if a match is found. In our example it is 3.

Leave the last line blank. By default the value will be 1, let's see what value our function will output. Click OK.

The result is discouraging. "N/A" means invalid data for the function. We haven't specified a value in cell H3 and the function is looking for a blank value.

Enter the name of the month and the value will change.

Only it does not correspond to reality, because the actual actual number of products produced in January is 2000.
This is the effect of the Search Condition argument. Let's change it to 0. To do this, place the pointer on the cell with the formula and press Fx again. In the window that opens, enter “0” in last line.

Click "OK". As you can see, the result has changed.

To check the second condition from the beginning of our article (the function does not search among formulas), let’s change the conditions for the function. Let's increase the range and try to derive a value from a column with calculated values. Enter the values ​​as in the screenshot.

Click OK. As you can see, the search result turned out to be 0, although the value in the table is 85%.

VLOOKUP in Excel “understands” only fixed values.

Comparing data from two Excel tables

VLOOKUP in Excel can be used to compare data from two tables. For example, let’s say we have two sheets with data on product output from two workshops. We can compare the actual release for both. Let us remind you that to switch between sheets, use their shortcuts at the bottom of the window.

On two sheets we have identical tables with different data.

As you can see, their release plan is the same, but the actual one is different. Switch and compare line by line even for small volumes the data is very inconvenient. On the third sheet, create a table with three columns.

In cell B2 we enter the VLOOKUP function. As the first argument, we will indicate the cell with the month on the current sheet, and select the range from the “Workshop1” sheet. To prevent the range from shifting when copying, press F4 after selecting the range. This will make the link absolute.

Extend the formula to cover the entire column.

Similarly, enter the formula in the next column, only select the range on the “Workshop2” sheet.

After copying, you will receive a summary report from two sheets.

Substituting data from one Excel table to another

This action is performed in the same way. For our example, you can not create a separate table, but simply enter a function in a column of any of the tables. Let's show it using the first example. Place the pointer in the last column.

And in cell G3 place the VLOOKUP function. We again take the range from the adjacent sheet.

As a result, the column of the second table will be copied to the first.

That's all the information about the invisible, but useful function VLOOKUP in Excel for dummies. We hope it will help you in solving problems.

Have a great day!

IN Microsoft Excel so many various functions, which greatly facilitate the user’s work, and in this article we will talk about one of these. It is called VLOOKUP, and if in English, then VLOOKUP.

The VLOOKUP function transfers values ​​from one table to specific cells another. Let me explain in more detail - in the first table you select the value that you need to find in the left column of the second. If there are matches, then VLOOKUP transfers the value from the column you specified in this row to the first table. Although the definition is a little confusing, using the function is not that difficult. Let's look at a few examples.

Since the function is most often used to fill out the column with the price, which is indicated in individual price lists, let’s take next example. For example, there is a table with fruits (orange), where for each it is indicated how many kilograms we want to order. Accordingly, for each fruit you need to write down the price from the price list (green) given by the supplier, and then calculate how much the purchase will cost. It is difficult to view each item and transfer data, especially if there are thousands of lines with goods, so we use VLOOKUP.

Click on the top cell in the first table in the Price column, and then the “fx” button in the formula bar to open the Function Wizard window.

The next thing we do is write the arguments into the proposed fields.

Put italics in the field "Search_value" and highlight in the first table the value that we will look for. I have this apple.

In the “Table” line, you need to select the one from which the data will be taken - do not select the header. Note that the leftmost column should consist of the values ​​we are looking for. That is, I need an apple and other fruits, which means their list should be in the left column of the selected area.

So that after we write the formula and stretch it across the entire column, the selected range does not move down, we need to make the links absolute: select the data in the field and press “F4”. Now the address of the cells has become absolute, the “$” sign has been added to them, and the range will not shift.

Where the column number is, put the number corresponding in the second table to the column from which you want to transfer data. My price list consists of fruit and price, I need the second, so I put the number “2”.

IN "Time Lapse" We write “FALSE” - if you need to search for exact matches, or “TRUE” - if the values ​​can be approximate. For our example, we choose the first. If you do not specify anything in this field, the second will be selected by default. Then click "OK".

Here, pay attention to the following: if you work with numbers and specify “True”, then the second table (this is our price list) must be sorted in ascending order. For example, when searching for 5.25, 5.27 will be found and the data from this line will be taken, although there may also be a number below 5.2599 - but the formula will not look further, because it thinks that the numbers below are only larger.

How does VLOOKUP work? It takes the desired value (apple) and looks for it in the leftmost column of the specified range (list of fruits). If there is a match, the value is taken from the same row, only the column specified in the arguments (2), and transferred to the cell we need (C2). The formula looks like this:


Now you can stretch it down the required number of lines by pulling the lower right corner.

All prices have been transferred from the price list to the procurement table in accordance with the names of the fruits.

If you have in the first table the names of products that are not in the price list, for me these are vegetables, then opposite these points the VLOOKUP formula will produce the error #N/A.

As you add columns to the worksheet, the data for the Table argument of the function will automatically change. In the example, the price is shifted 2 columns to the right. Let's select any cell with a formula and see that instead of $G$2:$H$12 it is now $I$2:$J$14 .

Now let's figure out how to work with the VLOOKUP function in Excel and with drop-down lists. First you need to make a drop-down list. Select the cell, open “Data” at the top and click on the button "Data checking".

In the “Data Type” window that opens there will be “List”, below we indicate the source area - these are the names of fruits, that is, the column that is in both the first and second tables. Click "OK".

I select F2 and insert the VLOOKUP function. The first argument is the made list (F1).

The second is a supplier table with indicated prices. Remember that here the left column must match the data that makes up the drop-down list.

It turned out something like a search: we select a fruit and VPR finds its price in the price list.

If you had the same prices, and then the suppliers gave new list, then you need to somehow see what has changed. Doing this manually takes a long time, but with the help of the function in question, everything can be done very quickly. You will need to add one column and transfer new values ​​into it, and then simply compare the data.

Click on any cell in column D and insert a new one.

I called it New Price - the new prices will be here, and the old prices will be shown in the column on the left. New table I have it on another sheet, so that you can understand how to use VLOOKUP if the data is located on different sheets. In the added column, select the first empty cell.

We insert the function and specify the arguments. First, what we will look for, in the example an apple (A2). To select a range from the new price list, place the cursor in the “Table” field and go to required sheet, I have “Sheet1”.

Use the mouse to select the required columns and rows, without headings.

Next we make absolute references to cells: “Sheet1!$A$2:$B$12” . Select the line and press "F4" to add a dollar sign to the cell addresses. We indicate column (2) and write “FALSE”.

At the end, click the "OK" button.

Now two columns with the new and old prices are located side by side and you can make either a visual comparison, or by applying certain formulas, or conditional formatting.

I hope I succeeded step-by-step instruction on the use and application of the VLOOKUP function in Excel, and now everything is clear to you.

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Webmaster. Higher education with a degree in Information Security. Author of most articles and computer literacy lessons

    This article is dedicated to VLOOKUP functions. It will consider step-by-step instructions for the VLOOKUP function, entitled "". In this article we will take a detailed look at the description, syntax and Examples of the VLOOKUP function in Excel. We’ll also look at how to use it and look at the main mistakes and why. Vlookup function doesn't work.

    Syntax and description of the VLOOKUP function in Excel

    So, since the second title of this article is “ VLOOKUP function in Excel for dummies", let's start by finding out what the VLOOKUP function is and what it does? VLOOKUP function in English VLOOKUP, looks up the specified value and returns the corresponding value from another column.

    How does the VLOOKUP function work?? The VLOOKUP function in Excel searches your lists of data based on a unique identifier and gives you a piece of information associated with that unique identifier.

    The letter "V" in VPR stands for "vertical". It is used to differentiate VLOOKUP and GLOOKUP functions, which looks up the value in top line array (“H” stands for “horizontal”).

    The VLOOKUP function is available in all Excel versions 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010, Excel 2007, Excel 2003.

    Syntax VLOOKUP functions as follows:

    VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table, column_number, [interval_lookup])

    As you can see, VLOOKUP function has 4 parameters or arguments. The first three parameters are required, the last is optional.

    1. lookup_value is the search value.

    This can be either a value (number, date or text) or cell reference(a reference to the cell containing the lookup value), or the value returned by some other Excel function. For example:

    • Search for a number: =VLOOKUP(40; A2:B15; 2) - the formula will search for the number 40.
    • Text search: =VLOOKUP(“apples”, A2:B15, 2) - the formula will search for the text “apples”. Please note that you always include text values in "double quotes".
    • Searching for a value from another cell: =VLOOKUP(C2, A2:B15, 2) - the formula will search for the value in cell C2.
    1. a table is two or more columns of data.

    remember, that VLOOKUP function always looks for the desired value in the first column of the table. Your table may contain different meanings, such as text, date, numbers or boolean values. Values case insensitive, which means that uppercase and lower case are considered identical.

    So our formula =VLOOKUP(40, A2:B15, 2) will look for "40" in cells A2 to A15 because A is the first column of the table A2:B15.

    1. column_number - the number of the column in the table from which the value in the corresponding row should be returned.

    The leftmost column in the specified table is 1, the second column is 2, the third is 3, etc.

    4. interval_view determines whether you are looking for an exact match (FALSE) or an approximate match (TRUE or omitted). This last parameter is optional, but very important.

    VLOOKUP function in Excel examples

    Now let's look at some use cases VLOOKUP functions for real data.

    VLOOKUP function on different sheets

    In practice, VLOOKUP formulas are rarely used to search for data on one sheet. More often than not, you will have to search and pull the relevant data from another sheet.

    To use the VLOOKUP function from another Excel sheet, you have to enter the worksheet name and Exclamation point in the table argument before the range of cells, for example, =VLOOKUP(40;Sheet2!A2:B15;2). The formula indicates that the search range A2:B15 is in Sheet2.

    Of course, you don't have to enter the sheet name manually. Just start typing the formula, and when it comes to the table argument, switch to the lookup worksheet and select the range with your mouse.

    The formula you see in the image below searches for text in cell A2 ("Product 3") in column A (1st column of search range A2:B9) on the "Prices" worksheet:


    VLOOKUP function in Excel - VLOOKUP function on different sheets

    How to use a named range or table in VLOOKUP formulas

    If you're going to use the same lookup range in multiple VLOOKUP formulas, you can create and enter a name for it directly in the table argument of your VLOOKUP formula.

    To create a named range, simply select the cells and enter any name in the Name box to the left of the Formula panel.

    VLOOKUP Function in Excel - Naming a Range

    Now you can write the following VLOOKUP formula to get the price of Product 1:

    VLOOKUP("Product 1";Products;2)

    VLOOKUP function in Excel - Example of a VLOOKUP function with a range name

    Most range names in Excel apply to the entire workbook, so you don't have to specify a worksheet name, even if your search range is on a different worksheet. Such formulas are much more understandable. Also, using named ranges can be a good alternative to cells. Because the named range doesn't change when the formula is copied to other cells, you can be sure that your search range will always remain correct.

    If you've converted a range of cells to a full-featured Excel table (Insert tab --> Table), you can select the search range with your mouse, and Microsoft Excel will automatically add the column names or table name to the formula:

    VLOOKUP function in Excel - Example of VLOOKUP function with table name

    The full formula might look something like this:

    VLOOKUP("Product 1";Table6[[Product]:[Price]];2)

    or even =VLOOKUP("Product 1";Table6;2).

    Like named ranges, column names are constant, and cell references will not change no matter where the VLOOKUP formula is copied.

    VLOOKUP function with multiple conditions

    Let's consider example of a VLOOKUP function with several conditions. We have the following input data:

    VLOOKUP function in Excel - Source data table

    Suppose we need to use VLOOKUP function with several conditions. For example, to search for the price of a product using two criteria: the name of the product and its type.

    1. In order to use VLOOKUP function with several conditions must be inserted at the beginning extra column, which will store information with the name and type of product.

    So, on the “Prices” sheet, insert a column and in cell A2 enter the following formula:

    Using this formula, we obtain the value of the “Product” and “Type” columns. Fill in all the cells.

    Now the lookup table looks like this:

    VLOOKUP Function in Excel - Adding a Helper Column
    1. Now in cell C2 on the “Sales” sheet we will write the following VLOOKUP formula:


    We fill in the remaining cells and as a result we get prices for each product in accordance with the type:

    VLOOKUP Function in Excel - VLOOKUP Example with Multiple Conditions

    Now let's look at it VLOOKUP function errors.

    Why doesn't the VLOOKUP function work?

    In this part of the article we will look at why Vlookup function doesn't work and possible VLOOKUP function errors.

    Error type



    The location of the column being searched is incorrect

    The table column in which the search is performed MUST be the leftmost one.

    • Move the column you are searching for to the far left of the table.
    • Or create an auxiliary duplicate column on the left in the table.

    Table range is not fixed

    If the first value was displayed correctly, and after stretching the VLOOKUP formula, the #N/A error is encountered in some cells, then the table range is not fixed.

    • Use ($) to lock a table range so that the formula uses the same range when populated.
    • Or use

    Could not find an exact match (if in time-lapse viewing search for exact value selected (0)

    IN time-lapse viewing the search for the closest value (1) is performed, and the table by which the search is performed is not sorted.

    Sort the first column of the table in ascending order of names.

    Use the TYPE or SPACE functions.

    Column number value exceeds the number of columns in the table

    Check the column number containing the return value.

    Quotes are missing in the formula

    If you are using as the desired value not a cell link, but text, then it must be enclosed in quotes.

    For example:

    VLOOKUP("Product 1"; Prices!$A$2:$B$8,2,0)

    I hope that now even for dummies VLOOKUP function in Excel will be clear.

    UMK Merzlyak line. Mathematics. Algebra. Geometry (5-11) (B)

    Line UMK Geography. "Classic Line" (5-9)

    Line UMK V. P. Dronov. Geography (Wind Rose) (10-11) (basic)

    Line UMK Volobueva-Ponomarev. General history(10-11) (BU)


    VPR in questions and answers

    Why was it created, when is it carried out, what does it threaten, how to prepare for it psychologically? We turn to official data and interviews with representatives of Rosobrnadzor.

    All-Russian testing work (VPR) is a practice designed to establish regular check the level of knowledge of schoolchildren for compliance with federal state educational standards. Russian schoolchildren wrote their first VPRs in 2015. Since 2016, All-Russian inspections have become regular.

    Having studied official sources, we answer questions about congenital malformation that parents most often ask.

    Basic information: why, for whom, how

    Why was it necessary to introduce VPR? Does the Unified State Exam really not provide all the necessary information?

    Students take specialized Unified State Examinations in all subjects not in general procedure, and by choice, that is, there is no way to obtain complete data on how the rest of the students learned the subject. In addition, graduates realize that their future studies and careers depend on the results of the Unified State Exam, so they prepare very carefully for specialized exams, most often resorting to the help of tutors and attending special courses. Therefore, the results of the Unified State Exam cannot judge the role of the school in the success of graduates. In order to get a more transparent picture, All-Russian inspection work has been introduced, compiled according to uniform requirements.

    In the 11th grade, CVs are carried out only for those students who did not choose the Unified State Exam in the relevant subjects. That is, whoever takes the Unified State Exam in Geography does not write a VPR in Geography.

    “Now schools themselves check how students have mastered subjects not included in the Unified State Exam or GIA-9, and conduct tests themselves. They guide them on their own assignments. No one controls how these tasks are composed, what their level of difficulty is, or how their completion is assessed. By introducing the VPR, we offered schools a unified assessment standard..." - Anzor Muzaev, Deputy Head Federal service on supervision in the field of education and science, in an interview with MIA “Russia Today” dated December 14, 2016.

    Read on topic:
    • Vadim Barabanov: “VPR is not an exam, but a test”
    • Modern geographical education at school: questions and answers

    In 2017, not all schools conducted VPR. Is this a mandatory and universal procedure, or can you still refuse?

    At the testing stage, the decision to participate in the VPR was made by schools. According to the 4VPR portal, in the 2016/17 academic year, three million children participated in VPR in 95% of the country’s schools. There is no exact information on the official website regarding 2018, but it is likely that school participation in the VPR for grades 4 will be mandatory.

    “In the 2017/2018 academic year, the testing of the VPR in history will take place in grades 5 and 11; in the next year, in the 5th grade, the VPR in history is planned to be introduced into the regular mode,” noted the head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science Sergey Kravtsov at the All-Russian Conference of the Association of History and Social Studies Teachers (source - press service of Rosobrnadzor).

    “This year, participation in the VPR for eleventh graders is voluntary, but next year all graduates of Russian schools will be required to take part in the VPR in history,” states Oksana Reshetnikova, director of FIPI (source -

    Is it possible for one of the students not to write a VPR if his school and his class are writing this work?


    The decision on the procedure for conducting VPR within a school is made at the school level (source - official website of VPR). The school administration can, for example, exempt children with disabilities health, but it is unlikely that each student will decide for himself whether to write a test paper or not to write it.

    Which classes will write VPR in 2017 and in what subjects?

    IN currently the list of All-Russian verification works is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 69 of January 27, 2017. It states that monitoring the quality of training in the form of testing will be carried out:

      in 4th grade - in Russian language, mathematics and the surrounding world,

      in 5th grade (in testing mode) - in Russian language, mathematics, history and biology,

      in 6th grade - on life safety,

      in 8th grade - in life safety,

      in 10th or 11th grade - in geography (in testing mode),

      in 11th grade - in physics, chemistry, biology and history (in testing mode),

      in 10th grade - in chemistry and biology.

    Of those listed, almost all of the VPRs have already been carried out, except for the VPRs in chemistry and biology for grades 10: their students will write on October 18, 2017.

    It is worth noting that this list may undergo changes and be supplemented with new items. We advise parents to keep their finger on the pulse and follow educational news.

    By whom and how are VPRs carried out? Is this a procedure as harsh as the Unified State Exam?

    Tasks for VPR are developed using federal level: this ensures the necessary unity of approaches in assessment. And the tests are carried out by the schools themselves, so children will take the test in their own walls.

    “Each educational organization independently makes a decision on the use of materials received for conducting graduate training, and establishes the procedure for carrying out the procedure in graduate classes,” - Vadim Barabanov, head of the Federal Commission of Developers of the KIM Unified State Exam in Geography FIPI, in an official interview with the Russian Textbook Corporation on December 20, 2016.

    The procedure for conducting VPR is extremely transparent and does not require any additional actions. The most common model for organizing VPR is as follows: first, the school registers on the federal portal for VPR support; A personal account is automatically created for her. Three days before the work (the exact schedule will be published closer to spring), the VPR materials are posted on the portal in the form of encrypted archives. The school code is received through your personal account. also in personal account there are evaluation criteria and electronic form to collect results.

    The test is carried out at school and takes 1 - 2 academic hours (for primary school- 1 hour). The recommended time for conducting VPR is the second or third lesson.

    The VPR is also checked by the teachers of your school on the day of the work. The results are then entered into a form and sent directly to a single information system so that experts can work with them.

    This is interesting:
    • Final essay 2017: how to prepare and how to prepare?

    VPR for students: benefits, risks, features

    But still, which result is more important - the Unified State Exam or the VPR?

    For eleventh graders, from the point of view of the impact of results on future studies and careers, the Unified State Exam is, of course, more important. The result of the VLOOKUP may not even affect ready-made assessment student's this subject: The decision to use the VPR results is made at the school level. Experts in the field of education note that influencing the annual assessment and making any serious decisions is not a priority task of the All-Russian testing work.

    “VPRs do not affect the certificate; based on their results, no vital decisions for the graduate are made; you do not need to prepare for them (VPRs) in any special way - you just need to study. We do not recommend that schools take into account the results of the VPR when assigning grades to the certificate...” - said Anzor Muzaev in an interview with MIA Rossiya Segodnya dated December 14, 2016.

    It is clear why Rosobrnadzor needs VPR data. How are VPRs useful for children?

    Even a very capable student will find it difficult to successfully pass the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam if he has a knowledge gap in grades 4, 5, 8. Often these gaps are invisible to teachers, parents, and children themselves. Finding out during a fateful exam that you missed something important several years ago is, to put it mildly, not very pleasant. The VPR is designed to promptly identify shortcomings and point out topics that, for some reason, were not fully understood by you.

    So, the result of the VLOOKUP is an indicator individual level student preparation, good tool to identify problem areas, as well as to take further decisions when constructing an individual educational trajectory.

    In addition, data on the results of the educational program as a whole for the school is an excellent marker of the level of the educational organization. This can be useful, for example, for parents who are choosing a school for their child: the results of the VPR can act as an objective criterion.

    VPR tasks - what are they?

    The task of the VPR is to check the level of knowledge of schoolchildren for compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, therefore common feature for VPR tasks in all subjects – practice-oriented.

    Since the tasks are so unusual, it means that Does preparation for the VPR provide any new, special load?

    VPR is the same test work as all that children write. It should not place any special heavy burden on the shoulders of children and parents. VPR tasks may seem difficult for those who studied without regard to the Federal State Educational Standard: in order to complete the tasks, it is not enough to reproduce memorized facts. You need to reason, analyze, think more broadly and freely navigate the issues. And for most children this is quite a challenging task: in 2017, 95% of the students who wrote the VPR completed the work.

    What happens if the child “fails” at the ED?

    First of all, an unsuccessful VPR result is a timely signal for both the student and the entire school. VPR can become a self-diagnosis tool and the basis for building a strategy methodological work. The main task of the VPR is to take another qualitative snapshot of data on students’ performance and the compliance of their results with the Federal State Educational Standards standards, and not to create additional obstacles for the student. However, many nuances will be decided at the school level.


    How to prepare for VPR?

    When should you start preparing?

    If from the 1st grade your children studied according to the teaching aids that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, then preparation for you has already begun. But to feel even more confident, you can now turn to study guides specially compiled to prepare for the VPR.

    All education experts note: VPR does not require special training - after all, for ordinary tests no one hires tutors. For greater peace of mind, it will be useful to look at demo versions of VLOOKUP: they are in open access on information portal VPR and on the FIPI website. If even after this you are still left with an uneasy feeling, you should pay attention to teaching aids, compiled specifically for preparation for the VPR.

    For eleventh-graders who are about to take the VPR in geography, we suggest testing their strength on the online VPR simulator. The resource includes a set of interactive test tasks on all main topics, and the results are calculated automatically.

    The basic rule for preparing for the VPR isjust study for a year. To prepare for test work in 2 months - a stressful and sometimes impossible task. The right decision is to prepare for the GCSE gradually, systematically, in the usual way for a schoolchild, using a variety of tasks and studying using modern textbooks.

    Alexandra Chkanikova

    *Since May 2017, the united publishing group "DROFA-VENTANA" has been part of the Russian Textbook corporation. The corporation also includes the Astrel publishing house and the LECTA digital educational platform. General Director Alexander Brychkin, a graduate of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Economic Sciences, head of innovative projects of the DROFA publishing house in the field of digital education, was appointed.