How to get the right subscribers for a group. How can you recruit subscribers to a VKontakte group using free methods? Programs and services

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Good day, dear readers of my blog. A well-promoted VKontakte group can bring in from 1,000 rubles per day if you are its owner. If you work for a customer and run a community for business, then you will receive at least 10,000 rubles per month for this. And that is not all.

Entrepreneurs often need consultants who will teach the current administrator to work “correctly”, help through the group to create the right opinion among the audience and present the business in a favorable light. Such a consultation costs from 2,000 rubles per visit.

You can get this kind of money if you know how to get a lot of VKontakte subscribers. This is what we will talk about today.

His Majesty, content

The most important thing that a novice group administrator needs to understand is everything! Everything is built on it. You will never be able to get 1000 live subscribers if you publish garbage.

It is thanks to posts that you gather an audience, influence it, motivate it to be active, and create an opinion about the enterprise (if it is a business community).

Frankly, you need to invest in promoting VKontakte. But there’s no point in spending money on likes or reposts from bots whose friends are nothing but dead souls.

All this is called targeting, but the settings in it need to be made in detail. It's a little complicated, but effective and profitable. If you want to spend only 100 rubles a month on advertising, please do so. You liked the method and if you want to increase the amount, it’s up to you.

I don’t know when I’ll get around to writing an article about target. It is quite complex and will be very long. There is a lot of information. Subscribe to the newsletter and I will send you an email letting you know when the publication is published. By subscribing, you will also begin to learn about other new articles about making money from my blog.

Well, if you don’t want to wait and want to quickly learn and start applying your knowledge in practice, then I can recommend the course “Powerful flow of clients from VKontakte. Targeted advertising from A to Z" . There are free demo lessons and the opportunity to purchase the full version of the course.

Well, that's all, now you know a little more. I wish you success in your endeavors.

How to recruit subscribers to a Vkontakte group- this question was asked by everyone who is involved in promoting their goods or services on VKontakte. Every day I receive offers in Vkontakte messages: “I will recruit subscribers for you”, “promotion of a VKontakte group”, “I will get live subscribers”, “I will invite participants to the group according to the parameters”, etc.

Several times I still sent 300-500 rubles. such agents... But nothing except “dogs” was added to the group. This is a terrible picture when 50% of your group are “dead” pages. In this case, there was a risk that the VK administration would simply take over your group and delete it permanently. VK has become a very smart social network because it detects most programming developments and scripts aimed at promoting a group through “hacking VK pages”, “inviting bots” and many others.

If advertisers also send you spam messages with similar offers, ignore them! Since you have no guarantee or confidence that they will invite “live participants” and your group will not ultimately be blocked by VK administrators. There is no way you can test their methods, but they will tell you how they invite friends to your groups all day long! No, there is no such thing! VK invitations have not worked for a long time; everyone knows that you can simply block the function of receiving invitations to groups and communities. And those who don’t know refuse to join groups by invitation or completely ignore them.

Having eaten a pound of salt on the promotion of the group, I began to search for adequate services for inviting “Live” subscribers according to their parameters. So that there are no unnecessary scripts, no bots, no fakes, but only real pages and people!

I found many services here I’ll tell you only about the most worthy and honest ways to promote a VK group.

1. is an exchange for copywriting, writing texts and completing tasks. This exchange has recently added a function to add Social tasks (invitations to groups, reposts, likes, joining groups and subscribing to pages).

  • I gained 500 subscribers specifically from Advego (from different countries, including Russia and Ukraine).
  • All pages are real, people are adequate.
  • You can do it according to the parameters, for example, in the task set: Only the city of Moscow, only girls over 18 years old. In this case, only girls over 18 years old from Moscow will enter.
  • VKontakte will never block a group with such participants, because all people are alive, everyone came via a direct link (for example - participants copy this link from Advego and paste it in their browser), there are no scripts, redirections, etc., for which VK usually calculates cheating

  • The price of one subscriber (minimum) is 0.022 USD. (1 cu as of 10/04/2015 = 70 rubles at the Advego exchange rate). It turns out that the cost of one such subscriber is 1.5-2 rubles.
  • Manual check. That is, you must manually check everyone who joined the group and completed your task.

2. - the so-called “mailer”. Service for website promotion, clicks and completing tasks.


  • The price of one subscriber is from 0.3 rubles! The price is really good, 30 kopecks per subscriber!
  • It is possible to create tasks according to parameters and age restrictions.
  • The people who joined the group are real and do not unsubscribe.
  • VK will never ban a group with such participants.


  • There are a lot of tasks. To make sure that your task is seen on the first pages, you need to pay 1.5 rubles per raise. From there, your ad will gradually decline as other advertisers raise their targets. This is an undeniable minus!
  • Manual verification of each applicant.

Today, these are all the most honest, real and effective ways to promote VKontakte groups.

I will update the article as new cheaper or more effective methods are discovered.

Here I will write my “black list” of similar services, thanks to which many groups have already received a ban from the VK administration. The list is still being adjusted.

Blacklist of VKontakte cheating services



  • everything happens automatically (adding subscribers, verification, payment);
  • quickly and seemingly efficiently... BUT:


  • They ban everyone who is registered in this project;
  • All groups that are promoted through this project are banned;
  • There are many dogs in groups that were promoted through;
  • Incomprehensible “points” that are used to pay for tasks;
  • Pages that were linked to Vkmix were hacked several times and are still under attack.

Greetings! Despite the fact that the experiment is still far from complete, I decided to write some thoughts and conclusions on this matter. After reading this article, you will understand a lot and learn about promoting a public VKontakte page. I did some experiments and I want to tell you about it.

At the time of writing, only 71 people have subscribed to my public page (?). Here's mine public page.

I have not yet tried to reach the goal of gaining 1000 subscribers, but have only experimented with ways to attract people and tried to find the most effective ones. Let me remind you that I started studying SMM from scratch.

I immediately rejected free promotion because it takes too much time and effort, but it produces results. For example, my brother recruits 200-300 people into his Anime-themed group in a few days, all using free methods. If you need people by any means, you can use free methods, this is not bad, but I don’t want to spend a lot of time on this and therefore I’m looking for a suitable promotion option using paid methods.

Why complicate things?

Imagine that I will have 10 such publics, walking along the beaten path, I will pay where necessary and soon there will be 1000 people in each public, and this is 10,000 people in total. So I’m looking for this “right place” to invest money there. What if you promote all 10 public pages manually? It will take a long time .

I have come to the conclusion that the best option– and he will do everything at the highest level, but the experiment must be completed.

Results of my experiment:

So, here are the first conclusions of my experiment, which I obtained through trial and error.

There are many ways to promote a public page...

Method No. 1

The first thing I tried was the method I used in . Used . I paid $0.06 to everyone who joined the public + each of them gave a bunch of likes. As a result, I could recruit as many people as I wanted in a day because everything in advego works very quickly.

Unfortunately, the price of $0.06 per person for an entertainment-themed public is too expensive and this option is not suitable. If I want to recruit 1000 people, I will need to spend $60, but many will unsubscribe after payment, so I will need to place an order for $65-70.

Pros: Very fast filling of the public, literally 1-2 days.
Minuses: Some people leave the public after paying. You can give only one task according to the Advego rules (either join a public page, or like, or repost, etc.). High price.

Method No. 2

I decided to find an alternative to Advego and found this service. Compared to Advego, it is much cheaper for the advertiser, it is also more practical, but it works much slower. You set the prices yourself, from $0.01 onwards. If we take the minimum price, then it will only cost $10 to fill the public with 1000 people.

Pros: We set the price ourselves. We create the task ourselves and there are no restrictions, as in advego (you can ask to join, like and repost at the same time).
Minuses: Tasks are completed slowly. Some leave the public, and also do poor quality work and try to deceive.

We can say that this service is the opposite of advego.

Method No. 3

The third way I tried was to order advertising in other communities.
I did this using the service Sociate. Here you can order an advertisement with the text you need for literally pennies, and the effectiveness of the advertisement will depend only on you.
I ordered my first advertisement for 4 rubles when I wanted to see how it works and immediately realized that it was more profitable to order advertising here than to buy people through Advego. Although the second experiment, with a larger amount, was not so successful.

This is what I wrote on the server:

“I’m sharing my experience...
So, I ordered advertising in 3 communities with comics, jokes, etc.
The total number of participants is 27 thousand people
Advertising time - 21:00 on Friday
I posted the following text: “There is so much garbage on the Internet, aren’t you tired of reading it? I invite you to subscribe to the public page “The Most Interesting on the Internet” to learn only the most interesting things! After all, you don’t want to stupidly kill time looking through garbage?
(public address)" + picture

40 people visited the public, of which 10 people signed up.
There were 68 likes and 27 reposts.
I think the result is weak...
1 out of 4 people joined - not bad, I think... but the fact that so few people visited the public was surprising.”

As you can see, there are all sorts of results, depending on the text and picture, but I recommend using this method! I will continue to experiment with it until I achieve the desired result.

Pros: The result depends on your own efforts. Minimum effort. Advertising can have a huge effect. Not expensive.
Minuses: Some do not respond to submitted applications and somehow everything is slow...

Method No. 4

The fourth method is to pay for reposts using the same service as in the 2nd promotion method. Let’s say you give the task “Make 5 reposts in the public” and that’s it, just wait. This method looks the most natural, so people join the public. It all depends on the interest of the posts.
The standard rule applies here: you have to do it for the people. Look for cool photos, comics, jokes, etc., then order their reposts and it will come out great.

I don’t fill the public very often yet because there are still few people there, but as soon as the number is decent, I will use this particular method of promotion, but it’s already free. I’ll just add cool posts, they’ll be reposted and I’ll get new subscribers.

I read on the forum that for $5 you can get 300 new subscribers using reposts. The most important thing is that this method helps to gather not a purchased audience, but interested!

Pros: Natural set of readers. Minimum effort. Readers don’t leave and even invite friends.
Minuses: I don't see any downsides...


It’s too early to draw final conclusions, there are only 71 people in the public, but I’m already starting to see a path in the dense forest that I can follow, and this is the main thing.
As soon as I can clearly see the road, there will be no problems filling the public.

By the way, this is not the end of the experiment! I haven't reached 1000 readers yet, which means there will be a continuation! Subscribe to

Today, in order to promote a VK group and keep it active, you need both time and money. The times when this could be done for three kopecks are over, although not, but you will learn about this later.

In this instruction you will not find free methods because they are not effective at all. The owners of the social network VKontakte have long made sure that you spend as much money as possible within their system. After all, wonderful tools have been developed for this: targeting and market - platform (formerly the exchange).

This article will help you save both money and time when promoting and recruiting subscribers for your group. You will do all this yourself and from scratch without resorting to paid services.

Naturally, first you need to create a group directly in VK. Then it needs to be made presentable. To do this, you will need to choose a high-quality group avatar or make a beautiful cover.

Fill the community with the necessary sections, for example, reviews, links, contacts, etc. Write a brief description of the group so that people can understand what you're talking about. You can read about creating a group and its design.

Example of a community cover for a travel group

Create at least 10 – 15 of the most interesting posts. Be sure to choose beautiful photographs to accompany them. If you don’t know which posts are considered good, you can always look at your competitors’ posts.

Go to your competitor’s largest community and see which posts have the most likes and shares. This is the simplest (manual) method, but it works. Remember, a good picture can be worth 1000 words.

Important! First of all, people subscribe not to the design, but to interesting content. If the content is bad and uninteresting, then no amount of advertising will help get people to subscribe to your group!

2. Promotion using target (targeted advertising)

Another advantage is that you can attract only those people you need into your group. For example, Men over the age of 25 who are interested in business topics.

Hundreds of articles have already been written about the target. I will not describe all its capabilities, but will consider only one format, “Universal Recording”.

Universal recording is the most effective promotion format (native advertising)

This post will be shown in the feed. This advertising format will be seen by all users who access the social network from computers and mobile devices.

The screenshot in one of my groups shows that from mobile devices it reaches 84%, and visits from computers are only 16%. This only says one thing - there is a lot of mobile traffic and it cannot be ignored when promoting a group!

Share of mobile and web traffic in the group

You may have a question. Most likely, this is a young audience that “lives” on their phones. In the screenshot below, you can see the age of the people who are subscribed to my group.

Adult male audience

As you can see, this is a fairly mature audience interested in a specific topic. Subscribers to this group were recruited 90% from the target and approximately 10% from the exchange (market - platform). Let's start setting up.

Setting up targeting

Pay attention to text and pictures

If the text is weak, then the person will not subscribe. Be sure to write a “call to action” at the end. Then choose a high-quality picture. If the visitor is attracted by the photo, he will read the text. Everything is very much interconnected. Click “create”.

Text + call to action + image

Select: topic, country, gender male or female, age.

Basic settings for targeted advertising

Let's move on to the settings based on interests. These are the options you will use most often.

Find all competitors' groups

Make a list of competitor groups. Take only the most active and largest ones. You can find them in the search for VK itself by entering the desired keyword.

Search for groups of competitors by keyword

The more groups you add, the more people your ads will be shown to.

And again, hello to everyone! Today is Saturday and I...went to cleanup in the morning. The trumpet is calling, as they say. But now I’m back and ready to write a new article for you. Where did we stop there? Oh yes. We are with you. Well, now you can invite people, so I’ll show you how to recruit subscribers to a VKontakte group for free.

Today, the site holds a strong position and is among the three most popular sites in Russia. Thousands of new groups are created every day. Some make their way, others bend. But the point is that in today's realities it has become much more difficult to bring a community to the top.

In order to recruit participants you have to try very hard. But you still need to recruit them. How can you do this, and for free? I doubt that anyone will join a completely empty group. Only spammers come in who offer to promote the group, but after their promotion it is not a fact that your group will not be banned. In general, let me show you what free methods we will recruit people at first.

Inviting friends

The very first way that comes to mind is inviting living friends. Do you have friends on VK? Ask them to support your project.

There is indeed a limitation. You will not be able to invite more than 40 people per day to your community. So if you have 200 friends, then this method of invitation will take you 5 days.

In addition, be sure to click on "Tell friends" in your group and choose "Friends and Subscribers". Write in the comments, they say "Support my group by joining it". Then a post with a link to your group will appear on your wall, and your friends will see it in the news.


This method smacks of spam a little, but you can use it at first. Now the main thing for us is to give at least a little weight to our group so that people can join.

Find groups with an open wall or at least the ability to comment and post messages in threads. Just look for something close to your topic. There is no need to push advertisements for a group about creating websites into a group of hookah lovers. In general, to do this, join groups.

Write a word in the search bar that matches the search for a similar group, for example, if you are looking for a group on the topic “Humor”, then in the search you can use words such as laughter, positive, humor, jokes, etc. After that, click search and you will see groups that match your search.

Go to different groups (only open ones!) and leave comments with a link to your community on the wall, in comments or in topics. But just try not to look like spam. Write some comment (if you are commenting on a cool photo), like “This is not the first time I’ve seen such jokes)) Cool.”

Then go to your group, go to the desired post (let it be a photo or picture) and copy the link of this particular post into the comment form. It will turn out that an active link will appear in the comment and the picture that is visible through this link will be automatically attached.

Of course, this is not a cool way, and the flow of subscribers will not go, but those who follow the link will follow the link and join - they will be really alive, and not bots. And this is already a big plus. I know from my own experience that such links are followed.

Mutual PR

Mutual PR is also a very good way to attract subscribers to the group. The bottom line is that you find a community and negotiate with it (in the sense of the administrator) about mutual PR. You put a post with a link to his group, and he puts a post with a link to your group. Thus, some of the people from you join him, and some of his subscribers subscribe to you. So to speak, mutually beneficial cooperation.

But I would advise starting such mutual PR when you have at least 1000 participants (or better yet, even more), even if many of them are not alive. But there is one BUT. Subscribers of another group may also be mostly scammed. But you still need to do this and not with just one group.

But how to choose a group based on the number of subscribers? There is no such thing in standard group search. But good people have come up with a wonderful service that will help us with this. I already mentioned this service in the article about which theme to choose to create a group on VK. This is a service A very good service for those who use contact not only for entertainment purposes. In general, enter it.

Since I show by the example of an entertainment group, then I will look for groups of an entertainment nature. And let’s imagine that we already have 1000 people. Have you visited the site? Well done.

It turns out that you repost one of his posts to your group, and accordingly he does the same only on his part.

Service Olike

And finally, I’ll show you one service that will help you recruit participants to the group. True, with this method you will mostly recruit bots and second accounts. But, as I already said, we need to gain weight and gain fat, so they’ll do for extras.

And besides the fact that these are low-quality visitors and bots, there are a couple more disadvantages:

But in general, this method can be used at the initial stage. You have to survive somehow. Everyone wants to eat. Is it true?)

  1. In general, log in to the service Olike and click on "Log in via like".
  2. A window will open where you must enter the address of your personal page (not the community!!!). To do this, while on your page, copy it from the address bar, for example After that, insert this value and click on “Let In”.
  3. And to enter, you will need to immediately complete the task. To do this, click on “Click and Like” and a post or photo will open to you.
  4. Put a heart on this photo. This will mean that the task is completed. After that, close the window and you will be allowed into your personal account. If you look, it's a pretty extensive service. There are a lot of things you can do here with different social networks, so remember it. But at the moment we are interested in recruiting for the VK group.
  5. You can order a minimum of 100 subscribers, but this requires 200 points. Well. Let's get started. Press “Click and Like” and do everything the same as you did above, i.e. like and close. For this we get 1 point.
  6. Now let's join the group. Press “Click and join the group”. You will be transferred to some community. The essence is the same to join (subscribe) and close. For this you will receive 2 points.
  7. You can also repost, but I don't like it. Therefore, I make do with only those two points. You can also buy points, but here I am still considering the free method.
  8. After you have scored 200 points go to the menu "Subscribers to the group".
  9. In the first column you leave 100, in the second you will see how many points it will cost, and in the third there should be your link to the group. Therefore, go to your group and copy the link from the address bar, and then paste it.
  10. Now you need to paste the group authorization link. Yes, yes, this is incomprehensible nonsense. Copy it, then go to your community. There will be a "Links" section. Press "Add link" and paste the copied set of letters.
  11. After that, go back to Olike and click “I agree with the rules. Order".
  12. And then during the day your 100 subscribers will join you, although a small part will leave the group even before the last participant joins, so get ready for the fact that you won’t have exactly a hundred.

Well, in general, you can use it this way at the initial level, and beyond. The main thing is to watch the dogs, because I gave up on that. As a result, my group was blocked. So the next time I followed this, this kind of bullshit didn’t happen anymore.

These skills may be useful to you if you want to not only lead your community, but also become an administrator of other groups on a paid basis. It's better to pass, of course. professional training, where they will teach you everything and show you how to do what. By the way, training is not only about contact. There's a lot of choice there!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.