How to find a stolen phone yourself. Are phones found if stolen?

Agree, in our time, losing a phone is equivalent to a disaster! After all, without this universal gadget you cannot read the latest news, take a live photo, or even find your position on the ground.
So, how to find your lost phone in the shortest possible time?

What to do if you lost your phone at home?

Since smartphones are an essential part of modern life, a task such as finding a lost phone at home should not take much time. Usually we use communication devices constantly - to make calls, write notes and messages, take photographs, check email... Therefore, the loss should be detected literally in the first 20 minutes from the moment of last use.

Remember which specific rooms you were in and what exactly you were doing during the last two hours, carefully search your places of deployment.

Interview friends or family members. If each of you is sure that you have lost your phone at home and it is turned on, finding it will be easy - just call it from another device. The location is easy to determine by sound.

Some device owners recommend this method of finding a lost phone using a magnet - slowly walk around all the rooms with a large magnet, carefully looking into every corner. It is worth noting that it is better to resort to this method only in extreme cases! The effect of a magnetic field on a phone, even short-term, can lead to irreversible damage.

By the way, these tips also work during searches in other buildings: cafes, universities, work offices, etc.

What to do if you lost your phone on the street?

If you or someone you know loses your phone on the street, finding it will be a little more difficult. The first rule is – don’t even think about calling from someone else’s smartphone to yours! The sound may attract unscrupulous passers-by, who will probably decide to keep the find for themselves.

Remember where you last saw the device - be sure to visit this place, searching every corner of it. If this does not help, walk along your entire route over the past day, carefully examining the streets, shops, stops and benches.

You can even post missing notices in the approximate location of the loss, although this method, unfortunately, is not as effective as we would like.

Ask your friends to help you: by splitting up and going to several places at once, you will increase the chances of achieving a goal such as finding a lost phone.

Search using the Internet and satellites

You don’t even have to hope for the option of finding a lost phone using a mobile number - mobile operators are extremely rare in helping to track the approximate location of the SIM card. Although exceptional cases are also known.

A lost phone can be easily found using the Internet, provided it is turned on and has the Android or IOS operating system installed. Starting from the fourth version, the developers of this program are sure to add the ability to remotely control the device to the settings.

When purchasing, be sure to set up this function - in case of loss or theft, the gadget will send you a message about changing the SIM card and even photos that will allow you to determine the location.

Another option for finding a lost phone on Android: as a rule, users of this operating system register a personal account on Google+. By opening your personal account on the site, you can easily find where your phone is, provided that it is turned on and the geolocation function is working.

What to do if you lost your switched off phone?

In this case, the IMEI code comes to the rescue. This is a specific unique set of characters that is assigned to each manufactured device. Even if you change your phone number, its IMEI code will not change. A phone that supports 2 SIM cards will also have two such encryptions. This allows, in the event of a theft, to determine whether the robber has changed the mobile number on this device.

Finding out your IMEI is very simple - enter the combination “*#06#” on the keyboard. If the gadget is already lost, you can find out the code by looking at the device packaging, its instructions or warranty card.

Unfortunately, there is no way to find a lost phone using the IMEI code yourself. You need to transfer all data to law enforcement agencies, who will resolve this issue using cellular services.

Search Assistive Devices

Some far-sighted smartphone owners, caring about their time, purchase special devices that are specifically designed to solve problems such as finding a phone if it’s lost.

This includes key fobs with special indicators that react to light, sound or movement. If you have lost your phone, just use one of the suggested irritants. For example, some similar accessories react to clapping or whistling.

Caring developers also came up with devices such as “Not Lost”. They can take a variety of forms, but the most common are keychain-app to other portable device connections. The 2 communicators communicate via a GPS signal.

Let's say you lost your phone in your room. As you gradually approach it or move away in the opposite direction (it all depends on the settings), the device with the installed application will sound a sound signal and show the position of the phone with the key fob on the map.

Take these ideas into account - such devices will be a good gift for those who have ever lost their phone.

Preventive measures

As you can see, taking care of a problem in advance is much easier than solving it later. Finally, here are a few more tips to answer the question “How to find a lost phone?” never stopped you from enjoying life.

Turn the ability to use your device into a necessity. Replace your diary, books, radio, camera, MP3 player with just 1 device - your phone. Moreover, modern models allow this to be done. Thus, the gadget will always be at your fingertips and in sight.

Make it a rule to always carry your phone in the same pocket - make the act of putting it there automatic, so that the question of searching doesn’t even arise.

In crowded places, try not only to put your phone in a secure pocket, but also to hold it with your hand - you will not always be able to instantly feel its absence even in tight clothes.

Install special “anti-theft” applications on your devices in advance - they are different for each operating system. These include multi-level locking systems, the ability to unlock only with your fingerprint, and notification of a SIM card change. Unfortunately, the programs will not help with the question of how to find a lost phone, but they will make your gadget useless in the hands of a burglar. And this will make him think about whether it is worth stealing other people's things.

For many people, a cell phone becomes a repository of personal data, important information, and simply a gadget that is used every day. Sometimes, due to carelessness, a person can lose it or an attacker can steal it. In such cases, you should know how to find your phone, what you need to do in advance with your device.

How to find your phone if it's turned off

This is the most unpleasant situation that can happen if a mobile phone is stolen. The attackers immediately remove the SIM card and turn off the device. This greatly reduces the list of ways to return a mobile phone. If you managed to turn off your cell phone, then you have only one way to find the turned off phone - contact law enforcement agencies. To do this you need:

  • Find the box from the device, a receipt from the store, take your passport.
  • Come to the police station with your passport and write a statement.
  • To identify your phone, you must write the IMEI code, which is unique for each specific device.
  • Expect the civil service to fulfill its duties.
  • The number of mobile thefts has decreased significantly after devices became more affordable, but there are still many cases of theft. The police will try to find the cell phone through the operator, but they are really rarely found. You should be mentally prepared for the fact that you will have to purchase a new cell phone. The situation is completely different if you lost your phone, it died and turned off, but the card remained inside. The provider will be able to determine the location of the device and the gadget will be returned to you.

    How to find a phone by IMEI

    This code is a unique serial identifier for devices. You can find it on the device box or under the smartphone battery. It consists of 15 digits; if necessary, it can be displayed on the phone screen using a special command. After purchase, it is recommended to write down the IMEI somewhere in a notepad or on a warranty card/receipt. If you contact the police, you will need this code.

    Law enforcement agencies are asking the court for permission to require the operator to find the phone by IMEI. All smartphones run on one of the operating systems (Windows Phone, Adnroid, iOS), which makes it a mini-PC. With the help of satellites, a telecom operator can find a stolen cell phone using the IMEI code; only the provider can do this. To do this, there must be a court order requesting this operation.

    There are sites on the Internet that offer to track your device using the IMEI code. Third-party resources do not have this option; if after entering data you are asked to send an SMS - this is an attempt to lure money. Code databases are stored only by the operator; they are not publicly available. You can only enter the IMEI of your stolen smartphone, other users can then check if they are being offered to buy a stolen phone.

    How to find a phone by phone number

    Every person in Russia, when purchasing a package from a company, enters into an agreement and, as a rule, only one SIM card from the company is used. Unfortunately, it is not possible to search for a phone number by card number. Only a telecom operator has such technologies and capabilities, but they will not do this at your personal request. The point is not laziness, but the high cost of the procedure; it is not standard and requires the expenditure of human and technical resources. This only makes sense when looking for limited-edition or high-priced smartphones.

    On the Internet you can find resources that offer to determine the location of a lost smartphone for free if it has been stolen. This is another myth; third-party sites do not have such capabilities. The exception is official resources from Samsung and iPhone manufacturers, which link an account to the device and search through a satellite channel (GPS), if it is turned on.

    How to find a lost Android phone through a computer

    Many portable gadgets run on the Android operating system. It is absolutely free and is very popular, so developers are actively creating applications and programs based on this OS. Every smartphone owner can find an Android device using special utilities. The only negative is that applications should be installed in advance, but most people remember this when their cell phone has already been stolen or lost. You should install it yourself from the official Google Play store. Here are some popular options:

  • Lost Android. After enabling the utility, it needs to be given administrative rights. To search through the application, you must have a Google account that is linked to your cell phone.
  • Where's My Droid. This utility will already search for the device through the special “Commander” website. You should also register on it, and log into your account from your mobile phone.
  • Search for a phone via Google account from a computer

    One of the easiest options for finding a stolen phone is through the Google service. The Android operating system belongs to this company, so all devices based on the OS have good compatibility with the system. This does not mean that you cannot find a phone through a Google account on iOS or Windows. To search for a mobile phone that has been stolen or lost, you need to create an account in the system.

    Next, you need to go from the settings to the “Accounts” section, click on the line called “Google” and log in. For all owners of devices with Android version 5 and higher, nothing else needs to be done. The system will automatically open access for remote control. All other devices need to go to the “Administrators” section and activate the ability to access the device through a computer. You will then be able to do the following from your Google account:

    • turn on the signal at full volume to find a lost or stolen device, if it is nearby;
    • you can block the device and set a message on the screen asking you to return it for a reward;
    • it is possible to turn on the search, the address where the cell phone was last found will be displayed;
    • Completely erase all data from the device online using a computer.

    How to find a phone using GPS via a computer

    You can try to find your phone via satellite using your mobile number. The geopositioning system is capable of determining the location of an object through a beacon with an accuracy of several meters. If the tracker is turned on on the device, the system will be able to find the phone using GPS. The main problem is that the person who found the cell phone can easily turn off the sensor and the cell phone itself. After this, this search option will not work.

    To track a device, you need to install a special application that will carry out tracking. Next, from your computer you will be able to log into your account and track the location of your smartphone. For example, the following applications are suitable:

    • Live GPS Tracker;
    • TrackMe;
    • My World GPS Tracker.

    Video: how to find a lost phone

    There are many things that a modern person can easily do without, but a mobile phone is definitely not on this list.

    And since a mobile phone has long been an integral part of our lives, its unexpected loss (and such a situation can easily happen to anyone) plunges us into a confused state.

    Losing your favorite gadget is a nuisance from which no one is immune.

    The loss of a favorite gadget makes us sad

    And indeed, this device not only serves to make calls, but also contains a large amount of confidential information, including a phone book with the numbers of our friends and closest people, a notebook with a lot of personal information, our favorite applications and games, reminders and social network accounts with automatic entry.

    So, what should you do if your mobile device is lost (or stolen), and even if the situation is aggravated by the fact that the gadget is turned off due to, say, a dead battery?

    First of all, you should not panic, but try, following the recommendations below, to find your irreplaceable loss.

    Recommendation 1. We look for the phone in the suspected places of loss

    Before starting the most global search, let’s make sure that we ourselves didn’t leave the device somewhere at work, in a taxi, or at a friend’s house during our last visit to them.

    If you have lost your phone, don’t panic, but start searching

    Our search would be greatly simplified by such a useful accessory as a keychain attached to a mobile phone and responding to our whistle or clap of the palm.

    Therefore, if we are lucky and our phone is found somewhere in the house under a pile of things, the first thing we would like to do is to purchase such a keychain to make our life easier in the future.

    Recommendation 2. If your Android phone is lost, the Android Device Manager service will help us

    A special service from Google Android Device Manager will help you search

    In the event that we have lost a mobile device based on Android, we can turn to a special service from Google, which is called Android Device Manager :

    What should we do if the search did not produce results, and our lost device is also turned off? There is another way to search - via IMEI, which is known to be an original 15-digit number stamped on the body of each mobile device, usually under the battery.

    As a rule, the 15-digit IMEI is located under the battery.

    To find out the IMEI code on your phone, dial the USB combination *#06#

    Note: In order to find out our phone number, it is not necessary to remove the case cover, just dial the USB combination *#06# on the phone and these numbers will appear on the screen of our device.

    So, knowing the IMEI of a lost mobile phone, you can file a loss report with a law enforcement agency, whose employees will request the location of your device directly to the telecom operator and thus receive complete and reliable information about the location of your device and even the exact address of its new owner.

    However, there is one “BUT” - police officers do not always take on the solution of such issues, but only in the case when a crime has been committed - theft. Otherwise, if it turns out that your phone is in your own home, then penalties cannot be avoided.

    Recommendation 4. Search for a mobile device by satellite

    This type of search is available to mere mortals only in two cases:

    Let us consider in more detail the second case, as it is more probable. The above LoSToleN program it works as follows - when you replace your SIM card on a stolen or lost device with a new card, the command of this program is immediately activated, which sends you an SMS message to the specified “spare” number. After which you not only become aware that someone is using the phone, but also find out the number of its new owner. And then it’s up to you – either call and figure it out yourself, or contact the police.

    Recommendation 5. An alternative way to search by satellite

    Perhaps the site will help you find the device.

    So, to begin an independent search for a mobile device via satellite, first of all, let’s connect to its monitoring on a special website

    To do this, on this resource we find the “free monitoring” section. We register in the system, indicating two mobile phone numbers - your current one, to which you want to receive information, and the number of the phone that we intend to look for.

    The most important thing when registering and in further actions is to strictly follow the proposed instructions, which, however, are very simple - you just need to enter the missing subscriber’s number in a certain field and click the “search” function.

    As a rule, all the information found is displayed on our monitor screen within a few minutes.


    In conclusion, I would like to remind you of one truth - in order not to look for anything, it is better not to lose anything. Take care in advance about the safety of your phone and then you will never need all the above tips. Good luck!

    Reading time: 3 min

    Today we’ll look at a fairly popular question: how to find a lost Android phone via the Internet, if it’s turned off, via a computer, via imei. There are several ways to find a lost phone, and each is good in its own way.

    Every smartphone runs on some operating system, such as ios, android, windows phone and others. Each OS has its own security system. For example, a lost phone on OS iOS can be found using a special program provided by the manufacturer. In the program you can track and find your phone. But what about users of other devices? Which operating system is Android? Let's look at several ways to get your lost money back.

    How to find an Android phone if you lost it

    There are situations when the phone fell out of your pocket, bag, was generally lost or was stolen. And it needs to be returned. First of all, you will want to write a statement to the police, but as practice shows and other people’s requests for the same problem, there is no smell of success there. You can only rely on those who will find and return the phone to the owner, unfortunately there are few of them, or you can look for the phone on your own.

    So let's start looking for a phone, because every minute is important to us. In order to determine the location of the phone, there is nothing complicated. To start the search, we need a Google account and if the Google account is not added to the phone, then this method is not suitable. But usually everyone has it, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to use Google services.

    Also in the settings, in the Location section, you need to check the boxes as in the screenshot.

    As you can see in this method everything is simple. Google provides a search function for your smartphone.

    How to search via computer

    The Android Device Manager service is designed specifically for finding a lost phone, but if the settings on the phone are reset or it is turned off, then it is of no use. But not every thief knows how to do this, so it’s worth trying this method.

    What we need to do to search for a device:

    Enter your username and password, and then log into your account. If you don’t have an account yet, be sure to create one, as it is very useful and necessary (after creation, also log into your account via your smartphone).

    As you have already noticed, you can remotely call a phone, block or clear the device of all data if you do not want anyone to see it.

    How to find a phone number at home through a computer

    If something happened that you somehow managed to lose your phone at home, then you can call it from your computer using the Google service

    Within a few minutes, the phone will ring at full volume, no matter what mode you have on.

    Send a message to a lost or stolen phone

    If the phone is lost, and the person who found it wants to return it, although in our time there are few such people, there are still such people. You can display text on the phone screen that will help the finder contact the owner of the gadget.

    We use the same service and the “Configure data blocking and deletion” button.

    In the window that appears, you can do the following: Enter a password with which you can lock the device.

    Write a message, after reading which the person will return the mobile phone.

    If it is not possible to return the gadget, then it is recommended to protect your personal data. To do this, click the “Clear” button. In this case, everything will be deleted and the phone will go to standard factory settings.

    Using programs

    In addition to searching for a phone using Google services, you can find a phone using programs. The Lost Android program has proven itself well. You can install it from Google Play. But after installation, the application will be called Personal Notes. so that it doesn’t catch the eye and the attackers don’t suspect anything.

    After starting the program, we give it administrator rights, to do this, click on the button as in the screenshot

    These two methods I proposed, through Google and the program, help you find even a turned off smartphone. This is achieved by the fact that Google services record the moment when the device was last turned on, and, accordingly, the location.

    Find phone by imei and SIM card

    But here I want to disappoint you, there is no way to track the phone by number or imei. Using imei, only authorities can track a device, and not all of them.

    Protection with avast! Anti-Theft for Android

    Just in case, you can set up your phone.

    Here's what to do:

    • Download avast antivirus! Mobile Security and open it.
    • Go to the settings menu and check the “PIN code protection” and “Deletion protection” checkboxes.
    • If a person detects an antivirus, he will not be able to get rid of it until he enters the PIN code.
    • Then create an avast account. Go to the official antivirus service and click Create Account Now, set your email and enter your password.

    If more than one method did not produce results or you do not remember the login or password for the Google account that was added to the phone, then there is the last method.

    It is impossible to find your smartphone using your phone number. But you, as a victim, can come to the police station, write a statement and attach evidence that this is really your phone. Among them are the following: Warranty card. Purchase receipt. Gadget box. IMEI code.

    Like any expensive item, a cell phone is a target for criminals - from thieves to petty criminal gangs.

    When you find yourself in an unpleasant situation and lose your mobile phone, especially if it costs a lot of money, the question always arises of how to return your lost phone.

    We will look at several ways to find lost phones. All these methods are effective if the phone is turned on.

    Find a phone using the program installed on it

    This method is suitable if the phone has been stolen or lost.

    A program must be installed on your phone in advance (and there are a great many of them on the Internet), which collects all information about the phone (calls, SMS, files downloaded to the phone, etc.) and sends it to you, for example, by mail or to your personal account.

    To install the program, the phone must be a relatively new model and have certain technical characteristics. To transmit location information, the phone must have a GPS module installed and an Internet connection.

    How it works: If you lose your phone, as soon as it is turned on and there is access to the Internet, you will receive all the necessary information, including its location.

    Important! If the new owner deletes the program or reprograms the phone, you will not be able to determine the location and obtain the necessary information.

    Find a phone using your accountGoogle

    This method is suitable for modern gadgets (phones, tablets).

    To do this, your device must be connected to the Internet and have a GPS module.

    To be able to track the location on your gadget, you need to connect your Google account and set settings that allow you to determine the coordinates of your device.

    In case of theft or loss of your phone or tablet, you can always go to accountGoogle and see the location and movement of your phone or other gadget.

    Important! The information is available if there is Internet access on the device you plan to monitor. If you delete or install another Google account on your phone or tablet that you do not have access to, it will be impossible to track the location of the phone.

    Find phone byIMEI

    This method is suitable if the phone has been stolen. It can be considered one of the most reliable, but at the same time the most labor-intensive.

    Searching for a phone by IMEI allows you to determine not only the location of the phone, but also the SIM card installed in it, and hence the person to whom it is registered.

    How is this method applied?

    If your phone is lost, you must contact law enforcement. When applying, you must have the IMEI of your phone with you; it can be found in the phone box (it can be located on a special sticker, instructions, or the box itself). If the phone box is lost as unnecessary or the IMEI cannot be restored for some other reason, you just need to remember your phone number.

    If you knowIMEI .

    A law enforcement officer sends information to cellular companies, according to which the companies must provide information about the owner of the SIM card with which the phone appeared on the network after it went missing

    In case you don't knowIMEI phone.

    The police officer makes a request to the cellular company to provide the IMEI of the device from which you previously made calls. Next, the received IMEI is sent to cellular companies with instructions to provide information about the owner of the SIM card with which the phone was used and is being used after it was lost.

    When a police officer has information about the owner of the SIM card with which the phone is used, finding the loss is not difficult.

    Important! If an attacker flashes the IMEI code, it will not be possible to detect his appearance on the network. This happens quite rarely and mostly on expensive phones.

    If you need a simple and quick way to determine the location of your phone, use the Movisor monitoring system. Keep in mind that to track a subscriber through the Movisor service, confirmation of the subscriber is required in the form of a response SMS to an incoming message, so you need to connect it when the phone is in your hands, to prevent possible loss or theft.

