How Bitcoin ruined me: stories of failed investments. Is Bitcoin on the verge of collapse? Expert answers why Bitcoin is doomed

Good day everyone, I haven’t started writing this publication yet, but I already predict mountains of negativity and tons of dislikes. However, despite this, I will tell you about what Bitcoin is and how to buy it. Why a person needs it and whether it is possible to make money from it, I will not tell you in order to avoid unnecessary negativity. So, I am speaking exclusively about my experience in purchasing a cue ball and do not encourage anyone to buy it, and knowing the audience of IXBT and commentators, I highly do not recommend buying it under any torture, since this is an extremely high-risk investment. I bought bitcoin for about 130 thousand rubles. It was my free money and I wouldn’t have to eat doshiraki. In the short video clip below, I created step-by-step instructions for purchasing Bitcoin with the lowest commission, and I simply talked about my experience, and although I don’t have a lot of it, I have it. Don't forget to subscribe by the way on myYouTube channel, there’s a lot of interesting stuff there besides videos about cryptocurrencies.

By the way, I exchange crypto on the exchange and withdraw to the best debit card with free service, 5% on your account balance with monthly payments and 30% cashback on purchases. You can deposit and withdraw money at any ATM without commission. By ordering a card using the link below, it will be delivered to you absolutely free the next day, and as a bonus you will be given a high-quality wallet with compartments for cards.

I bought Bitcoin during a correction, that is, during its fall after rapid growth. I invested part of the cue ball in ICO projects, and left part for risk distribution. So, now, step by step, what is needed to acquire this digital “evil”. I have identified several methods, each of which I personally used. I’ll start, naturally, with the most profitable one, the video about which you just watched.

PurchaseBitcoin on the exchange

1) Registration in Payeer- this is a wallet where I transferred money through Euroset without commission. Euroset does not charge a commission for transferring funds, but the peer himself still retains a commission of 5% percent of the transferred amount. Another minor nuance is that in one transaction through Euroset you can transfer only 15 thousand rubles to a peer. I transferred 45 thousand rubles, so I received three checks for each transaction separately. For every 15 thousand, a 5% commission was withheld and 14,253 rubles were credited to the account. As a result, from 45 thousand for the transfer the commission was 5%, which equals 2241 rubles from this amount, and 42759 rubles were credited to the account. I would like to note that this is a very small commission, since on the exchange bitcoin is traded cheaper than on other services where you can buy bitcoin, and you also need to deposit money for such services with a commission, which is about 10%.

2) Registration on the YoBit exchange is the most interesting exchange where you can buy Bitcoin cheaply. In order to finally buy Bitcoin directly, you need to go to the balances section and click on “+” opposite the symbol RUR - rubles. Next, I entered the value taking into account the 1% commission for transferring money to the exchange. The commission is again retained by the peer. In my case, it’s not difficult to calculate that the commission amounted to a little more than 400 rubles. Click next and go to the peer, confirm the payment. As a result, 42,359 rubles ended up on the exchange from 45 thousand.

3) Next, we buy Bitcoin for these rubles. To do this, go to the market where the currency pair is traded: BTC – RUR. In a currency pair there are two so-called glasses: buy – sell. When selling rubles, you can enter the amount of interest or buy bitcoin for the entire amount available on your ruble balance. Next, click buy. Sale execution can be viewed in the order tab. If the purchase price of Bitcoin is the market price, then the order will be executed very quickly. If the cost increases, the order may be partially completed or not completed at all. In this case, you need to cancel the order and buy an additional cue ball at the current price, repeating the steps described earlier.

4) Now the cue ball can be distributed among various projects, wallets, or left on the exchange. One of the nuances when withdrawing a cue ball from the exchange is everyone’s “favorite” commission. It is fixed and calculated in Bitcoin satoshis. However, the commission is covered by the growth of Bitcoin.

5) While I was editing the video and writing the publication, a 3% commission appeared for depositing funds on Yobit with Payeer, and the total commission will be 9%. However, this is still the most profitable way to buy a cue ball. But through Qiwi, the commission for input is now 6%, plus, minus% is taken by the wallet itself, so this method is also suitable.

PurchaseBitCoin via cryptocurrency wallet

Cryptonator wallet- I used this method before, and it was quite effective, until the commission for depositing money into the ruble account of this wallet began to amount to a blasphemous 9.9%, previously it was 5.9 - 6.9%. At the same time, the cost of a cue ball on this wallet is also higher than on the exchange, and in principle higher than the market one. I also recorded a video about this wallet and showed how to buy cryptocurrency on it, when the commission for depositing funds was still the same, you can watch it if anyone is interested.

The advantage of this wallet is the low fixed transfer fee. It should also be noted that this is a multi-currency wallet and you can store various types of cryptocurrencies on it.

PurchaseBitcoin viaLocalBitcoins

LocalBitcoins– this is one of the most profitable ways to buy Bitcoin directly, as they say, from your hands. This method can even compete with buying a cue ball on the exchange, since as interest increases, it becomes more profitable to buy a cue ball at an inflated price, without losing money on commissions for inputs, mills, and the like. This is one of the first methods I used when buying a cue ball.

PurchaseBitcoin viaTelegram Bot

Telegram Bot– also allows you to buy cryptocurrency, as if from other Bitcoin owners. The undoubted advantage of this method is the ability to buy Bitcoin directly without any problems, using almost any card and payment system or electronic money. The obvious drawback is the inflated amount for Bitcoin, in which, in order to break even, you will have to wait a very long time for the Bitcoin rate to rise.

To summarize, from 2009 to the present day, Bitcoin has grown from a few cents to $17,000. Many have already made fortunes from this. Optimists predict the growth of Bitcoin at the beginning of 2018 to 25-40 thousand dollars. And by the end of the year up to 100 thousand. Skeptics say that this pyramid will soon collapse, and all investors will be left with nothing.

Finally, I will say that Bitcoin is not prohibited in the Russian Federation, and the story is similar with altcons. However, legislative regulation of cryptocurrencies is still planned. It is expected that the legislative system will incorporate such definitional norms as “cryptocurrency”, “blockchain”, “mining”, “ICO” and others. At the beginning of October 2017, an initiative group was created consisting of Russian experts in blockchain and cryptocurrencies. This group has already made its proposals for the regulation of cryptocurrencies in the form of a draft Federal Law “On the Regulation of Decentralized Virtual Property.”

I hope you liked this publication and you spent your time reading it not in vain. It is also available on my YouTube channel playlist for making money on cryptocurrency, there I talk about my experience in this interesting field. Well, don’t forget about text publications. Bye.

“I think with bitterness how much richer I would have been if I had had the courage earlier,” journalist and columnist James Delingpole began his article on, talking about buying his first cryptocurrency.

Every time I write about Bitcoin, my readers take the article as a signal to take decisive action. The last time I did this was in 2014, Bitcoin was trading at $935. If you were inspired by my words and invested your capital in BTC, you would double your savings in just a few months.

However, at the time you were probably thinking, “What the hell? Everyone understands that this cryptocurrency has no future!” However, all investments pay off over time, right? If you had suffered Bitcoin's slight decline in 2015, you would be a millionaire by now. I won’t even try to name the current Bitcoin rate, because while you are reading my article, it may soar even higher, or, on the contrary, it may continue its correction and again lose 25% in a day. Obviously, if you want to get rich or lose your money, then the volatile and exciting cryptocurrency market is just what you need.

The author of the book “Bitcoin is the Future of Money” Dominic Frisby once said that Bitcoin is the greatest money making opportunity that any of us has ever seen. Considering that this statement was published by him back in 2014, you can imagine that he woke up rich one day. However, an attack was made on his online wallet, after which poor Frisby decided that it was best to invest in gold.

But my stepson moved to Hong Kong 5 years ago and was among those who intended to join this “cryptocurrency fever.” One of his comrades bought his own club using Bitcoin, and then he asked the question “Why didn’t I buy Bitcoin then?”

And really, why? In hindsight, it is easy to see why BTC is the best investment opportunity. Even I knew this and that's why I bought some Bitcoins. Not as many as we would like - less than ten. And here’s an interesting thing: the investor’s psychology is such that I am not at all happy with the tens of thousands that I earned. I think about how rich I would be if I had the courage to buy more Bitcoins.

I feel like Samuel Pepys, who sold his shares in the South Sea Company and then watched those who kept them get richer. However, we know that this story did not end very well. But will the same thing happen with cryptocurrencies? Nobody knows, not even experts like Frisbee.

Some serious market players think that Bitcoin Cash is the future, others have invested in Etherium, and others even believe that Etherium will end where it began. And there is JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, who is convinced that Bitcoin is a bubble and a scam, and the people who buy it are stupid.

But I believe that Dimon’s statement is wrong, since cryptocurrencies are just beginning to develop and become part of the financial mainstream. I recently spoke with old-school trader John Cruz, who specifically came out of retirement because he believes he simply cannot miss his chance with cryptocurrencies. He is about to launch a company called Ankorus, which he says is the first to allow people to trade cryptocurrencies like traditional financial assets.

Cruz says: “No one will admit it, but we have been in a depression for the last ten years. Of course, stock markets rose, but only because of market manipulation, and hardly anyone on Main Street benefited from it. Governments just don't know how to get out of this mess, and cryptocurrencies could be the answer to all the ills." Yes, Cruz is aware that cryptocurrencies are a highly speculative instrument, but they have captured the minds of many on Main Street and also made ordinary people rich, encouraging them to actively participate in the world of finance. Cruz noted that the growth could reach the moon without anyone getting hurt.

Now that the Bitcoin price exceeds $15,000, many people are thinking: why didn’t I buy/start mining Bitcoin earlier?

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, in the novel “War and Peace”, has the following thought: The more time passes from the moment of some event, the more you understand that it could not have happened any other way.

A simple example.
So you choose your wife or husband. And you think: the whole choice is in your hands and all the handsome men are at your feet. And once you decide, you will walk down the aisle with your chosen one. And a month later you think: how did I manage to get married?

And then 1-30 years pass, and you understand: with your character, you couldn’t find someone else other than this very person.

Same with Bitcoin. The more time passes since the publication of my philosophical article, the more I understand that it could not have been otherwise.

The total popularity and demand of the Internet could not lead to the fact that the Internet will cease to be a faceless medium through which it is convenient to conduct transactions, search for information or messages.

Sooner or later there had to be a currency that was “Internet” in nature. Which was born on the Internet and lives on the Internet. Which does not need to prove its significance for someone to want to exchange “real” banknotes for “virtual” ones.

The next metamorphosis is now taking place. People are tired of unsecured petrodollars and want to invest money in something real. And, as comical as it may seem, the most real currency at the moment is Bitcoin.

There's a correction here though. The dollar still has a solid foundation. But this is not gold, but the political and military power of America. The status of a megapower gives them the right to print the coveted green pieces of paper.

What we have at the moment:

  1. Internet currency was bound to appear sooner or later. This is an unavoidable fact.
  2. Now the trend is towards Internet currency, and many financiers and ordinary Internet users have joined this trend.
  3. If you haven't bought Bitcoin yet, then most likely you missed the chance to increase your wealth. Because It is unlikely that Bitcoin will increase its value by 3-1500 times.

Nothing bad happened, life goes on. Why I think so, I wrote below.

How to survive the loss of the chance to become rich, happy, forever young, or why I didn’t buy Bitcoin earlier.

1. Fast money does not bring happiness

Money that quickly falls on your head does not bring happiness in 99% of cases. 99% of people who won money in the lottery wasted their money. And their life even got worse. It is very difficult to return to normal life and receive a regular salary after you have been on a grand scale.

Money is not just that. Money is opportunities (if you have the brains to see these opportunities).

But! You cannot give a person with a weak brain and weak character a lot of money. It's like giving super powers to a two year old. He will harm himself and those around him. You need to grow into money. Money is not luck, it is the result of your personal development, the result of upgrading your professional skills and the ability to build relationships with others.

If you develop, be good at what you do, and know how to get along with people, the money will come.

2. Invest in yourself

Anyone can invest in some trend that the entire Internet is buzzing about. Not everyone can invest money in themselves or in business.

Create your own business, your own business and invest in yourself. Investing money in virtual assets is too primitive.

Let's say you buy 5 Bitcoin coins for $15,000. Then sell them for $45,000 and you will earn $150,000.

Of course, you will assume that in this case you would not have spent it in vain, but would have invested it in real estate or your business. Yeah of course. If you haven’t started doing this yet, then it’s unlikely that you will start doing it once you have money. You remain the same, you just have a little more money.

In summary, it’s better to invest money in yourself, in the development of skills, relationships and your business.

3. Real values ​​are not money.

If you have time, watch the following cartoon or Google “DuckTales, Tra-la-la Land.”

DuckTales is a cartoon from my childhood. This series is about how in the so-called country “Tra-la-la” they came up with a currency - caps, and how because of this everyone began to go crazy about these caps.

True values ​​are not really material. True values: peace, friendship, love, relationships, family, clear conscience, health.

Of course, those who believe in the following thing will not agree with this: we only live once, we need to take everything from life.

However, even if you are a purely materialist, you still want people next to you for whom such concepts as love, kindness and morality mean something (the wife did not go out, the children did not cheat, the partners did not cheat etc.). Everyone wants to be surrounded by goodness. But they themselves invest: effort, time and money in something that brings material benefit.

It’s clear that we can’t escape material wealth and its achievement.

He (Jesus) said to them: “See, beware of greed.” No matter how rich a person is, his life doesn't depend on it.
(Luke 12:15) Bible, modern translation.

At the same time he said to them: take heed, beware of covetousness*, for a person's life does not depend on the abundance of his possessions.
(Luke 12:15) Bible, Russian Synodal translation.

Do you get the idea? 😉

4. Loving money is bad and dangerous

The root of all evil is the love of money.
1 Timothy 6:10 Bible, modern translation.

Good luck to everyone.

This one turned out to be more biblical than usual. If he pushes you to serious thoughts, I will be glad).

* Covetousness (love of acquisition) is excessive concern for wealth and the acquisition of earthly goods. Covetousness is a concern for earthly goods beyond what is necessary for life, when a person cares more about himself, neglecting the love of God and neighbor.

**Love of money is one of the main passions; it is the love of money, property, wealth, and enrichment.

The cryptocurrency market is literally experiencing an apocalypse. The price of Bitcoin, as well as altcoins, is rapidly falling and is in an unstable state.

The cost of Bitcoin at the time of writing is $4,491, according to the data. The first cryptocurrency is rapidly falling in price, dragging the rest of the crypto market with it. Investors, saving their portfolios, are getting rid of digital assets, aggravating the situation on the market.

Top 5 cryptocurrencies. Source: Top 100 Cryptocurrencies

Is this really the end of Bitcoin and the entire crypto market? What to do in this situation: sell or buy? What to expect next? To answer these questions, Coinlife turned to an expert.

Trader at United Traders, Grigory Polezhaev, believes that it is too early to buy cryptocurrency and Bitcoin in particular, because the decline that we are seeing now is far from the limit. The expert predicts that it will continue, although not at such a rapid pace. The collapse is caused by the funds wanting to suppress smaller market participants so they can then benefit. After the Bitcoin ETF is launched, the crypto market will steadily go up, which will bring profit to large players.

Answering the question whether it is worth staying in the market or is it time to leave it, the expert noted that it all depends on the investor’s goals. If the plan was to make short-term speculation for the sake of quick profit, then he is clearly overstaying his time, remaining in the market. But if the investment was made for the purpose of long-term profit, then the investor should take a wait-and-see approach. It is worth remembering that the crowd no longer controls Bitcoin, it is the investors who control it.

Trader at United Traders, Grigory Polezhaev

“The drop we are seeing now is quite expected. If the rate immediately rose from 8 to 10 thousand, then the funds would quickly “pour” money into the crowd. In order for Bitcoin to start growing, institutional money is needed. The crowd can no longer lead Bitcoin. In addition, it needs government regulation to ensure constant growth. Without this, stability should not be expected,” the expert says.

Grigory Polezhaev predicts the next installation of a stable minimum price for Bitcoin, which will again be followed by a slow fall, and then a global installation of the final price. It is after Bitcoin has been at this level for some time that it will begin to grow steadily.

Answering the question about what minimum the market should expect, Polezhaev reports that “it will definitely go below $4,800.” The expert does not rule out up to $3,000 or even lower. He explains this dismal forecast by saying that institutional investors want smaller traders to sell their assets and “get out of the game.” This requires setting a grueling minimum price. This trend may continue for 2-3 months, depending on the amount of funds market players have.

The main thing, as the trader notes, is to assess and accept risks, and also to understand what to do if the situation gets out of control and follows an unexpected scenario.

How Bitcoin ruined me: stories of failed investments

Thanks to cryptocurrency, a huge number of millionaires have appeared both in Russia and in the world in just a few months. Many of them became such involuntarily: they bought Bitcoin in 2012, happily forgot, and sold it in 2017 for 18 thousand dollars. Others painstakingly studied the cryptocurrency market, played at the races, experimented - and eventually earned impressive capital. The Internet is full of success stories, as well as manuals for buying and mining cryptocurrencies.

But there are those who went broke in this business, made a bad investment - and for some reason few people want to talk about such an experience. Kemerovo Newspaper found such crypto investors and talked to them about how Bitcoin ruined them and why they will now bypass crypto a kilometer away.

Anton Rudenko, 28 years old, system administrator

I heard about bitcoins a long time ago, when they cost several dollars apiece. I remember reading the news about how a guy was able to pay for pizza with a few bitcoins and was incredibly happy. I didn’t really know what cryptocurrency was, and I thought that it would be difficult to find a use for it in Russia, and “playing Forex” was not my thing. Then I didn’t even think about buying at least a couple of cue balls.

The next time I came across them was in 2013, when the rate jumped to a thousand dollars. At that moment, for the first time, I regretted that I had not invested several years ago, but the rate quickly collapsed, and the hype happily subsided.

A year later, in 2014, I finally decided to invest in cryptocurrency. Well, how to invest - in the fall I bought almost four bitcoins worth a thousand dollars. And just a few days later the rate began to grow rapidly, I sold my four bitcoins at the peak, and earned about 200 bucks on the difference.

Such easy income, of course, inspired me. I waited until the rate dropped again, this time to $300 apiece, in my opinion, and bought almost $3,000. True, instead of growing, the value of Bitcoin fell even more, but not by much. I decided to wait. A month later, the rate did not even think of growing, the cue ball continued to fall, but I found myself in the red by more than half of the invested amount.

Instead of calming down, I decided that this was a good time to buy bitcoins again at such a low price and wait further. Which is what I did. As a result, my investment amount grew to approximately $6,000.

The rate continued to fall: this happened in early January 2015. At that time, I invested all my available funds in crypto and prayed for a New Year’s miracle, but it did not happen. The price of Bitcoin fell, in my opinion, to $120. I waited about a month, but the rate remained approximately at the same level. When it reached $170, I couldn’t stand it and sold everything. As a result, out of six thousand, I was able to return only about two.

Of course, now it seems to me that I could simply “forget” about those bitcoins that I had and wait a few years: now I would become a millionaire. Although at that time the situation looked critical, and I thought that if I didn’t withdraw at least part of the investment, I would lose everything. Unfortunately, I was wrong.

Sergey K., 29 years old, manager

In 2009, my friend urgently needed cash. He offered me to exchange 15 thousand rubles for 400 bitcoins. At that time, Bitcoin was worth about a dollar, so the exchange was roughly equivalent. I was somewhat confused by the proposal due to the fact that I did not believe in the value of cryptocurrencies. In addition, at that time it was impossible to cash out bitcoins in Russia, which was another huge disadvantage of this strange deal.

It’s scary to imagine how much these 400 bitcoins would have cost a few months ago. So I missed my chance to become a millionaire. And if you believe the expression “if you save, you earn,” then I, without a Bitcoin wallet, lost more than a hundred million rubles. And it hurts not so much to count your losses as to think about what you could do with this money: buy an apartment, a car and travel around the world.

Evgeniy R., 31 years old, sales consultant

I have always been surprised by people who make money on cryptocurrency. I didn’t understand how this was done, and I didn’t have much desire to figure it out, so I took the simple route and invested in cloud mining. Invested about three thousand dollars in a top project.

Almost immediately, Bitcoin began to grow exponentially, I was happy that I would instantly make a profit of several hundred percent, but I was wrong. Due to the growth of the cue ball, the capacity increased, so the company updated the equipment. But the capacities I purchased became irrelevant, and I lost my money.

Oleg Kuzmin, cryptocurrency expert

You need to understand that the cryptocurrency market is, in principle, a market of high incomes, and, therefore, high risks. If there is no proper diversification in the market, then the risk increases several times. Although people in general suffer from financial literacy, so if the market falls, they start to panic, they sell their assets and go into the red

This is an activity for the patient: until you sell the cryptocurrency, you are not at a loss and still remain an investor. If you can wait, you should wait. Because with a high probability the price will rise back, it’s a matter of time: a month may pass before this moment, or maybe a year. Unfortunately, many people want to make a profit “here and now”, which is why they are left with nothing.