How to find a photo on VKontakte. Finding supporting information in a photo

The VKontakte website is one of the most popular social networks in Russia. In order for this resource to be in great demand, its creators took care of the convenience of the interface. Despite its ascetic design, VK has all the functions necessary for communication. In addition, the site is being developed taking into account latest achievements in the Internet industry. For this, the VKontakte network is preferred by many users.

But there are functions that not everyone is familiar with. These include, for example, advanced people search.

How to find a person on VKontakte? Search by various parameters

There are many ways to find people on VKontakte. But all search options can be divided into the following groups:

  • Search using the VK network.
  • Search for people using special services.
  • Interesting and unknown ways search.

Let's study each type of search separately.

What types of search for acquaintances can VKontakte offer?

You can find a person on VKontakte using the capabilities of the site itself:

  1. Using the "Photos" section.
  2. Using advanced search.
  3. Using the All possible friends».

Now you can learn all these methods of finding friends.

We are looking for friends on VKontakte using the “Photos” section

You can find a person by photo on the VKontakte website by opening the “My News” section. Here you will see a menu with many options from which you need to select the “Photos” option.

On the tab that appears, you can notice all the pictures from your friends and groups. You can also find interesting images from VK here. The list of pictures on this page can be adjusted. To do this, follow the link “List of sources” and select in the window that opens which news you want to see and which you don’t.

In order to find out how to find a person on VKontakte using a photo, you need to study the “Search by Photo” function. You can search for photos in the search engine, which is located under the “Photos” section in your news. IN search bar you can enter a title and description of the picture. You can also use a variety of photo filters here. Search by geolocation, which can be set in the “Search” tab. In addition, you can exclude some words or search for copies of pictures using a link to the original.

To implement all the listed photo search functions, there are special notations:

  1. You can use the following types of photo filters: Fortuna, Aquilon, Hera, Vesta, Luna, Diana.
  2. For filtering unnecessary words a minus sign is placed.
  3. A link to a copy of a picture is indicated by the following symbols: copy, photo, photo number.

Mysterious photo link: who is in the photo?

Let's find out how to find a person on VKontakte using a photo if you were given a link.

Have you ever had a situation where you were given a link to a VKontakte photo without saying whose photo it was? This link may look something like this: If you are familiar with this situation, let's try together to determine the owner of your image.

In order to find out who is shown in the photo, we need to “pull out” some elements from the picture. Take the set of numbers that comes after the first slash. In our case it is: 408919891. These characters are the user profile number. Now “pull out” the numbers located after the second slash (9985). This combination is the number of the album from which the image was taken.

To define an album, add the word album, album number, to the address, underscore and profile number. You will get the following combination: album9985_408919891.

Looking for VKontakte photos using other methods

Now we’ll find out how to find a person “On VKontakte” from a photo, using secret and in interesting ways search.

Firstly, there are now many sites offering to find your VKontakte double. Such resources include, for example,, which also provides other services for VK. To search here you are asked to enter the number of your VKontakte page. TO this project and others like this should be treated with caution, as they can hack your profile. In addition, the VKontakte administration does not recommend using a variety of suspicious resources.

You can find someone you know from a photo on the Tofinder.Ru website, where you need to upload a picture or provide a link to it. Here they will not deceive you, but will show you which VK account has such a photo.

website "VKontakte"

You already know how to find a person on VKontakte using a photo. Let's look at what other types of search "VK" offers.

First, let's use the "Advanced Search" function. There are three ways to access this section:

When you go to the search page, carefully study the column in which you can limit and clarify search query. Here you can choose:

  • your friend's place of residence;
  • companies in which the person worked or studied;
  • life credo;
  • many other operations.

Select several search options, then enter your friend's name in the search bar at the top of the page. You can also view users in all other tabs of the search section of the site.

Your possible friends and acquaintances

Find in the left menu of the site a banner with the caption “All possible friends.” You can add interesting people directly on your page or follow the link under the banner.

By clicking on the inscription “All possible friends”, you will find yourself on a special page for viewing new acquaintances. Here you will find a list of possible acquaintances, as well as the “Search for friends through social networks” function. networks." In addition, from this page you can go to the advanced search.

In detective films, we often see police officers searching for people using photos. But is such an action available? to an ordinary person? It turns out that it is possible to find someone you know from a photograph.

There are no professional sites for searching by images, but there are resources that can easily select people based on photos. For example, social The VKontakte network is designed for you to search for your friends based on their personal data. However, you can try selecting users based on photos. There are other ways to find a person by photo.

Let's find out together from the photographs. But first, pay attention to the fact that you can only find the image that is available on the World Wide Web.

How to prepare photos for search

You must have a high-quality photograph that clearly shows all facial features, as well as other details. This photo should be scanned and saved on your PC, and also upload the same image to some photo hosting site. The preparation is complete. Now you can find a person by photo, or at least try to do so.

Looking for a friend using the Google Images service

The question of how to find a person by photo can be answered by Google and Yandex. Let's look at the principle of their operation based on the Google system.

Google Images is a special search engine for images. You can enter the name or description of the photo in the search bar, use voice search and even add ready-made images.

Let's take a closer look at searching using ready-made images. There are four different ways to add photos to Google:

  1. Upload a photo from your PC.
  2. Specify the address of the image on your computer.
  3. Upload the image to a photo hosting site, and then enter the photo’s address in the Google Images search engine.
  4. Add to your browser special application, which helps you search for pictures. For example, Google Chrome has the Search by image for Google application. How does this program work? If you hover your mouse over any image on the Internet, a shortcut will appear to go to the Google search engine.

You will be presented with a variety of images that match the search results. All that remains is to choose suitable photographs from them. Please note that Yandex Pictures work similarly to its counterpart!

Search for people by photo on

The special website will help you find out how to find a person by photo. Here you can also upload a prepared image or specify its address on your favorite image hosting. This service is unable to determine the location of your friends, but it will reveal sites that have such a photo. Perhaps among the search results there will be social addresses. networks where there is a page of the person you are looking for.

An analogue of this service is the website The difference is that this resource helps you find copies of your picture. And searches for all images similar to the one you provide. Both services provide convenient extensions for your browser.

How to search for friends on VKontakte using photos

You can search for people from VKontakte using the service, which also returns suitable people from the VK website. This resource works similarly to the website.

In order to find a person in a given social network. network, you need to know his first and last name, and also have high quality photo. If you have all this, go to VKontakte and use the “People” search form. Enter social into the search engine. network known data, and then sort the people found by comparing them with the photo you have.

It turns out that you can find a person on VKontakte by photo using a special function that is available on this network! To do this, go to your “VK” page, and then go to the “News” section. Here you need to select the “Photos” tab. If you don’t have such an item, click on the plus sign located in front of all other headings. Now select “Photos” from the list that appears.

After all the steps described above, you should have a search bar labeled “Search by photos.” There are five search functions:

1. Search by description.

Enter the title, tags, or description of the image you want. The search engine will return images with matching texts. Please note that the system can read captions on pictures!

2. Search using photo filters.

There are six filters on VKontakte that you can see when editing your photos. select the right type filter, and then enter the following characters into the search engine: “filter:name of the selected filter.” You can also enter text before these characters.

3. Search using geolocation.

Go to the “Search” tab and then select the “Geolocation” button. Select the place where your friend is supposed to be, and then click the “Search by records nearby” button. Now you need to copy the coordinates that appear in the search bar and paste them into the photo search engine.

4. Search with the exclusion of unnecessary words.

Enter a description of the photo into the search bar, and after it insert the characters: “-excluded word -dr.” This way you can narrow down your search for people.

5. Search for similar photos.

Upload the prepared image to any of your albums, and then copy the last characters from the link to the uploaded photo. You should end up with something like this: "photo-12345_6789". Paste this combination into the search bar by typing “copy:” in front of it. Now in search results you will see pictures similar to yours.

Use the functions described above taking into account the data about the person that you know.

Other search methods

Let's say that a young man met a young lady while on vacation. Returning home, he discovers that he knows nothing about this person. He only has a photo of a stranger. The guy decides to find a girl from a photograph. He can use the search methods that were highlighted above. But you can find a beautiful lady using other methods:

  1. Contact the “Wait for Me” program, describing all the circumstances of meeting this girl.
  2. Post advertisements on various social networks. networks and forums.
  3. You can also search for people on the sites:,,

Deception on the World Wide Web

The desire to find out how to find a person from a photo sometimes leads to deceiving sites. Here you will be asked to find someone famous for you. To perform a search, you need to upload your photo and then confirm your decision using your mobile phone.

Instead of providing the promised service, they will simply withdraw money from your mobile account. Theoretically, it is possible to identify a criminal by his IP address, but in practice, any skilled fraudster can change his IP. So you should not use such resources.

Sometimes you really want to find information about a person or the person himself, having only one or a few pictures with you. Or you got a call from unknown number phone and wondered what it looked like this subscriber, his first name, last name and where he is from in general. Let's find a person by photo | his phone number.

Quick navigation

How to find a person's photo by his phone number

A simple way to find a person, his photo or VKontakte page by his phone number is the number and enter one of the search engines, for example Google or Yandex, press enter. If this person has previously mentioned his number, you will be able to find information about him. Please note that there may be a lot of unnecessary information in the search results, but nevertheless there is a chance of finding a person’s photo by number.

There may also be this option, but you will need an iPhone or a device with Whats App and Viber (messengers) installed. We go into the application, add the caller’s number through “New Contact”.

We are interested in the photo that the person might have used in their profile. We enter any name and go to the profile of this person. If he installed software such as WhatsApp or Viber, then you can see his profile photo. To do this, go into a dialogue with this contact and click on the name at the top. At this point, you can take a (screenshot) from your phone and save it.

How to find a person on VKontakte by photo

Here you need to click on the camera icon and upload the file by clicking on the “Select file” button. (It’s better to do this from a computer, having first uploaded a photo from your phone to your computer).

After this, the search engine will return matching and similar results from various web resources, you can find the page on social networks, blogs, etc. Here it won’t be difficult to find a person’s name and photographs.

And if the Google search did not produce results, then try a similar one


In order for you to successfully find a person using a photo on VK, the photo of this person must be of acceptable quality. It is desirable that the photo resolution be at least 800-1000 pixels in length and 500-1000 pixels in height. The person’s face should be directed strictly towards the front (that is, towards the viewer), and it is better if it occupies most of the image. The photo itself should be clear and not blurry. If the image quality is not very good, and the person in it is positioned differently, the chances of finding him in social network still exist, but they are much lower than when observing necessary requirements.

Use special web resources to complete the photo in VK. These are sites that compare a photo with a database of all images on a social network and, as a result, provide a list of people with the corresponding appearance. The most reliable and effective services are and They were originally created to check pages and just have fun searching. similar people, however, over time they have proven themselves well and how great way find a person by photo on VKontakte. Register on both sites and upload a photo of the user you are interested in. Don't forget about the image requirements from the previous step. Wait a while until the search procedure is completed. After this, you will have access to a list of people whose VKontakte avatar most closely matches the photo you uploaded.

Please note that the results obtained may not necessarily be accurate. To narrow it down similar persons, on the FindFace website you can indicate the exact or approximate age of the person you are interested in. Moreover, on this resource only the first 30 search attempts are free, after which you will need to deposit a certain amount of funds into your account to continue. The VKfake website is completely free, but often produces not so accurate results.

You can find a person by photo through the social network VKontakte itself. To get started, click right mouse on the photo file and go to its properties. Please note that the shooting date, location and other parameters are not indicated here. After this, log into your VK profile and open the “News” menu item, and then its “Photos” subsection. Indicate in the search bar the data from the photo that is in your possession. You can also search the news for information about the shooting location. You may be lucky and the search results will contain a link to the page of the person you are looking for.

Finding a person via the Internet is quite simple - now almost everyone has their own page on social networks. You just need to somehow reach it.

There are several ways to do this (I talked about them), but they all rely on searching for information. You must indicate your first name, last name, age, city of residence and other information. But even if you know everything about a person, down to his blood type, this is not a guarantee that he will be found.

It’s a completely different matter if you have a photograph, even a general one. Now there are services that can recognize faces and search for the pages of their owners.

Preparing the photo

First you need to crop the photo. So us and her computer size Let's reduce it (usually it's big), and remove all the excess. This is especially true if the photo is a group one.

1 . Open Start - All Programs - Accessories - Paint

2. Open the photo in this program (you can simply drag it inside the window).

3. Select the “Select” tool at the top and circle the desired person.

4 . Click the “Crop” button.

Search on VKontakte (

FindFace ( is a special service for searching for people on the VKontakte social network. But to use it, you need to have a VK page.

You can get it for free in just a minute - to do this, go to the website and register.

To search through FindFace, follow the link and click on the “find identical” button.

The service will ask you to allow access to your VK page, to which we agree.

Loading the desired photo(you can simply drag it inside the window).

And we wait for the end of the search procedure.

That's all - all that remains is to find your lost one in the list :)

Search the entire Internet

Search by image. There are two for this special services: one is from Google (, the other is from Yandex ( They are very easy to use: you just need to drag the photo into the search bar.

Google Image Search

Search by image Yandex

The result will appear immediately. First, the same picture will be shown, but in other sizes (if available on the network), just below - similar photos, even lower are the Internet pages on which they are posted.

TinEye ( Popular foreign image search service.

Everything is exactly the same here: drag a picture from your computer into the search bar, and immediately get the result.

Browser extensions

Extensions or add-ons are small gadgets that are added to an Internet program and perform certain tasks in it. For example, there are extensions for downloading videos from Youtube or music from Contact. There are also such programs for searching by photographs.

Almost every browser has its own collection of various add-ons. But most of them are in Google Chrome. In other programs, there are literally one or two extensions for our purposes, and even then they do not work quite as they should. Therefore, I will show how to work with add-ons only using the example of Chrome.

Where to find and how to install the extension

1 . Click on the button at the top right and select Additional tools - Extensions.

2. We go down to the very bottom of the page (scroll with the wheel on the mouse) and click on “More extensions”.

3. IN top line search print keywords and press Enter. The found extensions and applications appear. Install what you need (you can delete it later at any time).

If you install an application, it is added to an empty tab, in the Services item. That is, in order to find it later, you need to open it new tab browser and go to “Services” (top left).

Extensions are installed a little differently - they are added immediately after the address bar.