What is the name of the label for displaying explanatory information? Data output: comments and tags

The tag cloud, like the tags themselves (or, as they are often called, tags) is a very cool feature in WordPress. They allow you to combine articles using many keywords, which, as a result, helps the user find the notes they need. I will tell you how to configure the label cloud output in this article.
I’ll say right away that here we will do without using plugins. In my deep conviction, their use where it is possible to do without them is absolutely not justified. No matter how you look at it, native tools are better.
So. To add a list of tags to, for example, a blog sidebar, go to the “Widgets” section from the “Appearance” item. By moving the widget from the left side to the entity that interests you, you will see a simple set of settings.

Everything here is more than simple. The title is the text in front of the widget, and Taxonomy is the choice of tag source - Category or, in fact, Tags. We are, of course, more interested in the second option.

IN simple case- that's all you need. But I bet appearance the resulting widget will not suit you. For more fine tuning you need to follow these steps:
1. Go to the functions.php file using the “Editor” section or your IDE.

2. Add the following code to the end of the file:

add_filter("widget_tag_cloud_args","set_tag_cloud_args"); function set_tag_cloud_args($args) ( $args["number"] = 30; $args["largest"] = 18; $args["smallest"] = 11; $args["unit"] = "px"; return $args; )

add_filter ("widget_tag_cloud_args" , "set_tag_cloud_args" ) ;

function set_tag_cloud_args ($args) (

$args["number"] = 30;

$args ["largest" ] = 18 ;

$args [ "smallest" ] = 11 ;

$args ["unit" ] = "px" ;

return $args ;

In this simple code we can fine-tune the operation of our widget. Below are all possible settings:

smallest - minimum size text for not popular tags;
largest - maximum size text for the most popular tags;
unit - font size unit - pt, px, em, % (default in pt);
number - how many tags should be displayed in the block (45 by default);
format - output format in the block: flat (by default - separated by a space), list - list, array - array for PHP;
separator - tag separator character (default - space);
orderby - sorting: name - by name (default value), count - by popularity level;
order - sorting method: ascending - ASC (initially), descending - DESC, random - RAND;
exclude - tags that should be excluded from the list
include - tags that need to be included in the list (meaning that ONLY these tags will be displayed).

We're done with the functional part. The issue of appearance is entirely resolved in the css files of your theme.

Since the widget is wrapped in div.tagcloud, and the links themselves are div.tagcloud > a, you should look for rules for these selectors in the style files. Next is a matter of taste and imagination.

Be careful - very often theme styles set some properties on standard widgets, including Cloud, with the mark!important, which spoils the appearance of the widget and its performance.

Hello! Many who use in their WordPress work, practically do not work with tags and have little idea of ​​what they are needed for. Most often, many people block these pages from indexing altogether. Today I would like to show how to use similar tags in WordPress (or as they are otherwise called, “WordPress tags”) to good effect in SEO.

Tags in WordPress: Practical Applications

Recently it was my friend's birthday. He began to join our ranks and began to conduct his activities via the Internet. Sells perfumes in our region (Chuvashia). Has a public page on VKontakte. Just starting. I think it wasn’t difficult to think of what a cool gift you could give a person for his birthday. I decided to create his own website, a small online store on WordPress. Yes, yes, I know that online stores on WordPress are not very good, but here everything was needed with minimal functionality: no online payment required, an order form and basically everything.

Guys, please remember (those who still don’t know): when creating ANY website, the most important thing is drawing up its structure. The future of your site depends on it. I already wrote a lesson about that. Believe me, this is really very important.

So, I came up with a completely logical structure: this is a division of perfumes into men's and women's, and their further division by brands + I separately brought out gift sets “for him” and “for her”:

No, of course, this is all implemented not through tags, but through regular categories in WordPress. I already wrote. And we get very well optimized pages not only for the request “buy CK Reveal”, but also “buy calvin klein perfume in Cheboksary”, “buy women’s eau de toilette” and so on.

But besides the brand, each eau de toilette has its own scent. That is, they can be: coniferous, fresh, sweet, fruit, etc. For example, a person is looking for a certain scent, he needs “women's sweet perfume.” But it’s hard to find on the website, since we only have divisions by brand. Moreover, each perfume can have several aromas.

Then I just remembered about tags, which are perfectly implemented in WordPress. Now each product was assigned tags “sweet”, “fresh” and so on. But with such a division, a problem arises: how to separate men's perfumes from women's? Of course, you can come up with different filters and so on, but I needed a simple solution. I stupidly created tags in the style of “male sweet” or “female fresh”, etc. And then I displayed links to these tags in the site menu:

Now hopefully a clearer picture is emerging of what tags do in WordPress. Once again, there is an improvement: people are finding what they are looking for with ease.

SEO optimization of pages with tags in WordPress

For SEO optimization pages with tags, as you guessed, I probably use my favorite plugin - . In general, getting a little distracted, I want to say that with the help of this plugin I:

  1. I bring it out perfectly.
  2. Creating sitemap.xml
  3. Optimizing records.
  4. I bring it to perfection.

Now it’s the turn of the marks.

How to display text on pages with tags

All this will allow us to collect traffic for the requests “buy women’s perfume with fruity scent”, etc. in my case. That is, we will not need to create separate landing pages. There are already ready-made logical pages for this.

As I already said, in some cases, when there is little competition for similar requests in the region, simply filling in unique meta tags is enough. They can even be generated automatically if it’s a huge site.

Indexing pages with tags

If you have done all of the above, do not forget to include the page data in the index (otherwise we usually immediately close them from indexing).


Tags in WordPress allow you to:

  • group entries according to one more characteristic (the first is headings);
  • create specific pages on the site to attract additional traffic from search;
  • improve behavioral factors site at the expense of convenience.

How else can you use tags wisely? For example, if your site is dedicated to WordPress templates, then you can assign labels in the style of “blue”, “two-pin”, “rubber” and so on. And only then move these pages according to the queries “blue templates for WordPress”.

Or, for example, you have a website on a culinary theme. You can assign tags to ingredients: “champignons”, “chicken”, etc., and then promote pages for the queries “recipes for cooking the second one with champignons” and so on. I think you get the idea.

How do you use tags? Maybe there are some interesting ideas related to your topic?

If you want to make managing your blog easier not only for yourself, but also for site guests who will find it easier to navigate, then tags will help you with this.

The word tag in this concept comes from in English, since it is a translation from tag. This word has several meanings: label, tag, connect, bind.

This is exactly how tags in WordPress can be characterized. Ready-made articles are marked with these words in order to link articles from throughout the blog with each other. This will help make it easier to navigate through the articles, of which there may be hundreds.

Tags are very similar in some ways, because they also structure blog articles to make them easier to find and select according to things of interest.

The blog itself is designed as a news feed, which is distributed according to the date of addition and publication on the site, which is not very convenient if your site is informational.

After all, it needs to be distributed by tags so that a person does not have to look for the necessary article in a pile of unnecessary information for him. But it can be hidden behind dozens of other articles, which will not give the guest the opportunity to read it if they are interested.

♦ And with tags, he will be able to sort texts by keys and topics that interest him.

But what is the difference between categories and tags?

Their goal is the same - to structure articles and a coherent catalog where everything could be found, but there are differences.

There can be a couple of headings, for example: Film, drama, 2016; but you can add actors, country of production, director, and anything else that will help sort the article to the tags.

♦ That is, headings divide the site into large sections - if there are a lot of them, then navigating the blog will become impossible, but there can be an unlimited number of tags, because they are not the main means of cataloging.

Where are the labels displayed?

WordPress has in its arsenal a special widget in the form of a cloud, where all tags are displayed, and the font size directly depends on the popularity or number of articles on a given topic. To go to a list of articles on a topic of interest, simply click on the label in the cloud.

♦ All tags attached to a particular article can be found at the end of it, which will allow the visitor to instantly surf the site on related topics after reading the text. If one of your tags has become more popular and larger than some of the categories, then you can safely place it in the menu, where the visitor can instantly notice it.

Tag management

  • If you want to add one or more tags to your blog, then go to a special block of the same name, which will be located on the side of the text itself.
  • If you have already used some tags, they will be offered to you, and if you want to add a new one, just enter the name and create it.
  • If you have already created a tag, but now you don’t need it, then simply removing it from the article will also remain on the blog itself.
  • To clear the site of unnecessary tags, go to the same section, where you can see all the tags that are on the blog, you can delete any of them. In this case, the label will automatically be removed from all articles to which it was attached.

♦ Tags are an addition, because there is no point in creating hundreds of small sections, otherwise the user will simply get confused in them and will not be able to navigate the site normally. This function is perfect for tags.

If you can spare the next 5 minutes for self-education, then follow the link and read our next article:

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Next, you are about to write your first article and discover the opportunity to add categories (headings) and tags (tags) to it. What to do now? What is the difference between categories and labels? How many categories and tags should you use for your article? Is there a limit? It's good if you select more than one category, but how to mix them with tags? What if you do something wrong? search engines may misunderstand your site, how to resolve this confusion? Finding yourself in such a cloud of questions and wanting to get out of it, you end up taking your favorite web browser and looking for an article that can answer all these questions.

If this is your case and you are here, you are in luck. You are in right place. Because I will answer all these questions and you will learn everything about how to use categories and tags in WordPress. And if I miss something, you can always leave a comment below, under this article.

Categories and Tags in WordPress - What are they?

Let's start with the basics. To clearly understand any of the previous questions, you first need to understand the meaning of categories and labels. In WordPress terminology, concepts (categories (another name: headings) and tags (other name: tags, labels)) are called by the general term taxonomy. What is taxonomy? Taxonomy in WordPress is the law of the arrangement of posts, that’s it, period. There is no taxonomy as such if there are no categories and tags, because these are its elements. You can compare taxonomies to the word “Law”. The law in itself, without articles, only the word, with articles only, is the law.

For example, let's build a taxonomy of animals, where we could have Mammal and Felidae. These concepts serve to classify some known types animals. We can also point out that there is a hierarchy between both concepts, since Felines are a sub-concept in the more universal sense of Mammals. Basically, this particular taxonomy allows us to indicate that all felines are also mammals by definition. In this case, we might place a cat, tiger or lion in the Feline category, while a person would be placed in the Mammals section, but not in the Felines.

Categories are similar to the main product banners in a supermarket

Leaving aside the animal world and going back to the world of WordPress, the sole purpose of categories and tags is to categorize your WordPress content to improve usability. In other words, when a visitor visits your site, he could easily understand its content in sequential order by viewing new posts and then moving on to old ones, or browse a specific topic by accessing all articles in a category, or tagged with a particular tag. Much like on our website, under the label, all articles on this topic are marked, you can view it here.

Now you know how to use categories and tags in practice to categorize and organize site content. If this is clear to you, we move on to the next question, which I'm sure you're already considering.

Categories and tags - what's the difference?

We can say that the main function of categories is to create broad group articles. You need to consider them as large folders or like chapters in a book. They are there to help your site visitor quickly understand its focus and find necessary information. Last but not least, it is important to know that categories in WordPress are hierarchical, so you can have subcategories as well.

Labels are intended to describe certain detailed data in an article. It is useful to include search queries, people are looking for them, and they can be in great demand. We can say that tags are microinformation; they are used to narrowly classify articles. And unlike categories, tags do not have a hierarchy.

For example, let's imagine a sports website, and a list of its categories: Football, Basketball And Motorsports. So, if you write an article about sports accidents that have occurred over the last few world championships, you can add it to the Motorsports category, and label it as motorcycle accidents.

Another difference is that you must add at least one category to your articles in WordPress. However, the use of labels is optional and not required. If you do not select a category for your article, it will automatically be added to the "Uncategorized" category. You can usually rename this category to Other or Unspecified if you wish later.

Finally, another difference between categories and labels is the path in which their URLs or web addresses are created. When using an option other than the default setting in Settings" Permalinks in the Dashboard WordPress URL look like this:

  • For categories: https://your-site.com/category/motorsport/
  • For labels: https://your-site.com/tag/neschastnye-sluchai/

How many categories should I have in WordPress?

As you may remember, version 2.5 of WordPress was the first to include the default possible use tags, without the need for additional plugins. Until this day, people had to use many categories to model the structure of a website. In my opinion, there is no optimal number of categories to use in WordPress: it depends on the theme you are using and how you want to organize your content.

However, if your website is very complex and you need many categories (more than 20, for example), the use of subcategories is highly recommended to improve the classification of content and thus make life easier for your visitors.

If you are new to website building and are just starting out, create a few 3-4 general categories, or you can create more if you need them. The principle here is simple: it is better to have a few categories that have content than to have many that are empty.

Likewise, remember that the main and only purpose of categories and tags in WordPress is to help visitors understand the theme of your website based on the structure you have proposed. If you think your organization of categories is sufficient for your needs, don't worry about it anymore. You can add more tags at any time if necessary.

Is it okay if I post an article in different categories?

WordPress allows you to add an article in more than one category. But yes, it's good to add to more than one category as long as you see that it helps your visitors find specific content more quickly and easily.
However, be careful, if your articles are spread across most categories, you may end up with an organizational problem. Perhaps you should make a super category that includes other categories and assign the article directly to it. Or turn some of your categories into tags.

It is clear that the content of the site will change over time, and therefore you will need to change your categories and tag structure. For example, if some categories have become outdated, you can make changes to correct it. Don't be afraid to do it. Just make sure that you enable redirection in case you change the URL in your WordPress because you may have changed the category tags and vice versa. The easiest way is to install a redirect plugin that will help you with this task.

And don't worry about duplicate content, search engines are smart enough to understand that your WordPress article is classified into more than one category.

What is the limit on the number of tags I can use in an article?

The truth is that there is no limit. You can add as many tags as you like in WordPress. However, keep in mind that their purpose is to connect your content with each other in meaning. So if you end up with so many tags that each one is added everywhere, it's not a worthwhile saving.

On the other hand, try not to put more than ten tags per article unless you can solve the problem otherwise. Think of ten marks as an excess, not a rule. A lot of tags is also not advisable. You might end up with 1,000 tags for just 100 articles. When visitors to your site see a bunch of tags and clicking on each of them, they will find only one article, this is a weak grouping of the content of your site.

Even worse, if you think that adding a lot of tags in WordPress will improve the SEO of your website, then I have to say that this is not the case. Labels are not what we used to use as keywords meta tag for SEO. This no longer works, search engines don't use tag keywords. SEO experts know this, and so do you, from now on. Don't try to fool search engines.

How do I create and manage categories and tags in my WordPress?

In instrumental WordPress panels Go to Posts » Categories or Posts » Tags to manage all the categories and tags available in WordPress. User interface is clear and intuitive enough to make it easy for you to manage everything.

Sign in Posts » Categories to manage categories.
On the left side of the view you will see a form with all the necessary fields to create a new category. First point to the category name and then the link name. Please note that the link must be short and consistent with the category name. Typically, the link name is lower case, containing only letters, numbers and hyphens. IN following example short title is motorsport:

  • https://your-site.com/category/motorsport/

You can also choose is new category depending on the parent category you are going to create. This is how WordPress allows us to create hierarchies of subcategories within a category. Last but not least, we have the category description. Be sure to fill it out so that it represents useful information visitor, moreover, this text will be used in the meta descriptions of this page, which will have a positive effect on SEO.

You will also find a similar form in the Tags section, although you can create tags directly from the editor when writing a new article.

From an SEO point of view, should you choose categories or tags?

The most difficult question. Is there any SEO benefit to choosing categories? Or are labels preferred? The simple answer is that there is no advantage. As I told you before, you should use taxonomies, or categories or tags, like simple systems categorize content to make life easier for your visitors. That's all. Don't try to do weird things to improve your website's SEO by manipulating categories and tags. If the content is simply good and satisfies certain needs of people, visitors will end up happy, even better, they will come back, this is the most effective indicator of SEO.

Final comments

Let me repeat some of the things we outlined in general outline In this article:

  • Similarly to the supermarket, the categories are like large posters indicating the different sections (fruit, frozen food, fish, etc.), and the labels are like labels for each product that describe it.
  • Categories can be organized hierarchically (have subcategories). Tags can't.
  • The article must have at least one category. Labels are optional.
  • Categories are something you select before each article of any content. Tags appear spontaneously from specific content you write at any given time.
  • You can use as many categories and tags as you want, as long as it makes sense.
  • Use categories and tags to organize your content and improve usability for your visitors, which in turn will improve SEO.

What are they for? WordPress tags? How to use them? How many tags is best to create? It is these questions that we will try to answer in this article. Let's look at the concept of tags and how to put tags correctly. Speaking about marks, everyone unanimously repeats that it is good tool on the website, but few people understand how to prescribe them correctly.

What are WordPress tags?

Labels or template tags are displayed in each article, unless changed, at the beginning or end of the entry, and are additional navigation on the site. If tags are absent in this article, then the names to which the entry belongs are displayed instead.

What are the tags for?

As we already said WordPress tags participate in site navigation, and they are also a linking tool. If the reader liked your article and at the end he sees the tags to which it belongs, there is a high probability that he will want to view similar posts and will stay longer on your site which is good for you in all aspects.

How to create and assign WordPress tags?

You can watch a video about creating and adding tags in this video lesson:

In order to create tags, you need to go to the menu item “Records” / “Tags”.

Moving to the specified area we will see form for creating labels, and cloud of our created tags And list of tags, with the number of records marked by them.

For creating marks there are two ways:

The first way to create marks is to create with the form specified above in the description, we must indicate:

  • Label name(Necessarily);
  • Specify the label which will be displayed in URL address(if not explicitly specified, it will be duplicated with the name);
  • Description of the tag(optional parameter).

Once we add the label, it can be assigned to our posts.

The second way to create marks is their creation directly when writing and editing a new entry.

This creation form is located on the right side of the editor, where we can easily create and set the label we need for recording.

How to use tags correctly?

Should reflect the essence of the text in one or two words. Yes, this is sometimes difficult to do, but it is necessary. Seeing, for example, the label “Birds of Asia,” the user will know for sure what he will get by clicking on the link, but if, for example, it is simply “Asia” or “Birds,” then the specifics are lost and the likelihood of clicking decreases.

It turns out that tags should be used in the form of summaries of the text or forming the essence in a nutshell.

How many tags should there be?

There should be exactly as many tags as needed, do not overdo it. A large number of tags can confuse the visitor, which will lead to the fact that he never finds what he needs and leaves your site.

So what is the optimal number of tags? There should be no more than 20-30 tags. Correctly placed words in tags will keep your traffic inside the resource.

What's the difference between tags and categories?

Headings group articles by meaning and tags also group articles. So what is their difference? Categories can be nested and have a parent, but tags themselves do not belong to anything, and represent a more precise formation of a group.

What harm can tags cause?

Not correct use marks may cause harm. This is a fact. If this is news to you, then let’s look at it in a little more detail.

Let's say we have 20 posts, each of them has several tags, which will lead to an increase in the number of pages in search engines. At first glance everything is fine, more pages more visitors, but not everything is as simple as it seems.

To summarize, let's say that tags are an excellent internal tool in the hands of an experienced webmaster, but in the hands of a beginner they can not only not be useful, but also do harm. By studying ours, we will teach you all the intricacies of the content of our site. Stay with us and learn many more interesting things.

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