How to open a web studio business plan. Where to start opening a web studio

Many business sectors have been in decline in recent years, against the background of which enormous economic growth on the Internet is noticeable. The turnover of contextual advertising alone has doubled over the past year. Hence, the idea of ​​opening a web studio automatically becomes promising and profitable.

According to analysts, the growth in demand for Internet products and their promotion will be stable. high level for the next decade. Therefore, the niche is actively being developed by modern entrepreneurs. Let's figure out together how to open a web studio. To do this, let’s give an example of a business plan for a web studio and summarize the calculations.

What does a web studio do?

The main types of income for a web studio are:

  • development and creation of a website. Orders come from commercial and non-profit companies, government organizations, media personalities, and online store owners. The cost of the work will depend on the complexity of the site. For example, a business card website can cost only ten thousand rubles, but a full-fledged online store is valued at no less than one hundred thousand.
  • website redesign. With time appearance The website is becoming outdated and requires updates, so the web studio must have a creative layout designer who can satisfy the client’s request. Bright and attractive design is highly valued, so don’t skimp on professional layout designers; they will bring the lion’s share of the company’s profit.
  • website promotion. In order for a new site not to get lost in the second hundred search results, you need to invest in its promotion. Web studios are engaged in selection keywords, fill the site unique content, carry out external and internal optimization for certain requests. Thus the site rises to search engines, attracting the attention of the customer’s audience.
  • programming. The customer's interest and loyalty depend on the interactivity of the site. Various plugins, add-ons and interactive features are in demand among clients, and therefore should be implemented in web studios.
  • setting up contextual advertising (Yandex Direct, Google Adwords). For the last two years, this niche has been generating huge income for web studios. Companies are actively promoting themselves on the Internet through contextual advertising, so they are constantly on the lookout for competent specialists. If you hire such a specialist, the profit will not be long in coming.


There is no need for full-time employees for a web studio; all personnel can work remotely. It must be said that creative webmasters themselves are not eager to go to offices, preferring to work from home. The main advantage is savings on salary and rent for a large office; the disadvantage is the lack of job stability and the danger of missing a deadline. The manager or HR manager must constantly maintain contact with his employees, set project deadlines, and provide financial incentives.

For full-fledged work you will need the following specialists:


Layout designer


Remember: Freelancers often disappear, refuse work, and miss deadlines, so it is better to have agreements with two or three specialists in each industry. Thus, you can protect yourself and your customer from an unscrupulous contractor.

Registration of activities

To receive serious orders from companies you will need to legally register your activities. You can choose either an individual entrepreneur or a company with limited liability, both options will require you to spend money on opening and maintaining. Monthly and quarterly taxes, maintenance personal account, pension contributions are a list of mandatory expenses of a legal entity.

It is imperative to prepare letterheads, contracts, and certificates of completion of work for full cooperation with future customers. It is best not to limit yourself to samples from the Internet, but to contact a lawyer who will small fee will prepare for you full package documents.

Office and equipment

As we wrote above, there is no need to rent a large office to operate a web studio; most of the employees can work from home. But for official work required legal address, so you can rent a small office in the business center. Ten is enough for your work. square meters area, they can easily accommodate a table with a laptop, a cooler, a sofa or a couple of chairs for clients, a safe and a cabinet with documents.

Let's calculate the approximate costs of office equipment:

Table - 2,000 rubles

Laptop - 18,000 rubles

Sofa - 8,000 rubles

Cooler - 6,000 rubles

Wardrobe - 3,000 rubles

Safe - 2,000 rubles

Stationery - 2,000 rubles

One-time costs for office equipment will amount to forty-one thousand rubles. Office rent will cost ten to twelve thousand monthly, and you will also need to pay for the Internet every month.

The site of the company

The website of the web studio is hers business card. No client will order a website from a company that does not have a decent presence on the Internet. Therefore, spare no expense on developing your own website, add a selling page (landing page) to it, invest in its promotion, and only after that hope to receive serious orders.

The website must contain a portfolio of work. You can agree with freelancers to post their projects for the first time so that the client has something to look at. If you offer contextual advertising and promotion services, then your site should be in the top ten search results, then the customer will have great confidence in the services offered.

All services provided by your company must be correctly described and understandable to the average user. Many customers will not understand a single professional term of programmers; the task of specialists is to correctly convey to the client all necessary information. It is best to provide the customer with a picture on which to discuss technical task project.


There are now many companies and individuals in the Internet space providing services for website development and promotion. However, demand for services still exceeds supply. And if you prepare a high-quality portfolio, find professional webmasters and bring your site to the top 10, then the number of applications will be enough for a comfortable existence and further development.

Remember: Do not be afraid of high prices for web studio services; high-quality websites are expensive. If the client is not ready to pay for quality, then do not waste your time on it, let a skilled student take care of it.

Cost of services

Here are approximate prices for web studio services.

Business card website - 10 thousand rubles

Selling page (landing page) - 15 - 30 thousand rubles

Website for a company - 30 - 50 thousand rubles

Online store - 50 - 100 thousand rubles

Portal - 70 - 150 thousand rubles

Website redesign - 10 - 100 thousand rubles (depending on complexity)

Website promotion - 15 - 30 thousand rubles

Expenses and income of a web studio

Let's give an example of calculating the expenses and income of a web studio in the first year of its existence.

Table 1.1

Expenses for the year

For a year of operation, a web studio with average sales earns from 1 to 1.5 million rubles, that is, it pays for itself in the first 10-12 months of work.

As we have been able to see, at present, the direction of Internet business is very promising and profitable; moreover, it does not require large investments at the start and pays off in less than one year. Therefore, if you decide to start doing business, pay attention to the described niche, if the right approach it will begin to make a profit from the first months of operation.

The global economy is being shaken by serious problems, and at the same time the reverse processes are taking place on the Internet. Totally agree Last year, depending on the region, the number increased by 40-45%. In this vein, a web studio becomes not just promising, but reliable and unambiguously.

The situation on the services market

Despite the fact that there are more and more offers from web studios, the growth in their number does not keep pace with the needs of more and more new clients. In addition, many of the new projects are trying to deliver frankly low-quality developments and do not sufficiently fulfill their obligations to customers. Against this background, providing quality services for a reasonable fee will be relevant, in demand and profitable.

What do customers most often need? Latest Trends:

  1. Many companies producing and selling goods different directions noted the profitability, which expands their ability to find buyers, and at the same time does not require either expensive rental of premises or a large number of employees. However, such sites should be designed catchily and have simple interface and be filled with precisely formulated content. A beginning web studio can find a huge number of such orders.
  2. Business card sites. Small sites providing general concept about an enterprise or organization, require special approach to design and texts. After all, in fact, this is the face of the company, which should attract maximum amount clients. Naturally, this requires high quality execution.
  3. Information portals require constant support, quality content, which is delivered quickly and is able to attract the right audience.
  4. Forums and thematic portals need user support and active communication. This is one of the most complex options. This requires not only certain knowledge, but also a bright personality (somewhat) - a moderator who knows how to build communications online.
  5. Advertising on the Internet. Bright, precise, enticing and memorable. This requires a good marketer.
  6. Website promotion. Naturally, the higher the site is ranked, the more often it will be opened from search engines.
  7. Ongoing support and maintenance of ready-made websites.

As can be seen from the list, there are no prospects of sitting without work. However, you need to be able to provide all these services, convey to customers what and how you can do.

What is needed to create

A business plan for a web studio should include the following steps:

In addition, you will need:

  • Some powerful computers. It is not necessary to purchase the entire planned volume at once - it all depends on the number of clients that the company can attract at first.
  • Office equipment, including color printers, scanners.
  • Necessary software.

Advertising and promotion

How to attract personnel

When developing a business plan for opening a web studio, you need Special attention turn to . At first, it is enough to get acquainted with several specialists who work closely in any direction and be able to contact them when a suitable client appears. That is, payment will be made only based on the fact of work. In the future, when the most popular areas may require the constant presence of employees, it is possible to formalize permanent employment relationships.

Where to find specialists? Nowadays, there are a lot of talented students, not all of whom have the opportunity to work with high-level technology. Just for the sake of such an opportunity, they will sit at the company for days. Sometimes equipment is issued against receipt for work at home.

Costs and income

A business plan for a web studio involves a minimum of expenses. The initial capital for the project can be represented simply good laptop with software that is usually already available. You only have to add:

  • A website builder that costs 4,000-17,000 rubles, depending on the level of complexity.
  • Your own website will cost 500 rubles.
  • The average salary of a web designer is from 30,000 rubles per month + bonuses.

As for income, a simple business card website costs from $300, a website with a catalog costs at least twice as much. The cost of support per month is $50, online promotion – from $100. Thus, from one site you can receive a stable income of $150 per month. If the studio creates a dozen and a half websites per quarter, its profit for the year will reach 1.5 million rubles.

Internet-related business is now one of the most profitable and fastest growing forms of income. Many entrepreneurs have already realized: the Internet is an excellent platform for realizing their interesting ideas. Today we’ll talk about how to open your own web studio.

Most often, this decision is made by people who have already worked (or are doing) developing websites and everything connected with it. If all this is a jungle for you, but creating a web studio is a priority, then you will have to spend some time studying this field of activity and its specifics. Let's even say that it's a lot of time. This article is rather aimed at those who are no longer new to web activities, work in an IT company or carry out orders as a freelancer.

Where to start opening a web studio

Business registration

If you do not want to spend a lot of time and effort on the initial registration of a business, then register as an individual entrepreneur. This form of activity is quite simple both in registration and in maintaining. If the business grows in the future, it would be advisable to re-register it as a limited liability company. Open a bank account and make standard contracts for the provision of services.

Service list

The mistake that many entrepreneurs make when opening their own web studio is the desire to immediately provide all possible services in this market. Choose one or two services that you are best at and focus on them. The remaining services will be additional for some time until you study them thoroughly. After all, it is impossible to be a professional in everything at once. Over time, you will be able to assemble a team of specialists, each of whom will perform their own task in the company.

What services can a web studio provide?

  • website layout;
  • creation of website design;
  • website promotion on social networks;
  • search engine optimization of the site;
  • development of corporate identity;
  • development landing page(targeting, “selling” page);
  • creating content for the site;
  • contextual advertising;
  • Web programming;
  • site administration;
  • site audit;
  • technical support already working sites.

The most popular services– this is the development of the site itself and its design. Nowadays, almost every company or enterprise wants to have their own website. They will be your main clients. Website creation is also ordered by individuals, for example, bloggers or famous people. You may not be able to grab a large order right away, so try to take on all the projects that come your way - this way you will gain experience and fill out your portfolio.

Hardware and software

If you are aiming for serious work, then you need to organize a physical office for a web studio. On the one hand, it is not so necessary for activities on the Internet, but on the other hand, reputable customers will not fully trust a company that does not even have a real address. Office equipment is a computer for each employee, furniture, and office equipment. Important point is software. You will need software for creating websites (CMS), graphic editor, text editors etc. And of course, you need to master all this perfectly.

You also need to be well versed in various Internet services that will be useful in your work. We advise you not to limit yourself only free tools. It’s better to pay for using the program, but provide it to clients excellent result work. Uninterrupted and fast internet- without fail, it’s not even worth talking about.


Recruiting staff is a separate headache for a novice web studio owner. Good specialists will want high pay their job, and no one wants to hire bad people. The way out of this situation can be to find beginner but promising webmasters and train them. Also, don’t rule out collaborating with freelancers. Firstly, this way you can always find a contractor for any project, even in the busiest months of work, and secondly, you will pay the freelancer only for the work completed.

Some web studios give all orders received from clients to freelancers. But we still recommend having at least 2-3 people on a permanent staff (for example, a programmer, designer and SEO optimizer). There is no need to hire a full-time accountant; it is much more convenient and profitable to use online accounting.

Own website

A web studio’s website is its business card, its face, if you like. A good shoemaker cannot be without boots, just as a good web studio cannot not have its own website. But just making a website is not enough. We need to make it high quality. If your website is, roughly speaking, a C grade, then the client, when he sees it, will subconsciously think that you will make his website just as mediocre. When creating a website, pay sufficient attention to absolutely everything - design, interface, usability. Create your own corporate style - logos, fonts. A creative approach will be welcome - if you come up with an interesting slogan or fill the site with unusual content, you will definitely be remembered.

In addition to the list of services that you provide, place on the site confirmation that you provide them with high quality. Not only photographers, but also web studios can have a portfolio. IN separate section main menu, place a description of the projects you have already completed. While the web studio has no projects under its belt, you can post there the past works of its creator, that is, your freelance projects. Constantly update this section and focus on those projects that you are especially proud of. Reviews about working with your company won't hurt either.

Interaction with clients

When communicating with clients, always keep in mind that not all of them understand specific web terminology. Therefore, find an individual approach to each client and learn to speak to him in a language that he will understand. Before completing an order, obtain comprehensive information from the client about what he would like to see as a result. And try to maintain contact with the client at all stages of fulfilling his order. Many customers are capricious and changeable creatures; today they like the design, but tomorrow they want to change the font or something even more complicated. It also doesn’t hurt to separately study consumer psychology in order to master all the subtleties of communicating with future clients and not spoil the nerves of either yourself or them.

You should not focus on what methods or technologies you will use to solve the customer’s problem. Talk about it only if the client asks. As a rule, people who are interested in such things know a lot about the specifics of web mastering. For the rest, by and large, it doesn’t matter what you use to complete their order, they will only look at the result.


When the web studio website has already been created and is ready to work, you must make sure that your potential consumers know about it. Be sure to start promoting it in search results. This also applies to the above-mentioned “shoemaker without boots,” who still must have boots. A web studio’s website, which ranks high in search results, somehow inspires more confidence than a website on page 67 in the search engine, second from the bottom. Engage in placing contextual advertising, promoting your services on social networks, and viral marketing. Roughly speaking, everything that you plan to do for your customers in the future. But no one has canceled advertising on thematic forums, TV, in the specialized press, etc.

Web studio business plan

Opening a web studio will require much less financial investment from you than many other types of business. If you are able to make a company website yourself, then you won’t have to spend money on it. Which is already a huge plus. But most likely, you will need to spend money on developing a website design (unless, of course, you are a designer yourself). Web design services cost on average from $50 to $200.

Registering a business as an individual enterprise will cost you no more than one hundred dollars. Also, designate as a separate expense item the purchase of equipment (mainly computers) and licenses for the software you are going to use.

If you really need to save your initial investment, then you can work for some time without an office, thus avoiding spending money on renting premises and repairs. However, aim for the fact that you will soon have to equip an office, and spend at least 3 thousand dollars on it.

A web studio as a business is profitable for several reasons: the ever-growing demand for web services, small start-up investments, and a large number of potential customers. The Internet business industry is developing very rapidly, become a part of it!

Other interesting articles You can read about the topic of Internet business in this section of our website: .

According to experts in the field of economics, Internet business in Russia is at the initial stage of its development. The network market is in that favorable state for an entrepreneur when demand exceeds supply by a large margin.

And although a favorable environment is a serious factor for predicting the positive dynamics of the development of Internet projects, an entrepreneur still has to make a lot of effort to develop his business, including in the field of searching for investments. We will tell you how to draw up a business plan for a web studio and implement it in this review.

The choice of format for a web studio depends on the budget provided for in the business plan for opening an enterprise for creating custom websites. The smaller the budget, the smaller the studio, and vice versa.

These can be either web workshops operating on the Internet or real enterprises operating in a full production cycle.

Initial investment in a web studio and expenses for ongoing activities

Before opening a web studio online, an entrepreneur will need to spend:

  • about 2 thousand rubles. on state registration(including 800 rubles – );
  • 3 thousand rubles. to purchase a domain name for your website and pay for hosting;
  • 10 thousand rubles. for advertising.

These are the main financial costs. In addition, the founder of a web studio will need to invest a lot of his own work to make the studio work: create a website, develop agency agreements with performers, find freelancers and conclude contracts with them, advertise your activities.

This is quite a large amount of work, and it’s good if it takes an entrepreneur a month to debug all the business processes of a web studio.

To fully operate a stationary web workshop you will need:

  • 2 thousand rubles. for registration procedures (IP);
  • 400 thousand rubles. for equipment;
  • 20 thousand rubles. – monthly rent of a small office;
  • 40 thousand rubles. monthly salary for administrator and accountant;
  • about 10 thousand rubles. per month – taxes and other obligatory payments.

The salaries of web designers, content managers, programmers and other specialists who directly create the web workshop product are not indicated in this calculation. Payment for their labor will depend on the number and value of orders. Typically it accounts for up to 50% of a web studio’s income.

How to look for clients

Competent advertising based on real information about the quality of your products and your entrepreneurial successes is the best marketing move that will help create a positive image of the company and attract customers.

There is a controversial opinion that such a strategy for conquering the market can only be used by companies that have already developed a positive history for themselves. However, newcomers to the market for creating and promoting web services have something to present:

  • professionals are involved in project implementation;
  • profitable contracts with large regional or federal customers;
  • usage innovative product etc.

Conceiving your advertising company, the owner of the web workshop must determine what makes it unique and what benefits it can bring to its clients, and it is this message that should become the core of the advertising package. The only requirement is that the information must be reliable.

Revenue part and project payback

The profit of the web studio will depend on the chosen pricing policy. The cost of services for creating and designing websites varies from 18 thousand rubles. up to 100 thousand rubles. (minimum – creation of a regular business card website, maximum – development of complex systems for internal use).

Web workshop services also include: design, layout, creation and content of catalogs for online stores, technical support and much more. This type of business is attractive because you can not only perform one-time jobs and receive lump sum payments for them, but also enter into agreements with clients for long-term cooperation, thereby providing yourself with a stable income.

According to reviews from entrepreneurs who, before creating a web studio online, invested up to 20 thousand rubles in it, they recouped their costs from the first two or three orders. Rarely does a business pay off so quickly.

Creating full-fledged stationary web workshops will pay off much longer - about a year. It all depends on the number and volume of orders. But if you consider that to achieve a net profit in any business you need certain time, then for a web business one year payback period is a pretty good time.

The following video talks about choosing a strategy and ways to attract clients to a web studio:

This article will tell you how to open a web studio, what it will require and how much it will cost to create it.

Capital investment in a web studio: 5,700 rubles

Business payback: after the first order (1-2 weeks)

The Internet is now available in almost every home.

And every businessman knows that few companies can do without creating a website.

With its help, you can introduce visitors to the assortment, inform about promotions, and receive orders.

And where there is a need, there is always a niche for creating a business.

So in in this case the current conditions have led to an increase in the relevance and demand for such an idea, how to open a web studio.

An entrepreneur can open it on his own if he has a good understanding of how websites are created.

Or act solely as an organizer, transferring all executive work to freelancers or full-time employees.

This article will tell you which of these options is preferable and what you will need to open a web studio.

What services does the web studio provide?

Not everyone knows what a web studio is.

If you are one of these people, let us explain: a web studio gathers a team of people who create websites and provide additional services for their content and promotion.

    Website development.

    This is the most popular and sought after service for users.
    A web studio may not provide accompanying services, but its employees are simply obliged to create websites - this is the main meaning of its operation.
    The clients for this service are different: entrepreneurs, various organizations - private and public, the so-called mass leaders (coaches, stars, presenters).
    Sometimes bloggers and ordinary individuals contact the web studio, but this happens quite rarely.
    Quality creation websites are a business card and a basic requirement.

    Accompanying services.

    Contrary to the opinion of many people, it is not enough to simply create and fill a resource so that it “makes sales” or performs other functions assigned to it.
    Just like the real world virtual space constantly evolving.
    Therefore, sites need systematic maintenance.
    Owners often do this on their own.
    But to solve a number of tasks you cannot do without the help of web studio employees.

    Site design.

    There are no fewer, if not more, clients for this service than for website creation.
    The fact is that it costs less to develop a design.
    That’s why many entrepreneurs save money by creating a platform themselves and turn to a web studio for design.
    Often they already have a logo, corporate colors and attributes.
    The web studio is required to improve what it has or simply update the design for someone’s holiday.

The list of services that will be provided in the web studio depends on whether you plan to perform them yourself or involve a team of freelancers.

In the first case, you need to build only on your own skills.

And in the second you can already “turn around”, because you can find on remote work employees for any direction are available without any problems.

Reasons why you should open a web studio?

“In the future, there will be two types of companies in the market: those who are online and those who are out of business.”
Bill Gates

Why website creation specialists decide to open a web studio is quite understandable.

But for what reasons did the idea of ​​opening such a business become popular among those who were previously far from this service sector?

These are several significant advantages that became the reason for this:

  • To open a web studio, a minimum start-up investment is required.
    There is no need to spend money on renting premises, hiring many permanent employees, or purchasing special expensive equipment.
    This condition allows beginning entrepreneurs with modest capital to open a business.
  • The demand for web studio services is at a high level.
    And analysis of market development shows that demand will also continue to grow.
    More and more entrepreneurs understand the need to create a website for their business.
    And those who created the page on their own can no longer compete with more advanced competitors, so they also turn to specialists for help.
  • Starting with a minimum set of conditions, you can develop the company to a large scale - with your own offices, permanent employees and, accordingly, high income.
  • This area of ​​work provides a lot of scope for introduction additional services.
    Maintenance, design development, filling pages with texts - all this is in demand.

What difficulties await you if you decide to open a web studio?

If there were no downsides to this business idea, they were now open everywhere.

Of course, it still has its disadvantages:

  • It would seem that the importance of having a good, high-quality resource is now clear to everyone.
    But no, many customers still do not understand the significant difference between a website for $100, which a beginner will make, and a professional one, which will cost at least $1000.
  • In this business, like in no other, the entrepreneur will depend on the level of professionalism of the team.
    If you are ordered to create a turnkey website, and the designer cannot do his part of the work, you will have to urgently look for another specialist.
  • Also, the idea of ​​opening a web studio has one more difference from many other business ideas: the existence of a high intellectual load.
    You need not only to correctly understand the client’s wishes (and this is not as easy as it might seem), to draw up a technical specification based on his words, but also to be able to convey it to your performers.
    And since edits and additions are unlikely to be avoided, sometimes it will seem like you are a ping-pong ball being thrown back and forth.
    And you can only come to terms with this.

How to open your own web studio: looking for staff

From the first days of the web studio’s existence, you don’t have to work exclusively with top performers.

Many customers don’t understand much of a difference between a cheap and an expensive website.

Moreover, they don’t know which programmers are “eminent” and which are beginners.

All they see is the result.

Either you'll like it and be pleased with the price, or you won't.

When you decide to hire employees or work on a freelance basis, start from the expected volume of work.

For a small or beginning web studio there is no need for “staff”.

Especially considering the decline in demand in some months (January, May, summer season).

Otherwise, a situation may arise that you will pay money just like that, without actually doing the work.

Freelance work is also advantageous because the list of employees can be expanded endlessly.

If a designer or programmer is constantly required, then keep on staff a specialist in naming or selection of background music for home page(yes, you may need such a service) does not make sense.

But you can find them on resources for freelancers at any time.

Web studio as a business: ways to promote

Promotion of a web studio is an integral part of its functioning.

This could be high-level logo development or text for the main page as a gift.

The main thing is that it emphasizes your uniqueness.

Promotion tools you can use:

  • Calling potential clients.
  • Distributing business cards to clients and in potential places where your audience gathers.
  • Internet promotion – contextual advertising, social media, a blog with interesting information.

For more information on how to promote a web studio and make a good income,

watch the video:

Step-by-step instructions on how to open a web studio from scratch

If for an experienced entrepreneur general information about how to open a web studio will be enough, then beginners in the field of their own business need clear step-by-step instructions.

  1. Decide what services the web studio will provide at the beginning of its operation.
  2. Register as an individual entrepreneur.
    This is important for clients to perceive you as a serious organization and for drawing up contracts.
  3. Figure out what kind of people you need on your team and start searching on freelance exchanges.
  4. Open several payment accounts: WebMoney, PayPal, Yandex.Money and a regular bank account.
  5. Draw up a sample contract with future clients and employees.
    Have more experienced people check it for errors and gaps.
  6. Decide on a domain and hosting, and create your website.
    It should contain all the information about the range of services provided, price lists, examples of work (in different areas - landing page, blog for the company, personal page).
  7. Start looking for clients.
    Ask them to provide feedback on the collaboration.
    As motivation, you can use discounts on website maintenance and other bonuses.

How much will it cost to create a web studio from scratch?

For a serious entrepreneur with serious funds to invest and plans to create a web empire, the list of start-up costs can be overwhelming.

But in fact, to open a regular web studio, you won’t need much:

Cost item for creationAmount (rub.)
Total:5,700 rub.
Individual entrepreneur registration1500
Buying a domain (for a year)300
Purchasing hosting (for a year)2400
Order a batch of business cards1500

How quickly can you pay for a web studio?

As you understand, the payback of a web studio depends on how much money was invested in its creation.

If you meet the minimum - about 5-6 thousand rubles - then you can recoup your investment even from your first order.

The level of profitability will depend on the conditions under which the web studio operates.

If no premises are rented, and all employees work on a freelance basis, the profitability will be at least 60%.

But if you decide to rent an office and take on permanent job employees, this figure will drop to 40-50%.

If you understand how to open a web studio, and the existing pros and cons suit you, don’t put off creating it.

After all, virtually no investment is required, demand is constantly growing.

And along with it comes the level of competition.

So the sooner you start implementing your plan, the more success you can achieve.

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