How to find dogs in a VK group. How and why to remove dogs from a VKontakte group

While developing our group or community on VK, each of us was upset when we saw bots and dogs among the VKontakte public subscribers. Today we want to tell you how you can independently check how many bots are in your VK group, we’ll tell you what the permissible limit of dogs in groups is and much more.

How to find out how many bots are in a VK group.

Many of us ask ourselves the question, why do I have so many bots and dogs in my group because I didn’t use cheating services? It’s very simple: very often people delete their accounts or subscribe to pages from their fakes, which are subsequently banned. So how can you find out how many bots are in a group or community?

There are several simple ways:

Find out how many bots are in a VK group: method 1.

The easiest way to find out how many incapacitated accounts are on the VKontakte social network in your group, we emphasize in yours, since this information is available only to administrators and creators of a community or group.

Go to our group in the menu, select the community statistics section, and scroll to the very end, at the very bottom under all the statistics you will see “ The percentage of suspicious accounts is at least" - these are bots and blocked participants

According to unconfirmed information from our readers, this inscription appears when you reach 5,000 or 10,000 people in your group or public.

Find out how many bots are in a VK group: method 2.

In order to find out the exact number of bots in your or someone else’s group, you can use the VK application:

Find out how many dogs are in a VKontakte group: method 3.

Here is another good and working way to find out how many bots are in a VKontakte group. Just go to

Limit of dogs and bots in the VK group.

Users who use the services of cheating subscribers know firsthand that bots and dogs in a group can get you banned. What is the limit of bots and dogs you can have in a group and not be afraid of a ban for cheating on VK. There is no exact answer, but if your public has 45% or more blocked members, then the chances that the group will be blocked are very high. In our next articles, we will teach you how to safely gain subscribers and tell you how to quickly and completely clear your groups of dogs.

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New users on the VKontakte social network are registered every day, but at the same time, on a regular basis, people leave the site, deleting or abandoning their accounts. If an account is inactive for a long time and the social network suspects that it is “dead,” after a while it may be blocked or deleted, especially if there are complaints about it. After deletion, the VKontakte account becomes a so-called “dog”, that is, an image of a branded sad dog is installed on its avatar, and all information about the user is erased from the page. Such “dogs” in the VKontakte group create numbers, but can cause negativity from users if there are a large number of them. In this article we will look at how to remove them.

Table of contents:

Where do the “dogs” in the VKontakte group come from?

As noted above, “dogs” represent deleted accounts. Most often they appear if a person used a service to recruit users into a VKontakte group. Often in the early stages of a community’s existence, promotion is the best way to start and gain some numbers, which users resort to to develop their group.

Please note: During cheating, users from hacked accounts most often join your group. As a rule, these same accounts are also used for other groups, not only for joining them, but also for writing comments, reposting, and various ways to promote a service or product. That is why the accounts of such users quickly turn into “dogs” after they receive several complaints for their actions.

How to find out how many “dogs” are in a group

If you have a large group, it is difficult to determine by eye the number of remote users in it. There is a special tool that allows you to find out how many blocked and deleted users are in the community.

This application is called “Search for “dead” members and subscribers.” To use it, you need to be an administrator of the group in which you want to check. Select one of the groups you want to check from the list of groups, and also set the accuracy (the more accurate the check, the longer it takes). After that, click “Scan” to start scanning the group.

Please note: Depending on the size of the group, as well as the selected accuracy, the verification time will vary. With normal accuracy, checking a group of 150-200 thousand people will take about 5 minutes.

Once the check is complete, you will see a detailed report indicating how many “dead” accounts are in the group. In this case, you can see the division by deleted and blocked users. In addition, if you click on the number of participants who are marked as “dead”, their full list will open.

How to remove “dogs” from a VKontakte group

There are several ways to remove “dogs” from a VKontakte group. In this article, we will consider three options, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Manual removal of blocked users

If a user is deleted, a “dog” appears on his avatar. Accordingly, it will not be difficult to find him in the list of group members. This means that you can clear the group of such users manually.

To do this, just open the full list of group members and start scrolling down gradually, clicking on the “Remove from community” button next to each user who has a “dog” on their avatar.

The advantage of this method is complete control. You see every person you delete, whereas with the other two methods everything is left to automation.

There are also a couple of disadvantages to this method. The first is the duration; it will take more than one hour to remove all the “dogs” from a large group. The second drawback is the possibility of accidentally deleting users who are not “dogs”. Often people put a “dog” icon on their avatar, but if you go to their page, you can see that it is active.

Automatic removal of “dogs” using VKontakte

The social network VKontakte understands that blocked users do not bring any benefit to the group and offers to get rid of them using its own tool. If you go to the “Statistics” section under the group administrator account, at the very bottom you can find the “Clear the group from bots” button, as well as the approximate percentage of bots in the group. Click on this button and the cleaning process will start.

Depending on how many users and bots there are in the group, it will take different times to remove “dogs”.

The advantage of this method is its simplicity and the absence of the need to use third-party services. The downside is the uncontrolled deletion of users. In fact, you do not have the opportunity to see who exactly the social network VKontakte considers a bot, and it is not always “dogs”. In addition, as practice shows, even after such a clearing, “dogs” remain in the group, that is, the effectiveness of the method is quite low.

Automatic removal of “dogs” by third-party services

There are a lot of third-party services that allow you to remove “dogs” from a group. In this article, we will look at how to use the well-known olike service for these purposes.

Important: If you use a third-party service to perform this procedure, be sure to ensure that it is a trusted and reliable service provider. In addition, after deleting the “dogs,” it would be a good idea to change the password for the group administrator’s account.

To remove “dogs” through the serviceolike, you need to do the following:

The advantage of this type of removal of “dogs” from a group is the automatic process and quality of work. The disadvantages are that you cannot control who exactly the service will delete, and the process of clearing a group is quite lengthy, especially if there are many participants in it.

At first glance, it seems, who cares about these unfortunate bots/fake news on social networks? Well, they come up with fake names, well, they clog up the information space, well, they intrusively offer us to buy something or go somewhere... It turns out that they are interfering?! Well, then the advice of our experts will help you. They will tell you how to isolate yourself from fakes so as not to waste your precious time on them.

Antonina Gorzhankina, creative directorPR- agency "Krasnoe Slovo" (part of the communication group "Red Slovo")

The easiest way to determine the account of a non-existent person on social networks (bot) is from photographs. The user's profile is often represented by a portrait of a cartoon character or a photo of a very sexy girl or young man who looks more like show business stars than ordinary Russians. Alternatively, the bot may have a photo of a real person, but if you look at the user’s posts for a certain period, then most often there will be no new photos of him in different locations: in a club, at a barbecue, at school, on vacation, etc. This should already alert you. Active and real users of social networks periodically delight their friends with new photos of their loved ones. Another typical sign of a bot is the absence of user posts where he expresses his opinion on certain issues. As a rule, bots are content exclusively with reposting other people’s information of an entertaining nature (especially demotivators and popular expressions) and do not write anything unique on their own behalf. Lack of likes from friends is also a standard sign of a bot. If a user is a member of hundreds of groups, this is another reason to doubt. Most likely, such a desire to be a participant in a lot of groups and communities is not a sign of the user’s diverse interests, but indicates that the bot is used to disseminate information among groups.

Daria Ermolina, Communications Director, Tinkoff Bank

The easiest way to identify a fake account is to look at its friends list. A fake's friends most often have a bunch of strange people selling clothes, perfumes and other goods, hot girls promoting their pages, or just shop pages. Sometimes a fake can be identified by the information he shares with friends. If an account has a lot of friends, but no one comments or likes its posts, it is most likely a fake. It is also not difficult to identify fakes by public people: on the pages of celebrities, there are most often checkboxes confirming the officiality of the account. If you don’t see such a checkmark, it’s better to type the celebrity’s name into the search and, just in case, check the existence of other pages. As for pages and public pages with fake accounts, everything is simple: you see a group with one hundred thousand subscribers, but each post gets 5-10 likes. No one leaves comments or shares posts. And if you click on a random subscriber and look at his page, there is a high probability that he will turn out to be a bot.

Elena Kemler - head of the Center for Practical Training of PR Specialists "PRaktikum", Novosibirsk.

When you are a media person and personally know only half of your friends on social media, after a while you realize how much unnecessary information fake pages can bring with them.

That's why I always look at the page of the person who sent the friend request. It’s better to cut off spam before it hits you in huge heaps. My criteria for checking for “fakeness” are as follows.

Nick. Fakes are not particularly inventive. Over the past five days, the following people have been added to me: Human Communicator, Alina Odezhkina, Atonina Grosheva, Three-Whale-Holiday, Olga Shapochkina, etc. Having recognized in my newly made friend another seller I don’t need, I delete his request. If the surname, patronymic, and first name do not arouse suspicion, I pay attention to the information tape on the wall.

Wall. As a rule, fake pages are created to expand your contact base. Therefore, most often news and reposts appeared in the feed recently. They are at most one to three months old. In addition, the page is probably full of advertising messages.

Photos. You should be wary if the avatar (main photo) shows part of the face or body of a beautiful girl or young man. Most likely, all other photographs of this representative of the fake race will be in this style. The “face” of a profile can also be any abstract picture. If this is a fake of a famous person, it is easy to determine the real page of the “star” by the URL of the photo in Google (images). Then I pay attention to the number of contacts.

Number of friends. The number of friends and subscribers a potential friend has is in the thousands. It is possible that if you add a new “friend”, you will become his subscriber after a while. The number of subscribers raises the page in search.

Elena Chemezova, head of Brandability, blogger

Any social network is not just a place where people communicate, find out news and kill time, it is also a place where other people earn a lot of money. This is perhaps the most important reason for the emergence of so-called bots - accounts behind which are not real people, but bots (or robots) - programs for creating automatic posts and comments on other people's posts on the Internet. Moreover, a cute girl or guy can smile at you from the avatar of such a bot. It’s just that he or she is unlikely to ever respond to your greeting, unless their program provides for this.

Just recently, one of my friends on Facebook came up with the following formula for defining a bot: If a beautiful (half-naked) girl is your friend, then this is 100% a bot. Quite a funny remark, but what should beautiful girls who love to pose half-naked do, wait until they are offered friendship? Although there is some truth in this rule, bots do often look like this in order to more successfully attract new friends.

Therefore, the easiest and fastest way to recognize whether it is a real person or a bot is to look at the nature of its posts. As a rule, the creators of bot programs are not particularly sophisticated and almost all of their posts are not much different from ordinary advertisements, most often with active links to sites where the advertised product is sold.
Although today progress has advanced so much that bots have learned to analyze entire texts and produce a completely meaningful summary of what they read. This ability has not yet gained mass distribution, but I believe that the era of “smart bots” will soon come. To be fair, I note that some real people are not much different from simple bots.

In addition to regular advertising, which can be distributed by fake accounts, there are huge armies of bots, with the help of which they influence information fields and even set Internet trends. If, for example, thousands of Twitter accounts simultaneously write about some event, then the mention of it will fall into the category of trends, which means that a huge number of people will know about it, who do not even have to be followers of those bots that organized this massive promotion any event.

Bots can also make “raids” and leave the same type of comments on posts of real people that they were “incited” against. As soon as I simply wrote on Twitter that I had played GTA, a dozen bots in different languages ​​immediately wrote to me where I could buy this toy.

In general, this is the main harm from bots - they clog the Internet with information garbage, while the Network could not be more overloaded without them. Social networks themselves are actively trying to fight them, but so far there are no radical effective measures against bots. That’s why many of us have to “guess by avatar” before adding another follower as a friend.

Yulia Koldicheva, PR Director, Digital Security

Recognizing a fake is a task that requires attention and intelligence; several features need to be taken into account. First, pay attention to the name. The “Alexander Krasovsky” page has much less chance of being a fake than the “Stealth Concord” or “Baroque Stucco” account.

Next, we determine the creation date. On FB it is indicated below the first publication. The age of a VK page can be determined by the ID number, which is assigned after registration. The number we are interested in is displayed in the address bar of the browser when you go to the user’s page or to the list of his friends. And if this number is around 180,000,000, then the account was created around 2012. In the case when the ID is a number of the order of 280,800,100, the page is completely “young”.

Friends are the third issue that is worth paying attention to. If your account has a lot of them, you need to look for mutual friends. Look who they are. It may be useful to track the activity of friends in the feed of a suspicious character. Likes, comments, shares - all this will give rise to certain conclusions. It’s not a sin to even ask common contacts whether it’s worth being friends with a newcomer. In any case, the logic of adding you as a friend is usually visible even on a fake account. Analyze at what point and in connection with what you received the invitation (publication in a group, subscription to the page of a company, product or service, etc.).

Please note the date the photos were posted. Fake accounts most often upload them in batches on certain dates. Well, if the page is completely blank, it’s doubly suspicious. Sometimes it can be helpful to upload a photo of a questionable contact to Google to look for matches. Fake pages are filled mainly with borrowed images.

If you do “make friends” with a newcomer who continues to raise doubts in you, pay attention to the quality of his publications. Most often, if your friend is a bot, they are all dedicated to a specific topic or are clearly trying to “wind up” likes by posting humorous posts and photos. You can even get in touch with the “fake candidate”, chat, ask leading questions. This usually helps to quickly put everything in its place. By the way, there are special tricks that allow you to determine the real location of a person. But that is another story.