How can you charge your phone faster? Battery Upgrade

It would seem that there could be something unusual in charging the battery of a smartphone or tablet: you connect it and it charges. But few people know how to do it correctly. How to charge a new device to keep it working for a long time? What to do if you don’t have a standard charger at hand, are there other ways? And, of course, everyone has encountered a situation when they urgently need to charge their phone, but there is no time. How to speed up charging?

Types of batteries and their features

Currently, lithium batteries are considered the most popular; they are divided into two types: lithium-ion and lithium-polymer.

Lithium-ion (Li-ion)

At the beginning of the 21st century, they replaced nickel-cadmium batteries and still serve us today. What are their advantages:

  • ease of maintenance;
  • high capacity with small dimensions;
  • low self-discharge (does not lose charge in standby mode).

They have the shape of a plate or cylinder. What happens inside these batteries, how does a smartphone charge/discharge?

Inside the plate or cylinder there is a positively charged electrode - the anode, and a negatively charged one - the cathode. Between them is a liquid electrolyte in which positively or negatively charged lithium ions are placed. They move between the cathode and anode. For example, if lithium ions have a positive charge, then as the device discharges, they gradually move towards the cathode. When the battery is at zero, they are all there. When you connect a smartphone or tablet to a charger, lithium ions move to the anode.

Lithium polymer (Li-pol)

Technologies do not stand still. From lithium ion batteries lithium polymer appeared. This is still a fairly new invention, which has both pros and cons.

Among the advantages are:

  • large capacity (compared to its predecessor);
  • thickness from 1 mm;
  • the ability to produce batteries in flexible and plastic forms (a solid polymer composite is used as the electrolyte, which can be wrapped in plastic);
  • possibility of use at different temperatures (from -20° to +40°).

Disadvantages include:

  • quick failure;
  • there is a greater risk that the battery will explode;
  • increase in charging time.

How to properly charge a new smartphone or tablet on Android

When purchasing a brand new device, its battery efficiency is estimated at 96%; after 100 charging cycles, this number drops to 50%. When ions move, the surface of the electrodes wears out greatly, and the electrolyte becomes clogged due to the crystallization of lithium salts. As a result, ions cannot reach the electrodes - this is called "Coulomb efficiency".

A new smartphone or tablet should be discharged for the first 2-3 charging cycles until it turns off (so that the phone is completely dead), and then charged to 100%. What is it for? During the first discharge, the device determines the minimum value, and during the first charge, the maximum. Thus, the power controller is calibrated. With these steps you set the correct standard values, thereby ensuring correct battery charge control.

Rules for charging a non-new device

Manufacturers recommend changing the device's battery after 300–500 charge cycles. After 1,000 cycles, the battery efficiency is 20 percent. To extend the battery life, you need to charge the device correctly and follow a number of rules.

There is a common myth that the battery needs to be charged from 0 to 100%. This rule applies only to new devices and gadgets with nickel batteries, since they have a “memory effect” (nickel batteries have long gone out of fashion and are used only on older device models). That is, a battery that is not discharged less than 20% forgets about their existence and its potential.

For modern lithium batteries, the opposite rule applies. After the first few full charges, you should maintain the battery value between 40 and 80% and try to never let this value drop below 20%. The optimal solution There will be several small recharges throughout the day.

Another myth is associated with “overnight” charging: when you leave the device to replenish its energy reserves all night, the battery deteriorates. Smartphones are called smart phones, as they have many functions, including spontaneously stopping the supply of electricity to the battery when it is filled to the maximum. The only advice in such cases would be not to leave the device in the case: this leads to overheating.

Also for charging a smartphone or tablet on Android platform try to use only the “native” device. Cheap Chinese analogues can damage the charger or the gadget itself. If you can’t use your own charger, find something with similar characteristics and quite reliable.

Recharging the gadget should include the following steps:

  1. Checking the functionality of the network and its compliance with security requirements.
  2. Checking the compatibility of the charger and smartphone or tablet (220V or 110V).
  3. Connecting a smartphone or tablet to charging.
  4. Connecting the charger to the network.

Failure to comply with basic safety rules often leads to explosions and fires of devices; it is often not possible to restore them after this.

What can you use to charge Android: myths and reality

Headphone jack

On this moment this is impossible. Although the company Apple has already announced developments in this direction. With such charging, the principle of electromagnetic induction will be used. The device will come with a special device, around which you will need to wrap the headphones and place them on a special contact. In this position, an electromagnetic field will be created, which will affect the device’s battery, charging it. The technology is quite new and will require much more testing before it becomes part of everyday life.

Computer or laptop via USB

This method is possible, because many devices come with a USB adapter. Everything here is extremely simple: connect the wire to your smartphone, connect the other end to USB, and the device is charged. But this method only works for computers or laptops that are turned on and the USB input is active. How to charge the device when the PC is turned off?

Toshiba laptops have a built-in Sleep-and-Charge function, and Samsung also has something similar - Chargeable USB. Owners of laptops and computers from other manufacturers can charge their smartphones/tablets when the device is in sleep mode. On Windows you can do this like this:

  1. From the Start menu, select Control Panel.
  2. Click the "Device Manager" button.
  3. In the list of devices, find the “USB Controllers” category and open it.
  4. You will see several devices named “USB Root Hub”, click on each one right click mouse and select Properties.
  5. In the window that appears, go to the “Power Management” tab.
  6. Uncheck the "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" option.


Charging via HDMI (directly) is not possible. Of course, there are adapters from MHL to HDMI that will allow you to connect your smartphone or tablet, for example, to a TV, and they charge the device (without this, such an adapter will not work), but they again need a micro-USB cable to charge. So without standard means there's no way around it.

Video: charging and connecting a smartphone to TV via an HDMI adapter

Cigarette lighter

To implement charging through the cigarette lighter in a car, there are now a lot of devices; they can be found in almost any store that sells household appliances. When choosing, you should pay attention to the quality of the device, as well as the length of the plug. In some cars, the cigarette lighter socket is located quite deep and a short plug will not be able to get there. Best to check Charger immediately after purchase, so that if something happens, you can immediately return or exchange it.

You can also charge your smartphone or tablet in the car with via USB adapter and radio (if it, of course, has a USB port). Charging occurs in the same way as when connected to a desktop computer.

Video: charging the battery through the cigarette lighter

Fast charging function

Before describing this charging method, I would like to note that it is not recommended to use it often, as it has a bad effect on the battery. It is better to leave your smartphone or tablet for a few hours of quiet charging than to charge the device quickly but constantly replace the battery with a new one. In extreme cases, this method is, of course, possible and has its right to exist. But, I repeat, you should not abuse it.

Quick Charge 1.0 or 2.0 fast charging technology was developed by Qualcomm; it allows you to charge your smartphone or tablet several times faster: now the device is not tied to an outlet and you don’t have to wait several hours for it to charge.

The charging process is accelerated by increasing the current that the device can receive. Many devices have a current limit, this is done for safety reasons. Quick Charge increases this value: a regular adapter supplies about 5V to the battery, while a power supply that supports Quick Charge 2.0 supplies 12V. Some gadgets have already included the corresponding adapter as standard, while for others you will have to purchase this newfangled tool.

How to enable this feature on Android devices, supporting this technology:

To disable the function, just uncheck the “Fast charging” or Fast charging item.

How to speed up phone charging

Below are some tips that can help you speed up charging:

  • Turn off the device: the smartphone or tablet will not waste energy on other processes and will charge faster.
  • Charge from a wall outlet, not USB from your computer.
  • If you do charge via USB, choose the right port: USB 1.0, 2.0 can provide a current of 500 mA, while USB 3.0 is almost twice as much - up to 900 mA.
  • Monitor the temperature environment: The best temperature for charging is around +22°C.
  • Use apps to speed up charging.
  • Purchase a USB adapter that can increase the current to 2100mA.
  • Get a Y-cable, it combines the power of two USB ports and can deliver higher current.
  • Finally, use the tips for preserving battery life from the beginning of the article, then the device will charge faster.

To charge a smartphone or tablet on the Android platform, you can always find alternative methods, if suddenly something happened to the charger or it simply wasn’t at hand. The charging speed can also be increased: for this you just need to know some features. Apply the knowledge gained in this article wisely, and you will be able to use your smartphone or tablet for many years.

The battery of mobile devices is a complex technical invention. Fitting 2 - 4 thousand mAh in a thin plate is the result of the work of hundreds of brilliant engineers. But the more complex the device, the easier it breaks and the harder it is to repair. Batteries quickly deteriorate if the device is not charged correctly. And then problems will begin with a little time battery life and even more dangerous things: the battery can swell and explode in your hands or pocket. How to use it correctly mobile device, to avoid similar problems, as well as about the features of charging a new smartphone or tablet, read our article.


Antique batteries dating back to 1899. They were not widely used, although they were durable, resistant to low and high temperatures(from -40 to +60 degrees Celsius). Withstood up to 2 thousand charge/discharge cycles.

Of the minuses: cadmium toxicity; high cost; “memory effect”, due to which the battery capacity decreases if you charge a not completely discharged battery.

Nickel metal hydride

A much more popular filling for old, cheap phones. Inexpensive, non-toxic (as it does not contain cadmium), capacious. However, it is quite large and heavy, and has a memory effect, although not so problematic.


Lithium-ion batteries are used in modern devices. They are more expensive than nickel ones, and are more capricious to temperature conditions (it is undesirable to use them at temperatures below -20 degrees Celsius). However, they are compact, capacious, and do not require special service, do not have a pronounced memory effect.

Unlike nickel ones, they deteriorate from prolonged exposure to a discharged state. They also require constant calibration and charge/discharge cycles. And yet they are more convenient than nickel ones, which is why they are used everywhere.

Lithium polymer

Improvement of the above-described lithium-ion. They have all the advantages of ionic electrolytes, but polymer electrolytes make it possible to create plastic batteries various forms and sizes. Today they are used in curved smartphones and tested for possible use in flexible devices.

How to charge a new smartphone or tablet

The device that you just purchased and turned on was lying in the warehouse for several months before. So the battery, figuratively speaking, has not yet “warmed up”. To “stretch” the battery, you need to do three complete charge/discharge cycles. Drain the battery charge to zero, then charge it to one hundred, then again, and again. This will ensure the battery is properly calibrated.

One more nuance: it is advisable to discharge your phone or tablet on the first day after turning it on, without letting it sit for a week at 50 percent. So turn on some power-hungry application and leave it to eat up your charge.

  1. For everyday use, do not let the device completely discharge. And charge up to one hundred percent too. It is advisable to connect your phone or tablet to power at 20 and charge it up to 80–90. Full time job at extreme values ​​(100 and 0) it has a bad effect on the battery;
  2. However, once a month it is advisable to perform such a complete discharge/charge cycle. During this cycle, the batteries are calibrated, which is necessary for the battery to function properly.
  3. It is best not to leave the device with the cable connected to the network. Although manufacturers have made sure that no more energy goes into the device than is necessary, this harms the battery.
  4. Overheating is very harmful. If your smartphone or tablet heats up too much and often, you need to figure out why this is happening. There is a table that shows how many percent of capacity the battery loses at different degrees of overheating. At 100% charge and a battery temperature of 60°C, about 40% of the capacity is lost per year.
  5. If you do not use the device for a long time, turn it off. It is better for the battery not to work at all than to work a little. However, turn it on from time to time to drain it and charge it to maximum. Calibration is required even if you are not using the device.
  6. To recharge the system faster, turn it off while charging. Processes will not consume resources, and the device will charge a little faster.

Video: how to properly charge Android devices

What ports can be used to charge devices?

You can charge your smartphone or tablet not only through the power cable from the outlet.

Any Android device can be charged using a USB cable from a computer or laptop. In addition, the chargers themselves in new mobile devices are attached to the USB cable as an adapter. It is enough to directly connect the USB cable to the computer’s USB port, and the microUSB to the device, and the charging process will begin.

You can also charge the device through the car's cigarette lighter. It is enough to buy an adapter. Some devices even come with such an adapter.

As for non-original chargers: this is quite dangerous. Even if your friend also has Android, and even if your phones are made by the same manufacturer, it is not recommended to use your friend’s charger. It’s at least worth looking at the parameters of your charging from the kit: voltage and current for which it is designed mobile phone. Don't take risks if the number of volts and amps varies too much.

The same applies to charging your tablet/phone. Of course, the ports are the same and the charging principle for smartphones and tablets is the same, so one charger will do. But make sure the parameters charging socket match, and use at your own risk.

Which ports definitely cannot charge the device?

There are myths that you can charge your phone through the headphone jack or HDMI port. All these are stupid inventions of people who do not understand the basics of physics and electrical engineering. Connector 3.5 mm Jack ( standard port for headphones) looks similar to some charging connectors, and perhaps the myth came from there. However, the port is intended for audio streams and is not connected to the battery in any way, so you won’t be able to charge the phone through the headphones.

The same applies to HDMI. The port is not designed for this. You can charge the device either through a special charging connector or via a USB port.

Is it possible to speed up Android charging?

Fast charging function

Some manufacturers motherboards for computers and laptops add a function to the product accelerated charging.

When charging from a computer, only 0.5 A is supplied to the device. The accelerated charging function allows you to send a charge with a higher current of 1–1.2 A.

This technology is available, for example, in Asus motherboards. To enable the function, you need to download and install the proprietary AiCharger application on your computer. In the program you need to check Enable under the inscription 3x Speed. And then click Auto Tuning. To disable the function, just select Disable.

AiCharger increases the current in the USB port from 0.5 A to 1–1.2 A

Many motherboard manufacturers have a similar application; more details need to be clarified for a specific model.

Battery Upgrade

A worn-out battery not only has less capacity, but also takes a little longer to charge. And if you notice that the device is taking longer to charge than expected, you should replace the battery.

Replacing the charging cable

Likewise, the charging speed depends on the cable. Frayed wires can interfere with charging, so it’s worth updating not only the battery, but also the power cable. Just be careful: it is recommended to buy only chargers from the device manufacturer that are designed for your specific model. A discrepancy between the calculated current and voltage can lead to disastrous results.

Some charging cable manufacturers offer to buy transformers with a higher current rating so that the device charges faster. This does work, but keep in mind that it is the magnitude of the current (and not the voltage in volts, as is commonly believed) that determines whether a person will survive an electric shock or not. Decide for yourself if it's worth it high speed charging.

It is important to know and apply the rules for charging mobile devices. Without proper care, smartphones and tablets lose a lot of battery life and charging speed. It is also very important to understand that using a non-original charger for a smartphone (especially one that you bought from an unknown manufacturer) is extremely dangerous. The power plug of smartphones acts as a transformer, when passing through it electricity reduces voltage and current. If the transformer is not doing its job, it becomes too risky to use the phone while charging. So it is best to use only chargers from the official manufacturer.

Everyone has found themselves in a situation where they need to quickly charge their smartphone. For an urgent call, before boarding a plane or in a foreign city - unforeseen situations can be different.

Many manufacturers are in pursuit of slim body save on battery capacity. We have to charge devices every day, because in the modern rhythm of life we ​​do not let go of gadgets for a second.

There are several ways to speed up the battery charging process, but not all of them are safe.

Turn off everything unnecessary

When the phone is turned on, the lion's share of battery energy is spent supporting the display, applications, background, processor, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and LTE. Common sense dictates that it is better to charge the gadget when it is turned off. Another option is to disable functions that waste incoming charge:

  1. switch the device to flight mode;
  2. close all background applications;
  3. block;
  4. Do not use your smartphone until it is charged.

These methods have significant drawback- you will not be able to receive or make calls when the phone is turned off or in airplane mode.

If you need to stay connected while the battery replenishes depleted resources, try not to touch the device. Endless updates pages, browsing the news feed and chatting with friends will significantly slow down the process.

Outlet or USB port?

If you're used to charging Android only from a computer, don't be surprised that the battery indicator is so slowly gaining percentage - the USB port gives charging current about 500 mAh, sometimes even less. Don’t be lazy to take with you an adapter to connect the cable to the outlet: it is compact and lightweight, but it significantly speeds up the charging process.

Tip: If you cannot avoid using the USB port for charging, cancel the synchronization process when connecting the device to the laptop. Don't forget to make sure your computer doesn't fall asleep - some models stop supplying power to the USB ports in sleep mode.

Weather in the house

Everyone has noticed that in the cold any gadget quickly discharges - it needs more energy to maintain functionality. The smartphone and its battery feel best at room temperature. Overheating and hypothermia slow down the charging process, so do not charge the device in a cold room or in direct sunlight.

Is more powerful better?

If you are not satisfied with the charging speed of a standard adapter, you may be tempted to replace it with a more powerful one. But this is unlikely to benefit the gadget and the battery: the manufacturer equips the device with a charger of optimal power, providing the necessary (and safe) current. Using a more powerful non-original adapter may damage your smartphone and reduce battery life.

The main thing is care

Experts say that to extend the life of the power source, you need to bring the battery charge to 100% once a month and then discharge it until the device turns off.

We have talked about battery life several times and have touched on, it seems, all the important topics: reasons for smartphones, tips on how to use them, and even. Be sure to check out our materials - there is a lot of interesting and useful stuff there.

Turn off your phone
THE CHARGING INDICATOR WILL REPLACE SIGNIFICANTLY FASTER IF THE DEVICE IS TURNED OFF. This way it won’t waste a single precious watt and, accordingly, extra minutes of your time. When turned off, all electricity will go directly to the battery and will not be wasted on other hardware processes.

Charge your phone from a wall outlet
YOUR PHONE WILL CHARGE FASTER FROM A WALL OUTLET rather than through USB port. It's also worth making sure your charger is high enough - some models deliver less milliamps than a cell phone can handle, which increases actual time charging it.
According to manufacturing companies, the most fast charging carried out by connecting the device to a power outlet using a cable and adapter USB power supply supplied in the kit. However, you can risk replacing the standard charger with a higher power one, designed for a larger number of milliamps.

Optimize USB Charging
First, you should figure out what USB ports your computer has. Today they are equipped with three types: USB 1.0, 2.0 or 3.0. The first and second are capable of providing a current of 500 mA, while USB 3.0 is almost twice as much - up to 900 mA. Depending on the USB type device to which the smartphone or tablet is connected, charging time may vary greatly. A separate USB wall port that can provide up to 1500 mA - even more effective method charging.
To further speed up the process, don't sync your smartphone with your computer and disconnect any other USB devices that might be consuming power. Remember also that if you are connected to a laptop that is not connected to the network, you need to ensure that it does not go into sleep mode.

Observe temperature regime
HIGH AND LOW TEMPERATURES ARE DAMAGED to batteries. Do not place your charging phone in the sun, near a heater, or near open window in winter. Best temperature for this process it fluctuates around +22 °C.

Use an app that speeds up battery replenishment
ASUS HAS DEVELOPED A FREE TWEK APPLICATION AI CHARGER, which helps charge mobile devices faster. The program allows you to output about 1000 mA through a standard USB port, thereby almost doubling the charging of devices. Depending on the different types gadgets used, the current strength can increase even more. And although manufacturers do not disclose the technological aspects of the utility, many users talk about its effectiveness. Ai Charger is compatible not only with Asus boards, but with computers from other manufacturers.

Buy a USB charging adapter
GET YOURSELF A CHARGING ADAPTER. The device, which looks like a small USB flash drive, can increase its output current to 2100 mA when a phone or tablet is connected to it. Time fully charged mobile phone can be reduced by 4 times. Install the Y cable
PURCHASE A Y-WIRE with two USB cables that will provide the combined power of two ports Computer USB and will give maximum electricity to one device.

Handle the battery correctly
In order to quickly and successfully charge batteries, manufacturing companies advise handling them correctly. For example, Apple company in its recommendations states: “To maintain lithium battery in a good state it is necessary that the electrons in it are periodically in motion.” To do this, it is recommended to fully charge and discharge the battery at least once a month.


Artem Luchko

There is no single recipe that would allow you to fully charge your dead smartphone in a few minutes. But Look At Me offers some helpful tips to help speed up the process.

Turn off your phone

The charging indicator will refill much faster if the device is turned off. This way it won’t waste a single precious watt and, accordingly, extra minutes of your time. When turned off, all electricity will go directly to the battery and will not be wasted on other hardware processes.

Charge your phone
from the socket

The phone will charge faster from a wall outlet, and not through the USB port. It's also worth making sure your charger is high-powered enough - some models deliver less milliamps than a cell phone can handle, which increases its actual charging time.

According to the manufacturing companies, the fastest charging is carried out when the device is connected to an outlet using the cable and USB power adapter supplied in the kit. However, you can risk replacing the standard charger with a higher power one, designed for a larger number of milliamps.

Optimize USB Charging

First, you should figure out what USB ports your computer has. Today they are equipped with three types: USB 1.0, 2.0 or 3.0. The first and second are capable of providing a current of 500 mA, while USB 3.0 is almost twice as much - up to 900 mA. Depending on the type of USB to which your smartphone or tablet is connected, charging time can vary greatly. A separate USB wall port that can provide up to 1500mA is an even more efficient charging method.

To further speed up the process, don't sync your smartphone with your computer and disconnect any other USB devices that might be consuming power. Remember also that if you are connected to a laptop that is not connected to the network, you need to ensure that it does not go into sleep mode.

Maintain temperature conditions

High and low temperatures are harmful for batteries. Do not keep your charging phone in the sun, near a heater, or near an open window in winter. The best temperature for this process is around +22 °C.

Use an app that speeds up battery replenishment

Asus has developed a free tweak app Ai Charger. which helps charge mobile devices faster. The program allows you to output about 1000 mA through a standard USB port, thereby almost doubling the charging of devices. Depending on the different types of gadgets used, the current may increase even more. And although manufacturers do not disclose the technological aspects of the utility, many users talk about its effectiveness. Ai Charger is compatible not only with Asus boards, but with computers from other manufacturers.