How to change the resolution on your computer. How to change screen resolution in Windows? What is native resolution

Changing the resolution of your computer monitor can make documents and text easier to read. This is especially useful for large, image-rich documents. You also have the option to make items smaller if you want to see more data at once. Required indicators can be changed using standard PC controls.

How to change resolution on systems running Windows 8

Make a click right click on the desktop and in the context menu, select “Screen resolution”. Depending on the indicators, move the slider to select the desired resolution. The higher the resolution, the more items and text will appear. Select Apply. Your screen readings will now be new.

How to change resolution in Windows 7

By right-clicking on the desktop in the context menu, select the item suitable for our task. Open the menu to the right of Resolution and move the pointer up or down to select the metrics you want. The lower the resolution, the more objects and text will appear; The higher the resolution, the fewer elements and the text will appear on the screen. Save the changes.

How to change resolution in Windows Vista

From the Start menu, go to Control Panel. Here, find and open the window “ Appearance and personalization”, then click “Personalization”. In Settings, move the pointer left or right to select your desired screen resolution. Save the changes and work in the updated interface.

How to change resolution in Windows XP

Go to the Start menu and open the Computer Control Panel. Click "Switch to classic look» in the left control panel. You must have Classic View enabled to change the screen resolution. Click Display, then go to the Settings tab for the Screen Resolution window. Move the slider left or right to select your desired resolution.

How to change resolution in Mac OS X

Open apple menu and indicate " System Settings" The corresponding window will open and display on the screen. Click Displays, then select the Display tab. Click "Scaled" then select your desired resolution from the options provided. If you're using a connected display, press and hold the Option key, then press Scaled to change the resolution for the second display.

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Video: How to change screen resolution

Today we will learn how to change the screen resolution in Windows 10 in several ways and look at the problems associated with this. These include: inability to change resolution, small or too large font after changing it, blurring of fonts, etc. Finally, it is suggested to watch a video that shows how to change the resolution using operating system.

Resolution is the number of dots (pixels) that determine the size of the image on the screen of any display. The first number indicates the width of the image, and the second number indicates its height.

So that the image does not look too large, or, conversely, small, this parameter should be set to a resolution equal to the physical one (the number of elements of the display matrix that form the image). This information is indicated in the monitor manual, on the display box, and is often displayed on the screen when incorrect settings the last one.

The method that operating system developers propose to use and change the display resolution in Windows 10 is the simplest. This is the operation of the new system settings window.

1. Press Win→I to open the “Options” window.

2. Go to the “Devices” section.

3. On the “Screen” tab, go to “Advanced settings”.

The three previous items can be replaced by calling the Desktop context menu and selecting “Display Settings”.

If there are several information output devices, you must select the one you need in the window.

4. In the list, select the option marked “Recommended” (this is the native, physical resolution of your display) and press “Enter” or “Apply”.

After this, you should evaluate the image quality and, if something happens, the settings can be restored within 15 seconds with a single click. It is not recommended to do this when choosing the native resolution value; in just a couple of minutes the eyes will get used to the new parameters and the picture will not seem unusual, low-quality, too small, etc.

The same thing, but through the Control Panel

In Windows 10, this parameter is changed in the usual way from the “seven”. This is done in the Control Panel.

1. Call it via Win→X.

2. Set up a way to visualize elements in the form of icons.

Or simply find the “Screen” icon through the search bar in the top right corner.

3. Click on this icon.

5. Select a display if there are several of them.

6. Specify the value for each of them.

7. Click “Apply” to write new parameters to Windows registry 10.

Changing the resolution through the video card settings program

You can change the display resolution using a program that is installed along with the driver for the video adapter.

Let's look at how this is done using AMD as an example.

1. Call the “Set up Radeon” command via context menu Desktop.

2. Click “Settings”, then “Advanced settings”.

3. We accept the terms and conditions license agreement.

4. Add a custom permission by clicking “Create”.

5. Specify any values ​​manually and click “Check” to test the new resolution.

What’s interesting is that in this way you can achieve any resolution in both planes, even non-standard.

WITH nVidia video cards the same thing is done through the panel NVIDIA management, which is called through the desktop context menu.

Possible resolution issues in Windows 10

“Ten” automatically selects the physical resolution of the display and supports high values ​​for this parameter, including 4K and 8K. But in certain cases, this function may not work and the list of supported values ​​may not include the “native” one for the display. Then click “Properties” graphics adapter» at the bottom of the window additional parameters screen.

Then click “List of all modes”. In the dialog that appears with a list available settings choose the desired option and click “OK” until all windows are closed if the selected value is satisfactory.

Additionally, you should visit the device support site to see if it has any new version software for controlling the operation of the graphics adapter (you can also check the update through the control panel of the video card).

You may need a new driver to integrate into the system. complete removal old version BY. In this case, you should use the DDU utility, which also supports Intel video cards.

Visit your display's (developer) support resource for availability. fresh driver for him. Windows 10 does not always cope with the task of updating monitor drivers through Update Center.

Problems often arise when using cheap Chinese cables for connecting a video card and monitor or adapters. Try to get rid of them or change the connection interface if possible.

Image quality background picture may be low due to the low resolution of the background picture, it should be replaced with a larger one and check the result.

It's no secret that for different monitors The optimal value is a different screen resolution, which indicates the number of dots on the display. The higher this value, the more high quality image. But, unfortunately, not all monitors are able to correctly support work with high resolution. In addition, some users deliberately downgrade it in order to beautiful graphics get better computer performance. It is also necessary to change this parameter to perform a number of specific tasks. Let's figure out how to set it up different ways permission on Windows 7.

All available methods Changes to this screen setting on Windows 7 can be divided into three groups:

  • Use of third party software;
  • Using video card software;
  • Using built-in operating system tools.

At the same time, even when using methods with built-in OS tools, you can use different variants actions. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Method 1: Screen Resolution Manager

First of all, let's consider the use of third-party programs to solve the problem posed in this article using the example Screen apps Resolution Manager.

  1. After downloaded installation file Screen Resolution Manager, the program should be installed. To do this, run the installer. A welcome window will open. Click on it "Next".
  2. Next, the license agreement window will open. Here you should accept it by setting the switch to the position "I accept the agreement". Then press "Next".
  3. Next, a window opens indicating the location executable file installed program. If there are no special reasons, this directory no need to change, so just click "Next".
  4. In the next window you can change the name of the program icon in the menu "Start". But, again, there is no point in doing this without special reasons. Click "Next".
  5. After this, a window opens where all the data you previously entered is summarized. If you want to change something, then click "Back" and do the editing. If you are completely satisfied with everything, then you can proceed to the program installation procedure, for which you just need to click "Install".
  6. The installation procedure for Screen Resolution Manager is in progress.
  7. After completing this process, a window opens indicating that the installation was successful. All you have to do is press a button "Finish".
  8. As you can see, this program does not have the ability to automatic start after installation. Therefore, you will have to launch it manually. There will be no shortcut on your desktop, so follow these recommendations. Click the button "Start" and choose "All programs".
  9. In the list of programs, look for the folder "Screen Resolution Manager". Come into it. Next click on the name "Configure Screen Resolution Manager".
  10. Then a window opens in which you need to either proceed to entering the license code by clicking on "Unlock", or use free version for seven days by pressing "Try".
  11. A program window opens where you can directly adjust the screen resolution. For our purpose we will need a block "Screen settings". Check the box next to the item "Apply selected screen resolution when I log on". Make sure that in the field "Screen" was the name of the one involved in this moment video card on your computer. If this is not the case, then select from the list the right option. If your video card is not displayed in the list, then click on the button "Identify" to carry out the identification procedure. Next, drag the slider "Resolution" left or right, select the screen resolution that you think is necessary. If desired, in the field "Frequency" You can also change the screen refresh rate. To apply the settings, click "OK".
  12. Then restart your computer. If you are using trial version program, then after the reboot the Screen Resolution Manager start window will open again. Click the button "Try" and the screen will be set to the resolution you previously selected.
  13. Now, next time you want to change the resolution from using Screen Resolution Manager, this will be much easier. The program is registered in autorun and constantly runs in the tray. To make adjustments, just go to the tray and right-click ( RMB) by its icon in the form of a monitor. A list of monitor resolution options opens. If the option you want is missing, move your cursor over the item "More...". Will open additional list. Click on the desired item. The screen settings will immediately change, and this time you won’t even have to restart the computer.

The main disadvantages this method is that the free period of use of the Screen Resolution Manager program is limited to only a week. In addition, this application is not Russified.

Method 2: PowerStrip

Another third-party program that can help solve this problem is PowerStrip. It is much more powerful than the previous one and specializes mainly in overclocking the video card and changing all its various parameters, but it also allows you to solve the problem posed in this article.

  1. The Power Strip installation has a number of features, so it makes sense to dwell on it in more detail. After you have downloaded and launched the installation file, a window for accepting the license agreement immediately opens. In order to accept it, check the box next to the item "I agree with the above terms and conditions". Then click "Next".
  2. After this, a list of operating systems and video cards supported by the program opens. It is recommended to check in advance whether the name of your OS and video card is in the list, so as not to install the utility in vain. It must be said right away that PowerStrip supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows version 7. So the owner of this OS can only check the presence of the video card in the list. If you find the required parameters, then click "Next".
  3. Then a window opens in which the program installation directory is indicated. By default this is the folder "PowerStrip" in the general program directory on disk C. It is not recommended to change this parameter unless there is a specific reason for doing so. Click "Start" to start the installation procedure.
  4. The installation procedure is in progress. This will then open a window asking if you would like more correct operation some programs to add to the Windows registry additional entries. To do this, click "Yes".
  5. Then a window opens in which you can adjust the display of utility icons in the menu "Start" and on "Desktop". This can be done by checking or unchecking the boxes next to the items "Create a PowerStrip program group in the Start menu" for menu "Start"(enabled by default) and "Place a shortcut to PowerStrip on the desktop" For "Desktop"(disabled by default). After specifying these settings, click "OK".
  6. After this, you will be prompted to restart the computer to complete the installation of the program. First save all open but not saved documents and close running programs. Then, to activate the system restart procedure, click "Yes" in the dialog box.
  7. After restarting the PC, the utility will be installed. It is registered in autorun in system registry, so that when the system boots, it will automatically start working in background. For our purposes, click on its tray icon RMB. In the list that opens, hover over the item "Display Profiles". IN additional list click on "Tune…".
  8. A window opens "Display Profiles". We will be interested in the settings block "Permission". By dragging the slider in this block to the left or right, set the desired value. In this case, the value in pixels will be displayed in the field below. In the same way, by moving the slider in the block "Regeneration frequency" You can change the screen refresh rate. The corresponding value in Hertz is displayed to the right of the slider. After all settings are completed, click "Apply" And "OK".
  9. After this, the display parameters will be changed to the specified ones.

Method 3: Using graphics card software

The screen parameter we are studying can also be changed using the video card manufacturer's software, which is installed with it and serves to control it. In the vast majority of cases, programs of this type are installed on the computer along with video card drivers. Let's see how to change screen settings in Windows 7 using software designed to control an NVIDIA video card.

IN "NVIDIA Control Panels" there are very interesting feature, which allows you to set the resolution even if it is not supported in standard settings monitor.

Attention! When performing the following actions, you need to understand that you are performing the procedure at your own peril and risk. It is even possible that the actions described below may harm the monitor.

  1. In our case maximum resolution monitor is 1600×900. Standard methods It will not be possible to set a larger value. We will try with the help "NVIDIA Control Panels" set the indicator to 1920x1080. To go to change parameters, click on the button "Settings...".
  2. A window opens that presents a number of additional parameters that we did not see in the main window. Their number can be increased by checking the box, which is unchecked by default, opposite the item "Show 8-bit and 16-bit resolution". In order to add selected combinations to the main window, just check the boxes next to them and click "OK".

    After the values ​​are displayed in the main window, to apply them you need to perform the same procedure that was already discussed above.

    But, as is easy to notice, in this additional window The parameters are set to a rather low quality. They are not displayed in the main window simply because they are rarely used. Developers simply want to avoid cluttering the main window "NVIDIA Control Panels" rarely applicable low quality parameters. We have the opposite task - to create a resolution higher than in standard settings. To do this, click “Create a custom permission...”.

  3. The creation window opens custom settings. Here you need to act very carefully, as it was already mentioned above, incorrect actions in this section can lead to disastrous consequences for the monitor and for the system. Let's go to the settings block "Display mode (as reported by Windows)". The fields of this block display the current vertical and horizontal screen resolution in pixels, as well as the refresh rate in Hertz. Enter the values ​​you need into these fields. In our case, since the parameter should be set to 1920×1080, in the field "Horizontal Pixels" enter the value "1920", and in the field "Vertical lines""1080". Now press "Test".
  4. If the specified values ​​do not exceed technical capabilities monitor, a dialog box will appear indicating that the test was successful. In order to save the parameters, you must press in this window before the timer ends. "Yes".
  5. You return to the parameter modification window. In the list in the group "Custom" The parameter we created is displayed. To enable it, check the box next to it and click "OK".
  6. Automatically return to the main window "NVIDIA Control Panels". As you can see, the created parameter is also displayed here in the group "Custom". To enable it, highlight the value and then click "Apply".
  7. A dialog box will then appear in which you must confirm the configuration change before the timer expires by clicking the button "Yes".

All of the above applies to computers and laptops with a discrete adapter from NVIDIA. Owners of AMD video cards can perform similar manipulations using one of the “native” programs - (for modern graphic cards) or (for older models).

Method 4: Using built-in system tools

But you can also solve the problem using only the built-in tools of the system. Moreover, for most users their functionality is quite enough.

  1. Click "Start". Next, select "Control Panel".
  2. Then click "Design and personalization".
  3. In a new window in the block "Screen" select option "Setting Screen Resolution".

    There is another option to get into the window we need. To do this, click RMB By "Desktop". Select from the list "Screen resolution".

  4. When using any of the described algorithms, the standard tool changing the screen parameter we are studying. In field "Permission" the current value is indicated. To change it, click on this field.
  5. A list of options with a slider opens. To increase the quality of the displayed material, drag the slider up, to decrease it, drag it down. At the same time, the value of the slider position in pixels will be displayed in the field. After the slider is set opposite desired value, click on it.
  6. The selected value will appear in the field. To apply it, click "Apply" And "OK".
  7. The screen will go dark for a moment. After this, the selected settings will be applied. In the window that appears, click on the button "Save changes" until the timer countdown ends, otherwise the screen settings will roll back to their previous values.

You can change the screen resolution by using third party programs or software that comes with the video card, or using the built-in tools of the operating system. Moreover, in most cases, the capabilities that the OS provides are quite sufficient to satisfy the needs of most users. It makes sense to turn to third-party software or video card settings only when you need to set a resolution that does not fit into the standard range, or apply parameters that are not in the basic settings.

Typically, the operating system itself determines the resolution for a particular monitor model. However, the automatically selected parameters do not always suit the user. For example, on a 21-inch monitor I couldn’t get used to the small icons for a long time, so at first I independently changed the resolution to a slightly lower one, which suited me. Today I will tell and show how to do this correctly using the Windows 7 operating system as an example.

There are three ways to solve this issue, but not everyone can use one of them. I'm talking about changing parameters using a proprietary utility, which can be installed along with the drivers. However, many users simply refuse to install it, so this method is not relevant for them.

Method one

For example, let's take Ati video card Radeon, with which a proprietary utility is installed Catalyst Control Center, through which you can change various parameters. We launch the program (usually it is located in the tray), select the “Desktop Management” section, the “Desktop Properties” subsection. Here you will see the current desktop settings, including the screen resolution, which you can change to the one you need.

Second way

The next option is even simpler compared to the first. We go to the desktop, click on the right mouse button, after which a menu appears, in it select the “Screen resolution” item.

A window will open.

Here we “play” with the screen resolution - select and click OK.

Third way

Finally, the same thing can be done through the control panel.

Click the “Start” button and find the “Control Panel” item. Here we select the “Screen” section.

A window will open with the ability to enlarge icons on the desktop. On the left side of the screen there is an item “Setting screen resolution”, by clicking on which you can change the resolution.

As you can see, this process very easy and simple even for a beginner. But what you shouldn’t do is change the refresh rate - it is optimal for the monitor, and if you set it to a mode that it does not support, the device may fail. Fortunately, this rarely happens in practice and concerns mainly CRT monitors, which are currently almost out of circulation.

I will describe the same procedure for Windows XP!

First click right click By free space desktop, then select “Properties” and click on it left button.

In the window that appears with the title “ Screen» click left button select the tab " Options«.

Well, then grab the slider in the frame with the heading “ Screen resolution"and drag it to the value you need.

Don't forget to apply the changes using the " OK«!

If the picture on the screen completely disappears or becomes somehow “scary” - do not panic and do not touch anything! The system, after waiting 15 seconds and not waiting for confirmation from you, will return everything as it was.

By the way, if the picture on the screen “flickers” unpleasantly, then do this:

Click on work again. right-click on the table, select " Properties", bookmark " Options«.

Basically, as in this instruction, but at the end, do not touch the resolution change slider, but press the “ Additionally«: the "Advanced" button

and in the window that appears with the heading “ Properties: monitor» select bookmark « Monitor" and click on the drop-down menu with the heading " Screen refresh rate» and select the one there great importance.

All. Don't forget to press the traditional " OK" and confirm your choice by clicking the " " button in the confirmation window!