How to change a landscape sheet to a portrait sheet. How to make pages in landscape orientation in Word

Quite often in my work I have had to deal with a seemingly simple question. How to create a document in Microsoft Word rotate one of the pages horizontally, i.e. how to make one page of a document landscape? However, the remaining pages should remain in portrait orientation.

Usually, colleagues created a second document separately, made one landscape page in it, and after printing they inserted this page into the main document. But this is not very convenient.

In this article I will tell you how to make one page in Word landscape without leaving the document and without making unnecessary manipulations.

Let's say we create new document. Our first page should be portrait (vertical), the second should be landscape (horizontal), and the third and subsequent pages should be portrait again.

1. Opening a new one Microsoft document Word. The cursor must be on the first page. In the top toolbar, select the tab "Page Layout" - "Breaks" - "Next Page"

2. A new page will appear in vertical orientation with a blinking cursor in the first line. Let's go to the point "Page Layout" - "Orientation" - "Landscape". Our second page has become landscape.

3. It remains to make the third and subsequent pages of vertical orientation. We already know the algorithm of actions. The cursor is on the second page. Click on the top menu tab "Page Layout" - "Breaks" - "Next Page".

4. Page 3 will appear, in landscape orientation for now. Let's go to the point "Page Layout" - "Orientation" - "Portrait".

Now all subsequent pages will be in vertical orientation.

In this way, you can rotate pages in a document as many times as you like. Thank you for your attention. I hope this article will help you.

The book format is the most convenient and is used absolutely everywhere, starting directly from books and ending with web pages. He is intuitive and familiar. For this reason, by default, Microsoft Word is set to portrait orientation. However, if the original settings have been changed or you need additional conditions document layout - you need to know how to do this.

In order to make a book page format in Microsoft Word, you need to go to the “ Layout" and in the section " Page settings» point « Orientation" choose " Book" This way your entire document will be transformed and all pages will be in book format.

Sometimes it happens that you need to complex document only certain pages were in book format. And for the rest, use landscape. The described function will not work for this.

You need to select one or more pages, go to the tab again Layout" and click on the small icon to the right of the section name " Page settings"after that already here, in the section " Orientation" choose " Book" and in the lower paragraph " Apply:" should select " To selected text" After that required pages will be presented in the orientation you require.

It is worth noting that if you select an entire page, it will completely change its orientation, but if you select a separate fragment, it will create a new page, which will receive its own orientation, and everything before and after will be separated by breaks, as a result of which new ones will be created pages. However, creating breaks is useful because it allows you to continue working on the content individual pages without worrying about appearance and formatting the rest.

The above instructions apply to versions Microsoft Word versions 2007 and higher. To change the orientation of a document in 2003 you need to go to " File» -> « Page settings» -> « Book» -> « OK" And even in this version of the program it is possible to change the orientation of a separate piece of text.

Many users, working in a text editor, often do not know how to make a landscape sheet in Word, that is, change the page orientation from portrait to landscape. Often, this needs to be done when we need to place an inscription, drawing or graph on one page that does not fit the width of the book sheet. To do this, you need to change the page orientation to landscape. You will find how to do this in this article. By the way, since not all users keep up with the times and have not updated their MS Office to latest version, then we’ll look at how to complete the task in different releases of MS Word.

To begin with, I propose to consider how to complete the task assigned to us in MS Word 2003, since its interface is very different from subsequent releases. If you have this version product, then do the following:

After this, the settings are applied to the entire document.

How to make a landscape sheet in Word version 2007 and higher.

If you are a more advanced user and have already updated your Microsoft software package a long time ago, you have probably noticed that the interface of the new versions has been quite redesigned and has a ribbon menu structure. If you have not yet had time to familiarize yourself with all the functions of MS Word, and you definitely need to know how to do album sheet in 2017, then we take the following steps:

After these steps, all pages of the document will take the form of a landscape sheet.

We make landscape orientation for some pages of the document.

Very often, when writing reports, essays, coursework and theses When placing any drawings, graphs or other data in a document that does not fit in width on a book sheet, you need to rotate this sheet. If above we looked at options for how to make a landscape view for the entire document, now we will look at how to apply the settings to only one sheet. I suggest you familiarize yourself with two settings options.

First way:

After the changes have been made, you will see that only the document pages we selected have adopted landscape orientation.

Second way.

The second way to create landscape pages involves using the Breaks function. For implementation this method do the following:

After saving the settings specified section will have landscape orientation pages.

Let's summarize.

Today we looked in detail at how to make a landscape sheet in Word. I hope this small instructions helped you get the desired result. And in the future you can easily change the orientation of both individual pages in the document and all of them. I believe that the information in this article will be relevant for many students and schoolchildren who have the goal of writing a report, essay or any other work, but are poorly familiar with the functions of a text editor.

Landscape and portrait page orientation in MS Word

By default, the MS Word text editor offers pages in the so-called. “portrait” orientation, that is, the page height is significantly higher than the width. However, sometimes, for example, when printing large tables on a sheet of paper, it is much more convenient to use “landscape” orientation.

To change the page orientation, go to Page Layout tab, And in the "Page Settings" group, use Orientation tool. As you can see, it is impossible to make a mistake - we have only 2 options. One click on the option you like, and voila, all the pages of our document will immediately “turn over” and automatically adjust to the selected position template.

This is very easy to do and almost any Word user can cope with the task without any preparation. The following task looks much more non-trivial:

How to change the orientation of one page in Word?

As you noticed, when you change the page orientation, the entire document is “flipped” at once. This looks strange, to put it mildly - most likely you only have one “big table”, so your plans do not include submitting an annual report or a diploma in the form of an album because of it. That is change the orientation to landscape, you only need one or two pages, and let everything else go in its long-familiar “book” form. Simply put, we need to place pages with different orientations in one Word document.

How to be? Some craftsmen do not mince words and simply create “book” and “landscape” pages of one document in different files, and then, during printing, they “compile” it all into a single document. This, of course, partly solves the problem, but it creates a new one - what to do with page numbering, “torn” text blocks and uneven layout?

In fact, of course, there is nothing complicated here, and now you will see this with an example.

I created 6 blank pages in Word and I'm going to change the orientation of one of them to landscape

Let's say my document has 6 pages. 5 of them are standard “portrait”, but I want to make one page, for example the 3rd in a row, landscape orientation.

First of all, I place the cursor on the page that goes BEFORE the one I’m looking for (i.e. on the 2nd), and go to the already familiar tab "Page layout", to the “Page Settings” group. Please note - in the lower right corner of the group there is a hidden icon "page settings". Click on it and display the window of the same name.

The first tab of this window is called "Fields". Look a little lower and you will see the page display formats already familiar to us: “portrait” (active now) and “landscape”. We select the option we need and... don’t rush to click on the “Ok” button, but look even lower.

You see the inscription: “Apply... To the whole document"? Feel free to change this line to “Apply... Until the end of the document“, and now we press the treasured “Ok”.

Okay, our document now contains pages of different orientations... But there is room to move forward!

Let's see what happened. Miracles in a sieve! The first two pages remained “portrait”, but all the rest became landscape. Don't worry - we're here on the right track. Left just a little bit.

The final touch is to turn the “unnecessary” pages in the opposite direction

We place the cursor, now on our “landscape” page (it’s number three, if you haven’t forgotten), and again open “Page Options”, and change everything back: instead of “landscape” orientation, set “portrait”, and the item “ Apply…” we leave it in the same position as before: “Until the end of the document.” Click “Ok” again and we see a completely different picture.

the problem is solved - we managed to make the pages of our document have different orientations - both portrait and landscape

As you can see, the task was completely accomplished: we managed to change the orientation of one page in MS Word... Although this task is not one of those whose solution lies on the surface.

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To write an answer:

When creating a new document in Microsoft Word, as a rule, a worksheet opens in portrait orientation. This document format is the most optimal, because... used in most cases. But there are situations when you need to create a document with a horizontal or, as it is also called, landscape orientation.

Many Microsoft users Word finds it difficult to immediately answer the question of how to change the orientation of a document in order, for example, to insert an image that simply won’t fit in portrait orientation.

Sometimes, working in the simplest and, at first glance, studied programs, it is impossible to find and apply any function. For example, the same Microsoft Word. Do you know how to quickly make a landscape sheet in Word? If not, then I suggest reading my little manual on this issue.

There are several types of sheets in Word. The main one is a book spread in which you often worked. But there is also a landscape page spread. In a landscape spread, the page becomes twice as wide and we have the opportunity to insert various schemes And graphic elements. We’ve decided on our purpose, now let’s answer the question. main question How to make a landscape sheet in Word.

1) How to make a landscape sheet in word 2003

Let's go to Top Menu program, click on the file tab, then page options, page layout and select page orientation - Landscape. Click Ok and observe that our page has turned over and taken on a landscape spread. As it turned out, making a landscape sheet in Word is not so difficult.

2) How to make a landscape sheet in word 2007 - 2010

In later programs this action make it even easier. Just go to the top menu of the program, see the page layout tab and click page options. Next, select the orientation – landscape.

We answered the question of how to make a landscape sheet in Word, and now we can correctly prepare any application or other document. But what needs to be done if it is necessary for only one page and several to take a landscape view.

First we need to create the required number of pages. After that, move the mouse cursor over the desired blank page and go to the page layout tab that is already familiar to us and click on page parameters, everything is as in the previous case.

Next, in the settings, set the orientation to landscape. And pay attention to the lower drop-down menu - Apply. There we select apply to the end of the document. Now all our pages are in landscape format. Next, move the cursor over the landscape page, page options and select portrait, apply to the end of the document.

In general, there is nothing complicated about the question of how to make a landscape sheet in Word. If something doesn’t work out, please comment.

Page orientation in Microsoft Word is how it is laid out: horizontally or vertically. The last option is also called “Book” and is considered standard, that is, it is the default. So, when we open a new document, the sheets in it are always arranged vertically.

Why do we need a different position of the pages, reminiscent of landscape sheets? People usually learn how to make a landscape orientation for one page in Word before preparing a report, article or presentation. This is convenient, because it is by rotating the sheet that you can fit a large picture, table or diagram on it.

Here is an example when the landscape sheet is at the beginning of the article:

Landscape sheet at the beginning of the document

It contains a picture with high resolution, that is big size. Its location is horizontal, so it simply would not fit on a vertical sheet.

How to change the position of pages in Microsoft Word?

To rotate all pages of a document, you need to do the following actions:

  • Open the document you need in Word 2016 by left-clicking on the file twice in a row.
  • Find the “Layout” tab in the toolbar located at the top and click on it.

Attention! In more earlier versions Microsoft programs The Word section is not called “Layout”, but “Page Layout”.

  • Click on the second icon called “Orientation” - it is located immediately after the icon called “Margins”.
  • In the "Orientation" section, the default is "Portrait". Click the Landscape icon instead.

Changing the Sheet Orientation

Everything would be fine, but now all the pages of the document look like sheets from a sketchbook. If you don't need to rotate all sheets, then read on.

How to rotate one page in Microsoft Word?

It often happens that you only need to rotate 1 sheet (for example, at the beginning of a document, in the middle of the text, or at the end to show something voluminous or wide).

To expand one sheet rather than the entire document, do this. Select the text on the page whose orientation you want to change.

To select text, the procedure is as follows:

  • place the pointer at the beginning of the line;
  • pinch left button mice;
  • Without releasing the left mouse button, move the cursor (pointer) over the text to the very end of the page.

After selection, do the following:

  • At the top, on the toolbar, go to the section called “Layout” (or “Page Layout” in older Microsoft versions Word 2010 and 2013).
  • Select “Fields”, and then, at the very bottom of the menu that opens, click on “Custom Fields”.
Opening the page settings editing window
  • In the window that appears, change the orientation from portrait to landscape. In the "Sample" section there is the word "Apply". Click next to the drop-down list button and select not “To the entire document”, but “To the selected text”. Last action- this is to click on the “OK” button.
Setting Page Options

This way you can select text anywhere else in the document. Changing the page format in large text document can be applied several times.

How to view multiple pages on the screen?

To see what multiple sheets will look like, follow these steps:

  • Press top panel tools tab “View”;
  • select the mode called “Multiple Pages”.

There is another way:

  • find the page scale scale in the lower right corner;
  • Click on the slider with the left mouse button and drag it to the left.

The pages will be zoomed out so you can see what multiple sheets look like at once.

Changing the page scale

It is possible to complete an article or report with a landscape sheet. This page arrangement can be used for applications with wide ,circuits.

That's all! Now you know how to turn pages. Good luck in job!

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Good time everyone! Today, continuing to study text editor Word, we will look at how to make a landscape sheet in it. By default, all pages in the editor are in portrait format. So they are oriented as if we were writing in regular sheet paper, just not with a pen or pencil, but using a computer keyboard.

Sometimes situations arise when the volume and size of the text do not allow it to be placed on a sheet of portrait orientation. For this case, there is an option to turn pages into landscape view.

In this article we will talk about how to convert a book format into a landscape format, either for the entire Word document, or just for individual pages. As usual, let's look at several examples of creating a landscape sheet. And at the end there will be a short video.

Making a landscape sheet among book sheets in Word 2003 for one page

Creating a landscape view in Word 2003 is not at all difficult, especially if you give this look to the entire document. To do this, open the “File” tab in the main menu and find the “Page Options” line there.

In the window that opens, select “Landscape” in the “Orientation” section. It is also shown with an icon in the form of a landscape leaf. And click “OK”.

As a result of this operation, all pages in the document became landscape. But this is if you need to turn over all the sheets. What if we only need one landscape sheet? For this purpose, we will use the “Page Break” operation. Place the cursor at the end of the page after which the landscape sheet will go. Next, in the “Insert” menu, find the line “Break”.

In the window that opens, select “From the next page” and click “OK”.

Now we go to the page we need and transfer it to landscape view using the already familiar operation: “File - Page Options - Landscape View”. As a result we get the following:

How to make landscape sheets in Word 2007 only one page?

Changing portrait orientation to landscape in Word version 2007 is done in a similar way, only the arrangement of tabs and menus is slightly different than in 2003. Here we will only need main panel and a tab on it “Page Layout”. Having opened this tab, we need to find an icon called “Orientation”, clicking on which will open a menu with the options “Portrait” and “Landscape”.

By clicking on the Landscape button, all pages will take this orientation. But, again, we only need one sheet landscape view. Here, to carry out this operation, we will again use the page break function. In new versions of Word, unlike old ones, when working with breaks, you can display non-printable characters to make it more convenient to work. We enable this function in the feed:

Now let's move on to the breaks. In the “Page Layout” tab, find “Breaks” and select the line “Section Breaks” - “Next Page”.

Now we place the cursor on the page that needs to be oriented as landscape and do as described above. As a result, we get only one landscape page.

Making a landscape sheet in Word 2010 for several pages

Making a landscape sheet for several pages in Word 2010 is not difficult. As already mentioned, the general algorithm for solving this problem is as follows: Turn on the “Page Layout” – “Orientation” – “Landscape” mode.

However, this action results in landscape pages being generated for the entire document. If we need to make only one page, then we do it by creating breaks. Place the cursor at the end of the sheet, open “Page Layout” – “Breaks” again and select “Section Breaks” – “Next Page”. After this, we place the cursor on the page that needs to be made landscape and apply the algorithm described above. The page has become landscape.

However, if there are more pages after it, they have also become landscape. You can return them back to the book version using the same scheme, only instead of landscape, select “Portrait”. How to arrange landscape sheets between book sheets? Yes, everything follows the same pattern. You just have to work a little more.

Set up the landscape page as usual. We return all the pages following it back to book format. Next, we again make the next page landscape, again return the pages that follow it and become landscape pages to portrait, etc., until we create the required number of landscape and book pages. As a result, we get a document like this from alternating landscape and book sheets.

Let's summarize:

  1. Place the cursor at the end of the sheet, open “Page Layout” – “Breaks” and there select section breaks – “Next Page”.
  2. Place the cursor on the page to be formatted. “Page Layout” – “Orientation” – “Landscape”.
  3. We remove all subsequent album pages. Place the cursor at the end of the sheet, open “Page Layout” – “Breaks” and there select section breaks – “Next Page”. And - “Page Layout” - “Orientation” - “Portrait”.

For fast switching In page layout mode in Word versions from 2007-2016, you can use the icons in the lower right corner of the screen:

For the next landscape page we do everything the same. And we do this until we have established the required number of landscape and book pages.

We get one landscape sheet, and the rest portrait sheets in Word 2013-2016

Installation of pages in newer versions of Word is similar to previous ones, only user interface will look slightly different. Here we will need a tab called “Layout”. Here we find “Page Settings”, then “Orientation” and here we select the “landscape” button.

By clicking on it, we get ready-made landscape sheets for the entire document. If you need to make landscape only a few individual pages (or just one), then everything is much simpler here. First of all, select the text on those pages that will need to be expanded. Next, visit the “Layout” tab and the “Page Options” section again. A window will open in front of us where we need to select the “Fields” tab:

Here, first select the orientation – “Landscape”. Then go to the very bottom, to the “apply” line. In the drop-down menu, set “to selected text”. Click “OK” and you’re done. The program will automatically place breaks and rotate the necessary pages. Good luck in mastering the Word editor, and at the end there is a short video on how to mark up landscape sheets.

That's all. Good luck, if you have any questions, write in the comments! Bye!