How to connect a chandelier with a remote control. Design, installation of switchboards and control panels for automation systems Protection from interference and extraneous signals

Panels and consoles manufactured in factories are delivered to the construction site as complete, fully assembled units. For ease of transportation, complete panels are delivered in separate blocks up to 4 m long with all the parts for connecting them. Within the transported unit, all interpanel connections are made at the manufacturer's factory. Busbars are dismantled and delivered in separate packaging; sometimes measuring instruments, relays and devices are also dismantled before shipment.
The surfaces of live parts and unpainted parts of mechanisms are lubricated with technical petroleum jelly before packaging. Shields or their blocks are transported in a vertical position with unfastened braces and stops. For stability and ease of transportation, panel-type panels are secured with braces, which are removed after the panels are installed.
Panels supplied separately, in separate panels or cabinets, are pre-assembled in the workshops of the installation organization into separate blocks and transported to the installation area complete with busbars, taps, leads to resistance boxes, etc. Manufacturers send the necessary documentation along with the panels: schematic diagrams for each block; connection diagrams and specifications of installed equipment and devices.
Multi-panel panels in the MEZ are assembled in enlarged blocks of several panels per block based on the conditions of transportation and installation on site (crowded panel rooms, size of installation openings, use of lifting mechanisms), with fully completed busbars, wiring of secondary circuits and preliminary adjustment. At the places where the blocks are connected, all bus joints and connections of secondary circuits are marked and disconnected during transportation. The installation of blocks and their assembly into panels is carried out on pre-installed embedded metal structures with the restoration of inter-block connections according to markings and the connection of wires and cables for external communication.
Control panel panels are assembled on structures equipped with the necessary brackets, tags and ends for outgoing feeders. Resistance boxes are installed on structures and communication wires are laid along mounting rails. When fully assembled, magnetic stations are equipped with three or four panels in blocks up to 5 m long and weighing up to 3 tons with equipment in the form of inventory braces for transportation.
Loading and unloading of panels is carried out, as a rule, by cranes using inventory sling devices. When lifting a shield (block), the angle of inclination of the lifting cable to the vertical axis should not exceed 60; if this requirement is not met, special lifting crossbeams are used. The unloaded panels are brought into place in the switchgear room through the mounting openings, and they are moved inside the room by winches and other mechanisms along guide rollers or on a trolley.
In the panel room, before the installation of the panels begins, the following construction work must be completed: doors with locks are installed, glazed windows, cable channels with their ceilings are completed, clean floors, plastering, whitewashing and painting the room, ventilation and heating are installed. Openings and cable channels must be cleared of formwork, wooden plugs and construction debris. Before installation begins, builders must complete the work required by the project to seal the embedded parts.
For the installation of switchboards, design documentation is required: drawings of the switchboard room indicating the location of the shield installation, channels, openings; a questionnaire issued to the manufacturer, a single-line diagram of the primary circuits and a wiring diagram; cable log and connection diagram.

Installation of panels and consoles.

Boards and consoles are made for different purposes, designs and methods of maintenance, but the general principles of installation are the same for all. Before installation, the panel is unpacked, inspected and checked for its condition, completeness of delivery, compliance with shipping documents and project drawings.
Installation of switchboards, like other elements of electrical installations, is carried out in two stages. In the first stage, simultaneously with the main construction work, electricians install the embedded parts provided for by the project in the building structure or supervise their installation by builders, lay pipes to switchboards, cabinets or consoles, prepare electrical wiring routes and grounding networks. Before starting the installation of the switchboards, it is necessary to complete the wiring of the lighting network, the laying of grounding lines and the installation of support structures for laying and fastening wires and cables connected to the switchboards or cabinets.
After finishing the finishing work and accepting the premises for installation, the second stage of work is carried out: installing the switchboard, laying cables along prepared routes, installing cable couplings and seals, connecting cables and wires.
When preparing the shield for installation, marking work is performed. The purpose of marking is to determine on site the correct location of the switchboard or console in accordance with the project drawings and compliance with the required passage standards and distances between live parts. When marking the installation site, it is also necessary to ensure the correct alignment of the panel frame or console with openings and cable ducts, and the symmetrical arrangement of its longitudinal and transverse axes in relation to parts of the switchgear room. The PUE lists the permissible distances in electrical rooms that must be observed when installing the switchboard.
The starting marks for installing panels and consoles are the finished floor marks indicated by the builders in several places. The marks are transferred using a hydrostatic level or level. Marking the installation locations for complete panels and control panels is greatly simplified and is reduced to marking the installation of the foundation frame.
The basis for any panel or console is a foundation frame, usually made from channels No. 8 or 10, which is bolted to the concrete floor. The length and width of the frame depend on the total length of the panel or console and the depth of the panels, as indicated in the installation drawing.
Blocks of switchboards and consoles, supplied by the manufacturer as a set or assembled at the MEZ, are installed on the foundation frame, aligned in the horizontal and vertical planes along the cord and plumb line and temporarily secured to the frame. After installation, connection and alignment of all panels and frames, the shield or console is finally bolted and additionally welded at several points to ensure reliable grounding. Boards and consoles can also be attached by welding to embedded parts pre-provided in the building elements. Fixed electrical structures are welded, and removable ones are bolted.

After installing and securing the panel or console, the ready-made busbars and branches from them that came with it are mounted. The assembly of tires consists of selecting them according to markings, connecting them to each other and connecting them to devices. After cleaning the contact surfaces of the tires from lubricant, check the quality of their processing. Tires can be assembled and secured to insulators if the contact surfaces do not have dents, cavities, irregularities, burrs, cracks or other mechanical defects visible to the eye. Noticed defects are eliminated by repeated processing: the tires are cleaned under a layer of technical petroleum jelly, which is then removed and replaced with a new one.
The tires are connected by electric welding or bolts. For bolted connections, galvanized bolts, nuts and washers are used. Other anti-corrosion coatings for bolts, nuts and washers, such as bluing, are also acceptable. Tires must be painted: single-lane tires - on all sides, and for multi-lane tires - only the outer surfaces of their packages. The bolt nuts are placed on the side convenient for observation and tightening, in particular when connecting busbars mounted flat, the nuts are placed at the bottom and the bolt heads at the top. After tightening the bolts, check the contacts with a probe 0.05 mm thick and 10 mm wide on at least three sides of the connection. In this case, the probe should not enter the contact more than 4 mm.
Having finished assembling the busbars, check the distance between the fixedly fixed bare current-carrying parts, as well as between them and the insulated metal parts of switchboards and consoles (they must be at least 30 mm along the insulation surface and 15 mm in the air).
After assembling, aligning and securing the panel or console, the devices, which arrived in separate packaging, are installed on the foundation frame. Installation of devices consists of inspecting each device without disassembling it, installing or connecting wires or cables to it. Having ensured that they are in good working order, the devices are placed on the panel in accordance with the connection diagram. Relay measuring and recording devices are installed along the horizontal and vertical axes common to each type of device. In this case, the permissible deviations from the marking axes for devices installed on one panel are no more than 1 mm, on different panels no more than 3 m. After installing the devices, connect the ends of the wires to them according to the connection diagram and check the condition of the secondary circuits and their compliance with the requirements set out in SNiP. All keys, buttons and control handles are provided with inscriptions indicating the operation for which they are intended (for example, “on”, “off”); Inscriptions on signaling devices indicate the nature of the signal.
When checking and adjusting, adjust the contact surfaces of the jaws, knife switches and tubular fuses so that when switched on, the knives easily and tightly fit into the jaws over the entire contact surface without distortions, gaps or other defects. The tight fit of the jaws to the knives when the switch or tubular fuse is in the on position is checked with a probe 0.05 mm thick and 10 mm wide, which should only pass between the knife and the jaw with difficulty. The drive position locks must work accurately. The drive must not allow the switch to switch off spontaneously.
In devices with sliding contacts (rheostats, voltmeter switches and others), it is necessary to ensure proper pressure of the moving contacts on the stationary ones along the entire length of their stroke.
Devices are installed vertically in a plumb line, with the exception of special types of devices intended for installation in horizontal and inclined positions. When installing, the devices are aligned so that the starting and ending points on the scale of each of them lie on straight lines parallel to the longitudinal edges of the panels of the switchboard or console. Oil buffers of devices are filled with oil to the marks specified by the factory.
Next, they check the compliance of the installation work performed with technical conditions and standards. A detailed external inspection, electrical and mechanical tests are carried out. The insulation resistance of all secondary circuits of in-line connection, together with instruments and apparatus, is measured with a 500-1000 V megohmmeter and must be at least 0.5 MOhm. The mechanical strength of the fastening of circuit breakers and switches is checked by turning them on and off 30 times. If after this test no mechanical damage is detected (misalignment of the racks, jamming of lubricated rubbing surfaces), the circuit breaker or switch is allowed for operation.
The shield is painted by the manufacturer. The busbars of control panels, alarms and relay protection are painted at the installation site in accordance with their purpose. It is not allowed to paint live parts of devices: places of bolted connections and connections of busbars to the terminals of devices, as well as sections of busbars at least 10 mm from the connection points, places of connection to portable grounding busbars. If the painting is damaged, the panel is painted again after all construction, installation and adjustment work has been completed. Painted surfaces must be matte without smudges, bubbles or scratches. The coloring of the shield elements must correspond to their purpose.
Inscriptions about the purpose of the lines are applied with black paint using a stencil on the back side of the panels. On the front side of the panels, sheets with inscriptions are placed in frames under the drives. Panel numbers are applied from left to right in the center of the lower chord. The name of the shield or console is indicated on the top frame.
Installation of switchboards, input devices, cabinets consists of the following installation operations: marking, installation and alignment of the frame; installation of panel blocks consisting of individual panels or sections on the frame; connecting the blocks to each other and securing them to the frame; connecting wires and cables; grounding.
Switchboards, input devices, shields are installed on a plumb line or level strictly vertically. Their distance from pipelines must be at least 0.5 m. Floor and apartment panels, when installed in niches, are secured with spacer bolts or embedded parts, as well as with dowel screws or plastic dowels with screws.
The modern design of floor distribution panels allows them to be installed before finishing work begins. The shields are equipped with a special contact device for connecting to the mains without cutting them and are usually installed in niches, less often on the wall. In the niches, the shields are secured with four spacer bolts located on the chassis, after which the main wires are laid.
Panels and points, input cabinets and power boxes are completed and assembled in workshops into blocks on a common frame in different combinations. Panel blocks assembled in the workshops arrive at the installation site in a completely finished form: painted, with inscriptions, complete with auxiliary materials for installation.

Complete devices with voltage up to 1000 V in volumetric design.

Complete volumetric devices are rooms with fully assembled, adjusted and tested equipment. These include control posts for electric drives of mechanisms, rooms for control station consoles, parts of machine rooms, volumetric panels (Fig. 3) of control stations, etc.
Completely ready-made, assembled and equipped control rooms are delivered to the installation site, they are installed in prepared places and connected with external cables to other electrical equipment.

Volumetric electrical installations can consist (depending on the overall overall dimensions) of one or several ready-made transportable sections, articulated at the installation site into a single structure. Let us consider, as an example, the premises of control stations for rolling mills. The room is a frame structure welded from bent and rolled profiles, with control posts located inside. The floor and ceiling are double, and the ceiling is also an air duct. The walls have external and internal cladding. The facade of the posts and part of the side walls are glazed. The floor slabs on which the remote controls are installed are partially (200 mm wide strip) left unfastened (when removed, an opening is created for cable entry). The control stations, 3 m long, are non-demountable, while the rest consist of separate sections. Each section is a voluminous large-block device, supplied complete with control panels with all electrical connections within one section and electric lighting. The sections are connected to each other at the installation site with bolts along the entire longitudinal perimeter.
The posts can be installed both on the floor level and on special supports with a height of 1.8 to 4.5 m. In addition, the placement of control station panels in sealed cabinets in close proximity to the controlled mechanisms has become widespread, which does not require the construction of special rooms for switchboards, reduces cable communications and facilitates the operation of electrical equipment.

Typically, a universal remote control (RC) is a small box with LEDs, circuits and buttons. It works because the infrared sensor on it transmits the required code to the same sensor in another device. Using it, for example, you can adjust the sound volume, switch channels, change the power of a particular device, and much more. A universal remote control differs from a regular one in that several electrical appliances can be recorded into its circuit at the same time. Today we will look at how to set up a universal remote control for your TV.

Setting up a universal TV remote control

It will all be quite simple to do. It’s possible that nothing will work out the first time, but don’t despair right away.

If you haven't purchased it yet, you can buy it in China at a very low price.

Setup includes several methods:

  1. Press and hold SET (TV) until the red LED is active, then once on POWER, then enter the TV code and the indicator should go out. If the indicator does not go out, you must press the MULT button after entering the code.
  2. Dial the desired number and simultaneously hold SET (TV) and POWER.
  3. Hold SET (TV) until the red LED lights up, then press POWER once, point the remote control towards the turned on TV and wait for its response. Then press the MULT button.

In the event that the device does not start working, you need to try entering a different number for your existing TV model, or use method 3.

If you don’t want to set up the remote control yourself or it doesn’t work out, then you can ask an employee of some electronics store; you just need to know the TV code.

Setting up a universal remote control without a code

In this method, you will have to do the setup yourself and without entering a number. To do this, you first need to turn on the TV. Then on the remote control you need to hold the button called Set or maybe SETUP (TV) for a few seconds until the red sensor turns bright. Point your all-in-one device towards the TV and press the green POWER button. The indicator should start blinking, which means the device has started to select a code for your TV receiver. We are waiting for some reaction to occur on TV. For example, the sound turns off, the channel changes, etc., this reaction depends on the brand of the TV or even on the remote control. After waiting for a reaction, you must immediately press the MUTE button.

Pdf instructions for setting up the Rolsen remote control

Below is the official manual for setting up Rolsen: RRC - 200, RRC - 300. Perhaps it will be suitable for other devices.

After waiting a few seconds, the indicator will go out and you can use it. If it doesn’t work, then try after turning on the TV and after selecting a channel, turn off the sound, and then do the same steps as described just above. If you did everything correctly and your devices are really working, then the setup should be successful.

Residential buildings use different lighting sources: chandeliers, sconces or recessed lamps. These lamps must be turned on and off. For this purpose, switches fixed to the wall or lamp are used. You need to approach them, but there are lighting devices whose switch you can put in your pocket - these are chandeliers with a remote control.

A regular switch is fixed in one place. This is an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time - it will never get lost, it is easy to find in the dark, but to turn the light on and off you need to go to the installation site.

You can carry the remote control with you and control the light without getting out of bed. But such a device is easy to lose in the room. A system consisting of a small-sized remote control and a stationary switch does not have this drawback. More advanced models have a sound signal function on the portable module when commanded from a stationary unit.

The operation of the remote control is based on transmitting commands using radio waves.

This system consists of two blocks:

  • Transmitter located in the remote control unit. Depending on the buttons pressed, it sends a control radio signal to the receiver located in the chandelier. The remote control is powered by batteries;
  • A radio receiver located in a chandelier. This receiver is configured to receive only the signal from its remote control. The received commands are processed by the automation unit, which controls the lamps. Power is supplied from a 220V network.

Remote control principle

Commands are issued by pressing buttons on the remote control and transmitted via radio waves to the receiving device built into the controller - the electronic unit that controls its operation.

This device consists of the following parts:

  • power supply;
  • signal receiver with built-in antenna;
  • a logical circuit that decrypts the input signal and transmits it to the power unit;
  • power unit - turns the light on and off or changes its brightness.

The controller is small in size and placed in a chandelier or suspended ceiling.

Important! The disadvantage of such boards is their sensitivity to overheating and high humidity.

SDS selection

There are many varieties of remote control systems; you can choose the one you need based on specific conditions.

Control range

First of all, the required sensing distance is determined. In ordinary residential premises, 8 meters is sufficient. Budget systems have this range. They consist of a portable remote control and a built-in controller.

Protection against interference and extraneous signals

There can be many remote control systems in an apartment building. To prevent them from influencing each other, the remote control and controller must be mutually configured.

To do this, the radio signal is encrypted using a certain algorithm, and commands from an external remote control are not perceived by the controller.

Note! The disadvantage of this scheme is that the settings are performed at the factory and if the remote control is lost or broken, the entire set has to be changed.

Number of control channels

The number of control channels corresponds to the buttons on the remote control and the number of lamps that the system can control. The most common designs have 4 channels and 4 buttons:

  • A, B – control individual lamps or operating modes of the lamp;
  • C – turns on the light completely;
  • D – turns off the light completely.

Lamps power

Chandeliers consume a certain power and current, depending on the number and type of lamps installed. The controllers install switching systems for lamps with a total power of up to 1 kW. This is more than any of the household chandeliers.

Important! If it is necessary to control more power, a higher power controller is selected, or an additional relay is installed.

Power supply for remote control and controller

The electronic circuits of the transmitter and receiver require power supply:

  • The remote control contains regular AA or AAA batteries. Instead, you can use batteries of the appropriate format;
  • The controller is connected to a 220V network by wires that power the chandelier. When connecting, it is necessary to connect “zero” and “phase” to the corresponding terminals.

Interesting. When voltage is applied after the network is turned off or the switch is turned on, the controller will turn on the light without waiting for a control command.

Remote controller installation locations

Remote control boards can be mounted in lamps of any design; it is only necessary to take into account the lamp current and mains voltage.

The controller is installed in one of the following places:

  • into the space in the ceiling near the place where the lamp is suspended;
  • in the protective casing or body of the chandelier;
  • in the mounting box to which the lamps are connected;
  • inside a plasterboard wall;
  • instead of a wall switch.

In all these places, the controllers are simply switched on when the network is disconnected, with the exception of installation instead of a regular switch. To operate, the board needs power - phase and zero, and the switch comes with phase and wire from the lamp. Therefore, zero must be supplied separately. The easiest way to do this is to install the switch in the same block with sockets.

How to assemble a chandelier with SDU

Control boards can be installed in any lamps: from antique to the most modern, with LEDs and halogen lamps. The advantages of modern equipment are the availability of additional boards that provide various lighting effects and places for their installation.

Inside the case there are:

  • remote controller with antenna;
  • lamp power and network connection wires;
  • the terminal to which the grounding conductor is connected;
  • additional special effects boards.

Additional features of the remote control system

In addition to conventional light control, such systems have additional capabilities. Unused control channels are connected to other electrical devices. This could be a sconce, electric curtains or ceiling fan.

More complex devices are capable of, in addition to the usual functions:

  • turn on the lights on a timer;
  • change the brightness and color of LED lamps;
  • serve as a light and music installation.

In addition to conventional radio-controlled devices, there are designs that are controlled by clapping or other loud sounds.

How to connect a chandelier with a remote control

The chandelier with the control panel is assembled on the floor, after which it is attached to the ceiling. The “pendants” are attached to the chandelier after the work is completed. The methods of attaching such devices do not differ from conventional ones, but connecting a chandelier with a remote control has its own characteristics.

Switch installation

If the set does not include a stationary control panel, the wall switch is dismantled or turns off the device completely.

The stationary remote control is installed instead of a regular switch and works regardless of the portable device. In addition to controlling the light, a stationary remote control will help you find a mobile one - when you press a button on a wall-mounted device, the portable one emits a beep.

Searching for neutral and phase wires on the ceiling

According to the PUE, a stationary switch should break the phase wire, but this is not always the case. Therefore, the search for the neutral and phase wires on the ceiling begins with checking the correct phasing on the switch:

  1. turn on the switch, the lamp should be on;
  2. open the protective cover;
  3. Use an indicator screwdriver to check the presence of phase on the terminals.

If the indicator shows phase, then the connection is made correctly. If a phase is missing, it will appear on one of the terminals when the device is off. In this case, the connection is incorrect and needs to be changed.

Important! In a two- or three-key switch, the phase wire is connected to a single terminal.

After checking the connection on the switch, a search is made for zero and phase on the ceiling:

  1. Turn off power;
  2. Remove the chandelier and strip the ends of the wires. Spread them apart;
  3. If the switch is multi-key, then leave one outgoing wire. The rest should be disconnected and isolated;
  4. Apply power and turn on the switch;
  5. Use an indicator screwdriver to find the phase wire on the ceiling. Bend it to the side;
  6. Using a tester, find the end that gives 220V in relation to the phase wire. This is a null output;
  7. Turn off the power again and connect the controller located in the chandelier. Insulate excess ends.

Connecting the controller

The controller is connected according to the diagram located on the device body or in the attached passport. The phase wire coming from a stationary switch or wiring box is connected to the “L” terminal, and the neutral wire is connected to the “N” terminal. The lamp is connected to the “N” and “Out” terminals. If there are several channels, one of the wires of each lamp is connected to its “Out” terminal, and the remaining wires together are connected to the “N” terminal.

Grounding is connected to the “PE” terminal.

A chandelier with a remote control provides additional possibilities for organizing lighting. Connecting such lamps is accessible to any craftsman with minimal skills in electrical installation and knowledge of electrical engineering.


Panel product terms:

Frame - a rigid load-bearing volumetric or flat metal frame, designed for the installation of panels, walls, doors, covers and the installation of devices, apparatus, electrical and pipe wiring, etc.

A cabinet is a three-dimensional frame on a supporting frame with a panel, walls, door, and lid installed on it.

A stand is a volumetric or flat frame on a supporting frame.

Panel with frame - a three-dimensional frame on a supporting frame with a panel installed on it.

The remote control body is a three-dimensional frame with an installed inclined tabletop, walls, and doors.

Cabinet panel - a cabinet with equipment, fittings, installation products installed on standardized mounting structures, a rotating or stationary frame, and with electrical and pipe wiring, prepared for connecting external circuits and devices installed on site.

Panel board with frame - a panel with a frame with equipment, fittings, installation products installed on standardized mounting structures, a rotating or stationary frame, and with electrical and pipe wiring, prepared for connecting external circuits and devices installed on site.

A tripod is a rack with a three-dimensional frame and mounted on standardized mounting structures, equipment, fittings, installation products and with electrical and pipe wiring, prepared for connecting external circuits and devices installed on site.

Flat tripod - a rack with a flat frame and mounted on standardized mounting structures, equipment, fittings, installation products and with electrical and pipe wiring, prepared for connecting external circuits and devices installed on site.

Auxiliary panel and auxiliary panel with doors are panels designed for the design of multi-panel frame panels.

Decorative panel - a panel designed for decorative design of the upper part of panel boards with a frame, as well as for mounting elements of mnemonic diagrams.

Corner insert is an element designed to connect two adjacent panels or consoles installed at an angle to each other.

Abbreviations in symbols

Shch - panel, Sh - cabinet, ShchPK - panel panel with frame, ShchShM - small-sized cabinet panel, S - cabinet, SP - flat cabinet, P - remote control, PNP - remote control with an inclined instrument attachment, ZD - rear door, PZD - front and back doors

O2 - open on both sides, OP - open on the right, OL - open on the left, ZP - closed on the right, ZL - closed on the left.

If the name ends with the letters ZD, then the shield is closed, if ShchPK is open on both sides, numbers 2 and 3 are the number of sections.

Figure 2.4 - Block diagram of the construction of panel structures according to GOST 36.13-76

Let's choose a Gemini IP66 cabinet

Let's choose DIN rail 1SL0290A00

Choosing a cable kit


Before starting work on the installation of switchboards, consoles and cabinets, it is necessary to check the construction and technological readiness of the design mark; by this time, preparatory work must be completed, metal structures must be installed for the installation of small-sized switchboards and flat cabinets. Such metal structures include perforated, for example Z-shaped, profiles for installation on a wall; clamps for tying columns; stands for installation on the floor. The advisability of installing stands before attaching small-sized panels to them is determined by the installation conditions prevailing at a particular facility. The specified installation metal structures are fixed either on pre-installed embedded elements, or using SMP, plastic dowels or welding. Electrical and pipe wiring must be laid and brought to the installation sites of panel structures. The panels must be placed on the installation area so that the need for additional rigging work during their installation is eliminated.

The specific locations of panel structures determine their installation on various building foundations (Fig. 2.5). The features of the latter, as well as the design of the supporting parts of shields, consoles and cabinets, determine the method of their fastening (Fig. 2.6). There are two main methods of fastening: collapsible and non-dismountable, characteristic of most types of panel structures. For flat cabinets and auxiliary panels, a combined method is used, in which the supporting frame of the product is welded to the embedded elements, and the body of the product is fixed with threaded connections.

Panel structures must be delivered to the site in a form ready for installation, namely: with devices and installation products; with internal electrical and pipe wiring, prepared for connecting external circuits, as well as devices installed on site; with structures for installation and fastening of instruments, apparatus and electrical and pipe wiring; with fasteners for assembling and installing panel structures on site. The delivery set of the panel structure should include a passport, a general drawing with tables of connections and connections, and a key to the door lock.

Fig 2.5

Figure 2.6

During installation, panels, consoles and cabinets must be installed in a vertical position; before fastening, they must be aligned with level and plumb. The permissible deviation should not be more than 1° in any direction. Frames and auxiliary elements of composite panels must be fastened together with detachable connections. The gaps between the connecting surfaces should not exceed 2 mm per 1 m of length. The fastening of frames and auxiliary elements of adjacent panels, consoles, and cabinets to each other is carried out in two stages after alignment with level and plumb. At the first stage, preliminary alignment (using a bead) of the holes in the frame racks of adjacent panels and cabinets is performed. The ovality of the holes allows, without removing the bit, to insert a screw into the same hole, and then attach a nut for ShchPK, ShchSh shields and S cabinets; It is recommended to start this work with the holes on the rear pillars and the upper frame of the frame as the most accessible. At the second stage, after installing all the screws, they are tightened evenly.

Tightening of threaded connections is carried out using wrenches and screwdrivers. The use of universal tools (pliers, pliers, etc.) for these purposes is not permitted. Broken contact connections must be restored so that the quality of the restored connection is identical to the unbroken connection. It is also necessary to restore the paintwork if it is damaged during installation of the panel structure.

Upon completion of installation work, each panel, console or cabinet must be thoroughly inspected. During the latter process, it is necessary to check: the completeness of the panel structure; the correctness of its placement, fastening of the components to each other and to the embedded elements; quality of installation and fastening of devices, introduced cables and pipes. Panel structures are considered ready for commissioning if the full checks carried out give a positive result.

By purpose electrical panels and control panels can be:

· operational ones, from which the technological process is managed and monitored;

· non-operational, intended only for the installation of apparatus, instruments and devices not used directly for control and monitoring of the technological process;

· combined, which can perform both operational and non-operative functions.

By constructive The design of the electrical panel can be:

· external or internal installation;

· floor-mounted and wall-mounted;

· metal and plastic;

· cabinets with one, two and multi-sections;

· with front, rear and double-sided doors.

For modern automation systems, taking into account the use of microcontrollers, all control equipment can be placed in wall-mounted one-sided small-sized cabinets, and non-operational equipment in plastic modular panels.

To install switchboards and control panels, you must have an installation diagram, a general outline drawing with a list of all elements, including installation accessories.

At layout of automation equipment on switchboards and consoles should be considered:

· purpose and number of instruments and devices;

· ease of installation and operation;

· aesthetic aspects of appearance;

· service safety.

Rice. 1. DIN rail and installation of an electrical device on it: a - installation; 6 - dismantling

The configuration and dimensions of DIN rails are given in the IEC 60947-7-2 standard (IEC 60947-7-2:2002 Designation: Low voltage distribution and control equipment - Part 7-2 - Auxiliary equipment - Terminal blocks with protective conductor for copper conductors) .

Usually, connecting terminals are also installed in the cabinet on DIN rails, united by standard sizes depending on the cross-section of the connected wires. They are designed both for connecting external wires and for connecting devices located on different panels of the cabinet (for example, on the door).

The range of manufactured terminal connections is very extensive, both in design (screw, spring, for quick installation, single- and multi-tier, etc.) and in electrical parameters (clamping cross-section from 0.14 to 240 mm2, current up to 400 A and voltage up to 1000 V).

In Fig. Figure 2 shows the most common terminals mounted on any DIN rail configuration: screw (a), spring (b), for quick installation (c) and screw for grounding, painted yellow-green (d), which are used to connect protective neutral conductors PE.

If the project does not provide for separate control panels, then the following are located on the front panels or front doors of control cabinets:

· measuring and control instruments;

· lighting equipment;

· operational equipment (buttons, switches, etc.);

· mnemonic diagrams.

The listed devices are arranged into functional groups, usually in the order of the technological process.

Rice. 2. Types of terminal connections: a - screw; b - spring; c - for quick connection; g - screw for grounding

For floor-mounted control cabinets The recommended installation height for control equipment is (in mm from the floor to the bottom edge of the device):

· indicating instruments and signaling equipment: 950 - 1800;

· recording and recording instruments: 110 - 1700;

· operational control equipment: 800 - 1600;

· mnemonic diagrams: 1000-1900.

Preference is given to the lower limit. The same values ​​must be adhered to when installing wall-mounted control cabinets directly on site.

Connections of devices and devices to each other are made in accordance with the connection diagram. According to SNiP 3.05.07-85, the connection of single-wire copper conductors of wires and cables with a cross-section of 0.5 and 0.75 mm2 and stranded copper conductors with a cross-section of 0.35, 0.5 and 0.75 mm2 to devices and apparatus, terminal assemblies should, as As a rule, they are performed by soldering if the design of their terminals allows this to be done. If copper conductors of the specified sections are attached to devices that have terminals for connecting to a screw or bolt, then the conductors of these wires and cables must be terminated with a ferrule.

In Fig. Figure 3 shows various types of cable lugs, selected depending on the design of the terminal of the connected device, and a tool for crimping the lugs.

Rice. 3. Designs of cable lugs and tools for crimping them: a - ring; b - fork: c - for quick connection; g - power; d - tubular; e - crimping tool

Single-wire copper conductors of wires and cables with a cross-section of 1.0; 1.5; 2.5; 4.0 mm2 can be connected directly under a screw or bolt, and stranded wires of the same or larger sections can be connected using lugs.

Each end of the wire or cable core at the point of connection to the device or device must be numbered with the number of the electrical circuit in accordance with the wiring diagram.

The simplest marking method is to apply a number with a marker (special felt-tip pen) to a piece of PVC tube, which is placed on the end of the wire before connecting it to the device.

A more progressive method is to use a holder that snaps onto the connected wire and into which a nameplate with the designation of the electrical circuit is inserted (Fig. 4, a). The same figure (Fig. 4, b) shows marking rings that allow standard or individual marking of terminals in a row.

Rice. 4. Modern methods of marking electrical circuits during installation: a - using a snap-on holder; b - using marking rings

Previously, connecting wires were grouped into bundles using harsh threads and other tape insulating materials. This technology was very labor-intensive, unaesthetic and caused inconvenience during setup and repair (to replace the wire, it was necessary to cut the entire harness).

The listed disadvantages are completely eliminated when using perforated boxes (Fig. 5, a), installed along the perimeter of the mounting plane and between the rows of devices. In this case, the installation is carried out without laying out the wires, and after its completion, the boxes are closed with lids, which makes the appearance of the inside of the cabinet more aesthetic. To combine the wires of an interpanel flexible connection (for example, between the inner panel of a cabinet and the equipment on the door), a spiral tube is used (Fig. 5, b).

Rice. 5. Mounting accessories used when installing cabinets and consoles: a perforated box; b - spiral tube; c - seal; g - cable lug

Depending on the installation location and the corresponding degree of protection (IP), automation cabinets and panels must be equipped with input devices of the appropriate types.

Thus, for ordinary premises, it is sufficient to install a rubber seal on the outlet side of the cabinet (Fig. 5, c), in which a hole is cut for the supply pipe with a minus tolerance. For more severe operating conditions, special cable lugs are used (Fig. 5, d). The entire cabinet design must comply with the same conditions in terms of IP protection degree.

In Fig. Figure 6 shows general views of control panels for the ventilation and air conditioning system (with doors removed).

Rice. 6. General view of control panels for the ventilation and air conditioning system

Panels and consoles are installed on site after completion of all construction and basic finishing work, construction of cable channels, openings for cables and pipes, foundations and embedded metal structures.

The installation conditions for switchboards and consoles are determined by the projects, however, there are a number of general requirements that are provided for in SNiP 3.05.07-85:

· full-size cabinet and panel boards are installed only on supporting steel frames or on a concrete (brick) base;

· small-sized cabinet panels and modular panels are usually mounted on columns, walls, in openings and other building structures (wall-mounted) or on floor racks; fastening is carried out using bolts, the holes for which are located on the rear wall of the cabinet;

· the spatial position of panels and cabinets must be strictly vertical and horizontal;

· in the presence of vibrations, special shock-absorbing devices must be used at the installation site of switchboards and consoles;

· floors in the room where switchboards and consoles are located should not be electrically conductive;

· electrical wiring inputs into panels and control panels are carried out, as a rule, from below through rubber seals;

· the housings of metal panels and consoles are subject to mandatory grounding.

Group input of wires or cables laid in metal boxes, is carried out through a hatch, which is cut out in the wall of the panel during its manufacture.