How to set up new tabs in firefox. The main reasons for losing old tabs


Run Mozilla browser Firefox - you will already have at least one tab open. At your choice, this tab can be an empty white form, or a web page designated as your home page, or even several pages at once - then when you start the browser, the corresponding number of tabs will open. In addition, it is possible to set an express panel with visual bookmarks as the start page (new tab). So first analyze your situation and decide which one possible options the settings for you will be most preferable.

Don't leave a blank tab as your start page if you intend to visit very often. a large number of the same URLs. Indeed, in this case, to go to your favorite sites, you will have to type these URLs manually each time, or look for the necessary links in bookmarks and a magazine, or even use a web search. It is much more advisable to in this case will set as the start page (new tab) the express panel developed for Mozilla Firefox. More detailed information For existing modifications of express panels (user reviews, advice on installation and settings), search the Internet.

Do not waste your time and computer resources on installing, configuring and operating an express panel with numerous visual bookmarks if you regularly visit only a couple of sites on the Internet. In this case, it is better to designate them as home pages. When you start the browser and/or when you click on the “Home” button, they will all open at once - each site in a separate tab, and rare transitions to other links can be done with blank page using ordinary means.

Make the necessary changes to Mozilla settings Firefox. Open the browser menu - it is called up by the orange button at the top left. Click on the "Settings" item. In the window that appears, start with the “Basic Settings” group - in it, specify the address(es) of the home page, and also select the most best option display tabs when the browser starts. If you don't know how to do this, click on the "Help" button in the lower right corner of the settings window.

Go to the next group of settings - “Tabs”. To select your preferred options, review the information in help system. Check all the required boxes and click OK to save your settings.

Download the add-on you like. Typically, you will need to restart your browser after the installation process is complete.

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start page

  • Setting up visual bookmarks in Mozilla, setting the home page

Additional plugins

  • Then restart your browser;

Visual bookmarks are miniature images of sites that the user has added to his “favorites”. They are on home page browser in an organized manner. The number of bookmarks can be changed if necessary.

In Mozilla (as the Mozilla Firefox browser is usually called), you can modify visual bookmarks using standard functionality browser.

How to add a tab in Mozilla

As an example, let's try to set up visual bookmarks in Mozilla and look at the main nuances.

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Browser settings

To set up visual bookmarks (relevant for new version browser), you need to open Firefox and follow the instructions below:

  • Open new tab(Ctrl + T);
  • In the lower right corner, click “Settings”;
  • In the menu that opens, make all the necessary changes: edit the number of bookmarks (up to 48), background picture(can be downloaded from the desktop);
  • To add a site to your visual bookmarks, click on the transparent rectangular window and enter the web page address in the field.

In this section you can rearrange bookmarks, add new ones and delete unnecessary ones.

start page

Visual bookmarks can be made home page browser (that is, when you open Mozilla, the bookmarks bar will be loaded first). To do this you need to use your browser settings:

  • In the "Settings" section, open "Other options";
  • Check the box next to “Set as home page”.

IN old version browser settings look different:

  • In the “Settings” section (press “Alt” to make a menu appear at the top), open the “General” tab;
  • In the Home Page field, enter: “yafd:tabs” and click OK.

Additional plugins

You can update, configure and connect visual bookmarks using additional extensions. Let's look at the main points of setting up bookmarks with the “Speed ​​Dial” extension:

  • Open "Tools" and under "Add-ons" in search bar enter "speed dial";
  • When the add-on is checked, click “Add to Firefox”;
  • Then restart your browser;
  • Go to “Add-ons” again and open “Extensions”;
  • In the list opposite necessary addition click "Settings";
  • Now edit the add-on according to convenient criteria.

Visual bookmarks are miniature images of sites that the user has added to his “favorites”. They are located on the main page of the browser in an organized form. The number of bookmarks can be changed if necessary.

In Mozilla (as the Mozilla Firefox browser is usually called), you can modify visual bookmarks using standard browser functionality. As an example, let's try to set up visual bookmarks in Mozilla and look at the main nuances.

Quick navigation through the article

Browser settings

To set up visual bookmarks (relevant for the new version of the browser), you need to open Firefox and follow the following instructions:

  • Open a new tab (Ctrl + T);
  • In the lower right corner, click “Settings”;
  • In the menu that opens, make all the necessary changes: edit the number of bookmarks (up to 48), the background image (can be downloaded from the desktop);
  • To add a site to your visual bookmarks, click on the transparent rectangular window and enter the web page address in the field.

In this section you can rearrange bookmarks, add new ones and delete unnecessary ones.

start page

Visual bookmarks can be made the browser’s start page (that is, when you open Mozilla, the bookmarks bar will load first). To do this you need to use your browser settings:

  • In the "Settings" section, open "Other options";
  • Check the box next to “Set as home page”.

In the old version of the browser, the settings look different:

  • In the “Settings” section (press “Alt” to make a menu appear at the top), open the “General” tab;
  • In the Home Page field, enter: “yafd:tabs” and click OK.

Additional plugins

You can update, customize and connect visual bookmarks using additional extensions.

How to set up a new tab in the Mozilla Firefox browser

Let's look at the main points of setting up bookmarks with the “Speed ​​Dial” extension:

  • Open “Tools” and in the “Add-ons” section enter “speed dial” in the search bar;
  • When the add-on is checked, click “Add to Firefox”;
  • Then restart your browser;
  • Go to “Add-ons” again and open “Extensions”;
  • In the list opposite the desired add-on, click “Settings”;
  • Now edit the add-on according to convenient criteria.

Open bookmarks in a new tab in Firefox

If bookmarks in the search engine suddenly disappeared, then do not worry, because they can be quickly restored. Below in the article we will look at ways to get old bookmarks back in Mozilla.

The main reasons for losing old tabs

Most often, loss occurs for the following reasons:

  • When upgrading to a new version of Mozilla Firefox, all settings are completely reset, which may lead to some data loss.
  • If Personal Computer crashes or is heavily infected with viruses. In this case, after restarting the PC, all data from the search engine may disappear.

Regardless of the reason for the loss, missing tabs can be easily returned using several methods.

You can return old tabs on the Mozilla browser using the following methods:

First method (if accidentally deleted):

  • Find a list icon in the upper right corner of the search engine page.
  • In the pop-up window, LMB click on the inscription “Show all bookmarks”.
  • then the “Library” menu will open, select and click on “Manage”.
  • Then select the “Cancel” item and LMB click on it.

After this, the tabs will be restored.

Second way:

This method allows you to return old tabs, however, in this case, existing ones, that is, recently created ones, will disappear.

But also with the help this method can be restored normal work browser if it recently started crashing.

Restoring and saving bookmarks in Mozilla

To make it easier to restore your tabs in the future, you can save and backup manually. It works like this:

  • LMB click on “Library”.
  • Then select “Import and backup” in the window.
  • In the window that appears, click on “Create a backup copy”.
  • Click on the “OK” button.

After this, the file will be copied and saved in a format such as JSON. This file will allow you to restore it in just a few clicks in case of data loss.

But also, if desired, the client can place this file both to the “cloud” (online data storage) and to external storage, that is, a flash card. This allows even complete reinstallation operating system on a PC, restore your own data in the Mozilla Firefox browser.

If somehow your favorite sites have disappeared, then using the above methods, a user of the Mozilla Firefox browser can easily restore them again.

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Current archive: 2009.04.26;

Firefox - Tabs

Peter (2009-02-21 20:08)

How can I make it possible to close the double tab with a mouse click?

wl (2009-02-22 00:28)

Peter (2009-02-22 00:56)

Yes! But I have TabMix and it doesn’t work (

Peter (2009-02-23 18:47)

I just switched from Maxthon to FireFox, I’m studying, but I have questions...

Peter (2009-02-23 18:52)

1) how to configure closing tabs with a double click?

2) how can I make sure that by SHIFT + Click the page opens in a new TAB, and not in a new window? (that is, to do exactly the same as CTRL)

3) how to configure a page from Bookmarks (favorites) to open in a new tab?

That is, when I select a link from my favorites, it opens in the current tab, replacing the open page. But I want it to open in a new tab by default, and focus on the current tab. This is convenient when you select a dozen bookmarks from your favorites in a row, so that while they are loading you can already read what has already opened.
And so you have to do two steps: first open a new tab, then select a link from your favorites.

Customize the New Tab page

Open a new tab again and select from your favorites again...

4) how to display my Bookmarks (favorites) in the Toolbar?

SoDA (2009-02-23 18:59)

Piter © (22.02.09 00:56)

The latest versions of TabMix are available on the developer's website:

In order to enable compatibility with addons that do not work with this Firefox version, you need to create a Boolean property extensions.checkCompatibility in about:config with the value false.

SoDA (2009-02-23 19:08)

Piter © (23.02.09 18:52)

1) Tab Mix Options -> Mouse -> Double Click

2) In my opinion, it is much more convenient to open a page in a new tab by clicking with the middle mouse button (Firefox default behavior). In Options -> Tabs you can configure the opening of all new pages in a new tab (Firefox 3).

3) Opens in a new tab when option 2 is installed (option is installed by default in Firefox 3)

4) View -> Toolbars -> Bookmark Toolbar (Firefox 3)?

Peter (2009-02-23 22:04)

SoDA (23.02.09 19:08)
1) Tab Mix Options -> Mouse -> Double Click

I don't have that option. The version is - - as I understand it, the latest release version.

Here is the settings screen:

SoDA (23.02.09 19:08)
In Options -> Tabs you can configure the opening of all new pages in a new tab (Firefox 3).

no, I do not need it. I need Shift to work like Ctrl, because that's what I'm used to in Maxthon (((

SoDA (23.02.09 19:08)
Opens in a new tab when option 2 is installed)

As I already said, I have no desire to enable this option.

SoDA (23.02.09 19:08)
(option is set by default in Firefox 3)

By default in FF3 this option is disabled.

SoDA (23.02.09 19:08)
4) View -> Toolbars -> Bookmark Toolbar (Firefox 3)?

in this mode, only the “Most popular” item is displayed in the toolbar for some reason... But I want to see the folders and links of the most favorite ones.

SoDA (2009-02-23 22:20)

Piter © (23.02.09 22:04)

>I don't have that option.

The adjacent tab, it has a double click tab.

>no, I don't need it. I need Shift to work like Ctrl, because that's what I'm used to in Maxthon

You did not understand. With the "a new tab" option set (Options -> Tabs) any a link that opens in a new window will open in a new tab without pressing any additional keys. Absolutely any a link (whether opening in a new window or in the same one) can be opened in a new tab by clicking the middle mouse button. Focus can be adjusted in the Tab Mix options (Events -> Tab Focus). If you like to click additional keys, then your choice is Maxton, no options.

You need to drag it from the menu directly to the panel.

Pit work (2009-02-24 09:56)

>You don't understand

no, you didn't understand. I don't need "any link" to open in a new window. I need the link to open in a new window when there is an indication of this in the text of the page. And force it through Shift.

wql (2009-02-24 11:06)

> And forcefully through Shift.

Opens via Ctrl without additional features...

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Visual tabs for the Mozilla Firefox browser

Visual bookmarks are miniature images of sites that the user has added to his “favorites”. They are located on the main page of the browser in an organized form. The number of bookmarks can be changed if necessary.

In Mozilla (as the Mozilla Firefox browser is usually called), you can modify visual bookmarks using standard browser functionality. As an example, let's try to set up visual bookmarks in Mozilla and look at the main nuances.

Quick navigation through the article

Browser settings

To set up visual bookmarks (relevant for the new version of the browser), you need to open Firefox and follow the following instructions:

  • Open a new tab (Ctrl + T);
  • In the lower right corner, click “Settings”;
  • In the menu that opens, make all the necessary changes: edit the number of bookmarks (up to 48), the background image (can be downloaded from the desktop);
  • To add a site to your visual bookmarks, click on the transparent rectangular window and enter the web page address in the field.

In this section you can rearrange bookmarks, add new ones and delete unnecessary ones.

start page

Visual bookmarks can be made the browser’s start page (that is, when you open Mozilla, the bookmarks bar will load first). To do this you need to use your browser settings:

  • In the "Settings" section, open "Other options";
  • Check the box next to “Set as home page”.

In the old version of the browser, the settings look different:

  • In the “Settings” section (press “Alt” to make a menu appear at the top), open the “General” tab;
  • In the Home Page field, enter: “yafd:tabs” and click OK.

Additional plugins

You can update, customize and connect visual bookmarks using additional extensions. Let's look at the main points of setting up bookmarks with the “Speed ​​Dial” extension:

  • Open “Tools” and in the “Add-ons” section enter “speed dial” in the search bar;
  • When the add-on is checked, click “Add to Firefox”;
  • Then restart your browser;
  • Go to “Add-ons” again and open “Extensions”;
  • In the list opposite the desired add-on, click “Settings”;
  • Now edit the add-on according to convenient criteria.

Firefox browser for its speed and undemanding system resources appreciated by millions of users around the world. However, with the web browser interface, not everything is so simple. For example, Firefox tabs, unlike Chrome, Opera and many other surfing programs, practically do not shrink in width, but instead use scrolling.

This is not very convenient, because thanks to this mechanism, some of the tabs are constantly hidden from your eyes, and scrolling the panel in one direction or another means performing an unnecessary action every time.

If you also think so, then pay attention to the tiny Prevent Tab Overflow extension, which does not even require a browser restart after installation. Thanks to this module, you will teach tabs to become much more compact when necessary, similar to how it is done in Chrome.

Adjusting Firefox tab widths in Chrome and Opera style

Let's bring specific example: If you expand the browser window to full screen on a Full HD monitor, then only 17 tabs will fit on the tab bar without scrolling. The appearance of the 18th tab by default puts the panel in scrolling mode.

The fact is that the minimum value to which Firefox reduces the tabs when they become crowded on the panel is 100 pixels wide.

Chrome has no such restrictions. Logically Firefox developers The names of the tabs should always be at least partially readable and therefore should not be made too small.

After installing Prevent Tab Overflow, tabs, like in Chrome and Opera, will begin to shrink much more, thanks to which 31 pages can be displayed on the panel without scrolling.

If this doesn’t seem enough to you, then open the add-on manager, go to the “extensions” tab and click on the “settings” button next to the Prevent Tab Overflow line.

It is to this width that each tab will now be narrowed if necessary.

As a result, as many as 43 tabs can now be displayed before scrolling appears. Thus, with the help of Prevent Tab Overflow, we increased the original capacity of the tab bar in Firefox by 2.5 times.

Prevent Tab Overflow, by the way, also brings with it five additional settings, the first 4 of which are already enabled by default. The first setting allows you to hide empty place on tabs if the site you are viewing does not have an icon. The second option makes the Firefox button smaller (only relevant if you are still using old versions"fire fox")

Setting No. 3 (Dim tabs that haven’t loaded) is the most interesting. When activated, the names of tabs whose contents are not loaded appear slightly faded and are highlighted with an underline.

In fact, this is a very convenient thing when you work with a large number of tabs.

The fourth option is responsible for animation when working with tabs. In turn, the last setting, which is not enabled by default, is responsible for displaying a close cross on the active tab only if the cursor is hovered over it.

Firefox Tabs Like Chrome

If you want Firefox tabs to not only display as compactly as in Chrome, but also visually look in the style of Google's browser, then pay attention to quality topic FXChome, which is available for download in the official Mozilla directory.

It does appearance Firefox is very similar to Chrome, carrying over key design elements quite well Google browser in "fire fox". Take a look for yourself:

The similarity is especially clear in the design of the tabs, which, after installing FXChome, change their usual shape and become similar to Chrome tabs, taking the form of trapezoids:

Please note that FXChome requires you to restart your browser after installation. This theme is fully compatible with the Prevent Tab Overflow extension described above, so nothing prevents you from using them together if you wish.

Today, Mozilla is one of the most common browsers used by millions of people around the world.

It has many names: the official one - Mozzilla Firefox - with the red fox emblem quite quickly turned into slang and today can be presented as Mozilla, Mozilla, Mazila, Fox, Fire Fox, Firefox.

The browser is perfect for both experienced Internet users and beginners who do not yet feel confident in the jungle of various terms.

First of all, you can and should download Mozilla for free only from the company’s official website. Downloading and installation are absolutely free, so do not agree to various offers to send SMS or pay for the program in any other way. You can always find the latest version of the browser. The Mozilla installation process is described step by step in the article ""

So, you installed Mozila on your computer.

First let's look at more early versions Mozillas - up to the 29th, that is, the 28th version, 27th, etc., and at the end of the article we will touch on the new 29th version.

12 buttons on the main page of Mozilla in Figure 1:

Fig.1 Twelve buttons on the Mozilla Home page

Let's look at numbers 1 through 12 in Fig. 1 in order:

In Fig. 1, the address bar in Mozilla is outlined in a red rectangle, which is designated number 1.

Address bar in Mozilla, as in other browsers, you need:

  • to enter the website address (for example, enter in the address bar: website or enter: After entering, press Enter),
  • or the address bar in Mozilla is needed to enter the name of the site (for example, to check, type the name of this site in the address bar: Internet literacy with Nadezhda or enter the name of another site: Bolshoi Theater).

Number 2 in Fig. 1search line in Mozilla. Let's return to it in point 12, at the end of our list.

Number 3 in Fig. 1- button Home page. After clicking on this button, a window with the Home page will open in front of you, that is, with the initially specified (original) page.

Number 4 in Fig. 1Bookmarks (Favorites) in Mozilla, which is done by the user himself, so as not to lose the site he likes on the Internet. After clicking this button, a list of all sites that you have already added or will add to your Favorites is displayed. This is your personally selected list of sites that interest you. Subsequently, this list can be edited (delete, put into folders, etc.)

Number 5 in Fig. 1Settings Mozillas.

Number 6 in Fig. 1Tabs in Mozilla are at the top.

Number 7 in Fig. 1 – « Open a new Tab» in Mozilla.

Number 8 in Fig. 1 – « Return to previous page", that is, to previous state screen (Back).

If we click on the “Left” or “Back” arrow (number 8 in Fig. 1), then we roll back a “step back” to the previous page. Clicking this arrow several times allows you to take several “steps back”, that is, scroll back several screens.

If there is a “Right” arrow (next to the “Left” arrow), then by clicking on it you can go to the next page (Forward).

Favorites in Mozilla

Number 9 in Fig. 1– The cute star under the number 9 in Fig. 1 allows you to add an open site to your Favorites, that is, where you can subsequently get to using button 4 (Fig. 1).

To bookmark in Mozilla, you need to, at the moment when the site you like is open, left-click on the asterisk indicated by the number 9, and in the window that opens, click on the “Done” button.

Number 10 in Fig. 1– “” – when you click on the small triangle, indicated by the number 10 in Fig. 1, a drop-down window opens with a list of sites you frequently use.

Number 11 in Fig. 1 – « Update current page " While you were on the site, changes may have occurred (for example, new information appeared on the site or the site “froze”, that is, the site does not respond to your clicks). To update the site, just click on the image of the arrow marked with the number 11.

Number 12 in Fig. 1– “Open the drop-down list of Search engines.” By clicking on button 12 in Fig. 1, we will see the list of search engines presented in Fig. 2. In this list, if you wish, you can click on any search engine and thus use the selected system to find the necessary information.

Rice. 2 Search in Mozilla

Let's look at frequently asked questions:

In the left top corner click on the bright orange Firefox button, move the mouse cursor to the Settings command (number 2 in Fig. 3), in the window that appears, click on the Settings command (number 3 in Fig. 3):

Rice. 3 Settings in Mozilla

How to add a tab in Mozilla?

If you click on the plus sign “+” (labeled “Open a new tab” in Fig. 4 below), a new tab will appear in Mozilla. This is convenient: you can open one site in one tab, another site in another tab, a third site in a third tab, etc. This way you can open several sites and move from one site to another by simply left-clicking on the tab with the desired site.

How to remove a tab in Mozilla?

To remove a tab in Mozilla, simply click on the cross in the right corner of the “Close Tab” tab (Fig. 4):

Rice. 4 Where to click to: Close tab, Open tab, Close browser

To close the Mozilla browser, click on the cross in the upper corner of the “Close browser” window (Fig. 4). If tabs were open in Mozilla, then after clicking on the “Close browser” cross, all tabs will be closed and then the browser will be closed immediately. I think it's right to close everything earlier first open tabs, and only then close Mozila.

12 buttons on the main page of Mozilla version 29

If your browser does not have an orange button in the upper left corner that says Firefox (in Fig. 1 this button is indicated by the number 5), then this may mean that you have a new one, latest version Mozily, namely the 29th. As you can see, there are also 12 buttons here, as in older versions of Mozilla, but some buttons in the new version have been significantly changed. So, look at Figure 5 below and go through all the buttons of the new 29th version of Mozilla.

Rice. 5 Twelve buttons on the main page of Mozilla version 29

Number 1 in Fig. 5 – Address bar Mozillas (as well as number 1 in Fig. 1), which is also called “Smart Line” or “Smart Panel” for the reason that when you enter the first letters (symbols), a panel with hints from the addresses you previously typed may automatically appear. Just click on such a hint, and you will immediately be taken to the page you are looking for - quickly and conveniently.

Number 2 in Fig. 5 - search line in Mozilla (same as number 2 in Fig. 1). It can be seen that when searching we will use Google search engine. If you need to look for information using another search engine (and sometimes this helps a lot to find necessary information), just click on button 12 in Fig. 5 and select another search engine.

Number 3 in Fig. 5 – button Home page (same as number 3 in Fig. 1). This is the page that opens first when you open Mozilla. At any time you can click on this button (number 3 in Fig. 5) and return to the home page.

You can set your home page. To do this, just open the page that you want to use as your Home page. Then drag this tab onto the Home page button, indicated by number 3 in Fig. 5 and finally click on the “Yes” button.

Number 4 in Fig. 5 – Show your s linings (Favorites) in Mozilla (same as number 4 in Fig. 1). By clicking on this button, you can see everything that you found valuable and useful after long wanderings on the Internet. This button allows you to easily return to a site you like, provided that you previously bookmarked this site using button 5 in Fig. 5.

Number 5 in Fig. 5 – Add a page to Bookmarks(same as number 9 in Fig. 1) . If you add a site to your Bookmarks using this button, you can later find it by clicking on button 4 in Fig. 5. The algorithm is simple - first add a site useful to you to Bookmarks (number 5 in Fig. 5), then you can find this site in Bookmarks (button 4 in Fig. 5).

Number 6 in Fig. 5 - Tabs in Mozilla are on top(same as number 6 in Fig. 1). Here you can find all the sites and pages that you have opened while navigating the Internet. How to open a new tab in Mozilla? Click on button 7 in Fig. 5

Number 7 in Fig. 5- " Open a new Tab» in Mozilla (same as number 7 in Fig. 1).

Number 8 in Fig. 5 - Return « Back to previous page», that is, to the previous screen state – “Back” (the same as number 8 in Fig. 1). Also, when you hover your mouse over this button, you can read a tooltip “Click right click or pull down to show history”, which you can use.

Number 9 in Fig. 5 - « Open menu » (same as number 5 in Fig. 1). This means going to Mozilla settings. If you click on it, you can select “ Private browsing” – in this case, information about which sites you visited on the Internet is not saved on the computer.

Also, using the menu, you can configure which buttons will be shown in your browser instead of or together with buttons 3, 4, 5 in Fig. 5. To do this, in the Menu, click on the bottom line “Change”.

Number 10 in Fig. 5 - " Open drop-down list of frequently used sites» (same as number 10 in Fig. 1) – when you click on the small triangle indicated by number 10 in Fig. 5, a drop-down window opens with a list of sites you frequently use.

Number 11 in Fig. 5 - " Refresh current page» (the same as number 11 in Fig. 1). Allows you to see the changes that have occurred on the site while you were studying the information on it. For news sites, for example, where information changes frequently, this is a relevant button.

Number 12 in Fig. 5 - “Open drop-down list of Search engines”(same as number 12 in Fig. 1). By clicking on button 12 in Fig. 1, we will see the list of search engines presented in Fig. 2. Choosing a new one search engine and see what new things she finds based on our request.

Accidentally closed a tab in Mozilla Firefox? Yes, this is nonsense! After all, restoring tabs in Mozilla is very simple. Plus it can be done 4 different ways. Choose any one that is more convenient for you.

The easiest way to open a closed tab in Mozilla is Ctrl keys+ Shift + T. Press these buttons, and the desired page will immediately open in Firefox.

Using the keys only one opens last tab. But if you press them again, the penultimate page will appear. And then down the list in reverse order. You can press Ctrl + Shift + T as much as you like.

By the way, you can use the same method in Opera and Internet Explorer. Browser developers are making some buttons universal, and that's a good thing. If you suddenly change Chrome or Opera to Mozilla Firefox (or vice versa), you won’t have to get used to the new program.

Another very similar method is to right-click on any open page and select “Restore last tab”.

Method number 2: using the menu

The second option is through the main menu. To do this, do the following:

This option is more convenient. Indeed, in this case more than 10 are displayed last pages. And you don’t have to press Ctrl + Shift + T until the one you want opens. You just need to find a specific site in the list and open it.

Method number 3: through the visit log

The third method of restoring a closed tab in Mozilla is through the browsing log. This is a classic option that works in absolutely all browsers.

To open the log in Mozilla Firefox, press Ctrl + Shift + H. A window will appear in which absolutely all sites visited for:

  • Today;
  • yesterday;
  • last 7 days;
  • this month, etc.

But only on condition that you did not delete the visit log or did not launch special programs for cleaning up garbage on your PC (for example, CCleaner).

You can also access the journal in another way:

  1. Press the Alt button. A menu bar will appear at the top.
  2. Select the “Journal” item in the menu and hover the mouse cursor over the line “Recently” closed tabs.
  3. You look for the one you need and open it.

If you liked this method, then in order not to press Alt every time, you can make the menu bar visible. To do this, click on the icon with 3 stripes in the upper right corner, click on the “Edit” button and in the “Show/Hide Panels” item, check the “Menu Bar” option.

Method number 4: do it like in Opera

What stupid, and most importantly, terribly inconvenient methods, right? For example, restoring tabs in Opera is much easier and more convenient. With just one click you can view any closed tab. Yes, even in Chrome it’s more convenient!

Calm, just calm. The developers took this fact into account, so in the new Mozilla versions Firefox has added the ability to customize the browser for yourself.

Therefore, if you want to view closed tabs in Mozilla Firefox the same way as in Opera, then do the following:

Ready. Just click on the "clock" icon. The last closed pages will be displayed here.

If there are too few of them, then click the “Show entire log” button at the very bottom. After this, the visit log will open (from method No. 3), where you can find any site you need.

This makes it a lot more convenient, right? And, perhaps, even better than in Opera.

How to save open tabs in Mozilla

The fact is that by default, after exiting the browser and its subsequent launch, it shows Homepage Firefox. And all open sites disappear. Of course, they can be restored through the journal, but this is inconvenient. And why, if there is a much simpler option.

So, to keep open tabs when you exit Mozilla Firefox, do the following:

Ready. There is no need to save anything - the browser will remember everything itself. Now when you exit Mozilla Firefox everything open pages will remain in place. You can check it now.