How to set up a blog on WordPress. What should you do immediately after installing WordPress? WordPress Setup

According to research conducted by Google, more than 50% of search queries worldwide are made with mobile phones. Because of this, it's worth making sure that your WordPress site loads quickly and looks decent to this category of searchers. Luckily, Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project makes this task easier.

In this guide, we will show you how to install WordPress AMP in two ways:

  1. Using the AMP for WordPress plugin.
  2. Via plugin.

We'll also explain what WordPress AMP is and discuss how to make sure it's working properly after installation. Let's dive in!

What is WordPress AMP and how is it useful for your website?

Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is an open-source library program code, which helps you create fast, smoothly scrolling, simplified versions of your web pages that look great on mobile devices. AMP is very user friendly, built on existing platforms and frameworks. Plus, it is fully compatible with WordPress.

In short, Google AMP works in a way that allows you to duplicate your website using AMP HTML. This process eliminates most of the elements that could lead to slow loading your website (JavaScript, third-party scripts, etc.). Google then processes and “smoothes” your site so it loads even faster. After this, the results will look something like this:

Google AMP provides many benefits, although it does have some disadvantages. Let's explore both sides of the coin. Let's start with the advantages:

  • Improvement search engine optimization(SEO). The most obvious benefit of Google AMP is the speed boost. Since speed is a critical factor when it comes to ranking your pages in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), this can help make your site more visible. Google AMP ensures that your site's pages are featured in the Google News carousel, prioritized at the top of the non-scrolling search results area on mobile (further boosting SEO rankings).
  • Improved user interface. It has been estimated that 33% of all potential sales are lost if a website is not optimized for mobile devices. Even more alarming, research shows that 57% of Internet users will not recommend a business with a website that is not mobile-friendly. Google AMP makes this optimization easy and possible and thus avoids this danger.
  • Improved server performance. Google AMP benefits from some key functions Google optimization. Reduces image traffic by up to 50% without loss of quality and reduces the load on the server. By reducing server load, AMP helps improve your site's performance.

On the other hand, Google AMP also has its disadvantages:

  • Limitations of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript. While Google AMP allows you to achieve lightning-fast loading times, it may cost you individual website elements. AMP will remove graphics very much High Quality, complex animation and others bright elements, which use CSS and JavaScript.
  • Only cached pages are displayed. The high speed of Google AMP is also a consequence of Google enabling the display of a cached version of your pages. For this reason, your users may not always be able to access latest versions content.
  • Limited ability to access advertisements. Despite the fact that Google AMP supports advertising, the process of describing it is very complicated. He also has limited opportunities integration with external advertising platforms.

If these shortcomings are enough to give you pause, you may want to turn your attention to responsive web design for your website. Although, if you're looking for a quick and easy solution to make your pages mobile-friendly, Google AMP remains the best option.

In the next section we will describe two methods WordPress installations AMP with several handy plugins to speed up mobile pages in WordPress.

How to Install WordPress AMP Using Two Plugins

To install AMP on your site you will need WordPress plugin AMP. Before continuing with this or the next method, we recommend. After this you are all ready to start.

Option 1: Use the AMP plugin for WordPress

From this page, you can customize the look of your WordPress AMP site to your preferences and preview any changes before publishing them. You can customize your site's text, links, and background color. Plus, we can choose whether you want to use a light or dark color scheme (i.e. black or white) for your site. When you are completely satisfied with the settings you have made, just click Publish at the top of the page.

You can also set where posts, pages, or both will be located in WordPress AMP. To do this, simply return to WordPress console and go to AMP > General:

On this page, check next to the setting Post Type Support the types of posts you would like to see on your WordPress AMP site and click on Save Changes.

You probably noticed that there are not many settings here. Luckily, there are several plugins you can use to expand your selection. For example, you can use Glue for Yoast SEO & AMP to integrate the Yoast SEO plugin with your AMP installation.

Go to Plugins Add new, find, install and activate Yoast SEO:

After that, do the same with the Glue for Yoast SEO & AMP plugin. Then go to SEO AMP in the admin console. Here you can choose whether you want to enable post and media data types for AMP support:

After that, click the button Save changes. Additional settings can be found on the tab Design. Here you can set an icon for your WordPress AMP site, choose a color scheme, and even add your own CSS:

AMP plugin for WordPress great if you want to add basic AMP functionality to your site. However, if you want more customization for the look and feel of your WordPress AMP site (and the ability to expand them in the future), our next plugin is for accelerated mobile WordPress pages may be more suitable for your case.

Option 2: Install the AMP plugin for WP – Accelerated Mobile Pages

In addition to providing an attractive and beginner-friendly page customization interface, this WordPress AMP plugin can integrate with a variety of other tools. Among them: WooCommerce (the leading plugin for ecommerce in WordPress), Alexa metrics, OneSignal push button notifications and others.

To use this AMP plugin for WordPress, you first need to go to Plugins > Add new in your console. Find " AMP for WP", install and activate the plugin:

Next, go to the new AMP tab in admin WordPress panels. You will see menu sub-items with sections Settings, Design, Extensions and others. Let's take a closer look at the settings in Settings:

You'll probably want to start with the links section of the guide. Getting Started on this page. This will help you configure your WordPress AMP in the best possible way. After this, you can run different AMP options for WP, including:

Press Save Changes for each setting above once you are done with it. After that, select the tab Design:

This is actually where you can control the appearance of your WordPress AMP site. To do this, select a specific AMP theme from the list in the menu Theme Selector.

After choosing a theme, you can customize its appearance. You will find design settings for color scheme and font (tab Global), choice of header and footer display, home page slider and much more. In chapter Social you can also choose which social media buttons you want to display on your WordPress AMP site.

Once you're happy with the look of your AMP site, save all changes. You can also preview them if you go to Appearance>AMP:

The free version of AMP for WP contains a wide range of features. However, you can greatly improve the look and functionality of your AMP site with paid extensions. There are extensions for describing ratings (useful for products or real estate profiles), integration with AMP WooCommerce Pro, using custom post types, and more:

Paid AMP themes are also available after payment. You can view them in the section Design > Themes in your admin console. Eat special settings, which are suitable for certain types of sites, such as news sites, magazines, and so on. Plus, there are some great multi-purpose themes:

If you want to try even more additional functions, then there is a whole series for you tariff plans Pro plans available for this plugin. Range from plan Personal(maintenance of one site for $149 per year) before plan Agency(service for an unlimited number of sites for $499 per year).

How to Check if Your WordPress AMP Site Is Working Correctly

Once you've set up any of the AMP plugins for WordPress, you've come to another step. You need to check WordPress work AMP to make sure it is available and linked to supported platforms. Checking is also a convenient way to look at AMP errors in order to resolve them.

One quick and easy way to test AMP is to use the developer tool in your browser. To do this you need to open the AMP page in your browser (in our example we are using Google Chrome). Next you need to add the following at the end of the URL:


Once you have done this, open the Developer Tools console in your browser. For Google Chrome this is Chrome DevTools console. If errors are found, they will be highlighted in red, along with an analysis of their causes.

Validation errors are typically caused by incorrect prefixes, incorrect code formatting, and/or unsupported tags. In most cases, error correction settings will be present. In addition, the Google AMP Project also describes a method to resolve common validation errors when auto-correction is missing.

Another effective method AMP validations - using the AMP Validator extension for Google Chrome and Opera:

This tool provides easy identification of errors (red icons) as well as their causes. Additionally, if you run AMP verification on your non-AMP page, the blue extension icon will show you a redirect link to the AMP version of the page. This setting offers convenient way Assessing your site's theme elements that may be preventing your WordPress AMP from rendering correctly.


Even a few extra seconds of loading time can significantly reduce your site's search engine ranking (and your conversion rate). Luckily, as we've already seen, using Google AMP can help you make sure your site's pages load lightning fast on mobile devices. What else, configuration and fine tuning AMP for WordPress is simple and straightforward if you use the right WordPress plugin for accelerated mobile pages.

Do you still have questions about how to install any WordPress AMP plugin? Let us know in the comments!

Hello, dear friends.

Having completely forgotten about the basic WordPress blog settings, I started publishing more advanced settings. And it was necessary to start with the settings that need to be done immediately after installing the engine on the hosting.

And in this article I will break it down into sections basic settings WordPress, which needs to be done so that they do not interfere in the future and are not an eyesore.

All these settings are not some kind of rule for you. I'll just show you my settings. But there are some points that you should definitely have. Therefore, I recommend that you carefully familiarize yourself with all the settings so that in the future it will be easier for you to manage the site.

I decided to give you a video tutorial first. Watch it below. If you want to read, there is also detailed text material under the video. But, for a more complete assimilation of the essence, you can’t do without a video.

Now for those who like to read.

We'll start with our profile settings. When registering any site, always for more better work It is recommended to set up a profile with the resource. Also here.

Profile Settings

First I will give a screenshot of the settings, and then I will describe the necessary functions.

  • Disable visual editor - in the menu of the page and post editor there is a visual editor, which is enabled by default and when filled out shows all the content as it is. We can turn it off and then only text editor, which will allow you to deal specifically with source code added material;

This may be required when there are some formatting issues that work only in a text (HTML) editor and when you switch to a visual one, they all disappear or get confused. I use this formatting, so it happens that when I switch to the visual editor, I have to do the formatting again.

If a similar situation happens to you, then I recommend carrying out such formatting moments at the very final stage.

  • Color scheme - this setting is individual for everyone. According to your tastes, you can choose a color scheme for the design of the WordPress admin panel;
  • Hotkeys - You can manage comments using keyboard shortcuts. Everything is written in more detail at the link " Additional Information", provided next to the description of the setting. There you can also find out key combinations for formatting, for example, for highlighting a phrase with underlining (ctrl+u);
  • Top bar - whether the top admin bar will be displayed when viewing any blog page;
  • Name display settings (name) - in this item we configure how our person will be displayed when publishing articles;

Selected this mapping in the “Display as” item, the options of which are formed from the data entered in these settings (first name, last name, nickname). After entering this data in the "Display as" drop-down list, variations will be available to display the author of the publication.

Choose the option you like.

  • Contact settings (contacts) - in these settings I fill in only my working real e-mail address and a link to my profile on the Google+ social network.

The last item in your profile settings is to change the password for accessing the blog admin panel. If you have a simple password, we urgently change it. We put a very complex and long password, consisting of a random selection of upper and lower case characters and numbers (for example, tfh89EW4Kuyl43ferFGrs6uih).

General settings

The settings in this paragraph also largely relate to display.

  • Site name - enter the name that will be displayed on the site page in the place where it is provided for in your template. By the way, be sure to read the material about right choice template for WordPress website by ;

  • Brief description is the same as the title, only a description;

  • WordPress address and website address - no need to change settings. They are automatically installed when installing WordPress on your hosting;
  • Email address- enter your real email. It will receive various types of notifications if you set them up on your blog. For example, these could be plugins for various types of notifications;
  • Membership - you can enable the registration function on the site, then at this point you need to choose who you will become New user. If you have a regular blog, then the registration function is completely unnecessary;
  • Time zone - select your time zone. Although, I didn't choose anything. It should be substituted automatically, based on the regional settings in the operating system;
  • Date format and time format - set a convenient option for displaying the date next to the published material. For me, the standard option is the most familiar;

This setting does not change anything in my display. Apparently the template substitutes its own version. Does anything happen to you when you change different options?

  • The first day of the week is naturally Monday;
  • Site language - I, of course, choose Russian.

Publishing settings (writing)

  • I disabled the emoticon conversion function because I have this standard function does not work. Yes, and this is not necessary;
  • WordPress should correct incorrect XHTML code automatically - I left the setting enabled, but I can’t comment on its performance, since I haven’t seen the result of its work;
  • Main category - at this point you need to select a category in which publications will fall, when adding which you do not select a category. For example, if you forgot to check the box next to the desired category, then it will fall into the “main category”;
  • The main recording format - I never experimented with this setting, since there was no need. For a regular site, we leave the standard option.

Reading Settings

These settings are made more for readers, since they determine how readers will see the content of the blog.

  • Display on the main page - select the option that is more suitable for your resource;

If this is a simple blog, then, of course, select the “Your latest posts” option; if you want to create some kind of website, the main page of which should always contain information, for example, about a company, then select the “Static page” option. Then select the page itself to display on the main page.

  • Display no more than on pages - if the option to display the latest posts on the main page is selected, then a certain number of announcements will be displayed. It is advisable to split their list into pages. The number of announcements on one page is chosen individually by each person. The standard option of 10 announcements suited me;

By the way, announcements should be broken down into pages using . Therefore, if you don’t have it on your blog, be sure to do it.

  • Display the latest in RSS feeds - also left the standard value;
  • For each article in the feed, display - select “announcement” so that only the initial part of the material is displayed;
  • Visibility for search engines- we don’t check the box, although it doesn’t really solve the problem. Search engines may not take it into account.

Discussion (comment) settings

This is the most extensive section of standard parameters.

  • Default settings for the article - I disabled the first 2 settings, as they create an extra load on the blog, and there is no point in them. They try to notify other blogs that we have mentioned them in our articles, and also try to accept similar notifications;
  • Other comment settings - the tree comments function must be active. It's on by default, but check if it's active;
  • Send me a letter when - I disabled these settings completely, since when actively commenting on the site, the mail will simply be inundated with letters about adding new comments and waiting for their moderation. At the initial stage, when the site is completely new, you can leave these parameters active. I turned them off immediately;
  • Comment moderation and blacklist - these 2 fields are used to add comments according to specified parameters to the moderation or blacklist, respectively. For example, we can add the name of an author who constantly spams to the blacklist field and his comments will never be accepted;
  • Avatars - these settings are set normally by default. You can only change the avatar display option at your discretion. IMHO, the standard version is the most pleasant to read.

Media settings

When we add media files (images) to our articles, there is an option to select specified values ​​to reduce them according to specific sizes. This is very useful when you prefer to add an image of one size for aesthetic purposes.

Here is an example of choosing a size based on the parameters in this paragraph. These dimensions are available in the image editor when you add them to your articles.

If you want to change these sizes to your own, then the “Media File Settings” item is what you need.

Here you set the parameters you need.

There is nothing complicated. Just change the standard sizes to your own.

The checkbox “Place the files I downloaded into folders by month and year” should be active. This is how images on the hosting will be sorted by year and month. Here's what it looks like on the hosting itself.

This sorting option is very convenient. Knowing the publication date of the article, we can easily go to the hosting and download all the images in one fell swoop.

Setting up permalinks

I will not describe this point here, since I devoted a lot of attention to it. detailed material. Explained the importance of this setting and showed how to configure correct view links for the article. .

Also, don’t forget that truly high-quality website setup on WordPress is only possible when installing required plugins and their correct configuration. Therefore, I am giving a list of materials that you simply must study and implement all the features from them.

  • "Please comment."

    By the way, please write in the comments, is it convenient for you to perceive this format of presenting the material, when I first give a video lesson, and then a text version? Or is it better to have the text first and the video at the end. I will be very grateful.

    That's all. Bye.

    Best regards, Konstantin Khmelev.

And why is it needed? In this same publication, I want to talk about the settings for this engine that you will need to make immediately after installing it.

In subsequent posts in this section, I plan to also tell you how to work with the admin panel, how to create new messages, set up comments, add new categories and static pages. I will try to present all this in as much detail as possible, taking into account the user who is encountering WP for the first time.

General settings in the WordPress admin area

If you do not have the “Management” widget activated in WordPress, which includes a link to login WordPress admin, then you will need to enter the admin panel by typing in address bar browser:


For my blog it will look like this:


You will be prompted to enter the login (admin by default) and password that the engine generated for you during its installation.

As a result, a window called “Message Board” will open in the WP admin panel. This window will contain a number of panels, the appearance of which and their number you can customize by clicking on the button "Screen Settings" in the upper right corner of the window.

In the drop-down tab you can configure what will be displayed in this admin window and what not. To do this, you just need to uncheck or check the box next to the panel name. In my opinion, it makes sense to leave only the first two checkboxes, but you are, of course, free to do as you like.

In this drop-down design fragment, you can also select the number of columns to display these panels. In general, the appearance of the WordPress admin panel is quite flexible and can always be adapted to suit you.

In the left column of the admin panel there is a menu with which you will work with your blog. At the very bottom of this menu there is an area "Options", which we will need first.

Select the first item called “General” from the “Options” drop-down list. In the window that opens, you need to set the name and description of your blog by filling out the “Blog Title” and “Brief Description” fields.

In the fields “WordPress Address (URL)” and “Blog Address (URL)” you usually (with the exception of some cases) indicate the same address of your blog like this:



Next, in general settings you indicate your mailing address in field " Email address", and in the "Membership" field - check the box only if want to allow user registration on your blog. In most cases, you will not need registration, so it would be better to uncheck this box to be safe.

The fact is that there are ways to attack WP that require user registration to be allowed. In the remaining fields of this window, you select the desired time zone, as well as the format for displaying the date and time in the messages of your resource.

Setting up CNC and 404 error pages in WordPress

Now we need to immediately move on to the “Permanent Links” item, where we can decide on CNCs (human-readable URLs). Why right away? Yes, because if you decide to configure a CNC that already has N number of posts, which also managed to get into, then problems will not keep you waiting.

And posts will most likely get into the search engine index very quickly, because... WP has a number of features to speed up indexing (for example, ). So, a little CNC involves replacing the addresses of your blog’s web pages with ones that are more attractive and informative for humans (and search engines like such URLs more). Also read about this, because you need to do it right away, or never do it.

Let me briefly remind you that to do this you will need to find the item in the left menu of the admin panel "Permanent links". The best option, in my opinion, is the one shown in the figure below:

Let me explain with an example. Without the use of CNC, the post address would look like this:


After conversion, the post URL will look like this:


As they say: feel the difference. The URL carries a semantic load and a visitor, for example, without understanding the navigation of my blog, can simply erase the end of the link in the address bar to look like:


As a result, it will be included in the “Joomla” section with announcements of all articles contained in it. Lepota.

Everything is very cool, but only if you listen to my advice and set up the CNC in WordPress before you even start writing posts. Otherwise, a not very pleasant situation will arise. The search engine index will contain web pages of your resource with URLs like:


But because If you have enabled and configured the CNC on your blog, it is natural that visitors following such links will not be able to get to the desired web page.

Getting out of this situation will require a lot of time and effort. By the way, by default, when CNC is enabled, a visitor who comes to your resource via a non-working link will be automatically redirected to the main page of the blog, which I think is not correct.

In this case, the visitor should be shown 404 error page, which you will pre-configure so that this visitor will still be able to find on your project what he came for..

In the “Display no more than on blog pages” area, you can set the number of posts to display on the main page. The rest of the web pages will be available via the link " previous records", or, in the case of using ", by following the link of the web page number.

In the “Display latest in RSS feeds” area, you can set the number of recent posts that will be displayed in your RSS feed(read more about and about).

In the “Display for each article in RSS feed” area, you can choose whether to publish full posts there or use only article announcements.

Yes, don’t forget to use the “Discussion” tab to win over future commentators.

It is possible that this bourgeois vision of successful blog promotion will be useful to you (the author himself speaks popular blog on the topic of SEO in burzhunet):

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

You can watch more videos by going to

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25 Feb 2017

In this article we will talk about such an important component as setting up WordPress. Let's discuss what first steps you need to take after installing WordPress. Correct setting site on WordPress will affect the promotion of the site in search results. Be sure to study this lesson and make the necessary changes to the settings of your WordPress site.

Wordpress and site addresses are URL links to your site. If you wish, you can set the appearance of the site with a triple w ( Please indicate a real e-mail address, all information related to the site will be sent to you. If you do not require user registration on the site, do not check the box next to “Membership”; if required, check it. Set the date and time format and time zone in accordance with the region of your location. After you have entered all the necessary data, do not forget to save the changes.
The next item is “Writing”. Setting up posts on WordPress. Set up a main category; all your articles will be included in it. To do this, open “Posts” ⇒ “Categories” in a new window and rename the existing category called “Uncategorized” to a more suitable name for your site. Publishing via e-mail, don’t change anything here, publishing articles via email is inconvenient, so I don’t recommend publishing via e-mail. Let’s take a closer look at update services; this is really important.

How do update services work? When new articles are published, the services specified in the “Update Services” field will automatically receive information about the release new entry, which will speed up the indexing of the site. Below are the necessary services. You need to copy them and paste them into the appropriate field. If you find new services, each address is entered on a new line.

Update services. Full list

Http:// ping cgi http://ping.syndic8. com/xmlrpc.php http://rpc.weblogs .com/RPC2 ping

The next item is “Media files”. Here you can adjust the image sizes. There are three sizes: Thumbnail Size, Medium Size and Large Size. When you upload any image to a website via media files, it is created in several versions. The first option is original file, it is not modified, then if the picture is large, then “Large size”, “Medium size” and “Thumbnail size” are created from it. That is, one loaded image creates four various images With different sizes, which can later be inserted into articles. There is no need to change anything in this section, leave everything as default!
The next item is “Permanent links”. WordPress permalink settings are important for SEO optimization of your website. By default, links are numeric value. For search ranking this is not good. Therefore, the permalink needs to be changed to “Post Title”. Make sure to do this. Leave all other settings in this section as default.
These are the basic settings for pure WordPress. But the settings don't end there. A good website is impossible without several necessary plugins. In the next lesson we will talk about plugins that must be installed on the site.

After you have purchased a domain and ordered hosting, it’s time to configure WordPress. The blog cannot be used in its current form. You need to properly configure permalinks, select and install a theme (design), and connect all the necessary plugins.

All these settings are needed to ensure that the blog has a neat appearance for both future visitors and search robots. Which will have a positive impact on further search engine promotion.

You also need to understand the console menu. The console is also called the “admin panel”. You may have noticed that there are quite a lot of additional settings in the admin panel.

To get to the blog admin area, you need to go to Replace with your domain name.

The main page contains basic information about the entire blog. From this page you can add an article, make basic theme settings, or see the latest comments made on an entry.

2. Updates

You can see the updates current version WordPress and whether it requires new updates. As soon as the developers release an update, you will see it in your admin panel.

Don't forget to update if you are asked to do so. This will protect you from hacking attempts by intruders.

3. Records. All entries

In this menu you can see all the recordings made over time. You can also see how many comments each article has received and what category it belongs to.

Hover your mouse over the article and a submenu will appear with which you can edit, go to, or delete the article.

If you didn’t change anything after installing WordPress, then you will already have your first test post. Point it at it and delete it. If you delete an entry by mistake, you can always restore it from the Recycle Bin. If the entries are no longer needed, do not forget to empty the trash.

3.1. Add new

Before you start publishing articles on your blog, you need to make a few very important settings. Make them in paragraphs 8.1 and 11.3. After you have set up permalinks, or as they are also called (CNC), you can start publishing articles.

The title is written at the top. It should not be too long and not too short. Once you enter the title below, a permanent link will appear. It will look like this if you install a special plugin, which is found in paragraph 8.1.

Below you will find tools with which you can format text, add pictures and place active links. If you are familiar with Word program, then there will be no problems with this.

If this is your first time encountering such an editor, then watch video tutorials on YouTube on how to add an article to a WordPress blog. Once your article has been added and formatted, select or create a category for it. One article per category, remember this!

Upload a thumbnail, this is small picture to your article. Such pictures support most themes. Once everything is ready, click on “Publish”. Now go to your blog's home page and see what your post looks like.

Working with pictures

When adding photos, try to always include the “Alt” attribute. If you use your photos, this will allow you to attract traffic from search engines from the “pictures” section.

2-3 words about what is shown in the picture itself are enough. If you don’t know what to write, it’s better not to write anything.

The photo can be aligned to the center or edge. If you have a large picture and you want it to open in full size when you click it, then select “link to media file”. If you need to redirect to another site, then use a custom url.

In the size setting you can set the size you want. Remember that the width of the blog itself is rarely more than 1000 pixels wide. I recommend setting it to full.

Make sure that all your photos have a name in Latin letters before uploading to your blog, for example, moy-dom.jpg.

3.2. Categories

This menu is intended for creating categories. For example, you have a blog on culinary recipes. The headings could be:

  • Salads
  • Snacks
  • Beverages

Write your category in the title. In the label, write the name of the same category, but only in Latin letters. You can also write it in Cyrillic, but I recommend doing it as in the example.

Rubrics may have subcategories. For example, “Salads” may include the following subheadings: “Chicken salads”, “Simple salads”, “Salad recipes for the winter”, etc. Subcategories can be created in the “Parent” menu.

Write 2-3 sentences describing your section. State the essence. Be sure to make it unique. This means that you must come up with this description yourself, and not copy it. Once all the fields are filled in, you can click on the “Add new category” button.

3.3. Tags

Tags are needed to make a large website more user-friendly. If you do not plan to create a large portal with many categories and subcategories, then it is better not to use tags.

4. Media files

In this section you will find all the photos that have ever been uploaded to the blog. You can also add new photo to your library. We practically won’t need this menu, since you can add a photo to your article in section 3.1.

5. Pages

Do not confuse this section with posts! Such pages are needed mainly for information. For example, on my blog there are separate pages about the author and about the blog. You can create a page with your organization's contacts or any other information.

Now you have a test page. Look at it, try to edit it and then delete it.

In this section you will see all the created pages. If you need to create a new one, then simply go to the “Add New” menu and use the editor, as in menu 3.1.


Here you can see all the comments made by your users. Comments can be disabled, approved and edited.

7. Appearance. Themes

By default, WordPress provides 3 themes. Their design is so-so and rarely anyone uses them. You can see all three topics in this menu. On the Internet there is a large number of sites that offer free templates to download.

I recommend setting themes from official store WordPress. Firstly, they are free, and secondly, they don’t have malicious code or a virus. To install a new template, just click on “Add a new theme”.

You will be taken to a section where you can select the topic that you like. Hover over any template and see what it will look like. You can select a topic by filtering the characteristics you need. Once the selection is made, click on install and activate.

Don't be afraid to put different themes. It is very difficult to find one that you like the first time. You can always delete all unnecessary topics at any time.

U free templates there are also disadvantages. They are poorly optimized for search engines.

Or you can immediately buy an inexpensive template for your project, which will save you from all technical errors. Install the theme, customize it once and use it.

If you have any questions about setting up the theme, the Russian-speaking support service will always help you free of charge. I recommend choosing from these three templates.

Also in this section you can always change your password and email.

10. Tools

You can safely skip this section, there is nothing interesting here yet. When adding new plugins, some of them will be located here.

11. Settings. Are common

For some reason the most important menu is at the very end. Before you start publishing articles and creating new pages, you need to make settings.

Write the name of your site. The description should be short and clear. It should contain the entire essence of your niche. You can skip the brief description. If you have something to write, then fill it out. You can write some slogan.

WordPress address and website address. Here you can specify how your blog will be displayed. For example, with or without www. https or http. This is a very important parameter, be sure to fill it out.

If you registered a domain and hosting in my opinion, then you must have a secure certificate https protocol. So, set the settings as in the picture. Select the date and time format that you need. We skip the “writing” menu.

11.1. Reading

11.2. Discussion

In this section you can configure your blacklist. If you see that someone is leaving spam comments for you, you can blacklist them. It is enough to add an IP address, which can be seen in the comments or create your own list of stop words.

For example, if you add the words: www, http://, download, free, then such comments will not undergo automatic moderation. You can safely skip media settings.

11.3. Permalinks

One of the most important WordPress settings is located here. This is the permalink setting. Check the “Custom” box and paste the following template there:


Yandex metrics

To find out how many people visit a blog, you need to install a special counter on it. This counter will show detailed information about the user. I recommend installing Yandex Metrica.

If you do not yet have mail from Yandex, then register it right now, it will take a few minutes.

Once you are inside, click on “Add Counter”.

Next, fill in: the name of the counter and the website address, check the “I accept the condition” checkbox, create a counter. Check the box for web viewer and click save. Below you will see the counter code that needs to be installed.

Copy it and go to the admin area of ​​your blog as shown in the image below.

Find in right column and click on “Header (header.php)”. Paste the copied code into free place. It's better to do it where it ends.

Click update file. Return to the list of counters by clicking on “Counters”.

After a few minutes, the counter will update and turn green. If this does not happen, log out of your account and log in again.

Ready! After some time, the counter will record all visitors to your blog. Click on the name and you will be taken to the main menu.

If you want to understand all the capabilities of this tool, then refer to the manual.


If you don’t know what robots.txt is and what it is needed for, you can read it in the Yandex help. In order not to suffer and not compile it yourself, you can simply download it.

Don’t forget to correct your site in the file by replacing and with yours. Also enter http or https. Now you need to upload it to your server in the root folder where your blog is installed.

If you use Beget hosting, which I recommend, then you can download this file as follows. Log in to your hosting and click “File Manager”.

Find the folder with your site and go into it by clicking 2 times. You should see this:

Go to this folder by clicking 2 times. You are now in the root folder of your site. Now click "Upload Files" and "Browse..."

Select the file and click on the "Upload" button. The file has been uploaded to the site.

Now you can check. Enter in search bar such a request: replace with your website. Also consider the meaning of https or http.

Registering a Domain. Setting up Hosting. Let's install a blog!

Order hosting and buy a domain >>>


Now your blog is completely set up and ready to go. Start filling it with quality articles for people. Start to slowly understand SEO (search engine optimization).

As soon as your blog reaches 500 visitors per day, then buy unique theme. If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments below.

Best regards, Sergey Smirnov.