How to remove scratches from a silicone case. How to remove scratches from your phone

Silicone cases are very convenient and widely used. A phone protected in this way, even after a year, looks like new.

There is only one big drawback - the covers quickly get dirty and lose their beautiful appearance. appearance. When carried in pockets, over time they turn different colors. In this state, they do not please their owners at all.

It would be a pity to throw away such an item; its cost is not so small. A service life of two to three weeks will not please anyone.

The thought immediately comes to wash off the dirt. But how and with what? We offer you several ways. Let's start with something simple.

Method number 1. Laundry soap

Take the case, soap it well, and leave it like that for half an hour. Then rinse and dry well.

If this method does not help, then move on to the second.

Method number 2. Dish detergent

Take a cloth or sponge and dampen it with detergent. Wipe the dirty surface and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse and wipe the accessory dry.

Method number 3. Isopropyl alcohol

You can try cleaning dirty areas with isopropyl alcohol. Apply it to the surface, trying to rub off any stains. Alcohol is a more aggressive agent than the previous ones, so you should not leave it exposed for a long time. Rinse everything thoroughly with water.

Didn't you manage to wash it? Then, let's go all out.

Method number 4. Add borax

Pour water into a container and add dishwashing detergent. Pour a little borax into the solution (available inexpensively at the pharmacy) and soak the product for an hour. Then rinse with clean water and dry.

Did you manage to wash it? No? Then - go ahead.

Method number 5. Soda

Take baking soda, add water (a little bit), beat it into a paste. Apply this mixture to the stained areas. Use a soft brush to clean dirty areas. Leave the case in this state for several hours, preferably overnight. Then shake off the dried soda. I hope that the accessory will please you with its refreshed and clean appearance.

Not happy? The chances remain less and less, but they exist.

Method number 6. Acetone

This is not exactly acetone, but a slightly aggressive nail polish remover. Moisten a cotton wool or napkin with the solution and wipe the accessory thoroughly. Wash with warm water and soap, rinse and dry. They claim that this liquid can clean everything.

And the last remedy you can use.

Method number 7. Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide fights dirt with hissing, eating it away. Therefore, use diluted hydroperite, two or three percent. After all the previous ordeals with cleaning the case, the silicone softened and became more susceptible to the effects of caustic solutions. Apply peroxide only to stained areas. You can do it several times until the reaction occurs - hissing.

If nothing improves after this, then return it. old look the accessory will not work. Alas.

  1. Do not allow silicone accessories to be exposed to sunlight for a long time.
  2. It is much easier to clean up dirt while it is fresh. Don't wait for the dirt to penetrate deeply. Wash the product as soon as it gets dirty.
  3. Fresh stains can be easily removed with an eraser.
  4. Do not use hard brushes to clean the surface. They can leave deep marks that collect even more dirt.
  5. If there are sticky traces left on the product from the tape or price tag, then it is easy to remove them. It is enough to wipe this place with sunflower oil.

How to update a white case

If among those reading there are those interested, we can offer an interesting option - updating the white case. It can also be colored if you choose a dye. For this you will need:

  1. medical gloves;
  2. silicone bottle (sold in construction stores);
  3. starch;
  4. sandpaper (the finest no. 0).

Take a silicone case and sand the dirty areas. If the dirt is not deeply ingrained, then you can only get by with silicone.

Prepare a mixture of starch and silicone. Mix well with your hands, wearing gloves first.

Apply a thin layer of the mixture to the cleaned surface before it begins to harden. The thinner the mixture, the thinner the layer will be. Make all places perfect white and let harden.

Sand all rough spots again with sandpaper. Rub the remaining traces of scratches with silicone alone (thinly and thinly).

If you did this carefully, the case will look like new.

Small addition: When buying a silicone balloon, ask how to squeeze it out.

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Mobile phones are probably the only technology that most often makes “flights”. No matter how much you take care of a new thing, sooner or later, traces of use will appear on it, and it will lose its former appearance. So, if you buy a new mobile phone and don’t put a protective film on the screen, be prepared that scratches and abrasions will appear on the glass within five to six months. This does not depend on how you use the device.

You will need:

Paste GOI

If you try to remove small ones, the result will be the opposite: the screen will look dirty, dull, and covered with shiny dimples.

So, GOI pasta. It was developed specifically for polishing and grinding various surfaces back at the Soviet State Optical Institute (hence the name). You can find it in almost every optical store, and it is inexpensive. So, armed with such a block and everything necessary, we can begin the polishing process.

  • Apply a drop of machine oil to the glass, then take a small piece of paste and begin to lightly rub the surface with a fiber cloth.

Let’s make a reservation right away: this process is not the fastest, because polishing the screen takes from 40 to 60 minutes (depending on the depth of the scratches and effort).

  • You need to rub until you see that there is no oil or paste left.
  • Then we add more and continue polishing until we see the result.
  • At the end of the procedure, take a regular screen polish, a clean cloth, and continue cleaning the glass (2-3 minutes is enough).

If you put a protective film on your phone screen, but scratches appear on the body, then this method can also be used.


You can purchase it at almost any computer store.

If one is not available (strange, but lately it is in short supply), you can replace it with the gel from the drive cleaning kit.

Apply to the screen and gently rub with a piece of cotton wool for 3-4 minutes. We remove the residue from the display using a dry cloth (ideally a cloth for wiping glasses).


This option is considered the most common. Great for removing uneven surfaces back cover iPhone, as well as the screen. Dilute the powder with water (you can use toothpaste instead). Apply a thin layer to the surface. Rub into scratches using circular motions. Leave for a while until the product dries. Then wet a cotton pad with water and remove any residue.

Baking soda

Take a small amount of baking soda and water. Divorce. The product should not have a too liquid consistency. Apply the paste onto a cotton pad and rub it on the scratches. Rub a little in a circular motion. Then wipe the screen dry.

A silicone case or cover is a common accessory for a phone, smartphone or iPhone, which is distinguished by aesthetics, ease of use, wide range, availability and low price. It will help protect your phone and, if necessary, give it the desired color or design.

However, such a case is not practical, since silicone is a soft and delicate material that absorbs dirt well. Subsequently, the resulting stains are quite difficult to wash off. In addition, light and white products often turn yellow. Let's look at how to clean a silicone case from dirt and yellowness.

Features of cleaning the silicone case

Caring for silicone should be soft and delicate. To avoid scratches and deformation of the material, do not use hard brushes and metal sponges, sandpaper, knives and other sharp objects, chlorinated detergents and aggressive chemicals.

Such compositions and objects can easily damage soft material, causing cracks, scratches, yellowing, and cloudy stains. Dirt easily gets into scratches and cracks, and yellowing will ruin the appearance of the product.

Products that may be useful when washing silicone case:

  • Toilet or liquid soap;
  • Shampoo and various washing solutions with a mild composition;
  • Liquid dishwashing detergent;
  • Sunflower oil, essential oils;
  • Soda;
  • Soft bristle brush or foam sponge;
  • Technical alcohol;
  • Dry, clean, soft cloth or cloth.

Be sure to remove the case from your phone before washing. After washing, it is important to thoroughly wipe the products with a dry, clean cloth or soft cloth to avoid leaving streaks. Due to the formation of streaks, the silicone will gradually darken.

Do not dry silicone molds on radiators or electrical appliances! Do not remove stickers or adhesive stains with a knife, blade, scissors or other sharp object! You will only scratch the surface and ruin the appearance even more.

Standard methods for cleaning silicone case

Most of the methods are suitable for washing any product, be it a transparent, matte or colored case. Let's take a closer look at how to clean a silicone case.

Soap solution is the safest and most gentle method. To do this, take liquid or regular toilet soap, dishwashing detergent or mild shampoo. Add a little product to warm water and stir until foam forms. If this is regular soap, first grate the piece on a coarse grater, and then mix it with warm water.

Place the case in soapy water and leave for 30-60 minutes depending on the degree of contamination. After this, remove the product and wipe the most contaminated areas with a soft sponge or brush. Then rinse the cover thoroughly large quantities running water.

Wipe the product dry with a soft, clean cloth or napkin so that no streaks remain. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

If the case is very yellowed, baking soda will help. Dilute a small amount of baking soda with warm water and stir to form a paste. Rub the paste onto the product, yellowed areas or areas with stains.

Do not rub baking soda into the material, otherwise scratches may occur! Leave for at least 6-8 hours, then shake off the powder and rinse the surface under running water. Wipe the case dry.

Some dark spots and yellowing can be removed with a regular eraser. Wipe the dirty areas with an eraser, then wipe the case with a damp cloth and wipe the surface dry.

How to remove stubborn stains from a silicone case

Stubborn stains, stubborn marks from a pen or felt-tip pen, food stains (especially coffee or juice) are very difficult to remove from a silicone surface. To wash the silicone case, in this case regular soap solution or baking soda paste will not help.

First of all, try special cleaning products for silicone products, which are sold in household chemical stores. They have a composition that is safe for such material and will help remove difficult stains and remove dirt. However, these drugs are quite expensive.

If you want to save your budget, you can clean your silicone phone case at home using available products. They will not be able to completely restore the previous appearance, but will help maintain the aesthetics and attractiveness of the product.

Powdered bleach or chlorine stain remover is often used. Add a little powder to warm water and stir until foam forms. Apply the solution to the product or heavily soiled areas using a soft brush. Then rinse thoroughly with a damp sponge, rinse the case in cool water, and wipe dry.

A nail polish remover, but without acetone, will help get rid of stains! Apply the solution to the contaminated areas using a cotton pad and wipe, then rinse with water and wipe the product dry. However, this method is not suitable for a color model, since nail polish remover erases the color, reduces the brightness and makes the case faded.

Silicone phone case white or transparent color clean with toothpaste or tooth powder. Apply the product to a sponge or brush and smoothly and gently rub the surface of the case. Leave for 15 minutes and then rinse with running water. Don't forget to dry the case. Repeat the procedure if necessary. Toothpaste or powder effectively remove stains and yellowness.

Another way to bleach silicone is a solution prepared from soda, ammonia and water. Take the ingredients in equal proportions and mix. Apply the resulting composition to the product and leave for twenty minutes. Then rinse the case in water and dry with a clean, dry cloth.

Stains from pens, ink or felt-tip pens, and greasy fingerprints are removed with alcohol. The cover is completely soaked in a container of alcohol, then washed in running water and wiped dry.

This method will remove stubborn stains and degrease the surface. In addition, the ink and pen effectively remove essential oils. Sunflower oil will help remove stains from tape, stickers or glue.

How to care for a silicone case

To ensure that your phone case retains its original appearance for as long as possible, you need to ensure proper care of the product. First of all, choose cases made of high-quality durable silicone.

Give preference to matte models rather than transparent ones. They get dirty less, require less maintenance, look more neat, and retain their color and presentable appearance longer.

Regular cleaning of the silicone once a month will keep dirt buildup to a minimum. Try to wash off dirt and stains as soon as they appear. If the dirt is absorbed, it will be very difficult to remove the defect.

Such stains can be easily removed with a damp cloth or water and laundry soap. In addition, for white and light shades You can buy special wipes for optics.

Do not carry your phone in a silicone case in a denim pocket, as the material can quickly turn black, gray or blue. Also, do not place your phone on the table when you are eating and do not carry the product in your bag next to your pen.

In addition, silicone products should not be overheated and it is not recommended to leave them in the sun for a long time. Otherwise, due to its elasticity, silicone will lose its previous shape, stretch, or even melt.

Choose cases strictly according to the size of your phone, smartphone or iPhone. Do not pull the small cover over the product, otherwise it will stretch or tear. Do not take the case on or off too often.

A mobile phone just purchased from a store initially has a sparkling appearance. Several months pass, and the original factory shine becomes dull, and the screen becomes covered with small scratches and abrasions, reducing the aesthetics of the gadget’s appearance. You can use several proven methods that allow you to restore the shine and beauty of your mobile phone without visiting a repair shop. In this article we will look at how to remove scratches from a phone case at home.

If your mobile phone is still under warranty, then similar problem you can visit the service center. They can replace the screen and return you an updated device. If the warranty has expired, the screen replacement procedure will be very expensive.

Important! But the service center does not always meet you halfway, and may find you to blame for the damage that occurs. In this case, the repair becomes paid service. Therefore, this method is not effective. But it's always worth a try.

If you can't resolve this problem when visiting service center, then it is advisable to read all the information about the structure of your phone screen. This recommendation allows you to use the safest polishing option. Without preliminary theoretical preparation, you may not be able to save the gadget, but will only aggravate the situation.

How to remove scratches from the phone case or screen?

Modern smartphones are constantly exposed to unintentional impacts. Somehow, they end up in the same pocket with the keys, then they are thrown into a bag, where there are many other small things, then they accidentally fall. As a result, after some time the screen and body are covered with small scratches, and this gives the gadget a sloppy appearance. In order not to have to replace scratched surfaces and save your budget, you can use several proven methods that help you independently eliminate cracks on the screen and panel of your mobile phone.

Important! Most effective method Protecting your smartphone from cracks and scratches means treating it with care and precision. A protective film and a durable case can also extend the life of the gadget.

Finding minor scratches on the body of a smartphone is not yet a reason for frustration. Most problems of this nature can be solved through the use of simple improvised means.

Polishing with toothpaste

Using a dentifrice is one of the available ways eliminating scratches.

Important! In this case, use ordinary tooth powder or white paste, rather than a gel-like multi-colored mixture.

How to remove scratches from your phone using toothpaste:

  1. Apply a small amount of toothpaste to a cotton pad, piece of cotton wool or soft cotton cloth.
  2. Using gentle movements, rub the substance into the damaged area of ​​the screen.
  3. This procedure must be completed within 4-5 minutes.
  4. To remove toothpaste residue, wipe the screen with a dry soft cloth.

Done, the appearance of our gadget has improved significantly, the scratches have disappeared!

Important! This method allows you to hide scratches both on the smartphone body and on the gadget screen.

Baking soda

IN home use Baking soda is used when you need to clean pots, pans and polish the ironing surface of the iron. It also perfectly cleans furniture, clothing, and, in some cases, plumbing fixtures.

Ordinary baking soda successfully helps to polish a smartphone screen, as well as eliminate small cracks, thanks to the abrasive component of its structure. In addition, the use of such a substance helps smooth out minor irregularities.

In order to get rid of scuffs on a mobile phone using baking soda, you need to do the following:

  1. In a deep container, prepare a solution consisting of soda and water in a proportional ratio of 2:1.
  2. Apply the resulting composition to a cotton swab or a piece of cotton cloth, and gently wipe the damaged area of ​​the surface of the mobile phone with gentle movements.
  3. Then wipe the display with a damp soft cloth and check for scratches.

Done, the device has its original appearance!


You can also use sandpaper, but it should have the finest grain structure. Before use this method It is imperative that you try to treat any similar surface with the selected sandpaper. At positive result You can start polishing the damaged body of the gadget.

Important! Using this method You need to be as careful as possible so as not to create new scratches on the device’s body.

Baby powder

Regular baby powder can also help remove minor scratches on your phone's surface. Baby powder contains talc, which serves as a base for the polishing mixture.

How to remove scratches from your phone cover using baby powder:

  • We prepare a product consisting of powder and water in a proportional ratio of 2:1. The prepared paste should have a thick and uniform structure.
  • Apply the resulting composition to a cotton swab or a piece of cotton cloth and rub the damaged area of ​​the gadget.

Important! The polishing process can also be done with a piece of felt or a napkin, which is used to wipe glasses.

  • When polishing, talc is driven into irregularities, creating the impression of a complete surface structure.
  • After finishing the process, use a damp cloth to remove any remaining paste.


You can also use a regular piece of suede fabric, which helps disguise small scratches on the smartphone screen. To do this you need:

  1. Take a small piece of suede, which should be very clean and dry.
  2. Rub the damaged surface until it shines, since the presence of an ideal

Vegetable oil

There is a way to remove minor cracks and scratches using vegetable fat. For this procedure, any vegetable oil is used.

How to remove scratches on a phone cover using vegetable oil:

  1. Distribute a drop of the selected product over the entire screen or back of the lid. The layer should be very thin.
  2. Using a cotton swab or a piece of cotton cloth, polish the damaged surface until it shines.

This procedure hides microscopic damage, and the mobile phone returns to its original appearance.

Varnish fixer

You can also use a varnish fixer. For this method, prepare:

  • varnish fixer or dryer;
  • ordinary alcohol;
  • clean napkin.

To remove scratches from your phone case:

  • Wipe the scratched screen with alcohol and let it dry.
  • Afterwards, carefully apply the varnish fixer and polish the surface.

Computer polish

In almost every computer store and in departments selling household equipment you can buy computer polish. This tool helps to hide minor and minor damage on the smartphone screen.

Important! Computer polish is ideal for removing scratches on the screens of touchscreen models when they are not very deep.

How to remove scratches from a phone cover at home using computer polish:

  • Apply this product to a cotton swab, a piece of cotton cloth or a napkin for wiping glasses. Using light movements, polish the damaged area of ​​the touch screen.
  • Rub the remaining computer paste with a damp soft cloth. This procedure takes no more than five minutes.

Car polish

You can also use car polish. It is advisable to use this product only for polishing touch screens and a metal case. If you don’t have your own car, this method is not practical.


  1. Apply a small amount of gel to a cotton swab or piece of soft cloth.
  2. Rub the damaged surface of the touch screen with light movements.
  3. The rubbing procedure should be performed for 20 to 30 minutes until shine appears.

You can also use furniture polish, such as Pronto. After purchase, such a product is successfully used in everyday life. The process of rubbing the touch screen or case takes a little longer.

Important! The most effective option is to use a special polishing agent to remove minor scratches from screens mobile phones, televisions and computers.

Paste GOI

GOI paste was developed specifically for polishing and grinding all kinds of damaged surfaces at the State Optical Institute. You can purchase such a product at any optical store, and at a low price.

Important! This method is ideal for cases where deep scars and large scratches have formed. If you try to remove microscopic minor cracks with this method, the result is completely opposite - the screen becomes dull, as if dirty, and with shiny depressions.

How to get rid of scratches on the phone cover using GOI paste:

  • You need to drop a little machine oil on the screen.
  • Then, using a small piece of paste, using a small cloth, lightly rub the damaged surface.

Important! This procedure is quite long, since polishing the screen will take from 30 minutes to one hour. It depends on the depth of the scratches and the force applied.

  • The procedure must be carried out until the paste and oil completely disappear.
  • Add another drop of oil and a little paste and continue polishing until the final result.
  • At the end of the polishing process, apply a regular polishing agent for mobile phone screens to a clean, soft piece of cloth, and clean the glass surface for 2-3 minutes.

Important! If there is a sticker on the touch screen protective film, but minor damage still appears on the screen, then you can use this method to remove scratches.

Using an electric razor

You can also eliminate scratches on the damaged surface of a smartphone by using an electric razor with a linear drive. How to remove scratches from a metal phone case using an electric razor:

  • First of all, you need to remove the protective mesh from the razor blade.
  • A piece of soft fabric or a napkin must be folded into a semicircle and placed on the razor blade.
  • It is necessary to fix the soft cloth or napkin, while carefully straightening the edges so that crumpled cloth does not occur during the process of polishing the case.
  • Next, you need to turn on the electric razor and polish the damaged surface with gentle movements for several minutes.

At the end of the procedure touchscreen phone has a pristine appearance.

Preventing scratches on your phone

To prevent scratches on the phone case you need to:

  • Buy protective film. For several months it will reliably protect your mobile screen from various mechanical damage and will reduce the risk of minor scratches.
  • Clean the screen as often as possible. If there is no accumulation of dust particles, then scratches and microscopic cracks are much less likely to form.

Important! Wipe with special wipes. Otherwise, you yourself may scratch the screen with your own actions.

Carry in special pockets or use protective covers. You shouldn’t let your smartphone just lie around in a bag where there are many small items at the same time.

Buy a phone with a recoverable display. This device is equipped with a plastic coating that can smooth out minor damage. But this option does not always solve this problem. If used carelessly, more or less significant cracks will be visible even on such a display.


Of course, it is possible to eliminate scratches and cracks on the surface of the phone. But it is not possible to remove them permanently and effectively in every case. Therefore, it is necessary to treat new gadgets carefully and with care. Then the appearance of the touch screen and case will please you for a long time without any extra effort.

It is impossible to imagine the modern world without mobile phones, smartphones, and tablets. Gadgets have firmly established themselves in our lives. Helping and sometimes distracting, they have become practically a working tool not only in work, but also in personal affairs. If it weren't for the scratches.

Daily use of equipment leaves its imprints on the body and glass. Even the most careful person will eventually develop scuffs, rough spots and scratches on his tablet or phone.
Seemingly inconspicuous violations of integrity do not attract attention. But they are still small. As soon as a scratch on a phone becomes catastrophic, many begin to wonder if something can be done about it.

How to remove scratches from your phone.

Replacing a scratched phone with a new one is the easiest way. But the price of the issue turns out to be unaffordable for many. And, by and large, there is no point in exchanging an excellent working gadget for the same one.
Taking good care of your belongings starts small. A protective film and a cover on the body will help prevent defects from appearing on the glass. When buying a phone, sales consultants always suggest sticking a special film on the display. Don’t try to save money on such an insignificant, at first glance, little thing. Place a film on the screen and put on the case. This way you will preserve the appearance of the product much longer.

But if this advice If you have adopted it for a future purchase, but the problem has already arisen, then we will tell you how to get rid of scratches on your phone.

How to remove scratches from your phone screen

Small scratch on iPhone screen let it remain that way. Because the methods we offer are not suitable for particularly sensitive touch screens. Moreover, do not believe that using the methods suggested below on how to remove deep scratches from your phone screen, you can restore the original iPad view or iPhone.

The simplest solution to the issue of minor scratches is to stick an anti-reflective matte film on the screen. It will hide minor defects.

Keep in mind that if the screen of your smartphone is covered with an oleophobic film, then trying to eliminate the defect in the form of scratching, you will erase the protection from fats and some contaminants.

If you are wondering how to get rid of scratches on your phone screen, then accept one simple fact. It is impossible to remove scratches on your phone's glass. They can be hidden. Make it almost invisible or completely invisible.

This is what polishing your phone screen from scratches is for. This procedure consists of grinding down the edges of the damage so much that it becomes invisible to the naked eye and filling the groove with the ground-off substance.

Polishing at home is based on the use of improvised means. To do this, use one of the following means:

  • toothpaste (regular, not gel);
  • baby powder;
  • baking soda;
  • vegetable oil;
  • polishes for cars, displays, furniture;
  • goyim pasta.

Or clean out the grooves

  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • suede;
  • photocopy paper;

Before polishing your phone from scratches, protect the connectors and speakers.

To apply any of the suggested substances to the screen, take a microfiber or cotton cloth. Apply a little paste or another drug from the list above on it. Then, use gentle movements to begin wiping the screen. In this case, you need to press just a little bit.

Don't expect immediate results. The effect depends on how long and monotonously you rub the substance into the glass. Periodically wipe the display with a dry cloth. Then start applying the paste again.

Polishing with goya paste is especially effective. Our grandmothers used this thing. It contains a small amount of abrasive particles. It is used to polish ceramics and optical glass. It has also been successfully used for polishing plastic and touch screens.
It is more logical to use goya paste in combination with a grinding machine or fine-grained sandpaper.

The grinding machine can be easily replaced with a conventional drill.

  • Cut out a small diameter polishing wheel from a sponge, cloth and microfiber. Soak it in goyim paste. Start the machine at low speed and start processing the surface. Check the results periodically. To prevent the glass on the screen from overheating, do not work constantly in one place, move the polishing wheel over the entire area.
  • You can use emery for polishing only if you are careful and patient. Also cut a circle out of sandpaper, attach it to the drill and start polishing at low speed. By adding goi paste to the sanding wheel, you will restore the shine and brightness of the glass. When finished, wipe the screen with a napkin.
  • Crumple the familiar A4 size photocopier paper in your fist. Then rub the scratches in a circular motion. Such manipulations will lead to the disappearance of the scratch in three to four minutes.
    For polishing, you can purchase professional paste-like substances. Pastes such as “Displex”, “Poly Run”, “Disk Repair” are created for polishing touch screens, CDs, displays, and monitors.

How to remove scratches on a phone camera.

Scratches on the phone camera can be removed in a similar way. The only inconvenience that will accompany you during work is a small defective area. Therefore, you need to polish the camera glass carefully in several approaches.

How to remove scratches from a phone case.

Minor cracks and small scratches you can easily hide on your phone using vegetable fats:

  • on the body, previously cleaned of dust and dirt, drop a drop of sunflower oil;
  • spread the oil over the phone cover. If there are abrasions on the sides, then spread the oil there too;
  • Take a cotton napkin or microfiber cloth and start rubbing the defective areas.
  • After a few minutes of polishing, a scratch on the phone's cover will become less noticeable and then completely disappear.

Instead of oil, you can use nail polish fixer. But before applying the fixative, treat the lid with alcohol, being careful not to get it on the screen.
Apply varnish fixer to the cleaned body and polish.

You can also use any screen polishing method to remove scratches from the phone body.

The approach to the problem of how to remove scratches from a tablet is the same as with a phone. But be prepared for the fact that it will take you much more time to polish your tablet. The surface area of ​​a tablet is much larger than that of a smartphone.

How to remove scratches from a tablet.

If you have the skills to work with a small drill or drill, then do this:

  • insert a toothpick into the cartridge.
  • wrap surgical cotton around it to make a decent “bobbin”.
  • Apply a little goyi paste to the “bobbin”.
  • turn on the mini drill and “smooth” the surface.

This The best way How to polish your tablet screen from scratches.

For those users who do not know how to handle a small drill, but are puzzled by the question of how to remove scratches from the tablet screen, suede will be an assistant. A regular old suede glove will remove scratches on your tablet display. 5-10 minutes of continuous polishing of the damage on the glass of the tablet will remove it without a trace.

borrow goyim paste from friends who work with metal. The best fine abrasive for removing scratches on a tablet display is white.

Evidence that the operation to eliminate defects was successful will be smoothed grooves when the device is turned off. When the gadget is turned on, abrasions will no longer be noticeable at all.

How to remove scratches from the tablet case.

Removing scratches from a tablet, whatever one may say, requires the same procedure. The essence of which is to fill the scratch with material sanded off from the edges. With subsequent fixation of this material in the groove.

The only way to get rid of scratches on both your tablet and your phone is by polishing. Of course, nothing can be done about deep damage, but minor defects are perfectly hidden.

How to protect your graphics tablet from scratches.

Damage to the graphics tablet, scratches and abrasions, prevents you from fully using the device. The feather begins to stumble.

Protect Graphics tablet Replacing the film attached to the surface will help. It can be either animated celluloid or fluoroplastic.

How to remove scratches on your phone at home. Video.