How to disable safe on android. How to disable safe mode on Android: ways

Devices running on Android platform, go into special mode due to damage operating system or an application crash. This is a download that starts the phone with only system applications... You can restore a frozen phone and clear the memory of unnecessary information. There are several known ways to disable safe mode on android.

Switching to standard device mode becomes a daunting task at first glance. After the manipulations done, not every phone is restored to its typical position.

State features

For advanced users computer system Safe Mode is known to exist in Windows. However, the mobile device is also subject to various conditions and goes into the same mode on Android.

Protective mode is an integral part Android systems which helps in case of overload. Initially, the reason for the system boot switch that has occurred is determined. This is due to a crash or a serious application error. The user is faced with the task of how to exit safe mode on the android and restore the phone, keeping all settings and information.

In some versions of the operating system, a notification is sent to the user when it transitions to a different state. Malfunctioning apps are a common cause of a device going into safety mode. To remove it, you need to uninstall recently downloaded applications.

There are several ways to turn off safe mode on android. This means that by following the instructions and performing basic actions, there will be no problems with the loss of information and files. In the gadget settings, a list of programs opens and in the downloaded tab they are deleted unnecessary applications... It is recommended to deactivate all installed programs... Then the device reboots. Otherwise, other options are used.

System recovery methods

You can verify that your smartphone or tablet is in a safe state by looking at the screen. An inscription about the protective mode appears there. If there is no such notification in the corner of the desktop, the mode is disabled. In the event of a failure, a device reboot is required.

In order to remove the protection mode, you need to turn off the phone or tablet and remove the battery for at least half a minute.

Then put the battery back in and turn on the device again. After the manipulation, the android system and the phone work in normal mode, and all applications, contact details and other information are saved.

The downside is the problem of removing the battery, so this option is not suitable for all devices. There are many other ways to exit Safe Mode. The Home button (on and off) is held down while the phone or tablet is rebooting. However, for some reason, not all devices support this reboot function.

You can turn off safe mode on your phone by pressing the volume up or down button. This option resets the settings to the primary ones, so all saved information will be lost. All applications can be returned after the performed manipulations.

Model-specific procedure

On Lenovo (Lenovo), you can disable Safe Mode in several ways. For example, remove the battery for a few minutes and reinstall it. The device must be rebooted and at this time press the "Home" key, holding it until it is fully loaded. After turning on the smartphone, the volume down key is clamped. It is important to keep your fingers in this position until the device is fully loaded. Restart Lenovo again and, when turned on, hold down the volume up button and hold it until it is fully activated.

Disable Safe Mode on ZTE phone, Fly (Fly), Dexp and other models in several ways. When unknown program interferes normal work the device, you should not immediately give the phone to the service center if you can try to restore the work on your own.

Main steps:

You need to go to the settings, select the application manager and the specific object to be deleted. After deleting, the phone restarts in normal mode... If despite all attempts to use different methods, the security mode appears again, then it is better to start over and reset the settings. Before returning the device to its original form, a backup copy of the data is created. The user goes to settings, selects backup and reset. After reboot, the standard mode is restored.

Way Hard reset is similar to a factory reset, but it is done by the developer method. Hard reset deletes everything from the smartphone, including cache and memory, which are not deleted by factory reset.

Hard reset ( hard reset) clears the phone starting at entry level... Security mode moves the smartphone or tablet to a safe area, and this property is used by developers and programmers to debug the application.

Other actions

A safe way is the system's response to errors or atypical encoding. To remove the device from emergency mode, not all methods help. It is important to prevent this action from being resumed.

Extreme measures

Files are backed up to save files and applications. Subsequent restoration will transfer data and contact to the restored phone.

Retention of information:

  • Copying files to your computer.
  • Save to the cloud on Google Drive.
  • Export contacts to a file and save them to your computer.

Another way is to turn off the power and press certain keys. The combination of buttons depends on the model of the device. However, there is a standard algorithm used when conventional debugging methods fail.

Phone recovery key options:

  • Volume On / Off Button This option is suitable for LG, HTC, Alcatel and Motorola models.
  • Power and volume up key + Home (for Samsung).

After the recovery menu appears, use the volume keys (up, down) to select the "Delete data and reset device" item. "Wipe data / factory reset" is pressed and activated by the power button. The decision is confirmed by clicking on consent. After a few minutes, the recovery is complete and the phone is activated.

They also use the notification panel. In some situations, you can turn off the mode by unlocking your phone and swiping down from the top of the screen.

Removing malware

Malicious code is the main culprit for system malfunction. Security mode turns on when the volume button is locked, and on Samsung - the volume down button. For example, when these keys are mechanically blocked by a cover or other object, the protective mode is turned on arbitrarily. This is not a serious malfunction. You need to get the device out of the case, visually inspect the keys, press the volume a couple of times and make sure that they sink without resistance, and restart the phone.

When after installing the program turns on safe way act quickly. They randomly select suspicious objects that run simultaneously with the operating system, for example, home screen widgets.

Then the settings are launched, the icon of which is located in the application bar. Another option is to launch the notification bar. Scrolling down, select the application and open the page where the basic information is located. Some devices support this function only after selecting "App info". Then press the delete key. If the application is systemic, then click the "Disable" tab. The final stage of the procedure is a reboot. The phone should turn on in the initial mode.

If you have serious problems with software natural loading of the gadget is disabled. Standard custom applications and programs are blocked by the system for security purposes or run in a limited way. It is not difficult to remove a safe state, knowing the basic methods.

Due to the fact that all more phones and tablets on the Android platform began completely unexpectedly to go into safe mode, many users are interested in how to turn off safe mode.

In general, this very mode is needed in order to stop the operation of applications that are not working correctly.

But in some cases, it turns on on its own, and turning it off is quite difficult. In addition, on the Internet you can find many ways that supposedly allow you to do this, but in practice everything turns out to be quite the opposite.

Therefore, we have chosen five methods that actually work and disable Safe Mode on Android devices.

1. Method number 1. Reboot

In general, the device goes into safe mode due to a malfunction of an application, but rebooting often stops it and automatically wakes the phone out of this mode.

There are several ways to do this.

You should not use them at the same time, because only one of them will work on your device.

It is about this:

  • If in the menu that opens after swiping up, there is an item "Turn off the power" or something similar, click on it. Then the device will be turned off.

  • Hold down the keypad lock button and select "Shutdown" from the options.

After the phone is turned off, remove the battery from it and wait at least 30 seconds, then repeat all operations in reverse order, that is, insert the battery and turn on the phone.

As for the aforementioned 30 seconds, then during this time the capacitors are completely discharged and the device begins to work, as it were, from scratch.

Some people write that it is better to wait about a minute. Anyway, 30 seconds is minimum time, but you shouldn't wait more than 5 minutes - it doesn't make any sense.

Note: If the design of your phone does not allow you to remove the battery, just wait a while after turning it off.

2. Method number 2. Alternative

This method does not work on all devices, so if it does not work in your case, you should not despair, go to the third one.

And it consists in pressing and holding the power button and the button at the same time, which makes the volume of the device lower.

Below is an example of the location of these buttons on Samsung phone Galaxy J7. Here on the right is the power button and on the left is the volume down button.

Important: This method should only be used if the volume control button is intact and intact. Otherwise, such a combination will cause a cyclic (permanent) reboot.

3. Method number 3. Removing applications

So, the phone can go into safe mode due to some applications, or rather, their incorrect operation, therefore this way looks quite logical.

And it consists in simply removing all applications that you recently installed.

To do this, you need to do the following:

  • Go to settings, then to the "Applications" item.
  • Click on the desired application... By default, they will be sorted by installation date, so you need to uninstall one of the first applications in the list.
  • On the application page, click on the "Delete" button.

If uninstalling the recently installed apps doesn't help, it's worth trying to uninstall all apps one at a time until the device stops going into Safe Mode.

But in this case, a problem arises: not everyone wants to delete all applications, because important data may be lost.

Therefore, if removing the last installed applications does not help, it is better to resort to the fourth method on our list, which is more radical.

4. Method number 4. Phone reset

This method consists in completely erasing all information from the device. Then the information that forced him to go into safe mode will also be removed.

Most efficient way to reset the phone looks like this:

  • Restart the phone and, when it just starts to turn on, hold down the volume down button. Thanks to this, it will go to system menu.
  • In the system menu, select the "wipe data / factory reset" item. Choice in this case produced by the volume keys and the power button of the phone.
  • In the next window, select the "yes ..." item. There is a simple query "Do you really want to delete all data from the device". We answer "Yes".
  • After that, the deletion will take place directly. Some time will pass, which depends on the amount of information on the device. Then the system menu will reappear, which we saw from the very beginning. There you should select the item "reboot system ...". The system will reboot and start up in normal, normal mode.

Of course, we do not want all data to disappear from the phone, so before performing the above procedure, you need to save all important documents somewhere.

It is best to use for this an ordinary computer- connect your phone to it via USB and reset all photos, videos, documents and other files.

The same can be done with any cloud storage.

You shouldn't worry about purchased applications and progress in them, all this will be saved in Play account Market.

You just need to reinstall all programs.

5. Method number 5. Using the Home button

This method also does not always work, but you can try.

It consists in starting a reboot of the device and when it starts to boot, hold down the "Home" button and do not release it until the device boots up again.

If the button is touch sensitive, hold it down as soon as it appears on the screen. If there is no restart function, just turn off your phone and start turning it on.

The first method can be seen clearly in the video below.

Most Power Users personal computers know about the existence of a safe mode c. However, not everyone is aware that a similar feature is available on Android tablets. Moreover, many do not know what Safe Mode means on Android. Therefore, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the term itself. Safe Mode, learn about its parameters and settings.

Safe Mode Window

As you know, Android OS is famous for its democracy and loyalty, which allow subscribers to take actions that do not destroy other systems. With these manipulations, you can change your desktop, design and even the behavior of the system beyond recognition. This is possible by editing the system files both manually and by installing third-party programs and applications. But such interference in the life of the operating system sometimes comes at a price.

If, after making changes or installing additional software, the device slows down, responds unstably to touches or slows down, then these problems can be solved by starting Android in safe mode. He will let you identify and diagnose the cause of the problem. And even if the tablet does not perform its basic functions in a standard manner, it can still work in safe mode. Therefore, before taking your tablet for repair, you should check its performance. Let's take a look at several ways to enable and disable Safe Mode, the choice of which depends on.

Method 1. Android 4.1 and higher

  1. Press the power button of the device until the shutdown window appears.
  2. Hold your finger on the "Disconnect device" field, waiting for the opening additional menu where we choose safe mode.
  3. This window will ask you if you really want to enable Safe Mode. We press "OK".
  4. Now we can.

Method 2. Android 4.0 and below

  1. Turn off the device.
  2. We are waiting for the logo to appear on the screen of the device, press the volume up and down buttons at the same time and hold until the device is fully loaded.
  3. In this case, immediately after switching on, the bottom of the screen will display the inscription: "Safe Mode".

After inserting the tablet into Safe mode Mode, you can remove programs that interfere with the work and consume the resources of the device. If you do not know what software is causing your device to not work normally, you can erase the last installed applications.

How to disable safe mode

For the standard return of the tablet to the usual status and normal operation, you just need to restart your gadget. But sometimes it happens that some difficulties arise with this. Therefore, you need to know about several ways how to remove Safe Mode on Android.

  1. Just restart your tablet.
  2. Remove the battery from the tablet and wait a few minutes, then, after inserting it back, turn on the device.
  3. If the above methods did not help, then you can go to, after which the device will be like new. But keep in mind that all information stored on the tablet will be deleted. This will be all of your personal data and applications. Therefore, it will be necessary to create backup data you want to save. You need to transfer your files to your computer or other information carrier and then proceed with the reset. To do this, you need to go to the settings - backup and reset. In the menu that opens, select "Reset to factory settings" and confirm that you want to reset the device settings. It is imperative to wait for the completion of the process, which can take a significant amount of time.

You learned what Safe Mode is, learned how to troubleshoot existing system problems. You will now be more careful when installing third party software. This will allow you to fix the problem before it even appears. Do not get carried away with third-party launchers, themes, various programs that can damage system files... Then the tablet will serve you for a long time and will work stably.

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When you encounter critical software issues normal loading the phone becomes impossible, and it goes into safe mode. Regular custom games and programs are blocked by the operating system or run with limited functionality. You can return to normal operation of a mobile phone on Android and disable the security mode after eliminating the cause of the failure.

How to disable security mode in Android

To make sure that your smartphone on the Android mobile operating system has booted into Safe Mode, check the inscription in the lower left corner.

Program icons, user-installed on your own through google store Play or from apk files are locked, as seen in the picture above. Only system applications can be launched.

The easiest way to get rid of the condition limited functionality smartphone, do three steps:

  • Hold down the power off key of the gadget for a few seconds. A menu for selecting an action will appear: reboot or shutdown.
  • Select the Restart icon and wait for the procedure to complete. If the safe mode turned off, then the failure was accidental, its cause was eliminated automatically.
  • If the problem is not resolved, try holding the Power button again and turn off the phone completely. Experienced professional staff service centers it is recommended to remove the battery from the smartphone for 30 seconds, if the model allows it.

If it was not possible to normalize the operation of the gadget, analyze the cause of the problem. The most common situations where Safe Mode is enabled:

Locked or damaged mechanical buttons

Safe mode on mobile devices under the control of Android turns on if the volume button is locked. V smartphones Samsung it is a decrease in the sound level. If it is blocked by a cover or foreign objects in a women's bag, the safe mode is on Android device turns on spontaneously and does not indicate a serious malfunction.

Take your smartphone out of the case and check the state of the keys. Press the volume buttons a few times, make sure they retract easily without resistance. Reboot the device again.

Installing faulty programs or failed update

Think about which apps you've recently installed or updated. This information is listed in the system notification window. Find a mention of the recently downloaded installer apk file or a message about a program update.

In the settings, select Applications and find the desired program.

Select the Delete option in the window that appears.

Turn off the device completely according to the instructions above.

We turn it on and hold down a few buttons. Different manufacturers stick to their recovery login options. In Xiaomi, this is the volume up key, pressed together with the power button. You need to hold down the buttons until a picture with an android man with gears appears, or open case, depending on the version of the mobile OS and the manufacturer.

In the menu that appears, select the option to restore the factory firmware.

For flashing Chinese gadgets, it is convenient to install TRW - a tool for installing third-party assemblies, restoring and clearing the application cache.

Safe mode may turn on automatically on an Android device (tablet or phone) due to damage to the integrity of the case, power button or volume control. And also due to purely software conflicts between installed applications, as a result of operating system malfunctions.

In the latter case (in the absence of physical malfunctions) on Android, you can restore the standard operating mode by the following actions:

Note. If using one of the proposed options fails to remove the activated Safe Mode, try another. Shutdown procedure on mobile devices different brands can be performed in different ways.

The ways


1. Switch off your phone.

2. Open the case and remove the battery.

3. Insert the battery after a few minutes.

4. Switch on the phone, enter the PIN-code of the SIM-card.

5. When the boot is complete, the operating system will automatically restore to standard mode.


2. From the menu that appears on the display, select Power Off.

3. Turn on the device again. And in the process of starting the operating system, when the logo appears on the display, press and hold the "Volume up" button.


1. Hold down the "Shutdown" button.

2. Tap in the opened panel "Turn off".

3. Turn on your Android device. During system boot (after the logo appears), hold down the "Volume Down" button.


If safe mode has turned on after installing an application, uninstall it and restart the device.


Restart your device and hold down the Home button while turning it on.
Successful and fast debugging of your Android device!