How to connect mobile to wifi router. Connecting on an iOS phone

How to connect WiFi on the phone?

From our article, you will learn how to connect WiFi on your phone using the widely used Android OS platform as an example. However, it does not matter which version of Android and even which operating system is installed on your phone - in any case, the step-by-step instructions for connecting WiFi will not differ much.

Instructions: how to connect WiFi on your phone

To connect "Wi-Fi" on the phone, you need to activate a special wireless network module. This is done like this - go to the "Menu" of the phone, then "Settings", look for WiFi and drag the slider to the "On" position. We click on WiFi and select an available network. The mobile phone automatically searches for available networks in your area. After searching, you just have to select the desired network and connect to it.

Network access may be blocked; in this case, you need to click on the "lock" icon and enter the password, and then "Connect". Save the result in your phone settings. The user comes up with a password himself, and if you are afraid to forget it, it is best to write it down in a notebook. After a successful connection, an icon will appear, which is located on the control panel. After you use the Internet services on your phone, you can turn off the WiFi network, or it will be activated automatically when you use your phone.

Mobile Internet using a home router

If you decide to access the Internet from a computer, you can use the mobile Internet, which is connected using a home router. First you need to type the required URL link in the address bar of the browser on your computer, and an automatic search for a wireless network will start. After selecting the network you need, enter the password, and after that the Internet page will start loading.

Remember that you will not be able to connect to other people's WiFi access points, because for this you need to know the password or agree with the person in advance about access to this network. Nowadays, there are a lot of organizations that "distribute" the Internet for free. The so-called free (free) WiFi access points are located directly in the premises where this service is provided.

We figured out how to connect to the Internet using a computer, and now we’ll talk about how to connect free Internet in various places outside the home or office.

Free WiFi connection outside the home

So how do you use a free hotspot? It is very easy to do this. This requires a cell phone that supports a WiFi connection. The “Free WiFi” service is absolutely free, and it can be available not only in Internet cafes, but also in ordinary cafes, restaurants and other public areas, such as minibuses, buses and even some trams - in the same St. Petersburg, there are several trams equipped with a free Internet access point. The presence of such an access point is indicated by a special plate, and below is most often the password for accessing the network.

The step-by-step steps for connecting are quite simple: launch a browser on your phone, then activate the search for available WiFi wireless networks. From the listed list, you must select the desired WiFi access point. To connect to this network, you may not need a password at all, you will automatically be taken to the page to gain access. At the bottom of this page there is a “Connect” button, by clicking which you can instantly use the Internet services.

useful links

Also, you may be interested in another article on a similar topic. It's called.

We wish you a pleasant stay and hope that our instructions will help you establish stable Internet access!

Smartphones are convenient for users because full-fledged PCs and laptops are easily replaced. The devices are compact, convenient and always at hand. The main thing is that modern devices have Internet access, carried out using various means: 3G, 4G and WiFi. To connect to the Internet in the first two ways, nothing but a paid package and an operator is needed. When it comes to the third, the question often arises: how to connect "wi-fi" to the phone.

Before you connect Wi-Fi to your phone, you need to perform a number of steps. First, turn off 3G and 4G networks. On Android platforms, this section is called "Mobile data" and is indicated by an icon highlighted in red. When connecting “wi-fi” to “Android”, it is gray, i.e. inactive.

Secondly, if the user is trying to connect the mobile phone to the home network, you need to make sure that the router distributes "Wi-Fi". This is done in several ways:

  • Check if the WAN light on the router is green.
  • Open the list of available networks in the device menu and if the name of your own “wi-fi” is known, its activity is visible, therefore, it is possible to connect to the Internet.
  • If you do not know the name of the personal network, you will need to go into the management of the router, more on this later.

To enter the settings, find out the password and login, you need to enter the address in any browser: or, depending on the router model. After that, you will need to enter the password and login from the device itself: by default, admin / admin. In the router settings, we are interested in the "Wireless networks" tab.

In the line "Network name or SSID" is the name of the personal WiFi, and in the column Security Key - the cipher from it. A checkmark next to Enable Wireless means that the distribution of the Internet is activated, this field can also be called "Wireless Network".

The password, like the name, can be changed if necessary. Now that you know the name and cipher of the network to which you want to connect, you should go directly to verification from Android.

How to connect your phone to Wi-Fi

For those who do not know how to connect to wifi from a phone, a visual instruction has been prepared. We will “log in” to the Wi-Fi network through a smartphone with an Android system. There are two ways to connect Wi-Fi:

  • Using the quick connect icon. To do this, you need to find the icon shown in the picture and click on it, making it active:

After that, the search for available networks that fall within the reception radius of the device will begin. After a few seconds, a menu will appear with a list of available wireless networks:

As you can see, in the first place is the network created in the management of the router. This is our home internet. When connecting, you should pay attention to the signal strength: the more bars that the arrow points to, the more stable the data will be transmitted.

After the user has decided on the network, the last step remains to resolve the issue of how to connect the phone to wifi. You need to click on the desired network, the authorization window will open:

To begin with, it is recommended to check the box "Display password" in order to see the entered data and avoid mistakes. Now enter the password, the code cannot be shorter than eight characters, it remains only to click on the "Connect" button. If everything is correct, the device will be authorized and access to the Internet will be obtained.

  • Another way how to connect wifi on a Samsung phone, for example, is a little different. To do this, you need to go to the settings, in the wi fi section:

In the new window, drag the slider to the ON state and click directly on the WiFi menu:

If the Wi-Fi network is hidden

In some cases, the network is invisible to other users, that is, it does not appear in the list of available connections. This is done to improve security.

In general, the Wi-Fi connection on the Samsung phone is not much different from the previous two, just a few actions will be added. First you need to go to the "wi-fi" configuration, open the list of available networks, scroll down and select "Add WiFi":

In the first field, you must enter the name of the connection, you can find it in the router settings, more details about this are described above, in the “Preliminary Steps”.

The next section in line is "Security", the most reliable will be the choice of the WPA2 encryption type. The last step is to enter the access password. Now click on the "Save" button and get access.

If DHCP is disabled

If, when connecting to Wi-Fi, the phone reports that the device is trying to obtain an IP address, but nothing happens, one of the reasons is a disabled DHCP server. It is he who is responsible for assigning addresses to connected devices.

The problem in this case is solved only through entering the router settings. To do this, you need to enter the IP address of the device in the browser according to the standard: or If none of the options fit, look for the IP on the box from under the router.

After the user has entered the main menu, find the "DHCP server" and check that the Enabled checkbox is checked. Save changes and enjoy the internet.

Set up a Wi-Fi network through your phone

In general, the methods are considered: "WiFi: how to connect it on the phone." It's time to talk about the possibilities of smartphones. In addition to simply using the Internet from the device, you can go to the router settings, change the necessary parameters, and even disconnect the router. This is very convenient when there is no access to the settings on another device, or the router has just been connected to the network.

Connecting to the Router from a Smartphone

The procedure for connecting to a router from a phone is no different if it was done from a computer or laptop. You need to be connected to the correct wireless network and also know the permanent IP address: or

Now, in order to connect the mobile to the connected network, you need to go to any browser, for example, standard Chrome, enter one of the addresses in the line. If it is correct, an authorization window will appear. The entered login and password give full access to the Internet.

Change network password

The first thing you can do by going into the settings from your phone is to change the Wi-Fi password. To do this, find the "Wireless Network" section, then "Security Settings". Security Key - the desired section. Enter your personal password at least eight characters long and save the settings:

Now, no one other than the “owner” of the network will be able to connect to the Internet without knowing the new authorization code.

Connection errors and methods for their correction

Connection errors can be different: from an incorrectly entered password to malfunctions or settings in the phone, as well as in the operation of the Internet access point. All this is discussed in a separate article "".


This article informed about ways to connect to the Wi-Fi network via phone. I also got acquainted with the settings of the router, the possibility of changing their configuration from a computer or Android OS. If users have solved the main task - they have connected from their gadget to the wireless Internet network - the answer to the question of how to connect Wi-Fi to the phone is solved.

On Android, you can connect WiFi in just a minute, and this article will describe the whole process step by step with illustrations.

Similar articles for other operating systems:

Setting up WiFi on an Android tablet or smartphone

If you use two types of Internet connection on your tablet (or smartphone) - both via cellular network and via WiFi - then, before connecting to WiFi, you need to disable the connection via cellular network:

After that, you can turn on WiFi:

In the list of access points, you need to touch the one you want to connect to. A window will open in which you need to enter the password and click the "Connect" button:

After a while, your device will connect to the hotspot:

If you touch this connection, information about it will be shown:

As you can see, connecting Android to WiFi is very simple.

Home WiFi networks

WiFi security

Since when using WiFi all information is transmitted by radio wave, this makes WiFi networks much more vulnerable compared to wired networks. The fact is that the radio signals sent by the access point (WiFi router) and devices that are connected to the access point are available for interception by any similar device that is within the radius of "hearing" from the access point or from the client of this access point. That is, the interception of network traffic becomes very simple, affordable and invisible. And the interception of network traffic allows you to collect the information necessary to attack a WiFi network. As there are more and more WiFi access points, the number of people who want to "hack" a WiFi network is increasing.

The most common motivation for hacking WiFi hotspots is to connect to the Internet via WiFi for free. A fairly common picture today is that you have a WiFi router installed in your apartment and not only your devices are connected to it, but also the computer of one of your neighbors. You pay for the Internet, and your tech-savvy neighbor gets the Internet for free.

But "theft" of the Internet is not the only reason WiFi networks are "hacked". The fact is that if an attacker gains access to your access point, he can access through it all the devices that are connected to your WiFi router. And this gives him the opportunity to steal your personal data. For example, passwords to mail, to Internet banks, your documents - in a word, to everything that you own.

Therefore, WiFi must be used with caution. Here are a few rules to follow.

Do not connect to open public WiFi networks through a laptop on which you store valuable information. And if you need to access the Internet through open WiFi networks, then use a firewall and antivirus on your laptop. Even better if you install two operating systems on a laptop. One main, which will store all your valuable information. And the other is empty, only to access the Internet through open WiFi networks.

If you use a WiFi router at home or in the office, you need to properly configure the WiFi router:

  • Use the WPA2 security type.
  • The password for protection should be long - better if more than 8 characters, and should consist of an arbitrary set of characters. Password marina1234 very bad - it will be hacked in a few minutes. Password }