How to set up hidden friends in VKontakte. Instructions: how to hide a friend on VKontakte? How to remove a person from the hidden list

I decided to update this article in 2017, as a new design of the VKontakte website appeared and many functions moved or changed. The most important thing for which we use the VKontakte website is friends. Without them, there will be no news, no one to play games with, and most importantly, no one to chat with. From our friends we can determine where we work, where we studied, and even who we loved before. But sometimes you really want no one to see some of your friends, but how to hide friends in VK?

The developers of the social network are constantly making some adjustments to the interface and functions of the site, and just recently changes were made to the “Friends” section. There is a list of friends on all social networks and VKontakte is no exception. But for example, on Facebook you cannot hide friends at all, and besides, the system constantly offers to make friends with someone and this may be wrong because someone may not want to show their friends.

How to hide VKontakte friends via computer?

Let's get started, click on yours in the upper right corner of the page and select "Settings". And then go to the “Privacy” section and look for the item “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions”, click on it and begin to select.

As I wrote above, you can hide not only your friends, but also, for example, the fact that you subscribed to your ex’s updates. And don't forget about the limit of 30 people!

The last action remains, be sure to check the settings item “Who sees my hidden friends”, “Only me” should be selected there, otherwise there will be no point.

Congratulations, everything is ready! But be careful, if someone logs into VKontakte from your computer or phone when you forgot to log out of your account, they will be able to see all your hidden friends.

How to find out who a friend is hiding?

To find out who your friend or significant other is hiding, you will have to secretly go into his phone and see how many friends he has, and then take away the number that is visible to you. There are no other ways, either hack or ask the phone and secretly look.

How to hide more than 30 friends?

Unfortunately, the VKontakte developers have introduced a limitation on this function; you can only hide 30 people from your list of friends or pages to which you are subscribed! It's a shame that you can't hide all your friends at once.

How to hide friends on VK via phone?

I searched for a long time, but unfortunately there is no way to hide friends through the official application for Android or iPhone phones. But you can launch any browser, go to the mobile version of VKontakte and do all the operations there!

Open the menu, scroll down and go to “Settings”, then “Privacy” and do the same as on the computer:

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments!

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Hello, dear visitors and users of Contact! We are sure that many of you want to know how to hide friends on VKontakte. Why hide friends on VKontakte? Sometimes such a need arises in order to hide a friend or even several acquaintances from prying eyes and not show the chosen friends to strangers or even relatives.

Therefore, our simple instructions on how to add and hide friends in a contact were created for you. It's actually simple. A similar function has already been implemented in VKontakte settings. Just go to the Contact settings on your page and select the desired friends from the list. Next, we will provide simple instructions on how to make hidden friends on VKontakte.

Go to profile settings. To do this, you need to find the “My Settings” menu item and click on it with the mouse.

After you are in the settings menu, look for the next menu item - “Privacy”, as shown in the next picture.

There are many menu options in privacy, but we are interested in the option “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions.” It is there that you can learn how to hide friends in a contact and configure the display settings of any friend. As you can see in the next picture, by default this option is configured to display all comrades.

By going to this option, you can choose who to leave and who to hide from prying eyes. As you can see from the following picture, we have already added thirty buddies to the invisible list.

Now you know how to hide some VKontakte friends. This completes our instructions. We hope that it will be useful and useful. If you have any questions, you can always leave a comment on the article.

If you want some people added as friends on your VK page not to be visible in the general list, you can use the built-in function that allows you to hide some accounts. .

Why hide friends in VK and what is the limit on hiding

The only reason you might want to hide someone from your friends list is to prevent anyone or a specific person from seeing that the person you are hiding is among your friends. This process cannot bring any other useful results.

Anyone can hide users, but there is only one limitation - no more than 30 accounts can be classified as hidden.

How to do it

Via computer

It doesn’t matter which operating system or browser you use to access the site, in the desktop version of the site, hiding friends is performed by the following steps:

On IOS and Android

The official mobile application currently does not have a function that allows you to hide friends. But there is a way out: just deploy the full version in the browser by following a direct link or through the “Full version” button in the application. After opening the site in your browser, follow the steps described above for a computer.

Let's move on to the full version of VKontakte on a mobile device

For whom are friends hidden?

Any user has the opportunity to configure independently for whom your hidden friends will be hidden and for whom not. These settings also change from the desktop version:

How to remove a person from the hidden list

To remove a person from the hidden list, just go to the section with which you hid him (how to get there is described in the “Via a computer” section) and uncheck the box next to the desired account. Done, after saving the changes the user will disappear from the hidden list and will again become visible to everyone.

Removing a user from the hidden list

You can hide friends only through the desktop version of the site, but you can use it both from a computer and from an Android or IOS mobile device. You can personally configure for whom hidden friends are hidden and for whom they are not. You can make a friend visible in the section of the page settings in which he was hidden. .

Hello! Today I will show you how to hide friends on VK from your phone. You can hide any of your VKontakte friends directly from your mobile phone. You can control who can see your hidden friends. Everything is very simple and fast! Look further!

How to hide a friend on VK via phone

Log in to VK from your phone. Not in the app! Namely, to the mobile version of the website on Android or iPhone. There is no way to hide friends in the VK application! Only on the website.

On the main page, in the News section, top left, click on the button Menu.

In settings, click on the tab Privacy.

In privacy settings, find the options:

  • Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions;
  • Who sees my hidden friends.

By clicking on the first parameter, you will see a list of your friends. Check the boxes for the friends you want to hide. Then, at the top right, click on the checkmark button. This way you can hide more than 30 friends at a time.

In the second parameter, you can specify who will see your hidden friends.

  • Just me;
  • Only friends;
  • Friends and friends of friends;
  • Hidden Friends;
  • Some friends;
  • Select an option and click Save.

VKontakte is the fastest growing and most popular social network in the CIS. Functionality, convenience, speed and regular innovations are why users love VKontakte and prefer it to other social networks.

Regular updates and expanded functionality are a distinctive feature of VK. One of the latest updates some time ago removed the ability to disable the display of the “Friends” block, leaving the user the right to select a limited number of people who will not be displayed in the general list. To make hidden friends on VKontakte, you will need to carry out the appropriate actions in the profile settings menu.

Quick navigation through the article

List of hidden friends

All parameters relating to the display of certain materials on the user’s page are located on the “Privacy” tab in the “Settings” section:

  • While on any social network page, you must click the “My Settings” button on the left side of the screen;
  • Then go from the “General” tab to the “Privacy” tab;
  • In the “My Page” block, find the line “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions” and left-click once on the “All friends” parameter.

A dialog box will open with users from your friends list displayed on the left side. Using the mouse wheel scroll or the search bar, you need to find the desired person and, using the “+” button next to the name, add him to the “hidden” list.

The number of already hidden friends will be displayed on the left side of the window, and when the maximum number of 30 people is reached, the page will display a corresponding notification. After adding all the necessary friends to the hidden list, you need to save the changes using the corresponding button.

Setting the display of hidden friends

VKontakte allows you to hide or, conversely, display the list of hidden friends only for a certain circle of people:

  • While on any social network page, you must click the “My Settings” button on the left side of the screen;
  • Go from the “General” tab to the “Privacy” tab;
  • In the “My Page” block, find the line “Who sees my hidden friends” and left-click once on the “Only me” option;
  • Select the appropriate setting from the drop-down menu by left-clicking on it.

All actions on the “Privacy” tab are saved automatically and do not require additional confirmation. Having made the necessary changes, you can continue working on the site with the settings already accepted.