How to find shared folders in Windows 7. How to share a folder in Windows and make it accessible over the network

Connecting two PCs into one local network can be done by any more or less experienced user, but by connecting network cards with cables and assigning IP addresses to the computers, the question arises: why is this necessary if it is not possible to transfer data from one PC to another through this network. IN in this case required to learn how to provide general access directories and data, as well as connect network drive.

Network Setup Wizard

So, a network of several PCs has been created. In order to be able to view the directories of one computer from another, the first thing you need to do is open the “Network Setup Wizard” on each PC. Having done this, the Windows operating system automatic mode will configure the integrated firewall and parameters network connection each PC on correct operation on the local network.

In this case, you need to go to the Start menu and select Control Panel. After this, you need to go to “Network Connections”, where in the “Network Tasks” section you should select “Install home network or small office network.” After these manipulations, the “Network Setup Wizard” will launch. Here you need to click “Next”.

Then you need to make sure that all the manipulations specified in the list have been completed and click “Next”. You must specify the method for connecting the PC to the global network. It can connect directly or through another network device. If the computer is not connected to the global network, then you need to click “Other” and specify in another window the right option. After this you need to click “Next”.

If the PC has direct connection to the global network, then the “Network Setup Wizard” will display a list of network connections in which you need to indicate which one the computer uses. Select what you need and click “Next”.

After this, you need to specify the PC name and its description. The PC name must be the one that was assigned to it when installing the operating system. If there is already a computer with the same name on the network, then you can enter a different one. Descriptions are intended for the convenience of the user. It may not be specified.

The PC name should only be on English language and no spaces. In this case, the letters will only be capital letters, regardless of the input case. After this, you need to click “Next”.
Then you need to enter a name working group, which will serve as the name of the network.
This name may have been entered during local network setup.

Here you need to check that it matches on all PCs. The name of the working group must also be written in English and without spaces. It will also be shown in capital letters– that’s how it should be. Then you need to click OK.

After this, the Network Setup Wizard will prompt you to allow or deny sharing access to files and devices on the computer. You must select "Allow".
To do this, you need to “Turn on file and printer sharing”, and then click “Next”.

After this, the “Network Setup Wizard” will display configuration information network connection with all specified functions. You need to read everything. If everything is correct, then you need to click “Next”. If something doesn’t fit, then you should click “Back” and correct them.

The operating system will configure the PC for the local network. This may take some time, and after that click on the “Done” button. You will then need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. This is very important point, so you shouldn’t refuse it.

You will need to run the Network Setup Wizard again on all PCs on the local network.
In this case, you need to check that the workgroup name on all PCs on the network is the same, but the PC names may differ. It is also worth remembering that there must be only one PC connected to the network. The rest of the local network PCs will go to global network through it or using a special network equipment, for example, a modem. In this case, you need to select correct settings in “Internet connection method” on all PCs.

After completing the network settings using the Wizard on each PC, you can begin to create shared directories and network drives. Also at this stage you can install
allowing third-party users to work with them.

Opening public access to the directory

You need to make some kind of folder in the root of the drive. She needs to ask them something in English. After this, you need to right-click on it and select “Properties”.

Then you need to go to the “Access” section and select the “Share this folder” and “Allow changes to files over the network” items. then you need to click OK.

These actions provide all users of this local network with access to this directory. This folder will be called “shared”. In this case, a pen will be depicted on it. Initially, all users will only be able to view the contents of this directory. If you need to provide other users with the opportunity to correct data in it and copy their own into it. In this case, you need to give them access not only for viewing, but also for correction.

To do this you need to go to “ Local disk", and then go to the "Service" menu. Here you need to select the “View” section, where you need to uncheck the “Use simple file sharing” option. Here you need to click OK.

Then you need to right-click on the shared directory again and select “Properties”. In this case, you will notice that there will be more sections. Then you need to go to the “Access” section. New settings should appear in this section. You can now add notes to a shared directory and view the number of users who have visited that directory.

After this, you need to click “Permissions” and check the “Change” box. This will allow all network users not only to view the contents of this directory on their PC, but also to change the data in it. For the changes to take effect, you must click OK.

Where can I find shared network directories and local network PCs?

After providing access to this directory on the PC and granting access to other users the rights to read and correct the contents. After this you need to go to this directory from another PC. To enter this directory from another PC, you need to go to “Start” and go to “ network" In this section, you need to go to the “Network tasks” section and click “Display workgroup PCs”.

After this, the operating system will search for computers on the network for some time and shared resources. During the search, the computer may freeze. There is no need to be scared, but you should wait a little, and then the operating system will show all the PCs on the local network.

By double-clicking on the PC name, a list of shared directories will open. The principle of working with such directories and their contents is no different from working with ordinary directories and data. On the local network, you can carry out the same manipulations such as copying, renaming, deleting, etc.

How to connect a network drive

Surely every user will confirm that constantly searching for the required directory in a network environment is not practical. In this case, it will be much more convenient to use a network drive. You can view it in the list of disks in “My Computer”. This will allow you to access the contents of the folder much faster.

To connect a network directory as a network drive, you need to go to the “Start” menu and select “Network Neighborhood”. After this, you need to specify the local network PC and the directory that is located in it. This folder will be connected to the PC as a network drive. Here you need to right-click on the directory and select “Map network drive”.

In the window that pops up, you need to specify a letter that will serve to recognize the network drive in the list of all PC drives. In this case, you need to make sure that some drives do not have the same letter. In addition, you need to select the “Restore at login” option. In this case, when you start the computer and operating system in automatic mode, the network drive will be displayed in the list of all PC drives.

After this, you can go to “My Computer”, where the network drive should be located. To turn off a network drive, you need to right-click on it and select “Disconnect”. Also, don't forget. That if you disconnect the PC on which the network drive is located, it will not be accessible.


Connecting a couple of computers into a local network is still half the battle. After the cable is inserted into network card and your computer is assigned an IP address, you begin to think, why do you need a network if you can’t transfer files and folders from one computer to another? Therefore, today we will set up sharing of folders and files, and also learn how to map a network drive in Windows.

Network Setup Wizard

So, you have a network of two or more computers. In order to be able to access the folders of other PCs from one computer and vice versa, you must first of all run the Network Setup Wizard on all computers in turn. During this procedure, the Windows operating system will automatically configure the built-in firewall and network connection settings of each PC on correct work on the local network.
Open "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Network Connections" and in the "Network Tasks" area, select "Set up a home or small office network."

The Network Setup Wizard will launch. Click Next.

Check that you have completed all the steps listed and click “Next”.


Select how your computer connects to the Internet: directly or through another computer (another network device). If your computer is not connected to the Internet in any way, check “Other” and in the next window select the option that suits you. Click "Next" to continue.


If your computer is connected directly to the Internet, the Network Setup Wizard will prompt you to select from a list the network connection through which the PC communicates with the Internet. Highlight the desired network connection and click Next.


Enter a description and computer name. You entered the computer name when Windows installation, you don’t have to change it if there are no computers with the same names on your network. The description of the computer is for your convenience. It can be entered in Russian, or it can not be entered at all. The computer name must be entered strictly in English without spaces. Don't be surprised that this field will display capital letters - that's how it should be. Click “Next” to continue.


Enter the workgroup name that will appear as the name of your network. You may have already entered this name at the stage of setting up the local network. Check that it is the same for all computers. The workgroup name must be entered in English and without spaces. It, like the computer name, will be displayed in capital letters - this is normal. Click the "Next" button to continue.


In the next window, Setup Wizard Windows network will prompt you to allow or deny file and printer sharing on your computer. Of course, allow it by checking the “Enable file and printer sharing” option and click “Next”.


Finally, the Network Setup Wizard will provide a summary of your network connection configuration with all the options you previously specified. Read carefully and, if everything is correct, click “Next”. If you are not happy with any of the options, click “Back” and change them.


Windows will configure your computer to work on the local network. You will have to watch this process for a few seconds and then click the “Finish” button.

Windows will prompt you to restart your computer for the network settings to take effect. Do not refuse the operating system this request.

You will need to run the Network Setup Wizard on each computer on the local network. Be careful and remember that the workgroup of all your computers must be the same, but the names of the computers must be different. Also keep in mind that there can only be one computer connected to the Internet. All other computers will connect to worldwide network through it or through a special network device, for example an ADSL modem. Therefore, select the correct options in the Internet Connection Method window of the Network Setup Wizard on each computer.

After you have configured the network using the Wizard on all computers, it's time to create shared folders and network drives, and also allow other users to work with them.

Sharing the folder

Create simple folder somewhere in the root of the disk. Give it a short and clear name in English, such as shareFilms. Click on the folder right click mouse and select “Properties”. Go to the “Access” tab and check the boxes “Share this folder” and “Allow modification of files over the network.” Click OK.

Thus, you have granted access to the created folder to all users on your network. Such a folder is called “shared”, from the English “share”. A hand icon will appear on its icon.

By default, all users on other computers will only be allowed to view the contents of the shared folder. You may want other users to be able to both change the files stored in it and copy their own there. Then you need to open access to this folder not only for reading, but also for changing.

First of all, in the “Tools” menu of the Local Disk window (in which you created the shared folder), select the “View” tab and uncheck the “Use simple file sharing (recommended)” option. Click OK.


Now right-click on the shared folder again and select “Properties”. You will notice that there are more tabs. Go to the "Access" tab. appeared on it additional settings: You can enter a note about the share (Note field) and determine the number of concurrent users viewing the folder (User Limit).


Click the "Permissions" button and check the "Change" box. This way, all users on your network will be allowed not only to view the contents of the shared folder on your computer (Read permission), but also to change it. Click OK to apply the settings.

Where can I find shared network folders and local network computers?
So we have shared access to a folder on one computer, and also granted other users rights to read and change the files stored in it. Now you need to go to this folder from another computer. To do this, move to another PC on your network and select “Start” - “Network Neighborhood”, in the “Network tasks” section, click “Show workgroup computers”. Windows will search for computers on the local network and their shared resources (folders and printers) for several minutes. During the search process, your PC may freeze. Don't be alarmed and wait a few seconds for Windows to display the computers on your local network.


By clicking on the computer name (as usual, double-click with the left mouse button) you will see a list of its shared folders. Among them is shareFilms, which we created.


Working with shared network folders and the files located in them is no different from working with regular files and folders. Over the network, you can perform all the same actions with them: copy, rename, delete, etc.

How to connect a network drive

Agree that searching for a shared folder in Network Neighborhood every time is not very convenient. It is much more practical to connect it to your computer as a network drive. It will appear in the list of drives in the My Computer window, and you can quickly work with its contents.
To connect a shared folder from another computer as a network drive, go to Network Neighborhood (“Start” - “Network Neighborhood”), select the local network computer and the shared folder located on it that you want to connect to your PC as a network drive. Right-click on the folder and select "Map network drive."


In the window that appears, select the letter under which the network drive will be displayed in the list of drives on your computer. Remember, there should not be two disks with the same letters on your PC! Also check the box “Restore at logon” so that when you turn on the computer and booting Windows automatically displayed the network drive in the list of drives on your PC.


Now you can simply go to My Computer and you will see the network drive. Each shared folder on the network can be mapped to your computer as a network drive. Just make sure that the drive names are not repeated. Network drives in the My Computer window are indicated by special icons that make them stand out from the rest.


To disconnect a network drive, right-click on it and select “Dismount”. Also remember that when you turn off the computer on which the a shared folder, the corresponding network drive will be unavailable.

With this, let me conclude the shamanism on the local network and wish you a pleasant work! class="eliadunit">

Connecting a couple of computers into a local network is still half the battle. After the cable is inserted into the network card and the computer is assigned an IP address, you begin to think, why do you need a network if you cannot transfer files and folders from one computer to another? Therefore, today we will set up sharing of folders and files, and also learn how to map a network drive in Windows.

Network Setup Wizard

So, you have a network of two or more computers. In order to be able to access the folders of other PCs from one computer and vice versa, you must first of all run the Network Setup Wizard on all computers in turn. During this procedure, the Windows operating system will automatically configure the built-in firewall and network connection settings of each PC to work correctly on the local network.
Open "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Network Connections" and in the "Network Tasks" area, select "Set up a home or small office network."

The Network Setup Wizard will launch. Click Next.

Check that you have completed all the steps listed and click “Next”.

Select how your computer connects to the Internet: directly or through another computer (another network device). If your computer is not connected to the Internet in any way, check “Other” and in the next window select the option that suits you. Click "Next" to continue.

If your computer is connected directly to the Internet, the Network Setup Wizard will prompt you to select from a list the network connection through which the PC communicates with the Internet. Highlight the desired network connection and click Next.

Enter a description and computer name. You entered the computer name when you installed Windows; you don’t have to change it if there are no computers with the same names on your network. The description of the computer is for your convenience. It can be entered in Russian, or it can not be entered at all. The computer name must be entered strictly in English without spaces. Don't be surprised that this field will display capital letters - that's how it should be. Click “Next” to continue.

Enter the workgroup name that will appear as the name of your network. You may have already entered this name at the stage of setting up the local network. Check that it is the same for all computers. The workgroup name must be entered in English and without spaces. It, like the computer name, will be displayed in capital letters - this is normal. Click the "Next" button to continue.

In the next window, the Windows Network Setup Wizard will prompt you to allow or deny file and printer sharing on your computer. Of course, allow it by checking the “Enable file and printer sharing” option and click “Next”.

Finally, the Network Setup Wizard will provide a summary of your network connection configuration with all the options you previously specified. Read carefully and, if everything is correct, click “Next”. If you are not happy with any of the options, click “Back” and change them.

Windows will configure your computer to work on the local network. You will have to watch this process for a few seconds and then click the “Finish” button.

Windows will prompt you to restart your computer for the network settings to take effect. Do not refuse the operating system this request.
You will need to run the Network Setup Wizard on each computer on the local network. Be careful and remember that the workgroup of all your computers must be the same, but the names of the computers must be different. Also keep in mind that there can only be one computer connected to the Internet. All other computers will connect to the World Wide Web through it or through a special network device, such as an ADSL modem. Therefore, select the correct options in the Internet Connection Method window of the Network Setup Wizard on each computer.
After you have configured the network using the Wizard on all computers, it's time to create shared folders and network drives, and also allow other users to work with them.

Sharing the folder

Create a simple folder somewhere at the root of the drive. Give it a short and clear name in English, such as shareFilms. Right-click on the folder and select Properties. Go to the “Access” tab and check the boxes “Share this folder” and “Allow modification of files over the network.” Click OK.

Thus, you have granted access to the created folder to all users on your network. Such a folder is called “shared”, from the English “share”. A hand icon will appear on its icon.

By default, all users on other computers will only be allowed to view the contents of the shared folder. You may want other users to be able to both change the files stored in it and copy their own there. Then you need to open access to this folder not only for reading, but also for changing.
First of all, in the “Tools” menu of the Local Disk window (in which you created the shared folder), select the “View” tab and uncheck the “Use simple file sharing (recommended)” option. Click OK.

Now right-click on the shared folder again and select “Properties”. You will notice that there are more tabs. Go to the "Access" tab. Additional settings have appeared on it: you can enter a note about the shared resource (the “Note” field) and determine the number of users simultaneously viewing the folder (“Limit number of users”).

Click the "Permissions" button and check the "Change" box. This way, all users on your network will be allowed not only to view the contents of the shared folder on your computer (Read permission), but also to change it. Click OK to apply the settings.

Where to find shared network folders and local network computers
So we have shared access to a folder on one computer, and also granted other users rights to read and change the files stored in it. Now you need to go to this folder from another computer. To do this, move to another PC on your network and select “Start” - “Network Neighborhood”, in the “Network tasks” section, click “Show workgroup computers”. Windows will search for computers on the local network and their shared resources (folders and printers) for several minutes. During the search process, your PC may freeze. Don't be alarmed and wait a few seconds for Windows to display the computers on your local network.

By clicking on the computer name (as usual, double-click with the left mouse button) you will see a list of its shared folders. Among them is shareFilms, which we created.

Working with shared network folders and the files located in them is no different from working with regular files and folders. Over the network, you can perform all the same actions with them: copy, rename, delete, etc.

How to connect a network drive

Agree that searching for a shared folder in Network Neighborhood every time is not very convenient. It is much more practical to connect it to your computer as a network drive. It will appear in the list of drives in the My Computer window, and you can quickly work with its contents.
To connect a shared folder from another computer as a network drive, go to Network Neighborhood (“Start” - “Network Neighborhood”), select the local network computer and the shared folder located on it that you want to connect to your PC as a network drive. Right-click on the folder and select "Map network drive."

In the window that appears, select the letter under which the network drive will be displayed in the list of drives on your computer. Remember, there should not be two disks with the same letters on your PC! Also check the “Recover at logon” checkbox so that when you turn on your computer and boot, Windows will automatically display the network drive in the list of drives on your PC.

Now you can simply go to My Computer and you will see the network drive. Each shared folder on the network can be mapped to your computer as a network drive. Just make sure that the drive names are not repeated. Network drives in the My Computer window are indicated by special icons that make them stand out from the rest.

To disconnect a network drive, right-click on it and select “Dismount”. Also remember that when you turn off the computer on which the shared folder is located, the corresponding network drive will be inaccessible.
With this, let me conclude the shamanism on the local network and wish you a pleasant work!

  • Make sure there are no passwords on the folder (to share a folder in Windows 10/8/7/XP, it must be without a password)
  • Make sure the folder does not contain virus-infected files

How to share a folder in Windows 10:

  1. Open File Explorer, go to the path where the shared folder is located to share in Windows 10 over the network
  2. Right-click on it and open “Properties”
  3. Go to the "Access" tab
  4. Click "Advanced Setup"
  5. Check the box next to “Share this folder” to share the folder

The advantage of sharing folders is that you will not need to share files with colleagues on every request. You simply place the necessary folders and files in a shared folder, and your colleagues will have access to them whenever they need and without your intervention. To share a folder in Windows 7 and higher, you need to select which folder you want to share. You can take any existing one or create a new one; in our case, the folder is called “Public”.

Sharing settings are located in the folder properties. We move the mouse cursor over the folder, right-click and open “Properties”, then go to the “Access” tab.

In this tab, to share a folder over the network in Windows 7, you need to do the following:

  1. Click on the "Share" button
  2. In the window that opens, select “All” from the drop-down list
  3. Click "Add"

This way you grant viewing rights to this folder for everyone on the network.

So that participants can not only view the folder, but also change its contents (delete and change files and folders), in the “Permission Level” column, change the value from “Read” to “Read and Write”.

Now, from another computer on the network, go to the computer on which you shared the folder. If you did everything correctly, you will see that the access rights to the folder in Windows 7 have changed. network folder.

Sharing a folder in Windows 7 will be available to everyone on the network as long as your computer is turned on and the local network active

Sharing a folder in Windows XP is easier than in Windows 7, since Microsoft's security policy was different before. If you are still using this version operating system, then to share a folder in Windows XP, you just need to do the following:

  1. Right click on the folder to share
  2. Select "Sharing and Security"
  3. Check the box next to “Share this folder”
  4. To allow modification of files, check the box next to “Allow modification of files over the network”
  5. Click OK to share the folder in Windows XP

Under the folder icon you will see an image of a hand, this means that it is open network access. To block access to a folder, simply uncheck the “Share this folder” option.


Today, with the development modern technologies Personal Computer- almost a must-have item in every home. In addition, many PC users also have a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, so sometimes there is a need to transfer a folder with data between devices. How to do this without using a flash drive? Let's look at the operating system as an example. Windows 7, how to share a folder network connection.

So we have some " new folder" In order to share a folder, you will need the following sequence of actions. We move the mouse cursor over the folder and right-click on it, in Windows 7 a pop-up window will appear, shown below in the screenshot below.

From the list of actions that appears, select “ General access" In the new list that appears, click “Specific Users”. Now in the “File Sharing” window, click on the drop-down list from which we select specific user, which is on your network, or click on “All” if you want the folder to be accessible to any device connected to the network.

If share folder If you need a user who is not in the list, then click “Add new user...” and add him manually. After selecting a user, you need to configure sharing rights for given user, which will determine the allowed actions: “Read”, “Read and Write”. In the first case, the user will only have access to viewing and copying information; in the second, the ability to append files or their deletion . For security purposes, select “Read” and the “Sharing” button:


As a result, we see the following window:

Click on the “Finish” button.

Often, after performing these steps, network users still cannot access the folder - you must enter a password, so you must: the following actions: click on the network connection icon located in the lower right corner of the panel quick access, right-click, a pop-up window will appear where there is an item “ Network and Sharing Center"(in the screenshot above). Click on it and get to the network connection settings menu. In the left column select “Change” Extra options public access":

In the list of settings that appears, put a checkmark next to the item “ Disable shared with password protection " and click the "Save changes" button:

This is all necessary actions to share the folder. Now you can actively use your computer, for example, as a media center - you can open access to music and other information, which can now be viewed on a laptop or tablet without using a flash drive.