How to set up a Wi-Fi router at home yourself: connection tricks. How to Connect a WiFi Router If You Have Wired Internet

Wireless wi-fi networks are widespread not only in offices and Internet clubs, but also in ordinary city apartments. Using such a connection, you can access the Internet through personal computers, tablets and smartphones, and, in general, using any device equipped with a wi-fi module. Despite the abundance of such devices, greatest number similar wireless connections falls specifically on laptops. How to connect a laptop to wi-fi and what problems may arise will be the topic of our publication.

Creating an access point

The process of creating a wireless Internet access point consists of several steps:

    Connecting a router

    First of all, connect the RJ 45 connector of the cable you have, through which the provider connects the equipment to the network, to the wan connector of the router. As a rule, such a connector is located separately from the others and is painted in a different color. Use the router instructions that come with the device. Now you need to connect the device adapter to a 220V socket and a laptop, after which you need to turn on the router itself.

    Setting up the router.

    It makes no sense to describe the setup process; each manufacturer’s setup menu and operating principle are different. It is best if professionals deal with these issues.

  1. Setting up Wi-Fi and then connecting the laptop to the intended access point. And here we will go into more detail.

Connecting a laptop to a wireless network

In this section, you will learn how to set up wifi on a laptop on which you decide to install Windows 7, as well as how to connect it to home network with an appropriate connection to the Internet.

Turning on the laptop and waiting fully loaded OS and all necessary services, you should pay attention to the taskbar. If the laptop has a Wi-Fi connection, a special icon is displayed in the corner of the screen. By the way the icon looks, you can see whether the laptop is connected to the network or not.

If you need to check whether there are available connections, you need to left-click on the icon and then select the network you need.

You may be required to authenticate, i.e. entering the security key. After entering the password correctly, your device will be connected to the Internet.

In some cases, when you turn on the laptop, the icon wi-fi connections is not highlighted. This indicates that the wi-fi module on the laptop is not working or is turned off. On some laptop models, you can turn it on by simply pressing the corresponding button on the device case, and in some cases, turning on the module must be done programmatically.

To programmatically enable the wi-fi module, you need to go to the Control Panel, where you need to find Network and Internet and Network connections. Next we see the wireless icon network connection, which we click on right click manipulator and select “enable”.

After these manipulations the icon wi-fi connections should appear in the taskbar. If this does not happen, then you need to check the installation of drivers for the wi-fi module. This can be done by installing drivers from the disk that comes with the laptop or by downloading drivers from the Internet by visiting the developer’s website.

After installing or updating the drivers, the module should turn on, as evidenced by the appearance of its icon in the tray.

Now you should select the Network Sharing Center category and shared access, for which you use the control panel and configure automatic acquisition of an IP address.

Then you need to find and select the following item in the menu: Change adapter parameter.

Select the required network, then hover over Properties and confirm the selection by clicking the mouse. In the newly opened window, select Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click Properties.

After this procedure, the next category opens, where you select the item automatic receipt IP address and automatic acquisition DNS addresses server. As before, we confirm our actions using “Ok”, which is located at the bottom of the window.

Now all that remains is to connect to the wireless network, as described earlier, and check the Internet connection.

Setting up wifi on a laptop running Windows XP

operating room Windows system 7 is quite well optimized for maximum ease of setting up communications. In Windows XP, the setup process and other tasks are performed almost the same.

  1. Turn on the wi-fi module in your laptop.
  2. When an icon appears in the tray, double-click on it with the left mouse button. A window will appear in which you should click Search for wireless networks.
  3. As a rule, then a list of available points appears that you could connect to.
  4. If you cannot connect in this way, you should turn on the wireless network connection via Start - Control Panel - Network Connections.
  5. The next step is to view the available wireless networks.
  6. How in seven you should select the line Change the order of network preference.
  7. In the newly appeared window, select Network by access point and check the box next to “ Automatic connection to the network."
  8. The next thing to do is to log back into Wireless network and click Update list.
  9. Then you indicate the necessary network, click Connect and enter the access key.

Basic connection problems

In truth, we have already covered the main problems with connecting a laptop. So why doesn’t the laptop see wifi, despite all the operations performed. There are quite a few reasons for this, and the first one, which few people pay attention to, is a weak transmitting signal. That is why in the first part of the article the location of the router was mentioned.

Often the problem is with wireless access occurs due to a failed wi-fi module. Here any “dancing with a tambourine” is useless. Only service center or use external module wifi

One of the most common problems that are possible when connecting a laptop to a wireless network is incorrect setting router.

Setting up an access point yourself and connecting your equipment to it requires certain knowledge. The best solution would be to call a specialist from your provider’s support service at home or contact.

In this age information technologies The Internet is available in almost every home, and the vast majority of people are familiar with its benefits. But, here's how to make a network wifi at home Not everyone knows, although this information will be useful to many. From this article you will learn how to connect wifi at home, why it is needed and what you need to purchase for this.

Advantages of Wi-Fi technologies

Most often, the question of setting up a Wi-Fi network is asked by people who use mobile devices: laptops, tablets, smartphones and phones with Wi-Fi support. Using this technology allows you to get rid of a lot of wires, provide complete freedom of movement and access to the network for many different devices. Wi-Fi is a way of organizing and wireless local network, and a way to access the Internet from all devices on that network: that is, you can use it to network games, data exchange on the local network and Internet distribution, if connected. All this does Wi-Fi convenient solution for the home, which ensures the high popularity of this technology.

Necessary equipment

Let's figure out how to make wifi at home. Let's start with the list necessary equipment. Using Wi-Fi possible only if you have devices that support it: tablets, laptops and computers with a Wi-Fi adapter. But if there are no such devices, then this can be fixed. And you don't have to buy it at all new computer, you can only buy a Wi-Fi network card. This solution is also possible for laptops. Such network cards can connect via different interfaces: PCMCIA, PCI and others. IN Lately gained popularity Wi-Fi adapter s connecting via USB, they small size, connect easily and conveniently, suitable for almost all devices, regardless of their type, be it a personal computer, laptop or netbook. Often network adapters require the installation of drivers for them; as a rule, these drivers are located on the disk included with the device. Installing them does not take much time and does not require high qualifications.

Wi-Fi networks can operate in point-to-point mode, that is, connect two devices (for example, a computer and laptop) without an intermediary. This solution allows you to use common network resources(folders or printers, for example), and the Internet. But it is not very convenient, since when one device is turned off, the network disappears - for example, if you turn off a computer connected to the Internet, then the second one will also lose the ability to use world wide web. Therefore it is often used additional device- router (also called a router).

This device is capable of supporting Wi-Fi network and Internet connection without depending on client computers. That is, having installed and connected Wi-Fi router, you can truly take full advantage of your wireless network. We'll tell you how to set up a wifi router at home. First you need to choose a suitable place. The criteria here are as follows: the router must be connected network cable(via which we are connected to the Internet) and the router signal should penetrate all rooms of the apartment. Routers come in both external antennas, and with internal ones. It is believed that the signal of the former is much more powerful, which allows them to be used even in houses with thick walls. Of course, the router needs not only a network cable, but also electricity: it is worth considering this point when choosing a place for it. If there are power surges in the house, then it is advisable to install network filter to protect important equipment from damage.

There are routers various models, but the principles of their connection and configuration are approximately the same. First, you need to connect the router to the Internet, since now it is it, and not the computer, that will be connected to the provider’s network, so we will connect the power cord that was previously used in the computer to it. There may be several connectors on the router; the cable from the provider is connected to the one designated as WAN. You can connect a computer or laptop to the connectors labeled LAN to configure the router.

Setting up the router

The graphical interface of each router model may differ, for detailed information It's best to refer to the instructions. We will study the most important points, which you need to pay attention to. First, we will need to go to the router's IP address, for example, - this address is indicated in the documentation for the device. In the device's web interface we can configure the Internet connection - this is the most important thing, right? Modern routers support Various types connections, but the most popular among providers is the PPPoE connection. For such a connection, we need to indicate the login and password that were provided to us by the Internet provider when concluding the agreement. It is often necessary to specify the DNS server - this information is also provided by the provider. Some providers issue IP and provide Internet access automatically, without any special settings. In this case, we only need to select the “Automatic IP” item in the “WAN Connection” field. The names of the settings may vary, of course, but only slightly.

An important point in setting up a Wi-Fi router is issuing IP addresses. It can be dynamic, when each connecting device is assigned an IP automatically, or manual, when all settings are entered independently. In the first case, you need to activate the DHCP server function of your router.

Access limitation

If you are learning how to install wifi at home, then you will definitely have to face the issue of limiting access to the Internet. After all, all connections occur without the help of a cable, so it is more difficult to control them. The following options are possible:

  • encryption and password access restriction;
  • restricting access by MAC addresses of client (i.e., connecting to the router) devices;
  • absence of any restrictions.

If you do not use any restrictions on connection and access to the Internet, then everyone within the signal radius of the router will be able to use your Wi-Fi. Of course, your neighbors will be grateful to you, but there are a number of negative aspects: a decrease in your speed and possible traffic interception. Therefore, specialists in computer security It is advised to still limit access. Filtering by MAC addresses is setting a list of devices that can connect to the router. This solution will not be convenient if you need to provide access temporarily - for example, to guests. Therefore, the most popular way to restrict access is encryption. There are three main types Wi-Fi encryption: WEP, WPA, WPA2 - they are arranged in order of increasing security and complexity of the algorithms used. WEP technology is outdated, there are ways to quickly hack networks built on this algorithm, so using WEP is not recommended.

In this article we tried to talk about the benefits Wi-Fi technology. Now you know how to choose wifi for your home and you can use all the possibilities of wireless networks, limiting your network from outside users. Setting up a router is not a difficult process.

Despite the fact that wireless networks appeared quite a long time ago, many users still ask various questions, for example, how to connect Wi-Fi on a laptop. This is explained by the fact that new laptop models are constantly being released, which can have quite significant differences from each other. In this article we will look at general rules, how to connect to Wi-Fi and use this network on a laptop.

Preparing your computer

Before proceeding with the connection, you need to make sure that the drivers for wireless equipment installed and working correctly. To do this, we need to run a tool called Hardware Manager.

There are many ways to open it. We will make it as simple and quick method. Press two buttons simultaneously – +[R]. The Run window will open. You need to write in it: devmgmt.msc and click “Ok”.

There are other ways to launch the tool we need. For example, click on the “My Computer” shortcut. This can be done from the Start menu or on the desktop (if the shortcut is removed). Select “Properties”. Now, in the menu on the left, go to the “Device Manager” section.

In the menu that opens, we are interested in the folder called “ Network adapters" Open it and find the required adapter. As a rule, its name indicates the 802.11 standard (b, g or n or 802.11 bgn) or the word Wireless (wireless).

If you have difficulty searching (you can’t find a Wi-Fi adapter), then the reason may lie in the fact that the necessary drivers or the module you are looking for is missing.

To find the required software, you need to go to the official website of your laptop manufacturer, indicate the exact model and modification of the device and download the required software. After installing the drivers, it is advisable to restart the PC. So, now we can move on to the question of where to turn on Wi-Fi on the laptop.

Wi-Fi activation

There are three ways to enable or disable the wireless adapter on your laptop:

  1. Through the device manager.
  2. In the Network and Sharing Center.
  3. Using the keyboard.

It is worth knowing that all these methods are not interchangeable. That is, if you disable the hardware in Device Manager, then neither network environment, you will no longer be able to turn it on on your keyboard. In the same way, if you have disabled the adapter on the keyboard, then in the hardware manager and in the network environment you will not be able to use it.

But, as a rule, the Wi-Fi adapter is turned on and off on the keyboard, since this is the most convenient and quick way. After installing the drivers, the default module in the Hardware Manager in the Network and Sharing Center is always enabled. Therefore, first of all, let's look at how to enable WFi using the keyboard.

It’s worth warning right away that not all laptop models activate wireless communication in the same way. That is, the essence is the same - you need to press the corresponding key, which is directly responsible for turning the wireless equipment on and off. But this key can be combined with one of the keys in row F.

That is, for example, for Wi-Fi activation on an HP laptop, you need to press +. In addition to this, on certain models laptops use a separate button to enable this connection: is there such a thing? Press it.

Such models are quite rare. It is worth noting that for normal operation all keyboard functions, including controls wireless modules, besides Wi-Fi drivers, need to be installed software for work additional keys. You can also find it on the official website of the computer manufacturer.

To activate these functions, you must first hold down the button, and while holding it, press the button to turn on the wireless adapters. On different models laptops are used different keys. But this is definitely one of the buttons in row F.

For example, to turn on Wi-Fi on an HP Pavilion DV6 laptop, you need to press the + keys together. On Lenovo – +, on some Asus models – +.

Just look carefully at the keyboard. You need to find a key on which an antenna is drawn with radio signals extending to the sides or a laptop is depicted with outgoing waves. This will be the treasured button.

If the device is disabled in the hardware manager, then it needs to be enabled there. First, open Device Manager. Find your Wi-Fi module and click on it. Select "Engage".

In a similar way, you can activate or disable wireless equipment in a network environment. To do this, open the Network and Sharing Center and go to the “Changing adapter settings” section. Here you need to find “Wireless network connection” (if we're talking about about Windows 8, the name may differ, for example, “Wireless Network 2” or 3), click on it and select “Enable” or “Disable” (depending on your goals).

So, with activation wireless communication figured it out. But how to connect to the network?

Wireless setup

As a rule, after installing drivers for wireless equipment, you do not need to configure anything. Thanks to this, setting up Wi-Fi on a laptop is reduced to a minimum: you just need to activate the connection (on the keyboard). After that wifi icon in the system tray (the notification area, which is located in the lower right corner of the desktop, to the left of the clock and date) will change. Click this icon. As a result, a menu will open: you will see full list connections that are available on your computer (as a rule, they are all private, that is, a password is required to connect).

Find your router in this list (by name) and click on it with LMB. Check "Connect automatically" and click "Connect". If required, you must enter a password to gain access.

After this, the laptop will connect to the wireless network.

We have discussed with you the question of how to install Wi-Fi on a laptop. Everything is very easy and simple and does not require special knowledge or expenditure of time and money from you. However, not everyone has a router. In this case, do not rush to run to the store and spend money on a router.

To begin with, you can create a distribution on the laptop itself (that is, use it as a router). For example, you can connect your laptop to the Internet using a cable from your provider and distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi.

How to easily connect and configure Wi-Fi on a Windows 7 laptop: Video

Distribution from a laptop

Create a point Wi-Fi access It's quite easy on a laptop. Moreover, you have several ways to implement this:

  1. Using a distribution program Virtual Router Plus.
  2. Set up distribution on the command line.
  3. Create a distribution in the network control center.

The first method is the easiest to set up. You just need to find and download Virtual program Router Plus. Install it on your computer and run it. Then simply enter the name of the network and the password for it (you can come up with it yourself). You will also need to indicate your Internet connection.

If the first option does not suit you, that is alternative ways organize a distribution. The second easiest way to do this is the command line. Setting up distribution in this way is quite simple, although more complicated than the above method. You just need to open it command line with administrator rights and enter two simple commands:

  • Command for Wi-Fi distribution: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=My_virtual_WiFi key=12345678 keyUsage=persistent and press “Enter”.
  • The created network is launched using the following command: netsh wlan start hostednetwork.

The Internet is considered accessible if it can be used without regard to the speed and volume of downloaded information. 3G Internet can hardly be considered fully accessible, since it is not always fast and often very expensive. Wi-Fi is just capable of correcting this situation. It is available in many in public places, routers are found in almost every home. You just need to configure everything correctly.

The Wi-Fi connection on your phone may seem a simple question, but not for beginners who are not yet familiar with Android or iOS. This instruction is addressed to them.

Enable Wi-Fi on Android

To set up wireless Internet, you must first run Wi-Fi module. This is done by clicking on the wireless connection icon in the notification panel in the status bar. Swipe your finger across the screen from top to bottom, select the icon in the right corner, find the Wi-Fi icon among the highlighted icons and click on it.

If for some reason you cannot use this scheme, enable access in the settings menu. Go to Settings → Wireless networks → Wi-Fi → Enable.

Then select the network you want to connect to. When using the status bar, hold down the connection icon for a few seconds, after which you will see a list available connections. If it is encrypted, enter the access password. If you plan to use it regularly, check the “Remember” box.

If you enabled access through the settings menu, opposite the enable slider, enter Wi-Fi menu, after which they will be displayed possible connections. Follow the steps above.

Follow these steps to set up your phone's connection to new network. When you are within the coverage area of ​​a remembered connection, the device will be able to connect you automatically.

If you use Wi-Fi mainly at home, you can set up the Internet directly through a router. Each of them has a button secure communication WPS, which allows you to connect any device using an encrypted signal. To use this function, you must:

  • Go to Settings → Wireless networks → Wi-Fi, click on the icon in the form of two ring arrows.
  • The system will prompt you to press the WPS button on the router. Please fulfill this requirement.
  • After some time the connection will be established.

This method is only relevant at home, because you do not need to enter a password every time. Of course, you can’t use it in a cafe or store.

Connecting Wi-Fi on iOS

Connecting on iOS is virtually no different from Android. To connect yours, go to Settings → Wi-Fi, activate the On slider. After that select the desired network from the list, enter a password if necessary, and - welcome to the Internet. Setting up Wi-Fi on iOS is absolutely not difficult.

Connecting to networks Wi-Fi devices iOS

Starting with iOS 7, quickly connect your device to wireless connection possible through the Control Center. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen, click on the Wi-Fi icon, select the desired connection from those available in the list, enter the access code and connect.

The Internet has become such an integral part of the lives of most that we no longer notice it - as if it had always been there and people did the same things as easily all the time as they do today. However, this is not true, and connecting to the network even today requires certain equipment, passwords, payments and tariff plans.

Finding ourselves in an unfamiliar place, we often need urgent access to the network, but how to connect to WiFi without knowing the password? It remains a mystery to many, but connecting to Wi-Fi without a password is possible!

Methods for connecting to a wifi network

There are several ways to connect to Wi-Fi without a password. The most important ones are brute-force attacks, phishing, and key interception.
First of all, try to choose the desired combination. At first glance it may seem that this is impossible, but it is not. Often, in order not to forget, people make it as simple as possible. For example, 12345678 or something like that. Imagine yourself in the shoes of someone who sets a simple password to connect to Wi-Fi.

If you pick wifi key did not work and you are not connected, try installing the WifiCrack program. They do not charge money for downloading and using it, but you must remember that this operation is illegal and you do this only in exceptional cases and after making sure that the owner of the Wi-Fi network to which you are planning to connect is not a bank, police or other special structures.

So, now we will find out how to connect Wi-Fi without a password:

How to connect to Wi-Fi without a password if this method did not work? Connection to someone else's wifi may not be an easy task and may require traffic interception. Optimal program Airslax can cope with this task. It works according to the following principle: when you are from your phone or from your personal computer trying to connect to someone else's network, your device still communicates with the router on the other side. Packets are being transferred without you even noticing it. And these same data packets contain an encrypted access code. It turns out that if you decrypt these packets, you can get the password. To carry out interception, you need more than average knowledge, but there is nothing overly complicated in this program.

So, let's see how to connect to Wi-Fi without knowing the password using the interception method:

Therefore, we will use the Wifiphisher program to carry out this attack.

  1. After installing the program, first of all, disable them wireless point. How to do this is at your discretion, but don’t go overboard.
  2. Then the wifi router will switch to the “Access Point” mode and the program will be able to copy the Name and title of the Access Point.
  3. DHCP server will automatically tune to this access point and give our client a fake page disguised as anything.
  4. The client will be taken to this page and will likely enter their access point name and password.
  5. The program will give you an access code and you can connect.

Once again, we want to repeat that no one will be able to identify you or punish you in any way for any of the above actions, but, if possible, it is always better to ask the owner of the wifi network for the password.