How to open extensions in Mozilla. How to remove an unnecessary plugin in Mozilla Firefox

January 16, 2011 at 10:44 pm

Anatomy of a Fire Fox

  • Firefox

My friend wanted to install FireFox. And not just to install, but so that it looks like yours. FireFox has a built-in tool for publishing a list of installed add-ons. I immediately used it and published my additions. But since the friend is not very close to IT, although he is just as lazy, he didn’t want to go somewhere, download, install, configure. He says “why do all this, you have everything on a flash drive, just copy it for me.”

I had to think about it: you can’t just copy it, except for the settings of FireFox and its plugins, there are also passwords, browsing history, and favorites. Why does he need to know what porn sites I visited? I don't want to clean it manually. All this is stored in files, and not in the registry - FireFox is cross-platform, but in Linux, as far as I know, there is no registry. This means that you should try to replace the files in which all this is stored with files from the freshly installed FireFox.

Minimum task: find out where FireFox stores saved passwords and history.
The maximum task: to form a general opinion about the purpose of files in the FireFox directory.

I warn you right away, everything that I managed to find out is not the result of disassembling, debugging, translating manuals, or code analysis. This is a simple comparison of directories, reading configs in Notepad and experimenting with replacing files for two installed FireFoxes.

So, we try to turn on our intuition, fortunately the names there are quite meaningful, we look at the directory of the freshly installed FireFox and see the following subdirectories there:

chrome- contains jar files with their manifests, and the manifest format is not Windows;
components- Java scripts responsible for a particular functionality of FireFox (the purpose can be guessed by the file name, for example, how do you like this name: NetworkGeolocationProvider.js);
defaults- scripts and styles are common to all profiles;
dictionaries- dictionaries for spell checking (for the HunSpell engine);
extensions- add-ons are common to everyone (usually there is only the default theme);
greprefs- FireFox engine settings in the form of Java scripts;
modules- additional Java scripts for the operation of various baubles (for example, for microformats);
plugins- plugins are common to all (by default, there is only Mozilla Default Plugin, the purpose of which is to monitor updates of other plugins or, if necessary, display a message about a missing plugin);
res- some CSS styles, fonts and pictures (and as a web designer it will be interesting to look at the “reference books” in the “dtd” subdirectory and may they be with you <, > and &);
searchplugins- search engines (the same ones that can be “found using...”);
uninstall- a program for uninstallation and installation log files (I do not recommend deleting, sometimes it is needed when updating FireFox).

And also the files in the FireFox directory:
AccessibleMarshal.dll- to be honest, I don’t know what kind of ActiveX library this is, everything works for me without registering it in the system;
application.ini, platform.ini- several unimportant settings;
blocklist.xml despite the loud name, it’s just setting up the “home page”;
crashreporter.exe, crashreporter.ini, crashreporter-override.ini- the same application that starts when FireFox crashes, plus its settings;
dependentlibs.list- a list of libraries required for FireFox to work on a given operating system;
freebl3.dll, nspr4.dll, nss3.dll, nssckbi.dll, nssdbm3.dll, nssutil3.dll, plc4.dll, plds4.dll, softokn3.dll, smime3.dll, ssl3.dll, xpcom.dll- those same “required libraries”, as far as I understand, are wrappers for working with files, directories and the operating system cryptosystem (prefix ns points to FireFox's parent - Netscape);
freebl3.chk, nssdbm3.chk, softokn3.chk- digital signatures of some libraries (or maybe not signatures, or maybe not digital);
firefox.exe- he is the one who is fiery :)
install.log- installation log (you can look at errors during installation, or you can simply delete it);
js3250.dll- Java script engine;
LICENSE- MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE Version 1.1 - exactly that, in capital letters;
mozcpp19.dll, mozcrt19.dll- wrappers over operating system objects (types, strings, threads, threads and functions for working with them) - this is the price of cross-platform (it’s really scary to look at the headers);
plugin-container.exe- for some time now, additions have been performed in a sandbox, which is implemented by this application (quite often helpful when working with crooked additions);
README.txt- a file that no one ever reads (in principle, there is nothing to read there);
sqlite3.dll- SQLite database engine (this is what is used in FireFox);
updater.exe, update.locale, updater.ini- updater and its settings (update.locale - sister of talent);
xul.dll- a layer between content and plugins (I could be wrong);

Now, without turning off our intuition, consider the user profile directory, which contains the following subdirectories:
bookmarkbackups- contains a file with bookmarks and its backups in JSON format (the fact that json is easy to read is a lie, I almost broke my eyes when I opened it in notepad);
chrome- custom css styles;
extensions- additions (this is the official translation);
minidumps- stores memory minidumps recorded when FireFox crashed;
searchplugins- custom search engines;

as well as the files:
blocklist.xml- list of plugins blocked for installation;
bookmarks.html- placeholder page for bookmarks;
cert_override.txt- root certificates added/overridden by the user;
cert8.db- root certificates;
compatibility.ini - ?
compreg.dat- Java scripts/components registered for execution
content-prefs.sqlite- some FireFox settings;
cookies.sqlite- saved cookies (except flash);
downloads.sqlite- list of downloaded files;
extensions.cache, extensions.ini, extensions.rdf- installed add-ons;
formhistory.sqlite- history of filling out html forms;
key3.db- a file storing the key with which the saved passwords are encrypted;
localstore.rdf - ?
mimeTypes.rdf- list of known MIME types;
permissions.sqlite- saved permissions for sites (for example, the site can install add-ons);
places.sqlite- location of cached resources;
places.sqlite-journal- ? log of current cached resources?
pluginreg.dat- list of registered plugins (not to be confused with add-ons);
prefs.js- user settings;
search.json- history of search queries;
search.sqlite- ? history of search queries (for some reason nothing is recorded here, maybe it will be in the future)?
secmod.db- ? encryption settings and token usage?
signons.sqlite- saved passwords;
urlclassifierkey3.txt - ?
webappsstore.sqlite- ? saved

Plugins are special add-ons that expand the functionality of the programs for which they were created. Plugins are often confused with “extensions,” since they also extend the standard capabilities of programs. However, in the case of the Mozilla Firefox browser, extensions and plugins are slightly different add-ons.

In Mozilla (as the Mozilla Firefox browser is often called), downloading new add-ons is often required - this can significantly increase the efficiency of working on the Internet (especially if the user knows exactly why and what kind of plug-in or extension he needs).

As an example, let's try to enable plugins in Mozilla in several ways.

Quick navigation through the article

Enable plugins

In order to enable additional plugins in Mozilla, you need to go to the “Add-ons” menu item (in the new version of the browser, just click the “Firefox” button at the top left and go to “Add-ons”, or go to “Tools” -> “Add-ons” if your top menu is active):

  • If the top menu of the browser is inactive, then try pressing “Alt” (and the menu bar will open at the top);
  • It is also possible to go to “Add-ons” through the settings menu: “General” tab -> “Configure add-ons”.

After the “Add-ons” section is opened, you will be able to view the already installed (and install the necessary) extensions. In order to be able to enable and disable plugins, you need to find the “Plugins” menu item on the left side of the screen (fourth from the top).

Functionality check

In the future, you can disable and then enable some plugins to check their functionality:

  • In the "Add-ons" section, open "Plugins";
  • A list of all browser plugins appears in the window that opens. Click “Disable” next to each item. When a non-functioning plugin is found, remove it.

Plugins and browser update

If some plugins don't work even after you "enable" them (and restart Firefox), this may mean that they are outdated and do not support the new version of the browser (this usually happens during updates). For plugins to work properly, it is also advisable to update them periodically.

Where are the plugins for Firefox, how to remove them, disable them or reinitialize them.

Managing plugins in the Mozilla Firefox ® browser (Pale Moon)

Plugins are managed on the "Add-ons" page, where you can disable plugin for Firefox or check the latest version of all installed plugins.

How to disable the plugin.

In order to disable plugin in the Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon) browser, go to the menu:

"Tools" -> "Basic" -> "Configure Add-ons" -> "Plugins"

(or "Tools" -> "Add-ons" -> "Plugins", depending on the release)

You can find out more detailed information about installed plugins and their location on your browser page at:

Rice. 1. Window " Plugins" Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon) browser showing a list of installed plugins.

If you installed or uninstalled a plugin, you will need to restart your browser for the changes to take effect.
(Note This condition does not apply to all plugins; some are ready to work immediately without rebooting.)

Disabling the plugin in the Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon) browser.

Sometimes there are situations when plugins conflict with various applications, increase the loading time of the browser itself, have “holes” in the security system, etc., then it becomes necessary to disable the plugin or a whole set of plugins in the browser, without removing the parent programs from the computer .

Note. If you do not use installed plugins, then it will be better for the browser if you disable them. Don’t be afraid to disable plugins; if necessary, you can always enable this plugin.

For example, you use several programs in your work to view PDF documents in various options from the list:
PDF-XChange Viewer,
PDF Foxit Reader,
Adobe Reader PDF,
Nuance PDF Reader
PDF Architect converter plugin and extension.
...and would like to use Sumatra PDF in the browser, then you simply must disable all PDF reader plugins except SumatraPDF Browser Plugin.

To disable a plugin, go "Settings" - "Add-ons" and in the window "Plugins" place the cursor on the name of the plugin that should be disabled and click the button "Disable"

This is a simple procedure that solves big problems with Firefox.

How to remove a plugin.

To remove a plugin, you need to uninstall the program that installed the plugin to your computer.

Removal can be done:

  • directly through the uninstaller of the program that installed the plugin, a shortcut is usually created in the menu (for example: Uninstall...program name, Delete... program name)
  • means Windows- "Installation and removal of programms" (see in " Control panels" Windows),
  • specialized uninstallers, such as the free Revo Uninstaller program.
    These programs remove, unlike standard ones, the remains of garbage.

Manually removing the plugin for the Mozilla Firefox and Pale Moon browser.

If you cannot remove the plugin using standard tools, then remove the plugin manually:

  • 1. Open the page -
  • 2. In the "Filter" line, enter the value -


  • 3. If the parameter value false, then double click the mouse and change the value to true.
  • 4. Find the plugin file you want to delete (address, where is the plugin located You can see on the page about:plugins. see Fig. 2.)
  • 5. Rename or delete this file.
  • 6. Launch Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon) browser
  • 7. Check that the plugin has been removed on the page:

View information about plugins.

To view, open the page in Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon):

Rice. 2. Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon) browser page that generates information about your plugins- about:plugins

For information about "MIME", see the article - MIME - type and Firefox

Reinitializing plugins in Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon).

Delete file pluginreg.dat, necessary with the Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon) browser closed.

If you have any problems with the plugin working in your browser, then perhaps this will help you reinitialization records of installed plugins for Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon).

Reinitializing plugins in Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon), is done simply: file is deleted - pluginreg.dat, which is located in the folder of your current profile.

The next time you load the browser, a file will be created pluginreg.dat, with new entries of your plugins.

Rice. 3. Open Windows XP Explorer window in the folder of the current browser profile, for removal plugin records file- pluginreg.dat.

File pluginreg.dat opens with any text editor. A fragment of the approximate contents of the records in the file:

Generated File. Do not edit.


C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\npwmsdrm.dll|$|$
DRM Store Netscape Plugin|$
Microsoft® DRM|$
0|application/x-drm|Network Interface Plugin|nip|$

Manage browser plugin updates.

Automatic update of plugins for Mozilla Firefox is not yet available by definition and there is no need to “torment” Mozilla.

Disabling extension updates

But the function of automatically updating extensions is built into the browser and is controlled in:

Settings - Add-ons - Extensions - "gear"

In the menu that opens, remove (check) the checkbox from the menu item " Automatically update extensions"

It is possible that in the future, the automatic plugin updates will be built into the browser.

But so far, the function of going to the Mozilla website has only been implemented to check the relevance of your installed plugins.

To check the current versions of plugins in Firefox, go to:

  • Settings - Add-ons - Plugins
  • Click on the top line: " Check that the versions of your installed plugins are up to date"

This service from Mozilla, for all browsers, is connected to our website on the page - Plugin Update Service.

You can and should disable and enable the plugin update system, depending on the program itself that installs its plugins:

  1. settings of the parent program, program installing the plugin
  2. Windows "Toolbars" - "Scheduled Tasks".
  3. for the most cunning programs - in the Windows registry.

For example, in " Assigned Tasks"Windows is prescribed programs for updating from Google, Real, Ask:

Application. Manual registration of .dll in Windows.

To manually register library components in Windows, on the command line you need to type and run:

regsvr32 "name".dll

If you are interested in some aspects of removing extensions, then you can read the following articles:

Hello to everyone who has visited the site for Internet beginners. On the pages of our resource we talked about the Mozilla Firefox browser, how to install it, its settings, etc. For more details, see dedicated to this topic. Today we will look at what a profile is, how to find it, what files are in it and what they are responsible for.

During the installation of the browser, a special folder is created in which all our information will be stored in the future: sessions, passwords, bookmarks, installed extensions, various panels and much more. This folder is called " profile».

It is stored separately from all browser program files. This means that you can safely uninstall and reinstall Mozilla Firefox. Your profile data will be saved. Or vice versa, if you have a problem, then you do not have to delete the browser, but simply delete the profile and thus solve your problem.

Where is the firefox profile located

There are two ways to find out where the firefox profile folder is located. Let's look at them.

Using a browser. We launch it, open the main menu and click on the small icon with a question mark.

This way we will open a help desk.

And go to " Problem Solving Information».

The Mozilla Firefox details page will appear in front of us. In the column "" click on the button " Show folder" In a second it will open in front of you. All your information from this browser is stored here.

You can go to this profile folder without opening Firefox - keyboard shortcuts Win and R (Win + R). When using them, the window “ Execute»

Enter the following command: “ %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\" and click "Ok". Explorer will open, where the profile folder will be indicated, in which the word default will be indicated, approximately in this format (xxxxxxxxx.default-00000000000).

What is stored in the Mozilla Firefox profile

Now let's look at what exactly is stored in the profile folder.

Bookmarks, history, data about downloaded files are contained in the file places.sqlite

All backup copies of your bookmarks are stored in the folder bookmarkbackups. In order to restore bookmarks from a backup copy, open your browser, click on the button Import and backups

You can use another way to save bookmarks -.

Data about passwords, which you save in the browser are stored in files logins.json And key3.db

For sites such as: where and what pop-ups to show are in the files permissions.sqlite And content-prefs.sqlite

List of installed search engines displays the file search.json.mozlz4

File formhistory.sqlite contains data about your search or what you entered on various sites. Created for autofill form fields on resources.

An alternative to cookies is storage DOM, it is larger in volume, safe. The file is responsible for storing information webappsstore.sqlite

All extension data that you installed in the browser are stored in the folder extensions

If you installed security certificates and SSL, then all their settings are stored in a file cert8.db

Database protective modules stored in secmod.db

File mimeTypes.rdf tells the browser what to do boot actions this or that file. For example, open a file in .pdf format in Acrobat Reader

All information about MIME types installed plugins are contained in the file pluginreg.dat

Location settings toolbars, window sizes and positions are stored in xulstore.json

All browser settings that we ourselves set in the Settings window are saved in a file prefs.js

We have reviewed the most important data for saving and restoring. So, today we learned what a profile is, where it is located and what is in it.

Let's end this today. Next time we'll talk about how to manage passwords in Mozilla Firefox. See you again!

Everyone is unhappy exactly as much as he considers himself unhappy.

Giacomo Leopardi

The new Mozilla Firefox 43, which appeared relatively recently, began to block unfinished extensions by default. This solution was implemented by the developers in order to increase the level of browser security.

However, for most users. Those who prefer the Mozilla Firefox browser did not like this new product, since it can cause some inconvenience. In this article you can learn how to enable extensions. mozile.

What is an extension

The extension is a small application that improves the functionality and usability of the browser. For example, you can install a program that will block annoying advertising and spam when visiting sites, or change the standard appearance of the browser to a more creative one, etc.

Add-ons are divided into three main types:

  • Extensions.

They allow you to add additional functions for the search engine, or replace them with those that are available in other browsers. Add-ons allow you to block ads or sites that pose a potential threat to your PC, as well as download videos from any resource or integrate with social networks.

They allow you to change the standard background of the search engine, as well as visually change the appearance or location of buttons and panels.

  • Plugin.

Allows the user to interact with a variety of types of Internet content, such as videos, games, music, etc.

The user can download these extensions from the mozilla search engine catalog. All programs in this catalog have been tested and checked for malware.

However, in the latest version of mozilla, even programs contained in the directory are blocked.

To install improvements, you will need to use the forced method. Below are several methods for forcing installation.

Method No. 1:

  • Login to Mozilla
  • Enter about:config in the address bar.
  • Press the button
  • After the security window pops up, agree to the terms.

Method number 2:

  • Go to the settings panel.
  • Find xpinstall.signatures.required.
  • Click LMB several times.
  • After the entry changes to false, you can install the improvements.

After such manipulations, you can install various add-ons in the Mozilla Firefox 43 browser that will be relevant to the user. However, caution is recommended in this case, since such installations may pose a potential danger.

The user should also take into account that when the next search engine update is released, all previously specified parameters will be reset.