How to find a person by mobile phone number? Useful tips on how to "punch" a phone number for free. How to find out who the SIM card is registered to: tips and tricks

Pranks, phone hooliganism or purely work needs: in everyday life we ​​often wonder how to find out to whom the phone number is registered. Sometimes it does not go beyond simple curiosity, I wonder who is calling, but not so much. In other cases, there is an urgent need to find out the subscriber's passport data.

Where is the mobile phone number registered?

Let's talk about neighboring countries and regions . The caller will not always be in the same city as you. Sometimes the numbers are so exotic that it is difficult to even understand the mainland, let alone the country or region. To understand where in the world the number we are interested in is registered:

  1. Go to any search engine and type in the first few numbers.
  2. Use one of the public databases.
  3. The Yandex widget can help if we are talking about a Russian number.
  4. One of several dozen thematic services will provide data on the region of the owner of the phone absolutely free of charge.

The simplest and fastest way is search inGoogle. Information of this kind is not considered private or closed, absolutely anyone can access it. In the network, entire portals are devoted to this topic, with tens of thousands of pages. On one of them you will find the treasured numbers.

If you can’t even decide on the country of the caller, it will help Skype.

In it you will find the codes of all the states of the world, you should navigate by the first few digits. As soon as the country is found, you can proceed to specify the region, and then the city of the caller.

The next step will be the definition of personality, but so far this is far from it. In 9 cases out of 10, an annoying or simply very interesting interlocutor will be geographically located in Russia, and this already simplifies our task. So you can move on to the next item.

In which region is the cell phone number registered?

For determining caller's region Ideally, options from the second to the fourth are suitable. Search engines can sometimes give out incorrect, already outdated information. Nothing can be done about this, there is no single standard for codes, and operators can update them at any time.

But when the existence of a resource depends on the availability of information about all operators and in all regions, the chances of error are minimal. The most popular and guaranteed safe way is the widget from Yandex. Although it was developed by a third-party company, one of the largest search engines in Russia guarantees the safety of your personal data.

To get information, it is not necessary to drive in the entire number, the first few digits will suffice.

If you do not trust this product, you can download one of the databases of numbers by region on the network. There will be no data about a specific owner, only the name of the region, a list of operators and their codes. With specialized services, it is better to be a little more careful, some of them are focused not on providing information, but on making a profit. A few wrong moves and you have already signed up for a subscription that will constantly deduct funds from your balance.

You can find out the region of the owner of the mobile phone number.

The main rule when using such resources is never give them your phone number. But if it is difficult, but possible.

Tricks when trying to "break through" the data of an unknown subscriber.

Knowing where you've been called from is not bad, but usually we want a lot more. To attempt find out who the phone is registered to, not so difficult:

  • Write an application to the central office.
  • Submit a complaint to the police.
  • Try to get help from the manager in the nearest post office.

The first two methods are reduced to obtaining information from the operator, upon request. But in the first request, you make it without anyone's help. The success of the event is not guaranteed, the failure rate is very high.

Try to cite as arguments that you are worried about your life or the health of your relatives, refer to the threats received from the number. But most often you will be sent to the police station with a request to write a statement.

Operators respond much more actively to official requests from law enforcement agencies, all data will be received within a few hours. But there is no guarantee that the investigator will consider it necessary to send a request or disclose the received data to you.

In this case, you can go to the trick associated with the operating system of most operators. During the replenishment of the account, the name of the subscriber is displayed to the manager, so if you have access to the equipment or if there are employees of mobile phone shops among your friends, you can turn to them for help.

The action is of a questionable level of legality, so do not be surprised by refusals and even conflicts on this basis. An employee can terminate the contract for such tricks, without explanation.

"We break through" through our friends.

There is a theory that in small towns everyone knows each other after 2-3 handshakes. Those. one of your acquaintances is guaranteed to have an acquaintance who knows the person you are looking for. The length of the chain depends only on the size of the city and your sociability.

If you are a sociable person, “throw a cry” among all your friends, someone in the contact list is guaranteed to have the number you are interested in. And there it is already not so difficult to find the person himself or information about him.

If we are not talking about the most pleasant conversations, the interlocutor could buy a SIM card in the transition, without a passport. Or even used someone else's number. The person we are interested in is much more difficult to find in this case. Recall that not in all countries the sale of cards is carried out only by passport. In some places it is possible, on quite legal grounds, to acquire a number without providing your passport data.

Is there an ideal tactic?

If someone annoys you with constant calls, list this person blacklisted on the phone. Most models offer such a convenient feature that will forever save you from annoying anonymous. Most likely, it will have to be repeated several times, but the caller's stock of numbers is guaranteed to run out.

Do not be afraid go to the police if you hear threats addressed to you. You should not naively believe that your interlocutor is absolutely harmless and will never decide on anything.

A huge number of psychopaths that have not yet been examined walk the streets, you should not trust your well-being to chance.

On the other hand, if the caller does not know anything other than the number, the statement can only provoke him. After all, now he will be able, on quite legal grounds, to take an interest in the data of the one who filed an application or claim against him. And they will not be able to refuse him, this is his civil right.

We looked at all the ways to find out who the phone number is registered to. Can this be done for free or do you have to pay professionals anyway? The answer is that it is quite difficult.

In no case do not trust services on the Internet that allegedly provide you with information about the caller for a small fee or the SMS sent to the short number - they are 99.999999% scammers !

You can try if the number belongs to this operator. As you can see, it is possible to cope with this problem on your own, you only need a little ingenuity and imagination.

Video on the topic: how to find out the owner of the number

In the video, Pavel will give useful advice on how to find out as much information as possible about who owns the cell phone number that called you. And absolutely free:

Sometimes you just need to find out who the mobile phone is registered to. Most often, this is caused by unwanted calls or messages that contain advertising or a threat.

Not all citizens know how to find out who the SIM card is registered to. This information is rarely needed.

But there are situations when incoming calls come from unknown numbers, after which it is not always possible to determine who is trying to contact you.

Main Aspects

Each time when applying for a new SIM card in mobile phone stores, the buyer is asked to show an identity card.

But recently, an anonymous map has become popular. In this case, the citizen does not have to show any documents, the phone number in this case is already registered to another person.

But these actions are not legal, since Federal Law No. 126 states that within 10 days after issuing a SIM card, the seller must enter the buyer's data into the database of mobile numbers.

Regardless of the fact that almost every phone owner purchases their SIM cards officially, by signing an agreement with the operator, while showing documents, a difficult situation can develop in which you need to determine the owner of the phone number.

Mobile operators know exactly the identity of the person to whom the mobile number is registered, if they entered into a contract with this person.

Access to this information is available not only to the president of the mobile operator company, but also to his employees.

Prepaid subscribers can also light up. This happens when changing or restoring a SIM card, while the number is linked to the passport of the owner of the number.

Requirements for obtaining information (Beeline, MTS)

In situations where a person needs information about the card that is available to him, it is quite easy to get it. For example, for the Beeline mobile operator, this process will look like this:

If you are interested in data on an unknown number of the MTS operator, its employees are unlikely to provide them.

This information is confidential and is released only in response to a request from the police.

But at the same time, the mobile operator openly provides information about MTS subscribers via the Internet:

  • in order to find out the initials by the number, you need to go to the site and go to the directory;
  • in the window that opens, fill in the appropriate fields;
  • then you need to click on the link to get information;
  • send an SMS, in a response message you will be sent a password to enter the directory of numbers. Fill out the form on the site, and you will find out the initials of the owner of the number.

Is it possible to determine where

Various software and modern technologies provide many opportunities to collect the necessary information.

Recently, cellular users have been wondering if it is possible to find out the address by phone number. If you wish, you can find the place of residence of the subscriber via the Internet.

Some services are free, while others require investments. You can find a person in Russia by his mobile phone:

  • using special free programs on the computer;
  • through services that are designed for mobile gadgets;
  • using social networks;
  • in city phone books.

Each city has a telephone directory of its inhabitants. Information can be simply found on the Internet, and in order to find an address by phone number, you must select the name of the city and enter the subscriber's data.

You can break through the address of a person through the subscriber bases that are on the network. The telephone database at the address is paid, but since the distribution of personal information is not legal, it is often blocked, and may be of interest to law enforcement agencies.

In order not to fall for the tricks of scammers, before trying to find a person through an unknown site, evaluate the risks and do not pay a lot of money.

You do not need to enter your phone number to get the necessary data on the site. It is better to look for a person through the city phone book.

The legislative framework

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is planned to identify all subscribers, and for unnamed SIM cards, telecom operators and sellers will be fined.

Legislative acts that govern this provision:

  • Federal Law N 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" dated July 27, 2006;
  • Federal Law No. 126-FZ "On Communications" dated July 7, 2003;
  • Code of Administrative Offenses.

Despite the fact that communication services can only be provided by agreement with the subscriber, documents can be drawn up for a legal entity and individual entrepreneur. Corporate clients receive SIM cards, but operators cannot provide data for a specific user.

Rules for establishing the registration of a mobile number

The number usually belongs to one person, because during registration you need a document that proves your identity.

If a person called from his phone, there is a high probability of finding out his initials. There are several ways to find out the owner of the number.

It is necessary to beware of bright sites on the network that promise to provide personal information about a person for free or for little money. This is often how scammers operate and you can lose a lot of money.

Free search options

You can find out who the phone number is registered to in several ways:

  • through a mobile operator;
  • through social networks;
  • in law enforcement agencies.

The mobile operator that provides these services can tell you the initials of the caller.

By contacting the operator’s salon with a request, you are unlikely to receive the necessary information, because it is under the prohibition of disclosure.

But, having drawn up a statement, it is necessary to indicate the reasons for this request, and then, probably, the company's management will meet you halfway.

The legislation of the Russian Federation prohibits the use of databases of telephone subscribers. However, if you urgently need to find out who called you, you can call this number and introduce yourself as an employee of a call center company of a mobile operator.

In a personal conversation, ask for the initials of your interlocutor. Most likely, the subscriber will tell you his information.

You can get information about the Tele2 subscriber in your personal account. But this can only be done if you have access to a SIM card. Access to the account can be obtained only after entering the verification code.

Call to the operator

If the reason for your desire to find out who the phone number is registered to is the search for an intruder who pesters you with calls or messages, then you can call the operator.

At the same time, it is necessary to state your complaints to the representative of the mobile operator, and if the management considers the application justified, you will be told information about the subscriber. But often in such situations, experts suggest simply blocking the number of the attacker.

Through social networks

In addition, it must be remembered that not everyone has social networks, so this method may not be effective.

To find the owner of the number using VK, you need to follow the instructions:

  • log in from your page;
  • on the login page, click "Forgot password";
  • enter the phone number and click next;
  • the avatar of the person whose number you entered will appear on the screen;
  • click on the photo and copy the link to the image;
  • paste the link in the browser;
  • The phone number owner page will open on the screen.

Finding a person through Odnoklassniki by phone number, like VK, will not work. The developers decided not to provide any data about their customers, so if you were unable to complete the search using other options, then Odnoklassniki most likely will not help you.

In law enforcement

The most legal way to determine the initials of a person by phone number is to contact law enforcement agencies.

To do this, you need to contact law enforcement officers and report your problem. Anonymous calls, searching for a witness to an incident or even a criminal - these are all frequent complaints from citizens to the police.

In such situations, law enforcement agencies usually help to find out the identity of the owner of the number, but the procedure may take some time until the circumstances of the incident become known.

However, this option is suitable for you if you are looking for a criminal, or bring the presence of a threat of a terrorist attack. For a less good reason, law enforcement officers are unlikely to help you.

A good way to find out the initials from a phone number is to contact a private detective. This method is expensive, but the result you get is guaranteed.

You can find out who the phone number is registered to in different ways. You can go to the salon of a mobile operator and write a statement about the desire to find out information about the owner of the number.

There is also a way to find out data in social networks. However, it is not effective if the subscriber is not registered in social networks.

A good way to find out the initials of the owner of the number is to contact law enforcement, but they will only help with good reasons.

Suffering from intrusive calls and want to find out who is calling your number? Surely you tried to get information about the caller by calling the contact center of your operator, but were refused. Indeed, mobile and landline telephony operators never disclose such information. How ? With the help of our review, you can try to find a way out of the situation.

We are looking for the owner of the number on the Internet

Many people use electronic boards to send out ads for the sale of a car, apartment, kitchen set, and other personal items. Thus, they publish a lot of data on the Internet:

  • Your mobile phone number;
  • City of residence;
  • Name (sometimes with a surname).

Some people, engaged in the sale of real estate, even indicate their addresses. Search engines index published information, after which we can use it. If you want to determine the owner's phone number, use any search engine - enter the number in the search box and analyze the information in the search results.

There are a lot of search engines, so do not be discouraged if the selected search engine does not give you any results - try searching in another search engine. For example, in terms of searching by numbers and digital data, Google gives more results than the domestic Yandex. Sometimes the opposite happens, so we recommend trying all the available search engines.

If there is no information in search engines, then this means that the person you are looking for either does not use the World Wide Web, or tries not to leave any traces on the Internet. This technique is best suited for searching for information about various companies and enterprises.

Search for the owner in the bases of numbers

Is it possible online? There is such an opportunity, since on the Internet we can find many services that provide access to online databases of landline and mobile phones. The disadvantage of these bases:

  • Lack of normal performance - it can be very difficult to understand navigation;
  • Lack of completeness of the information offered - they ask for money for the full disclosure of information;
  • Databases are out of date.

Some services have such "crooked" sites that it is very difficult to deal with the search for numbers. Therefore, visiting such services makes you want to quickly close the browser window. Also some bases require payment in the form of sending SMS to short numbers– immediately there is a thought of fraud. In conclusion, the database provided may turn out to be irrelevant in time - a person has moved, changed his number or died.

In the process of writing this review, several open databases were found on the network that do not require sending SMS. Their analysis showed that they provide information ten years ago. Some of them could not find the necessary subscribers at all, despite the fact that they really exist and the author knows their personal data (name and phone number).

There are databases that need to be downloaded - they are not available online. They can be found for free or for money. All of them may be useless or hopelessly outdated. If you are offered a base for money, remember that the seller may be a scammer. It should be noted that the distribution of such databases is already a criminal offense - do not mess with criminal elements.

Other search methods

Is it possible to find out the owner by the phone number using city information services? Unfortunately, by giving the operator a landline telephone number, you will not receive any information on it. Only reverse lookup is available when you tell the operator your last name and address, and he gives you a phone number. If you are being harassed by phone calls, you can file a police report - this is regarded as telephone hooliganism.

Depending on the behavior of the bully, his "entertainment" can bring him quite a serious punishment. If the calls contain threats, feel free to write a statement to the police - it will not be difficult for the police to identify the owner by the phone number.

Many are faced with a situation where there is a need for personal purposes or work to find a person, knowing only his mobile number. It happens that the contact was recorded in a hurry and not signed with a name, someone unknown called and you did not have time to answer, or strangers pester you with calls and SMS. This is not an easy task, but there are several effective ways to identify the owner by phone number, which are worth familiarizing yourself with.

Ways to find out the owner by phone number

There are different methods to identify a person by the numbers of a landline (city) or mobile phone. Common ways:

  • Call back an unknown caller. Maybe they called on business and you didn't answer.
  • Contact law enforcement. If hooligans, scammers pester you, you receive threatening calls, you should immediately write a statement to law enforcement agencies. If available, provide recordings of the threatening conversation or incoming SMS. Employees of this structure will give you information about the calling subscriber and initiate a criminal case against him.
  • Punch on the site of the mobile operator.
  • With the help of Android apps. There are special programs for smartphones that have their own database. When an incoming call arrives, they determine the information about the caller.
  • Appeal to the point of replenishment of the mobile account.
  • Check by region. Each mobile company enters its own digital codes, which make it easy to identify the region where the SIM card was purchased. Information is provided on the official websites of mobile operators or other third-party online resources.
  • Determine the owner by cell phone number using mobile banking. Many banking structures have a service for replenishing a mobile account using a bank card. For example, if you send a request to the Sberbank number (900) to transfer money, you will receive in response the verification data of the owner of the bank account to which the number you are interested in is linked. There is no need to transfer funds.
  • Make a call to an unknown subscriber from another mobile or landline phone, introduce yourself as a volunteer or, for example, a sociologist and elicit the necessary information.
  • Find out the last name by mobile phone number by calling the dispatcher at the telephone exchange. This method can work if you are threatened or a dangerous situation arises.
  • Try to find a person through social networks or instant messengers.
  • Find out with internet search engines. If the desired subscriber has ever submitted ads (for sale, purchase), wrote messages indicating his mobile contacts, then the search engine will definitely find the necessary information.
  • To find out a stranger, you can use telephone directories. On the Internet, there are many online directories or telephone databases available for free download.
  • Ask friends, family and friends.
  • Reach out to friends who work in the field of cellular services for advice.
  • Contact the office of the mobile operator.

How to punch a person by phone number via the Internet

Many people are active Internet users. They communicate on forums, in social networks, study, earn money (for example, by posting ads for sale), relax and thus leave a lot of data about themselves:

  • mobile phone;
  • E-mail address;
  • information about friends and relatives;
  • skype, viber;
  • region, city of residence;
  • first name and even last name;
  • residence coordinates.

search sites

You can search for the information you need using search engine databases. The most popular search engines in Russia are:

  • Yandex;
  • Google;
  • Mail ru;
  • Rambler;
  • Satellite.

Search services, at the request of the user, collect information from all sites and issue an answer. To identify the caller of a stranger, you need:

  • enter the numbers in the search form, trying all the spelling alternatives (solid, in brackets, with a dot, with spaces, with hyphens);
  • click on the "Find" button;
  • carefully analyze the information in the search results.

If the search engine did not find any data for the query, it is recommended to use another service. For example, Google gives more results than Rambler or Yandex. Sometimes the opposite happens, so you should use as many search engines as possible. If no information was found during such monitoring, this means that the unknown subscriber either does not use the Internet, or tries not to leave traces on the World Wide Web.

Search in the database of phone numbers

You can use the databases of numbers that you need to download or use online. On the Internet, this service is provided by many services, but there are some disadvantages:

  • Difficult or confusing navigation of online services. Some sites have such an incomprehensible structure that it is very difficult to figure out how to use them correctly.
  • Paid information. Most sites ask for money to download a database or find out online the owner of a phone number. If you are offered to pay for a base or information, you should remember that the seller may be a scammer. Do not agree to calls to send SMS to a short number from your mobile to receive an access code to the database.
  • Outdated or outdated databases. The longer the database has a statute of limitations, the less real subscribers and reliable data about it will be registered in it.
  • Malicious software instead of base phones. There are also cases when a person hopes to download a free database, but receives a viral software application.

How to determine to whom a mobile phone number is registered using special software

There are many mobile applications that help identify the owner by phone number. Most of them are completely free and can be easily downloaded to your smartphone. These applications automatically search for the information you need as you enter numbers into the dialer or identify the caller. The most popular are:

  • Telephone;
  • 2GIS Dialer;
  • Truecaller;
  • Contacts +.

2GIS Dialer

Diler ("dialer") from 2GIS is an excellent program for the Android OS that fills its database with data from a 2GIS map. The main features of the application are:

  • Determination of incoming calls based on 2GIS.
  • Speed ​​dialing. The software understands transliteration, can find the words both "Masha" and "Masha".
  • Selection of likely contacts for speed dialing based on the analysis of outgoing calls, calendar events.
  • Search for phones of organizations, enterprises, companies.

The application is very popular among users. The positive qualities of 2GIS Dialer are as follows:

  • software is free;
  • does not drain the phone battery;
  • there is an internal large and up-to-date database of subscribers;
  • the presence of "cloud" anti-spam;
  • fast program.

The app is under constant development. Every day the 2GIS Dialer database is updated, new contacts are added, but for residents of small cities, towns, villages, this software may not be suitable due to lack of data. The program is designed to identify the phone numbers of organizations, it will not work to find an ordinary person using 2GIS Dialer.

Phone from Google Inc.

Google is the owner of the Android operating system and is trying to create useful and modern software for users of its OS. A few years ago, Google posted its branded dialer "Phone" in the app store. This application has many necessary, interesting features:

  • making calls;
  • blocking unwanted contacts;
  • built-in autodetector (data is taken from Google+);
  • search for places, organizations nearby;
  • spam protection;
  • intelligent search for contacts in the address book using T9, typing on the keyboard with Cyrillic support;
  • the possibility of video calls;
  • location display in case of emergency.

The Google Phone application has a large database of numbers from various organizations, firms, institutions that are used to identify incoming calls. Download the application to your mobile and use it for free. Among the disadvantages of the software are the following:

  • to use the program, you must have your Google account;
  • not suitable for every smartphone;
  • when using this application, your personal data is recorded in the Google database.

Search for the number owner via messenger or social networks

You can break through the phone number and find out the owner using popular social networks and instant messengers. It should be borne in mind that a person may not be a member of social networks and cannot be found. To determine the owner by phone number using, you need to follow these steps in sequence:

  • Sign out of your VK account.
  • On the registration or authorization page, select the "Forgot your password?" field.
  • The page for resuming access to your account will appear, in a special cell, enter the operator code, the required numbers. Click the "Next" field.
  • If the person who called you has a page in VK, then the stranger's avatar will appear.
  • Further on the photo, you can easily find the required user.

The search for users on Facebook is carried out in the same way. It is much more difficult to determine the owner by mobile phone number through the website. All that can be found out is part of the user profile nickname under which he is registered on The sequence of actions is similar to the step-by-step instructions for VK. On Instagram, it will not be possible to identify a person by phone.

To determine who is the owner of a cell phone number, you can use social networking applications for Android OS. Each application has a function to import friends from the phone book. It remains only to save the stranger's number to your phone book, click the "Import friends from contacts" icon. In the Facebook mobile application, in addition to importing contacts from the phone book, you can also search for users by phone number. To do this, you need to go into the program, click on the "find friends" icon, select "search" and enter the necessary numbers in a special line.

Using instant messengers (Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype), you can also try to find out the owner by mobile phone number. Messengers are special applications designed for free messaging and making calls. To do this, you need to go to the messenger, add the contact of the user you are looking for in a special form. If a person uses a messenger, information about him (name, surname, photo) will be displayed in the contact list.

Find out the subscriber through the mobile operator

Not all people leave their contacts on the Internet, especially attackers who buy separate SIM cards to carry out their illegal acts will not “shine” personal data. If it was not possible to find an unknown caller on the Internet or through special programs, you can try contacting your mobile operator. This option is considered ineffective, since, according to legislative norms, the mobile operator does not have the right to disclose the personal data of its subscribers, but it's worth a try.

There are two main ways to try to find out who called:

  • On the website of the mobile operator, breaking through the contacts in the subscriber base. The success of this method is low due to a number of problems:
    1. incomplete volume of databases;
    2. database updates are very rare;
    3. relevant and fresh information is not in the public domain, its mobile operator hides.
  • Appeal directly to the office of the mobile operator. The chances of getting what you want in this case are extremely small. All consultants are responsible for the information they provide. Try to put pressure on pity or try to get what you want with cunning. In extreme cases, specialists will at least help you blacklist the scammer's contact. And if the subscriber is engaged in illegal actions, you can demand that his number be blocked.
