How can you charge your phone without charging - At home and on the go. Charge your phone battery without a phone

Most of us cannot imagine life without mobile phone, including first-graders and old ladies on the bench. Forgetting your “little friend and helper” at home entails great inconvenience. But even greater grief is when the phone “falls asleep” at the very inopportune moment, for example, on the road, in nature, visiting or during an important conversation, and the charger is not at hand. But progress does not stand still, and the invention and ingenuity of folk craftsmen, as always, is ahead of it. Let's look at the most accessible advice from "experts" on how to charge your phone without charging.

Charging without charging: at home

If your charger suddenly stops working or you come to visit and your phone is dead, charging it is quite simple, the main thing is that you have some devices. Basic methods:

  • computer - via the USB port of a laptop or computer;
  • battery-powered - buy a special mobile device that works using ordinary AA batteries;
  • battery - find a working charger and cut off its input, remove the insulation, connect the bare wire to the battery, observing the polarity and fix it;
  • old-fashioned - we take a plug with two wires, pass the rectifier through one wire and put it on the minus, and the other on the plus. A rather dangerous method of charging a phone without charger, do not try to short-circuit the wires and do not charge more than an hour- will burn.

Charging without charging: in nature

Very often, when going to the forest, to the beach or on a hike, we worry whether we have everything we need with us. And as a result, we forget a very important thing - to charge our mobile phone. There are several ways to extend battery life:

  • Elementary - remove the battery, cover the contacts on it with tape and put it in place, you will have another 3-7 minutes.
  • Chemical - stick improvised metal plates, such as board saws, into the ground and wrap them with copper wire. Using the charging wires, connect the battery to the wire, then pour electrolyte. Salt water is suitable for this purpose. The more plates you find, the more current Receive for charging.
  • Hot – heat the knife blade and heat the battery on it. If you insert a hot battery into the phone, it will work for 2-4 minutes, the main thing is not to burn it.
  • Impact - hit the battery hard against a rock. They used to do this with salt batteries– it’s the turn of mobile phones. The charge is enough for one short call, but after a few hits the battery can be thrown away.
  • Sour – you will need lemons, the more the better. Insert a nail into each lemon and connect them together with a copper cord. Connect the ends of the cord to the battery. A kilogram of lemons will charge the battery by 3-4%.
  • Donor - strip the charging contacts and connect them to other battery-powered equipment, for example, a radio - the charge is enough for 2-3 calls.
  • Acupuncture is one of the solutions on how to charge your phone battery without a phone. Make a small hole in the battery case with a nail and throw it into the water. As a result of the chemical reaction, energy will be released, which will be enough for one call.

How do you understand current methods There are a lot of ideas on how to charge your phone without charging. But most of them can only be used in critical situations, when one call is more expensive than the battery. After all, after heating, perforating and beating, you will have to buy new battery. Therefore, do not forget to charge your phone, and if you travel a lot, purchase a mobile device that runs on batteries.

Today, many subscribers are trying to find out the answer to the question of how to charge a phone without charging, since the necessary cable or socket with the required amount of voltage may not always be at hand. One way or another, the portal site offers you to familiarize yourself with detailed methods that will easily help you charge your phone without a charger in a short time. All that is needed from a subscriber or reader of the site, respectively, is a little ability to work with technology and a lively mind. A charger problem can arise at the most inopportune moment, so it is extremely important to understand what exactly can be done to successfully solve the problem in a short time.

What are the charging options? mobile device without a charger at hand:

  1. From the cigarette lighter
  2. Via USB cable,
  3. Using an old charger,
  4. From special AA batteries,
  5. From the socket,
  6. With the help of charging a friend.

What are the important points you need to know?

In general, you can charge your phone without charging even in conditions where there is no laptop, but there is a power source. Below we offer a description of several techniques that will help you take certain steps to achieve your goal ( we're talking about O fully charged on the telephone). It is noteworthy that some steps will seem too complicated, but the technique requires responsibility and ingenuity: soon everything will work as the user needs.

IMPORTANT: Dear visitors of the portal site! You need to understand that charging your phone correctly means following all the steps that are intended to be followed by our website. We are not responsible for possible breakdowns of devices, since in the article we offer introductory points on solving the problem. The relevance of the article is confirmed in the summer of 2014 (July), since today many visitors have already been able to take advantage of the necessary capabilities and ultimately charge the phone.

What to do when, late in the evening at a party, you discover that your mobile phone is left without a charger? – There is no need to worry in such cases, since the portal site publishes detailed methods of action in such a situation.

What methods of charging a mobile device not from a charger are there?

How to charge your phone without charging? – The answer to this question lies in giving a few detailed points that will work great if necessary. It should be remembered that all responsibility for working with equipment lies strictly on the shoulders of the user, so it is necessary to carefully monitor what happens in the process of applying force.

  • The first option is to charge the phone from the cigarette lighter. Any modern car has enough the right system, which is called the cigarette lighter. Perhaps someone doesn’t smoke, so they don’t use this “trick.” However, it is not only intended for lighting cigarettes, since it can also be used to charge a mobile phone. All that is needed in this case is to have a car charger, which you can buy at any nearest branch mobile office. It is worth remembering that the charging time for a mobile phone from such a source is much longer than, for example, from a conventional 220V.
  • The second option is computer. To do this you need to have a laptop or Personal Computer, and you also need a USB cable, which is needed in order to connect your mobile phone to the device. After the connection is established, the mobile phone begins to charge. As you can see, there is no need to use charging when there is a computer nearby.
  • The third option is technical. Here you need to clearly follow the steps so as not to mess things up, but to achieve your goal: charge your mobile device.
  • The fourth option for solving the problem is finger-based. What needs to be done for this? – Today, they are sold in markets and specialized stores. special devices, which can charge the phone from an internal power source - batteries. You just need to plug in the USB connector and start charging from the batteries. When the charge of the “finger” batteries runs out, you can always buy additional new batteries or charge them from the device on the Internet.

What other ways are there?

Today there are several more ways that will help you charge your phone in a short time:

  1. The first thing is to remove the battery and place the contacts of absolutely any wire on it. It is only necessary to observe the order of “plus” and “minus”. Power point – 220V socket.
  2. The second is asking friends or acquaintances to recharge your mobile phone.

The portal website suggests not to forget that any manipulations to tamper with the battery of a mobile phone may be grounds for removal warranty obligation from the client-holder of the mobile device. In the case when it is really necessary to charge your mobile phone as quickly as possible, you should pay attention to the available means that are indicated above: this will solve the problem and maintain the warranty for service in service center companies.

IMPORTANT: When working with charging from the cord of another charger, you need to be careful when laying the wires. The charge can produce an electric shock, so before starting work you need to make sure that your hand or fingers do not touch the contacts.

The battery may fail for a number of reasons. It is possible that there is a leak somewhere in the electrical circuit. But it’s more likely that you simply forgot to turn off the headlights or radio at night. This option is also common: the car was not used for a long time and did not start, it was parked in an unheated room, so the battery lost its charge. There are many ways to “revive” a car, and the most common is to ask for a “light.”

Not all car enthusiasts know how to determine what is the reason for a car’s failure to start. To confidently say that the problem is in the battery, you need to pay attention to the following details. First, when igniting, check your dashboard lights. If they light dimly, this indicates a low charge. Secondly, listen to the sound of the engine. It should be fast, not stringy and slow. very shrunken, characteristic clicks will be heard from under the hood. Some cars are equipped with a voltmeter. The arrow of the device should not be in the red zone when igniting. Also carefully inspect the battery itself. “Sophisticated” models, as a rule, are equipped with their own charge indicator, so the battery itself will let you know when the charge is low.

In this material we will tell you not only how to start a car with a dead battery, but also how to charge a battery without a charger.

How to light a car correctly

If you are worried about the charge and do not want to be immobilized at the most inopportune moment, get special wires in advance to start the engine. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the packaging, or rather, to the characteristics described on it:

  • cross-sectional area of ​​at least 10 sq. mm (thinner wire can simply burn out);
  • minimum current strength of at least 200 amperes (more is better, this will increase the efficiency of current transmission);
  • wire length 1.5-2.5 meters (more short wire it is awkward to attach, the longer one has too high resistance);

It is also important to inspect the wire. The braid should be rubber, because plastic does not tolerate frost well and becomes too hard in the cold. The fastenings of the wires to the terminals must be soldered, otherwise the electric current will not reach the terminals. The clamps should be wide and open well, this will facilitate fastening and increase the contact area.

It is also important to choose the right “donor” car.. Its battery must be in good condition, the electrolyte must not leak, otherwise we will have not one, but two “dead” cars. In no case should a 12-volt battery be converted from a 24-volt battery. The voltage of the dead battery and the “donor” battery must match. True, a 24-volt battery can be powered from two 12-volt batteries connected in series.

Once you find someone willing to help you, ask them to put the car in a suitable position. The wire should be long enough without much tension. When connecting, it is very important to observe the polarity, otherwise you will not only damage the battery, but also the electrical system of the entire car. The positive wire is usually red and the negative wire is black. Experienced drivers recommend the following connection scheme: first you need to turn off the “donor” car. Next, we connect the plus to your car, and then to the donor. Then we connect the minus to the donor, the last one is the minus to your car. When connecting the fourth terminal, a spark is often knocked out, which is quite normal. It is advisable to connect the last terminal to ground - an unpainted metal part that has good contact with body.

In modern cars, access to the battery can be difficult; as a rule, there are special places for “lighting”. When all the terminals are connected, you need to start the “donor” car for 3-5 minutes to recharge the “dead” car. After this period, we start the second car and let it run for another 5 minutes. After this procedure, disconnect the terminals from the “donor” and your car. Let your car run for 20 minutes, as charging occurs faster when the car is running. It is advisable not to turn on the headlights and radio, otherwise the whole procedure will probably have to be repeated again.

The video shows charging a car battery:

Features of various models

In addition to the “lighting up” procedure itself, there are other options for igniting a car with. A car with a manual transmission can be started “from the pusher”. Sit behind the wheel and put the gear in neutral. Turn on the ignition by turning the key. After this, the people helping you should accelerate the car to 15-20 m/h. While driving, engage third gear and release the clutch. As soon as the car starts, you should turn off the gear. The main thing is not to turn off the engine immediately after ignition, because the accumulated charge may not be enough to restart the engine. In addition, instead of physical force, you can use a tow rope, but this option, unfortunately, is absolutely not suitable for an automatic transmission.

There is also another method on how to start a car if the battery is dead. With its help, it may be possible to accumulate a little charge for ignition. Try turning on the high beam headlights for a few seconds. This will provoke “warming up” chemical reactions and collect some charge in the battery. The main thing is not to crank the starter for more than 5 seconds at a time, this will cause a final loss of charge.

Alternative charging methods

If you find yourself in a remote area and have no one to ask for help, do not despair. A regular battery with a capacity of a couple of volts will help you. Any device will do: flashlight, cell phone, laptop, but, of course, the battery must be charged. It is necessary to open the hood and find the wire connecting the battery and the generator so that when you turn the key, you can send a signal to the latter. The approximate location of this wire is a light indicating a problem with the battery. The wire will have to be broken and a battery installed in its place. After this, the car needs to be pushed, preferably downhill. While driving, jump into it and turn the key in the ignition. Once the car starts, you can remove the battery without turning off the car.

In an emergency, also try shaking the battery to distribute fluids evenly. The main thing is, under no circumstances try to illuminate yourself with a lighter when you look inside, because the result can be sad.

If you have enough time, but do not have a charger, you can assemble a simple device of this kind from just a few elements:

  • household incandescent light bulb with a power of up to 200 watts. The higher the power, the faster the recharging will be carried out, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the battery will become completely unusable;
  • semiconductor diode - this component is suitable for conducting electricity in only one direction. It will help transform AC voltage in the network at constant speed to recharge the battery. The diode must be large enough, otherwise it may not withstand the applied load;
  • wires with terminals and a plug for plugging into a socket.

Video on how to charge a battery without a charger:

When setting up the circuit, the light bulb should be lit at full intensity, because the diode cuts off half the amplitude alternating current. If the light does not light, this is a sure indicator that the circuit is not working. It will also not light up if the battery is fully charged, which is unlikely since the voltage at the terminals is high and the current is low. Charging usually takes about 10 hours, do not forget to turn off the power supply after the period expires, it will boil and become unusable.

It would be useful for a car enthusiast to have a device with him to check the battery charge. This extremely useful thing costs around 500 rubles and will help you avoid damage or loss of charge at the most inopportune moment.

If you left your car in a parking lot for six months and then tried to start it, it’s not surprising that it didn’t work. Your car's battery is likely dead, and now you need to charge it without a charger in order to get moving.

What causes such an unpleasant phenomenon as battery discharge? In fact, all reasons can be divided into two groups. The first includes all those associated with excessive power consumption. Imagine that the car radio was on all night or the lights were on. After this, you will definitely have to think about how to charge the battery without a charger.

The second group contains all cases associated with long vehicle downtime. True, there is a small nuance here. Discharge occurs when the room is poorly heated, or you left the car under the window for the winter. In this case, the question of how to charge a car battery without a charger will also be extremely relevant.

Charging without a charger - diagnostics

To charge a car without a charger, you first need to carry out a little diagnostics. It will help you determine that the breakdown lies precisely in a discharged battery, and it needs to be charged in as soon as possible.

Diagnosing a car begins with checking the indicators on the dashboard. A dim light indicates that the battery is almost empty. In this case, you will need to charge it without a charger.

The sound of the engine will also change when the battery is discharged. It will be stringy and slow. If the battery is doing really badly and you need to think about how to charge it without a charger, a characteristic clicking sound will be heard from under the hood.

You are very lucky if dashboard The car has a built-in voltmeter. In this case, all doubts about whether you need to charge the battery without a charger will disappear by themselves.

Important! It wouldn't hurt to inspect the battery itself. Modern models devices have individual indicators. Using them you can always determine whether the battery needs to be charged without a charger.

Charging methods without a charger

Lighting up the car

If you ask any motorist how to charge car battery without a charger, most of them will answer that from another battery. This is an old and reliable method, like the automotive industry itself, that allows you to breathe life into a dead battery.

This method is very good if trouble in the form of a dead battery finds you somewhere along the way, and neither to the garage nor to technical center there is no way to get there. All you need to charge a battery without a charger is a few wires.

Important! The cross-sectional area of ​​one wire should be around 10 mm2.

If you use thinner wires when charging, they will most likely simply burn out, and you will never charge the vehicle’s battery without a charger.

It is best to set the current strength to 200 amperes. More is possible. The increase in power will allow you to achieve greater efficiency. In this case, the length of the wire should not be less than one and a half meters. Moreover, it is better to take it with a reserve. Two and a half meters will be more than enough even for the most difficult situation.

Immediately before charging the battery without a charger, inspect the wire for damage. Only after this start working. Also, do not forget about safety precautions.

Attention! The wire braid can only be rubber. Plastic is not suitable. The fact is that this material does not tolerate severe frosts very well.

Special attention pay attention to the wire fastenings. They must be carefully soldered. It is best that the clamps are wide. Thanks to this, they will be able to open up well. As a result, you can easily secure the wires. In addition, the contact area increases.

The condition of the donor car engine is of great importance. If it is improper, then you will not be able to charge your car without a charger. In order not to waste time and not run the risk of breaking another vehicle— just check if the electrolyte is leaking.

Important! When charging a car without a charger, pay special attention to the type of battery. You cannot light a 12 volt battery from a 24 volt one.

Oddly enough, this dependence does not work in the opposite direction. Therefore, if you are interested in how to charge a 24-volt car battery without a 12-volt charger, the answer is simple. Just like anyone else. True, you will need at least two batteries with this voltage. In this case, they need to be connected in series.

To charge a car without a charger, you first need to find someone who agrees to help you. Then you need to install the second car in a comfortable position and begin the charging process. In this case, the wires should not be too tight.

Important! When connecting, pay attention to the polarity.

If we take the standard markings, then the red color of the wire is a plus. The negative wire is usually the black wire. Before charging a car without a charger, turn off the car that will act as a donor.

Connect the wires. Start with the donor's minus and end with your car's minus. If there was a spark when connecting the last terminal, don’t worry, it’s normal. By the way, it is best to connect it to the ground of the part, which consists of metal and has contact with the body. Ideally, it should be unpainted.

Keep in mind that modern cars have a lot of electronics under the hood. Therefore, getting to the battery can sometimes be difficult. Nevertheless, manufacturers in most cases take into account the possibility similar method charging, leaving special places for lighting.

As soon as you connect all the terminals, start the car acting as a donor for about three minutes. In most cases, this is enough to bring a dead car back to life.

As soon as three minutes have passed, start the second car. Let it run for about five minutes. Only after this can all terminals be disconnected. But don't turn off the engine. It should work for at least another 20 minutes.

Important! While the car is started, refrain from turning on the radio and lights.


Over many years of practice, motorists have come up with many other alternative methods charging the battery. One of the most common, besides lighting a cigarette, is pushing the car.

Attention! This method Applicable only to vehicles equipped with a manual transmission.

The fact is that after the last trip there is still some energy left in the car’s generator. In theory, it should be enough to launch. To implement this method When charging, you can push the car yourself or ask people passing by to help, you can also use a cable.

Usually the battery comes to life almost immediately. To consolidate the result, do not turn off the engine immediately, but rather make several runs along the highway. This will help bring the battery back to normal.


Well, as you can see, charging a battery without a charger is not that difficult. All you need to do is find a few helpers or use your own muscle power.

  • Life often makes its own adjustments to people’s plans, forcing them to look for ways out of sudden difficult situations. It is very uncomfortable for a modern city dweller to be left with a non-working smartphone, especially if they need to make or receive an important call/email soon. And at the most inopportune moment, the gadget turns off, but there is no charger with you or it is faulty. So you have to rack your brains - how to charge your phone battery without a charger? There are actually a lot of ways - from other devices or batteries, and even using the operating principle of a mobile battery. The question is whether it is possible to charge the battery safely for a smartphone and not shorten its life. In fact, it is quite possible - just be careful and attentive.

    Use different batteries

    Using this method you can.

    To do this, you need to perform the following algorithm of actions:

    1. Open the cover and remove the battery from the mobile phone . Models with this feature do not have this option, which means the described method will not work. In most smartphones on Android and Windows, a similar feature is provided by design, but trying to remove back cover from Apple devices it is not worth it, the manufacturer does not provide for this.
    2. Find several AAA, AA or nine-volt batteries . Their internal energy is completely identical to that found in the phone battery, in contrast to the current from the outlet, which is characterized as alternating. Why you shouldn’t try to directly use AA batteries instead of your own battery phone? Because its fine design and settings are very sensitive to the characteristics of the incoming energy, and deviations in them, characteristic of the connected elements, can irreparably damage the device.
    3. Figure out which of the contacts on the found batteries and on the charged element itself are positive and which are negative . If you look closely, you can see icons clearly showing the charge sign. With a telephone battery, it is sometimes difficult to disassemble them; as a rule, the contact with the “plus” sign is located closer to the edge, and the contact with the “minus” sign is further from it. You should pay attention only to the outer protrusions; the central ones serve for other tasks.
    4. Assemble the batteries so that their total voltage is equal to that required for charging . On average for modern phones charger DC should be carried out at a voltage of at least 3.7 V. 9 V batteries are available and can be used. The usual AA or AAA voltage is only 1.5 V, so you will need at least three pieces so that their total voltage is greater than the required value.
    5. Get two pieces of wire, preferably insulated along the entire length except the ends - there should be bare metal there.
    6. Connect the battery and the battery being charged with a wire, secure the connection tape or something else. Then put the structure down and wait while the battery charges. If several batteries are used, they can be connected in parallel to each other. To do this, a metal piece of wire is attached to all the negative terminals of all small batteries on one side, and a second wire is attached to the positive terminals on the other.
    7. Of course, you shouldn’t expect a large charge . The battery will not be fully charged, but the little that is there should be enough to make an urgent call or other important action.


    You need to remove the battery from the phone and Start rubbing the element hard and fast with your palms, creating a lot of heat and friction. This should last for at least thirty seconds, and preferably several minutes. After - input the battery back into the smartphone. The resulting energy is enough for very little time work, so you need to use it as efficiently as possible.

    Some believe that this trick relies on creating static electricity, which slightly charges the battery. This assumption is wrong. In fact, the technique works thanks to the device itself and. Chemical reactions, as a result of which an element accumulates energy, proceed better at higher temperatures. high temperatures, so active friction can be said to become a catalyst for increasing electrical conductivity.

    Using other technology

    To charge in this way you need:

    • to have access to a computer, laptop, tablet and another device powerful enough to charge your phone;
    • this device and the phone have USB connectors ;
    • corresponding adapter Fortunately, there are no problems with adapters, because most phones have standard micro USB.

    The procedure is very simple - connect the phone to the charging equipment using a wire and wait until a certain amount of energy accumulates. It is not even necessary to switch the smartphone into USB connection mode with a computer; the charge will flow in any case. You can also carry with you or ask someone for a special device for powering your mobile phone without charging.

    There is such a thing technical means for charging the phone battery directly, which is called “”. It has special contacts to which the discharged battery is attached, taking into account the polarity. If everything is done correctly, a signal will light up on the “frog”. It will take up to three hours to replenish the entire battery charge, but the advantage is that the charging device will automatically turn off and stop supplying power. The completion of the charging process will be indicated by a lit light.

    Urgently charge your phone using a knife

    This method is a unique variation of the friction trick; it can be used even far from the city. However, it is fraught with troubles with the device, so it should be used only as a last resort.


    1. Remove the battery from the smartphone .
    2. Find or make some kind of large heat source , like a barbecue or at least the flame of a lighter.
    3. Heat the knife blade on this flame.
    4. Place the battery on the hot blade with the contacts facing it .
    5. Wait until the element warms up slightly (not too much!) , and a little charge will appear in it.
    6. Put the battery back .

    Precautionary measures

    • Before removing the battery from your mobile phone, you must turn it off - otherwise some settings may be lost.
    • Never try to charge using any of the above methods. regular batteries, which are not marked “rechargeable” and which are not intended for reuse.
    • Make sure that the incoming charge does not exceed what the battery can hold , it's explosive.

    There are a lot of possibilities on how to charge your phone battery when left without a charger, and if you have knowledge about them and about possible dangers associated with some methods, then the likelihood of ending up somewhere without the ability to get in touch is minimal.

