How to evaluate SEO promotion. How to evaluate the work of an SEO specialist or why to fire an SEO specialist

Hello dear colleagues and guests of the project. I'm shocked. In the good sense of this phrase. Emotions just overwhelm me because of the great news. I still wonder how I could have missed this, even though I’m professionally engaged in website promotion?

I haven’t felt such excitement since I joined blogging school, where I learned powerful information on how to properly develop one of my projects. I am very pleased with the results, but now we are talking about something else.

Today I’ll tell you about a service that simply captured my imagination. I saw a new way to effective SEO promotion on the Internet.

The fact is that I discovered an online service that is capable of identifying key queries and page addresses that generate the main traffic to the sites I have tested. This includes my blog. In this case, you can see errors, or rather omissions, in the semantic core. Do you know what will happen if I correct them on my projects?

Based on my experience, I believe that correctly correcting these shortcomings is highly likely to cause a significant increase in traffic within 3-6 months.

Correct optimization of the semantic core of a site inevitably leads to an increase in traffic if all its other parameters are normal. I was convinced of this from my own experience, although I also used some other approaches than those described in this article, which saved a lot of time.

I was particularly interested in a number of specific service capabilities for qualitatively improving the semantic core (SC). I’ll tell you more about them and explain why they are so important to me.

The publication turned out to be voluminous in size and semantic content. For your convenience, I have compiled an outline of the article.

Key SEO queries and pages that generate traffic, at a glance

There are special programs and services for collecting and analyzing CN. However, I have never seen this before in any of these software products.

The pages and queries to them that generate the main traffic to my blog are clearly identified.

I hid some words in the screenshot. If you wish, you can determine them yourself while using the service.

The keys shown in the picture have two interesting features.

  • They lead to the same url.
  • They do not have a high frequency, but combined with the frequency of requests to the same address they give good traffic.

At first I thought that it was a coincidence that such “tasty” key queries for promotion might not be determined as quickly and easily for another site. I checked another site, the performance of which I support. No coincidence, great queries and successful URLs were identified again. Do you understand what this means?

You can conduct a thorough analysis of the semantic core of competitors and find out effective phrases for search engine promotion. This is simply a great opportunity to get quality information. If you use it correctly, you can safely move to the TOP of search results.

Keywords and phrases close to the TOP search results: there are few left to the first positions

Numerous sites have keys that are in 11-20 positions in the search results. They are of greatest interest from the point of view of improving SEO. Do you think you have few such requests?

But the same indexed article can be ranked for dozens and even hundreds of queries, especially if it has been in the search results for a long time. Which of the texts on your site are displayed on the second page of the search, where almost no one goes anywhere?

Effective use of SEO website promotion involves pulling such phrases onto the first page. Here's the problem - how to calculate them? It’s actually very simple, thanks to the functionality of the service in question.

To do this, we launch a domain check, wait for the results to be displayed, go to the “site tree” section and set up a filter.

This is where the fun begins. The program processes the data and displays a list of page addresses and search queries for each of them, for which the site is in 11-20th place in the search results.

I partially hide the information in the picture. If you wish, you can independently audit my, yours and any other site.

Such requests should be calculated and worked out at a high quality level. There is a high probability of amazing results.

Submission of additional queries to the TOP 10 search engine results.

How to do it? Some of the possible options are presented below.

  • Optimize text.
  • Make internal linking.
  • Engage in external optimization.

There is another option to obtain valuable information for developing high-quality SEO for the SA. I don’t know if you’ve seen this before or not, but I haven’t seen this before.

Missed queries in the semantic core are a serious cause of traffic loss

The site loses potential traffic due to errors and shortcomings in SEO optimization of the site. Such events include the omission of individual requests from attention.

Taking into account absolutely all the nuances when creating content and language can be very difficult, sometimes even impossible. Therefore, published materials should be improved when they become overgrown with search queries.

The same service will help you find the missing words again. As an example, I’ll analyze one of the pages of my blog and look at their list.

There were a lot of phrases for just one URL. From them, you can choose the most suitable content improvements for effective SEO in order to get more traffic and leads from the site.

Analysis of competitors to optimize your semantic core

Using the methods given above and others available on the service, you can conduct a detailed analysis of competitors. The data obtained will allow you to collect or optimize your own website core.

Do you understand how powerful the potential lies in this?

More traffic and leads due to improved syntax. Own data, knowledge, combined with innovations introduced after analyzing competitors - all this, when used correctly, gives a good effect.

First of all, analyze competitive sites with approximately the same indicators as your project.

The main indicators include subject matter, link mass, TIC, number of publications, domain age.

Do you know why to do this? Optimizing the marketing system based on an analysis of the requests of such competitors can be very effective. This is a conclusion from my personal observations. Whether to follow the recommendation is up to you to decide.

Service for online analysis of the semantic core to improve its effectiveness in search engine promotion

So, I showed you some professional tools. To be honest, now I can’t even imagine how leading webmasters and SEO companies with high earnings can do without them.

Above I demonstrated only part of the capabilities of the service. In fact, there are many more of them, and in recent days I have been studying them with great interest. Join us.

Are you ready to take your website to a qualitatively new level in optimization and search engine promotion through a detailed study of the semantic core of your competitors and your own? Then I’ll show you a service that managed to amaze me with its potential. Go ahead and take a look.

I want to switch to the service.

Have you already watched it? Many webmasters who achieve impressive results in website promotion, I think, are already very familiar with it.

Regardless of your experience with the service, it would be great if you wrote a review about it as part of this publication. I and, I think, many other readers will be interested in learning about your impressions, observations and practical experience.

Conducting a professional audit and improving the semantic core of the blog is a goal for the future

New ideas, a premonition of impressive results and a completely realistic view of the situation - captures my attention at the moment.

I’m thinking about what to choose: quantity or quality of articles with keys? In fact, both are better. It’s just that my personal time may not be enough for everything at the same time. Therefore, a compromise will have to be made.

Most likely, I will temporarily reduce the dynamics of publishing texts on the blog in terms of quantity and pay close attention to the quality indicators of the indexed materials. Simply put, I’ll do their search engine optimization.

I plan to take advantage of the potential of the service and, based on the data received, begin to implement adjustments in website promotion. As a result, make a review or case study on the qualitative improvement of the communication system and, as a result, the growth of traffic and leads.

When it will be? I will stick to my successful blog development strategy and use the semantic core that I have compiled more than once. It will still last for some time. When it ends, I will begin collecting a new SYA and plan to work with the capabilities of the service on a professional level.

The work is large-scale and has many nuances. Therefore, it may take 6-12 months or more before a case or review is published.

If you want, you can wait for the results of my practical experiment to verify the effectiveness of the approach. If you want, you can start now on the path to the TOP search results for the mass of existing queries. If you decide to act now, it is likely that by the time the case is released, you will achieve greater results than I did. I will be only glad, especially if you share your professional experience.

This is where I will conclude the article on high-quality optimization of the semantic core and analysis of competitors. Leave your comments, reviews, suggest topics for discussion. We will move to the TOP together.

Did you like the post? There is still a lot of cool information on the blog. The topics of earning money and website promotion are also covered there. New articles will be coming soon. I regularly add publication announcements to social networks. You can watch them there. Subscription to e-mail also works. See you later.

Don't want to waste time reading?

Just fill out the brief for the service you are interested in! Order website promotion Order website development

Most of our clients are satisfied with the result and recommend us to others, but there are also dissatisfied ones who believe that SEO is a myth. And we will not contradict them and make excuses. Website promotion in search engines I am index And G o o g l e more reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland than a physics reference book. Not everyone is able to withstand all the difficulties of advancement and reach the end of the chessboard.

We regret that they did not have the patience to bring the matter to a high-quality result and that they are no longer our clients.

And this happened because:

To be honest, we “envy with white envy” those whose business can operate without SEO website promotion. Our clients cannot, like 90% of all businesses...
We cannot break the promise we made to our clients and everyone who needs quality promotion - we do the best SEO in the country.
We promised - and we are doing it.

We keep our word. Your OLIT.

Website promotion up to 1000 requests

Cost from 80,000 rub.

Website promotion up to 3000 requests

Cost from 110,000 rub.

Website promotion for all subject requests

Cost from 200,000 rub.


"As a rule, the budget for search marketing is an individual matter and the cost may vary
from the basic tariffs both down and up."

  • Contextual advertising - to improve recognition rates and increase targeted traffic

  • Targeted advertising in social media - for greater audience coverage

  • Properly configured e-mail marketing - to quickly notify customers

  • Working with brand reputation - responsible persons working through negativity online, communicating and solving problems with clients

We hope that this article will help you decide on the choice of a company to promote your business on the Internet!

Why should you order website promotion from us?

website promotion from OLiT is:

  • Only white, original methods of promotion - confidence in the future!

  • We don't try to "trick" search engine algorithms, we know how to improve your site!

  • We show results faster than others!

  • Educating the client on the fundamentals of search engine optimization!

  • We use our own technologies and services to automate and achieve results!

  • Free implementation of recommendations by our programmers!

  • Using the synergy of internet marketing (SEO+SMM+SERP+classifications+geolocation services+directories+application stores)!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about what is SEO, show with a specific example of your blog how SEO optimization (external and internal) can literally work wonders in website promotion and answer the question why you should never neglect Search Engine Optimization.

In fact, although this article is addressed primarily to novice webmasters, from my own experience I can judge that many established webmasters simply neglect SEO promotion and do not even try to understand its essence, as if embarrassed to look biased in the eyes of their readers. Nonsense. I'm in my first year didn't do Seo In general, I thought that was the way it should be.

There is a very hackneyed phrase that for some reason has become a dogma for many - write articles for people and success will not keep you waiting. Yes, it is certainly a fundamental pillar of the successful development of an Internet project, but it is far from the only one and certainly not sufficient. When I started doing internal optimization the summer before last, my blog traffic doubled in half a year (to about 5,000). Impressive, right?

SEO - what is it, how does it affect promotion?

But when at the beginning of this summer I seriously began building up link mass, the site’s traffic again doubled in six months (to about 10,000). Even I myself was impressed. Well, yes, I had to stain myself with SEO optimization of texts, buying links, etc. things, but there is a result. Do you think that all this is exaggerated and far-fetched? But no.

There is a solution, and it was proposed by search engine developers (read about it). They created platforms (something similar to exchanges) where the user could find resources that answered the question he asked. But this solution has some limitations. Only those resources that were able to get to its first page (the so-called top 10). This means that sooner or later a squabble will begin for a place in the Top 10, and this squabble has begun.

The main weapon in the fight for a place in the sun has become the notorious Seo (from the English Search Engine Optimization). By and large, this is the art of getting on the first page of Yandex or Google for something you are interested in. Search engines still cannot offer any solution that allows sites that are in the search results significantly lower than the 10th position to receive at least a drop from the number of those visitors who enter a question of interest to them in the search engine.

In fact, it turns out that there is no life beyond the Top 10. Therefore, the fight is not a joke and any SEO optimization methods that can tip the balance in one’s favor must be used. In general, the situation is very similar to how it was depicted in the title picture in the article about:

Now about why search engines don't like SEO. Do you know? There are probably several reasons. If you have read the article about relevance and ranking, then you probably understand that optimizers, with their artificial boost, significantly distort and worsen the quality of search engine results. But at the very least, search engines have learned to deal with this problem using the behavioral factors I already mentioned at the beginning of the article (projects with bad content in the Top 10 can no longer stay in the Top 10, at least not for long).

But SEO is not only a technology, but also a huge business. Do you know how much the leading companies in this industry will earn? In total, I think, hundreds of millions of dollars, which is quite comparable to the income of Yandex. How, you didn’t know that search engines are extremely profitable and extremely profitable enterprises? Well, now you know. Yandex also makes money by displaying contextual advertising (and Adwords).

Who orders advertising from search engines? Most of them are owners of commercial resources to attract visitors. And the whole point is that both of these businesses (contextual advertising and the provision of SEO promotion services) are competitive with each other. Judge for yourself. If you are the owner of a commercial website, you can get to the first page of search engine results in two ways:

  1. Order SEO optimization and promotion service, and then be among the ten most relevant resources to the request in the search results (get into the Top 10 or, in other words, in the organic results)
  2. Pay money to Yandex or Google so that your ad is shown for the same request on the same first page of search results

If SEO technologies did not exist or they were not so effective, then search engines alone would receive all the profits, and so they lose on those clients who preferred promotion to the Top 10 of organic results over contextual advertising. Actually, I wrote about this in some detail in an article about, and gave a pretty clear screenshot there:

Those. you must understand that SEO really works and not using it would be a big mistake. Your potential readers who cannot find your wonderful website through Yandex or Google will not forgive you for this. It’s not enough to create a good project with unique and necessary content; it must be promoted to the Top 10 for at least a number of not very frequent queries in order to begin to attract the attention of readers.

SEO optimization and promotion - why is it necessary?

Do you think you can get by with the issue? attracting visitors without optimization? It is possible that for some queries you will get to the Top without effort, but for a huge mass of queries you will remain in the invisible zone for your potential readers (in the article about I talked about how to assess the visibility of your resource on the Internet), even no matter what your content will be good. Until search engines become perfect, you will lose potential audience by neglecting SEO technologies.

You can say that this is not the only way websites live. After all, there are also social networks Facebook, VKontakte, microblogging service Twitter, etc. things (thematic social networks, for example, or all the same). I hasten to disappoint you, because promotion in these social networks is not as easy as it seems at first glance, and also very expensive.

No, of course, there are ways to get traffic besides search traffic, and I have already written about this in some detail in the article. But all this works within very limited limits. You alone will not be able to create so many announcements and show such incredible activity to attract thousands of visitors in this way. You simply won’t have time to write quality articles.

See for yourself. When I made the most of all non-SEO-related ways to attract visitors, I only received an increase of a few hundred people per day. Well, some will say that this is already a lot, but keep in mind that it took me a fair amount of time and got boring very quickly. Yes, you will curse everything after a couple of months of such a life.

What can I say in favor of SEO optimization and promotion? What can I say? Look at the sources from which visitors come to my blog. Let's first look at the traffic per day from search engines:

Quite a lot, even more than the 10,000 stated at the beginning of the article. As one would expect, the bulk of visitors come from two giants - Yandex and Google. Most of these visitors found my blog in search results only thanks to internal and external optimization.

While the total number of visitors to my blog during the same day amounted to a slightly larger figure:

Thus, if I neglected SEO promotion in general, it would only be five percent of the current one. Isn't this an argument in favor of search engine promotion and proof of its effectiveness? It seems to me that with beliefs about the need learn to please search engines You can finish and move on to specifics.

No, we need to talk a little more about how it happened that some manipulations with the site (internal SEO optimization) or placing links incoming from other resources (external) can influence the ranking. Well, everything is quite simple here.

Search engines process hundreds of millions of user requests a day and for each of them they must provide a relevant list of sites from the Internet. There is no way to do this manually, so this honorable duty is performed by robots (programs). Well, a robot can always be misled. Remember how Yandex explained the work of its Matrixnet using apples as an example?

The robot cannot taste apples, but it can evaluate them based on hundreds of other parameters. Apples are tasted by specially trained people - assessors. They make their verdict after tasting a small number of apples, and the robot comprehensively studies them and, based on the accumulated data, will then be able to distinguish the wheat from the chaff. And what does Seo have to do with it?

And optimizers are just trying to find those very points of influence, by pressing on which they can improve the ranking of their project (climb to the Top 10). If the ranking robot relies on several hundred parameters, then by influencing at least some of them, you can significantly improve the promotion of your site. This means moving towards the first place in search results for the desired query.

Once again, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that now there is practically no slag in the Top 10, or it does not stay there for a long time. But there are much more than 10 good sites and therefore there is a struggle for the Top, the main weapon in which is SEO in all its glory. If you do not participate in this struggle, then you will not get a place in the sun. I think this idea should be clear to you, at least for now.

What factors do modern SEO optimizers take into account?

Now let's get down to specifics. Typically, promotion methods are divided into three groups:

  1. Internal optimization of text, headings, meta tags, removal of duplicate content, etc.
  2. External SEO - getting incoming links to your website using free and paid methods
  3. Usability and content quality - to obtain adequate user behavior on your resource and in search engine results, which will be typical for your topic

The first two groups of factors are aimed at attracting the maximum number of visitors from search engines (due to promotion to the Top 10 for the necessary queries), but the third group of SEO factors is aimed at maintaining the positions gained.

In fact, it is the third that is the most labor-intensive to ensure. You need to have materials that are truly useful and interesting to the user, the creation of which will require you to spend a huge amount of your personal time. Remember that now only unique content is important, but not . For this, search engines may impose sanctions in the form of a filter or a ban.

I have already written a lot and in detail on the topic of SEO, and therefore now I will try to systematize it all and provide links to detailed materials where these issues are covered with all the nuances and details:

  1. In one of the articles I described. Be sure to read them, because this is the basis for understanding Search Engine Optimization. Here you also need to take into account that the words “promotion” and “ranking” have approximately equal meaning. For search engines, this is ranking, and for SEO optimizers, this is promotion.
  2. In another publication I gave examples of those excesses in optimization, for which sanctions may be imposed by Yandex and Google -. I have already mentioned that Seo is not always white and fluffy, and the main thing here is to clearly see the line beyond which you cannot cross. Therefore, be sure to read these warnings.
  3. It is also very important to understand that your site is evaluated by a robot, not a person (if your relatives like it, this does not mean that Yandex will like it). The robot sees it in a slightly different light (Html ​​code, text, robots.txt directives, sitemap in xml format, etc.), and it can judge usability and beauty only by the behavior of users on your Internet project.

    Your resource, in addition to good SEO optimization, should answer certain(duplicate pages, correct ones, etc.). Have you ever thought about the correct formation of addresses on your website? Have you configured it from WWW to without WWW (or vice versa)? monitor? Occasional unavailability can ruin all your efforts.

    Be sure to add your site to the webmaster panels from and not only to monitor the success of your optimization, but also to immediately find out about any technical problems that arise on your site. remember to check? Are you all right? After all, this is now one of the many SEO factors that is taken into account when ranking.

    Internal SEO. Do you create an approximate estimate before writing an article? "For what?" - you ask me. Probably, in order not to work blindly and not to write on a topic that is not interesting to anyone in RuNet. How can you find out what is interesting to RuNet users? Elementary! And it will help you with this.

    Another very important factor in internal SEO optimization is the implementation of linking, not with plugins and extensions, but with contextual links from the body of articles (as, for example, in this publication). Do you know why it is needed? Yes, just this way you can save a lot on buying links.

  4. There are also a number of events that can also be classified as SEO promotion. may be needed at the initial stage of project development, to speed up its discovery by these same search engines. When your project gains some weight and authority, you can try other trust directories, which can give some additional impetus to your project entering the Top ().
  5. There are ones that have not yet been burned in public, but they are already worth money and there is a high probability that they will deceive you and slip you bullshit. At the link below you will find my offer, where everything is without deception and free.
  6. Exchanging links with other resources can also bring you some benefit in SEO promotion, but you need to be careful here, because search engines do not approve of exchanges. I only exchanged backlinks from articles and only with a limited number of sites (a couple of dozen). Now my exchange limit has already been reached.
  7. Next follow paid ways to improve off-page optimization, but simply - buying links. I don’t advise you to shop in Sapa and Blogun, because they are pure slag with rare inclusions of diamonds. It is better, in my opinion, to purchase eternal links for your project, for which you will pay once. In the long run they will be more profitable:
    • Miralinks— you offer webmasters a ready-made article in which you have added backlinks to the pages of your resource. The best, but rather expensive way of external SEO optimization, because in addition to posting an article, you will also have to pay for its writing (or spend time on it). Just above I provided a link to my article, where I shared the tricks for working with this exchange.
    • Gogetlinks- probably the best way to carry out external SEO optimization. In the settings of this exchange, you can set placement only in new articles, thereby making such backlinks as natural as possible.
    • GetGoodLinks is practically the same as in the previous paragraph, but the sites there are selected based on their size, which are important for promotion in Google ( and ).
    • RotaPost— here I buy not only links from blogs, but also from . Read more about this in the article about.
  8. There are also ways of external SEO optimization - running through directories, site grids, etc. I had a little experience with this, but, by and large, it’s better not to get involved.

It seems like he told me everything. Good luck with your promotion and promotion. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Ilya Karbyshev, SEO optimizer at the digital agency Atvinta, tells you what to do if SEO specialists feed you reports, but your website profit is not growing. If you are afraid to order SEO promotion because you don’t understand how it works, then right now you will learn how to evaluate the effectiveness of promotion yourself in specific numbers. You can watch the webinar recording from our specialist or read the text - whichever you prefer.

How to evaluate SEO effectiveness?

SEO is a rather complex and multifaceted service, which is not so easy to understand if you order it for the first time. Real life analogy - you invite workers to lay tiles in the bathroom. You see that they are laying crookedly, you hit them on the hands, fine them, they correct themselves and begin to lay the tiles straight. This works when it is clear what the desired result is and shortcomings are immediately visible.

Another example we recommend you think about a little. Imagine that you were on another planet, but you didn’t like it there, and you caught a humanoid taxi driver, paid him money and asked him to take you to Earth in his spaceship. And so you sat down with him, time passes, you are flying, something is sparkling around, some instruments are humming, working, nothing is visible. How do you understand that you are flying where you need to, at the right speed, that it is to Earth, and not somewhere else?

The customer experiences the same feeling of hopelessness when he receives an SEO report for the first time. He does not understand numbers, terms, it is unclear to him whether the results are good or bad. If you don’t understand all this, then effective promotion will not work.

SEO promotion stages:

  • Selecting a contractor
  • Selecting a tariff, concluding an agreement
  • Work process
  • Evaluation of results

Of course, you can relax and not control the promotion process at all, and then be happy when you see your site in the top six months later for “bold” queries. Then it is obvious that there is an effect. But who will guarantee that SEO specialists will work correctly? And how much hassle will you go through while working with a contractor... We will tell you about the effectiveness of interaction at each stage to make it easier to understand whether your spaceship is flying in the right direction.

Selecting a contractor

How can you tell if a company is qualified? Good specialists:

Promotion rates

By position

Payment when the site is in the top 10 for 20-50 requests for a certain period. This is a classic scheme and exactly the result that all customers usually want. In general, this is correct, because if the site is not in the top for any queries, there will be no traffic.

Pros of this tariff- a transparent and understandable scheme, promotion by position is impossible to fake or buy.

Disadvantages of this tariff- such promotion does not cover all semantics, does not guarantee sales (depending on what query you are in the top for), high-frequency queries take a very long time to be promoted and it is often useless to fight for them, positions do not always depend on SEO work - you also need a high-quality website and a large assortment.

An example is the request “buy a TV”. One of the most popular, thousands of people dial it. But if you have 50 of these TVs in your catalog, then large stores have thousands of them, and you are losing to them simply in terms of quantity of goods. But, if the user enters such a request without specifying the model, it means that he is not yet ready to buy, but is only choosing.

Who is this tariff suitable for? Those in whose niche there is, in principle, little traffic, if there are important image requests and if the main sales come from only a few specific requests.

By traffic volume

Payment for transitions from search. In fact, payment is made for clicks from search results.

Pros of this tariff— a clear scheme, broad semantics (the main traffic comes from low-frequency queries), resistance to changes in search algorithms (a temporary drop in a certain number of queries will not affect the conversion in any way).

Disadvantages of this tariff— does not include information and brand requests, dependence on seasonal and external factors, can be increased .

Who is this tariff suitable for? For those who have a lot of goods and services, and a lot of traffic in the niche, if the site has enough pages that can be “tailored” to a search query or these pages can be created.

By number of leads

Payment for a targeted action on the site after a transition from a search: a person comes from a search results, and you pay only if he places an order.

Pros of this tariff: clear price, every customer's dream. You pay money, and in return you get even more money.

Disadvantages of this tariff: on the customer’s side there must be a clearly configured sales funnel so that leads coming from searches do not “leak away”, scalability of the business - if a lot of leads come in that cannot be processed, you will lose money, you can make money .

Who is this tariff suitable for? For those who have an established business, who are ready to expand and who have established web analytics. And also to those who know their SEO well and trust him (friends, family business, common cause).

Hourly rate

Payment for hours of work or for their quantity. You need to pay attention to the price and not be fooled by a price that is significantly lower than the market.

Pros of this tariff— transparent scheme, understandable pricing.

Disadvantages of this tariff- there is no clear correlation with the result (an SEO specialist can spend hours on anything).

Who is this tariff suitable for? Almost everyone, since this is outsourced SEO, comes out at a favorable price.

A simple example: a blow with a hammer can cost 1 ruble, but a specialist who knows where to hit can cost 9,999 rubles.

What you need to know about guarantees

SEO guarantees are marketing ploys, a wrapper in which the same services are wrapped (you can read more about this in the link). No one can give firm guarantees, not even the head of Yandex. If you say that money should be paid only for the result or “after the fact,” then it will be psychologically easier for the customer to part with it.

BUT: regardless of the tariff and conditions, good companies do the same thing, bad companies do nothing or do harm.

Work process: diving into analytics

How can you understand at the first stage that the work is going in the right direction? It is advisable to make sure of this a month or two after the start of promotion (there is no point in doing this earlier). What can you see on your own?

  • Yandex Metrica
  • Yandex Webmaster
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console

Yandex is checked on average once a day of the week, Google is updated more often, once every three to four days.

Using Yandex Webmaster as an example:

  • We look at which pages were included in the search (Indexing - Site Structure). If the pages are not indexed and are not in the database, there can be no talk of any promotion. If there are more indexed pages, it means the SEO is working normally.
  • Let's find out how many times pages are shown in searches (Search queries - Statistics). These are all site impressions on any positions for any queries. If impressions in search have increased, it means the SEO is working normally.
  • Let's find out the queries for which the site was shown over the last week (Search queries - Latest queries). Impressions and transitions for the last 7 days for specific requests are visible.

Using Yandex Metrica as an example:

  • Let's find out the pages that were visited from search (Login pages - Segment - Search traffic). Here you can see how many site pages attract search traffic and what the dynamics are. If the queries are targeted, and the number of conversions from the search is growing, then the SEO specialist is working normally.
  • Let's find out the phrases for which there were queries from the search (Search phrases - Sources - Search phrase). You can see how targeted the traffic is, track commercial requests, and filter out branded requests. If there is an increase in commercial traffic, it means that the SEO specialist did a good job.

But with these reports, you don’t need to immediately run and fire the SEO specialist. This is a reason for discussion, something that needs to be understood, discussed, this is a subject for communication with a specialist. The number of indexed pages may decrease, but this may be because the SEO specialist removed junk pages from the search that interfere with the search robot, and increased the number of target ones. It’s worth asking the SEO specialist how he interprets the numbers.

Conclusion: what is effective SEO today?

  • The widest possible semantics. Promotion for the maximum number of queries in the niche. There is no need to stop at point queries. During the promotion process, you can see which ones lead to conversion.
  • Payment for work according to plan. But you need to understand that SEO is not an area where work goes on daily and continuously. This is strategic work, the effect of which is periodically checked and dynamics are monitored.
  • Positions, traffic, conversions are indicators that work together.

The resource has a good position and the traffic is growing, but it seems that something is missing... Perhaps the site is not selling? Let's figure out how to evaluate efficiency and understand whether money is wasted.

You should not evaluate the effectiveness of promotion only by the number of queries promoted to the top 10, because this is not the most important thing for business. The main goal is to sell services and goods, and performance analysis should be based on this. If SEO attracts customers, then investing in promotion makes sense, but if there are no orders, then the benefit from it is zero, even if the web resource ranks high for promoted queries.

Often questions about performance analysis arise because it is difficult to trace the connection between SEO optimization and increasing the number of customers. There are several basic ways to assess this relationship and effectiveness, which are best viewed through examples.

Questions about SEO effectiveness

The big and difficult question is “How much profit does SEO bring?” should be broken down into sub-questions:

  • What budget is needed to achieve maximum efficiency?
  • What to invest in – SEO or contextual advertising?
  • What percentage of total conversion is organic traffic?
  • Is it necessary to increase investments in optimization?
  • What is the money spent on?
  • How do you know what caused your traffic and conversions to increase? Because of SEO promotion, PR promotion or increased awareness?

When analyzing data, keep in mind that the focus should be on trends rather than absolute values. To compare indicators, you need to select similar periods, evaluating different directions separately. Figures may be affected by market dynamics and seasonality. There are different types of conversion: viewing contact information, making a call, ordering a call through a form on the website, ordering a product or service. When analyzing, you should take into account associated conversions, since traffic can be an element of the sales chain. For a more accurate assessment, you need to use several analytics tools at once: Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica, call-tracking, CRM systems.

Algorithm for analyzing SEO effectiveness

Method #1: Estimating your SEO budget relative to your projected revenue

Thanks to this method, you can clearly answer the question “Is it worth investing in SEO?” If you have not yet promoted a newly created web resource, then you can ask SEO optimizers to assess the potential of this site and forecast its performance. Such an analysis should take into account the age of the resource, market size and the possibility of increasing visibility in search engines.

To find out whether it makes sense to invest a certain amount, you need to calculate the estimated return. To do this, in the Yandex Wordstat service, you need to select the queries for which the site will be promoted and go to the “Query History” tab. The estimated level of profitability is calculated using the formula:

average number of requests * click-through rate of sites from the top 3 * conversion * average receipt.

Method #2: Measuring SEO's Contribution to Sales Versus Context

Using this method, you can get an answer to the question of what is more profitable to invest in: context or SEO. To compare, you need to count the conversions received through organic traffic. These include:

  • calls and requests for a call back;
  • ordering a service or product;
  • associated conversions (if the conversion action is not performed after the first visit to the site).

The cost per customer is calculated as the ratio of SEO costs to the number of all conversions. You can use traffic channel and conversion analysis to estimate the overall contribution of organic traffic to the number of orders.

For example, if SEO traffic brings 45% of visitors, and they make 69% of conversion actions, then by spending 20 thousand rubles on website promotion, you can get 450 conversions at a price of 44 rubles. for each. When using contextual advertising, the cost of achieving the goal will be 20 times higher, and the total cost of context will be 393,800 rubles.

Investments in SEO promotion are cheaper, and the optimization results are preserved after the work is stopped. The context works as long as you pay for it.

Method #3: SEO Cost Structure

The structure of website promotion work includes:

  • optimizer time;
  • time of the programmer implementing improvements;
  • purchasing links from quality donor sites;
  • ordering texts for links;
  • ordering content for a promoted site.

The approximate budget is from 33 thousand rubles.

For effective promotion, it is necessary to eliminate all technical shortcomings that interfere with indexing and correct display of the resource in search engines. The list of necessary improvements depends on the current state of the website and may include:

  • programming;
  • development of adaptive design;
  • editing the structure of a web resource;
  • unique content;
  • content manager and designer services.

Before you start SEO promotion, you should determine the upcoming expenses, calculating your strength for six months of work. A good specialist will help you determine which items you can save on and which ones you shouldn’t. For example, your employees can write content for the site, which will reduce SEO costs.

Method No. 4. Comparing the contribution of SEO and PR channels

This method of assessing effectiveness answers the question “Why did traffic increase: as a result of increased brand awareness or due to SEO optimization?” The question is relevant for companies that use PR activity: publications in magazines, participation in exhibitions, appearances on television.

In this case, for assessment, three types of indicators need to be compared:

  • branded traffic;
  • unbranded traffic;
  • direct visits.

As a result of the natural increase in organic traffic, similar dynamics of growth of branded and non-branded traffic are observed, but there is a time lag. The situation is similar with the number of direct visits.

Sharp jumps in branded traffic indicate an increase in awareness. To more accurately assess the data, you should take into account seasonality, the general state of the market and find out which pages visitors come to. Login pages can be landing pages promoted using SEO, or the main web page of the site. If traffic comes to the main page, then it is associated with increased awareness.

If the traffic increase is uniform and stable, this indicates that SEO promotion is effective. Constant growth and decline in traffic may be a consequence of ineffective work of optimizers.

Method No. 5. Relationship between SEO promotion and traffic dynamics

How many sales will there be if you don’t invest in SEO at all? Is it profitable to change contractor? To answer these questions, we need to consider two situations:

  • for a web resource that has not yet been promoted;
  • for a site whose performance has changed after replacing the contractor.

In the first case, you can apply the formula:

income from SEO promotion = (traffic after six months of promotion - traffic before optimization) * conversion percentage * average bill.

Without SEO optimization, the additional traffic channel is not used, so the company does not receive the same income as it could have with more clients.

When you want to calculate the effectiveness of a new SEO optimizer, you need to take into account the monthly percentage increase in traffic. To evaluate, take the average growth after 6 months of promotion and compare it with the average traffic growth 6 months before optimization. A significant change in dynamics confirms that the new specialist is doing more effective work. Such measurements and comparisons help to estimate the additional volume of orders made due to promotion.

Method No. 6. Promotion in the context of the market

Traffic may increase significantly compared to the previous reporting period, but not as a result of SEO promotion, but due to market dynamics. To analyze, you need to take several queries specific to your business and find out the dynamics and share.

For example, if the average growth in the market is 36%, and the promoted site has 87%, then the growth is faster than the market. This is a good indicator, given the presence of a large number of competitors in the market.

How to Choose the Best SEO Optimizer

If you have not yet decided on the choice of an SEO specialist, then pay attention to the following signs of a good optimizer:

  • he constantly asks to coordinate something or check reports. The texts, the developed structure, changes in the site design, and the semantic core are subject to approval;
  • the optimizer is ready to answer any questions regarding website promotion and its effectiveness. He can back up results with facts and figures, rather than promises that everything will be done;
  • a good specialist will not suggest filling the site with meaningless content, insisting only on uniqueness and optimization. High-quality useful texts are just as important as the technical component;
  • An SEO optimizer can explain all the actions that he performs as part of the promotion of a web resource.

Choosing the right specialist for SEO promotion will allow you to more effectively use all channels of attracting traffic. It is necessary to always be aware of the matter and constantly monitor the effectiveness of SEO optimization, so that six months later it does not turn out that the choice of contractor was wrong.