How to send a beggar from Beeline? The most effective way to throw off a beggar. How to send a call from MTS

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we often forget to check how much money is left on our mobile phone, and sometimes we find ourselves in the unpleasant situation of zero or even minus balance on our phone without the ability to urgently make a payment.

Beeline customers are lucky: the operator made sure that you are in touch even if you run out of money in your account. All tariffs have options that allow you to contact other users and ask them for a friendly favor to top up your account or pay for a call. A person with any experience in using a telephone can take advantage of these opportunities. The article is devoted to how to competently deal with “beggars” and describes alternative methods of communication in case of zero and minus.

“Top up my account” function

The classic version of “begging” is when you literally ask an acquaintance, relative or friend for money into your account. You can send a free SMS from Beeline no more than 5 times a day; this is done using the command *143*subscriber number#, after which the call key is pressed. The feature is convenient because it does not require a connection and is available even in roaming.

The problem can only occur if you have disabled the service at some point. Reactivation command: *143*1#green handset. It is also possible to manage the function via the Internet in your Beeline personal account.

Call me back feature

In colloquial speech, a request to call back is called a “beacon” - no more than 10 of them can be sent per day on all tariff plans. The service is free, does not require activation, operates in international roaming and is available in the Russian Federation and CIS countries. You have the right to send SMS “waiting for a call” to users of other operators. The recipient will receive a message with the text “Call me back, please.”

The command for the option looks like this: *144*destination number#, then the call button. The only situation in which it is impossible to send an SMS with a request to call back is if the user is prohibited from accepting such requests. You can disable and enable the reception of requests to call back using the commands *144*0#green handset and *144*1#green handset, respectively.

Other ways to stay connected

Function “Call at the expense of the interlocutor”

A useful service when it comes to urgent calls. Dial the combination 05050 before the user's telephone number, and the autoinformer will inform him that the cost of the call will be debited from his personal account. You will also be notified that the interlocutor pays for the call. The subscriber has the right to reject your request by simply dropping the incoming call. To give his consent to pay for the call, he needs to press the “1” key.

A significant drawback of the method is that only Beeline subscribers who are on the home network, like you, can pay for you. The limit on the number of requests per day is no more than 15.

Function "Trust payment"

You can regain access to the services of your mobile operator by asking them to temporarily top up your balance. The payment amount is calculated individually and depends on your monthly communication costs. The maximum amount is 450 rubles, the minimum is 50 rubles. Unfortunately, you cannot use the option if you deposit less than 50 rubles per month on your phone.

The service is provided on demand, that is, it requires connection each time; The command *141#call button will help you with this. If you want to find out the available limit for your trust payment, then dial the combination *141*7#call button.

The principle of operation of the scheme is based on the fact that you are given a certain amount automatically for temporary use. The funds will be debited by the operator exactly 3 days after the request is activated. Thus, during these three days you are obliged to replenish the balance by an amount exceeding that given to you for use. Otherwise, you will go into the red, and your number will be blocked until your personal account is replenished.

The option is accompanied by several more conditions:

  • not available to newcomers who have been using the operator’s services for less than two months (60 days);
  • you can ask the operator for a trust payment only after 24 hours have passed since the previous replenishment;
  • the service is not free: an additional 15 rubles will be written off along with the debt;
  • You can set up an automatic trust payment using the combination *141*11#green tube. Money will come if there are less than 50 rubles left on the balance.

You can activate the option not only using the USSD command, but also in your Beeline personal account or by calling the contact center.

You need to choose a way to stay in touch, taking into account the circumstances and your own capabilities. Thus, beacons and beggars will save your time and money, but can burden other subscribers, while a paid “trust payment” will allow you to solve the problem on your own. Remember the conditions of each method and carefully monitor your phone balance.

Have you suddenly run out of money on your mobile phone, and there is no way to top up your balance or take the promised payment? The situation is unpleasant, but at the same time familiar to many. Moreover, there immediately arises an urgent need to call the interlocutor. How to be?

It's simple. The Beeline operator again comes to our aid with the “call me back” service. So, let's try to figure it out what it is.

We send a beggar on Beeline. Brief instructions.

In fact, there is nothing difficult about sending a so-called beggar. It will be enough to dial the request *130* subscriber's phone number # on your mobile phone and press the call key.

After some time, you will receive a response SMS message indicating that your request to call has been received.

Some people don’t like to wait for the other person’s reaction to a request to call, since the conversation is urgent. In this case, you will like this service even more.

How to use it? It will be enough to dial 0550 and then the number of the called subscriber. As soon as the subscriber picks up the phone and agrees to pay for the call, you can start communicating.

You see, everything is extremely simple and clear. The main thing is not to forget that you can use this service no more than 15 times a day.

Read more about the “Call me back” service on Beeline.

This service is quite simple and does not require prior activation. It will be enough to remember the request code and the fact that you can use it no more than 5 times a day.

If suddenly you cannot remember how to send an SMS with a request to call you back, you can get the necessary information about the service by dialing the reference number *130#.

Mobile communications are becoming an integral part of the life of a modern person. And when daily calls and mobile Internet use deplete your phone account, information on how to send a beggar from Megafon becomes useful when the money runs out at the most inopportune time. Often, users themselves do not bother to check their balance before making an important call on Megafon, and are faced with the problem of how to top up their account immediately without the usual machines and the Internet at hand.

In order not to run and search anywhere, you should know how to get a free service for replenishing your balance on Megafon. For this purpose, the operator has developed several free and convenient ways to top up your balance.

You can ask your friends to top up your mobile phone account for free, make a call at a friend’s expense, or take advantage of the kindness of your mobile operator. But the most convenient way is the service that is popularly called “beggar” on Megafon. It allows you to stay in touch for free and provides several services to replenish your account, information about which is given below.

How to make a request

  1. The "" service on Megafon will be free and does not require special installation through a mobile operator. To call a subscriber for free, dial *144*subscriber number# and press the call button. When the subscriber receives the message, he will have a friend’s request to top up his money balance. An SMS is sent to the sender that a friend has received a free request to top up their account. It is better to install the Megafon beggar in the Personal Account of your mobile provider.
  2. Other people prefer the free Pay for Me service, but there are other ways to top up your balance. This option is also free and does not require installing a beggar from your mobile operator. To send a “beggar”, dial the command *143*subscriber number# and press the call button. The subscriber will receive a request to “pay for me,” and the sender will receive SMS information that his message has been sent to its destination. This service can be used for free, but not more than 5 times a day and 30 times a month. When wondering how to dump a beggar on Megafon, it is better to send such a message directly in your Personal Account.
  3. The "beggar" service - "Call at a friend's expense" - provides an opportunity to solve the problem of replenishing a negative balance. Before the number of the person with whom you are on friendly terms, dial the numbers 000. The person close to you will receive a message that the call will be paid for at his expense, and to answer the call, press the number 1 and the conversation begins. And this service will not cost anything to the subscriber making the call.
  4. The account can also be topped up using the “ ” service - if none of the listed methods is convenient for implementation, you can use this service. The operator provides a small amount, which is enough to communicate for several hours. To find out how to scam a beggar on Megafon, you should use the selected service, send the command *106# to number 0006 and receive one of three possible amounts provided by the mobile provider. The only drawback of the service is that you need to pay a modest amount for it.

By choosing any of the proposed methods, you can top up your phone account or make a call, even without funds, and the variety of proposed methods will allow you to choose the most acceptable one.

Don't forget that you can take it as an alternative at any time.

Hello, dear readers and guests of our portal. In today's article we will understand the functionality of individual Beeline options provided to the company's subscribers. Namely, we will talk about how to send a beggar on a Beeline.
It's no secret that quite often subscribers of any cellular operator have a situation where you suddenly run out of money on your phone, and there is no machine for topping up your account, no bank branch, or even a regular ATM nearby.

Let's figure out how to send a “Beggar” on Beeline

What is it for?

In such a case, you will not be able to fully use cellular communications and access to many functions may be blocked by the operator.

For example, if you have a minus balance on your account, then you can no longer make calls from your phone, send an SMS message, or access the Internet. Even if there is no subscription fee for using social networks.

Why are such services needed? Let's figure it out

So, if suddenly this happened, and your personal account suddenly ran out of funds, then you should know about the services that the cellular operator provides in such cases, completely incompetently and with a zero balance.
What should Beeline subscribers do in this case? The operator took care of such cases as well.

For those subscribers whowhose mobile phone balance is negative, the following services are available:

  • “Call Me” service
  • “Promised payment” service
  • Service “Call at the expense of the interlocutor”
  • “Top up my account” service

This article will discuss the service thatoften called "The Beggar".
Usually subscribers call “Beggar” not only the “Top up my account” service, but also the “Call me” notification. In this article we will look at both methods and you will learn how you can send a beggar on a Beeline in both one option and the other.

If you do not want to understand the features of these services from Beeline, then here you go

first way:

To activate the “Call me back” service, you need to dial the following command - *144 * here we enter the subscriber number #
A good example: *144 *+79991234567#

And the second way:

To activate the “Top up my account” service, you need to dial the command *143 * subscriber number# from your phone
A good example: *143 *+79991234567#

You should definitely remember that before you send a Beggar from Beeline, you need to clearly define for yourself which option you will use to do this.

Service Top up my account

So, in order to accurately determine the method of sending a beggar, you need to become more familiar with the functionality of all methods. First, let's talk about the “top up my account” service, or, in common parlance, “beggar”.

Beeline service “Top up your account”6 operating instructions

For Beeline subscribers, this service is provided completely free of charge, and no preliminary connection or activation steps need to be taken. It is enabled for each subscriber by default.

To send a request to top up your account, you must dial the following combination on your phone: *143 *here we enter the subscriber number#

Attention: a subscriber can use this service no more than five times a day.
You should also remember that in roaming the service is also available free of charge and sending a request is possible to the number of any cellular operator.

Important point: If you previously disabled this service yourself, then in this case you must first activate it, otherwise the request will not be sent.

To activate the service you need:

from your mobile device enter the USSD command *143 *1#

To disable the service you must:

From your mobile device enter the command *143 *0#

The subscriber can also connect or disconnect the “Top up my account” service.

“Call me back” service

Another way to send a beggar is to use the “call me back” service. Subscribers very often confuse this service with the above-mentioned one, and therefore we decided to consider it also within the framework of this article.

Beeline service “Call me back”: review

Just like the “Top up my account” service, “Call me back” is provided absolutely free of charge and does not require prior activation, as it is enabled by default.

Send “Beggar Call Me Back”:

You can enter the USSD command *144 from your phone *here we enter the subscriber number#

We discussed this service in more detail in the article about “how to send a Beeline beacon.”
Beeline service “Call me back”: instructions for use

Other options

In the event that your recipient, to whom you sent a beggar from Beeline, for some reason rejected the request, you have several more ways to get in touch.

Beeline service “Call at the expense of the interlocutor”: instructions for use

One of the alternative services is “Call at the expense of the interlocutor”.

Attention: this service is also provided to Beeline subscribers absolutely free of charge.

In order to make a call at the expense of another subscriber, you need

Before the number, indicate the digital code 05050.
For example, you want to dial the number +79991234567. In this case, you need to enter: 0505089991234567.

Important point: this dialing service at the subscriber's expense is available only to Beeline subscribers. That is, it will not be possible to make a call at the expense of a Megafon subscriber. The service is also available no more than 15 times a day for one subscriber.

Another limitation- operates exclusively within the home network. “Trust payment” service from Beeline: instructions for use

The essence of this method is that Beeline allows you to take the promised payment if you have been its client for a long period.

In order to use the “Trust payment” service

You need to dial *141# from your mobile device

After this manipulation, a certain amount of money will be credited to your account. The amount of the promised payment is determined individually in each specific case and largely depends on how much money you spent on cellular services over the past Months. More details on the terms of the promised payment can be found in one and previous articles.

In order to find out what amount of this service will be credited to your account

Dial the command on your phone: *141 *7#

Attention: after activating the promised payment, the credited amount will be debited from your account three days after crediting.
This concludes our review. Now, after reading these instructions, you know how to send a beggar from Beeline, what other ways are there to stay in touch with a zero or minus balance. If you have additional questions, you can leave them in the comments. We have also prepared a thematic video instruction for you, which reveals additional points and subtleties.


Like many other Russian mobile operators, Tele2 gives customers the opportunity to stay in touch even with a zero balance. We are talking about the ability to send a “beggar” on Tele2 - a special message that will show another subscriber that you want to talk to him. Naturally, the operator sets some restrictions on the number of requests over a certain period of time.

“Beacon” or “Beggar” service

So that the client can always stay in touch, he is invited to use the “Beacon” service, with which any other subscriber can send a message asking to call back. To throw off “Beggar” from Tele2, you need to perform the following simple sequence of actions:

  • Dial the command *118*subscriber number# on the keyboard of your mobile device, then click on “call”.
  • The number of the called subscriber is indicated in full: 8 – three-digit prefix – seven-digit number.
  • When the sending is completed, the subscriber will immediately receive an SMS message asking them to call back.

Before you can use Tele2 for free, you need to familiarize yourself with the restrictions set by your mobile operator. The maximum permissible number of notifications may vary depending on the region in which the subscriber lives. For most regions, the following condition applies: no more than 60 “Beacons” per month. If the operator’s client exhausts this limit, then each subsequent notification will be paid, with a cost of 50 kopecks. Also, you can send SMS to Tele2 anonymously and completely free, read how exactly to do this.

If you want to connect to the “My Conversation” tariff, read the instructions on how to do this in our other article.

It’s not at all difficult to control the number of sent beacons - after each sending, a message will appear on the screen with the number of notifications already used for the month.

Any client of a mobile operator can use the service, regardless of their region of residence. A certain number of shipments are provided to each client free of charge each month. A big advantage is the fact that the service works not only within the Tele2 network. If necessary, a message requesting a call back can be sent to subscribers of other Russian operators.

You can find out all the details of using the “Beacon” service by calling the service number 611.

Additional ways to contact a friend with a zero balance

If you find yourself with a zero or negative balance, it is not at all necessary to look for how to send a “beggar” from Tele2, because there are other options for solving the problem. An effective tool in this case is Informer, the use of which does not require any special actions. If a call cannot be made due to insufficient balance, the called subscriber, thanks to the Informer, still receives a notification about an attempt to call from a specific number. The same message comes after an unsuccessful attempt to send an SMS. The Informer service is valid for all clients of the operator and is activated automatically if there are not enough funds for a call or SMS. There are other options to stay in touch:

How to throw a beacon from Tele2 can be read in more detail in another article on our website.