How to distinguish real earpods. How to distinguish original AirPods from a copy

First of all, when buying EarPods in person, do not hesitate to examine, unpack and, of course, listen to the new headphones in order to save money and not stumble upon a fake. Buying original apple headphones EarPods for iPhone, see all the details in full. Be sure to check the sound of the new headphones so as not to fall for a copy.

As we know, the inventive Chinese, who seemingly simply do not know the word “plagiarism,” have learned to counterfeit almost everything that is produced both in the Celestial Empire and abroad. Of course, this fate did not spare the Apple EarPods headphones, which were introduced about a year ago. During this time, counterfeits have also evolved, and if at the beginning of 2013 it was possible to distinguish a fake quite simply, now this can only be done by carefully examining the device or listening. It is quite difficult to determine from a photograph where is the original and where is the copy,At first glance, both headphones are identical in appearance, but this is only at first glance...

Buy original Apple EarPods for iPhone →

1 package

I would like to say that in the very first fakes there was no Apple logo on back cover and from this alone it was possible to determine that this was a fake; now this is practically not observed. But, still, if you look closely, there are differences - the color of the box and the color of the headphones themselves should be identical, for fake ones Chinese headphones they are often slightly different - the box is lighter than the headphones themselves. The box itself is not made of very high quality and closes quite tightly, so there are difficulties when opening it.

2) Wire

The original wire is thicker and more elastic, therefore stronger, and it will tangle less. The rubber casings in the form of a tube near the headphones themselves and the 3.5mm mini jack connector are soft and pleasant to the touch; by the way, very cheap fakes may not have a rubber tube at all. In addition, the length of the wire of the right and left earphones should be identical, and not differ even by a few mm. By the way, On original headphones, the wire should have the inscription “made in China”, or “made in Vietnam”, or “made in Brazil”.

3) Headphone shape

There are slight differences even in the shape of the earphone; the fake one is more elongated; in addition, the seam on the fake one is very noticeable, while on the original it is almost invisible. The mesh should be metal, not fabric, and the two round holes should be located exactly in the oval, and not be moved to one side.

4) Control panel

On the original, the gaps are barely noticeable, unlike the copy, the buttons are pressed without any effort, and the clicks are practically inaudible, but you can feel them with your fingers; by the way, in a fake, the buttons sometimes don’t work at all.

5) Sound

The most important thing about headphones is their sound. The sound quality in original EarPods and fake ones is very different, as you understand, not to the side Chinese copy. Fake headphones have terrible sound, they are practically devoid of bass and volume, and it is better not to listen to your favorite songs in them, so as not to get upset. When recording with a microphone or communicating through a headset, your interlocutor will hear a hoarse sound. Naturally, we are not talking about noise smoothing in non-original headphones either.

In general, we can conclude that the fake headphones are inferior to the originals in all respects, and if in the design the Chinese tried to create at least some semblance of similarity, then as for their sound, they didn’t bother at all, putting in the “stuffing” from cheap headphones for a pair dollars, passing them off as an Apple product. If you can still talk on the phone or listen to audio books, then you will get absolutely no pleasure from music. Still, you can best distinguish Fake from the original only by listening, because although there are many external differences, they are not so obvious and are not immediately noticeable.

When buying copies of i-technology products, you risk receiving a low-quality, short-lived product. The Chinese market has long specialized in the production of replicas of a wide variety of equipment large manufacturers. Moreover, delivery from China to Ukraine is now fully established and takes from 3 to 5 working days. We decided to compare the original Apple product and the fake one for you to convince you not to skimp on quality devices.

Our choice fell on the USB cable Lightning Apple, Apple EarPods headphones to draw your attention to the fact that it makes sense to buy even an original accessory instead of a fake. So, by purchasing a Chinese replica you risk:

  1. receive a product whose characteristics do not match your device;
  2. get a breakdown of the device itself;
  3. to spend more money, than the replica is worth in itself, because in order to distinguish a fake, you need to know the real features of the original.

The only advantage of a copy of a product is its low cost, which can lead to a malfunction of the device, which will ultimately deprive you of two things at once. Therefore, the iWorld online store strongly recommends that you buy only original products and learn to distinguish them from copies. What should you pay attention to when purchasing original Apple Lightning?

Price is the first feature that sets the original apart charging cable from a copy. Counterfeits most often cost much less, but there are also situations when you receive a low-quality, unreliable replica for the price of a genuine product. If you are worried about this, check the cable carefully and pay attention to the following: external features.

Package Apple technology always done on high level. Firstly, the material used is thick cardboard, which protects the internal parts from damage during transportation. You don’t have to worry that you will receive a damaged product and you will have to worry about returning it to the store if they still accept it. Counterfeit packaging is often made of lower quality materials, so you can easily distinguish it by its appearance. The box is usually softer to the touch, the color of the cardboard is not so snow-white. The print quality of the text on the box is not as rich, more like faded. Be sure to look for a special branded sticker on the original packaging indicating the batch number and its main characteristics. The manufacturer supplements the packaging with convenient hangers, which allow you to place the product being sold on the store display. If there is no such hanger, then doubt the production of the purchased product.

After opening the package, start examining the appearance of the USB cable. He can also tell you if the product is fake. Each cable is marked and has its own personal identifier. In its designation, Apple uses only light gray tones. Copies have an identifier of more than bold font and dark color. Although, it is quite difficult to notice this flaw with the naked eye.

The Lightning connector may also have its differences. In the original product, it is made neatly, seamlessly, the contacts do not stand out above the metal surface. Many users, using a fake, noted that the contacts not only stand out above the level of the metal surface, moreover, they represent a composite structure. The size of the connector on a replica can be anything but standard sizes, declared by the brand (7.7 mm x 12 mm). External colors connectors may also differ. The branded product has grey colour, metal front panel insert.

Let's move on to the USB plug. On the plastic case of the real Apple Lightning there is a light gray cable symbol. On copies such markings are usually absent or have a significant difference in color. The metal part of the cable should be well polished; there are only two holes on it, and not four, as can be found on many fakes. The contacts on the plug are gold plated. The connections have a trapezoidal shape, located at an equal distance from each other. The insulating surface of the plug is uniformly smooth, which is not always adhered to by craftsmen.

If you are worried about the authenticity of your USB plug, you can always check its originality in our iWorld online store using a specialized stationary tester YG-616.

Apple Earpods headphones have also become a frequent item of counterfeit, thanks to their impeccable design and comfortable classic shape, which everyone loves so much. Many who have encountered fake Apple Earpods with lightning or with a 3.5 mm jack note that the first thing that catches your eye is the absence of a company logo. If you look even more closely, you will notice that the box and the product itself differ in color. The box is often lighter than the Earpods themselves. The box in which the headphones are stored is often poorly made, so there are difficulties with opening and closing it. Let's move on to the product itself. The original headphones have an elastic rubberized wire, which reduces wire tangling and protects against breakage. The left and right wires must be the same length; a difference even in a millimeter should make you wary. Some Apple copies Earpods differ even in such minor details:

  • elongated shape of the earphone shell instead of round;
  • fabric mesh instead of metal;
  • two round holes inside the sink stick out beyond the oval instead of fitting clearly into it;
  • volume control remote without gaps instead of minor ones for easy clicking;
  • loud clicks when adjusting the sound instead of its absence;
  • headphones with a Lightning connector have rough edges instead of a smooth molded assembly;
  • Headphones with a 3.5mm jack connect tightly to the jack instead of a smooth, soft connection.

And, of course, sound! Even an inexperienced music lover can notice the difference in sound between a copy and the original product. The real ones are filled with bass and surround sound. When recording audio with a microphone, the originals smooth out noise.

To protect yourself from counterfeits, we recommend that you purchase accessories for your i-technique only in company stores and representative offices. Our iWorld online store is always ready to help you with this and provide competent advice on correct selection products for your device.

You have decided to buy original Apple headphones called EarPods. This device from Apple was announced in 2012 as universal device for playing audio files from various Apple devices. But how can you buy them without falling into the trap of the Chinese and purchasing a fake?

Counterfeits, as we know, are almost never of high quality, and the cost of such devices is around a ridiculous few dollars. How to distinguish original EarPods from low-quality Chinese copies? We will talk about this and more in this article.

The original headphones have enough high quality assembly and sound. They don’t get very tangled, they have original design, But Chinese production There are also counterfeits.

They have learned to counterfeit almost all the most famous models of technology; a copy of the famous earpods is no exception. Everything is not as good as it seems, since the fake is much inferior in quality, sound, assembly, as well as in the quality of the components themselves included in the headphones.

How to distinguish original EarPods?

There are several ways to distinguish original Apple headphones from low-quality copies. If you follow these tips, you will be able to determine the authenticity of the original earpods Even from a photo, you are unlikely to be deceived even if you buy it second-hand.

When purchasing devices of this type, you need a detailed inspection, testing, and comparison. Also the best criterion quality is the price of the device; if it costs two or even three times less than the original, then most likely this is a fake. Demand from the seller the opportunity to test the purchase, open the box in front of you, you have the right of the buyer to do this. When ordering on Chinese online sites, in case of counterfeit, you can return the full cost of the product.

Original earpods packaging and Chinese packaging

The packaging of the original earpods and the Chinese copy are different enough to determine this with the naked eye. Original apple headphones are delivered in a plastic box, in the land of the rising sun they often do not squeeze out the Apple logo on the packaging, but the original apple earpods supplied in a box with a shallowly embossed logo.

The counterfeit box itself is of poor quality, which is why it is quite difficult to close and open. Also, when purchasing, pay attention to the color of the box and the headphones themselves, they should not be different . The quality of the plastic of the box must be at a high level, without traces of gluing and burrs. Please also pay attention to the color of the transparent plastic cover, it is different from a fake it has a bluish color, despite the fact that Chinese plastic always gives off a yellowish tint. What’s also surprising is that the earpods are from a copy may differ in weight.

If you have a precision kitchen scale, it would be a good idea to take it with you. Find out how much the purchased headphones weigh (the original weighs about 31 grams, which is 3 grams more than the analogue). Why is unknown, most likely there are low-quality, lightweight components inside. The packaging indicates a specific batch number by which you can check on the official website whether your headphones are real.

Opening the box

At the base of the headphones themselves, unlike the original, the fake has a noticeable gap between the wire and the earphone. The shape of the “droplets” of the fake is more elongated, which will negatively affect their ergonomics. The wire should be quite rough, pleasant to the touch, it is not surprising that the wire should have the inscription “made in China”, low-quality wires are unpleasant to the touch, and also quite often get tangled, which leads to quick breakdown of the device.

The length of the wires from the headset to the speakers themselves must be strictly the same size; the Chinese apparently have Chinese rulers too. Now you need to check the “droplets” themselves that are inserted into the ears; they should have inscriptions that indicate the side of the earphone. English letters“L” and “R” which respectively indicate Left and Right, left and right earbuds respectively.

Chinese headphones are different in that they do not have such inscriptions, they forgot to write them, or did not write them on purpose. Close attention should be paid to the grilles that are installed on the speakers and diffusers; they should be metal, located exactly in ovals without distortions, because this directly affects the sound, as well as the durability of the headphones.

The plastic from which the headphones are made is definitely It should be without obvious seams from soldering, monolithic, so to speak, without burrs and sharp protrusions.


Visually, you can determine that the counterfeit headset is slightly shorter than the original. Traces from the fastening of the halves of the headset body are almost invisible in the original headphones. The control buttons should have a soft movement, and a slight “click” should be felt when pressed. A fake cannot boast of such data.

The halves of the headset body are not fastened properly, gaps are visible, the control buttons are hard to press, and sometimes they don’t work at all. The microphone may also not be installed. Tested headphones record sound through a microphone without noise, the developers took care of this; by the quality of the sound recorded from the microphone, you can also determine whether the representatives of Apple devices in front of you are real.


The most important thing that is required from gadgets of this type is impeccable sound. Based on the sound quality, it is best to hear where the fake is and where the branded product is. The defects of low-quality speakers that are included in the assembly of fakes are almost impossible to hide.

The fake has a plastic sound, the equalizer is not adjusted, there is practically no bass, as surround sound music tracks. Such headphones are only suitable for listening to monotonous audiobooks, and then only with great strain.

Tracks may be interrupted or stop playing altogether. In short, the sound of a fake is terrible, and you are unlikely to get pleasure from such a purchase.

Let's summarize

Chinese craft products are at a terrible level. You wouldn’t wish such a purchase even on your enemy. Maybe someday they will start making quality fakes, but not now. In a place with a device that is not inferior in price to the original, you will get terrible sound, a low-quality body, short-lived materials, and the absence of some important interfaces.

The craft does not perform its functions; it is unlikely that you will be able to talk on the phone using a headset, or even listen to music. When buying second-hand goods at flea markets, it will be a little easier for you; you can ask the seller to test the device in full. Branded headphones from Apple earpods and their copy are much different and now you know why.

The appearance of the original and the “Chinese” is similar, but they differ in what we discussed in this article. I hope from the knowledge gained you will not fall for the bait of enterprising Chinese, and still choose the original, not a copy.

No matter how high-quality Apple headphones are, sooner or later they may fail due to various reasons. In this case, the question will arise about purchasing new “plugs”.

And this is where trouble can await the buyer. The fact is that now the market is full of unscrupulous sellers who, under the guise original products selling low quality copies to unsuspecting buyers.

It’s about how to distinguish original earpods from fake, and I would like to tell you today. It will be interesting!


Today, the number of counterfeits of certain goods has perhaps reached its maximum. Apple headphones are no exception. Moreover, the Chinese have long had a love for Apple and produce copies of not only headsets, but also the devices themselves: iPhone, iPad, iPod, etc.

In order to somehow help people and protect them from a low-quality product, we decided to write a small but useful “instruction” on how to distinguish original EarPods from fakes. While it's probably a little misleading to call this "instructions", the information below is more like a few useful tips. Anyway, no matter, let's get down to business!


Packaging is the first thing that will help distinguish original EarPods from fakes. How? It's simple!

Just a few years ago, a fake could be recognized by what was missing on the back of the package. The original logo is always present. After some time, the Chinese realized their mistake and quickly corrected this omission. Although the low-quality box still gives off a cheap copy.

For original EarPods, the color of the headphones always matches the color of the packaging 100% - it is completely white, just like snow. But on a fake, if you look closely, you can notice a slight yellowness or a slightly grayish tint.

Moreover, the original headphones top part The boxes can be removed quite easily and effortlessly, while on the fake the lid fits tightly and you need to fiddle a little to remove it. In addition, it will be useful to feel the box with your fingers for any rough areas or burrs. If such places exist, it means that this is a fake.


The second tip on how to distinguish an original from a fake is the appearance of the “plugs”. Perhaps scammers will be able to make high-quality packaging or get a batch of original boxes somewhere, but they will not be able to completely replicate the original design.

Firstly, the wire of the original should be quite thick. Secondly, the material from which the shell is made is high-quality rubber, somewhat reminiscent of a soft-touch coating. Thirdly, the wire has good rigidity, due to which tangling occurs much less frequently.

If you pick up the headphones and none of the three listed signs match, it’s a copy. By the way, it’s also worth mentioning the length of the wires on the headphones themselves. Both the left and right plugs must have wires of the same length. And, of course, we must not forget about the shape of the earphone. On a fake it will be slightly elongated and slightly narrowed at the top.

It's all in the details

The next step in deciding how to distinguish original EarPods from fakes is to pay attention to the small elements. It's worth starting with the designations of the left and right headphones. Very often these symbols are not applied on copies, but, as a rule, this only happens on bad fakes.

The next thing worth looking at is the mesh on the earphone, which is located on the side. In the original, the fine perforated grille is very clearly visible, while in the fake sample it looks more and more like some kind of fabric.

You definitely need to look at the body of the earbuds. Their assembly should evoke a sense of integrity. There should be no seams or signs of connecting the two halves.

It will be useful to pay attention to the control panel. As a rule, even the highest quality copies are poorly assembled; gaps are visible between the two parts.

You also need to press the control buttons. On the original headphones they are pressed easily, but at the same time the response from pressing is very well felt with your finger. In a fake, on the contrary, you need to make an effort to click. There were also cases that in cheap copies there were no control buttons on the remote control at all.


The last tip on how to distinguish fake EarPods from the original is to check the sound quality, if, of course, there is such an opportunity. A person who has listened to music at least once through original Apple headphones will immediately be able to recognize a fake even with his eyes closed.

As a rule, a copy, even the highest quality, produces a very weak and “plastic” sound. You can forget about bass and volume altogether, as well as about the noise reduction system. So, if you have the opportunity to listen to music through headphones in a store, then it’s better to take advantage of it.


That's basically all there is to it regarding how to distinguish original EarPods from fakes. Following these simple tips, everyone can protect themselves from buying a cheap and low-quality copy.

Remember that it is better to carefully check everything several times and buy a real thing than to buy a fake and be disappointed in the purchase.

Apple headphones are a very popular accessory these days that are very actively counterfeited. But it is possible to buy original headphones if you take into account the most important distinctive features real Apples.


Before going to the store, it would be best to go to the official Apple website and get acquainted with appearance original headphones.

The packaging of fake Apple headphones is most often almost identical to the original. But there are times when there is no brand logo on the counterfeit box. In the photo on the left is the original, and on the right is the fake. As you can see from this angle, everything is the same.

But if you take a closer look, the differences are immediately visible. The plastic in the original is much higher quality, the seams on the box are neater, and in real headphones they are almost invisible. If you look from the side, the original plastic has a blue tint, while the fake plastic has a yellow tint. On a low-quality fake you will see a large number of snags, unevenness and other imperfections.


Examine the headphones themselves very carefully. The wire in real Apples is made of high quality rubberized plastic. These headphones are very elastic and strong. Counterfeits often use ordinary wire, which quickly becomes unusable. There should be no gaps or holes where the wire is attached to the earphone.

Fake headphones almost always lack markings for the left and right ears. The original must have these markings, as this is very important for the sound quality. In the photo on the left real apples, and on the right are fake.

Take a close look at the speaker grilles. The photo clearly shows the difference between the original and the fake. In real headphones, this grille is smaller and neater. In copies, it may be uneven and made of low-quality material.

Also very important point– real Apple headphones at first glance seem solid, the seams on them are not noticeable. But in a fake you will immediately see the seams at first glance, and they are quite uneven and there may be rough, sloppy protrusions on them.

The next thing you should pay attention to is the sound control panel. When you press the original remote control, you will feel a soft dull click, but with a fake it will be a loud click. In real headphones, the button is pressed more softly.

Considering all these main points, you can easily choose original headphones from the global Apple brand. All you need is attentiveness and a little time.

If you are guided by differences in sound, then in the case of a high-quality fake, they may not exist. But fake headphones will last you much less time than real ones.