How to make a lot of friends (subscribers) on VKontakte. Free and paid method

Some users strive for as much as possible add friends on VK. For what? It's simple. It's no secret that today it is possible, but for this you need to have friends.

And the more friends you have, the higher your earnings. You can also make VK friends just out of interest.

But why then subscribers? And subscribers are necessary to increase rankings in search results. The more subscribers you have, the higher you are in search.

In this article you will learn how to gain thousands of friends and subscribers for free without programs in a short time.

There are 2 ways to make friends:

  • Manual addition;
  • Adding using a special promotion service;

How to add many friends on VKontakte

The first method is the simplest, but not very convenient:

1. From your page, go to the section "Groups" , open the tab"Search for communities" and write a search query "Add to friends".

2. We go to any community (or several) and, if the wall is open, write something like "I'll add everyone! No subscribers!".

  • Or copy the URL of the picture and paste it on the wall;

  • In a couple of moments you will see new friend requests;

You can also add users as friends who write the same thing on the wall (remember that you can send messages per day).

Just make sure that they have few subscribers - this is a guarantee that they will add you.

Publish entries in similar communities, add people like you as friends. And soon you will see quick results.

How to make friends on VK (subscribers)

The second method is more convenient and advanced. There are special services with which you can make friends on VK And subscribers.

But in In 2020, they began to block users who use low-quality, free services (for suspicious activity).

Therefore, we will consider the best service for VKontakte advertising that will promote your page high quality and fast.

Real people (no fakes or bots);

From 75 kopecks for 1 active subscriber (friend);

Targeting settings: city, age, gender, number of friends;

After payment for the order, people will subscribe to your page interested users. You can add them as friends or keep them as subscribers.

Cheating VKontakte on this service the highest quality, so don’t worry about anything: all new users may even be active on your page (like/repost/comment on posts, etc.).

That's all. As you can see, it's not difficult at all make friends on VK or subscribers. Follow these instructions and you will succeed!

Hello, and today we will talk about how to delete VKontakte subscribers. This feature is not to everyone’s taste, since now, when you remove a person from your friends or refuse his friend request, you will continue to see the unwanted person as before, only in your subscribers.

This is often annoying, because not everyone wants their news to appear in someone else’s feed, especially a stranger’s. Subscribers are good mainly for those who crave popularity. What if he’s not thirsty at all?

In addition, various spammers, advertisers, “just-to-add” bots get into your subscribers, and people you don’t want to see remain there - just unpleasant personalities or “ex-lovers”. Therefore, many people want to know how to delete VKontakte subscribers at once. Unfortunately, the social network does not have an official method, but all is not lost - there are “workarounds” below.

If there are only a few subscribers and they are all “live” (not spammer bots), you can ask them to unfollow you through a message on your wall or even a private message. If there are a lot of them, or their DMs are closed, or the pages of your subscribers are frozen, the problem cannot be solved this way. In addition, your message on the wall is not at all a guarantee that they will see it.

But the next option is much more radical and will work for sure.

welcome to Black List

When you try to remove a VK user from subscribers, the social network’s functionality only offers to add him to .

How this is done, step by step:

● open “My subscribers”;
● hover the cursor over the subscriber’s avatar, click on the cross in the upper right corner and thereby block it;
● confirm sending the user in an emergency;

● long and tedious doing the same with other subscribers until everyone ends up in a ban.

Now be patient. In an hour, or better yet in a day, it will be possible to remove all these people from the blacklist, but not earlier, otherwise they will again end up as subscribers. You can, of course, not remove them at all - a matter of taste.

Another radical method is to go to the subscriber’s page and far below under his avatar click “Block Username”. Suitable only in cases where there are few subscribers or this one is especially annoying in some way.

You can also add it to the blacklist manually by copying the address of the VK user’s page there and clicking “Add.”

“Leave me alone, everyone,” or how to protect the page from prying eyes

There is also a third option - do not delete subscribers, but do not leave them almost any information. This opportunity is provided by the “Privacy” tab (the “Settings” menu). In it you can configure your page so that most of the information is available only to friends.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely hide the information on the page; other users will at least see something. For example, it is impossible to hide posts on the wall, the list of subscriptions (publics), etc.

The only way to completely hide a profile from another person is to add him to the “ban”. Then all he will see from the information on your page is that he cannot view it. Otherwise, users will be left with something to be torn to pieces. Plus, the subscribers who were there before will also not go anywhere.

How to delete subscribers on VK

Changes to the friend system in the popular social network Vkontakte have caused a lot of negative feedback from users: now if you reject a person’s request to be added as a friend, he remains as your subscriber. Moreover, strangers can simply subscribe to your updates without adding you as a friend. How to delete subscribers in VKontakte?

When you follow a person, their public updates appear in your News Feed. Likewise, your public updates appear in the news feeds of those who follow you. Unlike adding a friend, following is not a reciprocal process: a person does not need your consent to subscribe to your updates.

This state of affairs irritates many: not everyone is pleased when strangers or those with whom you don’t want to intersect (ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, new passion of an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, colleagues, etc.) subscribe to their news. And the spammers who tried to add you as a friend in the list of subscribers are somehow not encouraging. Is it possible to somehow remove users you don’t like from the list of subscribers on VK (in Contact) and how to do this?

1. Blacklist subscribers

This method is the most effective, but radical. Go to the page with your subscribers, hover over the victim’s avatar and click on the cross in the upper right corner. A confirmation window will appear. If you are sure, click Continue.

Once you blacklist someone, they will no longer be able to send you private messages, friend requests, or view your page. In this case, he will naturally disappear from the list of subscribers. The disadvantage of this method is that each subscriber will have to be added to the list manually if you have too many of them - the process will be quite labor-intensive.

If you decide to pardon someone from the list, go to the Blacklist tab in the My Settings section and click on the Remove from list link next to this user. But keep in mind that then the user will again be on the list of your subscribers if he did not manage to unsubscribe himself.

2. Ask subscribers to delete themselves

There is no effective way to remove unfamiliar subscribers on VK (Kontakte) without adding them to the blacklist. But you can try using roundabout methods, some of them may help. To start, you can ask the person to unfollow you in a nice way by sending him a private message. Or leave a message on your wall to everyone reading your wall asking them to unsubscribe: they will see it in their news feed.

But there are no guarantees that people will voluntarily unsubscribe from your updates. Not everyone will notice a general appeal, spammers are unlikely to read your message at all, and you may not write to some subscribers yourself because you don’t want to communicate with these people. Finally, if you have a lot of subscribers, writing to everyone personally can be a tedious task.

3. Limit privacy in VK

Therefore, the third option is to leave subscribers, but at the same time limit their access to your personal information as much as possible. In the privacy settings (menu item My Settings, Privacy tab) you can make sure that only your friends can see most of your personal information - and you decide for yourself who to add as friends.

The disadvantage of this method is that it will not be possible to limit the access of unwanted guests to all information: some of your personal information will be visible (for example, date of birth, city, Skype login, website), your posts on the wall, photos that you posted on your wall, a list of your friends and subscriptions (you can hide only 15 of them), video and audio recordings. So you won’t be able to completely close yourself off from non-friends without blacklisting them, as was possible before.

So the only sure way to remove VK subscribers is to blacklist them. But this method is quite radical (the person will no longer be able to communicate with you at all) and labor-intensive.

As you know, all users who send you friend requests automatically become your subscribers. Until you approve a person’s application, he will remain on your list. If you want to clean up such a list without adding people as friends from subscribers, but simply deleting them, then read this article.

How to view VK subscribers

Go to your page and in the left menu click on the “Friends” link:

A new page opens; in the right menu, click on the “Friend Requests” link:

It is in the “Inbox” tab that all the people who have subscribed to you are located:

This window does not provide a function for removing people from subscribers. Although, of course, there is one way: you can go from here to the page of the one you want to delete and block him already on his page. But there is another more understandable and frequently used method, and it is to this that we move on.

How to remove a person from VKontakte subscribers in the full version

We go to the main page of your account, and under the detailed information the number of those who have subscribed to you is displayed. We click on it:

We immediately have a list. In order to remove someone from there, click on the cross in the upper right corner of the avatar:

We are informed that in this way we will add this account to the blacklist. We agree with this and click on the “Continue” button:

That's all, this comrade has disappeared from subscribers and is blacked out in your account. He, of course, may be there, but if this does not suit you, then you can move on.

Let this account hang on your blacklist for a couple of days, and then you can delete it from there. If you delete it earlier, then perhaps it will appear in subscribers again. How to do this? Read on...

Click on the top menu in the upper right corner and select “Settings” from the drop-down menu:

At the next stage, in the same right menu, select the “Black List” item:

It opens here. We find the one we need and opposite it click on the “Remove from list” link:

This way you will remove the person from your followers without adding them to black.

How to delete VKontakte subscribers from your phone

And so, if you have a smartphone or tablet on the Android platform with the VKontakte mobile application installed, then read the instructions.

We launch the application, and immediately on the main page you will see the number of people who are subscribed. Click on it:

A window opens with people who follow you. We find the one we want to delete and click on it:

We get to the person’s page and in the upper right corner we find a menu in the form of three vertical buttons. Click on it and select “Block” from the drop-down menu: