How to forward a message to yourself on VK. How to send a message to yourself on VK

VKontakte is an amazing social network, it is a rare place where you can chat with yourself. It would seem, who needs this? But there is a point, because the other you can be used for selfish purposes. Writing to yourself on VKontakte will be useful for the following actions:

  • Quickly save any letter, an alternative to notes.
  • The ability to write news or upload a picture to a server and store it personally for yourself, like a cloud, only on your favorite social network.
  • Recording someone else's speech before deleting it. Does your interlocutor often delete content? Send it to your personal account and the message will remain there forever, no matter how mad the interlocutor may be. Using the same method, you can save pictures, videos, voices, and so on before deleting.

You can correspond endlessly with yourself on VK. It’s like forwarding with any other user, only your page acts as the second person. Everything sent there instantly comes to you, as if someone wrote to you from this page (and this is actually you). It turns out to be a boomerang letter. Try sending something and see how it works.

How to write to yourself via a computer or laptop?

To write to yourself, open VKontakte through any convenient browser. There are two ways to get to dialogue with yourself, namely:

  1. Create a link to a conversation with your page.
  2. Find PM with you in the list of correspondences.

And yes, such an operation does not need to be performed every time. It is enough to find yourself once and write something there, after which the correspondence with yourself will be displayed in the list of messages along with other VKontakte dialogues. So you can read it at any time and scribble something there again. But by deleting all the posts in it, it will disappear again and you will need to carry out an operation to restore it again.

Then insert these numbers here instead of asterisks and follow the resulting link:***********

After the transition, you will get into regular correspondence, only the recipient will be a person with your avatar and name, oh, that’s you! By the way, this link can be sent to anyone, and if you click on it, the user will immediately be sent to correspondence with you.

But there is a simpler method. To execute it, open the “Messages” tab and click on the search input field. In this field, enter the exact first and last name of your page. To be on the safe side, it’s better to go to “My Page” and just copy your name there.

By clicking on the bar with your account, a correspondence with yourself will open. That's all, nothing complicated.

How to write to yourself via a smartphone on Android or IOS?

It’s even easier to write to yourself from your phone! Just go to the messages tab and click on the magnifying glass icon at the top right.

In the line that appears, write your first and last name, then select your own profile from the proposed options.

By clicking, the desired correspondence with yourself will open. Now 100% you will have at least one smart and interesting interlocutor in this social network.

Why doesn't the correspondence open?

If for some reason none of the methods work, make sure that you wrote your first and last name correctly. It is very important that these values ​​are written exactly as on the page. Also, if you have additional characters added between your last name and first name, remove them from the search and then everything will work.

There are several ways how to get into dialogue with yourself. We will consider everything, and you yourself choose the one that is convenient for you.

How to send a message to yourself on VKontakte

Through a friend's page

Select any friend from the friends list and go to his page. Then we open his list of friends and look for ourselves in it (via search). Click on « to write a message » and move on to dialogue.

Via url

Enter the following URL into the address bar*** , where instead of asterisks we indicate the id of our page. After the transition, a dialogue will open in which you can write messages to yourself.

Through search in messages

If you have already created a dialog and it is no longer empty, then go to « » and in the search we type our first and last name and then select the desired dialogue.

As you can see write to yourself on VKontakte is not a complicated process and you can easily use this dialog as a repository of information that is always at hand when you have the Internet. Thank you for your attention!

Many will agree with me that this is not the most useful or innovative feature, but in some cases writing a message to yourself is the most convenient option for quickly saving a small amount of information.

The usefulness of this method of storing information lies in the fact that flash drives are usually lost, the very fact of recording information on them is sometimes forgotten, and VKontakte messages are universal: they themselves are not deleted, and as soon as you go to the social network, you will immediately remember what was in the dialogue there is some information waiting to be processed with itself.

Therefore, we will look at two currently available ways to write a message to yourself on the VKontakte social network. So:

First method: via link
You need to follow this link: ID_from_your_page or like this: ID_from_your_page. After the transition, a dialogue with yourself will automatically start.
Second way: through the website
You need to go to the page of any of your friends. Then to the section with his friends. We look for ourselves and click on the “Write a message” button opposite ourselves and send.

In both cases, a new self-dialogue will be automatically created. Next time, to write a message to yourself, all you need to do is go to the messages section and find this dialogue.

This article discusses another feature of the VKontakte social network - the ability to start VK with yourself. Having found a useful article, note or link to a unique resource on the Internet, it is convenient to send it or copy the text to yourself in VK, as if writing it down in a notebook. This will take a minimum of time, and later, when it is convenient, you can always thoroughly study what you sent to yourself in the dialogue. There is also always the option to send yourself documents using attachments in the chat. Typically, this may be necessary if you want to transfer a file from your work computer to your home computer.

There are several ways to help yourself. Let's look at them in order.

A very simple way to open a conversation with yourself. In the Messages section, start typing your last name, first name, or nickname in the search bar. In the results, select the line with your profile - you're done!

Find yourself with a friend

Let's look at this method. In any friend's friends list, find your profile. Under your avatar, click “Write a message” - the chat will be created automatically.

Unique identification number

In the “My Settings” section, the individual VK page number () is indicated. Enter the link in the address bar of your browser